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Etims meet Washington CSC

With Celtic announcing a North America Tour for this Summer, Desi and Hector catch up with Callum Murray of the Washington CSC to discuss the up and coming visit from Celtic to the capital as well as Chapel Hill, North Carolina and South Bend, Indiana

  • They discuss the history for the Washington CSC
  • They discuss the CSC’s big plans for the game weekend when Celtic (and Desi!) arrive
  • They discuss Football in America and how its different to what we see at Parkhead.
  • They discuss the opportunities right there for the club to capitalise on.
  • They discuss the lengths some people abroad will go to to watch Celtic.
  • They discuss the logistics of fans in North America and beyond attending the games this summer.
  • They discuss DC United strengths and potential issues with weather and surface,
  • They discuss the size of the stadium and potential ticket issues.
  • They discuss Washingtons Do’s and Donts and look forward to a big occasion.
  • They even discuss the cost of a pint of lager in the stadium!

The Washington CSC is based at ​
Irelands Four Courts, 2051 Wilson Bolulevard Arlington,Virginia



PLEASE avoid old account​!


The podcasts is available from all major stockists including YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Google, Acast, Deezer etc

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Frank Keenan
4 months ago

You can find more details from this link about the resolution
Resolution On Refereeing Standards – SENTINELCELTS

4 months ago

Grand job, lads, plenty good info and laughs again though the Celtic marketing department need sacking.

Like every other level of our two bit Mickey Mouse operation from Desmond on down.


4 months ago

Also good to hear Iniquitous’ voice, he was always civil, polite and decent to me when I was still allowed to post on the Sentinels’ site, before Mick went all Hattie Jacques impersonating Hyacinth Bucket on us.

All the best, Callum.


4 months ago

Some fierce powerful footage here, wha’?

https :// BWbvJDtvhIb

It begs the question, do Doughball & JimBob work for Maersk ..?

4 months ago

Where is everyone?

Why are there so few responses to these great podcasts the ETims Bhoys spend time putting together for us?

To deny them even a ‘Thanks’ is both rude and ignorant in the extreme, though clearly some of this site’s readers don’t mind showing the lowest aspects of themselves.

All we are saying
Is give Des a Thanks.

Salad Queen.
3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

The stage is all yours, knock yersel oot!

3 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

Come again? 😉

3 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

You I understand, dearie, you having a kitchen to clean and your chores to do …

3 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

You know, Queenie, you could have used those few words as Thanks to Desi …

Instead you pandered to your obsessive hatred for me …

And for no good reason at all!

Just say Thanks to Desi, Queenie.

It’s not much to ask.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Thank Desi, Trumpetstein.

For giving you a place to let off all your inner turmoil and hatred.

Thank the man at least.

You can thank me later 😉

3 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

Have you ever considered changing your name to Trumpetstein, Salad Queen?

I think it suits you far better.

Don’t you?

3 months ago

So that’s Brendan available in the dug out for the Hun game.

Which is lucky as Sevco couldn’t guarantee his safety in the stands.

And if they can’t guarantee safety they shouldn’t be provided with a safety certificate, meaning the ground should be closed down until they can.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hey gringo, many thanks for ruining a great site with your absolute shite. Maybe you should leave the coke and booze until you leave school. You should knuckle down and actually start studying or you will continue being thicker than Barry Ferguson when you leave. Also, you should ask at school to see if there is any help for those like you who are suffering from depression and low self esteem. Sitting at your keyboard all day is not doing you any favours. Lastly, don’t let anyone tell you the world is round, it’s not, it is flat and people are just taking the mickey. Good luck with the o levels. X

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Hahaha, all this coming from some chump called ‘Whoriskey’!

You don’t do irony, do ye, whore face?

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Besides, what have I done to ruin the site?

Monti was on here talking all sorts of disgusting, low minded vile shite for years til I put a stop to it and I never heard anyone complaining about his juvenile filth filled brain even once.

So you count yer chickens, chicken.

And stay off the whiskey, ho.

