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Celtic Diary Friday March 31: Death of the Clowns

Over in the offices of that esteemed organ, the Daily Record, there will be a few concerned voices this morning.


Come to think of it, that won’t be the only place where they’ll put locks on the windows for fear of making an unsightly mess on the pavement below.


MSM Monitor
Up to date daily circulation figures in Scotland for Scottish newspapers.
Daily Record – 59,615
Sunday Mail – 56,866
The Herald – 12,928
Herald on Sunday – 6,679
The Scotsman – 8,762
Scotland on Sunday – 4,921
Sunday Post – 35,183
The National – 3,555
Sunday National – 4195  
 To summarise, that’s a pitiful picture. It does point to the death of print media, but as with any product on the market, if the quality isn’t there, then it will fail to sell.
 For the Record, though, the decline in figures ( 256,024 in 2013 } is as rapid as it is astonishing,
 If only something had happened back around 2013 , maybe a major sporting scandal or the collapse of a national institution that they could have reported on, maybe even dug into not only what happened or why it happened, and who was behind it.
 They could have saved their paper.
 As we all know, something did happen, something unparalled in the world of sport, and by association, in the world of business.
 It was in all the papers at the time, but sadly none of the relevant questions were asked, presumably because they didn;t get the answers they would have wanted.
 Instead, the guardians of truth and democracy chose instead to play to the gallery, relentlessly searching for a scapegoat on whom they could pin the blame, whilst ignoring the truth, and failing to defend a large proportion of their readers, who depended on them for the truth, from being fleeced by what was litle more than an exercise in venture capitalism by the kind of vultures that usually avoid the spotlight.
 Instead, our media shone that spotlight onto them and portrayed them as heroes and saviours, all the while ignoring what was clearly, and we’re soon going to see the results of that, an exercise in bleeding dry the club formerly known as Rangers.
 Arguably, they were complicit in perpetuating the same club myth, which in turn means that not only did they fail to investigate the scandal, they pretended it didn’t happen.
 Well, if the editor of the Record, or any other paper, is sitting there this morning wondering what he should do to prevent their own administration and liquidation, I’m going to help you.
 The real story of the demise of Rangers, from the early warnings of former director Hugh Adam, right up until the somewhat murky accounting practices of today…..which have led to the new club being on a UEFA watchdog, is still out there.
 It’s in the Resolution 12 archives, which ultimately played their part in bringing about the FSR regulations , it’s in the books by Phil MacGhiollabhan and Stephen O’Donnell.
 And it’s on here, this website, and several others like it.
 The story of the greatest scandal in sporting history.
 Not one of those papers touched it, not one of them was interested, and now they’re paying the price, hurtling towards the same oblivion where dwells the club they tried to protect.
 So, here’s the deal.
 I’ll write that story, completely free of charge, if one of you publishes it.
 I’m sure I can count on the assistance of the real investigative reporters, such as Rangers Tax Case and other bloggers to make certain we get everything right.
 I’ll put my name to it to protect those delicate little flowers who masquerade as reporters in the industry, those who are afraid to tell it like it is in case they upset their readers.
 Well, if they look at their circulation figures, it may be a little too late for that.
 In his highly recommended book, War and the Death of News, (by me, at least, the media seemed to have largely ignored it, ) Martin Bell, the man in the white suit, ponders the the demise of truth in the media. He considers what is deemed fit for public consumption, and what isn’t.
 I agree with him. The truth is the only thing fit for public consumption.
 Anything else is just bullshit.
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1 year ago

Why not write a screen play and sell it to Netflix , what a block buster. The truth is not a requirement in Glasgow, but let the world know.

1 year ago

From memory, I m sure the death of Rangers was reported.
Liquidation of the club was mentioned and that the club ceased to exist.

Well done to the guys on twitter who have continued to remind us of Charlotte Fakes, basket of assets and triggers broom etc Longmay you continue to do so.

What happened was the attempt bythe media to rewrite history, to curry favour, amongst other sick reasons, with the new club…( NOT NEWCO btw).

Rewriting history…..ffs….got to be questioned at every opportunity

1 year ago

When the Daily Record does go down the tubes they can always pretend it didn’t happen and come back as the The Daily Record.

1 year ago
Reply to  Morto

The International Daily Record.

