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Celtic Diary Thursday December 17: Cover Up or Clean Up ?

On Saturday, Celtic will unveil a statue of living legend Billy McNeill. The man who led the club on its greatest day will be immortalised-like he wasn’t already-with a statue outside the ground.

He’s chuffed;

“I am sure Saturday will be a fantastic day for myself and my family, if somewhat emotional. I have said this before, but when Peter [Lawwell, chief executive] contacted me regarding the statue I was completely taken by surprise and to now think that I will be honoured alongside such great men as Brother Walfrid [club founder], Jock Stein and my pal Jinky [Jimmy Johnstone], really does fill me with great pride.

“Celtic has been in my blood and a part of my life for so many years and to be recognised in this way by the club I love is truly humbling.”

There aren’t many like him. 

It’s thoroughly deserved, and couldn’t happen to a better bloke.

The Dairy didn’t appear yesterday, it was one of those days when everything had to be done five minutes ago, and as a result hardly anything got done.

Did I miss anything?

Well, it appears so. something quite significant, by the sounds of it.

Scottish football is at a crossroads.


But this time we need to make a firm decision about the direction we take, and stick to it. Without fear or favour.

Lets get it into context first of all.

A few weeks ago, at Celtics AGM, chairman Iain Bankier showed a bit of support for his under fire colleague Ian Livingston, largely by accusing the support of having a racist element, and they then went on to name and shame a couple of fans who had, it seems, made outrageous comments. In fact, I remember reading somewhere the police were investigating. As far as I know, they still are, and happily for the board, it’s relieved a bit of pressure on them, especially as the fans are now more concerned with arguing over whether or not Ronny Deila is any good again.

So, wee bit of deflection, and its all gone away.

The fans were brushed off, kind of as an inconvenience.

And all is quiet in the boardroom again.

Come to think of it, looking at the wider picture, theres a fair bit of that going on in the Scottish game.

Comedy duo Stewart Regan and Neil Doncaster have, amid a wee bit of controversy, announced new formats for the league cup, hinted at league reform, and had Dave King, chairman of stricken Ibrox club Rangers International, round for a chat.

Whereupon King, in court for the umpteenth time, allowed his lawyers to state that Mike Ashley had been paid his £5m and everyone could stop whinging.

Except, of course, he hadn’t, and still hasn’t, been paid.

King then went on to announce he was more than happy to meet up with club chairmen and plan the way forward for the game.

Celtic have stayed quiet, but Aberdeen haven’t. Their chairman Stewart Milne, somewhat surprisingly, spoke out in the Aberdeen Evening Express, saying;

“We want to have all of the top clubs up in the Premiership,”

“If Rangers come up with the right approach – and everyone allows them to put what happened in the past behind them – it would be good for the game.

“It would be fantastic if Hibs were able to get back up to the Premiership this season as well.

“When you look back over the last five to six years we have come through some horrendous times economically.

“Some of our top clubs not being in the top division for a substantial part of that period didn’t help.

“We are bringing less money into the game through media deals than we were back in 2007.

“The Sky contract was renegotiated when we lost Rangers because they were part of the deal.

“We could no longer fulfil our agreement with them so money was pulled back.

“What we have to do now is find ways of bringing more money back into the game.

“Having Rangers and Hibs back at the top level again would help.”  

It’s the second line which is concerning me. 

Are we now seeing a shift in policy from chairman to align themselves with the authorities to allow the past record of the Ibrox club to be , well, forgotten about ? 

We’ve seen how other football associations deal with cheats-in the cases in Spain and the Netherlands, where Real Madrid and Twente Enschede, swiftly and without fear or favour. Real had fielded an ineligible player in the Cup, and were expelled. Twente were charged with having a ridiculously unpronouncable name and told they couldn’t compete in Europe for three years. 

Yet here in Scotland, a club was liquidated after years of finacial irregularities and whispers-alright, shouts -of collusion between the authorities and the club. They were allowed to start again, albeit at the bottom, and incredibly have been allowed to pursue the myth of being the same club. 

