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Celtic Diary Tuesday October 31: The Suspicion Of Bias

Regular readers of this irregular page will be well aware of previous mentions of a perception of bias towards one or two officials in the Scottish game.


Events over the last weekend suggest that we have moved from a perception to a suspicion where at least two officials are concerned.


The actions of John Beaton and Alan Muir when they tried to catch the eye of this month’s manager at Ibrox, the likeable if somewhat gullible Phillipe Clement, were as predictable as they were dishonest.



As we have moved from a perception to a suspicion, action must now be taken by wither the clubs, the media or the authorities.


As I think we can discount the latter two in this instance, it’s down to the clubs.


And let’s face it, hopes aren’t high there either.



Which leaves you and me.


Which may actually in itself a subconscious nod to the readership figures….



It’s time to call for an investigation, which is the right course of action when there is a suspicion of wrongdoing, and that means a thorough investigation of all the actions of both Beaton and Muir, to ascertain whether or not they are


a) subject to influence, conscious or otherwise, that is affecting their performance in a position of responsibility




b) shite referees.



It would be improper for them to be handed further matches whilst such an investigation is taking place, so I’d also push for them to be suspended, without pay, until such an investigation is complete.



As not only their careers are at stake, this investigation is casting doubt on the honesty and integrity of both men, then it would also be improper not to consider all the evidence and sift carefully through it before coming to the correct conclusion.



Such a task could take a while, and I’d suggest at least five years as a starting point.



Whilst clubs, the media and the authorities will turn a blind eye once more, every phone in, every letters page and every blog should carry the message that enough is enough, and it’s time to hold those who at the very least are guilty of incompetence to account, and I’m sure the men themselves will welcome the opportunity to show that they are indeed honest men who make honest mistakes.




Back at the ranch, and there have been mumblings and grumblings since the Atletico Madrid draw that perhaps the manager isn;t as good as we thought he was, and some of the players, well, what are they even doing here ?



During the Atletico game, Rodgers made a susbstition or two that altered the way Celtic were playing, and playing well.


That raised a few eyebrows, especially as Celtic had been performing very well indeed, and a win against the group favourites was looking to be on the cards.


then Rodgers seemed to lose a little bit of faith, and pulled it in a bit, bringing on a defender for a forward.



It’s not hard to see the thinking behind this, he had simply decided that a third loss in three games would have shattered the players confidence, given how well they had played in the campaign so far.



Whilst not a win in the sense of the result, off the pitch he may well have secured an important victory.



Mind you, it was surprising to see him continue with that tactic against Hibernian



A second draw has brought new life into the launderette business, as thousand of fans rush out to clean their wetted pants.



It’s a marathon, not a sprint.



Where we are domestically, still in the running for an invincible league campaign, and in Europe, not out of the running yet, is something we’d all have taken during the honeymoon period of the Second Coming, and there are one or two signs that Rodgers is a better manager and coach than he was the first time around, when a crucifixion probably wouldn’t have been out of place for the man in some people’s eyes.



Yesterday, the manager spoke of his plans for January….



It is more quality than quantity, for me,” 

“I think there will be more out than coming in. I think there will be players who will be here for six months and won’t have played.


Like I’ve said before, it is no fault of them. The squad is obviously a lot bigger than I would want. So, I think there will be more players who will look to go out and get game time.

“And of course, hopefully over the coming windows we can look to improve the quality of the squad.

“Listen, we have enough – what I would say – development players. I think it is clear. And I love that, it is what I have done all my life is work with those players. But you certainly need ones that can come in [and make an immediate impact].

“We already have a number of those development players, so it is genuine quality we hope we can bring in across the coming windows.

“Your squads are 25, which is 22 plus three goalkeepers. It is not ideal. I think there were younger players that were going to come in and see how they develop.

“Then there was the notion, which I know for sure was the case, that there were some guys that were thinking of leaving before I came in. Then obviously a new manager comes in and there can be a change of heart. They don’t leave, they stay and that is how your squad ends up where it is at.

