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Celtic Diary Thursday April 7: Police Inaction

Police Scotland have issued an appeal for anyone who may have seen whoever it was that chucked a bottle onto the Ibrox pitch on Sunday.


This replaced an earlier appeal asking if anyone knew why the home side didn’t get their penalty. They didn’t find that out either, but Bobby Madden has been given next weekends cup semi final between the two sides, so one can conclude steps have been taken to prevent a re-occurrence.


As expected, no one came forward, largely down to the fact that being labelled a grass is a massive character slur in their environment,


What’s not so surprising is that the cctv, stewards and police on duty have failed to identify the perpetrator.


Which kind of makes it pointless trying to find out who caused the Celtic physio to have stitches with another missile, and as ever, Celtic don’t seem, publicly at least, to be too bothered about the safety of their staff or players.



With the cup game set to take place after the Ibrox sides matches with Braga in the Europa League, the potential for trouble before, during and after the game is massive, especially if they were to be facing the prospect of a season ending defeat.



Hampden does have better stewarding and security, you’d have to be Tessa Sanderson to reach the pitch with any objects thrown from the stand, but their support has been known to invade that pitch recently, which they said was to protect their players after Hibernian had won the Scottish Cup.


An act which was preceded by’ve guessed it..bottles thrown onto the pitch





Sadly, the media backed them on their claims they were protecting their players, even fabricating stories about Hibs fans spitting at Ibrox players, , rather than condemn another outrageous act of public disorder.


Thus giving them licence to behave badly.


Whether the media will mention it or not, the problem isn’t one of public disorder, nor one of drunken behavior, it’s one of bad behavior from the supporters of one team.


sure, there are minor incidents connected with isolated incidents with other clubs, and Celtic fans are not exempt from this, but by and large, the public disorder from Ibrox fans is not only predictable but on a scale far beyond the support of anyone else.



And as long as politicians and the games governing bodies ignore that simple fact, then things are going to get worse.


Does someone have to die before something is done about it ?



How long before a player is attacked, possibly with a weapon. As this video shows, it could have happened on sunday….



the possibility of strict liability has raised it’s head, where a club is held responsible for the behavior of their support. It’s practised within UEFA matches, and has seen Ibrox closed and the club fined.


Was that the example Neil Doncaster referring to when he dismissed the idea ?



“Strict liability simply does not work, as the repeated fines for specific clubs in Uefa competitions season after season demonstrate very clearly,”


Is he saying that “rangers ” fans have been punished for that in Europe, and they still don’t behave ?


Or is his argument based on financial reality ?  “rangers ” can’t afford the fines and certainly can’t afford to have their ground shut.


Doncaster has his own ideas….


The answer must be far harsher and targeted punishments for the individuals who perpetrate the crime, including a more regular use of football banning orders and, where necessary, custodial sentences. 


As this weekend has shown, however, you need to catch them first. and even when they are caught, as in the attack on Neil Lennon, prsecution cannot be guaranteed, and Doncaster seems to be setting himself up as judge, jury and executioner here, and although our court system is knackered, it’s still against it’s basic principles to guarantee a conviction.

“There are two main forms of strict liability which have been proposed and neither of them will work. 


Notice the subtle combination of facts and opinion here, blended in such a way as to join seamlessly


“The first is to punish the home club for any transgressions in their ground, whether it’s by the away fans or home fans. 


Which isn’t the strict liability needed. Clubs should be rsponsible for their own fans, home, away or in George Square.


Unfortunately, this will act as an incentive for some away fans to misbehave, knowing the home clubs will suffer the punishment for their actions. It will inevitably result in clubs refusing to sell tickets to away fans, with the obvious detrimental impact on our game.  


What he’s saying is that some fans will go out of their way to earn a fine for their opponents. A completely ridiculous idea with absolutely no precedent that even hints that it would be a problem.



As Doncaster speaks for the clubs, and only the clubs, it’s perfectly clear which one is behind this speech.


