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Celtic Diary Saturday July 2: Whole Jota Love

As expected, Portuguese winger Jota duly signed on the dotted line to become a Celtic player once he’d unpacked his bags and had a shower after his recent round the world trip.


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Celtic fans love a player who takes other players on, and applaud him even when he fails and just picks himslef up and has another go. Jota, it seems, has fallen in love with Celtic, and you do have to admire someone who has been around a bit over the last few weeks and still decides to live in the rain.



The club speaks for itself,” 

“The experience I had last year was amazing to it was an easy choice to make.

“I’m really happy to be standing here. I can’t wait to develop more and for the team to conquer more things.

“There wasn’t a single moment where I thought ‘I wanted to stay’. It was all in one. It was just natural during the weeks and months.

“I had some experiences in the past that were not so good. When I first came on loan, it was just another experience. So I never thought I’d definitely stay here because you cannot guess what’s in the future.

“But throughout the season I just thought ‘Okay, I’m feeling good, I feel at home, this is the right place to develop. So let’s do it.’

“I can promise that I will fight every day to honours the colours of the club. Every day I will fight to be a better person and a better player because I want to achieve a lot of things.

“Imagine for a footballer player to not develop? That’s not the right mentality. You must go to the training pitch every day like ‘Okay – today I will be better than yesterday.’

“This is my mentality. I know I can get better in many aspects of the game. I’m excited to see what I can achieve.”  



Things are beginning to fall into place for that difficult second season, and there’s still room for a few surprises, as Twitters go to guy on European football, Moravcik 67,  explains….



With the signings of Bernabei and Jota, here’s some tweets about where are with our European Squad for next season. Because of our automatic group place, we have until 2nd September to register our squad. So still plenty of time to add to what we have. 


First up, how it all works. We can Register two squads of players with UEFA – List A and List B. List B is pretty straightforward. We can use if for any player born after 1/1/2001, who has been with us for 2 years since their 15th birthday. So it’s for the youngsters. 


If a player can go on List B, he goes there. It frees up a space in the main squad. In the past we’ve been able to include guys like Edouard, Ajer, Welsh, Johnston, etc, on List B. But we don’t seem to have many 1st team ready youngsters who qualify this year. 


List A is the main squad. We can register 25 players on it, but there are restrictions. It’s easier to look at it this way. There are 3 types of player that we can have in List A – club trained – association trained – Anyone who isn’t either club/association trained 


Simplified definitions… For Celtic, a club trained player is one who was at Celtic for 3 years between ages 15-21 An association trained player is one who was at any other Scottish club for 3 of those years The rules are a bit more complicated, but that’s the jist of it. 


Of the 25 player squad – 4 places are reserved purely for club trained players – 4 are reserved for any combination of club or association trained players – the other 17 can be filled by anyone, including either club or association trained players. Crap picture attached. 





We lose any places reserved for club/association trained players that we can’t fill. So, for example, if we only had 2 club trained and 3 association trained players we could only register 22 players – as we’d be 3 club/association trained players short.  


Just now we have the following Club trained (6) – Forrest, McGregor, Ralston, Welsh, Hazard and Johnston Association trained (4) – Bain, Turnbull, Taylor and McCarthy. So we have enough for the full 25 man squad. How much some of them would contribute is up for debate. 


