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Celtic Diary Sunday March 5: Strange Things Are Happening

Halfway through what promised to be a lamdmark weekend on and off the pitch in Scottish football, it’s time to pause and reflect.



Celtic visit Paisley today, the scene of their only domestic defeat this season. with a week to work on it, we’ll see if the players have got the hang of dealing with the St Mirren approach to home games against the hoops, bearing in mind that it worked the last time, and at the minimum, caught Celtic by surprise.



Far superior players than those on show today will adopt the same tactics against Celtic next season in the Champions League, so it would be re-assuring to know we’re at least working on the problem.



Manager Ange Postecoglou summed his opponents up, and sort of dismissed them as well, showing that he either hasn’t given the problem any thought, or he has.



“Yeah, they are a difficult team to play against,” 

“If you look at their position in the table you can see they are very consistent. Particularly at home, they have got some great results so yes they are always a challenging opposition. But for us nothing really changes. We just have to play our football and when we do that, when we successfully impose our style upon games we are hard to stop.” 


However, there is one thing that is a little puzzling…and perhaps even a little sinister.



“I think we are going to play in grey again,”

“I don’t like it either but it is what it is, mate. I think what people said on the day and what I thought on the day was it is harder to distinguish between players then it would be if there was a clearer distinction between the strips. But it is the referee’s decision and we abide by the referee’s decision.”  



He’s got a point.


St Mirren vs Celtic kit clash makes game 'unwatchable' as fans left  confused by strip decision - Daily Record



Is this , or could it least be asked if this is,  direct interference from an official to alter the outcome of a game ?



Like most of us, I was unaware that the referee could actually order a team to wear whichever strip he feels , er, suits the conditions. As is the norm with Scottish football, you’ll note no explanation is forthcoming, especially in light of the controversy the  last time the Celts wore grey… back in September, Robbie Copland in the Record said;



Viewers were left perplexed by a clash of kits as St Mirren take on Celtic with the Hoops’ light grey shirt difficult to distinguish between Saints’ black and white. Ange Postecoglou ‘s team are in Paisley looking to maintain their 100 per cent Premiership start after last week’s games were postponed following the Queen’s death. As the early Sunday kick-off, it was shown live on Sky Sports and thousands tuned in to watch the penultimate SPFL game before the international break.

A curious kit decision though saw Celtic ditch both their green and white home kit and their black pinstriped away kit for a light grey third kit with black shorts. On TV screens, that clashed with Saints, who wore their usual black and white stripes and black shorts which were indistinguishable from the visitors. 


One viewer branded the game “unwatchable” as a result, saying: “The St Mirren v Celtic game is almighty unwatchable due to the clash in strips. Who sanctioned this?”

Sky Sports’ Allison Conroy tweeted: “This strip combo is hurting my head.”

One fan added: “These strips are too similar. Do Celtic not have an all green one or a yellow one? Actually can’t believe the ref is happy with this. Ridiculous.” And another tweeted: “Who decided these strips would be a good idea?” 



Well, it would have been referee Don Robertson, it seems.



Of course, there is no suggestion Robertson rang today’s referee and suggested he made the same decision. However, if the outcome is the same, expect more of the same.



All of this must seem petty to Postecoglou, still a relative newcomer to the quirks of our game, but as he would say, it is what it is.



He deals with the on pitch stuff, and others get involved with the politics.



Which makes me wonder just who did invite a UEFA delegation to the League Cup final, prompting one of the best refereeing displays by anyone in black in this country since  a late Juventus equaliser was ruled out in the champions League at the turn of the century, accompanied by a thumbs up from the linesman to the crowd, and a smile from the ref.


That’s if a UEFA delegation was present, it’s been hard to verify, but the claim has certainly been doing the rounds, and equally certainly, it’s neither been denied or confirmed in the media, as it would open up a can of worms that they’d really rather leave untouched.



Celtic should prove too strong for the buddies, but it is certainly a banana skin, and the referee interference on kits may well be behind the decision to bring out a fourth kit, to prevent a repetition.



Celtic 22-23 Fourth Kit Leaked - Footy Headlines



Or at least quietly highlight the issue.



Then again, it could just be greed from our board, and even if it isn’t, the media will adopt that angle anyway.




Meanwhile, and happily for thiose who wish to preserve the status quo in Scottish football, “rangers ” swept aside Kilmarnock yesterday, with another influential performance from Willie Collum, who gave the plucky, cash strapped club a leg up with a penalty when a Kilmarnock player was pushed aside…..





Presumably there was no UEFA delegation at Ibrox.



