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Celtic Diary Thursday October 7: All We Want For Christmas Is Our Club Back

Despite the plethora of bizarre and inconsistent decisions by referees last weekend, little or nothing has been said in the media.


It’s only October and already we’re seeing more than usual “honest mistakes “, which given the money up for grabs with a guaranteed UCL spot next season, and when you look back at similar patterns around similar circumstances down the years, then it’s not too hard to work out why it’s happening.


With rumours persisting that the Ibrox club/company are technically insolvent with losses of around £31m, the drive to save them will intensify, and with no one prepared to invest enough money to clear the debts, including their support, the money has to come from somewhere, and the Champions League windfall seems the safest bet.


After all, imagine the attention the world would pay to another Ibrox liquidation….serious journalists may have figured that with corruption endemic in football, Scotland wasn’t worth bothering with, but a second insolvency event might attract attention.


Even if it didn’t, sponsorship and external investment would vanish overnight, as no one would be remotely interested in putting their name to a rigged game.


Even shirt sponsorship is under threat, with bookmakers names and logos soon to be excluded from strips, and that money has to be replaced somehow.


The Old Firm brand has to survive, according to those who run our game, and indeed those who run our club.


For some absurd reason, they think it’s all we have, even if we don’t actually have it any more.


And obviously nothing has been said by anyone at Celtic, and therefore one could be forgiven when thinking that we are all sleepwalking into another episode of corruption and collusion in Scottish football.


Then again, one wonders if the Celtic board are sleepwalking, as they seem to be perfectly aware of what happened last time, even though the party line was that they hadn’t seen the five way agreement, the document that replaced the rules and regulations of association football so deeply cherished everywhere else, despite the signatories sending it to them.


At the 2019 AGM, the then CEO Peter Lawwell was asked if he or anyone at Celtic was involved with the  agreement, and he replied;


 No and I’ve never seen it   



Which at the very least, at the time, was surprising.


As such an agreement, which has been widely circulated on the internet, directly affected the business and shareholders that were his responsibility, you’d have thought that even if he hadn’t seen it at the time, he’d have wanted to once made aware of it.


And then swung into action, on behalf of the club, it’s shareholders and supporters.



He didn’t.


And now he’s gone, forever to be remembered as the man who sold the shirts.



In came Dominic McKay, who it appears wanted to fight our corner, and now he’s gone, forever to be remembered as the man who didn’t even have time to be fitted for a shirt.



Which leaves us pretty much where we were the last time there were whispers of financial problems at Ibrox, leaderless and at the mercy of those who would perpetuate the Old Firm brand no matter what the cost to integrity , honesty and fairness.



So, what do we do ?



This was one of the replies to Tuesday’s diary, which gives us a cause to rally round….



 16 hours ago

To increase the chances of addressing the issues happening the numbers seeking answers must be big.

An excuse for not pursuing Res12 was not enough supporters/shareholders cared. Only a small dedicated group of around 130 persisted after 2019 AGM.

However that was when we were winning which is no longer the case, so there is an opportunity now to make things happen that should not be dismissed by thinking nothing will happen. I do not mean you personally Terence, I appreciate many do from years of frustration but circumstances now favour shareholders and supporters than at any time as a result of them being more informed and asking questions about the SFA that we expect Celtic to ask.

One of the problems the AGM route to accountability has though is that it is open to shareholders only via the medium of Resolutions making a case to The Board and seeking answers.

The CST now have around 1000 members who are shareholders who, after The CST voted to adopt a A Note of Concern resolution with has cast iron reasons to justify those concerns and following legal advice, CST Members have been asked to sign the requisition to have it added to the next Celtic AGM agenda, as a result of which it will go public.

The minimum requisitions required is 100 and from a CST membership of 1000 that should be achievable, but more are needed, much more and although some/many ST Holders do not carry any votes they are in fact the most powerful force for change of Celtic, a force that has to be harnessed without ST holders having to join the CST to do so and a way to let them support the Note of Concern Resolution after it is lodged is being explored.

The details of the Resolution sent to CST members will be made more public soon in order to find those Celtic shareholders who are not CST members to support the Resolution. There is no need to be a CST subscriber to do so, although the work put into The Note of Concern by the new members of the CST might be persuasive, but this is not a recruitment exercise.

It is about bringing this Celtic Board to account for the shoddy manner they treat Celtic shareholders and supporters but also with the intent of providing a platform from which Celtic with a supporters and shareholders united behind it, can not only move Celtic onwards but upwards and arrest the steady decline of a great club since 2012.

If you are a Celtic shareholder but not a CST member and want to consider supporting the Note of Concern Resolution now, then e mail The Celtic Trust at and ask if they can direct you to where the Resolution document can be read and downloaded for action.

 That’s where we need to start at a corporate level, and with that we keep to whatever protocol is necessary to bring about change within the walls at Celtic Park.
 But it’s not the only way, and it has to be part of a wider movement.
 A boycott of games won’t garner the support that is needed for it to have an effect. Apart from anything else, most of us are of a support the team back the board mindset, which is all well and good, but as the team is the priority on the days we’re all together in the ground, anything that puts them off, and let’s face it, they need all the help they can get at the moment, may be counterproductive.
 But a compromise….maybe when the side are 5-0 up, either a walkout or a vocal/visual  expression of our demands for the board to either buck up or buck off could suffice. To begin with, at least.
 A refusal to take away tickets would make other clubs listen, but again we’ve all missed our trips so it wouldn’t be popular, As would any boycott of spending in towns when the support visits.
 But a walkout before full time would attract attention…..
 Then there’s merchandising.
 Stop buying it. All of it.
 The official stuff, that is.
 The club shop can be given a miss for a month or two, as could it’s online version.  Given the run up to christmas they’ll be expecting bumper sales figures.
 Don’t give it to them. the argument about the money going to the club falls apart when you consider that they don;t actually seem to re invest it, at least to a satisfactory degree.
 When things at Ibrox go wrong again, they’ll plead ignorance, or even impotence, but the fact of the matter is they are neither, and are perfectly capable of doing the right thing.
 And the right thing is to stand up for our club, for what it is and what it means to thousands of small shareholders, without whom the club would not exist, and to millions of supporters, for whom it has been the one constant in their lives.
 Why ?
 Because if they don’t, we’ll stand up for ourselves.
 We’re going to have to.
….Dermot don’t care
 We are not going  to stand by this time and watch the establishment destroy the integrity of our game, and with it the reputation of our club, purely to save the toxic half of a toxic brand.
 It’s time to get ourselves together and stop this before it gets really started.
And that means now.
 It’s our club, it’s our game and it’s our turn to be in control.
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2 years ago