 Hazard is also on loan, so wouldn’t be in consideration unless recalled. Doohan may also be club trained. It was difficult finding details about him. As well as the club/association trained players mentioned above, currently we might have another 14 players on List A 
The 14 are Hart, Siegrist, Starfelt, CCV, Bernabei, Juranovic, Jota, Ideguchi, Hatate, O’Riley, GG, Kyogo, Abada, Maeda. If we use only 4 of club trained players above, it means we could sign 3 more players before we have a full squad and have to leave players out. 
This ignores guys like Jullien, Ajeti, Boli and Soro – who don’t seem to be part of any plans – and youngsters like Shaw and Urhoghide. It also depends on us keeping all the players mentioned. With talk of clubs being interested in Juranovic, that might not be the case. 
For as long as these rules are in place, we need to consider the club/association trained player thing. It means there might be a reason why we don’t let guys like Johnston and Welsh go on loan, regardless of what you might think of them as players. 
Summary. Currently, our squad could be this, leaving 2 places for new players. Hart, Siegrist, Bain, Starfelt, CCV, Bernabei, Taylor, Juranovic, Ralston, Welsh Jota, Ideguchi, Hatate, O’Riley, Abada, Forrest, McGregor, McCarthy, Turnbull, Johnston GG, Kyogo, Maeda 
Still, when you consider the state our squad has been in at this time of the year in other seasons it’s reassuring that we’re on the right lines. Just as a reminder, here’s what it looked like vs Midtjylland last year. Just a wee bit of a difference.  
 Anyone else get a cold shiver running down their spine looking at last years squad ?
 We should all get down on our knees and praise the Heavenly host for sending us our Wonder from Down Under, our Beast from the East.
 The difference in depth and quality is noticeable immediately, but more importantly, the planning that is going in to this season is almost unheard of in previous seasons.
 It’s almost as though we have someone who not only knows what he wants, but why he has to have it and how to go and get it.
 There’s been a fundamental shift in how Celtic do things. History will eventually record what happened, but for now, let’s just enjoy it.
 Even though some won’t admit it.
 Kenny Miller, who has played for Celtic and both Rangers clubs, reckons Carter Vickers and Joya aren;t really new players, so it’s not that impressive, which is exactly the opposite of how he described the extensions to the contracts of Alan MacGregor and Steven Davis, who are both at best in the autumn of their careers.
 Apparently that’s all about continuity…..
 That other wise old sage Kris Boyd says his former club don;t need to sign anyone yet as there’s no football and they’d just be wasting money on wages, which makes Miller look like he knows his stuff, and to be fair to both, they are rocket scientists compared to this rocket….

Barry Ferguson predicts FOUR Rangers transfer exits can land

£55m windfall in ominous ‘money talks’ warning

The former Ibrox captain reckons that if the club are forced to sell there could be huge money arriving at Ibrox.

 Gio van Bronckhurst isn’t exactly standing at the bottom of the marble staircase batting away bids, so quite how Ferguson has come to this conclusion is baffling.
 But we’ll hear him out.
“For me when he (Morelos) is fit, and he is at it, he is a top striker. For me, don’t be surprised if he signs an extension, because he is loved at Rangers. 

When you have got him in the right of mind he is a top striker. I think if you ask any team in the Scottish league, or in Europe that Rangers played, they wouldn’t have wanted to face him.


“I wouldn’t be surprised if Morelos signs, but you just see he is enjoying his football. 


All the guys that are coming into the final year Gio will be wanting to sit them down and get a vibe off of them, if they want to commit or if they want to play their football elsewhere.

‘With Raphinha moving on, it’s always been an open secret that Leeds like Ryan Kent. That is one that I’m sure fans will be watching with interest. Also you have Joe Aribo, with Crystal Palace and Nottingham Forest. He is another I would like to stay, but money talks. Rangers have been open about it, if someone meets the valuation.

“I don’t think they will let them go cheap. Rangers bought Ryan for £7million and he is going into the final year, but Rangers have got to be looking for £10m for him and the same for Aribo in my opinion, and the same for Morelos.” 



“He ( Cafu Bassey ) has everything you want in a modern day defender. His engine is frightening, and he’s just getting better and better. If I was able to give him a bit of advice, it would be to stay and keep playing week in week out.

“His chance will come if he wants to come and go to the English Premier League. This season you can’t let him go, unless something ridiculous comes in.

“You have got to be looking at Kieran Tierney money. £25million, you have got to be looking at that.”

