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Celtic Diary Tuesday December 7: Keeping Our House In Order


With the final game of the Europa League campaign on Thursday, manager Ange Postecoglou will find himself with a couple of decisions to make.


Does he rest key players , as the game is pretty ,much a dead rubber, with an eye on the upcoming League cup final and the hectic run in to the January break, or does he tempt fate and risk injury to them ?


See how easy it is to frame a question ?



Given there are already a few injuries to a few top players, he might not want to add to his woes, but then again, European experince and continuity is important.



Tricky one, and you get the feeling that there will be some who moan regardless of what he does.


It would be nice tp sign off with a win, which would give a respectable nine points, but not the end of the world of we lost.


Pride and confidence are a big part of the Ange philosophy, so it may be as he decides for continuity.


There is also an argument that putting fringe players or youngsters into such a game risks harning their confidence should there be a defeat.. but a night in under the lights and a win would send the mood in the camp soaring.



There’s no easy answer, so the best we can do is just accept he’ll do whatever he bloody well wants, but the difference is if he gets it wrong he’ll say so.



During the last game at Tannadice, Celtic fans were heard to chant that Kris boyd is a “fat orange bastard ” .


And guess what ?


It’s in all the papers… this is from the Record



Kris Boyd was subjected to offensive, sectarian chants from Celtic fans during their clash with Dundee United at Tannadice.

Rangers hero Boyd took to the gantry for punditry as part of Sky Sports’ coverage and, as usual, copped abuse.

Celtic won 3-0 thanks to strikes from Tom Rogic, David Turnbull and Liam Scales.

But Sky were forced into an apology pre-match for ‘”foul language” behind where the pundits were situated.

And footage has now emerged on social media showing fans direct a chant of “you’re just a fat orange b*****d” towards Boyd.  



Rangers hero Boyd “…not really. There has been a remarkable downturn in online affection for the chunky chap, and the argument that he was the best striker in Scotland during his time seems to have disappeared.


The issue here is that the chant, without a shred of doubt, is sectarian. By any definition of the word.


Whereas I care not a jot as to whether or not I’m called a fat fenian bastard, there is a scintilla of veracity in the claim, and one I’d find difficult to build a defence against in a court of law.


What matters is that whether you think Boyd is a fat orange bastard or you think he is not a fat orange bastard, it’s wrong to share those views, and certainly unacceptable to tell him he’s a fat orange bastard.


You see, Boyd himself might think he;s a fat orange bastard, just as i consider there are grounds to suspect I’m a fat fenian bastard, but to come out and tell him he;s a fat orange bastard, not once , but several times…which implies he might not have heard that he was being called a fat orange bastard the first time, or understood it, is just unacceptable.



In fact, just as I am a fat fenian bastard, and am not offended by that, it’s wrong to assume that Boyd doesn;t mond being called a fat orange bastard.


He did refer to his fan club being in the ground whilst on air , which suggests he isn’t overly concerned by being called a fat orange bastard, but that doesn’t mean it’s right to call him a fat orange bastard.


Even if we think he is.


And even if he thinks he is.



Taking the phrase fat orange bastard literally, it’s the word orange that seems to offend, but I can guarantee that being called fat is unacceptable as well, and can cause distress.


Many years ago, a young and delightful lass asked me for a number she could ring if she wanted to go out with me . What a palaver when I gave her the number for weightwatchers.



So think before you decide to express your somewhat distasteful opinions.



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Speaking of distateful opinions, as you know, the Celtic board thinks it will be a good idea to have former police Scotland reichsfuhrer Bernard higgins as new security chief.



This will help them with their long term policy of removing fans from the match day experience in their entirety, as his people skills are not noted for their skills with people.



He was the guy behind the state backed pogrom which involved dawn raids and internment.,,,, as explained by this witness on this video.




There are so many procedural ..and other…rules broken in this statement it beggars belief in a modern and proigressive country, and it’s an example of what happens when there is no one to guard the guards.



In fact, I’m more suspicious that any involvement of Higgins in club security is more to do with the security of board members as they move further and further away from the original ethos of the club.


A sort of body guard unit ? If only there was a German word or two for such a unit….. one perhaps that embodies the spirit of kicking in peoples doors early in the morning and taking them away.