“The second is to make clubs strictly liable for the behaviour of their fans at away matches and this will simply lead to clubs refusing to sell their fans tickets for other grounds, for fear of being punished if they misbehave. 


Aahh….and which club would that be ? No other club has a problem with fan behaviour, and since the blue pound is needed by other clubs we’re probably on the point of spotting why Domcaster doesn’t want strict liability.

“The significant investment by clubs in CCTV technology means it’s far easier to spot and act on incidents caused by the tiny minority of fans who misbehave. Clubs, footballing authorities and the overwhelming majority of decent fans abhor the actions of those who engage in criminal acts at games.  


Two major incidents on Sunday, both have gone unpunished because no one has been identified and prosecuted.

“It’s only by targeting these individuals directly and punishing them to the full extent of the law that we will provide a meaningful and effective deterrent.” 


If they can be caught, which they haven’t been.



The only solution , as far as I can see, is to punish the clubs for the bahviour of their fans. Despite what Doncaster says, it does work and UEFA would have dropped it if it didn’t.


It’s no coincidence that “rangers ” have been punished more than others by this rule, and let’s be honest, Celtic have had the odd fine or two as well.


And I’m sure if we were faced with ground closure we’d tidy up our act a bit.





Mind you, when a fan can get into the game undetected, (names removed in case they make an example of him ) by getting a job at an Ibrox kiosk, hiding his uniform in the toilet and going in with the Celtic fans, it’ clear that security isn’t their strongpoint over there.




As usual, the Celtic board have not commented on any of the incidents, and they will no doubt claim that they have done their complaining using back channels.



That’s not good enough.



The appeasement , or perception of appeasement, will lead our own support to take matters into their own hands.



One of the staff was hurt, and yet the club, or the authorities, have done nothing to identlfy the culprit or demand assurances that it won;t happen again.


And there’s only one way to assure it won;t happen again.


Remove their allocation for the Cup semi final, and when those in authority say it will lead to trouble on the streets instead, then you have all the proof you need that they are living in fear of the Ibrox support and they have absolutely no intention of curtailing their bad behaviour.



What they seem to want is to provoke Celtic supporters into retaliation , lending credibility to the two cheeks of one arse theory.



The next financial collapse at Ibrox can;t come quickly enough for me.


Let’s hope it’s permanent this time.








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2 years ago

The introduction of strict liability gives fans the incentive to police themselves, within grounds at least. If they know that this type of behaviour will lead to fines, or, in more serious cases, the loss of points, the rest of the fan base will be forced to control the bampots.

2 years ago

……..To provoke Celtic fans into retaliation…..microscopes will be on us at at the 2 games in the next few weeks ….Celtic fans are kettled, huns are escorted….

2 years ago

It is a serious concern that the violence from ‘Rangers’ supporters is getting worse. It is a minority. Most of us know ‘ Rangers’ supporters who are better than this but Chris McLaughlin, Tom English, Hugh Keevans etc and tabloid journalists who continue the cover up will contribute to a very serious event because it is getting worse. We have been calling it out for some time, we need to up the volume. The club must also bear responsibility for the failure to identify the violence that is becoming part snd parcel of the Rangers International Football Club.
Why did it not happen 2013 to 2019, I wonder. If English was to comment on my post all he would raise is the quotes around ‘ Rangers’, he is part of the violence problem, none so blind as those who will not see.

2 years ago
Reply to  BJF

Minority you say? What, as in 49%.

2 years ago

25,000 was a minority on Sunday.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

If you add in a high percentage of Police Scotland in attendance on Sunday, the ‘minority’ would highly likely run to around 99.5%

2 years ago

By the way, that’s me taking our 700 into account….just save a bit of confusion.

2 years ago

Does that include the Laptop Loyal? 🙂

The attack on the Celtic physio would have been perpetrated from near (in?) the press box but witnesses, nah, bears protect each other.

