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Celtic Diary Tuesday March 7: You’re Cheating Hearts

…and everyone else in the league.



That’ the only conclusion to be made after another weekend of honest mistakes.



In short, “rangers ” got what they needed when they needed it, and St Mirren got a helping hand as they tried to bore Celtic and their support to tears.


However, the penalty given to the buddies and the subsequent denial of a stonewaller…a VAR/Dallas decision that the referee wasn;t even asked to look at, he was just told what to do…..served only to anger the Celts, who blew St Mirren apart with five second half goals.



And we thought they knew how to play against us….they got lucky once, and battered every time since.



The Dallas decision is quite simply downright cheating, an attempt to help another team get a result against Celtic.


The club should write to the SFA and demand he is removed from the SFA list of referees.


Except, it seems, they’d have to add him to it first….



Referees List:

Willie Collum: 16 games
John Beaton: 16 games
Nick Walsh: 15 games
Kevin Clancy: 14 games
Don Robertson: 13 games
David Dickinson: 12 games
Steven McLean: 11 games
Craig Napier: 10 games
Euan Anderson: 9 games
David Munro: 9 games
Alan Muir: 8 games
Colin Steven: 8 games
Chris Graham: 7 games
Grant Irvine: 7 games
Matthew McDermid: 7 games
Graham Grainger: 6 games
 Which begs the question, and a question no one seems to be asking, what was he doing there in the first place ?
 Well, we know what he was doing, but why was he allowed to do it ?
 All of this plays into the narrative of a refereeing story between Celtic and “rangers “, but as Sunday shows, there is little a referee can do to influence the actual outcome of the players are on their game.
 Which allows that narrative to be perpetuated….after all, the referees can;t have an agenda against Celtic because Celtic keep winning.
 And that’s what they’d rather we believed, when in fact the agenda is to keep Second Rangers er, second.
 With the chance of an occasional cup triumph, the first of which this season was denied when the referee, clearly influenced by the thought of outside observation, decided to show anyone interested that he did know how to referee a football game after all.
 The real purpose is to keep “rangers ” second as that is the best they can hope for, and with it comes an easier route in Europe if they fail to make the Champions League, which they will also get a shot at.
 The teams being denied are Hearts, St Mirren and anyone else who would take the benefits of earning second place.
 With the Ibrox club/company  suffering from a cash flow crisis, every penny counts, including merchandise and so on, which is why we have those stories planted in the media so they don;t give up hope.
 Especially round about season book renewal time, which will surely be soon as they would rather sell them before fans get to see where all the money from Aribo, Bassey and last season’s European run went.
 It’s going to be an interesting few weeks, and to distract the hordes we have stuff like this being fed to them.

Barry Ferguson issues Rangers defence for Douglas Park but Middle East example prompts big money takeover theory.




In his column on the Record, he says;



. I am sure if an investor came in from the middle east let’s say for talking sake, and is willing to invest in Rangers hundreds of millions, I am sure Douglas Park would step aside and allow that to happen if it was all good to go. There’s no doubt in my mind. But that’s just an example.”   




There is , of course, little chance of any investor chucking money at a business that has managed to lose over £180m in it’s short existence, after taking over the customer base of it’s predeccesor who lost even more than that.




But the idea is out there, and will probably grow legs….nit legs long enough to keep it out of the gutter, but legs nonetheless.



At least until those season books are sold……




Meanwhile, have a look at this evidence, and tell me they ain’t at it…..





Some handballs this season:
No pen
No pen
No pen
No pen
No pen
No pen
No pen
Pen. diff. 22-23:
Rangers = +8*
Hearts = +4
Motherwell = +3
St J = +1
Livi = +1
Dutd = 0
Ross County = 0
Aberdeen = -2
Celtic = -2
Hibs = -4
Killie = -4
St Mirren = -5





 1 day ago

If you need money don’t ask me, ask your dad.  










