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Celtic Diary Monday August 14: We Feel Fine ?

There’s no pleasing some people.



A difficult game against a much improved Aberdeen at Pittodrie ended in a 3-1 win for the hoops, keeping intact a flying start for Brendan Rodgers on his return to Celtic.



Yet still there are those who seek to amplify what are admittedly fairly obvious, er, teething troubles.




But to put it into context, let’s compare and contrast the Aberdeen goal with the third Celtic goal, and in doing so we can see that they are almost identical.



Yet how many of us, my self included during the game, saw their goal as an example of shocking defending, whilst Matt O’Reilly finished off a wonderful move with pinpoint accuracy and composure beyond his years ?



Frankly, though, at that point I’d have taken any kind of goal to ease the nerves, which had been jangling a little more than in previous Pittodrie clashes.



The Dons have one point from their opening two games, but they will improve. They are putting a side together and learning how to play to a system which will be new to them.



Celtic are putting a side together and are learning….oh, you get my drift.



Why are the support not fully behind Rodgers, who up until now, has done little wrong since taking the job ?




Joe Hart admitted post match there there were a few issues…



We’re not as free-flowing as we want to be at the moment. We have new management with clear ideas that we’re trying to adhere to, and it’s tough. 



Which might explain Brendan laying down the law with Bernabei. It seems unrelated but if you let players get away with trivial indiscretions…the player had slept in and missed a meeting, which cost him his place in the squad….then it won’t be long before the whole structure collapses.



Brendan has let them know who is in charge, and that he’ll be around for a while.


Who knows?


He might even mean it this time.



When Ange Postecoglou tok over a couple of years ago, he didn’t have the best of starts. but it was clear what he was trying to do, and the support could see that.



Rogers, I would venture, is trying to make us a little bit more pragmatic at the back. We may even see three at the back in Europe, if he is serious about making a mark there.



There seems to be a little difficulty for some players to adopt the discipline needed, not deliberately, but simply because for two years they’ve played in the belief that they’ll outscore the opposition no matter what…which doesn’t always work….and so now we’re going to try to stop them scoring as well.



Novel and refreshing for anyone who has watched Celtic since….well, forever.



The main point is that we are still winning games while adjusting.



Those in the media who like to pick fault, and those supporters who worry a little more than neccessary will blame whoever was the last person to misplace a pass, or shirk a tackle.



We need to look beyond that.



Joe Hart, for instance, is the bookies bet to be replaced, yet he was outstanding yesterday, dominating his area in a way he hasn;t had to for a while.


Maybe now he’ll dominate it whether he needs to or not.


And others, such as Ralston and Welsh came in and did their bit.


Greg Taylor needs a little more time to adapt to yet another new system, and his confidence cannot be helped by those who should know better demanding the return, even if only on loan, of permacrock Keiran Tierney.


Tierney is not coming back to Celtic, we’ve been offered him and turned it down.


He’s not one hundred per cent fit, nor wil he ever be, and Arsenal being prepared to offload him is further evidence of that.


So can we let Taylor get on with it ?


He was one of the players of the season last term, and can be this term, if we let him adjust.



There’s a squad of players who will be used frequently this season, and they need to know we’re behind them. some of them will never be first choices, and it’s unfair to call for their heads every time they step in to cover for the first pick.



Good cover is difficult to find, and that’s always going to be a problem given the wage structure at Celtic as it needs a few appearances and bonuses to bring it up to at least a competitive salary, whether we agree with that or not.



We do need cover, one alarming aspect of the new era is the rise in injury problems, which seem to be increasing on a daily basis.



With news of a £20m investment into training and B team facilities, perhaps we could spend a few quid in the sports science department, because there does seem to be a problem there somewhere.



But apart from that, things are going in the right direction, even if it may be a little difficult to see how .



Sometimes we just have to trust those in charge, and wait and see.




Over the river, they’ve unveiled a new way of making money ….







Nine hundred notes.



One imagines one would be pretty sure of getting a table if one were to ring up at short notice.



On Thursday we had this….








Melvin Udall
 2 days ago

Celtic’s Recruitment Team race to sell good looking female players, to avoid another Carl Starfelt situation.





