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Celtic Diary Wednesday September 27: Who’ll Stop The Pain ?

With an enforced break ahead of the trip to Fir Park on Saturday, a match yet…scheduled for Sky Sports, the manager may well look at trying a few things ahead of the second UCL game against Lazio.


He doesn’t really have much of a choice. We’ve got Liam Scales in central defence and that’s it.


Tokima Iwata can play there, and may start against Motherwell, as indeed might Tony Ralston.



Perhaps it’s just as well the game isn’t on telly.


Motherwell have started the season brightly, sitting third behind St Mirren and Celtic and ahead of the mighty “rangers “, and can count themselves unlucky to have lost at Ibrox last week where they came upon an in form Alan Muir who stamped his influence on the game and helped secure the points for the under pressure Glasgow minnows.



He failed to spot this….





Though he did spot the second incident, bending the rules a little to award the foul instead of allowing play to continue and VAR to check the legitimacy of any outcome.


Combined with the imaginative decision making by John Beaton at the Tony Macaroni stadium, one is tempted to think that there was an attempt to influence the results in favour of one club/company.



As yet, no one from Celtic has spoken out, and since the general opinion of other clubs is that the “ugly sisters ” get a the breaks, this isn’t going to get any better any time soon.


And with “rangers ” desperate to remain in the title race, their piss poor manager needs all the help he can get. They can;t afford to sack him and let’s be honest, for the salary and working environment on offer, any replacement would have to be dumber than the hole in a cows arse.



Kenny Miller - Player profile | Transfermarkt



Though there does seem to be a late entrant up to the post for this particular donkey derby….



The Rangers Review claims;


Barry Ferguson has warned the Rangers squad they cannot hide behind Michael Beale as he demanded they start producing on the pitch. 


” I said it, there’s got to be a collective responsibility,” 

“I get the manager signs the players and coaches them, picks the starting XI, but the players can’t hide behind the manager. Once you cross that white line, It’s on you to produce the goods.

“You can’t play well all the time, I totally get that, but one thing is that if you are not playing well, you try and grind results out. As I said, there’s no excuses now.

“They’ve been here long enough. They understand the expectations and demands of playing with Rangers and now need to start producing the goods on the pitch.” 



That’s a very clever take from Ferguson, not stabbing Beale in the back absolves him of undermining Beale, in the way Beale undermined van Bronckhurst.



Beale is a dead man walking, how soon that particular stroll is over could even be tonight, should Livingston put them out of the Cup, though that’s unlikely.


Their manager is also eyeing up the Ibrox hotseat , and won’t want to upset anyone over there.



And they are upset, perhaps to the point where they will explode….







Reality is biting, they’re not very good, and all of those first choice sigings in their great rebuild are showing why they chose “rangers ” instead of waiting to see what else was on offer.


Put simply, they didn’t have,  and weren’t expecting to have, any other offers.



But enough of them, I only mention it because the desperation to keep them relevant is going to have a knock on effect for us, wild tackles that go unpunished, for instance, lead to serious injury, and we should be pointing this out to the authorities on that basis alone.



Not that any of this matters, as Celtic are doomed to finish second anyway….



Here you go…the debut of the Projected League Table for the 23-24 season.

*Five teams have fewer Expected Goals Allowed than Celtic…if they fix that – expect them to overtake Rangers in projections

*St Johnstone is bad but won’t be 19 points bad.   







Whilst it’s admirable they are trying to keep their spirits up, this has to be one of the biggest piles of poo poo ever to grace the internet.


Or anywhere else, for that matter.




These computer models and projections are put together by multi millionaires who have made their money through carefully placed bets.


Aren’t they ?



Well, here’s mine. Here’s how it’s going to end up.







Back at the ranch, and Reo Hatate should join Tony Ralston in agreeing a new deal this week.



Which more or less wraps up the core from the Postecoglou side.



We’re going to get better, and a little more streetwise as this season goes on, and in that sense it’s imperative we qualify for European football after christmas.



That’s the plan, at least, and Rodgers knows that’s how the support will judge him come May.



