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Celtic Diary Thursday October 21: Through The Storm

Something that went unnoticed after the Ferencvaros victory was the fact that Celtic have kept two consecutive clean sheets, which hasn’t really been all that common of late.


Largely down to the chopping and changing forced onto the manager as a result of injuries and other problems, only Carl Starfelt and Tony Ralston can claim to have been regulars to any degree.


Ralston has taken his opportunity with both hands, even when you consider the arrival of an international right back in Josip Juranovic, and Starfelt has had to contend with first of all building a partnership with Stephen Welsh and now Cameron Carter Vickers, it can’t have been easy.


But , gradually, it’s coming together, despite the media , and some supporters, constantly claiming it’s a weak spot and likely to cost the league, a European run and probably cause the share price to dip.


Sometimes, there’s a feeling we just have to have an escape goat…. (I know, it’s a scapegoat )



Startfelt especially gets a rough time from the media, with BBC Radio Scotland particularly having an almost sexual experience every time there’s a hint of a mistake.


They’re openly discussing his demise even though he’s still a relatively new player, and one in a new defence, in front of a new goalkeeper. In a team with a new captain, a new manager and a new style.


Some will bed in quicker than others, and so far Starfelt has had more to cope with than most.



St Johnstone on Saturday will be another test, but as the side settle and gains in confidence from recent results and performances, things will continue to improve.



It appears, though, Chris Jullien, now elevated to a Beckenbauerish standard since his absence, has hurt himself again…..






This time it’s his finger. Presumably injured as a result of it spending so long up his arse.




Other players, such as Kota, Hart and of course Kyogo seem to be settling much quicker, and even Kyogo was the subject of the Radio Scotland narrative when Ange was asked post match about him having a quiet game.



Postecoglou has already got the hang of dealing with the Scottish hacks. Put simply, he slaps them down when they act like knobs.


Their style has long been tolerated by previous Celtic managers, but this seems to have ended under the Australian, who, in a roundabout way, just tells them to fuck off.



It’s impossible to understate the task he’s taken on.


A new job in a new environment, an environment that is to say the least unconventional, and while he’s adapting to that, he has to build a new team, train it in a new way to play at a higher intensity, all the while still getting results and remaining true to his philosophy.


the first time he alters things, all the work he has put in with players will be invalidated…if he has no faith in it, his credibility is shot.


Thats why he won’t be more pragmatic.


There have been little tweaks here and there, with Nir Biton, for example, coming back into the midfield and turning his statutory red cards into yellows.


By and large , though, angeball is here to stay, for good or for bad, for better or for worse.



Something else that will have attracted his attnetion is the somewhat unique style of refereeing in Scotland.


We all know why it’s happening, and we all know it’s nothing new.


For an outsider, though, and especially one as thorough as Ange, he’ll want to make sure there is more than a perception of bias before calling it out.


His abruptness with reporters suggests this might not be far away.



And there are a couple of anamolies worth mentioning….






Celtic conceded 27 fouls against Aberdeen, depsite having the bulk of the possession. Are they tactical fouls, where having lost the possession, the idea is to stop play to allow the players to regroup ?


If that was the case, the scenario would be similar in Europe, though…..






It isn’t, which points to a perception of bias.



Factor in that domestically, the last player that was sent off for “rangers ” was Bobby Russell Russell, back in 1985, when the referee discovered he married a catholic. (Are you sure-Ed ? )


In European competition, however, “rangers ” players are sent off far more regularly, often after commiitting an offence on the field rather than off it.


Sooner or later, Ange will mention these anomolies, and hopefully other managers will join in.




Meanwhile, in the land of collusion, it seems that the Celtic Trust got the signatures they need to keep the new Note of Concern on the agenda for the AGM.


We’re not sure how the board have reacted, but they’ve nailed the windows shut on the upper floors at the stadium.



There are questions to be answered, at least now someone will ask them.




And now, a commercial break.



I stopped buying official club merchandise sometime ago, largely because of the issues I have with the board. Instead, I spend my pennies here, on a range of t shirts that still identify me as a Celtic supporter.


And the quality of the gear is much better.



What was an online store, at, has branched out into a wee shop, and is definitely worth a visit.


With modern sophisticated technology, here’s a guide to help you find it.



Yesterday, we had this….







John E Mitchell
 19 hours ago

“Bet you He’s wearing Harm-Many













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Michael Annis
2 years ago

Caption: Seems like the toilet rolls have arrived at the supermarket.

About time the twisted biased media and officials were called out. As for the rest of the clubs and our Board, to quote Delia, “ Where are you.”

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Annis

Car 54?

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

CAPTION,Hurrv Boys,3 fur a pound 3 fur a pound

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

Caption,C,mon Boys.Buy 2 get 1 free

2 years ago

Caption: ” Pussy galore “

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Gusset palaver.


2 years ago

Welcome to Hamilton racecourse , first race is the ladies aff yer trolley handicap .

Brian (not the messiah)
2 years ago

Caption: The Rangers rush their players to the January sales.

2 years ago

The stats you showed for the Aberdeen game are missing the Madden factor. It was really obvious he’s been perfecting the art of breaking up play when Celtic are involved, including handing out yellow cards against us any time for the slightest nudge.