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1 year ago

Caption: ” OH the rangers are shite “

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti


1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti, on a very different note vs caption, and one that may gather bias (on here) as opposed to intelligent comment, I ask you to honestly answer this.
In the light of fact that you were vociferous in ‘having a go’ at Ange for allowing JJ and GG to move on in January, what do you think/feel now?
About 2 players who wanted to go?
Has the team/squad gone backwards? Is the fitba we play diminished because of them leaving? IMHO NAW!
I stated this clearly on here at the time and I’m sure it’s available.
Let me say that just now I have the benefit of hindsight and therefore I register no score against you: call it 0-0.
This was the foremost Tim site, bar none. Many years ago both you and I have made comment that you wish TF you hadn’t, and fallen out about it.
Religion (or in my case the lack of) doesn’t help, not here, not anywhere.
Anyway, I’m a forgiving sort whom ‘blows’ and ‘cools’ quickly.
I bear you no grudge, just like the “fermer”.
However, must advise (Mike), that I have joined up with ‘charlie’ from the Galla’ and that big truck he bought will make us millions……, er,em, we’re just intent on feeding and looking after your sheep, you know…….?

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

It seems to me, Monti, you have a big mouth and small heart.
Can’t/wont respond to factual, intelligent comment. Not unusual in RCs BTW.
Perhaps (big mouth), according to other comment on here, that’s why you’re a big fat baztard?
I dunno and care less but reflect on this: is he a BIG kunt, or is he a big KUNT?
Love and kisses as always,

1 year ago

jeest ooty picture glen daly takes notes as the original artists perform sure its grand old team to play for

1 year ago

Mammy,I’ve shat ma pants!!!!

1 year ago

Caption jonny mac and the faithful.

1 year ago

CAPTION: First gig for……Charlie and the Bhoys!

1 year ago

Caption – And they gave us James McGrory and Paul McStay,
They gave us Johnstone, Tully, Murdoch, Auld and Hay!

the real Anton Rogan
1 year ago

Graffiti on the waaaaaaaallĺlllllls…..

1 year ago

Comments totally obscured by grey hatching. Can’t you fix it?

The Cha
1 year ago

Caption – Latest incarnation of the Dubliners update the classic

We’re all off to Dublin in the Spring,
Fuck The King

1 year ago

That list of names made me wonder: what’s the diversity commitment from the SFA? The odd (very odd, really) token apart, that’s like the committee of the Staunchistoun Bowling Club every year.

The Cha
1 year ago

What on Earth are you talking about, the only contentious decision at the weekend, according to the ever so impartial BBC VARdict panel, was Celtic’s 2nd goal.

It should have been ruled out for handball, even though there was no evidence of this, they just believe it to be so.

Mm, what belief system would that be and what colour would you put on it and would it have legitimacy?

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

And to keep this distraction up, apparently the only contentious issue from Wednesday was the Bernabei ‘red card’ foul, according to miserable, serial whinger Neilson.

He stated that oppo players would need to be decapitated for Tic players to be sent-off, with no ‘impartial’ media pointing out that 3 have been sent off in the past year without the slightest bruising to oppo necks.

I’ve not seen the game back (and even then I’m sure the highlights will be selective) but according to those in attendance, there were worse tackles on our players, unpunished time-wasting etc.

Again, none of which were raised by the media, compare and contrast with the hysterical reaction when Ange mildly raised the issue of imVARtiality.

Neilson is a wretched grudge-bearing wee barsteward against our club, never the Huns, who him and his team roll over and have their tummies tickled and love it.

Hopefully from 2pm tomorrow we can serenade him with the old classic “It’s Crying Time Again”.

The Cha
1 year ago

You are cheating Hearts but will still be double dunted, no matter the Mason in the VAR.

The Cha
1 year ago

Caption – The latest incarnation of the Dubliners update the classic:

“We’re all off to Dublin in the Spring…”

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Aye, but can they claim their previous hits as their own?
There’s a a precedent you know.

The Cha
1 year ago

The The Dubliners or would The The object and whatever happened to The?

1 year ago

Another “precedent”, Nadir Ciftci, I checked him out purely because of the “Nadir” bit. Another asshole Lawwell’s cheap option that failed. The prick’s supposedly an accountant but has no clue about false economy?
GET HIM TAE FUKK! Not worthy of anything at CP.
Widnae even let him clean sh1te outa blocked lavvy.
And BTW, it’s your “NADIR” that got me answering.
Nirvana may be a better option, I’ll go there, can you?