Everyone knows this, and yet Milne insists that if 

 everyone allows them to put what happened in the past behind them 

everything will be hunkydory again. 

He claims that clubs have suffered 

some horrendous times economically 

when , in fact, most have cut their cloth accordingly and are seeing the accounts if not in the black, then certainly with a less glaring shade of red. 

All of this, he says, is down to media income; 

“We are bringing less money into the game through media deals than we were back in 2007.

“The Sky contract was renegotiated when we lost Rangers because they were part of the deal.

“We could no longer fulfil our agreement with them so money was pulled back.

Thats the second club chief to confirm-Lawwell is the other-that the Sky deal did indeed require four Celtic -Rangers games. Thus eliminating any sense that it was a sporting competition judged purely on merit.

Apart from the fact that the deal was entered into in the first place on those grounds, which in itself is at best immoral, and at worst illegal, it throws up another question.

You see, we have all known for quite some time that the old Ibrox club were in a bit of bother with Hector, and other creditors. It was obvious that they would not survive.

In fact, here’s a picture from a meeting at Hampden when the issue was raised;

There was an attitude that it would never happen in those corridors of power, and when it did, there was a collective howl of anguish, and incredible, when you look back, movement towards just letting them get away with it.

Thankfully, men such as Turnbull Hutton wouldn’t stand for it.

Now, after four years finding their feet in the game, the new club want to be allowed back at the top table. Hearts scuppered their plans last year, although its fair to say Ally McCoist helped out probably more than he had intended to, and there seems a real fear that Hibernian might put a stop to it this year.

And don’t write off Falkirk either.

With Regan and Doncaster desperately trying to avoid the real issues, Milne is the first chairman to publicly ask the fans to forget the past and use this as a base for building for the future.

Desperate Doncaster and Renegade Regan will one day seek alternative employment-the sooner the better-and they will have to face an interviewers question as to how they handled this fiasco.

Well, they haven’t handled it at all.

With this in mind, bith have flung together ill thought out plans to improve the game, whilst neatly side stepping the only thing that would improve it.

They want to restructure it, paper over the cracks, and the idea of an expanded top division has surfaced again. Perhaps as early as next season. For obvious reasons, linked possibly to Milnes outburst the other day.

The idea here is to get money back into the game, money which , and I cannot believe they genuinely think this is true, will not be there unless some form of Rangers is there too.

As Milne said;

“What we have to do now is find ways of bringing more money back into the game. 

Yes we do.

We could start by cleaning up its image. The Ibrox shennanigans left a foul odour around the game. Sponsors do not want their product associated with it.

We could stop telling the world the product is poor. The media are particularly complicit here. Who reallistically would invest in the game when all and sundry are decrying it’s quality ?

We could be seen to do what every other country does.

Punish the cheats, retrospectively, and ensure that it could never happen again. Ban those responsible from the game.

There is room for a spirit of Rangers club, but only if they promise to behave.

The support are largely blameless for the actions of those who killed their club, and those who were involved in pretending that a “basket of assets ” was, in fact, still the same club were not only allowed, but positively encouraged by the media to line their own pockets from the pockets of the support.

Until this is dealt with, and finally put to rest, the game cannot recover. All of those involved, be they based in Hampden, Ibrox or elsewhere , including those who wrote about it or spoke about it in the media as though nothing bad had happened must also be banned from future involvement in the game.

We need a clean up crew, and we need it now.

If we don’t, then there will be a lot of empty stadia soon, and we all know that football without fans is nothing.

Thats no idle threat. Thats just how things are going, based on reading and hearing what fans think, and not just Celtic fans either.

Everyone is sick of it.

It’s time to put it right before it all goes wrong again.

Either we clean it up and start over, or we cover it up and carry on.

It’ll be the fans who decide, because no-one else appears to have the stomach for the job ahead.


