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Celtic Diary Tuesday June 8: Facing The Change

At the start of last season , it was apparent a number of players had wanted out, but due to pandemics and the promise of a glorious tenth, they had been persuaded to stay.


When it became obvious that the title was going to elude Celtic, for whatever reasons, they more or less decided to not only down tools but to wrap them up and save them for a later job.


Kris Ajer excepted, of course, he at least put some effort in, and when he finds himself in a league where he thinks he will be able to test himself against a better quality of players…that is…earn himself a ridiculous amount of money….we wish him all the best.



Ajer sais that whilst playing for Norway he found himself up against a higher level of player, something that one can’t help wondering why that hadn’t occured to him during his european adventures with Celtic.


Jack Hendry looks certain to remain at Oostende, who have exercised their right to buy him for £1.75m, and if rules permit, they’ll probably sell him on before the ink is dry on the contract. Even if they don;t, one would suggest that Hendry needs only to take an overnight bag with him to Belgium.


Oddsone Edouard and Brendan Rodgers should link up again at Leicester, who continue their campaign of vengeance against Celtic after we took Martin O’Neill away from them, who then took Neil Lennon.


They are keen to wrap the deal up quickly, thought to be around £18m , as other clubs are interested, which makes you wonder why the player and Celtic aren’t holding out to see what else is on offer.


One is tempted to think that this was all arranged a while ago, and that might explain why Edouard was less than enthusuastic when he pulled on the hoops last season….



We’ve seen them all come and we’ve sen them all go.


It was forever thus.



There will be more changes as the days go by, but the most importna t change will come in management.


Ange Postecoglou has agreed personal terms and the word is he will leave Japan tomorrow.


He won’t be bringing Kevin Muscat with him as the latter has clearly remembered he didn;t pay any tax the last time he was here.


Perfectly acceptable if you play for one or other of the Rangers brands, but as Celtic assistant manager he would undoubtedly have been arrested the moment he set foot on Scottish soil, his assets seized….



Donald Trump is the new Frankie Howerd writes Craig Brown | Daily Mail  Online


and his ass thrown into the slammer.



Apart from that, it would have been a disaster from a public relations point of view.


If it isn’t bad enough..and it is…that Celtic colluded with the exoneration and rebirth of the Ibrox entity, to hire someone who benefitted to the tune of around £1m would be too much to bear, and even if Ange put his foot down it’s likely that he still wouldn;t have got his way.


Instead, the latest wizard from aus will have to rely on his own wit and wisdom to score an early success to get the doubters on side.



He does have some respected influencers though.


His manager at Melbourne, when he was a player, was Hungarian legend Ferenc Puskas, who became a huge influence on him as a player and manager, encouraging the style for which he has been known.


Daniel Garb on Twitter: "Magnificent. Ange Postecoglou alongside his coach,  the legendary Ferenc Puskas, in 1991. 📸 - @smfc… "



Another massive influence is none other than his wife, Georgia, who it seems is behind his idea of giving plenty of freedom to the two up top.







Elsewhere, and Neil Lennon… remember him ? spoke out about last season, and probably wished he hadn’t.


Whilst it’s difficult to argue against his claim that he was a little bewildered when supporters chucked things and booed his charges after the Ross County defeat, surely he must be aware that at Celtic you are only as good as your last game, and it seems he woefully underestimated the credit he had in the supporters bank account for his previous results.



The ten, it seems , was the holy grail, even if the quadruple treble was the greater and more significant achievement.



As our own Monty burns said, in a way, winning ten is based entirely on beating the nine from Ibrox, and to recognise that is to recognise that the club currently operating out of Ibrox is the one that won those nine.


The quadruple treble is unique in world football, and is highly unlikely to be repeated anywhere.



Celtic have missed out on a huge marketing opportunity, allowing themselves to be consimed by the chase for ten, and yet again there is the underlying worry that they didn’t want to upset those at Ibrox…..



Speaking of thise at Ibrox, if the EBT’s didn’t cost the taxpayer…you and I ..enough, then the ongoing court cases look set to round it up to the cost of a few hospitals and a couple of schools….


ۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗۗ Celtic CSC©®

Rangers Liquidation cost to the taxpayers: Ebts £80m quid*
Malicious prosecution now cost at £110m+
Total £190,000,000.00 Scandalous
* Not including interest and penalties.


And there’s more to come, with Charles Green and others set to sue for damages….



There may even be more of a problem brewing elsewhere.



Ruth Davidson, the former Scots Tory leader, has carried out an investigation into the link between football and gambling, the industry that dominates Scottish football….and it got rave reviews…which means we haven’t heard the last of it.


Anita Singh in the Telegraph said…


It was eye-opening stuff, but what it really needed was Davidson to be let loose on the chief executives of bookmakers and Premier League bosses. When she met John Whittingdale, the Culture Minister, she was straight in with the suggestion that the Government is addicted to the revenue that gambling brings in. He didn’t stand a chance. I’d like to see more of this. A Ruth Davidson Investigates series would be welcome.


I’m no fan of Ruth Davidson, I don’t think anyone is, but she has a point and I’m grown up enough to admit that despite her obnoxious personality she is doing something good here.