Compare and contrast the multiple times the same ‘gentlemen’ (for it usual is) have complained to authorities eg UEFA about Celtic.

2 years ago
Reply to  BJF

More to the point:- none so blind as bigots.

2 years ago


What he’s saying is that some fans will go out of their way to earn a fine for their opponents. A completely ridiculous idea with absolutely no precedent that even hints that it would be a problem.

i mind Rangers fans charging at Pittodrie and Aberdeen got fined for poor stewarding

2 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Huns should be fully charged.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Electric Chair

2 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Well, you wouldn’t expect the Huns to be charged for anything.

They never have.

Honest Hoops
2 years ago

As of the paradise stream “if you want to see the game you need to go..
oh, I see ..1 shoe fits all is it..
some people are unfortunately not able to go to the game due to either work commitments or have underlying health issues…Doncaster is spineless..

2 years ago

We have to blame our Board for not coming out on many occasions that has happened over at GreySkull ,Personally I hope that Dermot Desmond sells his shares to a Celtic Supporter who will replace the present board with a hardcore of Celtic Supporters who will stand up to the S F A and the Media,who if the likes of The Green Brigade sneeze the whole rotten media target them ,

2 years ago

A minority as some say, have you been at the Crumbledome when they are in full swing, their VIP so called area is full of it.
The issue here is the media and authorities, seemply corrupt, a bit like Putin repeatedly saying all Ukrainians are Nazis and closing down any other sources. The Billy Boys Corporation are a prime example of there is only one mantra, Celtic bad, Sevco good.
The other issue is the Celtic board that accept their place and the behaviour and abuse poured on their supporters heads and staff. Over the years, Elric staff assaulted, Sinclair, Lennon and others, but nothing from these Quislings.
As stated previously on this site this will lead to more deaths as this pot of hatred festers. Come away the Braga!

2 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

re VIP area, dear seats, corporate fans etc. They played away to Inter a couple of years before the old club died in a closed door game but a few hundred of those better/responsible fans were allowed.

They were belting out Billy Boys, No Pope Of Rome etc, which was heard clearly in the otherwise eerie silence.

It couldn’t be denied or decried as a small minority and with great fanfare a fawning press announced that decisive action was being taken against the miscreants.

Of course, nothing happened and the press didn’t follow up/ask questions etc. It was ever thus.

I think this was before UEFA Strict Liability and may even have been one of the drivers of it and obviously they’ve had 2/3 (partial) stadium bans since then.

2 years ago

Please send your White Feathers for Cowardice in the Face of The Rangers to Mr Doncaster via SPFL.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

and Bankier & Nicholson at Celtic Park.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

If dictionary definitions carried pictures the word ‘Spineless’ would have that reptile Bankier’s face all over it.

2 years ago

I do think since the reduction of the allocation for away fans that the behaviour of the sevconians has gotten worse. I think the large Celtic support acted as a buffer to prevent the worst excesses of their behaviour. Of course it could just be that since there are less away tickets they have been able to sell more tickets to home fans who otherwise wouldn’t be anywhere near this fixture. Sort of like the creme de la creme or merde de la merde if you prefer, the worst of their kind.

And also the whole “55” celebrations and the destruction in George Sq has emboldened them, they think they are untouchable. And so far based on the responses from the authorities I have to say that’s true.

Their behaviour will keep getting worse.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mcklintop

I’m not sure that’s true, as with a full allocation (*), there were attacks on Lennon, Sinclair, pitch invaders trying to get at Scott Brown etc and Griffiths & Lustig etc highlighting batteries and other dangerous items (ie not plastic cups and bottles) being thrown at them.