2 years ago

Rumours begin to surface that Dom McKay left Celtic after a bust up with the board over the continued use of a Hamilton bus firm.

2 years ago
pilsbury dough bhoy
2 years ago

“Glasgow City Council’s carbon neutral shuttle service for delegates attending COP26.”

John E Mitchell
2 years ago

In an effort to compete with ‘online’, supermarkets are now installing an instore sexual services department.

2 years ago

One other impact of The Madden Factor on those Aberdeen stats was he handed out yellow cards to Turnbull, Bitton & Jota for next to nothing, but gave none to Aberdeen – despite the likes of Ramsay constantly fouling Jota unpunished.

Salad queen
2 years ago

Caption James Dean in the original supermarket sweep.

2 years ago

Caption: CALL OF DUTY – Escape from Epstein Island

2 years ago

Caption: Prince Harry & Prince William do a mine sweep at Pizza Express Woking.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: Tam’s wife would regret phoning the pub to tell him to pick up some Mellow Birds from the Co-op.

2 years ago

“Last Christmas I gave you my cart…”

2 years ago

Caption: Bloody Brexit, everything’s a shortage now. Rab and Billy lament the shortage of rohypnol as they can’t afford to fill their trolleys.

2 years ago

Caption – And after winning the grab all you can LDTees trolly rush, those naughty Bhoys leave the proud owner gutted as they head off home with the staff. HH!

Pat O' Hara
2 years ago

I was the third male but missed from the photo.
I had a checkout lady on her hands in the wheelbarrow position.
I couldn’t afford a pound and she was fugly.

2 years ago

Trollope Dash

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Should that not read,’ The Gash Dash’ ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jimboh

That’s a bit sexist, Jimboh. Show some respect for the bints, ffs!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Mea Culpa
Mea Culpa
Mea Maxima Culpa.
Thoughts from a former Altar Bhoy.
BTW, it’s spelt ‘ Bhint ‘.

2 years ago

Despite a driver shortage, Parks of Hamilton have accepted the contract for transporting the Celtic women`s team to away games.

2 years ago

Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos, who has regularly been linked with big-money moves away from Ibrox, has told Futboleros con la FAM he feels that his relationship with the club’s supporters makes him want to remain at Ibrox “for years to come”. 

Nothing to do with even Fat Fredo realising the big-money moves were made-up p1sh so he’ll need to stick around and screw as much out of them as he can. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Atletico Springburn have made him an offer that he cannot refuse. Springburn, once the home of the puffing billy’s Chooo, Choo…how apt.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Is there any truth in that the Bill Struth Main Stand is to be renamed as The Lamborghini Lease Stand ?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Tesco likely.

DeathCo trolleys optional.

2 years ago

‘Squeals On Wheels’, the Celibates answer to ‘Dogging’.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jimboh

Aldis stepford wives sales going through the roof

2 years ago

Who within the Celtic PLC board have an address and account in Barbados ?
They guileful bassas will be praying to Saint Ursula. Traditional British virgins.

2 years ago

Border bans eased.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

No let up on bams though.

2 years ago

Scotland invented cricket.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Via the bowling club.

2 years ago

Constant soft free-kicks outside the box can undermine a solid defence. AND a majority of referees adjust to oblige.

2 years ago

Are they “Still Game”? as we wait for the latest musings from the cast of the E-Tims podcast. As
Jack – (Desi mond,) puffs on his pipe, listening to the latest Celtic News from the droll thoughtful character Victor – (Ralph). Tam – (Hector) the meanyin cons Isa out of her prize budgie, while Winston – (Monty) spouts mince and hasn’t got a leg to stand on. Ah, what a series, brilliant comedy giving us all a lift in these dark times.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Drinkin` Kota Kola.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Higher Watta’s better

2 years ago

Thy early AGM catches the worms.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

The worms run the AGM

2 years ago

sevconians, we shall overcome the 1IAR.

2 years ago


Photographer at Ibrox Stadium finds a 55 Ore Coin.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Splitting a lineman`s heid is banter.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Did the happy snapper pay his 25K ?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

The 25K paid him.

2 years ago

Take heed Celtic. Sevco FC are to buy Japan.

2 years ago

The AGM will be held on Wed 17th November 11.30 ko, although hopefully it doesn’t all kick off until Res 11 & 12 are called, which thankfully have made it on to the agenda.

celticfc .com/club/celtic-plc-investor-relations/celtic-plc-annual-general-meetings (remove space)

I’ve registered to do this electronically and it was all straightforward, even telling me to put “Officer of CT” in Proxy box to appoint the Celtic Trust.

That’s all the Board (bad guys, boo hiss) resolutions voted Against and the 2 Supporter (good guys, yeah) resolutions voted For.

The current vote count for Resolutions 11 & 12 is:

For – 1977 votes
Against – 0 votes

It looks like they’re both going to be carried overwhelmingly unless the bad guys (boo hiss) turn out to vote.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

You think they won’t, Cha Cha?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Just done the same Cha, 2 for and 10 against. Easy process indeed. I hope ALL Celtic FC fans take a coupla minutes and do likewise. The Board is clearly showing SOME (if not much) concern as they tried to nip this in the bud by bringing the AGM forward and simultaneously imposing a draconian time limit on new Resolutions. They failed, just as they fail us year after year. TAL.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

PS I got an email confirming how I’d given proxy to Celtic Trust.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Give Broxie Roxy to The Trust tae while ye’re there, TT.