Thats perhaps why I mentioned Billy McNeill at the start of this Diary.

You might be thinking that a man of his calibre has no place on this page, which contains the names of so many, shall we say, wrong ‘uns ( Thats not an h missing there, by the way. )

Guys like him are what football is all about.

There are few like him, and his honesty and integrity should be held up as an example of everything that isn’t there in Scottish football at the moment.


We need to be reminded of that sometimes, and show the contrast between the world of yesteryear, where eleven lads from Glasgow conquered Europe, with honest endeavour and skill.

There is a game out there worth saving.









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8 years ago

Morning Ralph,
Excellent stuff.

I said over on the late Paul Mcconvilles(R.I.P.) blog ( Random thoughts) in 2012,that the game in Scotland is utterly broken.
From the offices and corridors of Hampden to the top of their marble staircase, wholly and utterly complicit and corrupt.
The lies fed to fans of all the other clubs about this being ” the same club ” shite, all the way to stories of Armageddon and doom for the game if we ‘ relegated ‘ the Huns.
Remember, the authorities wanted them to remain in the SPL??
At worst the first division, when their own rule book ruled a new club must start at the bottom with three years of accounts….Sevco didn’t have three years accounts.
Not forgetting David Longmuirs ( my house is full of Rangers fans) patter either.

Scottish football is a joke, until the SFA have been disbanded and the titles have been stripped from the monkeys concluded history….



8 years ago

Milne has just proved that most if not all board members in Scottish football are only in it for what they can get out of it.The brotherhood still rules the game .Money is the only thing that matters to them. We are just customers to these people .

John Mccloy in Tasmania
8 years ago

A number of years ago in Western Australia there was a mining company called western mining corporation wmc for short but to its employees(myself included for a short spell) it stood for wotta mobba cnuts (use your imagination I don’t want Monti on my case) and never a truer phrase to describe a point is that it is a very apt description of the sfa and the so called smsm who have brought the game into disrepute by their actions or lack thereof.HH

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

Excellent Diary Ralph well said.
Spot on too.

Danny Bhoy
8 years ago

I agree with what you say, well almost….
‘the new club want to be allowed BACK at the top table’ you can’t be back where you’ve never been. This is the crux of the matter if/when those in authority in football in Scotland and all clubs say once and for all, Rangers 1872 died in 2012 and this NEW club will be allowed to compete but only with the same rules as everyone else; i.e. pay all of your bills and on time and get some people in charge of it he have even a tiny bit of respect for other clubs and supporters instead of a convicted criminal and entitlement junkies.

8 years ago

Billy McNeill statue: All I can say is this, Billy McNeill to me is Celtic!

I met the man twice and shook his hand twice, the first time was when Billy got sacked in the early 90’s and I was working round in Yoker, when we heard on the radio what was happening I asked the driver to spin round to CP and I remember standing there with a lump in my throat, Big Billy has my hand in his and he said to the crowd, “keep following the club, that is the most important thing of all” I didn’t want to let his hand go!

The second time I met Billy was in Seville, at the park in San Sebastian.
I met him on stage as I was going up to sing with Charlie and the Bhoys, I didn’t get picked because I was too pished lol!

They talk about Henrik being the King, sorry Henrik I love you dearly, but that title is for


Carl Bigginslater
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

For me also. Billy McNeill is Celtic. Henke is a prince but McNeill is the real King Billy.

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

You Pished Monti I dont believe it,I agree with all that you wrote re Cesar,by the way you now share your birthday with my new Grandson Patrick, born last night at 10.20 another we Tim.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

Unfortunately not Mike, I’m at work 🙁

God bless wee Patrick Bhoy!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Thank you Monti.i was reffering to Seville.I will raise a glass tonight to you and him.

8 years ago

Great to see Billy McNeill being recognised with a statue, what a Celtic great he is. The board have moved the story on now so the pressure unfortunately is off them. The board is the only area that there has been no cut backs. Manager and playing squad has all had their budgets cut, be it wages and investment. The board are all still on their fat cat wages, no cut backs here! Come on His and Falkirk wreck their hopes!

