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The Worst Dinner Party Ever – Etims Podcast

Desi, Hector and Monty are joined by BBC Sportsounds latest Soup taker, Ralph Malph to discuss the recent Celtics goings on as well as various other goings on.

  • They discuss poor Ralphs new Media mates and the worst Dinner Party invite ever!
  • They discuss the recent performances and results.
  • They debate what’s the answer to stop us getting gubbed away or lose in the last minute at home?
  • They ponder just how many players does Brendan expect in January and of what standard?
  • They discuss VAR and Refereeing and recent headlines.
  • They wonder just how much would you pay for a POTY awards ticket?
  • They wonder should we still care about Rangers financial antics?
  • They praise Palma, Yang and Oh for Sundays great showing and wonder just how far they can go this season?

Special shout out to star Listener Kenny MacIntyre for his endorsement!

Apologies in advance as audio quality isnt the best but hopefully you get to enjoy what you can hear!


The podcast is available at all major hosts including iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon, Google, Acast etc

You can download direct by clicking here

Or you can play on the Spreaker player below


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8 months ago

Ralph and the 3 soup taker amigos walk into a bar.

8 months ago

‘Drowning in soup with Pat Nevin & Tom English!’ 😀

Hilarious, lads, this was one of your best, cheers.

Still can’t see that Diary you promised us though …

8 months ago

Fair play to Ralph, mind, as long as he’s playing the long game and suddenly chins one of those fuds in an upcoming episode.

Only joking, Ralph, just invite me and I’ll do it for ye.

in a purely literal sense of course.

8 months ago

Desi’s craic about Pat Nevin going to Hibs games so he could hear David Bowie B sides had me in stitches laughing.

I mind when he used to play fir Clyde and they’d train down the bottom of the slope in Richmond Park across fae Shawfield right on the Clyde on a patch of grass ye couldn’t swing a moose in, probably just around the same time Pat discovered Joy Division, and Craig Broon used to come and chase us for ‘interrupting their training’ with the wee po face on him until I got fed up with it and reminded him that the Richie was an open park and that we were down there more than they were.

He didn’t like that kinda backchat aff a cheeky Tim at all but what could he say when it was true?

I was probably in Shawfield more than he was now I think on it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gringo
8 months ago

fook europe this seasn gie me the title thats wit matters

8 months ago

good patter bhoys a watched celtic become the champions a europe so am happy tae wait tae we dae it again but the young celtic fans huvnae got ma patience and thats cool

8 months ago

var is jeest another way fur zombies tae cheat in scotland the zombies luv it so we shouldnae like it imho

8 months ago

zombies are proud tae be cheats its thur nature aint life grand ///////when your a
tim heh heh let the good times keep on rolinn

Brian Mulhern
8 months ago

One reason for the poor points totals in recent CL years is down to our change in approach to these games. Brendan and Ange want us to play in these games regardless who we’re up against. Previous seasons seen us pick up points against stronger sides by being hard to beat and compact, with the possible exception being O’Neills side due to the calibre of player we had at our disposal.

I think our change in approach is finally starting to bear fruit, performance wise anyway. Players are buying into the approach and style and are looking comfortable in it which is all for the good. The next step of points on the board will come

8 months ago

Steve Clarke has done a Grand Job. Now the zombie infiltration starts.
Theirs to bellow the accolades of the wasps of others.

8 months ago

Here is the break down on Keith Jackson…
the lad is a broken bloo numpty.

sevco thrills and spills FC.

8 months ago

The Scottish Referees Association are proud to announce that Fixodent denture adhesive is to be their new sponsors.

“Our Natural Product for Scottish Football.”

8 months ago
Reply to  portpower

add a ‘b’ where you like!

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