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Celtic Diary Wednesday February 2: Here We Go Again

Celtic have the chance to regain the top spot in the league tonight.


Thats the point of tonights game.


We’re about to be bombarded with all sorts of old firm nonsense as the desire to keep the brand alive comes alive, but through all the dust and smoke, it is just three points and it is a chance to mark the beginning of the end of the brief reign of the new club/company as champions, and send them a further step closer to the Graveyeard of Badly Run Football Clubs.



Manager ange Postecoglou is giving nothing away about any possible line up, but that won;t be becuase he doesn;t know, it’ll be because he doesn’t want anyone else to know.



Celtic’s build up to this game has been quiet, and even when the media tried to get him to comment on the box office signing of Aaron Ramsay, once again he justified why journalists have chipped in to send off to Haiti to get a wee doll in his image they can stick pins in….


What do you make of marquee signing Aaron Ramsey’s arrival in Scottish football?

He is a quality player and when you look at the level he has been playing at for the last couple of years. Club wise he has not played a lot but when he played for the national team he still looked like a very good player. He is good for the league. Ultimately with all these signings, it comes down to performance. Nobody had heard of Kyogo until I brought him here but nobody is going to tell me he is not good for the Scottish game.   



Neatly, he said he doesn’t give a shit, mate.


Perhaps he remembers the media blitz  when he signed Joe Hart, who has won everything in England and featured 75 times for the international side and the hacks just wouldn’t shut up about the massive impact this big name acquisition would have on the Scottish game…..






Incidentally, this afternoon , Ibrox fans will be given a signing session with their new hero, there’s a twist, as the player won’t be doing the autographs, but fans can scroll a get fit soon message one or more of his casts…



Full Body Cast Traction - Best images all time - page 2 | Meme Generator



Their very own weapon of mass distraction.



Just before that another scrote taking notes had asked about Kyogo….



I said Kyogo was weeks away. I am not a liar. Let’s be clear about this. I don’t want to be asked about Kyogo every week. I said weeks away a week ago, Weeks means weeks. He has a similar injury to David Turnbull and he has been out for a while and you can do your own maths. I am not going to give exact timelines. There is no point asking about Kyogo every week, nothing is going to change, he is out for a few weeks. Once we get closer to him you will see him out training and we’ll go from there.  



Or, also translated from his native Strine, “fuck off, mate ”



Then came a question about the form book going out of the window for these games, which is “same club Timmy” level bullshit….



I understand why people say this kind of thing because they are big games. From my experience, you would much rather be in good form because that means you have built some kind of foundation going into what you know is a challenging environment.
If you go in not the greatest of form and hoping to turn it on, it can happen, but I’d much rather be in the position where you have good form going into it and you have really strong fundamentals. What you do know is that there is going to be some tension and the pace is going to be quick and there will be some physicality around. All those things will challenge the players but a strong foundation helps you address those things. 


Again, a translation is somewhere along the lines of “Aren’t there any adults in journalism in this country ? ”



All very calm, really, and all very measured.



There is a possibility that captain Calum MacGregor may start tonight, albeit wearing a mask, but even the dumbest of them will probably recognise him.


Is it worth the risk ?


Postecoglou spoke about the advice the doctors had given him….



Whilst it was a pretty significant injury the medical advice we had was that he could slowly get reintegrated and hopefully with a mask he feels comfortable to play and hopefully he won’t be out for too long for us.”  



Tough call.


There’s pressure on MacGregor to play, but it would be silly to risk further damage unless absolutely necessary, and I’m not sure it is.



James McCarthy is street wise enough to play a holding role, and O’Riley and Hatate can add cover and adventure in the middle,



With Jota, Giakamoukis, Abada , Forrest and even Ben doak available for the three front positions, and possibly even Maeda and Rogic on the bench, we should be covered.


Defence ? Juranovic Starfelt Carter Vickers and Taylor. Maybe even a goalkeeper as well.



We really don’t have anything to fear from their attacks. The occasional long ball won;t be a problem, especially if the high press stops them making them.



The Ibrox side will have key man Bobby Madden in their line up, and he knows Celtic well enough by now.



He’s featured in one in four of our games this season, and if that run continues he’ll pick up a winners medal should Celtic recapture the league title.


Worryingly, this actually means he’s the only one the SFA can trust to not be perceived as biased, with Walsh, Beaton Robertson and Dallas all being tainted recently.



And Willie Collum and Kevin Clancy  aren’t allowed these games in case they forget who’s side they’re supposed to be on.



Still, Madden has shown he can be impartial, but that tends to be when the result doesn’t matter. Tonight he may well be a little less than even handed.



Still, I’m sure he’ll go into the game with his eyes wide open.



Celtic Diary Wednesday March 8: Low Key Build Up From Celtic – eTims



Prediction for tonight….Starfelt first goalscorer, and you know me well enough by now…






Yesterday, we had this….








 Quick, turn it aff. That’s the sausage making machine,  




Today….you might want to look away….





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Dziekanowski's nightclub child
2 years ago

Caption: Alfredo chilling in the Columbian sun looking for a new club to wed to

2 years ago

Jesus H!!!! My eyes, my eyes.

Caption: Ramsey’s only here 2 mins and he’s ripped his tights already.

Luke Warmwater
2 years ago

Kris Boyd not quite grasping the concept that 2nd place is NEVER the bride…

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: Unwise attire on Kirkcaldy beach.

2 years ago

Caption ” Bob I said we are going to Bondi beach no Bondage …..”

