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Celtic Diary Wednesday November 16: Take Care Of Our Own

Don’t worry.


The seemingly random appearances of the diary may yet have been rectified after the doctor gave me something to make me more regular.


The hot topic around the web is the perception that referees and their new toy have it in for Celtic.



Pictures Eyes Blonde girl Surprise emotion gestures female Hands



It’a almost as though some people have been asleep for the last fifty years…or longer.



Yes, there are now twice as many officials who can have their say in the results of games.


And yes, they do seem to be favouring one side at the expense of the other.










So, what are we going to do about it ?



History suggests that our own club will take their seat at the back of the bus, occasionally telling those around them that they’re concerned about the way things are , and they might even mention it to the driver when they get off.



It’s not so much the fact that some of the decisions are , well, strange, a euphenism for outrageous , and not so much that we’ve come to expect them, it’s that we are accepting them that , as they say over the water, grinds my gears.



Some would argue that the likes of Fergus McCann would have been a little more vocal and a little more litigious in his actions, and that’s almost certainly true, which is in direct contrast to the Lawwellian tactic of sorting things out behind closed doors, and it’s hard to form a defence against that argument.


So, put simply, the new regime, under Michael Nicholson, has a chance to make a name for themselves, a chance to leave behind a legacy, for all things must pass, that will be forever remembered by the constant supporter.



In exactly the way Peter Lawwell didn’t, and he cannot say he wasn’t warned. As regular readers know…..



Put simply, we need to put our own interests first, and ride roughshod over the interests of others.




Looking a little bit further beyond the obvious accusations of bias, which are way beyond a perception by now, and in order for the SFa to take such risks, and the matchday officials to run the gauntlet of criticism they are facing,ย  we must ask ourselves why they are doing it.



It can’t be for high jinks, we must surely credit them with a little bit of maturity, and at least some acceptance of the resposibilities of the offices and positions they hold.


the usual motives for wrongdoing, sex and money, don’t really apply here. Taking payments on the side is a no no anywhere in football, unless you work for FIFA, and as for sex, well, there’s plenty of goats in the field, as the saying goes.



That leaves another reason, the desire, strong amongst unionists and conservatives, tp preserve the status quo.



Or as it used to be called, the Old Firm.



When one half of it crashed and burned a decade ago, a substitute was found, and although it took a while for them to establish themselves as a serious challenger to Celtic, they sort of got there when they won the league that no one watched. which gave them their magic 55 number of titles, which means absolutely fuck all to anyone else anywhere in the world, but it’s about all they have to show for over 140 years of their, er, institution.



And very soon, that figure will be overtaken by the immigrant club from the east of the city, which has become more wealthy, more popular, and more recognised as the number one club in Scotland,



And that hurts, it hurts so much that they’re not even beating up their wives anymore, goats are going unmolested and the attraction of being up to their knees in fenian blood is more of a pyrrhic victory.



They’re dying.


The death of a thousand cuts…..and that’s not a typo , by the way.



What we are seeing is the last desperate throw of the dice by a desperate establishment to save what they see as a way of life, a way of life threatened by a new age of enlightenment, a wave of progression that they are powerless to prevent.



To keep Celtic down they will have to deport, the whole fenian army that gives them support, as the song goes.



And we’re not going anywhere.


We’ve saved our club once, and those in charge now will never let that circumstance arise ever again,



They didn’t save their first club, and it’s looking more and more likely they will lose their second one.


But what they really don’t want to lose…after all, they can just get another club and pretend it’s the same one…is that magic 55 claim to be the most successful club in the world, and that will happen soon….



And what hurts them most is that when that’s gone, we’ll have taken all they thought they had.




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Meanwhile, as football takes a break so the bookies and tv companies can plunder our pockets further with the World cup, Celtic have got away from it all in Australia….



Well that’s where they say they are, but this picture , of the stadium where Celtic play their first game tomorrow morning, makes me wonder….






Have they superimposed a modern stadium onto a picture of the Paisley skyline ?



Can’t we trust anyone any more ?




Only four of our squad are at the world Cup, which is a relief, Mooy , Maeda, juranovic and Carter Vickers, which means the rest will get a chance to recharge their batteries and get the disappointing champions League campaign completely out of their system.


Though Cameron Carter Vickers might wish he’d never bothered…..







For a country literally built by the hands of non-Americans, one can only wonder what goes on in Ted Lasso’s head.


Whoever he is.



