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Celtic Diary Wednesday October 5: This Is Our Time

Leipzig comes across as if music was already running through the veins of the people and the walls of revered buildings way back in the 11th century. The city is home to the St. Thomas Choir, one of the world’s oldest boys’ choirs. But the Gewandhaus Orchestra and Leipzig Opera, one of Europe’s oldest opera venues, have also set the bar high as landmarks. Also second to none are the city’s famous virtuosos: Johann Sebastian Bach, the famous cantor of the St. Thomas Choir, as well as Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Robert Schumann and Leipzig-born composer Richard Wagner. 



As if the scene needing any further setting…..



Known to be fond of a tune or two, the Celtic travelling support is gathering in what is universally known as the German cultural capital in anticipation of an expression of art at it’s finest, a festival of football, that culture associated with the working man , which will find itself alongside some of the greatest performers and composers in the continents history…



The pressure to perform is almost unbearable, and yet what better or bigger stage can there be for the eyes of the world to gaze upon than football to be displayed in it’s purest form ?



Can the hoops rise to the occasion and display their talents ?



Well, we’ll have to do it without Cameron Carter Vickers, without Carl Starfelt, without Aaron Mooy and without Liel Abada.



The hoops have not disgraced themselves in their forst two outings in the competition, and certainly deserve more than the solitary point and goal they have recorded so far, and whilst they can be excused for perhaps not dipping their toes in with a little more confidence, tonight it’s time to move up a gear.


If we want European football after Christmas, an aggregate win over the two matches with Leipzig is essential.


And if that is to be in the premier tournament, nothing less than a win will do in the Saxon city tonight.



You get the feeling that the manager is looking forward to it as much as we are…..


It’s great. It’s how you can develop quickly. Nothing beats that kind of experience, provided you go out there with a positive mindset and don’t let the game pass you by. 

“It goes for a lot of our players. For most of them, it is their first experience of Champions League football. We are really big on making sure they don’t waste the experience and let it pass them by without making an impact. That’s what football is about. Every game is a challenge. It’s about keeping on performing at this level and if you keep performing you give yourself a chance to win games.

“All you can do is be prepared to take on the challenge ahead. Our first two games have been pretty good from a performance perspective. We felt in the first game we did well for about an hour then fell away. The second game, our performance was strong. It was a game we could have won. It’s not just about performance, it’s about the opposition as well.

“There’s a bit more to it than just converting chances. This is Champions League football. You don’t just make progress overnight. It’s stuff you build on. We’re under no illusions that this is going to be another massive challenge. There’s no quick fix.”



Celtic won;t change the way they play , even though in Starfelt and Carter Vickers they have lost what is arguably the spine of the team….. as the manager points out ;



Carl and Cam are pretty much mainstays for us. They hardly missed a game. They have both had different issues. That’s meant that Welshy and Moritz have got an opportunity and it’s a great opportunity for them. A good challenge for them. A centre-half playing as a pairing requires understanding, but, in both games they have played so far, they have got better at understanding each other’s movements.


“I am sure they are looking forward to it because they have got some real attacking threats. They are both going to have to be on top of their games, but we can help them with that. Our concentration is on the guys who are fit and ready to go. Different players bring their own qualities to the game. Cameron is a different type of centre half to Carl. Moritz and Welshy are similar. It doesn’t change the way we play. These guys have different strengths and ways of contributing to the team.”



All they need to do is communicate a wee bit better…the back five , that is, and to be a little more aware of each other and hopefully the mistakes will be eliminated.


Hart, Juranovic, Taylor Welsh and Jenz will be the rearguard against a Leipzig side that has improved considerably since they sacked their manager after losing their group opener to Shakhtar.



Whilst offering due respect, Ange also reminded us that we’re not a bad side either….



They have become almost an established Champions League side, experienced certainly at European level over the last few years.

“They have players who have been there and experienced it. Irrespective of their league form, they rise to these games. They want to play at this level. You can see that their fortunes are beginning to turn around. I would be very surprised if they stay in that position in the league in the next few weeks.