1 year ago

Wish I could read the comments.

1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

“Wish I could read the comments”?
I’m glad you don’t/can’t make any!
‘ave a day orf, don’t be a kunt ALL yer life!
Tory twat.

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

celtic is a club open to everyone including tories. so ya bigot

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

“Celltic aim to maximise all opportunities to disassociate the Club from sectarianism and bigotry of any kind. To promote Celtic as a Club for all people, regardless of gender, age, religion, race or ability.”

Sounds incompatible with Tory chunts like yourself.

Nae bawz and his fellow Onion Bear Onanists, who were chased all round Mount Florida by a group of Wee Celtic mums.

Best stick to your one-arm juggling in your bedroom rather than venturing outside where you’ll be ridiculed, although your anonymous ‘bravery’ will see to that.

NB None of this is directed at BJF, who is a valued and respected member.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

i oppose gender changing rapists looking for a womens prison to convalescc in. then again it did cause crankie her job. they tory party is for the grown ups.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Illiterate moron, which is a surprise to no-one.

Best stick with your fellow fellow Ibrox Incels, as this isn’t the place for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

its all insults with you lot. everyone you disagree with is a nazi. its about time you were taken to task for it. bye bye gary and girfuy

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

using 6m peoples torture and murder to political point score. you progressives really are a palitable lot

Tim Buffy
1 year ago

Caption. “Shut the f**k up, Ringo. We’ll just get you a drum kit.”

Owen Mullions
1 year ago

“The Young Huns”
“Senga, we’re the Young Huns”
“And as Young Huns”
“We don’t have a brain”

1 year ago

Looks like the sevco original and oldest members.

1 year ago
Reply to  Oldbhoy

Four Lads Had a Dream.
Turned into a feckin long running
nightmare for the nation.

1 year ago

the joyce country ceili band

Joyce Country Céilí Band
Joyce Country Céilí Band
Videos of the joyce country ceili band
The Saw Doctors – Joyce Country Ceili Band – Live In Galway
Play The Saw Doctors – Joyce Country Ceili Band – Live In Galway
The Saw Doctors – Joyce Country Ceili Band – Live In Galway
3.5M views · 29 Jun 2009
We’re the Joyce country ceili band
Playing away and we’re doing grand
We’re singing a song won’t you give us a hand
‘Cos we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band

Friday night, off we go
Tune the fiddle, strain the bow
Take it handy for the first few sets
Sure there’s hardly anyone listening yet

And we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band
Playing away and we’re doing grand
We’re singing a song won’t you give us a hand
‘Cos we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band

Thomas and Mary out on the floor
Well they never lost it, that’s for sure
In his sparking shoes and his daz-white shirt
She’s got a brand new perm
And a pleated skirt

And we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band
Playing away and we’re doing grand
We’re singing a song won’t you give us a hand
‘Cos we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band

We do do’s and functions
Weddings and wakes
Meats and salads, buns and cakes
Well if you need a few tunes just give us a call
For the house the pub or the parish hall

And we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band
Playing away and we’re doing grand
We’re singing a song won’t you give us a hand
‘Cos we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band

There’s a princess on the floor all night
She can fairly throw them shapes alright
Howya madge are you on you own?
Howya fixed far a seat back home

And we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band
Playing away and we’re doing grand
We’re singing a song won’t you give us a hand
‘Cos we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band

Yes we’re the Joyce Country Ceili Band

1 year ago

The *SFA* have banned a club captain for life after he “kicked, insulted and spat on” a referee.
Not “ABOUT BLOODY TIME” the SFA banned a club captain, it’s about bloody time a club captain (or any other player) “kicked, insulted and spat on” almost ALL of those referees under SFA jurisdiction.
Stand up to them, that’s what I say!
Apparently the club captain, someone called Al-Jaish, and his club will have no grounds for appeal. Ridiculous, they should be given awards for standing up to cheating referees.
Of course Nicholson and our new chairman, asshole Pete, would never stand up to the SFA or for OUR captain if he did that. Diabolical what goes on at the SFA!!
*SFA* Syrian Football Association

Jeremy Grimpole
1 year ago

Its not just the refs cheating Hearts, it’s their own manager, Neilson, whose pro Hun bias couldn’t be more obvious in every game they play them.

in last year’s SC final Hearts didn’t have one shit on target and basically, and blatantly, lay down to ensure their big cousins a Scottish Cup win at last.