Speaking of the police, well, not police Scotland . but a proper police force that has the communities interest at large… has made a decision that has impacted on our friends on the other side of the river…and they’ve made a statement



We regret to inform our travelling support that, within the last hour, we have been notified by the French Minster of the Interior, that away fans including corporate guests will not be admitted on Thursday night to the Groupama Stadium in Lyon, France.  


We understand that there is a “festival of light” planned in the city which will test the policing resource and city infrastructure. As you are aware, we previously underlined to our support that the local authorities in France were being intransigent and initially unwilling to engage.

However, only late last week they agreed that we could have 2200 supporters admitted. The decision to reverse this is bemusing, and extremely frustrating, given the short notice. It beggars belief that 3 days after that decision was taken and 3 days before the match is due to be played, it is our supporters who are now going to be left out of pocket by this decision by the French interior minister.




The Festival of Light has been going on since the seventeenth century, and to paraphrase Tam Cowan, the BBC Radio presenter, you can understand the outrage from the Ibrox support at a community celebrating something from the seventeenth century.



Truth is, as with Lazio fans a few weeks ago in Marseille, the French don;t want travelling fans who cause them bother. Put simply, they don;t have to have them round, so they don’t want them round.


Lyon has a cathedral and several buoldings of religious and historical interest.


The travelling Ibrox support often visit such places when abroad, and leave a mess behind them.



They can’t even behave in Glasgow, so it’s unlikely they would behave in Lyon.



Thats how a police force works, identifying potential problems based on evidence and research, and dealing with it withour fear or favour.


Wonder if it would catch on over here if we gave it a go ?




Then again, their recruitment policy seems to indicate an overall lowering of standards, and you cannot seriously expect society to feel comfortable with their choices of new recruit.


Look at the fucking state of this one….



PM Boris Johnson attending drugs raid in Merseyside




Which is also todays caption competition…..






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2 years ago

Caption; A fat orange bastard, sorry i meant Kris Boyd goes under cover to catch the celtic fan that called him a Fat Orange Bastard….

David Holden
2 years ago

Caption competition. Chris Void has packed on a few pounds.

Pete_R L
2 years ago

Hmm… I’m not sure. I don’t care if someone sings that I’m a Fenian, but I do care if they sing they’ll be up to their knees in Fenian blood. I probably wouldn’t join in singing about a fat orange bastard, but I’m unconvinced that it’s a sectarian offence.
Have I just opened a can of green and orange worms? Sorry! I’ll go think on the caption competition instead..

2 years ago
Reply to  Pete_R L

Yeah I was wondering this… Orange isn’t a religion, but then neither is fenian – however when they use the word fenian they mean an Irish Catholic, when we say Orange its not protestantism we refer to but that particular anti Catholic anti Irish organisation… or so I’d like to think perhaps, as the cringefest that is roamin in the gloamin has made an appearance recently and the ‘papa francesco ave’ chant which was good when we were in Rome but should have stayed there in my opinion. Up the ra.

Pete_R L
2 years ago


Police and Thieves in the street, oh yeah.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Pete_R L

Scaring da nation wit der
Fatty over nutrition…

2 years ago

Caption: Cressida’s brother is also in the met police, A Fat Tory Dick.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mcklintop

Ye stull wid bit.

2 years ago

Furuhashi Maeda Hatate Ideguchi

Heroes in a Hooped Shirt ?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Here’s hooping!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Coat duly got …

Michael Annis
2 years ago

Caption Fat Tory Bastard looking for a Fat Orange Bastard to do his dirty work.

2 years ago

New Celtic FC security chief revealed by the board.

Ignore the media twats, quite happy about the famine and hate songs including vile Tommy Burns chants Rampaging through cities, at least the French have seen the film ‘WorldZ’ and banned the zombies.

Wonder if you sang a song about being a Tangoed fat B would that be sectarian?

Thomas Cochrane
2 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Is it that the word orange is sectarian ? or bastard, or indeed fat, or does it just mean that’s it’s when they are used in a chant…..What is sectarian about this. Does it mean the the O.O is a sectarian organization? or does it mean that a media company decides what in society is sectarian and what’s not. There is plenty of scope for “witabootery” here but I shall excercize restraint because……..I can.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Maybe it’s the conflation or combination of the words that does it.

