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Celtic Diary Friday April 14: And Now, Is The End Near ?

There’s more evidence that the difference, or gap, as some refer to it as, between Glasgow’s premier club and the young pretenders is widening by the day.


Celtic manager Ange Postevoglou is focused on the next game, the one against Kilmarnock, and when summing up the possibility of players returning from injury , he said:


From the medical report and thinking about the venue and the pitch, we’re going to probably be a bit conservative with the boys. So unlikely to be anyone coming back that missed last weekend. 



Which makes sense, and the quality and depth of the squad means he doesn’t have to rush anyone back, and given the relatively poor performance from Aaron Mooy last week, he’s maybe decided that will be his policy from now on in. Players will always say they feel fine ahead of a big game, and maybe from now on he’ll take that decision out of their hands,



Over the river, however, they seem to forget there are other games outside the derby….


(Glasgow Live )

Connor Goldson Rangers injury update from Michael Beale as Celtic Scottish Cup clash looms


Mickey Beale said:

“In terms of last week, Connor won’t return, it will more likely to be back for Aberdeen or certainly for the semi-final at the end of the month. We have one or two other bumps and bruises.

“There was a game on Tuesday against Chelsea reserves where Leon King, Ianis Hagi, Rabbi Matondo and Scott Wright got valuable minutes. We will assess tomorrow (Friday) and pick the squad for the weekend.”  



He’s already talking about the semi final


What’s interesting is that somehow having Conor goldson in their line up will make them better…..although having two goalkeepers would probably be an advantage.




Three points for Celtic at Kilmarnock on Sunday will move Celtic closer to the title. That’s all that matters really.



There’s talk of world record points totals, and goals scored, but that’s sort of a bonus.



What matters is the side keeps improving and the performances remain a joy to watch.



In other news, Craig MacPherson received a six match ban for butting Fran Alonso, the Celtic ladies coach. The Rangers Ladies….aparently there are some….coach lost his rag and went for alonso after a recent derby, and a six match ban seems rather light for an assault,






Duncan Ferguson, the gentle giant who played for the old club and Everton, went to prison for a similar offence back in the day, and whilst a police investigation is still pending, one would be surprised if MacPherson was to be handed a prison sentence.



His defence is that his actions were out of character, as opposed to Ferguson, who could be said to be a bit of a ruffian, although surely the prosecution will counter with an incident from back in the files…(Record, April 2017)



Neil Lennon, Jim Duffy, Hibs, Morton and Craig McPherson all hit with SFA charges after astonishing Easter Road bust-up

SFA compliance officer Tony McGlennan has issued notices of complaint to both managers and their clubs plus Morton assistant McPherson after the scenes in last week’s draw in Leith.

 MacPherson was charged with “adopting an agressive attitude ” towards Lennon, which was pretty much what everyone did back then.
 So out of character might not be entirely accurate.
 Speaking of court cases, it’s another busy time for the new club…..
All of this adds up to more bills, and the money to pay them is drying up rapidly….
 Which explains the deflections in the media, the usual nonsense about players being linked, and lately the candidates to replace Ross Wilson as Director of whatever it was he directed.
 Several names have been mentioned but it’s likely Mickey Beale will take on the role, as for the moment he’s still in the fans good books and he won;t cost any more money.
 Still, he does seem to be confused…

Michael Beale breaks Rangers silence on Ross Wilson exit as he loses ‘big ally’

 He went years ago, mate, and we usually call him “fat Ally “
Ian MacNicol/Getty Images
 Stewart Robertson is rumoured to be the next director to be leaving, and if he does go it will be soon. Season book renewals depend on their board offering hope for next season, which in turn depends on winning the cup semi final . The Ibrox league encounter is irrelevant.
 Exit from the cup will mean they will have to sell away tickets, as the home crowd will stay away.
 I suppose that’s why the focus is on the Cup, it’s all they have left.
Andy Walker, the former Celt turned pain in the arse, had a chance to be a hero recently when he claimed he had heard the refs in the VAR room say they would take the easy way out and award a decision based on that idea.
 He could have named them, he could have demanded an inquiry, but instead he buckled after the SFA threatened to withdraw access to the room for Sky TV.
 Whilst the SFA need to be challenged on their action, as any normal organisation would be horrified by the possibility of rule breaking by it’s employees, Walker should have had the courage of his convictions.
 Instead, he’s firing off in a different direction….. which is a euphemism for talking shite, as I don;t care for language of the gutter.
 He told Go Radio…presumably in between mouthfuls of soup,

“If anyone thinks referees favour one team over the other, I think we’ve got a strong group of referees. In all honesty, over the course of the season, I don’t think VAR has helped them.

“I think we’re seeing referees make poor decision in the middle of the park with the knowledge that VAR can get them out of trouble. But no one deserves that type of treatment and the truth is, that there is far too much hatred out there.

“You need to make some sort of stance. We have another game in a couple of weeks at Hampden and another game a week, maybe two weeks, after that at Ibrox, and there is far too much hatred out there and we have to do better.

“I don’t think we have enough referees of top quality. These guys are lawyers, accountants – they wouldn’t want to give up their main job. This is their second job to do games at the weekend, to do the European games.

“We just have to look at what VAR has done for us and I don’t think it has been helpful. I think it can be much better and I’m convinced. I go to as many games south of the border, games are managed differently down there, because there are higher thresholds – even for fouls.

“I think supporters enjoy it, they enjoy seeing each other coming together, and we are far too forensic in our examination of every hand that might be raised, every tug on a jersey that may be too strong, and I don’t think we are using VAR in the way that we should.”