“Every game is a challenge. That’s the nature of the competition. Every team you play is a top quality side, so, irrespective of what’s happened before, the next task is to take on the challenge that’s before you. Leipzig are a top quality team and with them being at home it’s a fantastic challenge for us. We just need to keep performing at the levels we know we can.”



The midfield trio of O’Riley, Hatate and the ever dependable MacGregor may seem lightweight, but it can be devastating when on form, and with Jota, Kyogo and Maeda starting there will be hope that Celtic can settle quickly and at the very least unnerve the Germans.


The previous two matches have shown Celtic, with perhaps a little bit more luck and just a smidgeon of faith can match anyone, but maybe the most important thing to be learned is the need for concentration for the full match, as was shown against Real Madrid when they took their eye off the ball for five minutes or so.



They won’t need me to tell them that, but what i will say is that if Celtic do what Celtic can do, then there will be a new genre of music in the air over there as the sun sets.



Another thing that just might give Celtic the edge tonight is the spirit of the man who made the club what it is today.



Jock Stein was born one hundred years ago today, and he took, or rather hauled  Celtic from a club with a proud history and gave them a future.


For a decade or so from the mid sixties to the mid seventies he made them a genuine force in Europe that changed the culture of football and made it entertaining again.


Had the board backed his vision then Celtic would have been on a par with the continents most successful sides, building on what he had achieved almost immediately after taking the reigns in 1965. Instead, they chose to almost run it into the ground, culminating in the events that saw Fergus McCann ride into town, clear out the bandits and put the show back on the road,


When you look around our club, everything from the physical infrastructure to the heart and soul of everyone connected can be traced directly back to what happened during the years he was in charge.



Sometimes, we can get all glassy eyed when it comes to heroes of the past, and dwell a little too much on the achievements of previous generations, but perhaps his words can still inspire the current bearers of the banners…..



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We might as well start tonight….

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Dziekanowski's nightclub child
1 year ago

M’on the hoops!

1 year ago

Excellent Ralph Hail Hail!

1 year ago

I concur. Let’s play, let’s score because they probably will.
Never thought I’d advocate this but let’s put some early robust but fair hits on Nkuko and Werner. Demand to be taken seriously, stand up, man up, play for the team, the fans and your own pride. Gird loins, dig in, fight to the last second of the game. Refuse to be beaten, when you are blowing they will be blowing, take a breath and go again, then again. Celtic.

Jason Gill
1 year ago

Well said Ralph. I enjoy reading and watching from far away. Hail Hail!

Damian Smyth
1 year ago
Reply to  Jason Gill

Let’s hope every Celt in the stadium do their best for a Celtic win. Starting 11 & replacements give it everything & cut out silly mistakes. Celtic fans lucky enough to be at the match, support & encourage every Celtic player

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Jason Gill

Move closer to the screen you’ll strain your eyes.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie


1 year ago

3 would be lovely but I’d take a point.

1 year ago

Be another learning experience,not getting my hopes up with this side to go on to special things anymore,we miss far too many chances,Ange must tear his hair out with them, we’ll be lucky if he’s still here next season.

Damian Smyth
1 year ago
Reply to  James

James , many may think they are lucky if he is gone by next season . Those that spend the game ridiculing & abusing some of our players are at the very least disrespectful to our managers & giving out a very clear message they don’t trust his team selection. Ange said he would always knew when it was clear to move on

Damian Smyth
1 year ago
Reply to  James

Why should the players who are missing all these chances are mostly players he bought to club , players making mistakes conceding goals are his buys too , He is responsible for almost all that happens on pitch

1 year ago
Reply to  Damian Smyth

Missing the point here. If we could convert more of the chances we have in any competition we’re in, then it takes pressure of the defence. We create lots of chances even against Real Madrid – had we taken one of our ten attempts ( yes ten they had 12 and scored 3 )early or even two it’s a different game. That goes for against Motherwell too. Could have been 4-0 up by half time. Missed chances cost us. We are better at the back and far from Champions League top teams who can afford great attackers and great defenders. We had 12 chances tonight 5 on target. They had 16 with 6 on target and scored 3. We have to convert more chances as our defence is still developing

1 year ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Totally agree that’s Madrid, Shakhtar, Motherwell and now Leipzig that the forwards have missed plenty, equally as culpable as tonight’s AWOL midfield and wide open defence.