8 years ago

Missed yesterday,s diary I,ve just read it happy belated birthday wishes Monti.Charlie can we have more music videos ,great choice of music yesterday very topical indeed.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tex


8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Hoi…where ma thanks for yer b/day wishes fae 2 posts ago?MON NOO! HAIL HAIL N Aw that!

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Tex

Course you can Tex.. Here’s a wee tune for any Sevvies looking in

Till Armageddon, no Shalam, no Shalom…….

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

A Musical fan and not a Fisherman,good choice Charlie Saiz and Hail Hail to you and the mighty Cesar.

8 years ago

Regarding big Billy,he was hosting a trip to Lisbon on a charter flight in 1993 . The day before the game we bumped into him and his son Martin In a restaurant, and he made us feel like we had known him all our lives. The next day we had a tour of the stadium and the tunnel with the big man leading the way. Later on I had my photo taken with him on the spot where he lifte cup.A true gentleman and a real legend.God bless you big man

8 years ago

William Mcneil, True class act, with honour and Dignity a leader of men. Our poloticians could learn a lot from him.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

Actually I was at school with him and he was always called William. It was only when he was playing for Celtic that the smsm saw the name McNeill and assumed he was a protestant and started calling him Billy. I wonder why?

Tam The Tim
8 years ago

With King in charge at ibrox how are we going to see a club run to the rules, the guy’s an expert at breaking them. If he had commited the crimes he made here instead of South Africa I’m pretty sure he would have got away with it. Look at what Murray did to our game, it’s because of him that all of this happened and he’s still regarded as one of Scotland’s top businessmen. He has got away with it so King will do whatever he wants and fuck everybody else. My message to Milne is be careful what you wish for.

alan gannon
8 years ago

superb piece of writing. nuff said.

8 years ago

What I would like to see now though is the Aberdeen supporters Association releasing a statement, demanding the resignation of Milne AND title stripping to begin as soon as possible!

Come on Red Army, you have to be ruthless!

Honest JohnBhoy
8 years ago

Great article today – well said. Here’s today’s topical hymn to song along to:

Away ye go Rangers,
Your team is long dead
But jelly and ice cream
Keep us Tims well fed

The stars in the bright sky
Looked down on your ground
But while it was raining
Loose flashing was found

Your Boardroom are owing
Mike Ashley awaits
More cash from your kitty
Or some assets he takes

Many trophies you did win
By being quite sly
But the taxman established
Your trust funds were lies

So where does this leave you?
We ask you to stay
Close by us forever
But not ‘Tic to play

Our league is a nice place
Without you around
Please stay in the pig sty
Where true Huns are found

8 years ago

That was decent m8!

Honest JohnBhoy
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Thanks Monti, it’s what work time is for!

Mike Bhoyle
8 years ago

I first met Billy in 1963…when I was a mere youth..and have met him many more times over the years.
He’s a really smashin’ guy..and this statue is well overdue.
I was raging with our Club for the time it took them to give him “official recognition .” He should have been an Ambassador for the Club long before it finally happened.
Anyway..Well done Billy..I’ll be there to see your statue unveiled to the Celtic support on Saturday.
As for the “good of the game”..
As long as the Brotherhood is alive and well..The game in Scotland is rigged…and always will be.
When you consider the amount of lies/rule breaking/rule bending/and various other acts of cheating that has gone on..without ANY form of honest investigation or punishment..Then Ralph is spot on.. it is the Fans who will decide the future of our game.
There’s too much corruption and self-interest at the top of the game for it to change by their involvement (Milne of Aberdeen anyone ?)..and I include Celtic in that.
So the grass root supporters will decide which way the game will go.
I hope it doesn’t come to that..but I won’t hold my breath.