After last seasons honest mistakes, if I were one given to paranoia I may think Scottish officials were given to help the sevconians stop the 10, but I do regardless of my state of mind, I feel similar in officialdom working to ensure the automatic Champs League place also goes to the newco from Govan and expect it to continue this season to bring in funds they are desperate for. With Ange ripping down the wallpaper, seeing the cracks are chasms, therefore tearing down the wall and ensuring a massive rebuild, we must stick togeather and pray it comes togeather sooner rather than later. Preferably now, but patience must be excercised. Not sure about Starfelt and the rest we will see, but Hart, Carter-Vickers and Abada look massive, Jota and Kyogo, sensational! Aberdeen may just be the start of a much needed run and success at the New Year derby between Celtic and newco. HH!

2 years ago

We aw know Scottish football was/is still corrupt towards 1 team both pre 2012,and post 2012, just like last season Celtic FC were never being allowed to win that league, the winners of the 2020/21 season was already chosen and agreed upon by aw SFA, Serco and the Celtic boardroom, hence how Lennon was in position so long, to guarantee Celtic failed, he was a patsy. This season sevco blew the £40m CL revenue required to keep them and the OF cash cow alive, so only the most naive, gullible or blinkered Celtic fan canae see exactly where this season is going, Ange and the Celtic squad will never be allowed to win the league this season, Ange could have brought in Messi and Ronaldo and it still wouldn’t have affected the final outcome at season end, the GUARANTEED £40m is there fur the league winners this time, and those league winners have already been chosen, the rest of Scottish football is just making up the numbers in the biggest most corrupt sporting pantomime. There isnt even honest mistakes happening anymore , it’s just plain and simple cheating and match fixing, Scottish football is a rigged corrupt sport, one of the worst in the world, yet Celtic fans still buy intae it…..HH

Jim Duffy
2 years ago

Spot on Keighley Bhoy,but what are we to do about it?

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Hail Hail, KB, excellent comment.

2 years ago

Didn’t catch Auldheid’s contribution on Tuesday Ralph, thank you for reproducing it. I will be in touch with the Trust.

2 years ago

The main stakeholders are happy enough.
The supporters are customers…have been ever since Fergus deemed it that way!

We reap what we sow.

Fra Stone
2 years ago

Regarding the ‘honest mistakes’ otherwise known as systemic cheating, could we not, as supporters, take a collective / class action suit against the SFA & SPFL? We as supporters (and financial backers) of our club are being cheated week in and week out, we are paying into a rigged game. We as supporters pay a small fortune to support our club, as do others in Scotland, yet the whole system is rigged in favour of another club.

Part of our case could be, and I’m not trying to tell others how to suck eggs, as there are other comrades who are far more advanced in their thoughts regarding these issues, the statistical analysis of fouls conceded by us with the amount of pressure we are putting other clubs under on the pitch v the fouls conceded by clubs that we face, we could contrast this with the statistics with similar clubs (re dominance on the pitch) in other leagues.

Sorry I tend to ramble on, so I’ll try to summarise, the basis of this is that we should be as the ordinary supporters who are spending our hard-earned cash into a rigged game, it’s our money that keeps our league afloat, it’s our money that helps to pay the wages of the cheating fkers who run, administer and referee our game, it’s time we as supporters, of all the other clubs in Scotland, stood up to these people. Then we shall see our league flourish

2 years ago
Reply to  Fra Stone

I’ve reached the conclusion that since we are dealing with what verges on behaviour that breaks the law then a legal fund needs to be established to take the authorities or clubs to court.

However the mechanism for even getting a ball rolling needs paid legal advice on strength of evidence and possibility of success.

Focusing solely on Celtic there is Company Law that sets out Director Responsibilities and Shareholder rights.

The evidence that Celtic may have fallen foul of that law in 2019 both in response to 5WA knowledge and questionable response justifying voting against the Res12 of that AGM, was eventually put to a lawyer with Comp Law background after a trawl around the legal profession of Tim lawyers who were prepared to have a look for free. It had to be free because there was no guaranteed funding to pay.

That advice changed the latest Res to one of concern rather than censure not because the evidence did not stand up but because it would be costly to prove in court that shareholders had been deliberately lied to with no guarantee of success. That left incompetence of a level to be concerned enough about to act.

However the thinking is would non shareholders be willing to subscribe say £5 a month to a CST managed fund that would enable an issue to go to court even if no guarantee of success?

Such a fund could be expanded beyond Celtic to bring more than them to account and the last thing Celtic/SFA want would be their dirty linen washed in public even if it turned out not to be Comp Law breaking.

There is a saying observed behaviour changes the behaviour observed to which I’d add the very threat, if credible, of being observed changes behaviour.

So if not a shareholder but regular match goer would you be prepared to subscribe to such a fund subject to assurance of its purpose, the risk of no hard return but the creation of a capacity to keep Celtic’s compliance with Company Law under regular scrutiny?

If the threat works and there is cash left in the fund, the sum raised can be put towards whatever good cause justifies being a beneficiary with contributors approval.

To get Res12 legal costs of £11,226 paid funding was on an ad hoc basis with work commissioned with fingers crossed, but contributions arrived just in time. Res12 would have been over by 2018 if not before had such a fund guaranteeing legal advice existed.