He must be able to serve some kinna purpose, even if it is jist takin wan up the @rse when somebody’s feeling frustrated.

In fact, he’d probably quite like that, the wee chained up pussy that he is.

2 years ago

Caption: while the shopping trolleys had a mind of their own, those pushing and sitting in them sadly did not.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy


The Green Machine
2 years ago

One bump in those things and nobody will be laughing.

Fvck the Huns & Anonymous Bollox.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Hey Green Moron, just tae let ye know, an eminent psychiatrist with impeccable credentials has confided in me that you are whit is clinically known as a feckin heidcase. His advice is tae increase yer medication at wance an tae tighten the strings oan yer straitjaiket. Happy tae help.

2 years ago

With Celtic FC it was NEVER easy. The Kelly family and the Whites for e.g.
With the current PLC it’s worse. The apathy of Celtic FC supporters is at the core.
Wake up, stand up and collectively remove the capitalist scum like DFD, like Lawwell (and THAT story isn’t over). Founded with charity at its core, what we REQUIRE is The Bhoys for evermore.
My view of recent events is this: the CST managed to get a coupla resolutions through…….. I’ll leave it like this:
Let’s see how we go, but don’t forget, CST is potentially the answer to the concentric dream of truth, decency and no ‘new huns’ allowed.
Do your own research; the new huns? Not even a club, an ‘off-the-shelf’ company……..just predictable, preferred, orange scum… plotus lostus

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

It’s another blind alley and you know it as much as I do.

DD & Lindsell Train just increase their own share capacity and that’s it done.

Netter to go wae your method.

And though I think I know what it is you should probably tell the readers so they’ve time to consider it.


2 years ago

Hello TGM, whether or not you’re proven correct with your anti vax crusade, I’d like to ask you the following, from one who’s willingly had 2 ‘jabs’: a) Do you REALLY think it’s possible for a planet-wide conspiracy? b) If you became ill from Covid, would you refuse NHS treatment?

2 years ago

I’ve now had several, innocuous, short comments dragged to the sin-bin.
I’m not amused.
When I deign to comment on here, I’m giving oxygen to the eTims bloodline,
one of significant value.
Your loss, I’m sucking fickaeit.
PS Without Tims like me the PLC will thrive.
I see another way, and it’s NOT offering proxy to anyone……..CST included.
Just fukkin think about it……. we proxy our shares and we’re out-voted before we begin?
Democracy? Don’t take the piss.
There’s ALWAYS a solution, and I have it, but not for general publication, not here, not anywhere.
Hail! Hail! The Bhoys are here… what do we care now?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Just Copy & Paste them then root out the offending word.

I did it the other week and got 36 Dislikes for testing the word ‘Facetious’ :without any context whatsoever:D

So don’t take it bad, Vinnie, things are as weird around here as everywhere else these days.

If not weirder.

C&P it, man.

Celtic Park it 🙂

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Hahaha, whit a gang a w@nkers 😀 😀 😀

The Green Machine
2 years ago

😀 😀 😀

2 years ago

Well played Bhoys.

Carter-Vickers gets kicked twice in the guts while on the ground and punched when he stood up.
Result; C-V and the St.J. player were both booked. Let us move on.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

He should act mair like Bobo then that won’t happen.

Thw whole team should.

2 years ago

Only in the Scottish premier league can a player on the ground being booted in the stomach, receive the same punishment as the offender. As for Robbie Neilson and the “west coast bias”, I wonder if he’ll have anything to say today about the forearm smash in the face from one of his players, yet no red card!!

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

It’s a conspiracy of silence, mate.

That’s the deal to be allowed to play.

Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed?

It’s all rigged, from top to bottom.

And you lot wonder why I’m so pissed off …

2 years ago

Sadly for you, I doubt you’re the object of anyone’s wonderment on here. 😉

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Nah, sadly for you, mate.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I wonder what he’s on about most of the time and who the feck left open the door to his cell in Broadmoor.

2 years ago

He’s more likely to be up the (Carstairs) junction.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ah, you two like mocking the entall I’ll, even still, do you?

That’s your level of intelligence, is it?

You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, for you don’t get much lower than mocking the sick.

Nice of you both to out yourselves by showing us your true colours, we all see who you really are now.

Best hope no one leaks this stuff, people have done time for less regarding online abuse these days.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

*Mocking the mentally ill.

How good does it make you feel, Cha & Useless, knowing that you’ve just mocked sick people on a public forum thereby exposing you for the vile little men that you truly are?

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Just mocking you, Greetin’ Face. But if the dunce’s cap fits…

The Green Machine
2 years ago

How do you know I’m not mentally ill, sick boy?

Cos if I am mentally ill and you’re mocking me you could also be in all sorts of trouble with the law for online abuse of the mentally ill.

If someone on my side were to take it upon themselves to report you, say.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

I’ve no doubt you are mentally ill so go tae the polis ya greetin’ faced clipe, ye kin grass up me an’ Woof Charlie thegither. Thanks for the best laugh of the day though, Greetin’ Face the art historian who has to rely on Google for his expertise.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You’re losing it, Useless, post by post you’re losing your marbles.