1 year ago

We miss too many chances and make the kind of mistakes that make women think they can play fitba,other than that we’re Brazil in 1970

1 year ago
Reply to  James

Hi ‘James’ you’re new here aren’t you? Off ye feck with this pish

The Cha
1 year ago

“And if that is to be in the premier tournament, nothing less than a win will do in the Saxon city tonight.”

I don’t think that’s true, a draw tonight and win 2 home games would be enough provided Shakhtar don’t cause an upset against Real.

1 home win would probably give us a good chance of dropping down to the Europa League.

Lots of permutations, so in the words of the immortal Lena (is she deid yet?), 1 game at a time, sweet Jesus.

It was always going to be Moritz and Welshy, who each performed well in partnership with Cam but, obviously, struggled together in the last couple of games.

Hopefully, that’s been worked on, with the other players providing additional and better cover for them, as all good teams do, to help them over any early nerves etc.

We saw last night, with that shower of shoite, when players hide and don’t help each other out, looks like, in probably an easier game than when Liverpool beat Bournemouth 9-0 earlier in the season.

That’s not the Celtic way, we never stop helping each other out, and hopefully we see that commitment tonight, irrespective of the score, although a positive result would be nice. 🙂

The Cha
1 year ago

Argh, another day, another awaiting for approval.

Ah well, time for afternoon ablutions and then head to pub for pre-match nerve calmers.

1 year ago

With Celtic there is hope but it’s the hope that kills you. Sadly the late great Jock Stein will not influence the game. If we convert the chances we made in the disappointing games against St Mirren and Motherwell then anything is possible but even a point might be a step took far.

1 year ago

Another lost post or whatever think I will give it a miss for awhile

1 year ago

Please Mr. New Chairman,

enough of this, this signed young player is the new Jimmy Johnstone and enough of this player has a lot to prove with the shirt number from a past player he has chosen.

Sign players of their worth, not those who achieve before achievement.

God bless, portpower.

1 year ago

The goal Jota scored is a start of all’s all.

1 year ago

I ate a lot of sausage rolls and swore at my God during the game, because Liel Abada couldnae.

1 year ago

Are the SFA flipping all into the bin with regards to The Rangers ?

Just before you go and open your gob Rod, that is a lie, full stop.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

They do not like instant knowing.

1 year ago

No correction for that game against Red Bull, we were a written request of soft cocks.

Can someone explain why a goalkeeper coach tells a keeper to run 10 yards at full speed backward to get to the ball first ? Or the keeper coach has no say and just plays the part.

1 year ago


A referral, I am your recommended care. It is spring, I am the ensured help. A periductular condition does costs. Down scale plug pulled is thy reason to ignore.

Wheelchair Scottish Football Association.

1 year ago

You think you have problems, Port Power have let a coach go another year though he has done nothing in 10. Bloody photos are holy !

1 year ago

What is not known ?

1 year ago

Lost post…my backside

1 year ago

Are you no just adjusting the game as on for your right foot as an own while watching and that is the way if it was me ?

Right footers make the numbers up on the pitch. Forever wrong.

1 year ago

Liel Abada ?

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower


1 year ago

Ive to thumb a lift of a UFO. Liz Truss and underwire padding ?

Motor ones own.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower


1 year ago

Drink is arms reach. Do not blame me for ours. How long to go ?

We`ve a Chairman to pay for.

1 year ago

Insane, but.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

Care…right you are. Cure my better half.

1 year ago

Though the happy medium.
I do not think Callum McGregor is a big miss the same as Brown was as. Move along time ?

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

Callum will go but we will end up with a player we do not need because of a favour.

That is what they think of our Captain.

1 year ago

Let us not forget, what I have watched against there, well.

1 year ago

Crisis, if it is spelt. Did you hear that reporter spelling ?

1 year ago

Dermot is a new front door.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

2 bob on the shy…should have met the Queen.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower


1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

He makes the game live,buffer.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

If a whole new side. Nor the time for.

1 year ago

I`ve been hacked. 🙂

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