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Celtic Diary Tuesday April 18: We Can Work It Out

By now, the methodology of Ange Postecoglou should have become apparent to most of us.


We haven’t had a manager so absolutely consumed with the job…with it, not by it…..since the days of Stein and possibly McNeill. By consumed I mean verging on being a control freak, but not by any stretch of the imagination in a bad way.



Managers can be control freaks, but only if they know how to manage.




I think we can safely say, for example, that he’s already not only identified the next round of signings, the ones that will give the team a boost for the knockout stages of European competition next season, whilst carrying us over the line domestically without sacrificing quality.



One name that has surfaced is Ryotaro Ito, which confirms after the signing of Oh that the boss is even helping fans who have players names on their shirts by keeping the cost down…..








A Japanese player who can take a free kick……where have we seen that before ?




If you remember Ange said he sits down with players to make sure they are happy, and to do that he asks where they see their future. If there are one or two players thinking of moving on, or if Ange has made that decision for them, this is the kind of player who will come in.



Maybe even the player who will come in.




It may well be lazy to just name any decent Japanese player as a possible target, but it is a market the manager knows well, and with a few already here, adapting to Scottish and European life becomes easier for each new addition, and the added bonus is that they are given a few months to get settled and get an appetite for playing instead of being thrown in before they’ve even moved in.



That’s what I mean by management…..every little aspect is covered.



Including, as this clip shows, the youth development, which some might argue is being neglected.




Over the next six to twelve months……presumably he means at Celtic, another indicator of where he sees his future, despite the media narrative that he’ll be off to England at the first opportunity.




An example of someone coming through the ranks and staying for his entire career is James Forrest, who broke into the team many, many years ago.



He displaced fan favourite….at least until he left….Aiden McGeady, himself once seen as the next big thing, at least until he opted to play for Ireland.



Forrest went on to win enough trophies and medals to earn a place amongst club legends, even though he never even got his own song.



Perhaps we took him for granted, but he is an example of a one club man, rare enough these days, and not only have the club looked after him with his final contract, someone has negotiated a big bucks deal for his image rights to be used abroad as a major road safety feature…..







(Thanks to Johnny Scotland on Twitter for spotting this )




Elsewhere, and Joey Barton (remember him ? has thrown his hat into the ring for the vacant Hearts job.



He’s still doing his own PR, and some might laugh at his claim that ;



“If the powers had got rid of Warburton and stuck by me, they would have won 55 a lot sooner than they did under Gerrard. 



but you have got to admire his determination.



Indeed, he might just be the very thing to fire up Hearts, and even the rest of the league , because if clubs like that keep hiring the same people from the same managerial merry go round, they are going to get the same results…..



A wee bit of freshness from Hearts could be just the very inspiration to lift the other clubs enough to really put some pressure on the new club over at Ibrox, and highlight the perception of bias among those who run our game.




We need, for example, more officials like this one, who seems to have decided to keep evryone happy…..




then again, there is also a perception of bias from the hordes, who see things , well, differently from the rest of us…..







And i thought I was paranoid…..



Yesterday, we had this to ponder






Jimmy Doc
 21 hours ago


“Walshy, just watch the monitor and stop threatening my family”.  












We are aware that one or two of you are experiencing difficulty in reading the comments, and we are trying to do something about it.





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An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

In 1872 (or was it 73 ? ) 4 men from a rowing club started a Football Club 
In 2012 that Football Club was left stranded up s hit creek without a paddle.

1 year ago

Alright folks

Sorry Ralph whilst i agree that its the same managers gettin jobs and a bit of variety might spice it up Barton is a scum bag of the highest order.Get him tae feck..tho the trouble he might get those Edinburgh huns into is quite appealin.Nice hattrick by the lad..great striker of the ball.

1 year ago

Caption: Can anyone see the etims comments from up there?!

1 year ago

” Ahoy there Mr. Mountbatten, everything OK underneath your boat & you’re good to go “

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Winner !

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

There’s only one Jamesy Forrest,
Their left-back, he’ll get no rest,
He’s speedy as heck
Wins by a short neck
Walking in a Jamesy wonderland.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

‘He’s speedy as heck’ 😀

Don’t give up the day job.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

I posted while I was meant do be doing the day job.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Keep practising so 🙂

1 year ago

We’re on the top of the pier looking down on the strangers…

1 year ago

Thank you for fixing the issue with the comments.

1 year ago
Reply to  IniquitousIV

Yes “one or two” of us are very happy to see our issue being addressed! Thank you 🙂

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Christina

Well, I had no issues and now the page is ten times worse, with big cogs and up pointing arrows all over the place and massive gaps between each comment, the ThumbsUp & Down thingy, which doesn’t work, and an even bigger gap between the name & the comment and a bigger gap again to the next comment.

So this is a classic case of trying to fix something that wasn’t broke and now it’s all over the place.

The Cha
1 year ago

Ooh, another Etims revamp, what could possibly go wrong? 

Ange is still behind Rodgers, O’Neill and, probably, McNeill and Hay, never mind Stein and Maley.

Although it looks good at the moment, the trophy count and especially progress in Europe will decide where he fits in on the list.

We got direct entry to the Champions League this season and finished bottom and that needs to vastly improve.

I’m confident we can but, as we’ve found out all to often in the past, lording it over Scotland is no indication that we’ll crack Europe.

1 year ago

think there should be a referendum to get scotland independance from wee jimmy and her secret nicking party.

1 year ago

And in a feeble attempt to give the hordes something to celebrate at
season’s end the Dulaly Wreckord starts promoting TavPen as player
of the year….for what? Taking free gift penalties?
That’ll be to take the attention of YET ANOTHER desperate 3 million share wangle
in order to pay the wages, leccy bill, etc etc.
There’s something coming over the horizon and it ain’t pretty.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: What goes out slowly, smells of pish and isn’t Alan McGregor?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

James Forrest’s neck?

1 year ago

There’s numerous educational quotes from Jock Stein (and about him….Jock you’re immotral). I love being reminded of them.

My favourite recent quote from a Celt is also educational….

” Shut you’re hole, fatboy”…..G Taylor,
Good patter and his game has improved….

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

1872 and the newly launched prototype SS Sheildhall makes her maiden voyage to Clydebank to deliver her first load of liquid deludamol to the waiting hordes.

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