8 years ago

regan, doncaster, ronny and the 2 johnnies…… OUT

would make my christmas that would

8 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

bgbhoy, what about the two Ronnies.

8 years ago

Billy MC Neil true legend, deserved honour for a great servant of the club and a great man,met him once in Cobh Co CORK at a supporters night, I asked him to sign my new Celtic polo shirt,he asked me was I mad to get him to write all over my top and ruining it,far from ruined ,one of my great moments as a supporter, will live in my memory. Thanks billy Hail Hail.

8 years ago

One for the deadybears.

8 years ago

Another good one from Johnnie for the sevvies,
God,s gonna cut you down.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tex

There is no God. But there is a Ceaser. Nice one Billy, gave me some of the happiest memories in ma puff.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Tex

Top tune that Tex

8 years ago

Good stuff,Ralph. Mr Mine seriously underestimates the feelings of his club’s supporters on this. As do many other chairmen,I reckon.

On other things,for a few seconds of everyone’s time,we can avoid defeat from Feyenoord…

8 years ago

Put the link on facebook i would but have deleted my account. Good article by the way

8 years ago

All this has been said time and again over the last 4 years with all sorts of threats/promises that we (Celtic fans) would no longer partake, even recently when we reached the LC Semi v Ross County there was a tide of anti SFA rhetoric where everyone called for a boycott of this match, well lo and behold that has gone and the tickets are soon to be on sale without a murmur. I fear the same silence if/when the tribute act get promotion/reconstruction. It fckn stinks!

8 years ago

Ralph, great article, it was worth the wait, it articulates my own thoughts and views on Cesar a man who led his team (The Benchmark) with Dignity Honesty and Integrity.
The fans and supporters of all clubs will decide what happens to the future of Scottish Football,never underestimate the value of the Green Pound.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

Empty stands at HaMpden for the next few Scotland games would soon fuck their day up at the SFA.
This way our own Clubs don’t suffer any loss.

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

Totally agree Charlie,we need the Celtic Supporters Asos.and the Celtic Trust and the Green Brigade to help make this happen,Whos going to contact them?
We cannot allow this to go by without trying i would not be able to look my sons in the face if we do nothing.

8 years ago

Nice read Ralph! Sorry to tell you, but you’re wrong about Twente. They did indeed get a European ban but they are in serious trouble now due to related liquidicy problems. By the letter of the law they should have their permits to compete in the Eredivisie pulled, yet the KNVB (royal Dutch footballing body) will most likely let them carry one anyhow.
These things are happening in every league around the globe and they’re not going to go away. Yes, dodgy boards are the culprits but the basis of the problems ly much deeper. As the transfer fee world record will most likely be broken again this year (messi? Rondaldo?) and clubs like Chelsea having deals with a small army of young potentialis. Small or normal clubs simply cannot compete anymore. Sure, you’ll have the likes of Ajax, Psv, Celtic and Anderlecht in the last 16 of the CL again every odd year but that’s the nature of the game.
Break the might of sky, FIFA and initiate fan owned clubs and football will be football for fans again.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  BelgoBhoy

HH to all of that BB.

8 years ago

There is no doubt in my mind that Mr king will already be looking at ways to reduce RIFC fiscal duties to HMRC. As it has always been, it will always be. Favors without fear. HH

8 years ago

Our clubs i.e. the directors need to suffer before there will be any change in Scottish football.Do you think there will be any reduction in ticket prices from the SFA if the TIC are in any of the finals this season ?No ****ing chance .Big Jock said it without the fans football is nothing.These dickheads at the SFA would not give a flying ***k if no one turned up as long as they kept their perk filled jobs.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Tex

With the SFA it is all about saving face and keeping their jobs.
An empty Hampden for a couple of Internationals would send them all a massive message I think.
It would be totally embarrassing for them and them alone.
Regarding Celtic my solution is for us the wider support to buy the Board out.
We have the numbers to do this at minimal cost should we all get involved.
That way we could meet the SFA head on on EVRYTHING that stinks about our game.
That to me is the answer.

