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Celtic Diary Wednesday October 20: We Feel Good !

Celtic retained an interest in Europe with a 2-0 win over Ferencvaros which keeps hopes of post christmas continental competition alive.


A wins a win, as they say, and despite a nervy first half, the hoops held it together and could well have ran out with a bigger win.


Kyogo Fuhruhashi opened the scoring with a sublime finish, defying the recent tradition of shooting straight at the keeper to slot home, and a bit of a stramash later on saw a second bundled over the line , originally credited to David Turnbull.


However, such to the delight of Gavin Berry at the Record, that was later changed to an own goal….



David Turnbull stripped of Celtic Europa League strike after UEFA declare it an own goal



And that is a blow to Turnbull who spoke to BT Sport immediately after the game at his joy at ‘scoring’.  


“It’s obviously good to get another goal, no matter how ugly it is they all count and that’s football. From the weekend, I score one of my better goals and tonight hit a miss-hit and luckily get the tap-in.

“I was just thinking to tap it in with my left then I think I’ve kicked over the ball – I think I’ve topped it a wee bit – and then I’ve seen the goalie dive and thought I’ve still got a chance at this so I just threw myself at it and hoped it went in.

“I’m always (trying to add to his goal tally]) Right the way through my career that’s what I’ve tried to do.

“I see myself as a goalscoring midfielder and just everyday I can, I’ll work on it.

“I work on finishing, work my hardest in training, and hopefully get even more before the end of the season.  



Berry didn’t go on to mention that Turnbull faced a three match ban and a prison sentence for not admitting his guilt in claiming the goal, but you felt he wanted to.



The unusual 3.30pm kick off time didn’t dampen fans enthusiasm, as over 50,000 made their excuses and attended, regardless of the delights of daytime tv, and goalkeeper joe Hart, who hasn’t been much loved at previous clubs, showed his appreciation.





On his instagram page, he said;



3.30 pm on Tuesday afternoon …. Should be a quiet one 🥸 amazing support, a win was the least we could give you  



You can see what he means….






As someone once said, they’re there….and they’re always there.




There was even a wee word puzzle to keep fans amused during the breaks in action….


Green Brigade unveil anti-Uefa banner before Ferencvaros clash as Celtic  fans rail against kick-off time | The Scotsman



Had me stumped.



With Champions League games and tv coverage part of the UEFA cashpot, there was no chance of an evening kick off, and yet again , those who attend matches, and create the marketable atmosphere for the tv audiences are way down the list of priorities.



One wonders if UEFA will issue another fine, commentators on Radio Scotland seemed hopeful, and risk public debate on the matter.



Public debate on matters football , certainly some issues, is a no no in some quarters, which is why I almost fell off my chair when i saw this, on the Sun’s twitter page….



Celtic fans want Resolution 12 BACK on agenda for 2021 AGM despite board’s attempt to end debate



As you know, Res 12 has been a taboo subject for the media, and so this kind of article is a blessing, even if it is in the Sun.



It gets it out there, and although regular diary readers know all about the issue, there are still thousands who don;t, and with little discussion in the media, the significance of it can be downplayed.



It’s also somewhat curious that Celtic tried to block the new “Note Of Concern “, which means they’d rather not talk about it.


“Resolution and supporting statement to the Celtic PLC AGM 2021 from the Celtic Trust

“This AGM notes that:

“That shareholders are not satisfied with the responses given to them at the 2019 AGM in relation to a Resolution (numbered 12 at that meeting).

“Are not satisfied with the response to the question (asked at that AGM) of whether or not Celtic had knowledge of the 5 Way Agreement.

“The response from the then CEO, Peter Lawwell, was that Celtic PLC had no such knowledge. 

This AGM instructs the Chairman of Celtic PLC to:

“Provide a full report on what, if any progress has been made in engaging with the SFA under Resolution 11 to the 2020 AGM in which serious governance issues were raised regarding the abandonment of their own judicial process by the SFA.

“Add a Note of Concern to the 2021 Celtic PLC AGM records in relation to these matters.”


Hopefully, enough chatter in both mainstream and social media outlets can keep it simmering away nicely until the AGM.


After all, in 2019, chairman Ian Bankier did say…


“We are bound by law to make the best decision for shareholders.  


Makes you wonder what he considers to be the “best decison “…and why…



And why he thinks it’s another “best decision ” to call for signatures at such short notice….