It’s destroying what’s left of yer brain cells.

Fir the record, I’m teetotal, so nae luck there either.

Now away you back on the streets and see if ye can raffle yer doughnut

Last edited 3 months ago by Gringo
3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Civility, politeness and decency goes a long way, chump.

You should try it some time.

Might help you out of that miserable dark hole you currently find yourself in.

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Btw, ho, could you provide some evidence for this derogatory, and false, claim that I’m somehow to blame for ‘ruining the site’ (sic)?

The ever bitter Salad Queen started this scurrilous rumour, also without any evidence, so since you’re such a bold yin I want you to provide it.

For I’d claim that I saved this site from filthy minded stupid dogs like Monti, or the ramblings of the British squaddie from his Dagenham attic, or even from the much celebrated IRA bomb maker who was happy to threaten contributors with a bullet behind the ear if he didn’t agree with their comments.

So you have a think about that before daring to let yer fingers do the walking where they shouldn’t be a-walking.

Now shift it.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hey Gringo, sorry I haven’t been about but the internet told me Jewish Space Lasers were aimed at the UK so I had to go dark. They will be aimed at us today from three o’ clock so make sure not to use your phone for, oh, I dunno, about five years or until you are twenty one, whichever comes first. I also heard that QAnon was started by Quavers, (they don’t even hide it anymore), so I would avoid those, Bud, lest you start speaking cheesy nonsense. Oh, nearly forgot, will you be getting Easter Eggs and a present or are they old fashioned in your caravan and only do eggs? X

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey


3 months ago

Oh, nearly forgot, does Gringo mean ‘Proud African’ in Swahili?

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Seek professional help, ho.

You’re gonna need it.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hey Gringo, just found out what happened in Baltimore! Joe Biden visited the bridge a week before the collision and the bridge decided to move to the left and caused the accident! Bloody Communist Bridges!

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Did he, aye?

Ye sure that wasn’t Mick O’Tato The Living Potato, doll?

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

 8 hours ago

‘Oh, nearly forgot, does Gringo mean ‘Proud African’ in Swahili?’’

Are you racist, doll?

3 months ago

An unbelievable turn of events for me thanking Desi and Callum and the Bhoys for their input!

How much hatred can one bunch of Tims have when everybody knows we’re just having a laugh?

For anybody who doesn’t understand the importance of good humour in this cruel brutal genocidal times doesn’t understand anything about anything, far less what it means to be a Celt.

Each to their own I say but sometimes ye can’t help but realise why the world’s in the state it’s in with bitter twisted hate filled folk like these in it.

3 months ago

A terrible turn of events for me thanking Desi, Callum & the Bhoys for the podcast.

No wonder the world is in the terrible genocidal mess that it’s in if the readers of this page’s bitter hate filled opinions are anything to go by.

Shame on you, one and all.

Even Monti caught up with my sense of humour eventually.

Admittedly after about 5 full years of proving just how slow he was …

Innat right, big chap?


3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hey Gringo, Jambo, you proud Son of Africa! I love it that you are not afraid to show your preference for’Big Chaps’ in public. It’s a free world these days so good luck with your LGBT+ journey. Have you heard, bye the way, that your mate Barry Ferguson and his Mum, have been to Alaska and saw Bigfoot! Lucky bleeders. Have a lovely, gay old Easter, Gringe. X

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

Get your stinky arse back out on that street, ho.

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

And I know you’re a female because you keep blowing kisses.

Now go blow yer kisses up yer clients’ jacksies.

It’s about all you’re good for.

3 months ago
Reply to  whoriskey

And if you’re NOT a female, I’d say it’s you who has the LGBTQ problem.

So make up your mind, biatch.

Or do you swing both ways?

3 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hey Gringo, Jambo! Apologies for leaving out the Q in my last post but I see you’ve corrected my silly error in your post. And hooray for you for never being afraid to say Q is for queer. You’re on it like a car bonnet. Oh, nearly forgot; whatcha get for Easter? X

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