If the game was straight Neilson’s constant ongoing timid submissions to Sevco would be investigated:

instead he likely gets rewarded through the lodge.

Btw, in the Harry pic the woman behind Charlie has an ear growing out the top of her beehive.

1 year ago

A VAR referee missed an off-side goal by forgetting to draw the on-screen lines during a match between Arsenal and Brentford:-
“PGMOL can confirm that Video Assistant Referee Lee Mason has left the organisation by mutual consent.”
Meanwhile in Bonnie Bigoted Scotland our “Masons” make regular “mistakes” against Celtic and in favour of *rangers ranging from using dark, blurry images to disallow a Celtic goal, VAR cameras pointing in the wrong direction and to failing to call the referee’s attention to filmed incidents.
Which highlights once again the sheer lack of professionalism and the shameful inbred bigotry that exists and is encouraged in the SFA and the Referees Association

1 year ago

Well, another early deficit and a bit dis-jointed 1st half.
Their goal was 50/50 on or off. It was “anyone bar Celtic” reffing so it was “on”. Had it been ours it would have been “off”. SHAMELESS SCUM, not just Sevco but ALL of them.
But we’ve now got a manager who acts like a supporter, and I believe he already IS, but with the added advantage of understanding the player himself, and paying attention to what’s happening in front of him. Ange gets things right because he’s just SO good.
I read a bit and his philosophy goes far deeper than ‘good at kickin’ a baw around’. He researches history, character et cetera and then envisages them in the squad: Will they fit? Does it make us stronger?
I realise I know little of what’s needed ‘inside the game’ but IMHO, Ange has already proven himself as astute, clever and ABSOLUTELY TIMTASTIC!

1 year ago

Well done great but 3 important points.
We missed our starting FB’s..both at fault for first goal even tho it was a good goal.
Delighted for Haksa…beatiful goal and some clever passes.would like to see him start if Maeda is struggling.

Hail Hail

Has anybody looked into CQN this morning…they having some technical problems? Or have i fckd ma update on phone again.

Kevin James
1 year ago


1 year ago

Comments still obscured. Can’t you fix it?

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  IniquitousIV

You might as well talk to the wall it seems

obsessed with hun tears
1 year ago

the bealtles busking for the transfer kitty

1 year ago

Has anybody been on CQN today?is it working ok? I was on it yesterday..navigated away for 5mins now cant get back on to anything new..just wondering if theres a problem with it.

Hail Hail

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew67

I’ve just tried it at 13:45 and got on no boither

1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Cheers Owen

Tried again but still stuck on Celtic v Hearts live updates.

1 year ago

Comments still obscured, and the problem is not at my end. Sorry lads, love the site, but if I can’t read the comments, I have to give up on it.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  IniquitousIV

The problem isn’t universal but seems to be related to Apple kit going by other comments.

I and others remain unaffected but even if its a specific kit issue, i assume its not affecting (m)any other sites so would appear to be something that needs to be switched off or on, on this site ie not an individual user issue.

On the bright side, I’ve had a recurrence, the past few days, of the old issue of being unable to access the site.

That’ll sort all the problems of grey bars, immoderate comments etc. 😉

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

I don’t have the lines problem either (I’m just using a smartphone) but, having seen an example of the lines last week, I can see how it ruins the site and is chasing posters away.

Let’s be honest, the whole platform is shite with more problems than it’s worth. Why the guys don’t relaunch it I don’t know – God knows they’ve had enough complaints about it. WordPress has a wide range of formats available which are a lot more ‘user-friendly’.

1 year ago
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