Steve Bruce has been sacked by Newcastle, which isn’t surprising , as they now have the financial clout to hire anybody they want.


We asked our man on Tyneside for his reaction to the possibility that Steven Gerrard may yet be offered the job, and he told us , probably not exclusively,


Howay and shite, mon. He’s gash ”  


Not that the Scottish mainstream media will be of that opinion. With one league title by default and a Petrofac cup in just a few years, Gerrard will no doubt move on to bigger things.


Just not in football management,




We had this on Monday….







SG thinks:’That’s the trouble with fantasy bids from China, you no sooner believe in one than you’re hoping for another’.




Morelos would have been at a bigger and better club by now if he wasn’t fat and shite.







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2 years ago

‘Mme Tussaud’s unveils Queen Victoria’s Secret lover’

‘Scientists reveal next big threat to humanity’

Hairdresser’ If only this was poison’

“ Celtic reveal new board appointee at AGM’

‘ Look at me, I’m an evil narcissistic bastard’

2 years ago

Caption: “Is that hairspray?”
“No. Insect repellent.”

Terry Tonner
2 years ago

Rees-Mogg preparing for his interview with Dermot for the CEO job.

Stephen O'Donnell
2 years ago

Die ya bastard

2 years ago

Great performance (particularly second half) and result last night, could have been 5 or 6 easily. I want to go back to the Leverkusen game though, a 0-4 score line that night was not an accurate reflection of the game. We could and should have scored 4 goals ourselves. We are creating loads of chances, with more composure and a ruthless streak we could put games out of sight easily.

If you consider the number of times in games v sevco recently, we have wasted chance after chance only to be hit with the sucker punch (normally when we’ve been reduced to 10 men) in the game earlier this season we should have been 2 goals up at HT.

We need to stay close to sevco until Jan game. I feel we can beat them, strengthen further in the window and go for this league title.

John E Mitchell
2 years ago

“Bet you He’s wearing Harm-Many

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Aye, he did.

And I’ve proved it.

2 years ago

Caption – please spray that pepper spray directly into my eyes, I have got to go on the tv and show how upset we conservatives are at the plight of the poor and needy in this great country of ours.

Phil McEachen
2 years ago

(Caption) John Collier prepare their Christmas photo-shoot for December 1957.

2 years ago

The guy assured me just the one spray of Cuntbgone would be enough….

2 years ago

Left wing street artist Bonxxy puts the finishing touches to her latest work entitled Stool Sample.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Cesar

Winner! 😀

2 years ago

Caption …

Let us spray …

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

Caption,Aw for gods sake Aggie when i asked you to spray some WD40 in me I DIDN,T MEAN my earhole, I said Ars@#hole

2 years ago

Caption too…

( The stylist is thinking )

Is this guy for l’oreal…

2 years ago

Jacob Rees Mogg…. because he’s worth sh1t

Michael Annis
2 years ago

TV makeup artist finds that spray on sincerity doesn’t even stick.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Caption: Scientists subtly refine their injectable computer system

The Green Machine
2 years ago

See Hoe land Security Testing Hazardous Airflow In New York City news reports for further details.

It was only 2 days ago, the 19th October these ‘tests’ of polluting theNYC subway system with ‘Non Hazardous’ Airborne Bio Weapons so it shouldn’t be to are to find as it was in yer beloved mainstream news also.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

In fact, here’s a link to save you all the bother of actually looking for yourselves …

https :// mPaswrtRkos

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Anyone actually watched it yet ..?

2 years ago

Spraying tongs ya bass on a yuppies head is the new thing

2 years ago

Turn to the left slightly and take your specs off.

2 years ago

Anybody have a lighter I can borrow?

Denis McFadden
2 years ago

Caption : New invention; instant wanker in a can.

2 years ago

Wasn’t it the bread man who won the petrothingy cup??

The Green Machine
2 years ago

It was and about 6 years ago too.

Slippy has won one rigged trophy with the vast collusion of the Celtic board as part of the 5WA.

pilsbury dough bhoy
2 years ago

“Entitlement, by Calvin Klein.”

2 years ago

Jesso, that Edna Turnblad has lost weight.

Pat O Hara
2 years ago

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Kevin McKenzie
2 years ago


2 years ago

Caption: Make sure to keep that spray off my glasses, I need to see very clearly when operating Boris’s strings.

