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Celtic Diary Friday April 15: Land Of Confusion

Football can be a pretty confusing game sometimes.


Sometimes it can make you happy, other times it makes you sad. Sometimes it can do both at once.


Most of us have got a soft spot for Villareal, and most of us have a dislike for the EPL .


All of us have a dislike for UEFA and it’s bastardised Champions League, which has become more and more of a closed shop, yet we still want to be a part of it.


Villareal , a relatively small club with whom Celtic have had good relations in the past, could win the champions League.


I’d like to see that happen, especially if they were to beat two English sides in doing that.


If they do, however, Celtic will probably lose their guaranteed Champions League group spot next season.


“rangers “, a club only formed a decade ago, have made it to the Europa semi finals. That’s good for Scottish football, and that means they are only three games away from a guaranteed UCL group spot of their own.


That sort of thing increases the national co-efficient , which in turn makes it easier for other clubs to access group stage football, and more importantly, avoid qualifiers against teams from the bigger leagues.


There is a wee bit of jealousy here, but they do deserve credit for what they’ve done. Knowing how bloody awful they are gives a wee bit of confidence to the rest of us for next season.



Though we should clear up how things work for next season, as it’s getting a bit confusing….Moravcik 67 on Twitter explains it…


The champions of the top 10 ranked nations qualifying for the CL groups automatically, along with another 14 non-champions. Also given an automatic spot is the Champions League title holder, and the Europa League title holder. 


That means if a team wins the CL or EL, and also qualifies for next seasons CL groups via their league they’ll have qualified twice – once as title holder, once the normal way via the league. As they can only take up one spot, it means there is a spare place available. 


UEFA regulations attached. If the CL winner qualifies twice then the spare place goes to the champion of the 11th ranked nation (here Scotland) If the EL winner qualifies twice then the spare place goes to the team finishing 3rd in the 5th ranked nation (here France). 




How does this affect Scotland? We’re ranked 11th for next season (based on ranking to 20/21 – there’s a 1 year lag in the national coefficient being used). So our champion get an automatic CL place if this seasons CL winner also qualifies for next seasons CL via their league. 


That’s normally incredibly likely, which is probably why we’ve been hearing for most of the last year that an automatic CL place is ‘guaranteed’. It’s not, and never has been. Villarreal reaching the CL SF has highlighted this point. They threaten Scotland’s chances. 


Even in the SF, Villarreal won’t be favourites to win the CL. But strange things sometimes happen. If they did win it, and then finish outside the top 4 in Spain, Scotland would miss out on getting that spare group place. Things are complicated by Russia. More on that later. 


As said, there’s a similar thing with the EL. If the EL winner qualifies twice it means the 3rd place team in France gets a CL group place. Although it wouldn’t affect what happens to the Scottish champion, it could affect how many qualifying rounds our runner-up has to play. 


The other factor that can affect whether the scottish champ gets a group place is what happens to Russian clubs. If they’re barred from european competition next season then the spot that would have been taken by the Russian champion is vacant. 


If so, the likelihood is that the Scottish champion would get that place, making what happens in the CL this season irrelevant. It would also likely mean that the Scottish runner-up whould start in QR3 of CL qualifying, guaranteeing them an EL group place at minimum. 


f Russian clubs were reinstated before next season then we’re back to the ‘who wins the CL’ thing again. So, still some moving parts. It’s more likely than not that the Scottish champion will be in the CL groups next season, but it’s still not guaranteed.  


We could do with Putin stepping things up a bit just to make sure Russia stays banned….



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Incidentally, Moravcik 67 also explains just who has earned the points that have elevated Scottish football to such dizzy heights….


The other topic that has come up this week is the discussion over who has contributed most to Scotland being in a position to get an automatic CL place next season. The short answer is that it’s Celtic. But the evidence used to support the argument is wrong. 


Scotland finished on 33.375pts last season, good enough for that 11th place ranking. The evidence doing the rounds used to show that Celtic has contributed more points is attached. It does show that Celtic have gained more points than Rangers over the relevant 5 seasons. 





