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Oh My Days – Etims Podcast

Hector and Desi get together to discuss

  • That 3-3 draw at Ibrox
  • John Beaton
  • The Dundee Pitch Dilemma
  • The St Mirren 3-0 Victory
  • The Ross County 3-2 Victory
  • The Split
  • The Great weekend for Jeremie Frimpong
  • Mikey Johnstons latest Award
  • The Aberdeen Semi Final
  • Gags from the ETims Twitter crowd regards whcih song would Ally absent McCoist have been singing after Sundays loss
  • A wee Tav gag courtesy of Tam Sellic Son on Twitter to close out!
Something for everyone!
You can access the Podcast at all major stockists – iTunes, YouTube, Spotify etc etc
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3 months ago

Grand job again, lads, cheers.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Thank you, thank you, I’m very proud to be here.

An Occasional Contributor
3 months ago

One can only come to the conclusion that the last man standing is actually God for he has single handedly created an empty void where there was once a vibrant space filled with optimism,opinion and laughter.

Patter like bendy watter.

3 months ago

Did ye, aye ..?

3 months ago

By ze vey, Charlo, YOU are the man who believes in bendy watter, not me.

And I’ll never let you forget it, you total embarrassment to common sense, you.

3 months ago

Ah, Duncan, I’m sorry, mate, I forgot that you know how to post pictures!

Why don’t you post that one of you wearing all that tinfoil on your head looking dully into the camera like Philippe Clement’s anus?

That would most certainly amuse all of us all over again so why not, Dung Can?

Are you man enough, Dung Can?

Show me and all your friends your true (dribbling) face again, Charlie!


Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago

My flabber has been absolutely gasted, if not downright perplexed, by the fact that anyone, far less a number of fuds, sorry, folk, could be so petty as to hate someone saying thanks for something …

Is this Follow Follow we’re on here?

For the record, I am hoping that everyone returns to the ETims web pages as I just long for a return to the good old days, where Monty could insult fellow contributors’ mothers because he had no other comeback …

Where WeeRed could threaten them with ‘one (bullet) behind the ear’ for expressing an opinion that he didn’t agree with, and where Charlie, The Queen’s and King’s beret bearer, embarrasses himself, and everyone else, with his insane notions of living on a ball, flying through a vacuum, at millions of miles an hour, surrounded by oceans that somehow cling and contour to the exterior of said ball flying through said vacuum, at said millions of miles an hour …

You just haven’t thought it through, not even yet, have you, Charlie Duncan Bravo?

Not even after all these years, you just can’t see the self evident nonsense of it at all, can you?

Come back for a re-run of The Good Old Days, Duncan …

So you can amuse us all more than ever.

But you just can’t do it, can you, Captain?

Not with my eternal laughter forever ringing through your empty hollow ears, can you, fudcake?

Now take off that uniform and attend to your wife’s needs instead of making a clown of yourself on here.

At lest she’s used to it …

Ha Ha

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago

Now come on, Charlo Allesandro Occasional Cartesian Well, sing us a song and be done with it.

You’re no use to us otherwise, other than as a constant source of amusement and entertainment for the smart folk to laugh at.

Though I will grant ye, there’s not too many of those on here these days …

Right up your alley, Captain!

Come on and at least entertain your halfwits in crime …

You have the floor, the floor is yours …

3 months ago

Can’t wait all week, Captain, the comments close after 7 days.

A bit like your missus when she used to menstruate …

3 months ago

Now where’s that Doughball & his two faced sidekick JimBob?

I’ve seen them svcking up to other sites, even had a little fun with them without their knowledge, but as everyone should already know, and as Doughball CERTAINLY knows, that it was in fact HIS fault that I came back on here, as I hadn’t tuned in for 6 or 7 months, and when I finally did, it was that doughball brained numbskull’s obsession with me that forced me to respond in due course.

And by fvck did he know it!