Fra Stone
2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Yes a chara, most definitely I would be willing to contribute £5 monthly to try to bring these cheating f**kers to count, and as you say, shining a light might be enough in itself

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

am in wer dae a send the tenner ..5 fur me and 5 fur auld charlie whose been deid fur 50 year but always hated cheats COYBIG

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Definitely would contribute to this – 2 ST holders in this house plus myself would be willing to sign up for this. Please make sure this information is shared far and wide folks it’s up to us to help guys like Auldheid get this up and running!

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

I’m wae Christina, even if she diz fancy Owen mair thin me. £5 poon a month, cheap at hauf the price since Ah stopped buyin them biased Daily Rags and the English Bigoted Broadcaster license. Ma Missus still hisnae forgiven me fur that wan.
Saor Alba

2 years ago
Reply to  JimboH


2 years ago
Reply to  JimboH

Ha ha not true JimboH I love you all Isn’t this a great idea though imagine if all ST holders including those with shares all signed up for this? We’d be minted and the guys could go to battle knowing we had their back with the necessary funds! Also if all the small shareholders signed up to the Trust then that would further strengthen their stance! We need to do something else nothing will ever change!

2 years ago
Reply to  Christina

Ah no ye dae.❤️
If it gets off the ground it’ll send a message to the crooks at Hampdump and Orcville that we are not messing around anymore and hopefully gather allies in other clubs.
The days of doing nothing and hoping our ‘Suits’ in charge would do the right thing are gone. We better sort it and take control before the club is sold from under our feet to the ‘prawn sandwich’ brigade.
Saor Alba

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  JimboH

Too late, Jum.

The billionaire extractor & the corporate extractor Lindsell Train already have all the control they need to keep the millions pouring in and they won’t be giving that up no matter who takes them on,

Shoulda listened to The Green Machine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Auldheid, i would unquestionably donate £10 a month, for however long it takes to clean up the governance of the Celtic boardroom and the SFA..

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Has anyone looked into a go fund me site? They can often generate enough publicity to shine a light by themselves. Happy enough to throw a fiver at it every month, but think it’s thinking too small.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Imagine ye threw a fiver at a GoFundMe site every month and after a few year found out it was run by Dermot Desmond …

Michael Annis
2 years ago

Great work Ralph and Auldhead. The only time to effect change usually is season ticket renewal time and the last one was a perfect storm, league thrown away, disastrously long search for a manager, holding onto NL till it was obvious to even the blinkered that it wasn’t working but fans being fans would rather moan than act. So another route needs to be taken as suggested.
one possibility, the gathering of all the evidence now appearing on all Celtic sites of massive cheating by officials, even its historic contexts and present a dossier to every media outlet, UEFA etc. Someone must take notice of such open and large scale corruption.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Annis

All excellent points very well made and easy to compile and present as evidence, eg, ‘Here is where Madden cheated Celtic, here is where Beaton cheated Celtic’ etc etc

Yet not one Like nor comment …

Herein lies the lethargy of the dim witted Celtic support.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

‘Here is where Dallas cheated Celtic, here is where Syme cheated Celtic, here is where Wharton cheated Celtic’ …

One would think that after 140 odd years of being blatantly cheated and conned the victims would eventually stand up for themselves and declare ‘Enough is enough!’, wouldn’t you ..?

But no, instead it appears that the entire Celtic support are suffering from some kind of collective Stockholm Syndrome and actually enjoy being cheated and abused and conned by their Masonic superiors from Ibrox …

For what other reason could there possibly be?

An incredible and wholly unbelievable, set of circumstances, yet there they are, plain as day, game after game, year after year, decade after decade, century after century …

Yet you clowns wonder why I don’t respect ye …

2 years ago

I see Adidas have released more for the gullible enablers.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Every Celtic shop and online purchases should be boycotte, fur the foreseeable future, continually buying merchandise is helping support the boardroom, not the football squad… FTSFA

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  James

A Dog Is Doing A Shite

And Doing It Down A Stank

2 years ago

Far Stone,
The ever excellent Celtic By Numbers is on this as we speak.

2 years ago

I feel compelled to post because, once again, the approach suggested is doomed to failure. Auldheid and others have laudable objectives but the suggested approach will not work for the same reasons as Res 12 or its derivative failed.

Corruption in Scottish football is not purely a Celtic issue. It is an issue for the other clubs in the SPL. Hibs and Motherwell have already experienced it.

Any attempt to address this has to involve other clubs, or, more precisely the supporters of other clubs. Using Celtic alone as a blunt instrument to batter the SFA or any other authority will only alienate the other clubs since they see both Celtic and Sevco as favoured clubs currently. Further, it will fail.

Any exclusive Celtic initiative will play straight into the hands of any authority and allow a Stuart Regan clone to say this is a West of Scotland thing.

What is required is an initiative to bring the supporters of the other clubs together, generally. If the SFSA is not up to tge task then form something that is. Corruption is an excellent issue to bring supporters together.


2 years ago
Reply to  Rebus

I think you have misread my post Rebus.

I have not suggested as far as I can see an exclusively Celtic approach to taking on the SFA on corruption, mainly because as the guy who was with the SFSA at Holyrood when they launched their manifesto and having worked with them since, I agree with you that the subject of corruption is for all clubs to pick up but you weren’t to know that.

If you read back that aspect of my response was small only came up in response to a question put by another poster where I suggested. You must have missed the words “focusing on Celtic”.

As readers will see I was talking about using a legal fund to make Celtic more accountable to Celtic shareholders and supporters alike at AGMs by CST (in the absence of any other body) being able to draw on legal advice in respect to Celtic’s adherence to company law.

I am a CST member, it has its flaws but they can be addressed. For now the only way to get some form of accountability from Celtic is at an AGM and that requires shareholders of which CST can reach nearly one thousand to be the vehicle.