As soon as night follows day, the praise rolled in for Beale and his players, although that might be interpreted as relief, given that many expected them to down tools with the manager, and I use that word in the loosest possible sense, admitting no one had been offered a new contract yet, as he was still assessing his squad.



Which actually means he is more like most of us anyway….in that he’s going to have to check the bank before spending anything……




A scenario which the media likes to ignore is unfolding.



The natives are restless on the other side of the river. Despite a reluctance to face reality, they seem a little more aware of the consequences than they’d like to admit, with cracks appearing in what used to be a staunch defence of their club/company, thise moonbeams are beginning to dim as there seems to be a limit to the amount of shite even they’ll swallow.



In short, they can see what’s coming down the line, and it is gathering speed.



What they don’t know…or refuse to accept,  is why that particular train is hurtling down the tracks, or why it’s already passed the point of no return….you know, the bit in the movies where it finally leaves the track and plummets into the ravine because it’s too late to stop it.



Train Crash GIFs | Tenor




As in the clip above, if you don’t put in the right foundations, the whole lot will come down sooner or later.



And they don’t seem to have put in much thought to sustainability, as explained by Rangers Tax Case on twitter….in such a way even they’ll understand.



Which. of course, is why you won’t see this in the media……




Rangers Tax-Case
A lot of bleating in Sevconia about the “unfair” financial advantage enjoyed by Celtic. Some numbers might help put this in context. For a start, Sevco’s revenue was almost exactly the same as Celtic’s last season.
But the Sevco story cannot be told in a 1-2 year snapshot. Sevco is all about a reckless financial gamble to stop Celtic’s 10IAR. Yet even the rewards of succeeding were not enough to change the precarious position in which years of profligate spending have placed the young club 
A Free Cash Flow comparison between both clubs tells the story a little better. Celtic brought in £35m more than it spent over the last 6 full seasons. Sevco spent £67m more than it took in. 
Since Sevco was formed in 2012, it has spent over £180m more than it has received. You might say- so what? That was necessary to rebuild. Yet David Murray’s Rangers also spent £180m more than it took in 1988-2011. That’s before unpaid taxes & debts only discovered during admin. 
A review of the available accounts for Rangers pre-Murray show it also operated at a loss most years. The point? There is a structural financial disparity between Celtic & any Rangers-type club. It’s not going away. 
When you add financial mismanagement, poor use of capital, and decades of just plain gambling into the mix, either Sevco downsize ambitions and accept 2nd place of a repeat of the Rangers fiasco of 2012 is inevitable eventually. 
That wealthier Sevco fans have dug so deep to keep this unstable mess going is admirable but just as Murray discovered, it won’t go on forever. Then the temptation to turn to fraud and cheating becomes overpowering. 
The SPFL/SFA allowed Sevco to be created as a copy of Rangers. The same financial disadvantages and pressures to compete with Celtic exist now as under Murray. It may take some years more for this play out, but don’t be surprised when history repeats itself.



Laurel-hardy-laughing GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY




This time, although they won’t say it out loud, the gullibillies are worried. This time, and you can reference that wonderful forum of razor sharp informed debate known as ” follow follow ” for evidence.



They’re not quite sure who to blame yet, but that’s because, according to legend,  their reflections don’t appear in the mirror……..




(that’s vampires…..these peepil are zombies . different genre-Ed )



Last time out we had this…..




Awkward moment Michael Beale & Ange Postecoglou sit SIDE BY in front of  Rangers v Celtic & fans can't handle it - Glasgow News





A horrified Ange Postecoglou notices that mickey  is excited to be in his company  










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1 year ago

EUFA Delegation? If only it were true. Is the Bigot/Prick , Hugh Fuckin Dallas not in charge of the referees there now? . If greedy Pete has that much influence with EUFA surely he would ensure that the same delegates turn up for the Scottish cup games? ( not holding my breath)

Arsene Parcelie
1 year ago

“…and the bastards haven’t even updated the add-ons when they sing the rebs…”

The Cha
1 year ago

“We’re all off to Dublin in the Spring”

Nick Tic
1 year ago

Harry, how is your old man doing these days??

1 year ago

A princess? Sorry Ms Markle, but gingy baws isn’t even my son!

1 year ago

Willie Collum does not need to obey the rules. The hedonist is now beyond reproach.

Hey Dad-in-law, you know that I Rep for the Greatest us been the one from ages.
So dem man man they need to have patience. You cannot stop us. Jota, Jota on the wing.

John A
1 year ago

I am king now so shut up you wee Bassa or I will chop your head off

1 year ago

What would your father say if he seen you with a woman with a pill box on her head.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  James61

Leopard skin?