“So, it is that mixture between players coming in to develop and ones that decided to stay and not move on. But I think over the course of the next couple of windows we’ll get the squad down to a workable group.”


He added a little bit after that that maybe gave us a pointer as to who will be going….



Just after the window shut it was a case of speaking then to some of the players that didn’t get out.

“I said, listen let’s see how we go over the course of the next six months. If it doesn’t quite work out with game time then, of course, we’ll look at it in January.

“Some of those players have had game time, and will be happy, and there will be others that feel they will want to play.” 



We all have an opinion on who we think won’t make it at Celtic, but since the manager will have formed his after speaking to the players after watching them since the start of the season, I’d argue he is better placed to make that call, and not those of us who scream at someone from the touchline or the sofa…..



If this were to be a sort of mid term report on the manager since he returned, which it isn’t, then I’d have to say so far so good, and the foundations have been laid for a move up to the next level on the park.



There is no reason to suggest that this won’t be the plan come January.



Well, not many.



So let’s just wait and see.






Finally, if i may, I’d like to pass  my condolences to the friends and family of James Doleman, a friend and counsel for many years, who passed away after illness earlier this week.



He’ll be missed, and those who knew him will agree that when they made James, they broke the mould.



Rest in Peace.

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John McDermott
8 months ago

Sorry to hear James has passed away, thoughts and prayers with his family.

8 months ago

I go with the ‘ so far so good,’ mantra for Rodger’s return. I once saw something very rare at Celtic Park, a poor performance from Paul McStay. It was after an away European performance. I got in my head then we often struggle after a demanding mid week game. Should we have rested Maeda, Kyogo, Palma, some of the midfield for the Hibs game, who knows?
Re officials, the club should formally ask that Rangers be restricted to a minimum of two penalties per game, at least that would be honest.

8 months ago

Firstly I would also like to express my condolences to James’ family and friends. I never knew him personally but I enjoyed his content on twitter.

I said on here after the Killie league cup defeat that Muir was worth a watching and sadly if not surprisingly he has confirmed my thoughts. I’m not sure who the VAR was at Killie that day might it have been Beaton? But those pair are as bad as they come.

Everyone will have seen the foul by McCausland prior to the “penalty” which Beaton somehow saw as an infringement the other way. Reminiscent of the push by Sima for his goal against Livi. One that delighted Martindale.

Now the penalty, yes I’ve seen them given and might have been screaming for it were it a Celtic player. But how many of these go on in the box in every game and how often are they given? And in a game were a team have already been awarded a pen it almost never happens that they get two. I’m sure there are very knowledgeable people out there with the stats on how many teams in the premiership have been awarded multiple pens in a match, who was the last team outside of sevco? And how often has it happened for each team. I’m sure those stats would be interesting. Alan Muir doing his very best again.

And his sidekick Beaton? 9 minutes of added time, was it a dirty match, several injuries? Didn’t see the game but I’d say given all the games I’ve seen this season 9 mins seems “unusual”.

The usual apologists are out in force, nothing to see here timmy, just accept your lot in life.

Well we see you Muir, Beaton, McLean and the rest. Question is what the feck do our board see?

Next time Muir is officiating at a Celtic match we should all let him know his character.

8 months ago
Reply to  Mcklintop

It’s pretty obvious that “they” practice “how to get a penalty” from the eager to oblige referee.
They instigate contact in the box by sticking their leg against the legs of the defender and obviously this brings the desired effect, giving the ref his excuse for awarding a penalty.
The problem in the Hearts match was Tavpen missing the one awarded as per the description above…so now the ref is thinking “WTF am I gonna do now? I can’t make it too obvious and gie them another one”.
Up steps the brain dead Hearts player who MUST know that pulling the shirt so clearly in the area is only gonna result in a penalty…..I’m really SUSPICIOUS about this, and I wouldn’t be surprised if….’.
Well only once in my life have I seen a team in Scotland get 4 penalties in a match (Huns v St Mirren). For me that was a dry run to see if their new “stick your leg out” tactic to help their 12th man make his decision was gonna be successful….and successful it is.
Last season they tried it in one of the Euro matches….but the ref didn’t fall for it.