You let The Green Machine get to you and now you’re obsessed with me just like Monti was, like Charlie Saiz was, like Weered was, like charlie small c was and like all the other bams were that I’ve torn a new one down the years.

Best be careful, Useless, or you too will end up on Phil’s site babbling about Brexit & China …

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Make sure you give the polis my right address. It’s Cloud Cuckoo Land, across the street from the ‘university’ where you studied the history of art yet had ‘no idea’ (your words) who Hieronymous Bosch was until you googled him and suddenly remembered your ‘lecturers’ disapproved of him!!! Seriously, if you’re going to tell a lie, make it believable you clown.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

The polis already have your address, Useless.

How else would they get tae bang yer missus every time you’re out?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Amd something else, Useless …

You already told all the readers who painted yer sick painting when ye wrote ‘The clue is in the name’.

You told everyone right there who painted it so what would be the point of me answering your dumb @rsed questions that you’ve just answered yourself, ya backward useless muppet?

How’s yer black particles working out for ye, btw?

I think they’ve gone to your head as you’re clearly losing it by the post here, mate.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You did, Useless.

Difference is, I got out and you’re still there, ya muppet 😀

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Now do you see what I’ve just done to you two?

I’ve outed you with just a few well placed words.

I set you up and both of you walked into the trap and only realised how much you’d exposed yourselves when it was too late.

Painful, eh?

Therein lies the lesson again, fools.

Be careful who you cross swords with for neither f you are equipped to deal with the fallout.

But the fallout is now all yours to deal with, courtesy of The Green Machine, and all I had to do was sit back and let you show up your true selves in front of everybody for the pair of sick minded little cripple kickers you are.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

See the Newcastle plod are investigating their anti-saudi tifo. Nothing better to do?

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

St James’s to be renamed Camelot. Apparently.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Cortes


2 years ago

I heard it was the Humped Dome.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimboh

Englebert Humpyerdome ..?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

All cops are corporate.

That’s their only job, to prod the plebs.

Learn that and ye’ll learn something worth knowing, Woofie.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Naebody up fur a barney or at least a bit ae a scrap?

Aw sleeping in yer sweet sheet dreams?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I must say, the ETims board has been sadly lacking in any competitive debate lately, and any I’ve tried to muster amongst the troops has been met with not onky fierce resistance but calls to ban me …

As though having a different point of view is in some way unhealthy, even sick, to the point of demanding that they be banned for their difference.

When it’s really only those who allowed their beloved government to inject them with unknown foreign toxic substances including murdered babies and injectable computer systems who are most sick …

Now go on, Cha …

Tell everybody tae get ‘the vac cine’ now, ya fud …

2 years ago

Cuckoo cuckoo

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Hello, birdman, how’s yer cockeye?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Would you like some murdered baby’s stem cells to go with your aluminium, your injectable computer system and your unidentified black particles, birdie?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Why don’t you fly over ‘from America’ so you & Cha can share stem cells together, birdie?

Oh, that’s right, they won’t let you in, will they?

Even with yer two shots, yer Track & Trace app and the half dozen tests left rotting in what passes for yer brain.

2 years ago

Cuckoo cuckoo

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

You do know of course that if this information was false then those writing it would not only be banned but would in fact have a rake of Big Pharma lawsuits to contend with?

You do know this, don’t you?

But they aren’t being sued by Big Pharma because every word of it is true & correct and contained within each pharmaceutical company’s archives.

Every last word of it.

That’s why they can’t sue anyone.

Because they wrote it themselves.

Now try arguing with that.

Go on, I’m sure all you clever boys can formulate some sort of retaliatory argument other than the same word over & again like a broken down parrot.

Can’t you, Roxy?

Show all the boys how clever you are and give us a little twirl of your irrepressible wit, guile, imagination and saucy humour.

Go on, Roxy.

One last twirl for the boys.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

I’m So Ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There’s no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work rearry hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems like no one takes me serirousry

And so I’m ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

There’s nobody
I can rerate to
Feel rike a bird in a cage
It’s kinda sihry
But not rearry
Because it’s fihring my body with rage

I’m the smartest most crever most physicarry fit
But nobody else seems to rearize it
When I change the world maybe they’ll notice me
But until then I’rr just be ronery
Rittle ronery, poor rittle me

I’m so ronery

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Urr ye, aye..?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Here, Woofie, are you mocking Oriental people here?

Cos that reads as extremely racist online material and ye know the punishment for online racism these days, don’t ye?

Especially if you’re a Celtic fan ….

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

You better hope nobody grasses ye up, Woofie, you could be in all sorts of bother with the law if this gets out …

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I’ll need to ask my pal if he thinks this falls into the realm of abusing racial minorities.

He’s from the Orient so I reckon he’ll be a pretty good gauge of whether this is offensive or not.

I’ll let you know what he thinks, okay, Woofie?

That sound good to you ..?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I’ve some bad news for you, Woofie …

I showed your words to my friend and he turned apoplectic with rage.

He immediately began threatening all kinds of stuff but I seem to have calmed him down, for now at least.

Fortunately I didn’t send him a copy but he could see the website from the top f the page and I got a real fright at how angry he got and how quickly.