Unfortunately, it’s also the wrong coefficient. UEFA uses two completely different coefficients systems. – Club coefficient – determines ranking for seeding and pots in group draws. – Country coefficient – determines the number of club entered, and their starting round 


The two coefficients are not the same, and you don’t always gain the same points for the national coefficient as you do for your own club coefficient. The picture above is for Celtic’s own club coefficient. It is completely irrelevant to Scotland being ranked 11th 


The attached table shows the contribution by each club over the 5 relevant seasons to our national coefficient. The actual coefficient is an average of pts contributed by each club. We had 4 clubs each of the 5 years, so the total points gained is divided by 4. 





As you can see, Celtic have contributed most points. It shows that the whole “Rangers got that CL place single handedly” argument is about as real as their claim to be the same club. That’s not to say they haven’t contributed a hell of a lot. They clearly have. 


And when it comes to next season, they’ll be the main provider of points for Scotland. All a bit silly anyway. The point should be that the more clubs you have contributing regular, decent points, the higher up the rankings you go. Having 2 again has made a huge difference. 


Hearts will finish 3rd in the league and, unless Hibs win the Scottish Cup, are guaranteed European group stage football next season – the first Scottish club outside of Celtic and the Old Firm to appear in the groups since Aberdeen in 07/08. 


They’ll start in the EL playoff. Win that, they’ll be in the EL groups. Lose, and they’ll drop in the ECL groups. Of course, Hibs would be in the same boat if they won the cup. It can only be seen as a positive for Scottish football.  


Here at Etims, we might not be the cleverest team on Celtic social media, but we can spot those who are.


Which is sort of the same thing.


It’s cup semi final weekend, and you might have noticed that social media isn’t full of fans from the other side of the river claiming they are going to emerge triumphant,


In fact, the silence is rather eerie.


They’ve been all caught up in their European adventures, which has distracted their fans from what has been a disaster domestically as they have fell apart in the face of a determined challenge from Celtic.


And that misery has yet to be fully driven into them.


Defeat on Sunday at Hampden will all but finish their domestic season, and whilst they will take a little bit of hope in that it will free them up for a continental challenge, they simply haven’t the strength in depth even for that.


They have surprised many of us by getting this far, and it has been attributed to luck and so on, one commentator on social media thinks it’s because the refs in Europe haven;t got it in for them, but he’s clearly a bit doo lally, ad it would be churlish not to recognise their success,,,but let’s face it, it will make sunday even sweeter if a sound thrashing can be handed out.


Celtic are getting stronger and stronger, which is great, and if we do have to play any qualifiers, the players should be ready for them.


Kind of ironic that the one time we have a settled squad in the summer is the one time we probably won’t need it.


The manager is keeping things close to his chest ahead of Sunday’s game, and whatever he’s been doing on the training ground will become apparent when the match starts,


I’d be very surprised if he isn’t working on cutting out the threat from crosses and set pieces, especially given that the last time the two met Celtic were disciplined enough not to concede a penalty, which must have been worked on pre match.


Celtic will probably play quite high, and with fitness a factor , combined with their midweek exertions, another 7-0 could well be on the cards,


That’ll put their gas at a peep.



There’s been a bit of controversy around what can be taken into the ground and what can’t on Sunday.


The usual Tifo displays are banned, and the North Curve Celtic fans have asked that everyone brings a tricolour, although this nonsense about hanging out the flag of war should be dropped immediately.


The flag represents peace, as you well know, and peace in Ireland is the single most important thing for the island, and there is no need to ramp up tensions with any reference to anything apart from the football.


By all means turn Hampden into a sea of green , white and orange,


But not for any other reasons than celebrating our heritage.


Which means no songs about roamin in the gloamin, with or without your shamrock, , and no add ons about the elimination of any religious groups.


We are about to have a period of much rejoicing…so let’s not spoil it.



Last time out we considered this….





Dave sim 


 Naw, I said we’d get a tankin on sunday







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2 years ago

The Rebel songs will be sang, loud & with undaunted pride!