Woof Charlie
8 months ago

James Doleman rest in peace lovely article on his life link posted by Captain Haggerty on Twitter. If someone does links that open it’s an inspiring read.

The Cha
8 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I don’t do X but assume this is the article Angela wrote (remove space after ‘thedrum’)

thedrum .com/opinion/2023/10/31/obituary-remembering-my-colleague-james-dolemans-pioneering-court-reporting

8 months ago

I could see the point of bringing Phillips on last Wednesday as we were getting played around and through too easily.
I could feel a third goal coming for Athletico as the team tired but bringing him on narrowed the space between the defenders and they rarely threatened after that.
As for Phillips as a player, deary me.
Bernado I thought was also playing too far inside leaving Taylor exposed two on one.

8 months ago

Shocked and saddened to hear about James Doleman, the coverage he provided of the biggest scandal in European sport was invaluable in keeping us informed. This will never be forgotten, his legacy lives on. Condolences to all affected by his passing, may he rest in peace.

8 months ago

This is a big season for the ucl money and everything in Scottish football will be put in our way to not qualify, sfa,spfl, refs etc. how can Sevco who were liquidated have so much power in the Scottish game today. It can only be dealt with if and it is a massive if our board starts causing eruptions and keep doing it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Frankie

They can’t do any of it due to being hamstrung by their clandestine part in the 5 Way Agreement that has clearly handed all of the power in Scottish fitba over to the charlatans from Ibrox and their refereeing frat boys.

The board will happily ban 200 Celtic supporters but won’t let out a peep about the cheating, the corruption, glass in the goalmouth, their employees being bottled or kicked off the park and their careers threatened by thugs masquerading as footballers.

The board won’t say one word about any of this outrage as they’re too busy using the club as a cash cow and only enjoy acting like big shots when they’re either banning the Celtic support or grassing them up to the coppers.

Doug McLean
8 months ago

Genuinely gutted to hear about James Doleman. I left Twitter some time ago so this is the first I’d heard of it. He was genuinely THE nicest guy on that platform and his tweets always cheered me up as well as all his courtroom insights. Rest in Peace with those cats of yours big man.

Tenaka Khan
8 months ago

First of all I was saddened to hear of the passing of James Doleman, having enjoyed his Tweets for years. His wit and instilled be missed.
Regarding BR’s substitutions against Atletico, it was absolutely obvious that Simeone had us sussed within five minutes of the resumption. It was a sensible change and as soon as they went down to ten men Philips stepped forward nd delivered quite a few telling forward passes.

8 months ago

Waiting for Ann Budge to make an official complaint to the powers that be on how her team were beaten by the officials. Call for an inquiry. Review the very odd penalty record of the basket of assets versus the rest. Oh wait even we don’t do that so I suppose we will all just keep moving along

Honest Hoops
8 months ago

Corruption officiating has been rife in Scotland as far back as I can remember, they were many exposures in the past, madden being a one example with his season ticket for £1brox, but they took his word that he is impartial when it comes to officiating…eh..okay then! .. another example was farry deliberately delaying cadetes registration before the game against them and then we have George Peat (sfa president) celebrating in the the stands when they scored against us …there is adequate evidence of corruption in which to launch an external football governing body…who can be appointed to investigate and be impartial without a guiding handshake…I refrain from holding my breath!

Damian Smyth
8 months ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops

We will never have an investigation into the quality of our referees and VAR operators , simply because referees & VAR Operators are following instructions perfectly. Has Crawford Allan commented on any VAR / referee decision since the introduction of VAR , if he has it certainly has been very seldom which shows how happy & content Crawford is

8 months ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops

I’ll add to that:-

Dougie, Dougie
Hugh Dallas
Hugh Dallas
Referee strike
Hugh Dallas
Hugh Dallas

8 months ago


well done celtic.

The Cha
8 months ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Hun troll alert.