Then again, people do some have some stupid thoughts when they are left without adult supervision……







Even the gullibillies baulked at this one, and the club/company had to withdraw the product after no one bought it.



A bit like they did with Conor Goldson. when no one bought him either.



It’ll be the same with Kent and Morelos……



So I suppose their support should enjoy the break while they can…..







Because it’s going to get much, much worse for them as their little empire crumbles.




You can only rewrite history so many times…….













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1 year ago

Not a fan of conspiracy theories at the best of times but those statistics will take some explaining. However the most interesting one is the 55 the Rangers Clubs won over their various existences. When we go to 56 then 55 is simply not relevant, so a seminal moment.

Grant Sloan
1 year ago

Thing is, nevermind UEFA but the world sees how corruption rules in the Scottish game.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

It’s the fallacy of superiority we see every spring marching down our streets. 55 is what you get when you add their BMI to their IQ so it is significant to them. Yet they were the people. The state sponsored people. But no more. Even the Tories don’t want them. Which is like Harold Shipman being too busy to see a wealthy 80 year old needing her insulin. They’re outnumbered in the north of Ireland, in their version of the Ewings JR is a stuttering lush, Bobbie’s a nonce and while Sue Ellen was doing her fitness instructor someone let a grandson marry a black woman. Scotland is run by people who want to take a pair of scissors the Butcher’s apron and there’s more blessing yourself in the Ibrox tunnel than in the grotto at Lourdes. The cry may still be no surrender, but their battle has been lost. Our day is now.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Cracking analysis.
They are irrelevant, a nuisance and a stain on Scotlandโ€™s image.
Unionism now takes second place to post Brexit Engerlish Nationalism.
Der Hun is isolated and exposed.
Alas they are not finished yet. Even in their death throes they have the capacity for wreaking carnage out of pure malice and spite.
The โ€˜screwโ€™ needs to be applied on and off the park.
Big Ange and the team are doing their bit.
Itโ€™s up to the Board to do their duty.

1 year ago

Good diary and welcome back.
Can we assume that the oft quoted pish stained source
whose titbit a few weeks back on being out the door in January is
Juranovic ?

1 year ago

Ted Lasso is the epoymous hero of an Apple TV comedy show about an American Football (not real fitba) coach that becomes manager of a struggling EPL side. There were denigrating parallels drawn with Ange when he arrived by the usual morons of the SMSM. It’s a good wee show.

1 year ago

Players regularly put the ball out of play if another player, even on the opposing team, is thought to be genuinely injured, and are, rightly, applauded for their sporting spirit. If memory serves, Paolo Di Canio once deliberately missed a penalty awarded to his team in dubious circumstances. In the final of FIFA WC 2010, there was outrage when ?De Jong tried to loft the ball over Casillas when โ€œreturning the ballโ€. Perhaps the obvious bias in the administration of VAR in Scotland could be better dealt with by teams refusing to cooperate with officials in lending credence to ludicrous decisions. For the team penalised, have the goalie remain still and make absolutely no attempt to save a goalbound kick. For the team benefited by the dodgy award, have the taker miss โ€œaccidentally on purpose.โ€

In other words, less emphasis on โ€œour interestsโ€ and monetary considerations and more on sporting integrity.

Now, whereโ€™s that lance? Thereโ€™s a windmill over there cruising for a bruising…

1 year ago


Didnโ€™t he also catch a cross to him in the opponents box, possible goal scoring opportunity, as opponent down injured ?
Or maybe it was a fascist salute

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

I donโ€™t recall that. One โ€œinjured playerโ€ situation I did remember after your prompt was Bielsa instructing his Leeds Utd team to let Aston Villa equalise. Plenty of money was at stake in the outcome of that match as the report makes clear:

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

I remember that one, it was when he was at West Ham.
Canโ€™t remember who they were playing but it was the keeper that was injured.
I believe he got some kind of fair play award for it too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Morto

Yep, if I remember correctly the goalie collided with the post and was down injured leaving the goal open for Di Canio who sportingly put the ball out for a goal kick. ..and as you say, he got a special award for his sportsmanship from UEFA.

1 year ago

Wow eTims deleting my comment for no reason? There was no profanity or dodgy content there so why? Is it because I’m not one of your regular commenters? Or just censoring folk for the sake of it now? Not a good look.

Damian Smyth
1 year ago
Reply to  Seppington

Very good diary . You spoke about officials running the gauntlet of criticism . Itโ€™s good to see some media people criticising them for a change & also Our Board queried their actions at least one . I think us fans need much more prolonged & louder reaction to the obvious cheating . A recent wrong decision was met by a decent round of booing from all round the stadium. Unfortunately short & within a minute or so we were back singing . We are making a visit to Celtic Pk too pleasant an experience for cheats .