Hopefully he won’t react and do something foolish without consulting me first but I’ll let you know how things progress as I think he now thinks I showed him it to wind him up so let’s hope for the best and that he stays calm on reflection rather than raging in reaction.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Everyone enjoying their rigged game, are they?


That’ll be another thousand pounds please, just pay at the door on yer way out.

Frank McGaaaarvey
2 years ago

Dear Santa, this year can I please, please get an injectable computer system (!) for my Christmas? All my friends have one apparently and I want one.

2 years ago

Lol lol lol……and a bag of black particles please….mwaha mwahaha

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I used to like this site and still live in hope that the characters who make it return and fight for it. It was the best collective of minds reflecting on the game.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Why you still here then, Lance?

I used to like it tae but dae ye see me complaining ..?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I gotta be honest though, I like it better now without them spouting all their misinformed nonsense about anything and everything without ever bothering to actually look stuff up.

At least I send you the sources of the free info I provide, even if you are too scared to look at them.


Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Ye dae nuthin but complain Greetin Machine especially aboot thumb doons.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I laugh at Thumbs Downs, Useless, especially yours, because they prove my point.

Just like your thieving shitbaggery proves my point.

And if you’d pay attention you’d see how much they make me laugh, all your pathetic non responses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Spot on Ian and if the mods can’t see it, the site would be as well shut down.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

You know with only 4 letters of your name we get the anagram SHIT, Sailor boy.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Did you know that your name contains the letters for greetin’, ranting and eegit? 
There’s something in this anagram lark!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You mean like there’s something of me in your missus every night you get hame fae work?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Btw, sick boy, Eejit is spelt with a J …

Never heard of a spellchecker..?

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

. Apologies the vote thing went negative.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monty

That’s okay, Monti, we forgive ye.

We all know how hard it is to vote Yes or No, yeah ..?

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Ps fucksake get back. It’s imperative to the club that voices are heard for our club. The club is the common denominator, politics aside there are great minds avoiding, grow a set of balls and make this the site it was. Rebus, mike, Frank mcgaaarvey, Charlie saiz , Monti, and every other blogger worth their salt. Otherwise you’re off to something inferior. Your voice makes a difference, get back away from mediocrity

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Just get the jab, Frank, and you’ll have one, fully functional.

Unlike yirself …

Frank McGaaaarvey
2 years ago

Can you play FIFA on it? Does it come with Word and Excel? Oh no, Bill Gates might be behind it all!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Oh, you can do everything with it, Frankie boy!

Its a fully injectable computer system, don’t you remember?

You can play FIFA on it for the rest of your life if that makes you happy.

So long as you don’t get in the way of what’s really happening you can do anything.

Or, at least, that what they want you to do.

You won’t really have much of a say in the matter.

Ye like that, aye?

Well, like it’s or not, it’s in ye now so ye’ll find out fir yirself soon enough.

Good luck!

You will need it.

2 years ago

I see the green machine is still making a noel hunt of himself….ffs

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Can ye, Monti?

Not like you to see anything …

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Bring back Charlie Saiz, Weered & Monti!

Bring back Henke, Mike & Broxie!

Things were so much simpler then …


Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Charlie Saiz, really? Still people might come back if you stop polluting the place with your inane drivel, you complete imbecile. Haven’t you noticed your only ‘fans’ on here are a self-defined ‘Paranoid Celt’ and a mad deluded alkie? If you can tell a man who boozes by the company he chooses, you can tell he is a nutter by the claptrap he will utter.

I’m still here, voting you down at every opportunity and it’s good to see it’s catching on as a sport. It’s a pleasure to watch you foam at the mouth in a frenzy of impotent rage, realising what a laughing stock you are. 

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Sorry could you rephrase that?

You’re coming across rather garbled, fool..

Oh and thanks for the compliment of stealing a name that I made up.

Nice to know you respect my wit & imagination so much that you actually steal something I invented.

Muppet 😀

The Green Machine
2 years ago

It’s you, i’n’t it, Useless?

I can tell by the phrasing .

How’s the missus?

Still gagging on my leftovers?

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

I’n’t it!!! You’re illiterate aren’t you, I can tell by the phrasing (and general level of thickness).

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Can you, Useless?

You’ve never heard of colloquialisms then, eh?

Btw, have a read at what Dr Carrie Madej found inside yer favourite Big Pharma’’s vax vials …

Go on, read it, you’re so smart you can read, right?

Then it, Useless.

Show it tae yer missus tae.

Remind her whatever it is it’s infectious via intimidate contact though I suppose she’ll be safe enough since it’s you she’s married to 😀

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Which words are too big for your tiny brain? I can only lower myself so far, I’m afraid, imbecility and lunacy I’ll happily leave to you.

PS Have you heard of the artist who painted the Garden of Earthly Delights? The clue’s in the name. (Pause while he frantically searches google to kid on he knows who I’m talking about)

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I have no idea who that is, Useless.

I don’t really give a fvck either as he sounds like a pretentious w@nker.

Just like you, in fact.

Now away and spvnk yer load oer yer pretentious w@nker’s painting, handjob, the adults are talking here.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Hello Greetin’ Machine, sorry I couldn’t be here to laugh at you last night but, unlike you, I have a social life and can’t be here full-time. Anyway, I’ve had a good chuckle today at you howling at the moon for hours on end when nobody was listening and now I’ve got a few minutes to spare. Just enough time to prod you with another stick.