2 years ago

Did the CST definitely get the required (at very short notice) 100 signed docs from shareholders in time to ensure the Resolutions will make the AGM?

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Yes, see celtictrust .com (remove space) article

Trust Resolutions make it on to the agenda of the 2021 Celtic PLC AGM

Mind you, who would be surprised if the board weren’t going through all the docs looking for ones to refuse and take support below 100 and hence resolutions fall?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Thanks for that Cha, I’d just come back on here after checking the CST’s website to say it was a YES. It’s really quite unbelievable that there was a chance that it would NOT get the very low number needed. And the Board will now be spending its time trying to quash anything that questions its repetitive lying and cosying up to the new huns. Sickening.
BTW, Bankier has stated that the Board acts, as it legally must, for the benefit of the PLC and its shareholders. This should not include FRAUD, which they have certainly committed by NOT chasing up Res 12 at the cost of Celtic shareholder/supporters.
Then there’s the 5 WA…… and who knows what else they’ve been up to. Sickening indeed.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Agreed and hope the Trust takes on board what’s happened here and institutes some kind of system where any future attempts can be addressed at the touch of a button.

I was out and about yesterday with only access to a phone and couldn’t see how I could affix a signature to the document.

Advice on this, so that a pro-forma can be set-up and ready to go anywhere, anytime is essential, as its likely to be shorter and sneakier the next time.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Were you wearing a mask, Cha?

2 years ago

Caption: Make sure to keep that spray off my glasses, I need to see very clearly when operating Boris’s strings.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Tell SeS on the SC page Bob Kelly died on 21st September, not 21st October as he’s written.

He even linked the Celtic Wiki onto the page where it clearly says he died 21st September and not a damn one of them has noticed it yet even though the article’s been up all day 😀

Feckin blind eejits that they all are.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I did it myself but Mick’s still banned me for:mocking Rebus & Mahe’s use of the word ‘Shall’

No, sorry, that was last week, this week I’m banned for sharing the Catholic Crisis magazine article by AnnaMaria Cardinalli on the aborted foetal cells in the jab potion.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Ffs Green Moron,don’t you get it. People don’t ban you for what you say, it’s because you’re a nob end who posts a load of sh*te. By the way, who is the ‘well-respected scientist with impressive credentials’ who was ‘confiding’ in you about covid the other day? Was it Dr.Who, Mr.Spock…? You do know that guy in the rubber room next to yours in the loonie bin isn’t really a scientist, don’t you?

2 years ago

Doctor Hook?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

They sure got you hooked, Mike.

They’ve injected you with a murdered baby’s stem cells and an injectable computer system tae go with yer aluminium and chimpanzee flavoured adenovirus.

And they tel you all this on the labels and now you have all of these sick toxins inside of you because you didn’t bother to ask what’s actually in the thing you let them inject into you.

Now how does that make ye feel, fool?

You feel good, dae ye, farmer ..?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Who the fvck are you, w@nk?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I’m assuming by my writing a ‘load of shite’ (sic) you mean how I’ve been calling the Celtic board‘ fvckery and collusion with Sevco since the beginning?

Or do you mean how I’ve shown that there’s aborted foetal cells and an injectable computer system in the jab potion?

Did you actually look up the work of Dr Carrie Madej into the jab components?

No, you didn’t, and we all know it.

Did you even attempt to READ the article in the Catholic Crisis magazine, dumbo?

No, again, we all know you didn’t.

Because if you did you would NOT be calling anything I write ‘a load of shite’ because you’d realise you’d actually learnt something for once in yer daft life.

Now get it round ye, halfwit.

Tell yer w@nk pal Mick I was asking for him.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

By the way, plankshaft, my ‘lot of shite’ has clearly impressed you enough for you to copy the moniker I made up last week in my reply to TivToc.

So tell us, fool, how can something be ‘a load of shite’ when you’ve just copied it?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

America’s Frontline Doctors agree: murdered infants at the heart of vac cine research 

The old Na Zi program in new clothing

“Not only are the babies delivered alive, horrifically, their organs are often removed when they are still alive. This is how they got the HEK293 kidney cells used in the manufacture of the vac cine and why Pfizer wanted it to remain a secret…”

by Jon Rappoport
October 21, 2021’

No, monkey, he’s a research journalist.