1 year ago
Reply to  Damian Smyth

We need UEFA to send observers incognito to matches to see what is
happening to the (once) beautiful game in Scotland.
Say No to racism…Say GTF to religious bigotry.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Seppington

Nobody has ever been able to figure out the moderation on here. Posts are snatched away arbitrarily, sometimes to appear days later and sometimes to disappear into the void. It’s all to do with the AI of the filter I think. I can assure you regular posters lose comments just as frequently as you have but we’ve just learned to live with it. It does spoil the site though.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Hear hear. I responded in a separate post because I was unable to respond in person. I’m up for postcards?

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Dirty postcards?

1 year ago
Reply to  Seppington

Seppington, a comment I made days ago had no profanity either but it
was delayed for moderation and only allowed today.
Probably an alert that JFK has just been assassinated will appear today.

1 year ago
Reply to  Seppington

I haven’t deleted anything. It may be trapped in tje system as happens sometimes. When I get back in I’ll look for it. Apologies.

1 year ago

Stein stated that there were issue with the man in the middle when he gave a team talk. The bias is inbred, the superiority belief, is their downfall. Brexit is there belief but it will lead to a United Ireland, they have begun to shoot themselves in the foot, VAR is showing them up for their stupidity

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Correct. Brexit was a stab in the front to Unionism in the north. 1 million new Irish passports last year in a country of 5. I hear half of Westminster has one on an essential travel clause.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Sepington it’s the IT kit they use that triggers a block on the most innocuous words. I changed my name like the Sax-Coburgs and that helped. Along the conspiracy side some of the weirdest posts seem immune ….

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

That’s what puzzles me. Crazy conspiracy theories, weird incoherent drivel, and abuse of other posters is the stock in trade of one particular individual yet it passes the filter time and again. Obviously, the ‘artificial intelligence’ recognises a kindred spirit in our art expert with three degrees from the University of Walter Mitty.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

There was one delicious event that came about due to Brexit.
A load of hun ex-pats were sent ‘home’ from Spain where they had taken over a pub in one of the Costas and had it decorated with all their right-wing tack and Butcher’s Aprons galore. They were asked about Brexit and admitted voting for it but were greetin’ like weans at being deported. It’s a pity they couldn’t have been sent to join their ‘hillbilly’ kith and kin in the redneck backwaters of the USA, but a grand wee tale of irony upsetting the scum anyway.
As for Juranovic, if he goes he goes. Ange has stated he only wants players who want to be with us and Anthony Ralston fits that description. Anthony too has mistakes in him but he’s the equal of JJ anyway. Remember that wee shit Neymair wouldn’t shake hands and Anthony earned his disrespect having kept him quiet during the game. Big Ange will have this covered in any case.

1 year ago

Ralph still getting black, charcoal bars in the middle of responses below the diary. Is this at your end? A mate said he also has this experience?

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

What are you using to access this, as it’s not happening to me nor, I assume, other posters otherwise you’d expect them to also raise it?

I use a Windows 10 PC with Microsoft Edge (latest version), Firefox and Chrome and it’s all fine.

I also use Firefox on an Android phone and again, no problems.

1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

BJF, I’m on Windows 7 and all ok here.
It must be the gangle-sprocket or the Dylithium crystals.
I’m a Trekkie not a Techie.

The Cha
1 year ago

The death of a thousand cutsโ€ฆ..and thatโ€™s not a typo

Obviously, as otherwise you would have said “tens of thousands” ๐Ÿ˜‰

“Only four of our squad are at the world Cup, which is a relief”

Totally disagree with this, as this is probably one of the measures used by transfer targets to assess how attractive we are in progressing their careers.

It’s probably also an indication of where we in the Euro pecking order compared to similar teams.

Of the 4, only Jura would seem to be a 1st team starter, perhaps Mooy but he’s at the fag-end of his career.

Even, if Scotland and Sweden made it, only McGregor would be a 1st pick.

O’Reilly, is obviously unlucky, given the quality of Denmark and would be an automatic pick for a lot of other countries but presumably not Scotland given Clarke would still prefer McLean, Jack or Gilmour (currently ripping it up at Brighton U12s).

For me, only Jura and Starman have increased their international potential since joining us.

re Ted Lasso. I only have cooncil TV but his comedy show seems to go down well with the kids. Although a clunky intro, it looks like this is in praise of immigrants and the mongrel nation.