I notice you are obsessed with other men’s wives so I think it’s safe to assume you’re not getting your hole. No conjugal visits allowed at Broadmoor, I take it? Perhaps you should ask your nurses to provide you with a rubber woman for your rubber room. I can see it now – an empty-headed bag of wind sharing a cell with his inflatable girlfriend. It’s a match made in heaven, a real meeting of minds and somebody to talk to during those long, lonely nights instead of having to rant on here! Mind, I doubt even Rubber Rosie will put up with your conspiracy pish for long before she punctures herself to get some blessed relief from the madness.

Anyway, here’s to another day of those ‘thumb doons’ you don’t care about but keep a meticulous count of and decry as the work of ‘w@nkers’. What a ludicrous individual you are!

PS I’ve no idea who ‘Useless’ is but, if you believe that’s who I am, then knock yourself out – it’s harmless compared to your other delusions and it’s even more fun that it seems to infuriate you that ‘he’ of all people is taking the piss.

Hello Greetin’ Machine, sorry I couldn’t be here to laugh at you last night but, unlike you, I have a social life and can’t be here full-time. Anyway, I’ve had a good chuckle today at you howling at the moon for hours on end when nobody was listening and now I’ve got a few minutes to spare. Just enough time to prod you with another stick.

I notice you are obsessed with other men’s wives so I think it’s safe to assume you’re not getting your hole. No conjugal visits allowed at Broadmoor, I take it? Perhaps you should ask your nurses to provide you with a rubber woman for your rubber room. I can see it now – an empty-headed bag of wind sharing a cell with his inflatable girlfriend. It’s a match made in heaven, a real meeting of minds and somebody to talk to during those long, lonely nights instead of having to rant on here! Mind, I doubt even Rubber Rosie will put up with your conspiracy pish for long before she punctures herself to get some blessed relief from the madness.

Anyway, here’s to another day of those ‘thumb doons’ you don’t care about but keep a meticulous count of and decry as the work of ‘w@nkers’. What a ludicrous individual you are!

PS I’ve no idea who ‘Useless’ is but, if you believe that’s who I am, then knock yourself out – it’s harmless compared to your other delusions and it’s even more fun that it seems to infuriate you that ‘he’ of all people is taking the piss.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Google no’ working, Greetin’ Machine? The answer’s out there – the Garden of Earthly Delights. You know you want to check really but are afraid it might be some ‘brainy thing’!!!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Hiernoymous Bosch was a sick fvcker just like you, mate.

Sick in the head, yeah?

I hope you’re proud to carry his name, weirdo.

Because you’ve just outed yourself as a lowlife, a man who kicks the sick when they’re down, so you’d fit in perfectly to Bosch’s sick nightmarish visions.

Btw, for the record, I studied Art History as my third subject at Uni for two years and even there the lecturers had Bosch down as a sick pervert.

So you chose your name well, cvnto.

Even if you did steal it from one of my jokes.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Looked it up then? I knew you could do it. Funny how you said you didn’t know him earlier, you being an ‘art historian’ and all! Did your ‘lecturers’ at ‘university’ never ask about your appalling standard of literacy?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Is it, aye?

Did ye, aye?

Ye know yer missus takes it up the @rse, aye?

2 years ago

If its the Night Garden, is he iggle piggle or makka pakka?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Btw, you seem to have misunderstood, Useless, I actually enjoy getting all the attention of the Thumbs Down & Dsilikes, haven’t you noticed?

I pointed it out plain as day while roaring with laughter at getting 36 Dislikes for the test word ‘Facetious’, I told you this at the time.

And the reason I like it is because it proves my point about what a reactionary bunch of ill informed muppets inhabit this page.

And now you’re one of them …

How stupid can ye get, kid?

Tell yer missus ol’ Green Machine will be round soon enough to sort her out again, wid ye?

Cheers, cuckold.


The Green Machine
2 years ago

Btw, Useless, I was mocking Monti’s request for Charlie Saiz to come back from the other week.

Not that you’re bright enough to notice.

I don’t know if you missed it but I was instrumental in getting rid of the squaddie, same as I got rid of you just like I told you I would, twice at that, charlie small c, etc etc.

Now your time’s almost up already, Useless, so best prepare yourself.

Oh and thanks again for the compliment of stealing my ideas 😀

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

I don’t know how stupid you can get but you’re certainly blazing a trail to the bottom! Are you the thickest poster in etims history? You must be in with a shout. Keep raging – those thumb downs you don’t care about must really be getting to you. I’ll always be here to poke fun at you.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Poke fun?

When’s that gonnae start then?

Cos all you’ve does so far is make a total cvnt of yirself.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

I’m no ‘raging’, mate, I’m laughing my nuts aff that you’ve been stupid enough to take the bait, ya muppet 😀 😀 😀

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Well, I don’t think anyone here would deny that you’re a master baiter! But you told me you couldn’t give a toss! Maybe I should leave you to your onanist devices. (Oh dear, that’s another big word for a tiny brain – is Google working yet?).