Res12 and its derivative has not failed, it has played a huge part in exposing how corrupt our game is and sadly, Celtic’s part in it. The new derivative resolution with shareholders provides an opportunity for Celtic and support to move on but that will be entirely down to Celtic to decide.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Rebus

To be fair other clubs’ supporters have been approached and have either rebuffed or been decidedly lukewarm.

This is entirely understandable as clubs (Raith, Clyde, DU and others) put their heads above the parapet 9 years ago and got untold grief for it while our club remained mute.

Also, if there’s going to be a reckoning who’s going to benefit? By and large the main beneficiary will be ourselves alone.

To ask other clubs’ fans to go into bat for the largest, most financial stable club, while that club shows no or little interest, is a complete non-starter as far as I’m concerned.

Before reaching out to others we need to show a critical mass of our fans/shareholders and a willing (whether forced or not) board to pursue otherwise its meaningless.

To that end we need to start setting targets rather than simply the vision of the end game.

Last AGM it garnered something like 2% (I think), so what’s the target this year (5-10%?) and for future AGMs for without this we’re in the groundhog day of asking for the world and getting nowhere, as has been the case this past 9 years.

I’m more intrigued by the “Big 5” East Coast clubs commissioning of an independent review into the SPFL (governance etc).

Will this be genuine attempt at meaningful reform eg FFP etc or simply used as a punch down to get more of the pie for themselves at the expense of clubs further down the food chain than them?

Being cynical, the fact that Doncaster has welcomed this would suggest the latter, as it wouldn’t upset his applecart too much.

Also, its noticeable that the pre-eminent club of the region, St Johnstone, are not involved, which is not a good sign.

Of course, I could just be a paranoid Perth-vert. 😉

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Rebus

Aye, corruption certainly brought all the club boards together …

2 years ago

GM and others,

my suggestion was not aimed at the boards but at the fans.

my central point remains, change in any issue that is of general concern across clubs will not happen unless clubs other than Celtic become involved. Corruption is the prime example currently.

look at the history of Res 12, as an example, the gang of four spent much of their efforts fighting the club rather than addressing the issue. The club simply did not want to take the issue on, so it stumbled towards the real villains in the piece, the SFA/SPFL. On the other hand, the authorities listened and acted when other clubs (Raith etc) became vocal on an issue w.r.t the violation of the regulations.

further, focussing specifically on Celtic, any strategy for change operating through the total share holdings of ordinary shareholders will also fail, for a variety of reasons, not least being arithmetic.

by all means contribute to a legal fund but my advice would be decide on very clear objectives before establishing such a fund. Some who have volunteered their support seem to have differing objectives…..some want to address corruption in the game, others hold our board to account. Without a clear, universally accepted objective, legal action will founder and produce dissatisfied contributors.

it is easy to sit on the sidelines and knock down the ideas of others but it is much harder to be constructive. I know, because I have done it myself! What was tried before did not work so why repeat the same futile effort? Partnering with other supporters’ groups is the only way forward that has any possibility of success. It would be a long term process, however.

as others have said, season ticket renewal time was the only immediate pressure point. That has gone now, as well as the chance to affect change this season. Sit back, it is what it is for this season.

if I saw a viable proposal to bring supporters’ groups together, I would support it, with both labour and finance. As it stands, change either in the Celtic Boardroom or in the Scottish game, is further away than ever.


2 years ago
Reply to  Rebus

Good to see you on again.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

You shall see him in again too, my friend.

Or perhaps you shall not.

Shall you come back on again, Rebus, or shall you not?

2 years ago

I’ve emailed the CST regarding the ‘Note of Concern Resolution’ and await a response from them.
It would be terrific if we could force action on Res 12 and all the attendant fraud from within Scottish fitba’. Must say tho’ I’m hugely disappointed with the low numbers (around 1000) currently with the CST. If ever some good PR was needed it looks like it’s needed here. That is NOT decrying ANYONE, just wonder why so much apathy exists when we get hammered from the LRA and Hampden and the scum still get all the help they need to keep up the ‘same club myth’ and it IS a myth not to mention winning their 1st major trophy last season, thanks to Peter Thomas Lawwell, Dermot F Desmond, Bankier et al. Just makes me want to scream, and also take some action!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Questions are now being raised by those new members of CST about its purpose and why membership is so low.

I’ve expressed my view that because of its very construction, based on its constitution, it has unknowingly created the effect that it excludes non shareholders, not because the CST do not want them but because the focus is on share acquisition as the only means of bringing accountability to Celtic does not appeal to the support as a whole.

By its very nature the CST creates, without meaning to, a separation into two groups of shareholders who are supporters and supporters who are not but on any giving match day are united as one voice to support the team, but disunited as one voice in calling The Board to account.

The suggestion of a legal fund for non shareholders would be one way to increase overall numbers to a point where Celtic have to pay attention, knowing that large numbers of those supporting resolutions at an AGM, shareholders or not, have the power to stop spending as suits them individually with no need to miss matches.

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Auldheid, can a shareholder proxy his vote to The Celtic Trust ?

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

If so, then that message should be the Tifo at every Celtic game.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Good thinking, Port!

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Might be difficult to get across how after a banner declares it.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Yes, they can and usually they advise this in the run up to the AGM.

I’m not sure what the benefit of this is as opposed to simply voting for their resolutions.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

I believe they can. You should check the CST web site for detail.