He’s just getting his feet under the table, and already we’ve seen improvement in a couple of players, and the beginnings of a new style that just might take us to the next level.



Celtic haven’t been serious contenders in Europe since the turn of the century….that feels longer than it actually is, but also sort of sums it up, and before that we’re back to the days of Jock Stein.



Well, at least before Desmond White got his hands on the club.



Every step Stein took forward, White pulled us back a couple, eventually leading to near insolvency.



Whilst that turned out alright, there’s still a part of me that wonders what would have happened had Stein been backed by his board in the way ours has backed the last couple of managers…..



Caption time, and on Monday we had this….



May be an image of speaker




 1 day ago

Caption – I don’t blame Hart, the wall just collapsed! 










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9 months ago

“ I’d wonder do they have a Gers shirt not this plain one without a badge.”
Ralph you have had a couple of slaps recently but today you are spot on. Rodger’s is increasingly getting the team to play his way. I preferred Ange’s style but 3 years might have reduced its effectiveness. Brendan is a good coach and his players will appreciate that. Motherwell and St Mirren are our main challengers but the size of their squad will make life difficult, onwards and upwards.

9 months ago

Comment – Miller looks forwards at his new retirement home for heartbroken, deluded bears.

Last edited 9 months ago by BornCelt!
the real Anton Rogan
9 months ago

Shocking scenes on the High Street as mutilated blue tit is handed into the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals.

Motherwell game is on their PPV channel. It won’t be on sky.

9 months ago

VAR official stated that he definitely didn’t see any foul committed by Tav (pen) as he was looking at the other penalty box at the time

9 months ago

I’ll show them. Naebdy will ever accuse me o’ walkin’ away again !

9 months ago

Some are just too dumb to protect.

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
9 months ago

Caption: the new ranger’s ‘we don’t do walking away’ strip unveiled

9 months ago

Caption …the bears look for a new revenue stream , and Sammy Tennants saves a few quid on his top …

9 months ago

Haven’t had time to read the full Diary but I saw the 2 clips. Why TF don’t Motherwell put in an official complaint? Or Celtic as it’s also against us? FFS, when Tavpen dives he even thanks Muir as he gets up for yet another ‘solid’ for the brothers.
I can just never get used to nor accept this but what does a supporter do here?

Woof Charlie
9 months ago

Caption: Like most of them his head isn’t screwed on right.

9 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Ha, Ha, Belter!

9 months ago

Martindale denies having his head turned by the potential empty manager’s seat at Govan Zoo…..

9 months ago

Limited edition “the rangers are coming” jersey, even when going backwards the taigs will still see us coming. Price £169.00 but can be purchased for £70 if you sign up to MyGers (£169.00).

9 months ago


Papa, won’t you take me in?

9 months ago

The Rangers are coming/going.

9 months ago

Caption : ‘Ma, remember you told me that all Rangers fans are half-baked? Well now I believe you’.

9 months ago

Shoulda gone ti Specsavers

9 months ago

Caption – Dangerous owners of XL Bully’s start handing themselves in to be neutered at RSPCA centres up and down the country.

Michael Annis
9 months ago

Caption. Damn, they won’t even take my top.

9 months ago

“Lack of reflection proves zombie theory”

George Lazenbhoy
9 months ago

This isn’t a caption, just a question. Why the rspca have a dining table in their front window?

9 months ago

In case anyone fancies a dog dinner?

9 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Royal Society for the Protection of Chinese Aliens.

Woof Charlie
9 months ago

So you can sample the rabbits that have gone over the rainbow bridge.

Griff Cain
9 months ago

Caption in my best Aretha Franklin: RSPCA, that’s what Rangers do to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me

9 months ago

Caption: Granda, I like this green bag.
Does that mean when I grow up I’ll be a Celtic supporter?

9 months ago

“Back at the ranch, and Reo Hatate should join Tony Ralston in agreeing a new deal this week.”
If that’s been the cause of some mysterious Reo performances and pans out it’s terrific news. An effective Reo helps our team tick, no doubt about that. Tony Ralston is no Danny McGrain but he’s a decent player, he’s Scottish and, best of all he’s a Tim.
Oh, and he kept that wee shit Neymar quiet at Parkheid to such an extent the wee shit wouldn’t shake Tony’s hand at the end of the match. Good on ye Tony!