8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

“Martin O’Neil is in agreement, is he also a hun? So, are you suggesting that anyone who disagrees with CHAv is automatically labeled as a ‘hun’? That’s quite a simplistic view, isn’t it? get some better patter hen.

8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Martin O’Neil agrees, is he a hun? Does disagreement with Cha,v automatically make Celtic supporters hunz? The goonz can and when they get there …

8 months ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Martin O’Neill also still talks about ‘The Old Firm’ as though it’s still an extant entity.

So though I doubt he’s a Hun he’s proven by this that he’s more than happy to play along with the Survival Lie to keep the media money rolling in.

As for you, Dickie, I don’t think you’re a Hun but I do think there’s a strong stink of Bhun about you.

Do you know what a Bhun is?

8 months ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Martin O’Neill also still talks about ‘The Old Firm’ as though it’s still an extant entity.

So though I doubt he’s a Hun he’s proven by this that he’s more than happy to play along with the Survival Lie to keep the media money rolling in.

As for you, I don’t think you’re a Hun but I do think there’s a strong smell of Bhun off you.

Do you know what a Bhun is?

8 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

We scored two excellent goals and bagged all three points last night. I thought the atmosphere was absolutely fantastic.

8 months ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

But that doesn’t make you less of a Bhun, D1ckie.

8 months ago
Reply to  Gringo


8 months ago

My deepest condolences to the family and friends of James Doleman and with great thanks to James’ memory for his work.

The Cha
8 months ago

Some good articles on Video Celts calling out the Celtic board.

videocelts .com/category/blogs/latest-news

Glasgow councillor totally demolishes lies that the council were threatening to close part of ground.

‘Together for peace’ Ukraine fine but not for Palestine. Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury, raise the double standard.

A fake Green Brigade ‘spokesman’ on Talksports, who could only fool the terminally deluded.

Celtic Trust’s repudiation of this moral panic and latest folk devils and calling it out.

Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury, raise the double standard.

Damian Smyth
8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Should we believe an unnamed Glasgow City Council.
Even if he was named should we believe him . After all City Councillors are Politicians and everytime a Politician’s lips move he is telling lies .
We have the Rangers2012, their SMSM are always quick to call out the Celtic Board as liars but I prefer to give Celtic Board benefit of doubt until they are proved otherwise

8 months ago
Reply to  Damian Smyth

When did the MSM call the Celtic board liars?

8 months ago
Reply to  The Cha


People want to go to watch kyogo score a hat trick or hart save a penalty, not have their eyes bleed looking at political sh,ite. btw quoting a politican is the last refuge of the cowboy. rules is rules.

good riddance

8 months ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

The GB can behave like d1cks at times but who are worse, the GB with a few unruly moments or the useless parasitic board that refuse to invest for Europe every year for 20 years while outrageously filling their own pockets?

I’d say the board are not only fuds of the lowest order but are the antithesis of the very founding principles of Celtic Football Club.

So you, D1ckie, need to get your priorities straight.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gringo
Droopy McCool
8 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

You’re comparing two different issues, nobody is saying the board are perfect, but the only issue with their ban on the gb is that it’s well overdue.

8 months ago

RIP James Doleman.

If Robinson concentrated on getting something out of the game instead of his wanton tactic of time wasting, I would be the first to admire his management.

There is no doubt that he knew firsthand that Beaton would happily oblige today.

Illusion of memory:
Our Board shall invest in quality players come the January window.

8 months ago

Wrt the Kyogo penalty call…

VAR have learnt their lesson from the sevco FC game played on the weekend just gone.


They cheap bassas at the SFA have been revealed in rinsing the teething rings from impurities.

8 months ago

Whacking your fingers in your ears. Is David Turnbull after a chair on the Board?

8 months ago

Relieved to get the win last night as Sevco clearly now have the entirety of Scottish fitba working on their behalf as yet another penalty last night proved.

I won’t be surprised to see them getting 3 penalties in two games all the way to Christmas as the bawbag lacking board sit back in their comfy chairs and refuse to call it out for the blatant cheating it is.

See what happens when you sign your club away to a secret agreement?

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