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Auldheid, I think it’s another of the conundrums created by Capitalism, with incredible skill, where money and ONLY money talks.
Give some extra Capital to those who follow the Capitalist dictats and starve the rest for not so doing.
The divisions brought in addition by religion, skin colour, politics, the whole legal system, class et al make beating this appear insurmountable,
but it’s not; there’s always a way in life.
It has seemed to me for a very long time, and sometimes my frustrations and the ‘demon’ get the better of me and I rant at someone, sometimes anyone.
It’s clear that Celtic FC (not PLC) supporters need to gather TOGETHER in huge numbers to have any real hope.
It’s difficult, but not impossible, to achieve and we need a unified leadership with defined methods and aims.
In that regard, the Celtic FC support owes you and the other Res 12 guys a huge debt of gratitiude, but that of itself is not enough. Anyway, I’ll keep trying to come up with new ideas and hope to strike ‘gold’ for Celtic FC’s sake and not my own.
I only own a few shares and I’ve limited income but I’d certainly find a fiver a month to go to a ‘fighting’ fund and happily offer proxy to the CST for the few shares I have. We must never stop trying, even against all odds.

2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Auldheid, I just replied but it’s gone to the ‘sin bin’ even though no sin was committed nor intended! That in itself hampers unification. But from eTims, PMGB’s site, Sentinel Celts and plenty more a message calling for unification would go at least SOME way to that end.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

That is the plan Tic Toc. Those sites have been kept informed it is just a matter of starting those balls rolling

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Hard to get any balls rolling when we can’t even write the words Sug gest, Str ings or countless others to mention, or the fact that Phil won’t let any post past that articulately proves him and his master Desmond’s viewpoints wrong.

And as for BMCUWP over on SC, that guy’s a control freak of the word kind.

But good luck, Auldheid.

Always good to see some kind of action happening.

2 years ago

The trick is to use them as conduits to the case itself. The ball is being constructed in a manner that hopefully is clear, its blogs that get it rolling.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Of course we have to use the blogs to get the word out but as my 7 years of being continuously banned for pointing out what have since been shown to be obvious truths about the collusion of the Masons at Celtic with the Masons at Sevco I’m sure you understand my frustrations.

Cheers, keep up the good work.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You might well get them through their illegal actions, Masonic judges dependent, but you’ll never get them through increasing the shares, as Dermot & Lindsell Train will just keep on increasing their own holding ad Infinitum.

To think how it wasn’t long ago that Ralph was trying to sell us Lindsell Train as possible big time investors with European ambitions …

I told him exactly how it would be though.

And got banned for that tae, if I recall correctly…

Sean O’Donnell
2 years ago

Just to confirm that I have E-Mail the Celtic Trust seeking a copy of Resolution 12, as you suggested. However, presuming they comply with my request, what should I or any other shareholder do then which may compel the Celtic Board to act in our interests & tackle the corruption in the game.
Sean O’Donnell

2 years ago

The first step is to ask questions of the Celtic Board about what they have done in respect of last year’s Resolution 11 where they undertook to engage with SFA and other authorities about the SFA abandoning the Judicial Process investigating breaches of FFP by Rangers in 2011 after it emerged from the Craig Whyte trial that a payable to HMRC existed at 31st March 2011 and not a potential liability on which basis a licence was granted.

The question re progress is included in the Note of Concern Resolution which can be downloaded from the CST web site along with the single page requisition form for shareholders to complete and return to CST.

Here is the link to the case justifying the resolution

Celtic-AGM-2021-Note-of-Concern-Resolution-Adopted-Final-7-Sep-21.docx ( and to the Requisition Form to be completed and returned to CST by post.

Note-of-Concern-Signature.docx (

You do not have to be a member of the CST to complete, only a shareholder of Ordinary shares in Celtic. There is no minimum on the number of shares held.

Non shareholders can form a view on what the Resolution is about helped by the following:

The Aims of the Note of Concern CST Resolution.
·       Accountability Its aim is to show Celtic supporters that the Board can be held accountable by the CST for the generally unacceptable way, but particularly at the 2019 Celtic AGM, they handled shareholders request that UEFA investigate the process under which a UEFA licence for Rangers FC PLC was treated by the SFA to the cost of Celtic share value.

·       Restoring Trust It opens the way for meaningful dialogue between CST and the current CEO by a means to be established (an aim of CST) allowing for a new, more positive relationship with the Celtic Board.

·       Veracity It makes it a matter of record that what Rangers did (and continue to do) is use moral hazard* to take risks that Celtic and other clubs had to face the consequences of, thereby excusing PL and the Board behaviour to a degree. This more conciliatory tone should address the external criticism of always being negative to the Board.

·       Incompetence/Negligence. Only the cost of legally proving Celtic deliberately lied at 2019 AGM with no guarantee of success stopped a more serious resolution in respect of breach of Director responsibilities to shareholders. This does not mean the Board were not misleading in their replies but even if not deliberately so, nevertheless they were negligent and incompetent in not addressing the shareholders’ concerns and so deserve a Note of Concern to be placed on 2021 AGM record. 

·       Providing Leverage If Celtic were to vote against the proposed Resolution, it would mean justifying what they did against the facts stated in the recital. This may give the CST leverage in reaching a communication accord with Celtic rather than it all going public, which will happen when a final resolution is published in AGM papers. Celtic fear this.

·       Giving Celtic Fans a Say. Adopting some of the recommendations to the English FA by Tracy Crouch in respect of improving communications between clubs and their support, specifically to restore trust, would be a pioneering move in Scotland and worth exploring by Celtic and supporters’ representatives.
·       Reparation – it seems really unfair that those led on by Celtic’s previous CEO over years on this important issue should be out of pocket. The resolution offers an opportunity to make good the cost of legal fees funded mainly by individuals seeking answers.
·       What it is not. This proposal is not about what the original Resolution 12 was trying to achieve, i.e. SFA reform (encouraged by Peter Lawwell) but about how Celtic misled shareholders thereafter, as those shareholders persisted in asking questions that were never satisfactorily answered.

2 years ago

I’ve answered Sean but asked it be held back for timing reasons. Might be another week but you can ask E Tim’s to forward me your e mail address for a heads up.

The Cha
2 years ago

The CST website has an article about the run up to the AGM. Its not calling for action at this stage but worth keeping an eye on for anyone interested:

celtictrust .net/preparation/

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

The link does not appear to be working.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

You need to remove the space between “celtictrust” and “.net“.