8 years ago

Salary caps work in othet codes . Hard ine to implement but if it could happen . Im sure the likes of messi and ronaldo would play. What else are they going to do?

8 years ago

i fucking despise the sfa, a more corrupt organisation than FIFA. one of the first things we as celtic fans should be doing is boycotting any scottish cup match at hampden, its the only way we can draw attention to the sfa and their shite love in for the 2 clubs from govan.

8 years ago

Sounds grandiose charlie but not ompossible…
the problem is that it is only the fans who are incensed by the leniency shown to rangers .

Its ok for celtic to live in a wotld with no rangers we will survive and most likely prosper
given time, but the smaller clubs,as stated by milne are losing revenue without the huns.

Youre right everyone wants to keep their jobs. The only way to get justice as you call it would be a fan embargo. Cant see that happening . People just want to see a game of football not get drawn into high brow financal misdealings of cheating bastards . Let them back in but take the trophies off them from the years of proven cheating. Make them give some of their turnover to charities and never let them forget their club is steeped in acromony

8 years ago
Reply to  iancelt67

I think you underestimate the depth of feelings. If this is allowed to transpire, with no title stripping and a show of contrition from the tribute act, not to mention the removal of shysters within the governing bodies and finally, if Celtic are complicit in this cloak and dagger shit, then crowds will dwindle across Scotland and Celtic imo will suffer the most.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  iancelt67

I wish someone coulg give an idea of the true numbers we have worldwide then perhaps a true figure could be put out there to all as to what it would take?
To buy the Club outright right now would take £67m
2 million fans £40 each £80m
4 million fans £20 each £80m
5 million fans £15 each £75m

Now consider this say there are 5 million out there and we put £20 in each that’s £100m straight off the bat.
Club bought for £70
£30m left over for investment.

Then after that every year we all stick £5 into a player fund.
5 million fans that works out at £25m for signings.
With that sort of cash you could bring in 3 top signings a year and be guaranteed a better tilt in Europe.
I don’t know how many of us there are but I have read figures of around 9 million a few years ago?
Even half that as pointed out is still significant enough to do something majorly positive.
Worth thinking about IMO

8 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Saiz

I have thought about it and I am in, put me and my sons name down, put my Grandsons Liam and Patrick names down as well.

8 years ago

I see the ‘special one’ has been bagged….. shame.

8 years ago
Reply to  andybhoy

Excellent news. Couldn’t be happening to a better person or club….well, almost. Sadly, he’s the sort of scumbag that they’ll be lining up to save clubs from the sort of shite that Chelscum’s in.

8 years ago

No. I understand the depth of feeling andy and i realise im not on the same page )pardon the pun) as almost all on here. Im gradually swinging more your way and feel contempt for them which i thought had reached saturation point before the scandal. Maybe being out of the fishbowl of glasgow hasnt coloured my thinking. Id encourage resistance to their survival but i think the game will suffer as it is now suffer As a consequence unless the hordes all went over to firhill.

Still a diehard celtic fan but id rather my fifocus be on our team and not be consumed by their fuck ups. If its any consolation from here in oz they are seen as an embarassment. But so is the scottish game in general.

8 years ago

See they put hiddink in charge wise move you know celtic knocked him back it was nearly a done deal before oneil got the job

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  iancelt67

Martin gave us 3-5-2 I was happy enough 😉

8 years ago

mike: congratulations on your wee new grandson. It’s great being a granda. May the lad flourish!
Monti: Happy belated birthday lad. I wish I could give you your “Ronny out” birthday present but stripping the Huns of tainted titles will have to do.
Cesar? What can I say? First class man and player. An excellent post all around.
Tims/Fenians/Celts. I wish you peace,good health, prosperity and joy at Christmas and New Year. All good things for youand yours in 2016.