1 year ago

Junior there is no way you came from my loins

Andrew Coyle
1 year ago

Caption,Here hen.can i have a pie and a bridie for Harry

Michael Annis
1 year ago

caption: said with a mouth full of marbles and silver spoons. Oh hello, say good morning to your Father for me then you can fek off.

the real Anton Rogan
1 year ago

Caption: I knew yer faither

1 year ago

Good point about strips about Ralf..if that kent Dickinson runs out with his black refs uniform on theres
def somethin goin on..we know he likes to get right involved wi the play aswell.

Apologies if thats a jumbled mess(like myself)…still half gished fae 60th party last night.

Gie Hacksa a start today..hes a bit tougher than Jota..we’l need it today

Last edited 1 year ago by Drew67
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew67


Last edited 1 year ago by Drew67
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew67


Last edited 1 year ago by Drew67
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew67

Ffs ya nob its D Collum reffin today

1 year ago
Reply to  Drew67

Sorry folks but the above comments were made half gished pre match on sunday..then went waiting for theyre more pointless than usual.

Hail Hail

1 year ago

A grey shirt, whatever next, but here’s the solution, instead of wearing green and white hoops, wear white and green hoops and ditch the ‘four leaf clover’ and wear the shamrock. Here is the traditional shirt as worn by Bobby Collins – “The Wee Barra”. Size might matter but not on the football pitch, you only have to look at the ‘King Of The Wing” Jimmy Johnstone or Kyogo as an example of pure football talent. Bobby Collins – “The Wee Barra” was born in 1931 in Debbie McGhee (Polmadie) the eldest of six children, he signed for Celtic as a 17 year old, other clubs wanted Bobby but it was because of Jimmy McGrory that he signed to wear the famous hoops. Bobby was only 5ft. 3″ and wore a size 4 boot, but Bobby was a Lion hearted player, it was said that he was game as a pebble but built like a tank, with a talent likened to Patsy Gallagher. Filled with drive and determination, “The Wee Barra” won the hearts of the Celtic support. Once again we learn that it was only when Jock Stein arrived, without a Welsh accent that Celtic in the early 1950s began to accumulate trophies. And so we arrive today in Paisley, not wearing those famous Hoops, but we will arrive with plenty of talent, drive and determination, pushing on with a proud unbroken history, so mon the ?

Screenshot Bobby Collins.png
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

How I wish that I was a fly on the wall of the Celtic dressing room, to listen in to Steins sage advice, obviously he was taking his first steps into football management by encouraging his teammates at that time in his football career. Back to “The Wee Barra”, you get a better understanding of how good a player he was by listening to other players said about him. Celtic wiki reports: “It was a blow for the support and the many from that generation who grew up watching him play. They passed on their tales of love to their dying days, of their love and affection for Bobby Collins on the pitch and his impact on the support. It was said that he was sold to help pay for the new Celtic floodlights. The Celts never forgot him and gave him a huge ovation on December 5th. at a CSA rally.” We have heard it so often when players leave the club, to them and to us it feels like a bereavement. When you sit under the floodlights at Celtic park or watch it on the TV remember “The Wee Barra” Bobby Collins every Celtic supporters favourite player at that time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

What! A red card, but your no getting a penalty, your gettin sent aff and Dallas, your gettin reported tae the SFA for improper touching inside/outside the box.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Quite right, the red card was rescinded due to lack of impartiality. Back to “The Wee Barra”- Judge him as a player by what his peers thought of him, later he signed for Leeds United joining many Celtic minded players as well as ex Celtic players……..
Eddie Gray said this: Bobby was 5ft.3″ and wore a size 4 boot, but he would have fought King Kong and won, he was just one heck of a player and as a man. Don Revie said this: The best signing I ever made, praise indeed. Billy Bremner said this: They say that one man doesn’t make a team, but Bobby came nearer to doing it, than anyone else. Me: I never saw him play, but reading about Bobby Collins made me wish that I had. Bobby Collins – “The Wee Barra” 16th. February 1931 – 13th. January 2014.
As always the Celtic Wiki is full of information, respect bhoys. Mark Lewis at Celtic curios does some brilliant cards for Celtic players of the past, he ages them to make them seem authentic, send them oot for Christmas sale and return, works for me!

John E Mitchell
1 year ago

Caption – “So anyway, Harry. The royal doctor will come round tomorrow, to do a DNA swab. We already have one from Major Hewitt…”

1 year ago

Ffs Its D Dickinson reffin no Collum..told yeez i was a mess

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: Could you ask her for a large gin and tonic and when do we land?