1 year ago
Reply to  Morto

or the daily record international limited. the publication did not liquidate, it was the company pmsl 🙂

Bobby Russell
1 year ago
Reply to  kevlar

The Record survived, it was the printing room subsidiary that died.

1 year ago

Excellent piece of writing Ralph and 100% spot on! Despite the best efforts of the Scottish media, however, the truth is out there. The Ibrox outfit (club/ company or whatever) is on a UEFA watch list. The new FSR are seriously impacting them and will continue to do so, their white-gloved brethern at the SFA are pwerless to help with this; they have, of course, upped their game on the field of play in a bid to compensate but its not going to be enough. Their nefarious financial activities are being severely curtailed, which will also impact on their ability to attract new ‘investment’! The only type of investors they were likely to attract are not going to get involved with a club where the regulatory body are forensically scrutinising all financial information. This state of affairs has come to pass as a result of the work done by the Celtic family. From Res.12 guys, Rangers Tax Case reporting, the Celtic bloggers, the Club itself and the whole of the Celtic support- we never lost sight of the truth nor did we stop reporting on it. Although some will argue, with some justification, that they still got away with the biggest scandal in British sport they are now facing at least some consequences of their actions. Their financial situation is perilous with the threat of another administration event ever present on their horizon. The sweetest part for me is that they know, they absolutely know, who put them in this situation. So to SMSM – GIRFUY the truth IS out there despite your best efforts and your own dire situation can be, in part, attributed to your inability to do your damn job particularly in this instance!

1 year ago
Reply to  Christina

Belter Christina.
The period 2013 to date is also the period of SNP dominance in the Holyrood & Westminster Polls. That the Daily Retard persisted in its Unionist stance and tried to undermine a Democratically elected Scottish Government is another reason for their self propelled slide into obscurity. A Media that incites bigotry and bias will inevitably be sussed by it’s more discerning patrons, more so in the digital age.
Their attempts to move into the digital age will be unsuccessful. People will never forget the ‘sins of the fathers’ and the remaining ‘Peepul’ readership on either the print or media platforms are insufficient to pay the bills without advertising revenue. Advertisers & Sponsors will look for even more ‘ bangs for their bucks’ and 50/60K readers a day doesn’t cut it when 200K readers have moved elsewhere.
The Peepul, The Klub/Kompany, The SFA and the SMSM are locked in spiralling race to the bottom. Each, without the other is doomed. Like a loveless marriage that has outlived its purpose they will feed off each other through need gradually biting away at each other till it all implodes and there’s nothing left.
Hell mend them and it can’t come soon enough for the benefit of the wider Scottish Population/ Society.

1 year ago

“Daily Retard “ ? Really ?
You’re better than that.

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

daily rectum. is that better

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

With thanks..

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

I posted earlier in reply to your justifiable criticism.
This was prior to my response to Mabozza below.
The only reason why, I assume, it doesn’t appear is that it immediately went to moderation.
It was in Latin. A phrase commonly in use in the English language and specifically known to Catholics of my generation who suffered the Latin Mass.
I won’t repeat it for fear it disappears into the void of the Interwebby Landfill.
The phrase had to do with CULPAbility and apology. The clue is in the capital letter used. Google it.
Once again my apologies and I’m suitably chastened.

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

not sure whats worse. WOKEs or orange bast,ards

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

If you keep clicking their links it won’t matter how many hard copies they sell.
same with any other Social Media/Online Sites.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

Btw it doesn’t matter that the World knows Rangers went bust all that matters is 50,000 paying customers think otherwise.
Charles Green fully understood this when he punted the idea of the Continuity Myth and sold them the new dream.
or as his QC Alan Dewar put in Court

“The concept of the Rangers Institution continuing exists only in the minds of die hard supporters.”

All that ever mattered was they had to believe it.
You or I won’t convince them otherwise.

I just laugh at the absurdity of it now and know that I will never throw another penny at it.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

Have a nice day thumb dooners 😉

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

Daily Record Twitter 148.2k Followers
Daily Record Facebook 619.2k Followers
Daily Record Insta 21.8k

click ,click ,clickers click

1 year ago

I click..better to know everything about your enemy.

1 year ago

In the Netflix special, who will play Peter and Dermot ?