Today…. Scottish refereeing at it’s best. You are the referee, explain your thinking.




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Dziekanowski's nightclub child
11 months ago

Caption: 3 points ahead of the rest so 3 yards off and wall distance, simples

Schrodinger’s Cat
11 months ago

Ref explanation.
“The rules state that the opposition must recede a minimum of 10 yards.
I am more than 10 yards back, so get on with it”

Paul Walker
11 months ago

Aye the usual 6-7rds from celtic free kick(s), if that were an aberdeen free kick the celtic wall would’ve been along the next dark strip of grass behind the light area….cheating on a GRAND Scottish SFA referee mindset!!!

tony carlin
11 months ago

Penalty to rangers.

11 months ago

” can we let Taylor get on with it “?


11 months ago
Reply to  Monti

He did alright last year.

And how many times do I have to tell you, the nurse will never come, no matter how much you need her as she’s an imaginary figure in your head, a crux you lean on like some lean on Jesus or Buddha.

the real Anton Rogan
11 months ago

That’s as far as the brethren get on Garvaghy Road so that’s all yeez are gettin

Woof Charlie
11 months ago

I’m interested how slept-ingate evolved. Who leaked in-house affairs? Is BR playing the media to get his image out or are we plagued by 50 quid grasses again?

The Cha
11 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Good point and Bernabei is an easy target but what if it had’ve been Cam, Cal or Kyogo, I doubt they would’ve been put on the naughty step.

11 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Well, Bernabei IS a bit annoying.

11 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Brendan told them himself.

It was, er, in the media.

Woof Charlie
11 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hence asking the question I don’t generally look at guff stories. On that note I see the lad has been banned for drink driving. He’s well on the naughty step.

The Cha
11 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Yeah but that offence was almost a year ago so, if he’s been behaving himself, that shouldn’t set off further alarm bells.

11 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

And he was drink driving after having been thrown out of a club on Bath St for obnoxious behaviour and jumped in his pal’s motor to chase someone from the club round the corner so he could fight them, so a real charmer …

It’s in today’s papers, which I only checked to see if we’d signed the Swedish lad yet.

Tony B
11 months ago

That’s another one of those pesky anomalies; with the accent on LIES.

11 months ago

3×6=18 ( grass lines cut @ 6 yards )
5 reds in wall + 1 green = 6
18÷6 =3
2 greens over ball + 3 = 5
2 teams on park × 5 =10
He took 8 steps , so each step = 45 ”
It’s farcical , the cameras don’t usually stay on the ref when he’s stepping out .

Woof Charlie
11 months ago
Reply to  Bognorbhoy

You’re on the Johnny Ball

11 months ago

I don’t have to explain myself !

11 months ago

Caption – Yellow card both Turnbull and O’Riley for moving the ball closer to the Aberdeen wall and if the complain red card them both!

11 months ago


Why complain about it now…..we’ ve been doing it for years…

11 months ago

A couple of years ago Turnbull scored from a free kick…..never been 10yrds since.

11 months ago

Aberdeen defender on far right manhandles his team mate. Penalty Rangers!!!

11 months ago

Caption A) book the entire Aberdeen Wall.
B) Book the nearest Celtic player for…well….anything.
Or C) book Paul Elliott.

Woof Charlie
11 months ago

Caption: The referee’s decision is correct according to SFA Law 1: Celtic must lose and Law 1.1. See Law 1.

11 months ago

Owen Mullions is the ref:

’A: The wall has to stand there in case Gringo’s around.

B: The Celtic players have to stand there in case Gringo’s around.

C: I have to stand here in case Gringo’s around.’

Cheers, Doughball!

Nice to know I’ve been plaguing your thoughts since the last time I was …

6 feckin months ago! 😀

And you tell the blog this for all to see …

Nae wonder folk are thumbing ye doon, mate, you’re obsessed wae ol’ Gringo.

The Cha
11 months ago

Caption “It is 10 yards, minus 3 yards for being Fenians”

Our club (players, managers/coaches, board) are complicit in allowing this farce to continue.

