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Celtic Diary Thursday November 2: Help Me If You Can

So, John Beaton gets to referee a Celtic game.


That’s handy, because based on last nights evidence, where despite his best efforts, Celtic dug in to record a 2-1 win over high flyers St. Mirren, there’s enough to suggest he is either at it or just not good enough.


Just not good enough ?


In May 2015, Beaton refereed the Riyadh derby between Al Hilal and Al Nassr in the Saudi Professional League, where Salem Al-Dawsari motioned to head-butt him after a decision didn’t go his way.[7]  



That must have been one of his more honest mistakes.



Beaton has been a FIFA listed referee for fourteen years, so by now you’d expect him to get plenty of work from the likes of FIFA and UEFA, yet last season his opportunities were fairly limited….



Competition Appearances        
36 165 1 9 10
Europa League 1 6 0 0 0
UEFA Europa Conference League 1 3 0 0 0
European Qualifiers 1 5 0 0 0
UEFA Champions League Qualifying 1 5 0 0 0
UEFA Nations League C 1 5 1 1 0
UEFA Europa Conference League Qualifiers 2 17 0 1 1



This season, so far, he’s had one solitary game handed to him, Qarabag against Molde in the Europa league group stage.



One can only conclude they don’t rate him either.




It’s not hard to see why.





Kyogo himself got booked, not in this instance but for a similar offence of being fouled when trying to close down the goalkeeper, who himself had been warned for timewasting  more than once.




Looking at the bigger picture, these sort of decisions could cost the club money, although it could also save a few quid in win bonuses…



And it’s all about money, right ? Help me out here.



The Green Brigade, those delightful young fellows who either infuriate or invigorate the support, depending on what they’ve done, have been banned from the ground until further notice.


Another supporter “group ” walked out in support last night as well, so there’s clearly a rift between those who run the club and those who think they do…..



The board issued a long winded statement earlier in the week which happened to mention that UEFA will fine the club (again ) for allowing Palestinian flags to be displayed, and that seems to be the main point that has been picked up on in support of the GB.



By the way, little known tv channel GB News has nothing to do with them, though it’s probably a good thing the name has already been taken.



On the issue of flags, the board know full well that the support will fly them in support of the people of Palestine. they’re just covering their own arses, although they still seem to manage to talk out of them.



The other points, re pyrotechnics and behaviour have been more or less ignored by most, but upon looking at the statement in detail, and believe me that was tedious enough to make me not add it to this page because it really is hard work, it seems the board could simply have edited it down to


You’ve been warned enough, you’ve ignored us, so fuck off



And that’s what it boils down to when you think about it.



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However, it would be nice to see the board take some action against others who might not be doing the club any favours….



SFA 'dismay' over threats made to Old Firm referee John Beaton | Football  News | Sky Sports


After all, Beaton and his colleagues at the SFA cost us millions when they overlooked the fact that Rangers were using improperly registered players for nearly a decade…..


And as for flags, I’m old enough to remember when we had a chairman who told UEFA he was happy enough to withdraw from their competition if we had to play a team from a country that had just invaded another….



Moments like that are what makes this club a club like no other, and for the board to describe the Palestinian flag as they have here in the statement, highlighted in bold…is sickening.


I’ll decide for myself who the terrorists are.



The club should also note that it has been advised of a number of banners and flags used by the Green Brigade which relate to or are connected with terrorist organisations involved in the conflict in the Middle East. This is completely unacceptable at Celtic Park and any match involving Celtic Football Club. The club is continuing to investigate these and other unacceptable instances of the groups actions.  



Of course, a Ukranian flag is perfectly acceptable.




Back to the actual football, and when Brendan Rodgers said a few players may well be leaving in January, last night gave us an indication of the ones he feels are on that list.



With a few players rested, there was game time for a number of people, and one or two of them made the most of it.


Holm and Oh combined sweetly for the winning goal, suggesting they both have the stomach to stay and fight for a place in the team, whilst others, such as Tokomi Iwata might as well start to pack….