That works for me but obviously can be different for others.

Full link is https://celtictrust .net/preparation/ but again you need to remove the space.

Alternatively, just go to their homepage and go to “How the Trust prepares for the Celtic AGM”.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

Tried to reply but held up.

Remove the space in the link and hopefully that should work, it does for me.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha
The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Alternatively click on my name and look for How the Trust prepares for the Celtic AGM

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ignore this as didn’t work.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ignore everything, eh, Cha Cha ..?

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’ll get it on CST web site thanks.

2 years ago

Perhaps the resolutioners should turn to Sparta Prague to aid them in getting the message across.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Effarr

Nice one 🙂

Jim Duffy
2 years ago

Brilliant piece of journalism, everything you said is spot on ,we need to act and get our board to act ,or that over at ipox will walk away with CL money to our detriment.

2 years ago

In front of a Judge, HMRC had no objection with Duff & Phelps as administrators of
Rangers Football Club Ltd.

It is all about a ball.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

In front of a ludge …

The Green Machine
2 years ago

That’s more like it, Ralph, proper fighting talk, but I think it might already be too late.

That’s not to say we shouldn’t try though as things really can change in an instant and as we all know the board monitors the blogs and I think a united front, even if only online, might be enoug( to give them the jitters.

Follow that up with a few well placed boycotts and watch how those puppy dogs run,

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Oh dear, Woofie got offended 😀

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

If I’m interested in your post I’ll comment. The vote thing doesn’t interest me. Like every post on this forum that doesn’t concern Celtic.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Good man, Woofie, the Like & Dislike thing is a bit sad verging on pathetic cos if you disagree with something you should state your case rather than dumbly jabbing at an empty space that seems to work solely to its own schedule anyway.

The Green Machine
2 years ago


The Green Machine
2 years ago

However, you have shown an interest in other subjects discussed, and that others have discussed, so you’re being somewhat facetious to suggest otherwise.

Lest you forget.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

It’s somewhat facetious of your to suggest that you don’t participate in discussing topics other than Celtic though, Woofie, as that’s not the case at all.

You just don’t like the stuff I post, that’s all, because it upsets you because deep down you understand the deep truth at the heart of it.

The Green Machine
2 years ago


The Green Machine
2 years ago

It’s somewhat facetious of you to say you don’t participate in discussing topics other than Celtic though, Woofie, as that’s not the case at all.

You just don’t like the stuff I post because it upsets you as deep down you understand the deep truth at the heart of it.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

We can’t write the word Sug gest on ETIMS?!

Is it too sug gestive, Ralph ..?

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Never posted anything that wasn’t in some way related to the club, even if I vere into politics it’s usually on a sectarianism or football issue. Here’s the “truth.” Dr Andrew Wakefield (now struck off and a Mr) published garbage on MMR and autism and parents read his guff and didn’t get their children vaccinated. And a small number of them died. Anti-vaxer. Child killer. Welcome to the truth. Peace be with you.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie


The Green Machine
2 years ago

9 Dislikes for posting a test word!

You cvnts are aw nuts.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Turns out the ‘offending’ word was Sug gest …

Now what’s offensive about the word Sug gest, Ralph, when aw yer daft readers clearly like Facetious less ..? 😀

The Cha
2 years ago

I’ve marked you down, soft lad, for being unable to count.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Nae luck, Cha, it was 9 when I counted now 3 other mugs have shown themselves up for the clown they are by adding to the total.

All over the word ‘ Facetious’ …

Its beyond pathetic, supposed grown adult men jabbing away at their screens like idiots because they don’t like a word …

Nae fvckin wonder Dermot & Peter know they can take a rise out ye if this is the level of yer collective intelligence.

Fvckin halfwits.

The Cha
2 years ago

Still can’t count. 🙂

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Haha, Ah’ll gie ye that yin 🙂

But it’s 14 & counting …

Anonymous Bosch
2 years ago

Can ye no figure oot whit’s happenin? (Clue – it’s no the word they don’t like). Ah thumb ye doon every time Ah see yer name. You an that piss artist Tic Toc. Disnae matter whit either a youse are sayin cos it’s always shite any road but the auld thumb doon fair gets yer danders up so it’s good fur a laugh. Ah mean, a closet hun an a flat earther greetin aboot whit other posters think! Talk aboot bein thick, nae wunner yer such good pals!

Aff tae Ibrox wae TT an the planet Zog fur you, ya fvckin perr a zoomers. Mind noo, ma thumb’s always at the ready fur yer next rant.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

Whoa, now 17 & counting!

My most successful post on ETims so far!

Keep ‘em coming, lads, plenty more clowns yet to come!


The Cha
2 years ago

See my previous post 🙂

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

26 & counting!

Incredible how sensitive all these so called ‘rebels’ are to the word ‘Facetious’ …

Almost as if they understand what it means …


The Cha
2 years ago

Are you going for 55?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’m no doing anything but laughing my @ss off at the level of alleged ‘intelligence’ on here.

You ..?

The Cha
2 years ago

I’m no doing anything but laughing my @ss off at the level of losing your sh1t you’re doing regarding something so trivial.

Salad queen
2 years ago

Looks like Mike Ashley has sold the georgie club to the arabs( not united) anyone want him to buy out DD? He would have great fun playing with the lying king.

Frank McGaaaarvey
2 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen


2 years ago

A see its the same old fishwives just a moanin and a complainin

2 years ago

Stop using there blood line PARKS and use our own Coach or Coaches every penny counts .

2 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Dunn

Said it for years m8

2 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Dunn

Advertise at Celtic Park, the eff out of it…

This is where within the club of that that were a big club falls down.
Why wouldn
t a bus manufacturer not supply us with a couple of bus coaches?

First; it was the cigarette sponsorship that was rightfully dismissed
Second; was the alcohol
Third; it looks like the gambling institutions

Knowing in advance who our sponsors will be would be handy for a wee investment for those inside.