I think the phrase rhymes with clucking bell Blank Template - Imgflip
 We’ve seen this film before, when things are bad over there, the media pretends it isn’t and fills it’s pages and airwaves with complete drivel, which is lapped up as quick as the laptops can spew it.
 Now, if only I can remember how it ended……
Celtic -A Crack In The Support Needs Fixing. – eTims
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Boyne Bhoy
2 years ago

£55m on Sevco Dollars is £1m in real money right?. Bazza could be right.

2 years ago

In other news, wanting even more money, the police withdraw “goodwill”… wtf ?

Gerry Q
2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Maybe they wont attend the orange walks in uniform today unless they’re actually on duty

2 years ago

Well at least the great unwashed can take their pea brains off the happenings at Castle Greyskull today as they March past any chapel they can find singing of supposed past glories. At Paradise to the shagrin of the local media and its EBT acolytes things are progressing under Ange.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

I really do have a good old chuckle how they think they can get 20 million for Lardarse just because we got 20 mil for Dembele and how Bassey ‘must be’ worth 25 mil because we got the same for Tierney …

What form of mental gymnastics does such bare faced lying to yourself, and the entire world with their own eyes to see, require?

Bassey cost them the goal in the Europa final yet still they think he’s worth 25 million?

Honest Hoops
2 years ago

Anyone can spot their financial predictiment and also their enviable downfall, which will somehow, have a positive spin by the hordes in the media, they are only kidding themselves on…but carry on, as I have stock piled jelly and ice cream on standby!

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops

People have been predicting their inevitable (I presume ‘enviable’ was a typo) downfall for years but they’re still here. Like it or not they ran us close last season and had a run in Europe which really was ‘enviable’ when compared to our efforts in recent years. The only consolation was the delicious denouement.

Ange has been a breath of fresh air after the fetid atmosphere of Lennon’s tenure but let’s not kid ourselves – we still have a lot to do to put them out of their misery. On that day you can keep your jelly and ice cream, it will be champagne and caviare for me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

But for a missed penalty they could have won a Euro trophy. TBH I still have no idea how that shower came so close but thankfully Agent Ramsey was on hand when it mattered. Ange performed a near miracle to lead us to the League title thereby enriching us and avoiding the qualifiers, both at their expense. Bravo!
It seems to me though that we’re creating a big gap in terms of squad class and depth. Even the masons in black will struggle to stop us this season but we need to move up a level in Europe. I think we need a top, hard DM and similar CB to really let us show what it means to be Celtic. COYBIG.

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Owen, I posted a reply but it’s been hooked by whatever TF it is that ‘moderates’ on here.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

It’s not a dig at anybody but I get exasperated with those who believe Phil, the Donegal Doomsayer. He has convinced Hoops fans that the Huns are on the verge of implosion. The trouble is he’s been saying it for ten years – onerous contracts, the ‘Normandy triangle’, Mike Ashley’s tanks on the lawn. They’re still feckin going! While we’ve waited on events to take their ‘inevitable’ course, they’ve survived dud players and dud managers to come back in zombie form to snatch away our chance of ten in a row and put our recent record in Europe to shame. If we’d had a board worthy of the name, we’d have driven a stake through their black heart when we had the chance in 2012. Instead I’d to watch them trash the city ‘celebrating’ last year and then pay feckin council tax to clean up after them. Grrrr!!!

Woof Charlie
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Spot on and best post in a while. He had a scoop in 2012 and has been living off that for years. Anyone who puts a photo of a NUJ badge up like he’s a word cop thinks his readers are numpties. They could go under again chasing a 5 year Ange reign and are still a financial basket case but what most forget is that football is second only to drug dealing in terms of corruption and that goes way beyond the SFA/SPFL.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Guys, I don’t think this is correct.

Regularly, (impatient) Tims keep questioning when the Huns are going bust ‘again’ but he clearly states that they won’t be as long as mugs, sorry investors, like Park, Bennet etc are able to cover the losses.