Highlight for me was the manager decision to hook Turnbull at half-time for Hatate, who helped us regain control of the game in the second half.

Lowlight was obviously his (and Cam’s) injury and its relieving to know neither are serious.

This highlights the absolute neccessity of retaining Reo, as he’s a standout in these bigger games, whereas Turnbull is a Rolls Royce against the likes of Ross County, he’s simply not capable of competing as effectively in the tougher games.

I’d keep both as there’s plenty of games to play but if its one or the other then its definitely got to be Reo.

With regard to criticism of the team or manager, I’ve probably not seen much not having a social media presence (I’m assuming this site is anti-social media 😉 ) and I suspect I’m a lot more thick-skinned than most but I’ve not got a problem with it.

Unless we’ve hit our absolute peak with no further growth possible then we should be constantly seeking improvement and criticising where we fall short of our potential.

Yes, we’re only 2 games into the season but how many times in the past have we simply expected things to get better and they didn’t, its actions that count not complacency.

We’ve only got 3 or 4 more games before the Champs League starts (2 before Ibrox where we’ve performed poorly recently), so that’s not a lot of time to fix our falsies.

I’m confident that the managers and coaches will be working on it and the Sacred Hart comments show the players also recognise the issues, which is pleasing.

To sum, we’ve got issues, we’ve got time to fix and only time will tell and that’s worthy of comment, debate and criticism.

11 months ago

Now where’s our ‘mature’ student today?

Studying hard for his Master Bater’s Degree, I imagine.

11 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hello Doughball!

Hello JimBob!

Hello Monti!

Nice ro see you all again!


11 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Come now, Doughball, you’re making a fool of yourself, everyone knows it’s you & Jimbob logging in & out so you can repeatedly thumb down these innocuous wee comments of mine.

Stop acting like a petulant impotent child and come out fae yer frightened wee hidey hole.

11 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

It’s clear that the ‘bold’ Doughball ain’t so bold after all.

Nae luck, Doughball!


John Gallachet
11 months ago

Why is the Aberdeen wall only 7 yards away ??

11 months ago

Rumours of Celtic being in for Ryan Fraser in a cut price deal from Newcastle.

More Maeda in the middle?

Terence Nova
11 months ago

A couple of wee points if I may…Remembering that its all about opinions…Greg Taylor falls short of requirements…imo…and you might be surprised to know that…apart from sleeping in for a team meeting…Bernebei was fined in Court today when he pleaded guilty to a Drink Driving charge…Oh and his salary was revealed as £20000 per month…Needs a boot up the arse imo…Now much has been made of our first two performances not being up to our usual standards…Well first up….Both teams played really well against us and deserve some credit…that shouldn’t be forgotten…But most importantly…We have 6 points out of 6 and have scored 7 goals…No bad for a team that is apparently struggling at times….Onwards and upwards ….

Terence Nova
11 months ago

On the subject of yesterday’s wall….Many years ago at CP….Tommy Boyd queried the position of the opposition wall…by stepping out the yardage himself…..and it took him past the lined up wall…HE GOT BOOKED for his trouble….That’s Scotland for you.

11 months ago
Reply to  Terence Nova

Boyd booked..I remember it too well.
I also remember the jungle counting out the referees paces as he ref walked to the defensive wall to ensure 10…..the paces became shorter each week.
Why do our leaders say zilch.
A couple of yrs ago I suggested if not 10 yards away Joe Hart comes up and launches it into row Z…imagine CSUTTON explaining it on SKY….better forgoing one opportunity and getting an level playfield later….
These refs are at it….we need foreign refs for impartiality AND players might just be educated to the standard expected in EURO matches.

11 months ago

‘’Graeme Shinnie there, another thick in the wall”

Terence Nova
11 months ago

Was my other post deemed unacceptable?

Gerry Q
11 months ago

55, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, that’s probably 10 metres

11 months ago

Reasonably satisfied with yesterday, Holm, Yang and especially Welsh did well. My worry is that CCV, Hatate and Johnston all had fairly serious injuries last season, came back, pronounced fit and now are all injured again!

Andrew Coyle
11 months ago

Caption.After counting out the steps wrong the Ref admits he is only good when he counts some sheep

11 months ago

If they score direct I’ll check VAR and say the ball was still moving and disallow the goal.