Overall, it was one of those wet Wednesday matches against a side who had set up not to lose and a referee who did his best to make it a miserable night for everyone, but Celtic got a result.


That’s the first round of matches over now, eleven played, nine won, two drawn and victories at Ibrox, Pittodrie and Tynecastle.



In an earlier Diary I mentioned we were fashioning a team to win , or at least, compete , in Europe.



Those wins domestically at tough venues suggest we are on the right track, though, as in Europe , there’s maybe a bit more work to be done at home games than we previously thought.



Last night, the core support got behind the team and noticeably urged them on to the winning goal.



That was after the protests were all done….



Yes, the GB have a point, but so do the board.



Maybe it’s time everyone grew up.

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8 months ago

Beaton and the guys in the var room cheats end of. Celtic board cowards for not challenging said cheats on our behalf. I hope this dispute between Celtic football club and the Green Brigade can be sorted quickly,because I like what they bring to the game but, they must behave and stick to the rules and the law there are a lot of things not right but rules and laws must be obeyed. So come on guys get this sorted.

8 months ago

Bang on the money. Go after the sfa and there poor use of var alone, get then to explain why after a year they still can’t grasp the technology, we pay for it after all. With regards to the GB, grow up as you say and the club need to grow a pair.


8 months ago

Beathun and his Billy boys are as we have always seen. The muppets in La La Land believe they have won their silver, but in most instances the Lanarkshire Loyal have done everything to support them. As for the SFA they colluded in years of cheating, the bunnet called them out, but our parsimonious board only look at the bottom line. Well won point last night, Yang and Holm looked impressive, Oh goal a thing of beauty.
As for the GB and the Ultras these guys think they are Celtic, I have been to away games and at times they are muppets. Yes they do good work for charity, there Palestinian flags are something that should be acknowledged as correct, if you wave the flag of Ukraine. The money guys do not care about people being brutalised, they want their cash. GB and the Ultras have to realise that the club comes first, as the board should do too, as without fans the club is nothing. As you stated Robert Kelly took a stance on 1968, when no other European Club did, that is the ethos of Celtic, to stand for the underdog.

8 months ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Here’s a thought, fly a two sided flag with Ukraine one side and Palestine the other, that would make the point regarding political commentary at games.
I seem to remember there was a similar display with Bobby Sands and William Wallace comparing the two.
The GB are a group of extremes as is to be expected with any ‘ultras’.
Some magnificent charity work and great tifos but then let themselves down by constantly baiting the board and thinking they are above the law.
The support for Palestinian civilians I can agree with, the banner directly after the Hamas slaughter, distasteful and ill timed.
They should have a look in the mirror and ask if they are here to support Celtic or not because, bottom line, that’s what a supporter is.

8 months ago

Coincidence last night that half-time draw was done by Cadete?? Wee Fergus put SFA in their place on that one. Oh, to have him take on SFA over VAR, Refeering etc.etc.

8 months ago

Generally a very good Diary but I think a bit harsh on Iwata. He’s been played out of position for most of the few minutes he’s played. I’d give him a chance (starting) in Mid whilst Reo is recovering and see what he can do. He wasn’t POTY in the J-League for nothing. Holm looks a player too.
Beaton? A piece of hun-supporting shit. FFS they’ve got a supporters club named after him, The John Beaton Crown Loyal……. only in Scotland. He managed to cheat Hearts out of 3 points at the w/end at Ibrox and nearly cheated us out of 2 last night but that tory baztard Lawwell will do nothing when he should here, but instead looks for targets in our own support. HE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED. He should NEVER have been brought back as chairman and good company practice advises against a former CEO coming back to ANY company as Chairman and he’s going to be a director again too. An absolute disgrace arranged by our major shareholder whilst he farts about various top golf courses globally. Just how/why can things be so bad with the Celtic Board? Oh FFS, I feel nauseous!