2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

M, I tried to post a link (to The Bhoys) but the infamous “Awaiting………..” kicked in.
Drop the space between the 1st colon and //, here’s hoping. In ANY event it’s a great song and expression. 2h2https: //

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Just to say, when we used to post the Rebs all night and this site was magic! Ach, change happens, but seldom for the better.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Tic Toc, my first post on here was a parody called the Old of the Boys Brigade – did you ever see it? Was a piece of genius though I say so myself! (Well, naebody else will.)

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

You should open your Downfall site again, R.St …

Chock full of lyrical goodies it is and of course if I get banned from here and come after Doughball oer there well, you can either let my message through or just ignore it.

At least that way yourself, JimBob, Christina & Doughball will have a hang out site where you can have a laugh together without worrying about moderation.

Oh, except that you’ll be the one who has to moderate every comment before letting the bantz flow, which would require some seriously dedicated commitment from yourself, so I guess in reflection it makes sense that you’d rather just shut it down.

Juts to let you know, I don’t mind you using me as your excuse, as I couldn’t be bothered maintaining a site just to let those three gossip girls chatter amongst themselves like three wee sweetie wives either.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGM

Gringo, I don’t comment much here because I don’t profess to have the tactical nous of other etimmers. Hence, I just stick to laughing at Huns whenever I can and, let’s face it, that’s a bit of an open goal.

For what it’s worth, Owen is an old pal of mine from our days in a hospital ward together and Christina is just a sweetheart who like JimboH used to enjoy a laugh with us on Pat Anderson’s blog. None of them deserve to be disparaged by you here or anywhere else.

I’ve tried to be civil with you in the past but your idea of ‘banter’ seems to descend into personal abuse all too easily. I’ve nothing against you personally but maybe that’s something you should reflect on if you don’t want to fall foul of the mods so often.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

I remember that, Saint. It was a belter. Ralph should dig it out of the archives and publish it for the game on Sunday.
PS I see you’ve chucked Pat’s site – can’t say I blame you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

How would you declare for the pope, Dough?

’Mon The Pope’ or ’Up The Pope’ or ‘Mon Up The Pope’?

You seem to be an overly intelligent man and I could use some of that over intelligence of yours for this art project I’m working on concerning blind hatred and biased bigotry, cheers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Btw, Dough, R.St.P can dig it out his own archives a lot easier than Ralph can.

All he has to do is go to his Downfall site and it’s right there.



Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  TGM

There isn’t – and never was – any Downfall site. If you mean his Radio Sevco site it has been deleted so there is no archive. Doh!

How is your ‘artistic’ study of the female nude going? I hear you have quite a collection of scud mags under the bed at yer maw’s. She says you pore over
them thoroughly every night and you’re ‘sticking’ to them!

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Owen, my body might be knackered but my memory still works so here goes (if Ralph allows it)

The Old Of The Boys Brigade

Oh father why are you so sad
On this home cup tie morn
When Ibrox men are proud and glad
Of the heated baw we’ve drawn?
My son it seems a memory stirs
Of far off distant days
When being a young Hun like you
I watched the Raynjurz play.

Where is the club I used to see
When ‘history’ was made
With EBTs that were tax free
And debts we never paid?

And now at home we watch a clone
That wears our made up stars
But people know it’s just Sevco
And laugh at us in bars.
They say Gers died and split their sides
When we claim they’re the same
Even worse Sevco’s going burst
And heading down the drain.

Where is the club I used to see
From whom we stole the name?
We like to claim its history
But don’t accept its shame.

And so my boy I’ve told you why
When Sevco play I cry
For I recall we did feck all
As we watched the old Gers die.
It was long ago before Sevco
The Billy Boys and me
Watched as our side began its slide
Into obscurity

Where is the club I used to see?
Who ‘bought’ the history?
Will we be told when Sevco fold
To follow Gers mark 3?

P.S. I forgot to tell you that my memory still works!

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

RPG… brilliance yet again

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

RSP,I’m just going through the comments and glad you put that up, it’s an absolute belter!