Pat Higney
2 years ago

. We’ve got ‘Snowy Garter, we’ve got Snowy Garter’

John McDermott
2 years ago

Jessy I canny go on the pedalos the noo! Av got a ladder in my stockings. FFS you look great Billy cmon! Nabdy Al notice!

2 years ago


It’s a nice day to start again.
It’s a nice day for a white wedding.
It’s a nice day to start again.

2 years ago

Caption too…

The lady looking on thinking …
Good grief would you look at that ,I wouldn’t let my dog walk on that burning sand without some booties on ,he’s gonna need some ointment …

2 years ago

As much as I’d love to see Calmac play I don’t think it’s worth the Bhoy taking anymore injury to his face and for that reason I doubt he’ll play.

Michael Annis
2 years ago

You know if Calmac plays their elbows will be flying.

caption: Boris take to gardening leave like a ducked politician to drink.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago

‘I’m perfectly sane’ claims Green Machine as he returns to plague etims with more of his tripe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Aaaaargh! Nooooo!

2 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Wrong Villain Owen.

Desperate Boris The Blob tries yet another uniform to hide behind.

( The Downing Street Costume Wardrobe was down to the bare bones but in a stroke of serendipity the remnants from Carrie’s Bridal attire
we’re located in the Prime Muppet’s Despatch Box after one of the Parties that weren’t Parties, that The Greased Pig never attended anyway, despite the Party that wasn’t a Party being a Work event held in the Big Dog’s own flat and where you brought your own booze but didn’t have a party).

The End.
BoJo, My Part In His Downfall.

2 years ago

The Big Fellow takes a Sunday off work to relax.

2 years ago

On his way to Bojos garden party at Downing Street

Footie agent celebrates flogging another dud at Ibrokes

Maddhun will run about booking a Celtic player first, try to get them a pen or with his buddy disallow a great goal by Calmac. 3-1 to the Celtic

Charlie Green
2 years ago

Their Man U. loanee Diallo is going to be a handful and ripe for getting a penalty against Starfeld. Hart also has to command his area at corners. Speaking of which, Starfeld and Carter-Vickers are wasted at corners so they should stay back in preparation of a break away. There I’ve said it!

Charlie Green
2 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Green

I’ll get my hat and coat…

2 years ago

Caption – Ye had better get orf soon Booby Madden, ye’re yellow and reds are in your shorts ready in case Celtic turn it on.

Uibh fhaili
2 years ago

Captain shit bag arrives at CELTIC park and immediately needs the toilet

2 years ago

caption- Ralph Malph on the beach in his homeland of Dunoon

2 years ago

Very good performance tonight. We showed hunger and passion and finally finished a few more chances than usual. A very good team is beginning to appear. Magic

2 years ago

Madhunn has to pay his forfeit for his pathetic support of the Peepul

Superb, a joy to watch, we are on our way to bury the zombie

2 years ago

Words kind of escape me. What a 1st half, what a result.
I can hardly believe we’re now top of the league.
Magnificent, just MAGNIFICENT!
Well Done You Bhoys In Green!
Special mention to CalMac, Captain Courageous.

2 years ago

Caption: The back wan’s a foot and the other is aboot 12 inches!

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Great first half allowed us to take the foot of the gas, Juranovic my man of the match, and by God, the Greg Taylor haters must be spewing tonight, like most of the team rock solid!! HH

2 years ago

Thank you OorAnge. You are the mhan. 3 points on Sunday and it piles the pressure on the manky scumbags later in the day.

2 years ago

Oh yesss back where we belong

2 years ago

I got the score correct in my poet the other day….still gutted that Ramsey didnae score a “sensational” own goal. hahaha. We could have been 7 up in the first half and that’s no exaggeration. By the time we play them again we should have all our injured players back and a full squad champing at the bit.
*rangers players had a dose of reality tonight and their confidence must have taken a battering. It wouldn’t be a surprise if they drop more points on Saturday when Hearts come calling.
The league is in our own hands now, we can only lose it ourselves.
Again, you don’t see many jokes here ridiculing Ange’s surname anymore like there were when he was just given the job. The man has only just started this rebuild and the best is still to come.

2 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

“poet” = POST.

2 years ago

Well played Bhoys.

Lube, sevco FC. You are going to need Lots-a-Lube.

2 years ago

Gio bullying someone his own height … God Bless the Celtic ballbhoys.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

*and ballghirls.

2 years ago

On reflection, it seems to me that Big Joe’s perfectly-timed save at the feet of ‘A hun’ was crucial tonight; Madden’s looking for an opp. for a penalty and it’s just 1-0 at the time. Good on you, Big Joe Hart.
Then we go mental, scud, scud and it’s over.
If Big Joe had got that wrong, the outcome with masonic MIBs in charge, may well have been different.
Hail! Hail! The Glasgow Celtic.
Integrity FC (bar Lawwell of course, for EVER)

2 years ago

I do realise it’s a wee bit sick but I just cannot miss going to the site (followfollow) where broken hearted huns hammer each other and come out with gems like this about their top asset Barisic:
” Shocked that Gio didn’t sort Borna out after first 10 min? You dont retreat into your box before deciding to make a tackle that could cause a penalty! Should have stood his ground and forced wide player to the corner! Never swore so much in first 5 min when seeing Gio’s tactics kill everything the players learned from SG’s high press!”
Awwwwwww, the wee lambs!

2 years ago

David Edgar, he`s got Allan McGregor eyes.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Cjnovo poison dwarf

2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Maybeeeeee it`s gonae beeeeeee, Is all he ever says, sevonians crack me up.

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