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Celtic Diary Thursday April 13: Wave Goodbye, Say Hello Hello

There’s a bit of a rumour doing the rounds that Ange Postecoglou will make a move for Daichi Kamada in the summer, as he is leaving Eintracht Frankfurt in the summer, when his contract expires, which at least brings him into our price range.



If you don’t count wages, that is.



Kamada is a Japanese international player who is also apparently wanted by Manchester United and Liverpool, two sides that have struggled lately to build on previous success, but with all his pals in the east end of Glasgow, it would be strange if he wasn’t on ange’s radar.



From a business point of view, any outlay would be returned with interest anyway, even if he only stayed for a season or two.



Certainly an option, and one wonders if our club will match our managers ambitions…..




One thing that has been noticed is that not only does ange never apply the brakes, there is a sense from the ranch that he is now gently pressing the accelerator .




Something tells me more than just one club…or company …will be left behind in the slipstream.




There is little doubt the manager is already planning for the next European campaign, and even if he won’t publicly say so, the word is he will stay where he is until he has either taken Celtic as far as it can go, or put us back where we should be.




Little wonder the exit door over the river is spinning wildly as those in charge hasten towards sunnier climes……




Hot on the heels of Douglas Park, Ross Wilson is off to find pastures new, apparently agreeing to join Nottingham Forest, presumably as a director of football or something similar.



Nottingham, home of Robin Hood and the only Hooters bar in Britain , hasn’t had much to shout about recently, but at least now they’ve got something to shout at.



Wilson wasn’t very popular among the support, despite being involved in acquiring the services of superstars Nicolas Raskin and Todd Cantwell, who had been left out of their previous sides as the other players were dragging them down.



Well, that’s what the media would have you believe, but for some reason the visionary Wilson, who had trawled the training grounds of Europe for these undiscovered gems has been allowed to leave…..




Let’s be honest, there’s a civil war brewing over the river, if indeed they can be civil about anything.



A war of the sashes ?


There’s always trouble when Dave King is on the horizon, and he’s returned because he’s a little bit worried that his shares aren;t worth anything, despite claiming he’s turned down a big offer for them.




With the constant share issues, the value has dropped quicker and deeper than a conservative ministers integrity, and King is obviously panicking.




You can see it in his eyes.




With him back on the scene the papers will have to choose their sides in the last waltz, but no matter who wins it will be a pyrrhic victory, as with more Champions League money about to boost the already swelling coffers, and a guaranteed maximum uptake on renewals, the outlook is grim in the land of eternal darkness.



Grimmer even than usual, and it was interesting to see Steven “gissa job ” Gerrard rubbishing Mickey Beale in the papers yesterday, offering the man once thought to be the brains behnd stopping the ten advice on how to beat Celtic….but he also threw in this somewhat illuminating line….



“I knew that the chairman, Dave King, had my back, that we would work well together and that he would be there to guide me as a young manager should I need it.




Perhaps old Charlie won;t be the only king to gain a crown this summer……



King and Gerrard on one side, and the current lot on the other ?



Monty Python "Fish Slap Dance" : r/gifs




Let’s watch with both amusement and delight as the new club tears itself apart, probably starting with some , er, home truths about King appearing in the media this week.



That’s if they choose to support the old regime.



My money is on King and Gerrard being promoted by the puppets in the papers.




At least that will divert attention away from the swarm of players about to follow Park and Wilson through the door….. which will happen, Scottish Cup win or not.




Something else the papers are determined to avoid is accusing their dwindling market of abusing and threatening referees.



There is talk of a possible strike , but since referees are not doctors , nurses or railwaymen, and no one really cares about them, that’s unlikely, but there should certainly be pause for reflection, and maybe discussions as how to avoid such abuse in the future.



One idea, yet to be mentioned, is to sod the lot of them off and get proper, qualified, full time referees in for next season.



Radical, but could work….



And I think we’d all feel better if there were non Scots in charge at Hampden in a few weeks, something that the media won;t run with , but Celtic certainly should.



If only to save our own esteemed officials from further grief.




Meanwhile, Celtic will concentrate on the Kilmarnock game, and getting things in order for Europe.



That’s becuase we are a proper club, well run and exceedingly well managed when it comes to matters financial and matters football.



Celtic player rumoured to have fallen out with Ange Postecoglou





That’s not to say we shouldn;t have a laugh at those less fortunate than ourselves, which leads me to this picture….. and just what are they talking about ?



Some difficult decisions for Mickey – Phil Mac Giolla Bháin



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Patrick Street
1 year ago

Can’t get the hang of that flute playing. Do you think Gazza might gizzus a lesson?

1 year ago

Caption: and he’s for the off and he’s for the off…..

the real Anton Rogan
1 year ago

I think Birmingham is that way

1 year ago

Ok Steven I don’t know who gave me the nickname guaca … What are you snickering at boss !!

1 year ago

” Mick, we’re out of here. Doyou want to be nearer your family. I want to be nearer

Andrew Coyle
1 year ago

Caption.Go on Stevie pull it,you knw you want to

Daniel Tobin
1 year ago

Shhh get Bobby Madden on the phone Moley, I don’t need to he’s sitting over there boss.

1 year ago

Aye, Aye, keep still Steven, I’ve got my finger on the pulse!

Tony Carlin
1 year ago

im confused by that picture, I thought one of the chuckle brothers had died

1 year ago

Micky, it’s “we arra people”
“where arra pupil”

1 year ago

“See that fat Columbian cunt,he’s fuckin’ useless!”

1 year ago

No it’s definitely an O, yep an O, it’s says Onion Bears. No I’ve never heard of them either. Is it because they are always greeting?

1 year ago

Why are the blocking out the comments Micky, are u in overdrive?

Wait till the Bomber arrives at the gates, screaming where’s the deeds!

Retired Internet Bampot
1 year ago

Stevie, did you no say , you had a season ticket for that lot?

Gerry Q
1 year ago

There’s a B on your jacket.
Not a real bee, because you’re not a flower with pollen or a bee hive filled with lots of honey, or a bee working for a queen, because we’ve now got a king, God bless our king and rest in peace our late queen, but a letter B like in the alphabet. Like B for Ball

1 year ago

‘ Do you mean that guy over there with the Back Pack that says KFC?
Well actually it’s El Buffalo’s new dietician.’

1 year ago

Comments still totally obscured by grey cross hatch pattern. Why can’t you fix this, FFS?

Honest Hoops
1 year ago

Caption; over there stevie, that’s were you slipped against Chelsea..funny as ferk!

1 year ago

Great diary but I’ve been infected by the dreaded comment grey bars.
Help ma boab!

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
1 year ago

Caption: I think you should ask Dave King about the tactics Stevie

1 year ago

“…I’m not too worried, I’ve had chat’s with Douglas the Chairman and Ross and they both said they’ve got big plans for the future!”

1 year ago

Right, you point and I’ll mumble something with my hand over my mouth and our pals in the Daily Wreckord will write some clever dialogue for us.

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