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Celtic Diary Friday December 30: Running Scared Bears ?

With television offering poor fare last night, I decided to watch BBC sportscene, if only to catch up on some impartial and informative opinion on how things are being seen in the world of Scottish football.


With a Glasgow derby just a few days away, it’s no surprise that the two clubs were top of the agenda, but it was a surprise to see the headline event on the show was the “rangers ” motherwell game, which for the  impartial viewer, the one you want to stay until the end, was hardly likely to be what used to be called appointment tv.


Or did they just want to get the dross out of the way ?


In which case the Celtic game, and even a neutral would admit they are the best team to watch these days, would be either first or last, depending on how much the producer trusts the presenters to keep the viewers entertained.



Which clearly isn’t much.


So Celtic were on second, and after that it’s doubtful that anyone kept watching. I didn’t.



Presumably the producers put the Ibrox side on first so that at least they’d stay for a bit, even trying to cheer them up by telling them all about the bright young thing that is Alex Lowry, although he had hardly featured in the highlights package, but nonetheless we were assured this boy has everything.



After the Celtic game had been featured, Daezen Maeda, would have been surprised to learn that his goal, a thing of beauty, was down to poor defending and even then , despite mentioning it when featuring the “rangers ” match, the presenters were loathe to make the connection that “rangers ” under Mick Beale are less than impressive at the back.


In fact, whilst they all agreed that Celtic would start the derby as favourites, they trotted out the old cliche about anything can happen in these games just in case any of the hordes were still watching.


And anyway, they seemed to be at pains to point out that “rangers ” are a work in progress, if that’s the right word, though they stopped short of saying “rangers ” aren’t ready and the game should be postponed until they are.


By the way, if you look at the form going into Glasgow derbies, and even the Old Firm before that, the form team usually wins.



If BBC Sportsound is in need of a makeover, then Sportscene is in need of surgery.




Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Aron Mooy, or Moo-ee if you listen to Radio Scotland, has finally settled at Celtic, it seems…..probably because he’s got a song from the fans. even if it’s just his name chanted to the tune of Daddy Cool by Boney M, a successful song and dance  act from the late seventies.


All the boys were singing it on the bus afterwards,” 

“It’s always nice when the supporters get behind you. That’s what you want.

“I just try and improve and work hard and do my best and hopefully they like what they see.

“The intensity of it all was a little bit of a shock at the start, but I am enjoying it. It’s an amazing club.

“It’s a big, big club, there are 60,000 people every home game demanding a win. It’s a different sort of pressure. I am enjoying it and hopefully it makes me a better player.”



We sometimes forget that for most players who join Celtic, just playing in front of a crowd that size takes some getting used to.



Having made his mark in Wednesday’s game, it’ll be interesting to see if he breaks into the midfield when one of our three international right backs is ready, and Reo Hatate moves back into his customary role.



Then again, that’s the sort of problem a manager likes.



Meanwhile, the print media offered hope to our friends over the river, which is what they do.



Malik Tillman claims Rangers are as good as Celtic or even

BETTER when they’re firing as he targets defining derby win

Tillman reckons his team might be Scotland’s best when they are hitting their top level and wants to prove it on Monday. 



If that name is unfamiliar to you, google is your friend.  they are a new club who take the place of Rangers when they went into liquidation.


As for Malik Tillman, even google might struggle.



But I gave it a go anyway, and was delighted to find he has a brother who is a Tim.


Well, he’s called Tim.


Perhaps his own real name is actually Malachy but he’s been told not to use it.



Anyway, Andy Newport, John Beaton’s pal, is behind this nonsense in the Record;



“We wanted to end the year positively with a win and we did that on Wednesday. We try to win every game and doing that in the last four after the break has been a good job. We have to keep looking forward and do the best we can.

“If we reach our level we are one of the best teams in the league, or even the best team. Obviously, we’ll try to win that game and turn around things in the Old Firm and bring back three points.


Hurrah for the InvinciBeales !



“Every game is important but this game is the biggest of the whole year. We are nine points behind and will try to close the gap. That’s why we need to win the game on Monday.”



He’s clearly not listening to his manager, who said just the other day it was really three points.