What killed the original Huns was massive external debt, specifically to HMRC, that was never going to be negotiated away nor had they the capability to pay it.

The only major external debt I’m aware of is to Sports Direct and, as their making millions out of them per year, they’re never going to crash the bus.

You might actually have examples to the contrary that I’m unaware of but, I think, its just young Tims desperate for more dollops of jelly and ice cream.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

No, I know feck all about hun finances and don’t claim to. I have noticed he’s a bit more circumspect with his pronouncements these days but that’s a fairly recent phenomenon. I think it’s partly because some people were challenging him below the line on timescales. He was the go to guy for all things Sevco once but now? I can’t believe, for instance, that he still has a source inside Ibrox after all the regime changes that have gone on there since 2012.

Whether he intends it or not, btl on his blog has several optimistic ‘jelly and ice cream’ type (no offence Honest Hoops) replies most days. I’m not saying he hasn’t made an important contribution but he’s not the Delphic oracle. And if I see that fizzog of his on that feckin NUJ card again, I think I’ll scream!

Anyway, as I say, I’m not having a go at any ‘Philophiles’ on here – it’s just one man’s opinion and I’m sure plenty will tell me I’m talking oot ma erse! At least he’s not a complete nutter like that John James character (is he still a ‘thing’?). HH

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

I’ve always taken the NUJ Card to be a repost to the MSM when they claimed that the only ones speaking ill of the dead ie Huns were Internet Bampots, ‘not real journalists’ etc.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

You may be right but presumably Keith Jackson and Chris Jack have NUJ cards too – it’s hardly a guarantee of quality. As my dear departed auld ma would say – ‘mince is mince, it disnae become steak just because there’s a lot of it’. Anyway, the dulcet tones of my better half are calling me to ‘switch that bloody thing aff so Ah kin sleep ya eejit’. Who said romance was dead?

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

So only a daft wee card qualifies one as a real journalist, aye, Cha ..?

Well, if that’s the case why hasn’t any other ‘real journalist’ taken the NUJ to task and asked why the ‘Rangers Survived’ lie is allowed to be printed without question when every last one of them knows that ‘Rangers’ are now nothing but a few files in a drawer in Canary Wharf in the longest liquidation process known to man?

An Occasional Contributor
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

They will last as long as those who are putting vast sums of their own money into them can afford to do so.
For the simple fact of the matter is that since the Gerrard Revolution in 2018 no less than £72m in 21 separate tranches has been injected into the Club in order to yet still make a £53m Loss.
Last Season alone seen 11 tranches totalling £43m injected in order to make a huge £24m loss.
Even with a tremendous run in the Europa League which we are led to believe recouped £34m still doesn’t cover those losses or further investment which totalled £67m.
They needed Champions League to reset and they gambled everything on this Season in order to achieve it.
There is no way they had accounted for the instant response from Celtic this Season and most probably in their own arrogance took it for granted Champions League was there for the taking.
Failure to navigate this Summers qualifying will be a disaster at Ibrox.
Im just surprised “Rugger Guy” his supposed Financial Expert didn’t pick up on it because anyone with a basic education who can use a calculator and read English should have been able to not only spot it but also heavily highlight just how precarious a position they have put themselves in.
I might have suggested he sticks to writing Fiction but having read some of the reviews of his last effort even that might be a struggle.
Hopefully this post makes it out the ETims word mines.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

You’re always talking oot yer erse, punk.

Even yer missus knows it.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

But you love Phil, don’t you, Cha ..?

You’re never away from him and his NUJ card and his derogatory insults towards his own long term and over reverent posters.

One day you’ll see him for the self regarding smug prick that he is.

For see if he was a journalist worth his salt he’d have taken the NUJ to task as to why they allow the world media to continually report the lie that ‘Rangers survived’ but he never does nor will ever do that.