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Ant and Dec surely. Another pair of…it rhymes with tankers.

Hail Hail.

1 year ago

The Herald initially covered the
story with headlines and quotes from Walter Smith and Richard Gough saying their club is dead. Of course after the shock wore off the papers rolled back on it. Allan McGregor said his ‘ club was dead.’ How else could he, ai smith and Whittaker move for free?It would be good to go on radio to ask Tom English to explain that.

1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

You can bet all those who wept at the time will now, when questioned,
come up with a redacted version of the truth, to console themselves
and keep the myth alive. Their club is dead, dead as a Dodo, and no
amount of wriggling and burying of heads in sand will ever change that FACT.

1 year ago

And here’s another example of the Daily Rectum’s high standard of accurate, impartial reporting from today’s edition:- “The Light Blues’ assistant appeared to flick his head onto the back of the Hoops coach.”

Now if the headbutt hadn’t been filmed,, anybody reading that would imagine an inoffensive “flick” like flicking a bit of dandruff off your shoulder….and then the use of “appeared” like maybe it wasn’t too clear. You see how they manipulate words to minimize what the bigoted thug did? It seems to be taking a helluva long time for Plod and the Ibrox Lowerarchy to actually fekking condemn what was an assault, and a cowardly one from behind at that.The Scottish media is a rotten,shameless shower of Quislings.

1 year ago

Watch a few Ken Burns documentaries. Excellent narration, lots of still images. I bet you could make a Netflix docuseries in the same vein using open source video software and a £60 microphone.

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago

Expecting quite a tough test up north today against a battling side that’s desperate for points. The Staggies aren’t the force they were last season and are badly missing the goal-scoring prowess of the impressive Regan Charles-Cook (now playing top-tier football in Belgium) along with a few other good players. Their recent form hasn’t been great although they did dish out a 4-0 drubbing to direct rivals Dundee Utd a short time ago, a scoreline that flattered the Tannadice men.
Their approach today will no doubt be physical as they try to close us down as much as possible on their tight pitch. However, they can be quick on the counter but will be heavily reliant on long balls and set pieces to make any kind of attacking impact, where central defender Alex Iacovitti’s aerial power could pose a threat. Today they’ll be without influential midfielders Jordan Tilson and Canadian Ben Paton.
Probably for the first time this season we go into a game with significant injury worries, particularly in the midfield department. With Mooy and Hatate both very doubtful Ange is keeping his cards close to his chest as to who might be selected to start. O’Reilly is likely to be picked but, if that’s the case, I hope it won’t be along with Turnbull as that combination has fallen flat on previous occasions. David Turnbull often lacks the dynamism and speed of thought and movement to be compatible with our style of play although he can still be useful as an impact sub who has the ability to score vital goals for us from long range. I’ve got a feeling that either Mooy or Hatate will end up being pitched in today but if Iwata is fit, he also could surely stake a strong claim to start with McGregor being pushed further upfield. Youngster Ben Summers made the bench against Hibs a couple of weeks ago and is likely to do so again given our depleted squad. The lad has been in superb form for the B team showing great attacking flair from midfield and has also been known to score a few spectacular goals. He’s still to be tested at this level obviously but could nonetheless come on to play a part if the team is cruising to a comfortable win. It’s all an interesting conundrum but regardless of who participates today, it is absolutely essential for our front men to be clinical and fingers crossed we come away with an easy 3 points and no further injuries. The pitch may have reduced dimensions but the playing surface should be fine (wish I could say the same about today’s ref Collum). COYBIG

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

I see Craig Bellamy is bankrupt. Reported 45 million in transfer fees and had bad financial advice. Here’s some free advice. Don’t believe treble your money scamsters. Shove it in the building society and ISAs and budget appropriately. It’s not rocket science.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

does that mean he cant afford to pay the motherwell players to come and do his gardening?

1 year ago

COME ON YOU BHOYS IN GREEN TODAY, take another step towards the title and put the scum back in their box!
Ralph, I wish you every success if you choose to write the story the Scottish media knows to be true but wont touch with a barge pole due to the marauding, angry scum, and them being part of the said scum.
I’m well aware many of us have conclusive proof of the cheating hun’s demise and I’d gladly offer everything I have to call ‘them’ out. Just ask.