The Cha
9 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

Not for me, all these, largely unneccessary contract extensions are a diversionary activity from the lack of quality signings, which were needed after last season’s CL failings.

This was then compounded by big losses and injuries and still no quality additions.

We’re simply increasing the resale value of some players and ensuring that lesser players are still around when the former are sold.

This is the model/process and is the antithesis of improving in Europe.

We pay £18m more than Feyenoord in wages but have a squad valued at little more than half their’s. Yes, the latter is subjective but is damning for me.

As long as we can turnover a penny for players then points in the CL aren’t even a bonus for our ‘smartest guys in the room’.

Damian Smyth
9 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

I think most supporters want us to have 2 players for every position, We need a first team player who managers knows when he is in top form will help team to do better,The 2nd player for that position will in a team playing at Celtic’s level will know what the manager needs from him & will be able to do that until first team player is ready for selection. Ralston is as near as possible to the perfect back -up good crosser of ball, comes up with important goals & goal line clearings . He really loves Celtic & is vital to our successful squad . We know he isn’t a Juranovic or Alastair Johnstone but he is much loved & needed by Celtic fans

9 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Very fair and valid points, Cha, but we are where we are and the coach and crew can only work with what they have and after todays results I think we can all agree that they’re doing not too shabby a job of it.

But, aye, still, Lawwells OUT!


Woof Charlie
9 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

I always thought the other, less obvious reason for an extension was it bumps up a transfer fee, no?

9 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Cha/Woof, I see, and largely agree with, your points re extending contracts to maintain/increase transfer values but it also gives the player an improved contract and may help to keep him at the club. The fact that the PLC does it with only profit in mind doesn’t remove the positives I mention. Reo will be the one to watch here if it all gets sorted as he’s the one who ‘lost it’ in games to such an extent I thought he was ‘cracking up’ and the transfer window may have played with his mind. As always in life, time will tell and I hope it’s positive for Celtic supporters as opposed to those in the Boardroom who are nothing of the kind. However, bringing in Phillips until January is hard to fathom. Why bring in someone who’s not fit when we’re desperate. A move for Eric Dier would have been a much better option and shown some ambition but that’ll be the PLCs fault. AGAIN. I kept saying on here and elsewhere that we needed a ‘keeper to challenge Big Joe for No 1 spot and I think that’s still the case.
Tough game on Saturday.

9 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

Excellent comment, TT, and it was indeed a tough game, so feckin tough I felt like I wanted to claw my eyes out til the 87th minute.

Then, a mere 10 minutes later, I felt like I’d watched one of the most exhilarating unforgettable Celtic performances I’d ever seen in my entire life and after 50 years there’s been a few.

A magnificent victory, and a crusher for the Huns as well, in a game that had 0-0 written all over it till 3 minutes from time.

Then the Sheep humped the Huns 3-1 at Ibrox! 😀

Hail Hail, mucker.

Same to every other true Tim out there who’s learned how to overcome their ain daft prejudices.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gringo
9 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

That was the night I fell in love with the brickie as he had that cheating little shite chewing crud for months after.

Haha, well done, Tony, always a joy to see one of us become a proper Bhoy on the park, especially against cheating diving tax evading ray pist cvnts like Neymar.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gringo
The Cha
9 months ago

re the Rangers Report multi-mullyinair data anal cyst projection that we’ll finish simply the 2nd best.

I’d cut this guy slack, as 2 years ago when we were mid-table after a terrible start and seemingly going nowhere, he was predicting a Celtic league win.

He also seems resigned that we’ll correct our, er, data issues and end up winning again.

BTW I’ll need to be kinder on CbN if these guys are rolling in it. 🙂

The Cha
9 months ago

Caption – wean “stupid, stupid Hun”, starts singing “‘Brendan’s back with a plan and he’s brought a bag of cans’ and so huv I”

9 months ago

The fans who do nazi salutes while waving Israel flags

9 months ago

Caption:-wish the vet wid hurry up and gie ma maw her distemper jag.

