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Celtic Diary Monday October 1

Theres a new team at the top of the league, and its Celtic!

A comfortable -alright easy-2-0 win over Motherwell, thanks to a spectacular example of control and finishing from Gary Hooper and an own goal from Adam Cummins were enough, although it should have been more, three points are three points against a team who have been doing well this season (except when they play their big cousins in league cup games.)

Cummins wasn’t satisfied with the help he gave Celtic, so later in the game he tried to swap shirts with Kris commons and was sent for an early bath-its not Christmas yet-and Scott Brown kept up his woeful recent penalty kick record when he hopped skipped and jumped before passing the ball back to the Motherwell keeper.

Commons, interviewed after the game admitted he didn’t know what his skipper was doing with the penalty, but there is little chance that Brown will get to take the next one.

The most cheering aspect of the game was the three substitutes who came on, Miku, Joe Ledley and Georgios Samaras, which shows the strength that the squad has, and watching Wanyama and Ambrose, you get the feeling that another kind of strength has been added as well. Will Lennon use both as holding midfielders against Spartak tomorrow? He could do worse. Both can tackle and pass, and have that unique ability to run at people, holding possession and easing pressure on the defence.

Lennon thought his charges were “brilliant today, from start to finish. That is the best we have played in my time here as a player , coach or manager.”

He must have had Hooper to score first and 2-0 on his coupon. Sure it was good, and even a delight to watch, but he is perhaps overstating the performance a tad. But, if it keeps the feelgood factor going into tomorrows tricky visit to Moscow, then as far as I’m concerned he can carry them all on his back singing Hallelujah.

So, this morning Celtic sit at the top of the Premier table-which itself is quite interesting to look at. Just three points separate first and seventh, which isn’t normally seen, even after just eight games is highly unusual. It all makes for a competitive and exciting season, especially when you add in games like the St Mirren -Ross County nine goal thriller. Don’t forget, when the phoenix club over at Ibrox bite the dust again, theres a lot of supporters who will need a new team…

Even the leading goalscorers chart has a different look-with Celtics top two, Commons and Hooper scoring less combined than Michael Higdon of Motherwell, who is out in front on seven in the league. Cillian Sheridan is ahead of our two as well, thanks to his hat trick on Saturday. Its always been the case that the other teams will take points off each other, but so far this season they have been taking points of Celtic as well, so the elusive and expected title will not be as easy as some commentators think.

The draw for the next round of the League cup will be on Thursday , October 4 at Dumbartons ground. It starts at 1.30 and you can’t help but feel whoever is in charge of publicity has sort of lost the plot. Still, the SFL, SFA and SPL are more used to covering things up than putting them in the public domain, so its not really a surprise.

Speaking of which, Charles Green has been over in Northern Ireland drumming up support for his upcoming share issue. he was met with the RTIDNI (nope, i don’t know either, and i’m not going to google it in case it knackers my computer). amongst the issues they discussed were the release of an orange top and, predictably, Green not going back into the SPL while he’s in charge. Chuarles also said he will fight to get the money he feels they are owed by the SFA and again bashed his gums about the conspiracies against them.

Of course, there is no media spotlight on his somewhat inflammatory actions in what is a politically sensitive environment, but as he allegedly intends to be long gone before the club fold again, then maybe he’s right, he won’t lead them into the SPL again. although , of course, his club have never been in the SPL. There would, one expects ,also be no outcry if Neil Lennon or Peter Lawwell were to meet with republican supporters in the Falls Road…

Rangers have also registered a complaint with the BBC over an animated opening sequence to their League cup game against Motherwell, which featured a man jumping from the windows at Ibrox. McCoist was angry that it was used in the context of two young girls tragically committing suicide that week, and was backed by Hugh Keevins, who claimed it was in poor taste. There was absolutely no need to bring those poor girls and their family into it.

Of course, any jokes about “having to commit genocide before being banned from here”, a referral to Keevins having to pay to get in to Celtic Park, when the confused hack spoke to the baffled manager were just banter…

The deflection campaign, and siege mentality they are setting up is becoming tiresome and offensive, and while its fairly obvious that it is all going to end in tears to any right thinking man, the problem lies with the more volatile letter sending section of the Ibrox support, who despite having been told that everything will be alright by one shyster who took over their club, they seem to be falling for it all over again, and somewhere, when it all kicks off, there will be a “told you so ” speech which will again attempt to shift the blame away from the asset strippers.

But thats bye the bye.

Celtic have an important champions League game to look forward to, at the awkward time of five o’clock tomorrow. I will be in yorkshire, and if anyone knows of anywhere showing the game, let me know. Otherwise, its the sky plus and avoid the score method again, which failed so miserably for the Benfica game. I was watching it around an hour behind normal time ย when my son came back from the pub, asked if it was still 0-0 and said can’t be long left now…

Spartak will be missing players, incuding the ir keeper, but we are reliably informed that they have another one. The diary will look more in depth at their side tomorrow.

Meanwhile, all of Europe is overjoyed that their team beat the USA to win the Ryder Cup in golf. Golf, a game where the idea is to hit the ball with a stick as far as you can and then trudge off after it, is quite popular amongst people with a fancy for dodgy trousers and jumpers, and is great to watch on tv if you like panoramic shots of the sky. I just don’t get it, thats all. at least in cricket someone else chucks the ball back after you hit it.

The teaser was answered correctly by Run Sammy run, who said that Aberdeen and Dundee utd were the two teams Celtic failed to beat back in 66-7 , with Brian Glover adding the scores.

Today, another easier question. Who was the last player signed by Jock Stein for Celtic?

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11 years ago

The Celtic “dairy”. Are u milking the fact we are top of the league e and playing in Europe tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

11 years ago

packie bonner

the lurgan tiger
11 years ago

That would be one Patrick “Packy” Bonner

11 years ago

I agree with Lennon. Some of our play on saturday made the three amigos look ordinary. Then we brought on our big guns and well, all I’m saying is; watch this space!

11 years ago

Big Jock’s last signing was the one and only Packie “The passback rule ended ny career” Bonner*

(*I’m not being cruel, he said that at a coaching session i was at!)

john mccormick
11 years ago

was it not Alan Sneddon from Larkhall Thistle?

the lurgan tiger
11 years ago

Frank Munroe

11 years ago

packie bonner

11 years ago

Ralph, I am definitely getting to the site far too late these days. Everybody is beating me to the quiz answers and me not having a single one right so far. Another good read and some comments that were ‘very interesting’! I am actually quite happy with the competitiveness of the league – till January anyway – then I hope our horse does a ‘bolt'(get the pun – yes it is rotten but why should you have copyright on them)). By the way, there is a Mrs Green
in Yorkshire who would, I am sure, be happy to invite you in for the match tomorrow. I do hope you find a place. You deserve to see us win – easily!


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