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Xmas Podcast with Hail Hail History

Desi and Hector get together with a very special Xmas Podcast guest, Matthew from Hail Hail History to discuss the past, present and future like a good Scrooge CSC


Matthew tells some captivating tales of the early Celtic days, some legendary and surprising stories and they even wonder why did it become Celtic and not Keltic.


Matthew also talks about his new book “The Bould Bhoys : Glory to their Name” ..a great tale about Celtics
first title…available to purchase at the Celtic Superstores, Amazon and also here:


There’s even more Tour and book information found below :


Coming up to the Present day….

  • They reflect on recent results and performances and wonder just who isnt to blame?
  • The ask “Just How could we go from Treble to Trouble and is it all a sense of Deja Vu?”
  • They consider the what ifs and the what the f***s!
  • They review the past year and look ahead to next few games and then the Huns and Celtic Park and the perilous January Window!


Theres something for everyone, even a Xmas Quiz including questions for the Directors pals!


A Merry Xmas to Tall and Tiny Tims and Timinas everywhere!


The podcast is available from usual suppliers – ITunes, Spotify, Youtube, Amazon, Acast etc

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7 months ago

Has Ralph given up the Diary completely now heโ€™s consorting with the BBC?

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Not been telt. I hope all is well.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Is Ralph to drinkin Black Douglas?

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Super backtracks.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

I hope heโ€™s ok, 6 weeks is a long time for a daily diary.

Salad Queen.
7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Aye, because of you.

7 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.


7 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

The power of the written word, eh, dear ..?

Salad Queen.
7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Second chance now it is because of you.

7 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

Youโ€™re his editor now, yeah?

7 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

Prove it.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Come on, Queenie, letโ€™s shake it.

Display your proof that Ralphโ€™s absence has anything to do with me.

For thatโ€™s quite the accusation to be bandying about without evidence.

Salad Queen.
7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

It’s because your a knob, simpleton.

7 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.


But thatโ€™s not proof, thatโ€™s an accusation.

We need proof and you havenโ€™t provided any proof, youโ€™re just being nasty towards me for the sake of it.

How do you know itโ€™s because of me and not because of Mabozza Richie?

I mean, heโ€™s one of the worst knobs this site has ever seen apart fae Doughball & his Janus faced sidekick JimBob, not to mention Monty, who said some terrible things about my wee Maw because he couldnโ€™t take a wind up.

So show us the proof, Queenie.

Or shut yer fat flapping gub up.

7 months ago

First they came for Paul Brennan โ€ฆ

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo


7 months ago
Reply to  portpower


7 months ago

This game this weekend (and all through the season) should be the outstanding event of the Scottish Football draw.

Two clubs’ survival because of the necessitous life of the SFA and Rangers Football Club Ltd.

sevco should do FC.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Year 16/17 of the Scottish Premier League, a new club was promoted whose clubs name started with the capital letter ‘T’.

Sevco Scotland was what was on the first official game card sheet (League Cup Rd.1). A week or so later the shareholders of the ‘Old’ Company/Club gave permission to Sevco Scotland Ltd to use the use of the In Liquidation signature name Rangers. There hence the new Company/Club is witnessed as a registration/shareholder of the Scottish Football Association as The Rangers Football Club/Rangers International Football Club.

Tis Graham Spiers needy of his old fold?

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

David Murray was duped. Spiers, live on radio. The one to

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Never thought heโ€™d let anybody con him out a shilling never mind a pound.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

By the by, the fud commentator on the Huns game last night claimed their squad is worth 93 million quid โ€ฆ

Aye, the same squad nobodyโ€™d give them even a thruppeny bit for their โ€˜two best playersโ€™ ..

Charlie Green must be bealing now he knows what he could have won.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

It is what ever.
Trump the richest crook in jail.
Tune in for Donald and Paster Abedini within the cells for all to believe.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

No jail for no Masons, they just tell us that, like everything else.

OJ went to court โ€˜from prisonโ€™ with sunglass bleaching around his eyes looking like fat Morelos on holiday last year.

Theyโ€™ll tell us anything to keep up the charade.

And spend every Knute of every day doing so.

Humanity has no idea whatโ€™s really happening and they donโ€™t even know that they donโ€™t know.

Power of the media for ye.

7 months ago

Junior, ffs!

7 months ago

If I don’t hear from youse Ghirls and Bhoys, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Is Monty opening the door to his daughters’ boyfriends naked?

G`day Santa, where’s my bike. For its…

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

7 months ago

Hands involvement clapping from the piece and prawns.

There they are, sit anywhere.