9 months ago

Who will the SFA/SPFL wheel out to reinsure all to move on for the good of the game.

VAR within Scottish Football is corrupt.

9 months ago
Reply to  portpower


9 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Re ass ure will.

9 months ago

Permanent dress code for new Ibrox expansions.

Honest Hoops
9 months ago

Caption; FFS, my ma tumble dried my top and all the badges have disappeared..

Woof Charlie
9 months ago

The irony for me is that Scottish refs would have been right behind VAR. Why? Because without it they wouldn’t ref a Euros or World Cup finals game again. But what have they got? A showreel of either incompetence or bias (UEFAs/FIFAs choice). So farewell business class and 5 star hotels and hello, hello Kilwinning bowling club sportsman’s dinners. All you deserve.

The Cha
9 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I don’t think that is true.

They were using VAR in CL/EL games before it was used in Scotland.

Bizarrely, I believe, they didn’t get gigs at World Cups and Euro Champs because they were sh.. and they know they are.

9 months ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I saw the *rangers v Livingston match…Gollum outdid Muir. At 0-0 after 10 minutes
he ignored a push in the back of the Livi defender that grounded him and let the *rangers
player have a clear run into the box and score.
The commentators were astounded because it was so blatant and one of them said “VAR has to
look at that and call the ref to the monitor, surely that’s what VAR was introduced for?”.
But the VAR official didn’t intervene. You may as well hand *rangers the League Cup now, because
the officials are gonna give them every game changing decision. It stinks.

9 months ago
Reply to  Funkyy

I wrote here that the League Cup has the Huns’ name on it the day we got scudded by Kilmarnock, as they need it to keep ahead of us in the trophy count but also to keep Mickey Mooth in a job.

But if he screws up elsewhere before then they might use that as the excuse to get rid of him or, in Warburton parlance, ‘left by mutual agreement’ (sic).

Tam Mcondie
9 months ago


A rep(robate) from the Union of Onion Bears goes to complain to the RSPCA
that Celtic FC are causing bears to have sore heads and that they don`t
now know if they are coming or going.

9 months ago


Doughball knows there’s something not quite right about that ‘lovely blue top’ his missus bought him.

9 months ago

 1 day ago
Awaiting for approval

Martindale denies having his head turned by the potential empty manager’s seat at Govan Zoo…..’

I vote for this one.

Even if it is somehow still visible while ‘Awaiting For Approval’ (sic).

9 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Doughball & JimBob don’t like it.

Boo hoo hoo.

9 months ago

” and the tims think our heids are buttoned up the back” ..said Sammy from Larkhall.

9 months ago

Reo has signed a 5 year deal.

9 months ago
Reply to  portpower

BRILLIANT, cheers port!
Now Reo, get back to your best and feel the love of Celtic supporters, it’s a love like no other!

9 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Hopefully that’ll cheer him up as his face has been tripping him all summer since Ange left.

9 months ago


JimBob attempts to show his good pal Doughball just how backward his thinking is.

Thru and thru
9 months ago

Caption -if only they’d take me in

9 months ago
Reply to  Thru and thru

I wrote that for the caption the other day and now have 10 Dislikes for it, as you can see below, though Doughball has freely admitted that it’s himself & his petty sidekick JimBob logging out then logging back in so they can hate me all over again multiple times a day.

And now that I’ve wrote this Ralph will give you the prize for the same quite as my own.

Won’t be the first time, eh, Ralphie 😀

Thru and thru
9 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Gringo sorry if I’m repeating your caption entry. I’ll change mine to – the guy out of breaking bad stoops to an all time low. Anyway I’m proud of the bhoys yesterday for keeping at it and rather proud of the dandy dons too it must be said. I’m away to gloat.

9 months ago
Reply to  Thru and thru

No problem, mucker, that one’s a lot better anyway 🙂


9 months ago

Once again Celtic show that they can be down but they’re never out. Who could have predicted those last few minutes at Motherwell? When Motherwell equalized I could just imagine the media
starting to type their “*rangers are coming” drivel and then their tears when Matt O’Reilly scored the winner. They forgot that “We never stop” never stopped lol.