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

RSP, sorry I don’t remember that one but any link will be used (or if you send it to Ralph he’ll put it up).
Some (most) of your stuff over the years has been absolute class and “The Skelly Chairman” was probably my favourite. Keep ’em comin’!

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Once a skelly chairman sat inside a stadium
Underneath a roof where the rain flowed free
And he said as he watched and listened to the Billy Boys
‘I feel at home here at Sevco FC’

‘Won’t pay the bills here’
‘Won’t pay the bills here’
‘You can default on your bills here with me’
And he sang of the Sash and the Famine and the Billy Boys
‘You can default on your bills here with me’

Up came a roofer offering an estimate
‘Can’t take a chance with the fans safety’
‘How many rand have you got in your tucker bag?’
‘I’ll need some cash upfront for my fee’

At this the skelly chairman nearly had a heart attack
‘Are you trying tae take the piss?’ said he
And he showed him the door after he had gave his erse a whack
‘I only pay those who work here for free’

Suddenly a crack was heard high above his cranium
Down came the roofs on him…1,2,3
Now his ghost can be heard in the ruins of the stadium
‘You can default on your bills here with me’

‘Won’t pay the bills here’
‘Won’t pay the bills here’
‘You can default on your bills here with me’
Now his ghost can be heard in the ruins of the stadium
‘ You can default on your bills here with me’.

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Yup, that’s the one, pure class, RSP.
An’ I really came on here to whinge about a rather gutless game from The Bhoys today. Mis-firing in too many places and too many ways.
Anyway, for me this year was ALL about the Title 1st and anything else a bonus. We’ve got the LC, let’s just finish the job and lift the Title.
Hail! Hail!

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

M, many apologies, I just tried, on that link, to listen to The Bhoys and it stopped abruptly with some advertising shite…………sorry! Look elsewhere!

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Yo Vinnie!

How’s things in the oul’ Coq Au Vin?

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Or install AdBlock Plus ..?

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

There he is!

How’s it going, Monti, good to see ye back, as these auld clowns don’t know how to take a joke.
Did ‘The’ Cha phone like I told him to?

Btw, how would you declare for the pope ..?

Would you say ‘Up The Pope’?

It’s for a banner I’m working on for Sunday as part of an art project combining fitba, religion & dumbassed bigotry …

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

God bless them all

2 years ago

Caption: Evidence AI has a way to go. “Alexa show me a couple of fannies in uniform on pornhub.”

Retired Internet Bampot
2 years ago

The southsiders have every right to rejoice via their EL journey. They’ll have a Villarreal chance of winning the tourney. I’m sure the fine populous of Seville will hope TRFC’s journey finishes in Eastern Germany but where there’s a will……
The lack of scrutiny on next season’s CL auto place was always due to the noisy neighbours being a perceived shoo-in for said place. Notice now that it’s unlikely they win it via the league , the guaranteed place isn’t guaranteed (even though we all knew it wasn’t guaranteed) and the monetary rewards for said auto qualification have all of a sudden dropped from £40m to under half of that .

Anyway, roll on Sunday and hopefully (should be ) a comfortable, injury free win ; then we can prepare for Dingwall and the visit of TRFC with full points guaranteeing the return of league flag……….. virtually

Uibh fhaili
2 years ago

Boris says he deserves some medals , he’s been in a army issue sleeping bag longer than Edward was in the army

2 years ago

Caption: “Dear god, if being homeless was not enough, you have to stick 2 false, tory bastards within my manor”?

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Is that two false Tories or two false bastards, Vin?

2 years ago

Caption – Boris ‘What? We are out of Vodka and we sold Sevco all the Buckfast for the semi? Phone Putin and get those supplies open!’

2 years ago

On the subject of CL money & Villarreal: Well known Celtic money man has suggested that the board should hedge their bets and authorise a £1M punt on them at 40/1 to win the CL.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  CarlJungleBhoy


They’ll need to double the punt as Vila-real odds have been halved.

2 years ago

Boris that wasn’t the big gun we were hoping you gave us!

2 years ago

A suitcase, a suitcase, my kingdom for a suitcase.