Caption – Ralph, Sydney and Albert Kidd

1 year ago

18 degrees in Sydney at kick off time tonight, 29 degrees for the mid afternoon game against Everton on Sunday. Centigrade not Fahrenheit.

The Cha
1 year ago

From fishal site.

Hoops lose out in opening Sydney Super Cup match

Unless we turn it round against the Toffees, it’s time to pap Postecoglou ๐Ÿ˜‰

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

celticfc .com/news/2022/november/17/hoops-lose-out-in-opening-sydney-super-cup-match

(remove space after celticfc)

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

I watched the game and we didn’t play badly, although we also didn’t hit the heights that we’re capable of. Sydney were better than I expected,,they were fast, good on the breakaways and made good chances hitting the woodwork a couple of times and scoring two good goals. We also had our chances and forced some good saves from their keeper. All in all it was a better watch than the usual “friendly” match and bearing in mind the long flight and remnants of jet lag, it was a good workout.
Now I’m getting ready to see how we do against Everton COYBIG.

The Cha
1 year ago


“Celtic close Sydney tour with penalty shootout defeat to Everton”

Of course, we did.

Windy as feck. Had majority of game but finishing at Champions League level with Kyogo missing from 3 yards.

Also at Champions League level was our defending as, at one stage, they had a 4 on 1 break, after we lost the ball with most of our players in an advanced position.

It seems the Never Stop mantra also covers making basic defensive errors.

Didn’t realise there was a penalty shootout, so missed it, just like GG and Reo. ๐Ÿ˜‰

That must be 3 out of 4 pens GG has missed and with Jura seemingly leaving, I’m not sure we should all be getting hot and bothered about being denied blatant ones. ๐Ÿ™

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

celticfc .com/news/2022/november/20/Celtic-close-Sydney-tour-with-penalty-shootout-defeat-to-Everton

remove space after celticfc

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Saw a clip of the Dutch beat Bulgaria 4-0 in 74 WC on you tube.they got 2 ran up and just blootered both of them..lifting himself of the pitch with the power he used..passed the keeper before he could even move.Gemmell had the same attitude..bring it back

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew67

GG did blooter it – trouble is he blootered it ower the bar!!!

1 year ago

wtf are iran doing in this competition. supplyers of drones to murder innocent women and children. sentencers of woman to death for wearing a scarf. only a hun could support those murdering rapist bastards.. come on england, time to step up for the free world

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Very balanced mangy man. Whilst the USA and Britain supply the Saudis with billions of $ and ยฃs in weaponry and training, to murder women and children in Yemen with impunity, why are they allowed to compete? Letโ€™s also not forget what Israel do to the Palestinians for simply trying to live on their own land. Fuck England and the Crown.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

A rabid hun like you pretending to give a sh1t for women’s rights.

If it looks like shite, smells like sh1te then you are sh1te.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

3-0 girfuy ya iranian c,unt

Frank McGaaaarvey
1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Get this cnut to fck.

1 year ago

An absolutely despicable, joyless roaster.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

6-2. stick that up yer aya-toley box

The Cha
1 year ago

In case anyone hasn’t seen the “big” news from Scots fitba

Giovanni van Bronckhorst sacked after a year .uk/sport/football/63535011 (remove space)

Logic dictated that they couldn’t afford to sack him (ยฃ4m+), couldn’t afford to hire a new manager and couldn’t afford to spend in January, as a new manager would demand.

Why do we always attempt to apply logic where the Huns are concerned? ๐Ÿ™‚

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

That must go down as the shortest “era” in history. Oh how the hacks trumpeted his appointment,
and how Boyd the buffoon ridiculed Ange’s appointment “Where do they get these guys?” he laughed. Who’s laughing now?…and these hacks and ex-*rangers players get paid for spouting that sh1te.
They’re in total meltdown and gonna have to come up with the readies if they want a quality replacement for Gio….and it’s nearly halfway through the season. I don’t usually laugh at other “peepul’s” misfortune, but I’ll make an exception in this case.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Kenny Miller said 12 month rolling contracts equal 5 year contracts because with the latter all you get is a years salary. He’s a tube but he knows the economics of the game. It’s the gift that keeps giving and I think they will turn to a proper proddy to keep bums on seats. Perfect.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Wouldn’t surprise me if it is Souness…cos he believes *rangers is “a Protestant institution”.
AKA a Billy Bigot Institution.

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