Now read it and weep.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

The article at America’s Frontline Doctors’ website is headlined: “Aborted Fetal Cells and Vac cines—A Scandal Much Bigger Than Pfizer’s Whistleblower Ever Imagined,” by Caryn Lipson, October 18, 2021.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Here’s another research journalist’s article you should also read, Anonically Hieronymous.

I bet you don’t though and do you know how I know ..?

Cos you’re a fvckin idiot, mate.

It’s you, i’n’t it, Cha?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Here’s another research journalist you should also read, Debra Vinnedge …

The murdered infant comes to the virology lab: The ivory tower is defiled:

In a groundbreaking article for Children of God For Life, titled “Forsaking God For the Sake of Science,” Debra Vinnedge outlines how the Rockefeller-Harriman eugenics movement gave rise to the practice of medical abortions for research purposes, including live births during which the infant was murdered and its organs harvested:

“…Abortion wasn’t legal yet; this was 1936. But abortion was most certainly legal and acceptable [to eugenicists] if it meant ending the life of a child who would be born to a ‘feeble-minded’ woman, one who might end up less than perfect or who might have to rely on society to pay for their care.”

And therefore, why not perform abortions for medical research? Behind closed doors, out of view, this was happening in several countries, including the US.

Consider this research report: “Human embryos of two and one-half to five months gestation were obtained from the gynaecological department of the Toronto General Hospital…No macerated specimens were used and in many of the embryos the heart was still beating at the time of receipt in the virus laboratory.”

Here is the citation: Joan C. Thicke, Darline Duncan, William Wood, A. E. Franklin and A. J. Rhodes; Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in Tissue Culture; Growth of the Lansing Strain in Human Embryonic Tissue, Canadian Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 30, pg 231-245. [June 1952]

The authors are certainly describing an infant who was taken from the womb alive, and after cells were harvested, was killed. For research on “growing virus in cell culture.”’

The Green Machine
2 years ago

This week I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in Con Vid toxic potion testing.

I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis.

Here is the basic ramification:


For all people of faith. Every faith.

“According to my religious belief, the murder of an undeniably live infant for any reason is unconscionable and evil, and I refuse the vac cine (sic).”

Here is a Force against which no government, no establishment, no secret society, no wealth can stand.

I fully understand all sorts of professionals will spout language that purports to show “the infant was not alive, the lab followed all the legal guidelines, this is an old argument that has been debunked…”

But this is not just an old argument.

This is the equivalent of an opening statement in a murder trial. Nothing less.

If religious leaders will read AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s article, they will see how important her charge is.

The question isn’t “will people of faith wake up and do what they should”; the question is “how can any person of faith NOT do what they should”.

If they will make a stand; if all people of faith will; the entire dire situation we are facing changes in the blink of an eye.

2 years ago

Caption ” Keep spraying that Teflon dear”

2 years ago

The old phrase Heir on the Nanny sadly wasnt quite the same with Jacob in the studio

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  desimond

Haha, I bet the blonde has plenty hair on her nanny though I doubt it’s Jacob’s …

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I see the Hun ‘John James‘ is demanding that Ian Bankier ‘weed out’ The Green Brigade supporters for their clever ‘Fvck UEFA’ wordplay banner yesterday.

As though UEFA are a bastion of integrity in the modern game …

We all knew he was a Hun to start with but demanding that a little worm like Bankier get rid of Celtic supporters from the ground sine die is lowlife behaviour from a self important Hun w@nkshaft.

Oh, and FVCK UEFA.

Kevin Lanaghan
2 years ago


Aerosol meets Arsehole

Uibh fhaili
2 years ago

If the pepper spray doesn’t work, shoot the prick

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: If you see Ray Alan back stage can you please ask that he warms and lubricates his hand. The last time was like Eton all over again!

Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding
2 years ago



The Green Machine
2 years ago

Too late with that one.

And still no Strap?

The Strap was what made your name.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Makeup Juice Dog gets his rug sprayed.

2 years ago

I noticed the sleekit play with words by that prik in the Daily Rectum…usually when you’re “stripped” of something it’s for doing something dishonourable or cheating, as in “stripped of his Olympic medal, stripped of his title etc etc.
They choke having to report on a Celtic victory and they always try to find a negative angle for their headlines and their questions to the manager. They are so fekking slimy they leave a trail behind them when they move.
When we win the league and their pet team goes bust they’ll all self-combust and we’ll finally know if sh1te does burn.

2 years ago

‘ WTF, ur ye tellin me Toffs get nits as well’.

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