Celtic retaining PLC: Looking good indicatively, Billy Tim.

2 years ago

Etims, could you give me context for the; and you are to wait for approval.

Gies a wee bit of slack with one`s use of a non-abusive blether.

Wolf Month silly transfer season is an occurring trait… those within running the show are the agents.
Dudu is the kid from out of space who pockets. No bad if you can corner it all !

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

The Duhan clan’s all down to one man, Whimsy Wuhan, it’s infectious.

2 years ago

They bassas that are bassas reside in every surround of the dwelling World.

Those at Celtic dwell in their curule chair. We`ve a right imperium bunch.

2 years ago

Truth is theirs. Now you beg your pardon.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Great comments, Port, but Truth is ours too once we look for it.

But we have to look for it first otherwise They get to keep it to themselves.

A real shame so few understand that.

Frankie Bhoy
2 years ago

Great post!

Encourage people to join the Trust and become active.

2 years ago

A reply is frustratingly awaiting approval. Will I remember what I said? I doubt it.


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Rebus

That’s why they invented Copy & Paste, Rebus.

The Green Machine
2 years ago

You shall remember it next time, Rebus.

Yes you shall, yes you shall.


Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Celtic fc going cashless. Cuckoo cuckoo.

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Event 201. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Celtic fc implenting vax passes cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

New world order. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Global reset. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Build back better. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

For what died the sons of Roisin. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Collusion. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Resolution 12. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Weapons of mass destruction. Cuckoo cuckoi

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Thalidomide. Asbestos. DDT.

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Weapons of mass destruction. Cuckoo cuckoo

Paranoid celt
2 years ago

Dodgy refs

2 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt

Insects of decryption.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Germane to introspection,

Paranoid celt
2 years ago


The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Paranoid celt

Good stuff, Eugene, the Broxie boy will be raging you stole his password 😀

The Green Machine
2 years ago

And showed him up for the mug he is into the bargain.

The Green Grogger
2 years ago

Who is Eugene? Thought u were replying to Paranoid Celt. Or are u getting mixed up with your multiple personas in trying to find someone to agree with your rambling shite?

2 years ago

Happy to make a £5 monthly donation.

A couple of alternatives to fans leaving the game early (as the team may require the fans to push them to a result towards the end of the game):

Fans don’t turn up until the 15th minute;

Or, on the 19th minute fans turn their backs to the game for a set period of time.

If only the Lottery numbers would come up!

2 years ago

I’m sure my opinion will not be well recieved. However, here it is. Most non-Celtic people couldn’t care less about Res12. We must find a bandwagon that is more obvious and fresh in everyone’s mind. I suggest helping Celtic by numbers in getting as many incidents over to him from ALL SFPL matches so we can get a large data set and prove once and for all there is a problem. Then we can get supporters from all the top Scottish clubs to rally behind the obvious problem. Start a go-fund-me page, so that all Scottish football supporters can get behind it and draw media attention. That will provide a spring board for further investigation going back to Res12. Tell supporters of other SPFL teams about Celtic by numbers and encourage them to provide video evidence of honest mistakes.

2 years ago

When you’re feeling down and slightly depressed, remember them….
67, in the heat of Lisbon, the fans came in their thousands,
to see the Bhoys become Champions.

Craig – Gemmell – Simpson – McNeill – Murdoch – Clark – Chalmers – Wallace – Johnstone – Lennox – Auld – John Fallon – Sean Fallon and Jock Stein. The Lisbon Lions.

One club since 1888. We are the Club.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bawheid

Reflecting back will do all the well of good. If you have to go to Glasgow reflect in what will power.

Pipe intae Aussieland. Eff Football, the wee Island on the left of Europe will have nowhere to plug into.

God bless.

2 years ago

So just how many comments are “Awaiting for approval”?
And multiple nonsensical crap flies through the ‘moderator’!
And your infantile “likes or dislikes” without comment charges on?
FFS, like Celtic FC, the site’s broken and in need of attention!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Ha! So at least 4 infantile, ANONYMOUS, non-commenting, half-wits on here.
There’s more than that, come out from behind the sofa!
But there’re a lot more intelligent, informed eTims too, TF.
But the site, like the playground weans’ minds, is definitely broken.
Have a field day, children, but FFS dinnae let on who you are!

On a more adult and Celtic FC note, I’ve received a reply from the CST re proxy shares and membership. I’ll happily provide a link but it may well get sin-binned. Moderator? Is that the case?
I’ll try it anyway: https: //
PS remove space between 1st colon and 2 back-slashes and it should be okay.

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

R you? Ill go as U and you go as me !

I still say it iscause we do not live there so their of to thus generate rejection.

Inferior bassas are we TicToc.

True dat.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

And we’ll all go together 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Port, try as I do, I can’t always quite comprehend what you mean but I feel secure in saying you’re a good ‘un, cobber!
Monti, hope all’s good up the east coast. BTW, the only “nonsensical crap” I come across on here is emphatically NOT from Ralph, he’s been a true Tim star for many a year bringing us the Diary for nowt. Now the moderators……hmmm?
TGM, we certainly agree here. To offer likes/dislikes without comment is a fukkin troll magnet and should be dropped and, BTW, I neither ‘vote’ up nor down as my browser isn’t compatible with the odious WordPress.
Weered, I do hope your ‘reds’ are still TOTL but especially after the last game of the season! Finally, when I made an FTP comment it was genuine, albeit wrong on here and I apologise for that. I was born into a loving Catholic family but I see through religion and have done for decades. I have good reason and an absolute right to comment on Catholicism but I wont again on here as I see it hurts some good Celtic FC supporters.

Owen Mullions
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I said at the time, nobody cares what you believe (or don’t believe), just that you show some respect for others on what is, after all, a Celtic forum and don’t post sectarian abuse. Might I suggest that posting when pished probably also explains why so many of your comments get trapped in the filter? We’ve all lost posts to the ether at some point – you just have to live with it and not fly into a rage. As for ‘thumb-dooners’, surely yourself and Gringo have realised by now that people are only doing it to wind you up? Stop taking umbrage and the novelty will soon wear off – it’s not rocket science.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Same here, Vinnie, on all counts.