“It’s a big game in Glasgow,” 

“As I said, we unfortunately lost the first game and we have to do a way better job than we did. If we reach our level, we can beat them.

“Also, in front of our fans, we need them as well. If they do a good job, we will do a great job as well. What did I learn from the first game? We just need to reach our level. If we play the way we can play, we can beat anyone.” 



Cleverly, he ropes in the fans , which the stewards will have to do on Monday, otherwise they’ll have all fucked off by half time.




It’s worth contrasting the narrative from Ibrox, which is a sort of optimistic if we play as well as we can we might win….with this, from Ange Postecoglou…..



“I still think there is improvement in this team. A lot of these guys are at an age where their best football is ahead of them. My role and the coaches and everyone around them is to give them that platform to continually improve.

“We worked hard during the break. I think we’ve come back stronger than we finished. We’ve had four games and I think in all four we’ve got stronger in each game.

“From our perspective it’s all about the main target and the main aim which is to keep pushing how good we can be on a daily basis, pushing the guys and making sure they are well prepared for what’s ahead. And they are buying into that.  




What’s more, he’s right.




It’s Friday, which means it’s time for the Etims






Andrew Tate, the former cagefighter who lost a battle of wits to eco warrior Greta Thunberg made a great late bid for the title, managing to get himself arrested by Romanian police when he gave away his location to get back at her when she had made him look a fool, something he really didn;t need any help with.



But he was up against a far superior opponent this week…. an anonymous opponent who deserves far more recognition than he’s getting for what can only be described as the ultimate in supporting your club.



Or company.







This week’s Etims





is the Unknown Supporter, a man who went beyond the barrier to declare his love for his club.



And a somewhat unnerving appreciation of footwear.



Yesterday, we had this…..








A gaggle of BBC anchors make their way to Ibrox   













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Mike A
1 year ago

Caption.Do I have to listen to Beale ball again ?

tony carlin
1 year ago

Fans react to the first penalty awarded against Sevco

the real Anton Rogan
1 year ago

Caption: FFS!!!! Is that 4 diaries on the spin?

The Cha
1 year ago

Hello, 5 in a row, hello.

Pat Higney
1 year ago

Caption: Remarkable scenes in a Bothwell garden, as Jota is spotted walking past his ‘tap lobby windae’ in nothing but ‘Y’ fronts.

1 year ago

Greta Thunberg…
Geez peace…☘

1 year ago
Reply to  Keith

greta sounds so normal with a cock in her gob

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Do you also “sound so normal” with a cock in your “gob”, you R/Wing, arsehole, gobshite?

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

He’s a disgrace Vinnie. Why the guys allow that vile fascist scumbag to post on here is beyond me. Truly a despicable piece of shoit.

1 year ago

Ach, Henke, we can put our own interpretation on anyone who comes on here, as I do, but banning is for state-sponsored avoidance of accountability. He’s entitled to spew on here as he is anywhere.
On another note, thanks to you and yer Bhoy for advice for my nephew, as I type he’s loving the change from ‘The Smoke’ to Ayrshire! 🙂
All the Very Best to you and yours and the eTim family (including Hisbozzar) for 2023.
Hunskelping would be a lovely intro to the new year.
I just fear for our players’ sensibilities going into that horrific cauldron of evil, kept alive by the scum-like pieces of shit aka Lawwell and Desmond.

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Cheers Vinnie, hope 2023 gives you and la famiglia everything you’d hope for, though I draw the line with he who has the mange.
If we beat tfod, the referee and his cohorts in the VAR office, that will be some result. I would very confident of it in normal circumstances, but the introduction of this abomination gives me the chills. Hopefully we leave Beale bealin and the vermin in meltdown.

1 year ago

Aye Henke, we’ve much to overcome, but Big Jock saw it all coming 5+ decades ago and “mastered” it. We didn’t JUST win the Big Cup in ’67, we won everything we entered that year. Ange Postecoglou knows, and is emotionally attached to, our incredible history, just as you and I are.
I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year and hunskelping tomorrow will certainly kick it off in style.