And you have to ask yourself why that is.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

No, Vinnie, fitba is second only to Government in its corruption as the word corruption applies only to institutions which are meant to be ‘clean’ and wholesome, only to then become corrupted whereas dr ug dealing is corrupt from the start.

Do you understand it now ..?

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Owen, my reply to you, that was hooked, had nothing to do with this comment of yours about PMGB.
I’ve followed PMGB’s site (and many others) for many a year, just as part of trying to form a triangulated position; to get to the truth. Phil had the substance, offered it from around 2010/11, and was proven to be correct. The original huns were fukked and PMGB proved it. Anything else is wasted.
Foibles inflict us all. Unless you have none, perhaps you’d like to ‘cast the 1st stone’?
If I’m less than clear here, I apologise. 1 x Aussie Red, 1 x Aussie White, Henry Weston’s best, Lager and McEwans Champion Ale and ‘crinkle-cut crisps’……I’m not sure what I’ve had since breakfast………
Hail! Hail! The Celts are here………

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Owen, just replied again and guess what? Hooked!
A new competition begins here: How do we insult the ‘mods’?
Leave it to me, I’ll send them right off their FN rockers.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

A new competition right enough. Who can crack the code of the Askimet filter in ten posts or less?

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Hi Owen,
Posted a reply this afternoon, sitting waiting approval.
Gone with the wind. Kaput. Not a sweary word, obscenity, racism, sectarian, woke/ anti woke ( I haven’t a clue what side of the debate my generation is ), or anything controversial. So here goes.

2 years ago

Second time post was hooked.
This is getting beyond a joke.
It appears that the site is only run to facilitate
the Caption Competition.
Any talk about ‘thum’ appears to be verboten.
And the ‘Post Comment’ button works nearly as well as my intercom, it disnae work.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago

Still not cracked the Askimet code, Jimboh? For some reason I’m getting through no bother today whereas on other occasions I’ve been booted into oblivion for no discernible reason. I’ve given up trying to figure it out and just take it when I can get it – that’s been the story of my life!!!

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Aye, you’re gonnae get it alright, fud.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

And that’s Akismet, bozo, not ‘Askimet’.

Can’t you read, it’s on every page?

As for you guys being unable to ‘crack the code’ of the filter it’s dead easy, it’s just that you lot are too limited in your thinking to figure it out.

I agree that the site has become a total joke, but of course every site is only as good as its posters, so you fools have to take as much responsibility for that as Ralph & Desi.

As I wrote on the previous thread, Ralph appears to be using the Caption competition as a sly diversion to prevent anyone commenting on the article.

There were 41 replies when I came on and only one addressed the contents, with all others making daft meaningless wholly unfunny jokes to ‘win’ a competition that ye don’t even get a prize for …

No wonder the site has gone to shit.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Green

Time on your hands again, Gringo? Who’s burst this week – Latex Linda or Rubber Rosie? And your comment on Ralph’s article is…?

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Read what I wrote as a comment below, bozo.

I told him they’re not gonna die, in a few sentences at that.

Cant you fvckin read, you filthy minded old s e x obsessed scumbag?

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Askimet powder, aye ..?

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

You just have to root out the offending word, Jimbob.

I’ve explained this to Vinnie more than a dozen times, it’s not too complicated to figure out, even for a bozo like yourself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Fair point on the repeated ‘death knell’ speculation.
However I ‘ve a feeling that this time, next season or the following one, that ‘Critical Mass’ (imagine using that word in the context of der Hun), is approaching fast.

The Ashley cash settlement has really hit them hard and his continued involvement in merchandising ( Production & Retail) will divert a lot of revenue away from the Board room at Ludge Broomloan. Remember there are still several ongoing lawsuits involving them. Possibly another drain on their finances.