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: If the car needs its brakes done call me. I know a chap.

1 year ago

King Charlie the Turd said, he would protect the Protestant Faith. He did not say he would protect an archaic Proddy Institution.

These modern murderers are beneficially hoarding wealth. Please, do not go getting excited.
You are not beneficial unless they need your feet to persevere their cause effect.

Just pray that your sevco FC players can play through the brick wall that is coming.

1 year ago

If you need money don’t ask me, ask you dad.

Honest Hoops
1 year ago

Caption; let me explain again Harry, you are punching well above your weight.

1 year ago

Don Robertson made that decision when he found a grey on the goats’ testicle.

1 year ago

Oh is due a hat-trick.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

He will make us wake the World up when he scores.

John McDermott
1 year ago

One has heard you’re a tim now? That’s right Papa , get it round yee as they say!!! FTK!!! Get to your room !!! Young man.

The Cha
1 year ago

“He deals with the on pitch stuff, and others get involved with the politics.”

Or not, in the case of the Celtic board.

Re strip tease, I don’t think dark green will cut it, as to near to black, for those in the most I’ll advised Specsavers promotion.

In England, the Sheffield teams clash in their normal kits and others that would be ruled out up here.

Cockup not conspiracy, methinks.

Caption, Meghan “I fancy the Celts for your Coronation Cup, an inclusive club, against inbreds, what’s not to like?”

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Pope Francis owns Netflix.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

I don’t know about that, it would be an ecumenical matter.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

That’s an interesting point you make there 🙂

1 year ago

Defender to score the first goal. Who?

1 year ago

‘What a disaster the Kings Eleven were scudded last week’
The so called media are in denial, they believe in the zombies and all they stand for. The articles in various rags this week are almost apoplectic, as if they have lost a family pet.
Mickey has hit the nail on the head about ‘finances’ and lack of

1 year ago

Cause of a defeat from the Buddy Boys. No-one to thy guessing?

Celts 0-7.

1 year ago

Is there a time out for VAR decisions? Maybe no. Creeping Jesus, the lot of them.

1 year ago

Yes, thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

Are you to bring the player back on? The foul continued on the forward player into the penalty area.

Why has the ref and the side line officials a similar colour to the St. Mirren keeper?

What a joke.

1 year ago

It is cheats on repeat because we lost to St. Mirren last time.

A Celtic FC board member in the prawn sandwich seats will be front page for cursing.

Andy Walker, STFU.

1 year ago

Somebody contest the keeper

1 year ago

Our crossing is woeful

1 year ago

Now start flicking the ball up in the box.

1 year ago


Which defender shall score? That is two Buddies defenders on the score sheet.

1 year ago

The pitch is an ice rink. Keep the ball down.

1 year ago

Eff, I was on the sevco and missed the third. Matt though, not bad.

1 year ago

Main is just a leg breaker. Pitiful and still firmly established Scottish managerial accepted defects.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Oh yes 2 more please.

1 year ago

eff me its 5-1

1 year ago

I have a Granny bet for 7-1. Bugger.

It does not matter because if these commentators got paid 2 bob a word, their kids would starve.

1 year ago

Well done Bhoys.

Oh, this is fun.

1 year ago

Monster Munch, mumping wee Andrew Dallas. God Bless.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

All that dick Kris Boyd and the other dick Andy Walker do is is to desire their proofread ghost-guarded columns-r-us.
Polar Pricks.

It is not 9 points once again? It still remains 9 points ahead.
Whack in a wee bit of indicativeness there,Hen.

1 year ago

Nottingham Forest v Everton

Why do Forest sing Mull of Kintyre?

Ooo, there is a shove in the game.

1 year ago

Lazy throws and the ball being outside the D will be picked up by VAR and cost goals during games.
Professionals forgetting the basics of the game will keep the amateur interfering referees in a second employment.

They wish we were there.

1 year ago

Ange plays a game where there is always a second player to play the ball to. If you can not play to the first player first, over time you are to move on because you are not giving the ball to the first player first.

1 year ago

Wish I could read the comments.
Grey bars.

1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

I will get the blame.

1 year ago

Is there a camera filter to make an English game look hovered digital for the gamers? Players look digital.

Rendition of YNWA, part the shower curtain there is only a muffled tannoy that is heard.

English Royal Palace as of thee Achaemenid portions. Garnered Suitcase.

King inch of death III.

1 year ago

They are to play & paid comfortably because of some. If behind you are skint!

obsessed with hun tears
1 year ago

I am evicting you boy, go ask your real dad to help you out.

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