1 year ago

Caption – down at the lodge mother and kids club – no no no I won’t hear of it, mick beale is the new messiah not Ange I tell you

1 year ago

It is the anticipation that kills you – “Ladies…..Ralph Malph is only two minutes away…..”!

Eugene McElhinney
1 year ago

Caption. Celtic got a VAR decision !

1 year ago

Caption …reaction of co commentator
When asked if she could hear any sectarian singing at ibrox , fingers in ears , La La La La La La

1 year ago
Reply to  Bognorbhoy


1 year ago

Caption : ‘There’s another goal at Ibrox. It’s now Rangers nil, Celtic……….’

Honest Hoops
1 year ago

Caption; the lady at the shoe shop opens her husbands 1st pair of brogues..

1 year ago


1 year ago

Mary realises their cover at the concert is blown when she sees to her right sister Concepta wearing Rosary beads and sister Immaculata wearing her habit of a lifetime

The Cha
1 year ago

Caption “Argh, my ears are bleeding, shut all mikes”

The Cha
1 year ago

“bring back three points”

It sounds like Tim Tillman isn’t the only Tim in the Tillman family.

1 year ago

The Buffalo set to sign an extension, mugs c

Patrick O hara
1 year ago

Pure unadulterated ecstasy at hearing the first stirring notes of Paddy McGinty’s Goat.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: Big Ange takes his jumper aff.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Flying out to warmer climes at kick off but happy to pick up the rerun in an Canarian beer garden the next day (aye I’m a fud) but 5, 6 nil out of the question? They are rank and we have a near full squad coming back to peak condition. Expecting Calmac to run riot and Maeda to excell. Would anticipate that if the TB ‘song’ has a rerun that there will be consequences for the club. You can’t get into a Holyrood committee meeting with feminist colours on. What’s the sanction for that bilge?

Harry Videcci
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie


We’re the SFA, we don’t need no stinking sanctions!

1 year ago

Ralph, the quality of recent Diaries is going down the pan. As is the ‘wisdom’ of some of your headline quotations. For starters, the ‘quotations’ are ill-thought-out and verging on nonsensical and the new huns are irrelevant.
To even quote the Daily Rancid, IMO, is obnoxious. It should be banned from CP, but that would mean our incoming, arzehole chairman would lose his ‘voice’.
Maybe try going back to a terrific ‘Diary’, say 2-3 times a week and encourage (demand?) that ‘votes’ are only allowed with comment and therefore repetitious prikks are outed.

On another note, I wish many/most of you a Happy New Year and look forward to hunskelping for evermore…….. and maybe even longer…(as I kinda plagiarise the late, great Spike Milligan.)

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Oh, and the 2-3 a week ‘Diary’ craic allows for some debate amongst (mostly) fellow Tims. Great points are lost when a new ‘Diary’ arrives and ignores hugely relevant issues like Lawwell being allowed to return to be Desmond’s placeman as he (Desmond) runs Celtic FC like a personal fukkin toy, looking to further increase his obscene wealth by somehow getting the deceased O** F*** into the EPL.

1 year ago

Caption: Oh, FFS, it’s Andy Walker again, get him tae fukk.

1 year ago


When someone clocks Mick (the Mole) Beale’s face for the first time.

1 year ago

BTW, I ‘spotted’ that, Henke 🙂

1 year ago

Just in passing and being an avid participant in eTims, I’d just like to say.
Yokerboy, yer stuff aboot Pele is pish. He’s an ex footballer from a country riddled with poverty and “street children” and you choose to “RIP” Pele?
You’re acting like a fukkin tory clown and deserve this.
Oh, and what pish are you assembling now aboot a deid pope?
To put on a secular, Tim site?
Stick yer pathetic religion and self-seeking patter up yer arze.
Stick tae the fitba, ye’re no’ bad wi’ that!