The state of their squad is parlours to the nth degree. Aging squad, lack of funding to refresh and next year is going to be a doozie. Apparently at least 18 of the squad have their contracts up at the end of 22/23. If they don’t get Bawwy Ferguson’s estimate for dem Dembeles Dollars of £55mill for Aribo Kent. More or less and others then they will even struggle to retain them. Probably lose them Jan23 under freedom of contract. How long will Gio Fanny Clothehorse stick around with all the uncertainty and pressure.

They are going to need a complete squad rebuild with little or no income unless they can conquer Europe again. Unlikely, as they had the luck of the devil last year, 6 or 7 wins out of 21 games and still they progressed. They even got out of the Group stages with less points than we had.

Throw in to the mix the new EUFA FFP Regulations and they are going to struggle big time.

I can see them going for a Debt Dumping Admin soon.
They can’t increase revenues in any significant terms. No empty spaces on their Taps for a start. So it’s hard times ahead for them. Even harder keeping it from the peepul despite the aid of their bought and paid for churnalists.


2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Owen, the REAL Tims will be party to the exit of those whose addition to eTims has been nothing. GTTF.
Bejasus, dat last bottel hit dems neuritocins.
They’ll be jumpin ootay windaes whenn we wun…….
Ah’m no a billy, ahm no so fukkin silly,
ahm no a bully ahm a Tim

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

I cracked it years ago, bozo, and have been sharing the info ever since.

It’s just that you’re too thick to have noticed, given how every time you see me around you go into a lunatic teeth gnashing fury.

I told you, bozo, I’m living rent free in your head forevermore.

And you’ve no idea how much that amuses me.

Every time you post in dull response I have a little chuckle to myself at your idiot gullibility.

Nae luck, Doughball!

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I told you, Vinnie, it’s an Artificial Intelligence system, the same as Owen has in his thick skull.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Champagne & caviar, eh ..?

How’d ye afford that aff a giro ..?

Uibh fhaili
2 years ago

Bankrupt Barry is pure dead clever with money you know ………………

2 years ago

It’s hard to comprehend the depth of Ferguson’s stupidity although it seems he wasn’t shy at being taught how to avoid paying due taxes. And probably got away with it. But then Boyd? So there’s dumb and dumber named (‘though both have a splash of feral cunning). We’ve then got the morons like Jack and the rest in the various media. Just how to these low-life manage to make a living at all, never mind a decent one. Oh, silly me, it’s the brotherhood of hun, isn’t it?
Anyway, with a DM and CB added, we should win the title (probably could with what we’ve got), one or two cups and have a run in Europe.
Aye, it’s always a GOOD day to be a Tim but this pre-season is already something special. Can’t wait for it to kick off.
We’re on the one road……..

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

It is as you say Tic Toc however I disagree with the ( sole) need for a defensive midfielder. In the Ange stylee and in the modern game, teams cannot afford a player whose attributes are mostly defensive in the midfield . It has to be fluid where midfielders work as a unit creating and disrupting. Looking at McCarthy as an example, in that position he has to be able to take the ball from the keeper and any one of our defenders. He used to be able but isn’t now. Calmac does this but, whilst he is good at it, it negates his effectiveness further forward. I see what you mean but no “ big “ teams play with a definitive, simply DM. The Genesis of a totally attacking and defending midfield ( nay team)isn’t new. Ramsey got his eyes opened against Hungary ( then won the World Cup with Stiles) and of course May ‘67 refined and perfected it.
Better players.

2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

I think we agree really here Steve. I’m looking for a quality footballer 1st and foremost but with steel and grit to stiffen the defence as well as carrying the ball forward and creating things. It’s not easy (for me anyway) to put what’s in my mind into cohesive script. But I’ll keep trying! The Lions had grit as well as all the talent. John Clarke could handle himself and was a classy sweeper. Big Gemmell, Bobby Murdoch and Bertie Auld could also take care of themselves but with fabulous skills on top. I hope that makes things clearer! HH

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

You are right of course. Only Tony CCV and GG able to give it out as well. Different days when the Lions were equalizing any sneaky stuff plus of course they could play it hard if needed. We know what the klan refs would do to any Celt with a hint of ‘ robustness’
A fair bet, if he plays, that Bernabei is first yellow v Dons.

