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Celtic Diary Wednesday March 29: They Fight The Law

The big story remains the unprovoked assault on Celtic ladies coach Fran Alonso by Craig MacPherson, a member of the “rangers ” ladies coaching staff.



And when there’s a story, certain sections of the media like to control the narrative.



Alison McConnell, in the Record, claims;


Fran Alonso doesn’t want Rangers coach Craig McPherson dragged through the courts but demands apology over headbutt



Detailing the facts she writes;


Record Sport understands Alonso doesn’t want to take the matter to the courts. But it’s believed the Spaniard does want an apology from McPherson who is also alleged to have called him a “little rat”. Celtic went on record to express their disgust while Alonso kept a dignified silence.  



So whilst remaining silent, he says he doesn’t want to take the matter to court. she understands…..she covers herself there, as she may also have misunderstood.



She has certainly misunderstood how the law works, as Alonso will noit make the decision to prosecute, they have full time experts at the Procurator fiscal office who decide that.



In English law, of which I have considerable experience, the prosecution can fall down if they offer no evidence, usually when a witness fails to attend, but sonce the incident was live on telly that might not be possible.




An example needs to be set here, the first move should be by the club/company, who should take immediate action and terminate MacPherson;s contract, that is the only acceptable action they can take,



Anything else is to condone and probably encourage violent behaviour amongst theor own staff, and indirectly their followers.



With the sport across the board subject to such behaviour, espeically at amatuer level, the professional game needs to step up with decisive action that shows that this behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances.




Quite how there is any other angle to this story is uncertain, and equally unacceptable.



Although no doubt “details ” will emerge that Alonso was asking for it, or made sectarian remarks or something…




The wider picture also takes in the mens games between the two clubs next month, one of which could all but secure the title for Celtic, and the other see the hoops take a significant step towards yet another treble.,



The Ibrox mentality, based on their , er, we are the people mantra, wiil take another massive blow should this happen, which in turn tends to lead to what politicians call civil unrest.



What we call carnage .



Without a shadow of doubt, that is why Celtic don;t want the hordes at Celtic Park, and have refused an allocation for the Ibrox return.


Perhaps we really are growing tired of being associated with them, and with rumours of a European breakaway league surfacing again, maybe certain financial stability rules prevent the other lot from being invited….



There is certainly more going on behind the scenes at administrative level than we are being told, and fortunately we have a manager who is completely disinterested in the politics… fact, we hear training and scouting has been stepped up over the last week or so.




Never stop ?



some are saying he’s only just started…..




Yesterday, we had this….






John E mitchell 



The year 2135


The occasion ; “rangers 2 liquidated and reborn for the 14th time 


Now a major film










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Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: Hello, hello. How low.

1 year ago

Caption : ‘New opponents dug-out being installed at Ibrox’.

1 year ago

Caption: The new confessional box was less than successful

Mr Spudatohead
1 year ago

Caption: “No no, it was the COMPANY that died, let me back in…”

1 year ago

Perhaps time to invite the uefa referee delegation back, to ensure ‘fair play’ from the officials in the forthcoming derbies – absolutely ridiculous that I have suggested this , but there you go!!

Tony B
1 year ago

Richard Gough says “of all the glory holes this is my favourite”.

The Neely Dunns are the gift that keeps on giving.

Andrew Coyle
1 year ago

caption.Mo Johnston tries out his new dressing room after signing for Them

1 year ago

Caption …
Do bears shit in the woods ? Only in the new Acme ‘gies a wave ‘ portaloo…

The Cha
1 year ago

“She has certainly misunderstood how the law works, as Alonso will noit make the decision to prosecute, they have full time experts at the Procurator fiscal office who decide that.”

Unfortunately, that’s straight out of the play book, where the onus is putting on ‘undesirable’ victims to push for prosecutions, which they are, understandably, reluctant to do. Witness the non-prosecutions for assaults on Scott Brown etc, bottles at Joe Hart etc.

Compare and contrast with Police Scotland hunting high and low for a 13yo miscreant who rose to Fat Fredo’s throat-slashing baiting etc. No need for any ‘victim’ to push for action there. 

“An example needs to be set here, the first move should be by the club/company, who should take immediate action and terminate MacPherson;s contract, that is the only acceptable action they can take”

That boat sailed at 9.30pm on Monday night and almost 2 days later, much belated action is still to happen from Huns and SFA. I would give the Police a slight pass but, depressingly, I expect “no further action” to be trotted out in due course.

Grotesquely, the Huns put the thug up for post-match interview. That wasn’t being unaware at the time, no time to take action etc that was pure WATP, No Surrender, go feck yourselves feenyins etc.

john mc guire
1 year ago

hiya all
if Alison dosent write shite about Celtic then her gig with the B.B.C. would be cancelled its a well known fact the only way to work within the media is to slag anything to do with our club why you only have to look how many ex hun players work for the arseholes .

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  john mc guire

“Alison McConnell, in the Record

Cole Burns
1 year ago


Once again, Celtic show why they are so far ahead by purchasing the latest, keep-your-manager safe Tardis for Fra Alonso with an intruder- safe rear door.

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
1 year ago

Caption: fran alonso’s new protective suit for visits to ranger’s

Unrepentant fenian
1 year ago

Hey there can u get me some bog roll and I still can’t see the sevco

1 year ago

Anybody else have the comments section obscured by grey cross hatch?

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  IniquitousIV

Yes and I think they have all left. No doubt a platform issue but I’ve always used android phones and never had a problem.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  IniquitousIV

Loads of people but nothing changes. If you can see this, using a phone to access the site seems to work.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Windows 10 PC using Edge, Firefox & Chrome browsers also works for me, as well as my Android phone.

I thought it was tracked down to certain (but not all) Apple devices but I may have that wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

My Apple iPad & iPhone works just fine on here.
As does my Hp Laptop and desktop (windows Edge).

Owen Mullions
1 year ago

I see we’re still being stalked by our personal thumb-dooner JimboH. So much better than have him pollute the site with his deranged rants.

1 year ago

The new SFA, Scottish Media, *rangers motto…”Bigotry works, bigotry is good”

Patrick O hara
1 year ago

At Harry Houdini’s last press conference in 1926.
“See you all in 5 minutes, ”
Yesterday, our reporter spoke to 143 year old Mrs Houdini.
All she had to say was “Any minute now. Any minute now .

1 year ago

Photographic evidence of their 5 Stars went down the cludgie.

(Cludgie= outside lavvy)

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