11 months ago

That’s big Lagerbielke signed on a 5 year deal.

Hatate & Abada in new contract talks.

11 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

And still no sign of Doughball.

His constant thumbing me down aside 😀

11 months ago

Canny sevco FC afford to buy Beale last season’s history?

11 months ago

While Celtic sign young players who have just finished their National Service for their country.
sevco FC are signing on players from a pensioner only National Museum tour and activities day.

Yoker Bhoy
11 months ago

Maybe not the ideal draw for a second round league cup fixture but it has all the ingredients for an explosive tie where a positive result cannot be taken for granted.
Killie go into this one on a high with a notable hun league victory already racked up and were clearly the better team after a 0-0 draw at Tynecastle last weekend. McInnes has got this team well-drilled with his new signings already making a positive contribution and gelling well. In his own words he claims that they are ‘starting to look a bit like Steve Clarke’s Killie’.
They’ve been playing 3-5-2 lately and are unlikely to change that system against our good selves tomorrow. Loanee goalie from Bournmouth, Will Dennis, has looked very confident so far while their likely back three will comprise Stuart Findlay, Robbie Deas (both Celtic Academy products) and Lewis Mayo (hun academy product) although Ipswich loanee Corrie Ndaba could come into the reckoning although he is currently being deployed in midfield, where Brad Lyons has been imposing himself extremely well as a highly efficient organiser and grafter. They’ve also picked up midfielder Kyle Magennis on a free from Hibs and he’s also enjoyed a very successful start to the season. He was a great prospect, especially during his St Mirren days, but serious injuries have severely hampered his progress. In the wide left position Matty Kennedy (ex St Johnstone and Aberdeen) has been playing above himself (MOTM at Tynecastle) while the pesistent and speedy right winger Daniel Armstrong, who has been a nuisance against us in previous games) also possesses decent technical abilities. It’s up front where Killie are lacking and it’s difficult to understand why McInness would want to persist with ex-Aberdeen freebie Marley Watkins, who’s definitely over the hill and, to be honest, hasn’t been very good anyway over the last two or three years. Their best bet would be to use big old fashioned style Nº 9 Kyle Vassel, who showed a reasonable goal return last season but they’re badly in need of a proven goalscorer if their rise in form is to continue.
It’ll be interesting to see Rodgers’ starting line up for this one but I fully expect big ‘Lagerbeer’ to make his debut given that neither CCV nor Welsh will be involved. I also expect to see further impressive contributions from recent signings Thiago Holm and Yang, although I expect Daizen will start. The Japanese ‘buzzbomb’ was in top form last time he appeared at Rugby park.
Although Kilmarnock have been potent in midfield and solid enough at the back lately, the main weakness to exploit will be on their right flank as Armstrong is not great defensively while Mayo can be a bit hit or miss. As long as we spray the ball around quickly and show plenty of movement off the ball the gaps are bound to open up for us in their defence.
Our two league outings there last season turned into goalfests so here’s hoping that recent trend will continue.This’ll be a great opportunity to rise to the occasion, put on a show and knock McInness off his high horse. Mon the Hoops!

11 months ago

In an absolutely astonishing incident at Ibrox Park today the ref completely fluffed his lines and awarded a penalty to the AWAY side. In addition, the penalty was despatched into the net and it ACTUALLY STOOD!!! I understand the Onion Bears are arranging a protest march at this absurdity and have asked all Police Scotland officers not on duty to join their protest and the OBs have also been assured of Police Scotland’s protection in case a “coupla fenian bs” attack them.
Anyway, and fortunately for all, the ref came to his senses and awarded the home side a penalty too, within 7 minutes. (Perhaps he’d heard of a certain 1957 LC result when his darlings’ baztard parent got humped by them FBs 7-1?)
Order was restored just a further 8 minutes later and the ref exonerated himself somewhat by ensuring that Sevco Scotland Limited, now known as TRFCL saw the game out and progressed to the next round. PHEW!!

11 months ago

PSV player, Noa Lang Butwidth, in Champions League doubt.

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