As for the rest of your drivel, I’ve never mocked the ‘entall I’ll’ and I’ve never had ‘intimidate contact’ with a woman. As usual, Neanderthal levels of literacy from you – ever heard of a spellchecker?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You stole my idea, fool.

Which means that YOU are the daftie who can’t even think up a name for themselves without ripping off The Green Machine

Here’s the proof right here, from the article on Saturday 16th October

‘The Green Machine
 7 days ago

 Reply to  TicToc

Anonically Hieronymous surely

The Green Machine
7 days ago

Reply to  TicToc

Bish Bash Bosch‘

Now off with you, you sad pathetic little worm of a man.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Except I was on the site a week before then! Hey, you haven’t been stealing my ideas have you? Shame on you Greetin Face!

The Green Machine
2 years ago

No you were not, mate.

I just checked and you’ve been caught lying.

Of course you can C&P what you wrote this ‘week before’ (sic) then send it to us on here like I did but I know you’re lying and so does everyone else.

Another option is to send us the date of the article you posted on, like I did, but you can’t do that either because, again, you’re lying.

You stole the name from me, from my post to TicToc.

Now prove me wrong and prove to us all that you’re not a liar.

(As well as a cripple kicker.)

2 years ago

You were certainly roaring but I didn’t detect any laughter.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Apart from all the laughing smileys, sick boy?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

‘Dr Carrie Madej joins Stew Peters to describe the incredibly creepy things she found when she put the contents of the vials from three different batches of the Moderna and the Johnson & Johnson vac cines under a microscope.

Dr Madej describes what appeared to be self-assembling synthetic biology and these horrific, seemingly sentient microscopic tentacled organisms and brilliant colors emanating from some of these graphene-like structures, which nanotechnology experts told her may be indicative of a superconducting material.

If it is so that the vaxx contents are superconductive, then based on what she was told at these shady “business owner” meetings that she was invited to attend in Atlanta and based on what she’s read about a project Bill Gates is conducting in West Africa through GAVI, MasterCard and TrustStamp, an AI-powered biometrics company, they are building out a system that ties your vac cine status and medical records to a digital ID and a digital currency system, that they’re calling the “Wellness Pass”.’

To translate for the hard of thinking, they’ve injected the fools with an advanced injectable computer system so they can use AI based biometrics to control every aspect of your waking lives.

If you have the jab then this will soon be your reality and it’s now onky a matter of t8em before I am once gain proven correct in my predictions.

Nae luck, eh, bams ..?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

https :// dr-carrie-madej-first-us-lab-examines-vac cine-vials-horrific-findings-revealed/

2 years ago

This is a brilliant answer to “Tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot”.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

It continues …

’(Dr. Madej) says the African test subjects can only obtain money through their digital ID and MasterCard and that cash has been completely abolished. The intention is to perfect this system in Africa before launching it globally.

At the meetings she had attended in Atlanta, they plainly stated their intention to secretly implement a technology that can monitor and control the behavior of the populace, in conjunction with a Pavlovian social credit system and “Predictive Policing” and that is exactly what this Bill Gates project is doing.’

The Green Machine
2 years ago


“First, it looked just translucent and then, as time went on, over two hours, colors appeared, which, I’d never seen anything like this. There wasn’t a chemical reaction happening. It was like a brilliant blue and a royal purple, a yellow and sometimes green. These colors appearing, I did not know what that was.

“After investigating more, a superconducting material can do that with white light emitted to it. A superconducting material would be something like an injectable computing system.

“Anyhow, these fibers were appearing more and more.

Some of the fibers had a cube structure on them…and also metallic fragments were in there. They were not metallic fragments I’m used to seeing. They were exotic. They’re very opaque…

“All the particulates, all these colors started to move to the edge and there was self-assembling going on. Things were growing…They looked synthetic and then, there was one particular, I’d say, object or organism – I’m not sure what to call it, that had tentacles coming from it and it was able to lift itself up off the…glass slide.”

Stew interjects, “It was alive?”

“It appeared, yeah,” she replies. “It appeared to be self-aware or be able to grow or move in space. All I can tell you is this is not something they taught us in medical school. Nothing in my laboratories, nothing that I’ve seen before and I have shown this to other people in the field and they don’t know what it is, either.’

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Dr. Carrie Madej’s transcript on examining the contents of vax vials from both Moderna & Johnson & Johnson.

Sounds like a whole load of fun, eh?

And you lot have these things inside you ….

So who’s the real idiot here, Cha Cha?

Cos I can assure you now that it ain’t me, bam.

2 years ago

Cuckoo cuckoo

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Still missing yer birdie, eh, birdman?

She’s not coming back, ye know, and who can blame her with an idiot like you stuck on repeat every day of the week?

Now don’t you cry, Ibrox boy, you’ve plenty of like minded friends on here to lick yer tadger fur ye instead.

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Copy and pasting scientific gobbledygook from the bowels of the internet doesn’t give you any gravitas as a commentator on the vaccine, Greetin’ Machine. Indeed, judging by the appalling spelling and grammar on most of your posts, I would suggest that you are barely above the level of a cretin in terms of understanding the science behind it. Can’t one of the carers in your secure unit proofread your epistolary diarrhoea before subjecting the rest of us to your ill-informed, vacuous diatribes?