8 months ago

Just made a solitary comment and it’s hooked. WTF?
My previous comment, on an earlier Diary, was hooked too, only to appear more than 2 weeks later.
“Help me if you can” here as you started the Diary today!!

The Cha
8 months ago

Roberty Kelly was a hypocrite not a man of principle.

He was happy for Celtic to tour USA, when that country was committing genocide in South East Asia.

Criticising the Soviet Union was the price for one of Lizzie’s baubles and he was happy to pay it.

“If you know your history”. I really wish fans would actually learn it rather than simply sing it.

8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Criticising the Soviet Union! surely a full scale invasion of a country deserves that, or are you like the mob that accepts the death of children under the Red Flag?
Whether it is the US of A , the U.K. or the current mob of thugs, they should always be called it, irrespective of his policies he did the correct thing in 1968.

The Cha
8 months ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

I’m struggling to follow your logic.

Are you saying you approve of his actions in 66 when he didn’t call out genocide and allowed Celtic to play football in USA?

Clearly he didn’t call it out, so he’s a hypocrite and therefore his motives in 68 weren’t humanitarian as, as you say, it should always be called out.

the mob that accepts the death of children under the Red Flag” Absolutely no idea what you mean by that, so please englighten me?

8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’d say the red, white & blue flags have killed an inordinate amount of people more than the Soviets ever did.

Particularly considering Russia was only a Soviet state for 7 decades or so.

8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Agreed Cha.

8 months ago

Hibs and last night against a well coached St Mirren was hard. However Celtic did well, dug deep delighted for Turnbull and Oh. Phillips is benefitting from games. Is Varta worth a try as an alternative up front?
The GB and the Board will need to talk, it is the only way to resolve an issue. Actually sooner or later Israel( and the US) will need to talk to the Palestinians as well.

8 months ago
Reply to  BJF

How can Israel (and the US) or anybody else for that matter talk to an entire massive area of corpses? Which is where the Zionsts are gleefully and gloatingly heading. There’ll be nobody left in Gaza soon and the bastards have already intensified their genocidal policy in the West Bank where Hamas don’t even exist. Are you genuinely that naive BJF or are you just taking the piss? Either way it’s not the least bit funny. FREE PALESTINE

Damian Smyth
8 months ago
Reply to  StevieD

We are nearly there but not quite at it . Both Hibs game & St Mirren were strange games something was missing and it seemed to affect the players . I would like to think that the Ultra Groups , the fans & the Board want Celtic to win everytime they play . Divided we fail , United we are unbeatable. Not trying to insult anyone , but what is special about the Palestinian flag . Is Netanyahu going to get up some morning & say , “did u see the flags at Celtic Pk” we have to call truce .
IMO flying Palestinians flags will have the same effect as Rangers giving liquidation the red flag . Our protest would be far more useful distributing leaflet educating people on how to boycott Israeli’s goods & services

the real Anton Rogan
8 months ago
Reply to  Damian Smyth

Ask the people at Aida Celtic what it means to them.

When the world ignores their plight, it must be good to know that somewhere, some people actually care about genocide

8 months ago


8 months ago
Reply to  StevieD

Sorry Stevie D I think if everybody keeps on killing the situation will just stay the same that is naïve . Of course Palestine needs a two state silution. Murdering civilians wherever will not provide a solution.I would love the killing to stop, I hope if you think this through you also would welcome that.

8 months ago
Reply to  BJF

That’s better!

8 months ago
Reply to  BJF

You seriously think a surveillance system that in normal circumstances doesn’t allow a midgie through, on a day when the military were mysteriously stood down for about 8 hours, by a psychopathic bastard who was facing increasing hostility from his own people due to his increasingly undeniable corruption in office, doesn’t smell a bit fishy? Wake up and open your eyes for God’s sake. They’ve already published the plans for the new Zionist paradise once they’ve bulldozed the area of Arab carcasses. How is this so hard for anybody to see? How can you be called antisemitic when the people you’re calling for justice for are just about the only people in the area who could be called semites? The genocidal Zionist maniacs running the show mostly originate from countries like Poland, Ukraine , the US, etc, hardly semites. Wake up. These bastards are savagely oppressing Jews in Israel who disagree with the big plan of which 7th October was the planned spark. Grow up and wake up FFS! One war crime doesn’t justify another more massive – and planned!!! – one.