He literally wrote an apology to y’all a day or two later, after I’d responded to his self obsessed stupidity in the appropriate manner, which was to clarify his delusional narcissistic lunacy in the only way possible, by knocking him flat on his chocolate salty @rse, just like I’ve done with Charlie Duncan Bravo here, and too many others to mention.

I’nt that right, Doughball?

You have no idea what I have planned for you the next time you try tae squeak yer wey into other sites, boy …

Your Granny will wish she was still alive so that you can hide behind her skirts.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago

Now where’s that Doughball & his two faced sidekick JimBob?

I’ve seen them svcking up to other sites, even had a little fun with them without their knowledge, but as everyone should already know, and as Doughball CERTAINLY knows, that it was in fact HIS fault that I came back on here, as I hadn’t tuned in for 6 or 7 months, and when I finally did, it was that doughball brained numbskull’s obsession with me that forced me to respond in due course.

And by fvck did he know it!

He literally wrote an apology to y’all a day or two later, after I’d responded to his self obsessed stupidity in the appropriate manner, which was to clarify his delusional narcissistic lunacy in the only way possible, by knocking him flat on his chocolate salty @rse, just like I’ve done with Charlie Duncan Bravo here, and too many others to mention.

I’nt that right, DoughBob?

You have no idea what I have planned for you the next time you try tae squeak yer wey into other sites, boy …

Your Granny will wish she was still alive so that you can hide behind her skirts.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

He wrote it under the perpetually embarrassed moniker of ‘Owen Goal’ …

Ye can check back only a mere few of Ralph’s articles, didn’t ye, DoughBob?

Nae luck, eh, wee man ..?

Would you like to polish my helmet the noo or shall we leave it til your missus gets home, so she can watch ..?

Or, perhaps, join in?

Though I’m a bit fed up wae her now, to be honest …

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago

Here, JimBob, before Ah go, Ah see you’ve been trying tae correct yer betters in wordsmithery by pulling them up on the daftest matters while using pvssy @ssed French to excuse yourself ….

Well, JimBob, as a French speaker, indeed, even as an English speaker, your pathetic attempts at licking JF’s corn holio have backfired on you so bad that you’re probably gagging on it already.

Ye feel it, dae ye?

Coming up like bile ..?

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago

Here, how’s Dagenham these days, Chucko?

You get much Action outside your attic, Man …?

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

How are the drains, Duncan, how are your drains, Duncan?

I hear Dagenham has terrible drains, thanks to all the rats in the vicinity …

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago

I’ve said for a long time now that this is an art piece, which, to my great amusement, saw the local Post Modern indoctrinated philistines try to meekly defend their own weak pathetic position to no distinct avail …

Because they never did, nor, obviously, ever could, understand that the purest purpose pf all ‘art’ is to question and probe and ultimately destabilise everything that we thought we ever knew …

But we’ll let them off, though only for now, as ignorance might well be bliss where t’is folly to be wise but yer own ignorance is no longer bliss when everyone else has come out of their indoctrinated ignorance around you.

Same path fir everybody, all the way down the line ….

Peace be with you, brothers and sisters …

What you give is what you get.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hey Gringo, Jambo! My African friend. I have been reading your world class, etiolated, free range word salads and I’m mightily impressed. You have found out, (like all those in the know have), that Gravity is absolute nonsense, thought up to make people think the world isn’t flat! I think it was Minnie Caldwell, the Emeritus Professor of Hair nets, who pointed this out so well done you for being on it like an Easter Bonnet. Oh, nearly forgot, have you any spare tickets for the parade in Glasgow, on July twentieth? Just asking for Barry Fergusons’ Mum. X

3 months ago
Reply to  Whoriskey

Stick yer Orangeism up yer hole, ho.

3 months ago


Celtic FC awarded 7 penalties in the one game.

3 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Port Bhoy!

Grand to see ye!

How’s life in the land of the upside down?

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