 Shortly after, he texted his bosses at Sky….
 “done that, can I keep my job lol ”  
 In the meantime, the accusations have been forgotten and the referees are grand. Except Clancy , of course, who will be semi retired for a bit until the fuss dies down.
 John Beaton and Andrew Dallas have offered to take the heat for the semi final, Beaton in the middle and Dallas on VAR.
 Nick Walsh and Don robertson are on standby as they may yet be called to fill in at centre half.
 Meanwhile, it’s nice to know that the art of political cartoons is still entrenched in the Victorian era…..
 That’s the Times, would you believe ?
 You would.
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A glasgow bhoy afar
1 year ago

Shocking cartoon from The Times.

The stupidity and crassness of cartoons like that is they forget where the power balance lies. Actually simply where power lies, in the USA.

The sun set on the British empire many years ago but such as the Times still think they can ridicule those of Irish descent. How foolish are they!

Similar thoughts lie within the walls of Ibrox.

However time has not been kind to them, thankfully.

Fred the Tim
1 year ago

Why is the type of pitch allowed to determine team selection?

1 year ago

Caption-Joe Biden enjoys his few day home and celebrates merrily the Celtic win and the coming reunification vote for the North before setting off.

1 year ago

Shock, horror. Only four Rangurrs feel-good messages on BBC website this morning.

1 year ago

Invite UEFA referee observers back to the Semi Final for ‘fair play’ reasons

1 year ago

How dyou get the grey off the comments?

1 year ago

Another important win and injury free.

I am glad to see that we do not change down to 2nd gear when 2-0 up and panic for the last 10-15 minutes.


1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

you didnt hang around for the second half then

1 year ago

Comments still obscured by grey cross hatch pattern. No response from Etims to repeated requests for information on this.

1 year ago
Reply to  IniquitousIV

Right Ralph/Ritchie/IT guy/ whoever I just got new phone IPhone 14 and I have these dreaded grey bars on comments section that I’ve seen folks complain about now for weeks!! I have had to log back in on my Android phone to be able to write this! Now I am usually a very calm & quiet individual so I’m hoping this issue will be resolved before I cease to be calm & quiet! Hope this comment makes it through “awaiting moderation” loop!

1 year ago
Reply to  Christina

For clarification the reason I mentioned phone make was to discern if this problem is prevalent in this phone. I didn’t realise how bad this problem was till I saw it for myself, really surprised nothing been done about it tbh!

1 year ago

Did someone run over Derek`s dog?
A Sisyphean task is all you ever get from McInnes in management.

An Occasional Comtributor
1 year ago

The Hummel Case could cost them upwards of £9.5m.
The Sydney Cup upwards of £3m going off talk at the time in Australia.
A real Rainjurz man like Gordon Park just doesn’t get up and walk for no reason as he’s heavily invested in keeping the shit show on the road.
Also the reemergence of the GASL is no coincidence either.
Should Celtic complete a treble this Season and take the Trophy count to within 1 between all 3 entities then there will be a serious meltdown among the hordes.
Chuck in over £10m in Court Cases then the pressure to rebuild becomes an almost impossible task without further internal loans which UEFA as you know are currently monitoring.
There is no way King wants his shareholding diluting further and so therefore this could get very messy very quickly.
Club 1872 are no longer buying his shares and as a result his own share value is plummeting as much as theirs.
for example:

June 20th 2016

Club 1872 had 4.9m Shares which was 6.01% of the overall shareholding

April 12th 2023

Club 1872 have 22.2m Shares which is now 5.0% of the overall shareholding

Thats a 353% INCREASE in Shares to achieve a 1.01% DECREASE in overall shareholding

Kings shares are impacted the same way.

1 year ago

There is an abutting that the sevconians are finally intuitive to.

Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow
Blue bells and cockle shells
And pretty ducks all in a row

“Just a-walking the dog” Kenny Miller urges a fiver fee.

1 year ago

Who shall be next for Kilmarnock FC from the Scottish Rite of convivial constructive arrangers gala?

1 year ago

Oh, a Celtic Stone on which to step.

1 year ago

Offside or not, Kyoto got his nutmeg in.
Shagger never took his Mammys advice. Hes a visual impairment to sevco FC.

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago

Brilliant first half hour when it was starting to look like a game of shooty in with memories of 9-0 Tannadice coming to the fore. Most fans have been raving about Kyogo and Matt O’Reilly’s excellent contribution and goals (and quite rightly so) but I’d also like to give a big shoiut out to wee Daezen who not only took his goal very well but showed some clear signs of improvement with great precision passing in the final third. His work rate and ball recovery was also first rate during the first period. The kindest word I can use to describe the second half would be ‘forgettable’ but this was all about coming away with full points and unscathed after playing on that nasty surface. Good to see the two young lads getting a wee run-out as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

With the work that Daizen does, Ange could be worried of shin splints.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

and groin injuries. Like James Forrest he is top heavy on the thighs.

1 year ago

It is not what you did it is what you done.

When Hugh Keevins accentuates the word ‘BUT’ there is to be a public and private apology to the racist sevco FC.

1 year ago

If someone sat and talked about the Morelos decision, they could be convinced it is a goal.
A piggyback is still a piggyback.

sevco drama grant FC.

1 year ago

Sevco FC, did an Orangeman lay hold of the 2x Government Covid loan?

1 year ago

Tims are firm, Michaelem.

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