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Putting the Sell in Celtic – Etims Podcast

Ralph joins Hector, Monty and Desi to discuss what the hell is going on with Celtic.

  • They discuss the Kilmarnock fiasco.
  • They discuss the issues on and off the Park ( more later).
  • They discuss possible solutions to all the current problems
  • They end by wondering about those rumours circulating about Celtic being of interest to potential buyers and look at the numbers and reasons behind that story.
Something for everyone!

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An Occasional Contributor
5 months ago

Any truth in the rumour that ETims sent Ralph out to search for Brendan “ Elite Manager” Rodgers plan B and he’s only just returned with an empty notebook with a signed footnote which simply read (holding back the tears)

I love me who do you love?Brendan Rodgers

Last edited 5 months ago by An Occasional Contributor
5 months ago

Hello Duncan, how are you?

According to little Queenie it’s my fault that Ralph hasn’t written an article in 4 months but until Ralph himself comes out and confirms that himself it will remain an imaginary, and wholly unwarranted, slur on my otherwise exemplary character, a mere phantasmagoria in Queenie’s deluded little spite filled head.

Isn’t it, me dearie?

5 months ago

How’s everything between yourself and God, btw?

Has He shown you what Creation is yet?

4 months ago

I love me who do you love? – Brendan Rodgers’

Is that an actual Brendan Rodgers quote, Duncan, or are you just making things up to suit yourself?

For you do know that if you’ve misquoted someone in such derogatory terms they have the right to sue you under laws of libel, right?

So did Brendan Rodgers really say that or are you just making it up to suit your own agenda?

If so you ought to be very careful what you say about folk that isn’t true online.


Let us know in the comments if he said it or not and we’ll get back to you.

Tom Devlin
5 months ago

Great stuff guys…what many of us r thinking!

5 months ago

Aye, lads, a fine wee poddy once again, but can you please explain to us why you guys can curse and swear tae yer hearts’ content while we, your devoted readers, can’t even write words like G O L D or SAB O TAGE or, when describing the brainless bawbag Doughball, P R I C K, D I C K, C U N T Y W A N K E R, A R S E H O L E, F A N N Y or F U D?
Nor countless other innocuous words which see our posts delegated to the dreaded ‘Awaiting For Moderation’ (sic) bin for a week or two and thus and thereafter rendered wholly redundant, like the readers themselves ?

Whoever set the filters to let the adults talk amongst themselves can re-set them to let our own frustrations out in our native tongue, non?

Hmm, I guess with your readers it’s probably wiser to prevent the swearing, as the last adult I remember on here was Farmer Mike, many moons ago now, with everyone else seemingly in a race to the bottom to see who could out-degenerate the degenerate Monty.

Even WeeRed knew how to hold a reasonable enough conversation, even when I pointed out the ice wall in Game Of Thrones was a sly nod to our true reality by the writers and producers, which, to his credit, clearly got him thinking beyond his own hitherto limited boundaries, and, to his further credit, he didn’t threaten to shoot me with ‘one behind the ear’ because I’d infuriated him so much as he did prior, though I bet he was close for a good wee while and showed remarkable constraint as he knew it would only trip him up further.

I’nt that right, Red?

Hope you’re well!

Aye, it’s good to reminisce about the good old days on here, takes us all back, I’m sure, even the ever hateful little Queenie, the ever delusional Doughball Squillions and his erstwhile two faced sidekick JimBob ‘Janus’ The Anus …

Tell us , Ralph, don’t YOU long for a return to the good old days, the grand old days of yore, of everyone ignoring your articles while favouring the Caption Comp, of the clever tub of lard/Peter Sellers lookalike GIFs, not to mention days and weeks of unbridled endless hilarity, well, on my part at least?

Go on, Ralph, help out a starving artist in need and let the good times rock’n’roll!

Hail Hail

Last edited 5 months ago by Gringo
5 months ago

Good luck with the auld back, Ralph.

They can be a right pain in the a r s e.

5 months ago

So sad and disturbing that the hatred runs as rampant on the Celtic sites as it does on the Huns ‘ …

Especially since I’m more of a song and dance man.

4 months ago

Can anyone here define the true and literal meaning of a Republic?

Does it involve hatred and censorship, by whatever clandestine means?

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