2 years ago

Harsh but fair.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Clueless & useless mair like 😉

Now just read the article from Dr Madej so you can learn what you’ve let yer given,net inject into you.

Then you’ll realise that maybe you should have listened to The Green Machine after all.

Go on, Cha Cha, read it and weep.

You let them inject this stuff into you …

You tae, Heroically Anonymous Useless Bawbag …

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Live seemingly self conscious unidentified micro organisms reproducing themselves within a fluorescent irradiated superconductor aka an injectable computer system …

And you let them put that in you without even asking what it contains …

Honestly, Bhoys, my heart weeps for you, each & every one of you, all pisstaking aside.

Now you know the truth of it.

Best of luck in dealing with it as you’ve a rocky old road ahead.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

What was ‘harsh’, Cha?

I must have missed that bit, could you point it for us again?

There’s a good lad.

2 years ago

Only seen some highlights of the weekend game. Anybody at the game got a comment on Giorgos Giakoumakis’ play. Great to score but did he play well? Don’t really know much about him and i’ll take a striker who scores any day, just curious about how he played in general.


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monty


2 years ago

Giakomakis didn’t set the heather alight but didn’t disappoint. I don’t think we are putting enough quality crosses for him. He likes to attack the ball. I think Forrest back would see giakomakis get a few opportunities

2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Its good to have a couple of different types of striker, it makes us harder to set up against.

Hail, hail.


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monty

Well, we have two poachers in Gio & Ajeti then we have Kyogo.

What other kind of striker do we have, big boy?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Ah, wrong Monty! 😀

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Nice to see that you agree with me that he’s a poacher, Lance …

2 years ago
Reply to  Monty

Monti, he played well

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Er, that’s Monty, Monti.

Unless of course you’re talking to yirself in which case that’s Monti, Monti …


Brian Monaghan
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Thanks for the reply. Good to know. Normally id say we don’t get much Scottish football in Oz but since Ange joined it got a lot better.

Brian Monaghan
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Good to know. Thanks

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Thanks, tried twice before to thank you but they disappeared!

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monty

The system gets confused by all the Montis…

2 years ago

Dermot Desmond.
Lindsell Train.
Fergus McCann’s shareholder supporters ( Fergus’s share offering to the Celtic support).
Chris Traynor.
James Mark Keane.
Thomas Allison.
These are the BIG players with the biggest shareholding in Celtic PLC.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

PLCs are accountable, they are regulated, they must keep to the letter of the law or there are consequences, why did King take his basket of assets out of AIM?, for less accountability. There are 28,233 of Celtic shareholder supporters. Fan ownership is a heavenly dream, the main players have all the power and we are at number 3. I would suggest that the best that we could achieve with the combined support of number 3. would be a seat on the board, someone we trust. Preferably a Celtic fan with wealth and charisma, he/she would have the Celtic support at heart and would know the Celtic ethos and abide by it. Celtic Shareholders would hold the board to account, their policy which backfired last season of doing just enough to keep ahead of u-no-who would be ditched. We need to utilise every resource that we have. The so called small shareholders are the answer, who are they? they are spread across the globe hiding in plain sight, find them and we have a powerful voice. Come in number 3, your time is up…………

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Public Limited Companies are regulated. Directors are accountable to their shareholders, why else would the lying King take his basket of assets out of public view. There are 28,233 Celtic shareholders in total, number 3 ^ is the answer to director accountability.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

At last year’s AGM Res 11 (Refer SFA to UEFA) garnered 2,159,080 (2.82%) votes, so hopefully this year this can be increased to over 5%.

Yes, they will still be overwhelmingly defeated due to the block voting of the Infamous Five noted above but nearly 5 million votes, representing thousands of small shareholders, should still cause a ripple, if not a tsunami.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

From my loft (careful now) I much prefer the term shareholder supporters. As you know Fergus sold his shares to nearly all 28,233 shareholders, even so,we will never ever out vote the top two in anything. But what it does give us is a far more powerful voice. Auldheid is right those votes will never overcome the PLC, so, it needs paying Celtic supporters to also add their voices to director accountability. Though Celtic blogs do have posters shouting their frustrations, is the support frustrated enough? don’t think so, not yet anyway. Frustration, or Trustration 3 up and 4 down, doesn’t matter its still a scunner.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Well, I’ve been frustrated with the board since 2011 when they threw the league to save et original HunCo but I’ve been even more frustrated with the general stupidity of the support even more since.

Cos I told you way back then what the deal was and it’s just such a shame that all my predictions have since been proven correct and true while you lot pranced about glorying in the fakery of the shiny shiny,

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Or a nipple on a fandanny.

2 years ago

Weered still hasn’t gone away ya know

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Weered

He stands dumbly on the sidelines

2 years ago

Oh dear you’re missing me Sooo much

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Weered

I didn’teven notice you were gone, Monti did.

He made an emotional appeal fo you, Charlie Saiz and Mike to come back and repopulate the site with yer inane drivel.

I was just ripping the pish out him as usual.

So nae luck again, wee man.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Weered

But of course you can come back if you like, Red.

I look forward to ripping the pish out of you as much as anyone else, I don’t discriminate between bams after all 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Weered

Bad result for the Belfast Redcoats at the weekend but still top of the league, so still looking good.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Sookie sookie!

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