It must be cos every Orangeman we know loves Orangeanism and proudly wear it not their heart, sleeve and hand every chance they get.

Their goalie even wears an Orange top, which they all love, and, what’s worse than any of this, is that even the tribute act is allowed to wear their black socks with their red tops as a sly yet open nod to the Fenian blood that they’re always up to their knees in.

And every authority in Scotland condones this while wasting a week of news time on whether Celtic were granted an offside goal …

If no one can see the whole joke being played on us behind all this it’s not for lack of me trying to tell you.

2 years ago

Boris and the Met search for his keys to his Grosser 770K.

2 years ago

New teletubbie whibble whobble is off to meet his mates
Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laalaa and Po ,but it won’t be a party ,even though he has to gatecrash the house with his side kicks ,piggy and Peppa …

2 years ago

New cast member Pfeffel Pig arrives for filming for the new Peppa series, following the sacking of Boydy Pig for being too orange and illegitimate.

2 years ago
Reply to  TonyB

Ok, where are the missing Krispy Kremes?

2 years ago
Reply to  TonyB

Pfeffel, very good. 🙂

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Suits you, sir!

2 years ago

Police test new XXL stab vests tae see if they really can squirt the milk oot a fat man’s heid.

Lenny Bruce
2 years ago


”I’m wearing stupid clothes and doing something stupid. Please take some time to shake your head and laugh at me. By the time you’ve finished laughing, I’ll have fucked you over even more than before “

2 years ago
Reply to  Lenny Bruce

PS Goodbye NHS but its all just a laugh.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Aye, ye got that right.

And they used the Convid to do it.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

With your compliant help.

How good n smart d’ye feel noo, wiseass?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

We’ll wait for your inevitable ‘BBC’ retort ….

Chortle chortle, guffaw guffaw etc …

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Aye, those are for you, young Cha Cha Charles boy …

Take your time now …

2 years ago

Caption – 彼らは本当にクリス・ボイドをファットオレンジバスターと呼んだのですか?

2 years ago
Reply to  BornCelt!


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Bognorbhoy

Ah think Ah’m turnin Japanese, turnin Japanese!

Ah really think so!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

An lest anybody think this somehow ‘sectarian’, ‘racist’ or insulting …

https :// IWWwM2wwMww

2 years ago
Reply to  BornCelt!

did they really call Kris Boyd a Fat Orange Buster?””

“Buster”, shurely shome mishtake?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Buster Bab Co ck, in your case shurely, Shirley ..?

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: Non mask wearing PM forgets to remove hooker’s nickers before a public event.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie


pilsbury dough bhoy
2 years ago

“Suspect arrested for impersonating a Prime Minister.”

2 years ago

Caption – Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies, you fat bastard, you fat bastard you ate all the pies! simple but very effective.

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

Boris seen going to his interview with the Celtic Board as new Security Chief

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Coyle

You mind Miss Healy, Andy?

2 years ago

Caption : Charlie, Unicorn, November, Tango. (This is not original, saw it on Twitter and it’s very good).

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

It’s alright but ‘Very’ is stretching it a bit, specially since we made the same joke about 45 year ago between the ages of 8 &10

2 years ago

This is confusing. So if I call out someone for being a member of a sectarian organisation, then that is sectarian? So if I suggest someone wearing a pillow case over his head and carrying a flaming cross is a member of the KKK is that me being racist? Ah just dunno anymore.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mcklintop

No, yes, no, you’re right.

Whatever way you phrase it YOU are to blame.

Cos they run the courts and you’re just mair grist tae their mill, Fenian.

2 years ago

Boris and friends make their way to his Fancy Dress Christmas Party, sorry, Christmas Event at No.10.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Por Cierto

Por Cierto …

2 years ago

would t be ok to call um a fat deluded b’stard or a fat zombie b’stard asking fo a friend

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Anything you lie, Charlie, so long as it plays into further engendering the Auld Firm narrative and Master Higgins isn’t looking in …

Then it’s yer door kicked in at 6 in the morning and 5 years of Hell thereafter, even if you are found Not Guilty at the end of it.