(*) By a full allocation I mean the 7,000 in the full Broamloan, although an auld cur like me can remember when there would be 30-35,000 Tims in an 80,000 crowd, Always a minority and those in the old main stand enclosure being pelted from the dear seats but a sizable backing for the Bhoys.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Another generation of fans of the Ibrox club watches their entitlement go up in smoke. Everything they have been told about being the people has gone. Meanwhile Ibrox descends into a bad episode of the Sopranos with Buckfast. Oh and cocaine. And it’s as if a lawlessness has pervaded the people. As if they were, for example, funded by drug dealing gangsters laundering money and losing it. That isn’t happening it just seems like it. I know for a fact at the club’s official Xmas party a few years ago someone got ejected head first down the stairwell. Ambulance called. No cops. It’s almost like a drug gang were in charge. Isn’t it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Aye, it really is, Charlie.

But of course we all know that the Scottish football authorities would never allow a drug gang to use Ibrox as a base for money laundering and drug dealing criminals.

Not even their fellow lodge brothers would be allowed to do that, would they?

Not considering how strict and wise and full of foresight the Englishman Doncaster is in his running of Scottish fitba, surely ..?

2 years ago

A very good article, Ralph, with a few points I could go over but I’ve already explained why drug gangs and money launderers, sorry, staunch businessmen, are allowed to operate their racket out of Ibrox a good few years ago now and I’m sure one or two of your more blinded readers would take offence at the inference.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

I’m not suggesting they are simply implying if they were this is what it would look like. That you back then? More encores than a Shirley Bassie concert.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

As an adult man, Charlie, you should understand that people come & go at their leisure.

Though in my case I get repeatedly banned by the admin but yes, you could say I’ve once agin been let off the naughty step, probably cos the lads realise how boring it is round here without me.

But isn’t it just gay folk that go to watch Shirley Bassey?

I mean, no offence intended, each to their own and all that, but I’d never have thought it of you, as you seem so laddish.

2 years ago

re the pictures of Buckfast and voddy bottles lined up on the wall at the front of the stand at the end of the game.

I remember a similar sight, although with far more bottles, when French TV journalists were reviewing the game after Lyon had pumped them at Ibrox earlier in the season.

Wait, that can’t be right, as they’ve been brilliant in Europe this season and humiliations against Malmo (twice) and Lyon are simply figments of Timmy imaginations.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Five wins in 14 games and they’re still wondering why they didn’t ‘bring their European form’ to Ibrox on Sunday when, in fact, they did.

And I remember the days when no Hun would drink Buckfast because it was made by monks so what changed?

The fact that someone mentioned it was created in England by some brothers ..?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Exactly. Beat a very mediocre to poor Dortmund side who have been on the end of some severe pumpings this season and who our severely restricted sports writers (ahem) had down as favourites for the EL. Just watching Atalanta giving Leipzig a good game at the present. A Leipzig side who very recently dished out one of the pumpings aforementioned. A thrashing that was played out in front of a packed Signal Iduna, at full capacity for the first time in two years. The sevvies are after all renowned for enjoying success in near deserted stadiums.

2 years ago

Here is the definition of denial. The BBC report on the basket of assets game in Braga has this classic line “ Domestically, a double is still more than plausible, but one poor result in either competition would be costly”. Yes they are talking about their Ibrox side. The same report mentions winning 55. Scott Mullen is the writer of this tosh. I thought the BBC was famous for reporting the truth. Apparently not.

2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Yeah, saw headline “Rangers walking tightrope in season-defining spell”.

Mm, Season likely over in 10 days, would be a more appropriate headline.

I think Scott Mullen might be one of the ex-Rangers News hacks that proliferate over there.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

re Plausibility,

We’re 1/14 to win the league and the Huns are 11/1, so probably about 15/1 for the double.

Aye, that’s more than plausible!

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

🙂 the word he missed was implausible !

2 years ago

So, John Paul Taylor has claimed that the Sevco board have apologised IN PRIVATE to Celric about the bottle throwing incidents but not in public …

Not to impinge on the reputation of JPT but I’d like to see what form this behind the scenes apology took.

And all the cops do can do is make public appeals as though they’d never heard of stadium CCTV …

The more bottles get thrown hands the more hands they shake.

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