2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

We’ll wait and see how things pan out Steve, but I cannot remember feeling so good going into pre-season for many a year and Ange, and probably MN need recognition for this.
Lawwell was ‘the heavy cart’ to Celtic’s Cavalier horse’s progress. It seems to me that him and Desmond were too influenced by the potential wealth of Celtic, and any form of the scum, being accepted into the EPL, and thus making indescribable ‘fortunes’ for both of them, was why we haven’t really progressed.
Traitors both, one down, one to go.
Oh, and BTW, it’s marvellous to be able to talk Celtic on here again. HH

2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Steve, I replied but, yet again, the illiterate ‘mod’ thing has hooked it.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Steve, I think in a name, ‘Roy Aitken’ is what I’m on about.
Great to have some football craic on here, albeit with silly ‘mod’ interference. Those looking in and saying nothing, please ADD content (not nameless ‘votes’) to this once-wonderful Celtic site, written by a card-carrying, travelling Celtic supporter for the good of all, at no cost, unless you want to find a way to help?

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Nailed it in one name Tic Toc.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I’ve met him and spent a session in a boozer in his company. He’s actually a nice guy with Catholic kids and wife. But he’s thick as mince with a massive ego. Could be POTUS.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

WC, in my (semi-drunken) view, you’ve cotradicted youraself.

When/If I’m ‘in the shit’, I want Big Roy close by, and on my side.
One terrific player and trusted, reliable Tim.
If you’ve been on the pop, that’s more than okay amigo.
If you haven’t/don’t…….whaegiesa?
Hail! Hail! The Celts are here………. OR, BETTER,
We’re on the one road,
Maybe a long road,
We’re on the road to god knws where……..

Woof Charlie
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

What’s the contradiction? There’s plenty nice people who are thick as sht. Demonising Ferguson/Boyd misses the point. They are stooges putting crayon to paper with someone telling them the words to write. It’s the media that’s pulling the strings. They are puppets.

2 years ago

On a dark Govan highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of pish stains
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
There was a great whiff of shite
My head was heavy and my fag was out
I thought I’d ask for a light

There he stood in the doorway
A hun fan by his smell
And I was thinking to myself
This must be Ibrox or this must be Hell
Then he drank from the lavvie
And that gave it away
There were zombies in the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel Cantaffordia
Such an ugly place
Such an ugly race
Plenty of duds at the Hotel Cantaffordia
Any time of year
You can find them here

Their minds were bitter and twisted
And mostly round the bend
There were a lot of really ugly birds
Who looked like men
When I asked ’bout the taxman
And all of that debt
Some said:’Can’t remember’
Some said:’Ah forget’

So I said to the hun fan
‘Surely wasn’t that a crime?’
But he said:’We havenae paid wur taxes here’
‘Since 1999’
And still those zombies were calling from far away
Made me scream in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

Welcome to the Hotel Cantaffordia
Such an ugly place
Such an ugly race
They’re lapping it up at the Hotel Cantaffordia
Give them a surprise
Tell them Raynjurz died

King Billy on the ceiling
Auld Lizzie on the wall
And he said: ‘We are all as thick as mince’
‘Two short planks an’ all’
In the Grandmaster’s chamber
They gathered for the vote
The battle just to have first shag
Of the ceremonial goat

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
‘Noo mind’ said the hun fan
‘We are easy to decieve’
‘You can tell us any lie you like
‘But don’t tell us we’re deid!’

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Kwality with a capital K.

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

One of the best yet & I can play it from memory yeah.

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley


Jimmy Green
2 years ago

They’re not gonna die, you’re flying Phil’s kite for him.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Green

Cos if they were gonna die they’d have been dead years ago when all the debts were piling up and the Freemasonic judges were told to delay verdicts for up to two years while certain Scottish officials at UEFA devised a strategy to ensure them a healthy Europa League run.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Green

Don’t you know how it works yet?