Apart fae that, say anything ye like.

Even on behalf of yer ‘friend’ ….

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
2 years ago

The game on Thursday has nothing riding on it, as we’ll be an unseeded team in the Conference League Knockout round draw next Monday.

Conference League Group runners-up are seeded and Europa League 3rd place are unseeded.

uefa .com/uefaeuropaconferenceleague/draws/2022/2001505/ (remove space)

Betis are doing well, they’re 3rd in La Liga and beat Barca at the weekend but who doesn’t these days.

They’ve also just been done by UEFA for FFP breach due to their “non-compliance with the ‘no overdue payables’ requirement”. .uk/sport/football/59528103 (remove space)

Sporting were fined 250,000 euros for same offence, so assume Betis is similar and they have until January to pay El Hector.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

You really do love that BBC, don’t you, Charles?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Do you know the prevalent urban slang meaning for BBC, Charles ..?

Chortle chortle guffaw guffaw …

Owen Mullions
2 years ago

Ralph, I think the Boyd problem is one of emphasis. Is he
1 a FAT orange bastard
2 a fat ORANGE bastard or
3 a fat orange BASTARD?
It has proved a source of division among supporters in the past but I think I have found the perfect solution
Kris Boyd is a FAT ORANGE BASTARD !!!

2 years ago

Didn’t hear anything

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I hope no one DOBs you in.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Good yin, Monti!

But will ye no come back again?

You’re such a livewire wit full of repartéé and your presence and astute observations are much missed among us.

Why don’t you come back, Monti, and regale us once again with all your madcap tales of drunken palavers involving pies & sausages and diving forklift trucks around dil- do factories?

The world, after all, really isn’t the same without you, nor those like you.

And I mean that most sincerely, big chap, all kiddin n swankin aside.

2 years ago

I haven’t gone away you know

The Green Machine
2 years ago

How can something be offensive when it’s the truth?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Having said that, you lot go bananas whenever I write the truth on here so I guess it’s not too much of a stretch.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

See? 😀

The Green Machine
2 years ago


Riot police try Human Shield experiment knowing there’s no great loss if it goes wrong.

2 years ago

Caption two…
Copper in the mask saying to his mate …

I asked for a helmet , this is what they sent …

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Bognorbhoy

He got exactly what he asked for 🙂

Uibh fhaili
2 years ago

Police Scotland find a replacement for Higgins

2 years ago

BoJo the Clown at auditions for the leading role in the remake of the 70’s hit Comedy(sic) ‘ The Benny Hill Show’.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Will Ye No Come Back Again?

https :// 482C-WQsk4o

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Even now we must dance gingerly around the thin edges of the very thin ice set by our beloved Administrative masters lest we get banned for saying something out of turn that they in their wisdom do not agree with..

So much fir Free fvckin Speech, eh ..?

But sure n Oi suppose dat’s dat oul’ damnt joke of Democracy for ye der now der now, is it nat, is it nat?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Sire n wil ye nat prefer a wee cup a tae der, Fadda?

Sure ne ye will ye will ye will n ye will der now,

Now why would ye ever go to all dat time n trouble a questioning anyt’ing when ye can just have a nice wee cup a tae instead ..?

Even you ‘Rhebels’ der now, will ye not ever knuckle down n shut da fvck up, der now ..?

Sure, de world is a better place without everyone questioning what dey’re told from deir masters and Oi here der’s a fine bowl of soup to be had down at de local parish der now, provided ye don’t say a word out of turn …

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: “Are you sure the GB rebel party in the Calton is for Brexiteers?”

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Are you?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

No lie, I really thought this was either a photoshopped joke or they really had just pulled some mad fat drunk guy off the street to see what they could get away with.

And it was onky on closer inspection I realised that HE IS YOUR LEADER! 😀

THAT GUY! 😀 😀 😀

Yet still you still insanely trust politics and politicians….

Idiotic beyond mental doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Cos they are ripping the fvcking piss and those of you too blind to see it are the very ones who caused it in the first place.

Youd be better aff voting fir the thousand million coos that fed the fat cvnt, but each tae their own …

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