2 years ago

Caption: I thought being homeless was as low as I could get then this prick turns up.

vincent mcsherry
2 years ago

Hear ! Hear! Fair comment.

2 years ago

you’re not Carrie? Have i done it again?

2 years ago

Could not give one fk about the huns, coefficients or any other coefficients, they went to extra time, they have two more games to tire them out…..take advantage Celtic and Bury them!

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Careful now, that seems like war talk.

Peace and love and love thy neighbour.

2 years ago


Undercover Russian agents give the people of Britain a glimpse of the future…..

2 years ago

Frankly Wacko …

2 years ago
Reply to  TGM

You should know.

2 years ago

You wrote it, Frankly Wacko, so it’s yours to keep because it’s a clear sign of your inner turmoil and outward projection.

Go on, Frankly, accept your new name, it’s ten times better than yer current one.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGM

Grow up.

2 years ago

You’re the one that calls yourself after a grown man’s hair, Frankly, so I reckon it’s YOU that needs to grow up.

2 years ago

Hero worship, like hair-o worship, is for children and if you were a genuinely grown man you’d be well aware of this fact.

2 years ago
Reply to  TGM

TGM.? Is that self proclaiming? ……..
As in Twat-Git-Moron.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago

Careful! You’re dealing with a distinguished alumnus of Glasgow University you know. (Well, he’s looked up the the process for getting a degree on the uni’s website but that’s almost the same as graduating isn’t it?) He’d have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you pesky Tims pointing out that he’s a feckin eejit!

2 years ago

No.10 issues statement thar Boris is a war time prime minister we can rely on. Here he is pictured with his action man para with the grippy hands and adjustable beard/hair.

2 years ago

Caption – ‘I fell asleep last night thinking my life couldn’t be any worse then being homeless… just woken up and realise how wrong I was’

Patrick O HARA
2 years ago

How sweet. A mixed marriage.
Be warned never turn your back to Boris.
Remember the Ides of March.

2 years ago

Caption : ‘ah em, and then she em, said, “we’re having a f**king party”, what the f**k are they going to do about it. Then the, ah em , f**king front door exploded…….

2 years ago

Once I was the leader of a heated state, wonder how that went?

The Sevc who cares, too many sites prattle on about them, they are not worth the time of day. Beautiful Sunday cannot come quickly enough!

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: In Broadmoor Peter Sutcliffe is sickened by his new roomie’s lack of regard for prostitutes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie


The Cha
2 years ago

Its ironic that so many Tic fans are fixated on getting direct entry to CL Group stages, presumably because they don’t fancy our chances of qualifying, when those that do usually end up as the cannon fodder.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Fair play to them for their European exploits. Perhaps that’s what you get when your full team minus the keeper are showcasing themselves to English teams. It can’t be easy being a young man of colour and being asked to draw the raffle at Airdrie loyal RSC player of the year. I’m confident that our squad, their knackerdness, and the size of the Hampden pitch will see us winning 2-0 (the big yin saves their penalty).

2 years ago

The Clown ‘Prince’s’ fall from grace has been rapid.
The Lies Will Out.
Every Picture Tells A Story.

Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding
2 years ago


Man desperately tries to keep trapped fart in his sleeping bag whilst on camera next to some opportunistic halfwit.

2 years ago

Can I ask the Mods to allow my wee comment (just posted) with links to The Bhoys of the Old Brigade and the Foggy Dew?
Come On You Bhoys In Green, make the new huns turn and flee,
Send them an’ their butchers’ aprons away hame by quarter past three!

Some of you will remember us “singing in the rain” at Hampden and taking the piss out of them with “we’ll support you up tae four” due to their heroic ‘walking away’ early when we were cuffing them.
Hail! Hail! Remember the Easter Rising!

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

caption,Boris the morning after another Downing St Party ,that he wasn,t at

2 years ago


Let’s see if they can swim back from Rwanda…

2 years ago

I applaud the Celtic FC support at the game for not falling for their set-up.
“Celtic supporters maraud Hampden Park” was the delayed headline.

The officiation of that game was premeditated. So shall be the rest of the season.

God bless their wee cotton gloves.

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