The game’s rigged from top to bottom and for proof all we need do is look at how much they’ve lost in their 10 year existence, over £100 million and counting, yet they’re still allowed to blag their way to a European final.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Green

UEFA, like the rest of the world, is run by a Masonic cabal and you fools are to scared to admit it despite all the evidence right in front of yer face because it hurts your egos too much to admit t9 yourselves that they fooled you.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

Funny, if somewhat disturbing, to see that the filthy minded old scumbag Doughball Illyin has been eagerly awaiting for my return to the page, pouncing on my first few comments within mere seconds of my arrival …

I told you, Doughball, I’ll be living in your head rent free for a long long time to come yet, you lame brained half witted filthy minded old muppet.

The Greetin Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Green

So here’s how it goes every time Ah come on here. Ah start by immediately attacking Owen, Cha, Jimboh and Tic Toc for reasons only apparent to ma deranged mind. Then, when somebody responds by laughing at me for ma stupidity, Ah start greetin’ like a big Jessie that ‘he started it’ because Ah can dish it oot but canny take it. Next Ah complain tae Ralph that a big boy is picking on me and should be banned. Then Ah quote some mad rubbish Ah’ve read on Wikipedia tae make oot Ah’m pure dead brainy so Ah um afore Ah storm aff in a huff because really Ah’m jist a big girl’s blouse. (Then Ah sneak back on under a different name a few weeks later because Ah’m banned fae everywhere else).

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

You’re a s e x obsessed filthy minded old scumbag, Doughball.

A s e x obsessed filthy minded old scumbag.

Say it again, chump.

Does your missus know about your other obsession..?

You know, the incest ..?

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

Does your family know you spend all day thinking about s e x dolls, Doughball?

Your wife ..?

Do you think she’d approve of your constant obsession with rubber women?

We could show her if you like ..?

Of course this can be arranged, it being all here in your own words on the page …

Owen Mullions
2 years ago

If I didn’t know better, Gringo, I would swear you’re trying to bait me but then I’ve always thought of you as a master baiter. Sadly, unlike you, I have a job to go to and can’t be on here 24 hours a day so I’ll see you tomorrow. But no matter – I can run rings round you with a single post as you appear to have the intelligence of a primordial amoeba. In the interim, I can always rely on you to make a complete erse of yourself on your own as you howl into the dark void of your empty, dystopian existence. As for the blog, I’d rather a hundred unfunny captions than have your adolescent onanistic ejaculations pollute the place every time your girlfriend springs a leak.

Why don’t you go off and do another of those socio-political art projects you were telling us about last time before you stormed off greetin’ because Ralph wouldn’t ban me for laughing at you? And remember my address when you report me to the polis for calling you a loonie – it’s Cloud Cuckoo Land across the road from that university where you gained your art history degree. Mind and tell them all about the flat earth and covid conspiracy while you’re at it! Keep ranting, keep greetin’ and keep that bicycle pump well-oiled – those women won’t inflate themselves you know.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

I’m sure everyone here knows the concept of Donkey & Carrot, yeah ..?

Everyone except Doughball obviously…

2 years ago

Bye bye all.
Don’t forget to turn out the lights……

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

See ya, Jimboh.

Cheers for all the laughs.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

Come back anytime mind.

We always have a good laugh with you around.

Jimmy Green
2 years ago

As TicToc says, if it wasn’t for that dumb Don’t Like Ye thing we’d all be able to have a right good titter here the gither.

But since everyone has reverted to jabbing their finger instead of writing a reply, alas, it is not to be.

I suppose, on reflection, there’s not really much any of you can say to me now that I’ve been proven right on everything …

But it’s always worth a go.

Remember The Bruce and his inspirational spider!

You must Try, Try & Try again!


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