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Thank you Devoy45 ,i will pass on your good wishes to Patrick,
I want our great club to flourish and get back in the C.L. where we belong.As for them bigots stripping titles is the very least that theve got coming.
Hail.Hail to you and yours have a great Christmas and a C.L. new year.

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Thanks Devoy!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

…still waitin!

8 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

I guess we’re not far from a “Deila out; Mourinho in.” call. Much as I want Deila out, when that happens, I’m with Ronny.

8 years ago
Reply to  CeciltheLion

Don’t think he’ll be feeling any pain with £10m redundancy in his tail.

8 years ago


“Celtic has been in my blood and a part of my life for so many years…”

You can add me to that – for very different reasons – and that is why I WILL NOT BE MOVED in my support for whatever Celtic FC is around at any given time’

Caesar H.H.

8 years ago
Reply to  pensionerbhoy

I hear what you’re saying!! HH

8 years ago

im beginning to feel confused,on one hand i have a deep desire to keep supporting the club i love,but on my other hand i have the realisation that our game is rotten to the core,my conscience does not allow me to be part of this sham anymore, as a fan i feel betrayed by the custonians of our game who have collaberated and pandered to the huns and along with the msm have tried to brainwash us all into beiieving that nothing really bad happened,it was all just a big misunderstanding,these people must think were fucking stupid,we know they cheated,the SFA know they cheated,fuck me the whole world know they cheated and now im beginning to think that maybe it was my fault,fuck the brainwashing must be fkn working….celtic need to get to fuck out of this league before its to late,unfortunatlly i think its to late for me,anyone know of a good catholic run bowling club,or is that a stupid question?

Frank McGaaaarvey
8 years ago

Great article Ralph and this is one issue which I think unites us all. Celtic DO have to clarify their position on the matter once the formality of yet another appeal in the tax case is out of the way. We cannot meekly let ths pass-I for one and several others I know will not be in the queue for soup. My main fear is, once the zombies do come up to the top league, that all of the underhand shenanigans of the last few years will be forgotten about and it will be ‘business as usual’. Feck that. We will be back to pre-Fergus attendances if the board don’t play their cards right.

8 years ago

Patfla71, there a few good bowling clubs ma neck of the woods here in Sydney, ma wee mate fae Toryglen is chairman N has been for 30 year, big Tic fan n aw, dunno his religion n don’t care. MON THE HOOPS!

8 years ago

Spot on. Sevco is panicking because their promotion is not as certain as it was two months ago. Opponents have begun to figure them out.The talk of a 16 team league is not accidental.That will guarantee their promotion. The boards and the fans must make clear that Sevco can be admitted into our league only when certain conditions must be met. One condition will be to admit they are a new club with a new history and admit liquidation is not the same thing as relegation. Title stripping must be part of that process, surely? Cheats must be watched carefully. It is also clear that having a glib and shameless liar running a club is not good for our league.

8 years ago

Well said, pensionerbhoy, you are a true fan. Thanks also for spelling Billy McNeils’ nickname correctly! Its pure pedantry on my part but it makes my teeth grind every time I see our greatest captain being referred to as Cesar which is a brand of dog food. Yes, yes, I should get out more, etc, etc.


8 years ago
Reply to  Whoriskey

The spelling is Cesar, the nickname came from Cesar Romero, not the emperor.

8 years ago
Reply to  Whoriskey

Thanks Andybhoy, you are indeed correct,William Mcneill, was called Cesar after the actor Cesar Romero.