8 months ago
Reply to  StevieD

Excellent response, Stevie D, good to see someone else is aware of how this was all preplanned by Israel as an excuse for a genocide.

And 10,000 dead innocent civilians isn’t exactly inviting sympathy to their side.

Finalky, since Israel created Hamas I think the events of 7th October were at least partially staged as the logistics of how a dozen guys on hang gliders can parasail into Israel and kidnap 40 of its most beautiful women simply doesn’t add up.

They cross the border to evade security on hang gliders but somehow have jeeps waiting in foreign territory that the IDF border guard failed to notice?

Tbh, I don’t think any of what the Zionists are claiming happened that day happened at all as not a bit of it makes a lick of sense.

8 months ago
Reply to  BJF

Christ did you even read what I said?

8 months ago
Reply to  StevieD

Top comment Stevie

the real Anton Rogan
8 months ago
Reply to  BJF


Isn’t that a shit battery?

8 months ago

A good win against a decent St Mirren side. Could have been by a lot more and again some very curious officiating by one of the foremost honest mistake purveyors. I think the side is building into a solid unit that can play well, grind it out well and occasionally play exceptionally well. All good things. Keep the wins rolling in!

8 months ago

now that we have established hun is sectarian , is still ok?

8 months ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

OK with me

8 months ago

It’s kinda hard to exchange views when certain comments are hooked until round about when the NEXT edition of The Diary is issued and hence rendered useless! When someone takes the time to read and comment, if they so choose, then whilst “moderation” is fine the comment should be added if it’s generally acceptable. Yes?

8 months ago

The Celtic PLC Board, still taking the only road they have ever been down.

Celts 2-0.

Yoker Bhoy
8 months ago

Getting 3 points up in Dingwall is every bit as tricky as achieving a win at Pittodrie, Tynecastle we’ll need a high tempo, a high press and be totally ruthless in front of goal. Mustn’t allow another blip like our poor showing at Easter Road last weekend. I’d like to see Oden Holm get a start as he made an impressive contribution when he came on the other night. This is a young player who, although a bit raw and rough around the edges (I’m sure he’ll have learnt from that daft straight red he took in Rotterdam), has shown he has plenty of dig and competitive spirit as well as good awareness and technical ability.
Malky Mackay will no doubt set his team up defensively but even so, the Staggies still have offensive players such as skilful playmaker Yda Dhanda along with frontrunners Simon Murray and Eamonn Brophy who can cause us plenty of bother so, over the piece, I’d be more than happy to take a narrow win.
It’d be good to see more Palestine flags on display at the away end and, in fact, my only gripe is that not too many other fans (football or other sports) from around the world have taken our lead in order to condemn the sick slaughter in Gaza that is being systematically carried out by the Israelis on a daily basis. This kind of protest is not so much political as humanitarian, pure and simple. Enough is enough.

8 months ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Exactly! It’s a case of being pro-humanity or not. If you’re a Zionist you’re not pro-humanity and we’re as well all chucking it. The founders of Zionism were atheists and their acolytes dont represent Judaism any more than these bastards in Westminster represent me. I know know how indignant I feel about these Fascist bastards that claim the UK stands with Israel. Sunak and Starmer will burn in hell.

8 months ago
Reply to  StevieD

They claimed to be atheists but were in fact Satanists, with some Luciferians.

Either way, they both worship the same guy in what they call ‘the old religion’ which stems back to the mystery schools of the ancient Egyptian occult. .

8 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

You’re more educated than me on this Gringo but I think we’re basically on the same page. Zionists are evil.

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