1 year ago

A welcome penalty, and it WAS a penalty but hard work trying to break them down. Taylor so unlucky with his effort off the post but maybe needing Haksa to open them up?
Ange’ll know and that’ll do for me.
Ralph!? Is the 1st draft of the book ready yet 🙂

1 year ago

WOW, Bernabie, what a strike after clever dummy from Iwata.
Exciting 2nd half and the most important, another 3 points.
Onwards and upwards, HH

1 year ago

Brendan sacked. Thinking that just about everyone who has left Celtic in the past five years have failed careers besides VVD

1 year ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

good to see the snake getting his

1 year ago

Y-E-E-SSSSSSS! Forgot our ‘B’ team were playing the new huns Bs…..we won 3-1 away.
Rumours that Fran Alonso has been attacked AGAIN by some hun prikk are, as yet, unfounded.

1 year ago

I have Criss cross band aid things all over the comments. Should I be taking this personally? Or are my meds not kicking in properly and I m seeing things?

1 year ago

Daily Rancid Mon 3rd April 2023:- Rangers issue over 7 million new shares as Ibrox club return to trusted cash boost format
“trusted cash boost format” my fekking arse…they’re at desperation stage trying to avoid
a Groundhog Day extinction event..and the newspaper of truth sells it to the Gullibillys as a wise financial strategy..and they swallow it. Get the jelly and ice cream on standby.

1 year ago

The sound, da doonk, of of the in off of the free standing goal frames = Celts 7-0.

sevco hogget huns FC.

1 year ago

My modified Airbus is in for maintenance, I conveyed to Rodgers my ticket for the Saturday game.

1 year ago

Rangers FC (IL)…

The Scottish Billion Pound or so, Protestant pity pot.

1 year ago

Kyogo will score with his shoulder. Put the kettle on. This will take time.

1 year ago

Linesmen letting play run will cost sevco.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
1 year ago

What the hell is going on with the admin here?
Two posts in the same day sent to ‘awaiting for moderation’.
(The phrase is ‘ awaiting moderation’).
Said 2 posts have now been consigned to some unknown region of the internet domain.
No sweary words, no racism, no bigotry employed.
One post was a Latin phrase known to most of the elder Catholics in our midst. It formed part of the responses in the Latin Mass and is a phrase that is extant in the English Language mainly in Legal Circles.
The second post was a contrite response to SteveNaive when he upbraided me for using an inappropriate phrase in one of my comments. My response was acknowledgement that his criticism was justified and an apology for using immoderate language.
No way could fault be found in either post.
So why were they discarded?
It’s difficult enough to physically post on the site without the being randomly rejected.

1 year ago

The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I posted a thank you to Tictoc for helping me with tickets for the Hibs game. It went to “awaiting administation”. I tried again to post the same thank you to Tactic and it too went to “awaiting admin”. Neither of the posts ever showed up.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tommybhoy

Tommybhoy, I actually saw your “thank you” and replied. I was delighted you’d got tickets for the Hibs game and, along with some anxious moments, we came through with flying colours. I hope you and your Bhoy really enjoyed your time over here. All the Very Best, TT
PS I hope you both have a great day on Saturday as we put the scum right in their place! 🙂

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

BBC Scotland fitba gossip has the unholy trinity, Morelos sought by multiple big clubs (except puzzlingly the club he should join, Weight watchers) Ange leaving and Sevco summer surgery but hats off to The Herald. Celtic fans now responsible for inflaming tensions with Argentina over The Malvinas. Delicious.

1 year ago

Oh Diary, oh Diary, wherefore art thou, Ralph’s new Diary?

1 year ago

Andy Walker has put the cat among the pigeons by revealing what he overheard between
the VAR official and the ref at a match (which he won’t name) where the ref said he
didn’t know how to call the decision. so the VAR official told him “take the easy way out..just call it as offside”.
Now I’m betting it was the famous dark, wrong angle, VAR camera pointing in the wrong direction match where Abada(?) chipped the goalie after a great attacking move by Celtic.
Anyway, the SFA are throwing a hissy fit…yer no supposed to reveal anything about the
dodgy corrupt way things are being done, especially no tae the paying mugs….er public.
And they’re saying Walker “misinterpreted” what he heard… do you misinterprate “Take the easy way out…just call it as offside”?????

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