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

You don’t tell me what I have to do and I’ll post when and what I like. My original short Pelé comment was one of respect as I felt deeply saddened the moment I heard the news as he was someone who, in addition to being a supremely gifted footballer, instilled hope and happiness in millions of those poor Brazilian kids. It was maybe a knee-jerk reaction to post it and I’m sorry that you and others didn’t like it but it was never my intention to annoy or offend anyone. Oh, and by the way, I’m not religious and I’m certainly no tory and have absolutely no intention of posting anything about the German ex-pope.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

That’s great, Yoker, and I appreciate your fullsome and intelligent reply.
We all see things differently and I’m sometimes too quick to call stuff (as I see it) out.
Have a great year, starting South of the Clyde tomorrow, I hope.
Also, I’ve written to the LRA asking them to change ‘Lanarkshire’ to Inverclyde. They might just be dumb enough to do so, not realising the new TLA (Three Letter Abbrev.)?
On abbrevs, my wife once played netball for The Castle pub.
One of them suggested having their name, Castle United Netball Team, put on their tops. Someone said “it’s too long, abbrev. it”.
True story! 🙂
Have a laugh and a Happy New Year.

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Happy New Year to you too TicToc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Yoker, I tried to reply but it’s been hooked. It was positive (to you) and generally sans sweary words but hooked nonetheless.
Ah well……..

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Give it a rest ffs! Nobody mentioned the Pope or religion but you as usual. And who made you the site censor anyway?

Archie’s boy
1 year ago

The Invisible Man and a zealous fan

Frank McGaaaarvey
1 year ago

RIP dear Frank, the one and only. Love and condolences to the family x

1 year ago

RIP Frank.

1 year ago

Remember our New Year resolution Ghirls and Bhoys.
If Mooy scores today, we are all to get a baldy. HNY.

Celts 55-0.

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago

Although I would have wanted much more before the game, I’ll take a draw after seeing that. A fine first half hour but Taylor’s early exit caused imbalance to the defence. There’ll be a lot of debate as to whether Bernabei would have been the better option to sub him. There was also Joe Hart’s clanger which made the huns smell blood and the flow of the game seemed to turn in their favour after that. A horrible start to the second half with dreadful errors of judgement from Juranavic and Starfelt leading to their goals. After that we had to endure an arduous slog saturated with technical errors from both teams, plenty of hard challenges going in and, much as I hate to say it, spurred on by the ugly hordes they looked a lot hungrier than us but all credit to the lads for hanging in there and the substitutions certainly helped the cause, especially Mooy. Not a great game to remember for its footballing attributes but at the end of the day the result suits us a lot more than it does them. I’m sure we’ll play miles better when we take on Killie at home on Saturday.

1 year ago

CCV, outstanding my man.

Hello Hello, I am Michael Beale
The hostess with the mostest

That is simply the best you have got

1 year ago

I watched it live and even the unbiased Spanish commentators said
it wasn’t a penalty..they correctly said the *rangers player had stood on
the Celtic player’s foot and slipped. You could see somebody asking
Beaton to check with VAR and he said “what for?”.You didn’t need to be
an expert lip reader it was that clear.
Oh and two handballs by action by Gollum on VAR.
Please, somebody tell Joe Hart he’s no many times has he dithered with the ball at his feet and cost us or nearly cost us dearly? Schoolboy stuff that he should already know.
Anyway, we’re still 9 in front…unless Bealing thinks they’re 3 in front of us according to his arithmetic.
We need to put them back in their box when they visit us.

1 year ago

Lying through their teeth is the only teething problem with VAR I have witnessed being endorsed by the SFA.

1 year ago

Lunstrum, the vacant gawk, met one of the Hanson Brothers today.

1 year ago

Boyd has been told from above to throw in the towel. He is the story now.
Not the scandalous (Goldson) penalty decision.

1 year ago

In the end a good point. They played at their best and we played pretty poorly I thought. The equalizer really hurt them players and fans. A lot of our players were off the pace today for some strange reason. Yet still enough in the tank for a point. Still nine clear and one more game gone. Onward

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago

I’ve just seen in the other Glasgow derby today that Queens Park beat Thistle 2-0 to top the table in the Championship by 2 clear points. Can you imagine playing against them in the league next season? They’d have to go back to Hampden to house us or the huns.

1 year ago

Best thing to come out of today’s game….

1 year ago

Please check out the BBC News 6pm report on todays match. A master class in news manipulation.

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