They’re a good bunch on here, just a bit deluded and God in His Wisdom has decided that not everyone gets to see what He decides to show them.

And I don’t believe in any religion either, for the record, but that’s the way The Big Man planned it and that’s just how it is.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

The site IS broken and in serious need of attention.

No wonder Ralph doesn’t bother writing diaries anymore …

2 years ago

And you’re the main cause with your non fitba pish!!

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

Um Ah, aye ..?

You’re the clown that takes offence, High boy, as Ralph & Desi know we’re just huvvin a laugh as an outlet for oor Friday & Saturday non rationality and overall sense of frustrations.

Get hip to that kinda trip and you’d enjoy it tae if ye’d let yer face stop trippin ye.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Ah, feck, Vinnie, you’ve topped my record for garnering more Bam reactions than I have and all on the same thread tae, boo hoo hoo …


The Green Machine
2 years ago

My mistake, TT, turns out there are 26 bams on here who don’t like the word ‘Facetious’ so my record stays intact.

I must’ve hit a nerve …

😀 😀 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

” nonsensical crap ” Ralph hasn’t posted has he?

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Cohesion can play, though there is a ball though kept to net. Weans are gettin PR`d across that that is that is.

Ange is to sign Sonic. 7 year revamp Ghirls and Bhoys. Beware the show ponies.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Wee Pony.

Marks & Spencer’s finest.

Some sherry-kin in the mornin’ dough

2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Motives Monti. Info surfers.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

“Tierney of the Everton”

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I think he’s realised himself …

2 years ago

Ha ha ha. Do not kid yourselves. We are all armchair critical supporters.
Go on yourself, Big Man. Well done Scotland.

2 years ago

Rod Liddell says that the English game is built on ‘dirty cash and blood money’, he is right of course, just don’t tell the Newcastle, Manchester City, United, Chelsea etc. because they wouldn’t give a monkey’s, in fact they probably feel, after Ashley that they have just won the lottery. Here, in Scotland, Scottish football is built on the “Lie”. The “Lie” is that *Rangers died and was saved, that liquidation was just a technicality, a mere inconvenience. It must be true, cos all the press says it. Pure garbage of course. Last week, BDO won over £3.00 million from Duff@Phelps, stating the obvious that D@P hadn’t done its job properly and could have, should have sold a few players, leased the park, leased the car park and sold off some of Minty Park training ground. The fact that they didn’t bring in more money for the creditors was testimony to their incredible incompetence, even so, D@P personnel and “Big Hands” got over £20.00 million from the Scottish taxpayer. Stinking and the games a bogey.
If you want honesty, truth and integrity, do not call 0141- 616- 6000. Ian Maxwell’s still in hiding.
If you want to know who the author of the 5Way Agreement was, do, telephone, 0141-620-4141,
just don’t expect Neil Doncaster to answer the phone, he’s still hiding the truth and so are all the other club chairmen, it’s their dirty big secret.

2 years ago

Simple as this, if there’s a so called Honest Mistake in a Celtic or The Rangers game,boycott the next game that referee officiates.

2 years ago

Facts at Celtic Park. (feel free to add).

Ian Bankier`s hobbies include, the flourishing trade of knitting.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

sing oot the windaes.

2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

I wonder did Lawwell teach Bankier, and laugh his socks off as he proudly announced knitting had helped him pull the wool over (certain) supporters’ eyes for the last 17 years?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Hahaha, quality, lads 😀

2 years ago

Apt or liable ?

VAR kein, Mr. Petrie.

We are the Phase.

2 years ago

It is their basis that they of The Rangers International Football Club are scouting within
Enugu Rangers.

Moneyball radix, snapped up by, The Rangers.

Huns` secret herbs and spices.

We are the Procured.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

The semi flagellated by half.

2 years ago

The Celtic PLC worshipful sickly Board members will go places…
Do not place one`s self with the sickly peepul.

Celtic Chair resurrection.

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Whose chair and who is the chair?

2 years ago

While I completely agree that Scottish football is corrupt and every Celtic supporter should engage by purchasing shares in the club to fight for football legality, we should accept that the figures of shares against us shows a huge imbalance. DD – 34.7% – Lindsell Train 18.4% – Chris Trainer 10.38% – James Mark Keane 6.26% – Thomas Allison 3.56%. We should be aware that Lawwell as part of his remuneration package acquired 0.38%, worth £514,441. That is what we are up against.
My point being, do not forget the aprox. 24,000 existing small shareholders, long have I said that those are the ones that are the key to unlocking the door of corrupt football governance which has the backing of ALL SPFL clubs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bawheid

Original shares were within Britain to hock. How long for to the difference of now ?

Rockin up and going hame from Celtic Park. Then there is had those privileged to pilfer a strip for free there after.

Répondez s’il vous plaît you and I.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bawheid

Think Lindsell Train recently ( two years ago) upped their % to 22 and a half… ? but agree with you.

2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Abbreviation entwined shares kept under. We all learnt a lot with the creation of sevco.

Is it Lindsell Train investing in the Barrowlands and Calton area development ?

The Green Machine
2 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Speculating to accumulate like all good Speculative Societies do.

See David Murray for details.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Bawheid

The CST are trying to track down missing/non-voting small shareholders.

As the first and, I imagine, largest share offerings were over a quarter of a century ago then I think a lot of these will be lost forever.

I also suspect that a lot of the original supporter investors simply framed their share certificate and stuck it on the wall as a souvenir.

They’re also buying shares from members’ subs but this only a few hundred/thousand at a time and there’s about 100m in total!

The upcoming AGM will show whether there’s been a great upsurge in participation or its the same old ones that are easily ignored by the powers that be.

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