Your safety is Pedro’s 2 bob regular conduct institutional concern.
All else, contravene.

I am no getting any sober with with his sprog recruit taking over.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

โ€˜You! Move!

We donโ€™t care if youโ€™ve sat there for 20 year, the Orange Dutch boys get priority.


Cos 500 year old prancing white horses are us!

And move they did, with not a whimper nor a whisper of a song in retaliation.


7 months ago

Spend a Fortune-Telling:

Pump up tyres on a scooter and slimy shite so they do not get a puncture.?

So, you just know before the day you’re on a trip to the hospital though the boost of confidence is not there’s but yours of blame. You put it together.

7 months ago

SFA, whack a sevco FC on a sanger. Gies piece.

Willingness withal to sire an ornament.
Worried men.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

If I use some of these will I have to tell you or will anyone ever know?

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

99.99% recuring are not catered to. It is their combat.

If the board are seen to be resuming their failure, the application of blame is projected to the very attainable Scottish media. The self-thinking cluster will be reduced.

Our Board have the condition and the characteristics of point prevalence.
Pick a season any season.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

A.k.a… effin stingy bassas.

7 months ago

See though, not an age. Just one or extra years. Till 100 million different, different, so.
The feeling.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

They`ll never help or give you an, an.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Bed money on the huns for 2.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

If only if only.

And why not?

7 months ago


7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Though allowed past israeli border cVnts

if away with it cvnts that shite

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

awaiting for approval

I am a left fullback that can read the flight of a ball and the winger has his last pray.
Open day.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

The job is yours, you start on Monday!

(Flights not included.)

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

I put forward and execute the Gustaf Lagerbielke plea. Get me the eff outta here.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Kidnappers on paragliders.


7 months ago

Explain… why does Taylor stand between the two middle central football positions for a dead ball free kick?

I shouted out who killed the…puzzling.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Heโ€™s checking his height.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Can not sweep because he is to slow.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Too low.

I heard he sat on Forrestโ€™s shoulders and they couldnโ€™t reach any Killiecrankie playersโ€™ ears.

7 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Shielding the ball with your backside is a bygone skill.

7 months ago

We will be Green if some other country takes over. Empty pump.

Iran has an oil lamp. Rub it.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

They already did.

But nobody noticed.

7 months ago

Conservatives, Republicans and Liberals need a King.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

The king owns the world they blagged.

But nobody noticed, nobody cares.

8 billion to one and the one still rules โ€ฆ

7 months ago

What if they lose the League Cup Final.

Little toes twinkle, I can not use it anymore.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Itโ€™s a business.

Everybody wins.

Thomas Cochrane
7 months ago

Wtf is ……..Xmas ?

7 months ago

A pagan holiday celebrating the return of โ€˜the sunโ€™ from its southernmost vantage point back into its annual northern, ie, central, cycle.

A celebration of the calendar/clock in the sky really, with fictional humans inserted to hide the real story.

7 months ago

10 but omerta.

7 months ago

The panic is over.

The Onion Bears have been found swimming around a small town just outside Inverness.

7 months ago

Where oh where has our Celtic gone?
Where it always seems to lay. In the pockets of the covetous.

The Celt handshake.

7 months ago

Winning one home European qualifying game in ten seasons. They will make that improvement illegal.

We need to dig deeper into the Celtic Plc play book. Corruption being ignored is in itself direct control.

7 months ago

Peter Lawwell:

Hรจs been the best Bhoy around.
What about the murder of Celtic FC?

7 months ago

Eff em Ghirls and Bhoys. Feedem dull grey prawns.

7 months ago

Have. So, was the last time from Brendon, unless.

So, one in front of the board members while up from seated was arguing with two in front of the board members and between the three not one point at the difficulty there while seated?

Where is their sticker?

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

They are behind you you three impaired well off cowards.

7 months ago

Advent calendar for the Huns. Oh shit. Eff.

7 months ago

The gap between defence and forwards needs curved. For a young big lad that comes on the pitch and proves himself and not played again is sold for 2 bob and more for those we do not know.

The pitch is not of a period of development at Celtic Park.

7 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Develop, develop the Greenock.

7 months ago

Invest in a lamppost company?
I reckon they have us all premeditated.
History cleared please sweety.

7 months ago

I am dusting the bong off. How long till, we have all failed?
Proviso becomes on offer for use. You are pointed at.

7 months ago

If taken down by a keeper 3-4 feet of the goal-line you should still have the momentum to agitator your bottom half to put the ball in the net. Not unless your legs are crippled.

Mammas don’t let your babies grow up to be VAR cowboys.

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