8 years ago
Reply to  mike

Ah made the same mistake but c’mon it’s 7am n the missus is snoring next me in the scratcher.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  Susan Murphy

Hehe Take it you’re not a fan of the fandan then Susan?

big shuggy
8 years ago

Cesar (Caesar) – The well documented confusions surrounding this nickname for Billy McNeill stems from the assumption that it was born from Billy’s imperious leadership qualities. In fact McNeill earned the label Cesar – not Caesar! – well before he was the established figurehead of Stein’s Bhoys. The name comes from the 1960s Hollywood ‘rat-pack’ thriller Ocean’s Eleven. The young Celtic stars of the era liked to model themselves on the cool stars of the film and, in a reference to Cesar Romero’s role in Ocean’s Eleven, Billy was nicknamed ‘Cesar’ as he was the only one in the Parkhead group to own a car.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago
Reply to  big shuggy

Never knew that..every day is a school day for sure.
HH Shug

8 years ago
Reply to  big shuggy

Thanks for the info Shuggy even though its gave me a red neck. It would seem my teeth were grinding because I was the eejit who was spelling it wrong. Apologies to all. Can’t wait to see the statue being celebrated on Saturday.

HH Big Shuggy.

8 years ago

If the rules are changed to get Sevco up in the premier, I’ll never have another ST.again. There’s know chance of a level playing field for ALL the club’s, the cheating will go on and on.
Monti happy birthday hope you had a good day.

8 years ago
Reply to  wulz

Cheers Wulz,
I was at work so not all good lol

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Ma gettin blanked here?

8 years ago

Big Shuggy, Where does your name come from,was it the wee chef in crossroads? Just askin like.

8 years ago

When was your birthday Monti ? I turned 44 on Tuesday there.

8 years ago
Reply to  ewanbhoy

Wednesday the 16th December!

Happy Birthday to yourself sir.

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

44 as well m8

Frank McGaaaarvey
8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Happy birthday to both Jack and Victor then. Auld bams!

8 years ago

lol I like that

8 years ago

Thanks Frankie Bhoy!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Bucksake man, pure cyber rubber flung ma way fae Montizuma…you no read 2 diaries ago?

8 years ago
Reply to  BondiBrian

I missed your post mate,
Thanks for the Birthday wishes man HH

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Happy birthday to you too, but I have the one more day of wisdom than you Monti lol. What school did you go to ?

8 years ago

Nothing morr powerful than people power. I dont know the legalities of using facebook or twitter to formulate a page with the intent of usurping the board is but im sure something could be arranged.

If its the case and it seems to be that the fanbase is against what the board stands for then the numbers would be forthcoming for change.

At the very least it would show a clear statement of intent and may frighten the bastards into change

8 years ago

I posted a reply to Big Shuggy but it has gone for a wander so sorry if I’m repeating myself.

Thanks for the info Shuggy even though it gave me a red neck. I have been the eejit spelling it wrong all those years and that was probably why my teeth were grinding so apologies to all for my pedantry which turned out to be bullshit. Looking forward to seeing Cesars’ statue being unveiled and hearing the roars.

HH Big Shug!

big shuggy
8 years ago


i made the same mistake for years until my wee dad put me right.

i copied and pasted the info from Celtic wiki.

big shuggy
8 years ago


You are of course thinking of wee Shughie McFee or actor Angus Lennie,but my name comes from a big Icelandic gentlemen.You can call me Johannes if you like.
hail hail

8 years ago
Reply to  big shuggy


8 years ago

Celtic have won 98 full honours, Billy McNeill has played his part in 31 of those.
23 as a player and Eight as manager!

8 years ago
Reply to  Monti

All those honours were won whilst paying Tax, Vat and all other bills.

Charlie Saiz
8 years ago

The Lisbon Lions were undoubtedly the greatest Club side to ever grace Scottish Football.
They were regarded as one of the greatest sides in World Football after Lisbon.
They lifted a World Record 5 Trophies in one Season further cementing these claims.
Now one question has always bugged me as a Celtic fan..

Just how good were Dundee United to have beaten us twice in the League that Season putting 6 goals past us over 2 games?

8 years ago

Big Billy is as true a Celt as you could ever be.Even when he left the club under a cloud as manager ,he never had a bad word to say about Celtic.all these ex players who decry our team should take a leaf out of his book,although some of them are not fit to be mentioned in the same breath as Cesar.On another note wonder how that wee shite Nevin feels now about his prediction that Chelsea would not get rid of the special one.

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