Meanwhile money must be getting critically tight over at Mordor as they sack, make redundant. pay off, demote, get rid of (choose whichever one fits) their recruitment staff. The Daily Rancid tries to put a gloss on it by reporting “the Ibrox side were ramping up their shake up by culling swathes of their scouting department as they move towards a more video and data-led operation”

In other words they’re cutting the wage bill. So they’ll have some clueless guy (Beale?) sitting at a computer surfing the internet lol.

9 months ago
Reply to  Funkyy

John Brown was the only one kept on.

In an ‘ambassadorial’ role! 😀

John Brown!!! 😀 😀 😀

9 months ago


Ffs Bhoys, well played.

9 months ago

Half-time at AyeBrokes…*rangers 0 Aberdeen 1….and the crowd let rip with
their new song, easy for them to remember the lyrics since it only contains one
word….”BOOOOOO” .

9 months ago

With about 5 mins to go of the 90 I remarked to my wife that “top teams find a way to grind out a win”. Well fukk me, nothing could’ve prepared me for THAT finish. When Palma scores that cracking goal you just think, right lhads see it out. But it’s Celtic we’re watching and more drama is needed. I still can’t believe what I saw with my own eyes.
Magic, just MAGIC!
And the whole shower of OBs from the SFA to the meedja and everything in between end up screaming, scratching and scunnered! Hell slap it intae thum!
And Gollum tried every snide trick in the book the little scumbag. RI teacher?
But, e.g. Spencer should’ve been off before half-time the dirty twat and then tries to cripple Taylor whose sublime cross and MOR’s classy finish won it for us!
Hail! Hail! tae THAT from one very, very happy Tim.
Great time to complain about reffing Lawwell? Are you listening? Naw, thought not.

9 months ago

And the Good News Bears keep giving…70mins 2-0 for Aberdeen,
and *rangers down to 10 men after a double yellow. This is turning out
to be a great weekend.

9 months ago

6 minutes left…*rangers 1 Aberdeen 3.hahahahahahahaha

Yoker Bhoy
9 months ago

Don’t usually drink much but, believe me, it’s a huge effort for me to try and hit the right keys for this post. What a day! With our beloved bar owner celebrating the 25th anniversary of his establishment and offering free drinks galore, living what we’ve lived through during that Motherwell game and with the sheep sticking it to the huns at their own horrible shithole, this is one I’ll remember for the rest of my days, Matt O’Reilly – what a player!

9 months ago

Hahaha…Boo…hahaha…Booy Wooy…hahaha.
O`the huns are shite.

sevco rappelling FC.

9 months ago

Big empty spaces long before the end at Ayebrokes as the “loyal” fans do walking away.
Beale must stay. Beale must stay.
What a great weekend this has turned out to be.

9 months ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Looks like he’s been forced to do walking away.


9 months ago

Not much to add to what the Bhoys here have already said, a stunning finish by Luis Luis and big Mattie O compounded by the Dons humping the Huns and the rare as hens teeth sight of a red card being shown to the home side at Ibrox 😀

Cos that’s the Celtic I grew up with, proving ‘We Never Stop’ did NOT originate with the big Aussie fella and this is a day that will live long in the memory.


Woof Charlie
9 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Yip as stated on Sportscene the last minute winners over the past few seasons are a decades old tradition. Not luck just superior fitness and sticking to the game plan.

9 months ago

Question for DoughBob & Jim …

Would you refer to a scaffolding as a temporary frontage to be beautified or a cold hard erection to be mounted?

The Cha
9 months ago

The Beeb taking our win with all the good grace they casn muster:

“Injury-time chaos ends with Celtic beating Motherwell”

“Chaos” not drama, excitement etc.

Don’t get annoyed and instead enjoy the sweet taste of their sour grapes and bile that chokes them.

9 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

They also keep saying Palma’s excellent goal was an attempted cross.

They just cannot stop themselves with the anti Celtic bias.

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