It might be time for Celtic to reconsider which names are on our shirt, because you can guarantee if Dafabet have so much as cost a child his dinner money on the puggies, it’ll be our fault……



Caption competiton from the last diary….





Pat Higney
 2 days ago

Caption: “Hi Dermot, Peter here…Eddie Howe’s a definite for the job….I’m telling ye, there’s more chance of me being hit with a meteorite than him pulling out…..ohhhh Fuuuuu…”
“peter…ye there?”



Today…. a couple of real Celts…






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3 years ago

I can’t be fvcked typing anything due to apathy!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

While everything Lawwell does is due to narcissistic psychopathy.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

No worries, Monti, it’ll turn to fury soon enough.

3 years ago

Caption: I hit him once, Tam. I think I got away with it.

3 years ago

If we had sold the players whom it was thought wanted away last Summer and not won the league there would have been a rammy, keep them and we don’t win the league and its a rammy.No win situation. Folk are grabbing at straws by bringing the galloping major into the manager debate. I just hope those that make the decision have a more sophisticated template. And us. We support Celtic, we will get behind the new man, give him a bit of time, hopefully, and start to pursue ten in. a row.

3 years ago
Reply to  BJF



3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

That’s the first one I’ve seen : )

3 years ago
Reply to  Weered

lol it wont be the last

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Fvckin hell, bg, that was quick!

He’s not even in Scotland yet 😀

3 years ago

its depressing

what’s even more depressing is i will buy that new top as the more i look at it i think its my favourite ever

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Oh, fvck, mate, you’re seriously gonna give the PLC more money?!

We’ll never Starve Them Out that way.

Wait till next year and you’ll get it out a charity shop for a quid!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Just checked the PLC website and the video for the kit had wee Forrest going ‘This is real football (sic) for real fans’ (*who can’t get in the ground) before the video crashed!

These clowns can’t even put a 2 minute video advertising their new kit together and as for their ‘real football’ claim they’ve now fully entered Orwell’s world of total DoubleSpeak.

Cos I don’t recall one minute of ‘real football’ out that team the whole of last season.

Save your dosh for something better, BG, there’s a ton of things you’d enjoy more with that 80 quid, while sending a clear message to the Tory Masons that we, the REAL FANS of Celtic FC, have had enough of their money grabbing antics and overall pisstaking of the support.


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Besides, the 67 shirt will never be beaten.

3 years ago

It wasn’t his voice but the pics are a riddy

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

The whole video’s a riddy and I only caught three seconds of it 😀

3 years ago

It was Calmac’s voice.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Too bad for Calmac.

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Pat the dug doo.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Said Kezia Dugdale, who ate the dug tail.

Mah mate said ‘Ah’d shag it’ but Ah fink he was jist impersonating Port.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Where did the name ‘Kezia’come fae onywey, Humphrey Bumfy, where’d ye come fae?

No exactly yer classic Hielan lassie’s name, is it

Sounds like Israeli Gears tae me,.

Double bagger diznae cover it but I suppose, at a push, if her pal wiz there an Ah’d the goggles on …

And even that depends on the levels of proper Charlie (Big C).

No that I give a fvck.

But still …

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Mair g ay shit.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

I’m no homophobe, mate, I’m just pointing out the fact of how homo erotic your writing has become.

It appears you’ve spent too long in male company whilst in uniform, squaddie.

Simply stating the facts for all to mock ye with.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

I’ve told yo7 before, I have many g ay friends and we’re constantly ripping the pish out each other about their g ayness and my straightness.

So I’m no homophobe but either Ralph is or the AI is as we’re not even allowed to write the word here.

But then we’re not allowed to write the words G O L D or SAB OTAGE or Fvck or Cvnt either.

pilsbury dough bhoy
3 years ago

“Stay tight on the touchline Tam”
“In these shorts, I’ve no choice Yogi”

3 years ago

no words of support for ‘neil’ today or could even you not stoop so low?

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

haha oh dear

still cant see it

not surprising from someone who doesnt support the club

glen daly, glen daly blablabla sad

neil lennon, the man who blew the 10 twice, and who never won a league against a side called rangers without points deductions or early finishes

im assuming with 5 trophies in 18 he walked into a new management job soldier boy?

he is more of a rat than any other manager eve had, slating the support and blaming everyone else instead of holding his hands up or refusing a pay off


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

‘Pape! You gonna shine that turd all day?’

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Don’t forget 80million lost on 2 failed UCL campaigns

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

In less than 12 months

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Not counting his prior failures in the CL.

3 years ago

Yeah I am a complete disgrace Charlie you are right or is it WRONG

Big Billy captained Celtic to the European cup and won 2 Trebles as a player plus a centenary winning season as manager and a league win prior and also led them to the quarter final of the European cup so Lennon is not the only one to do these things ( but you know this having been on the glen daly Csc cough cough)

Ffs my da taking me to Somerset to watch Celtic once or twice in the 90’s is being more of a supported than you. Not to mention the 100s of games old Celtic park and new. Nor the several thousands of miles travelled bus plane and ferry to Europe to watch them and the thousands of pounds that go with it.

If that doesn’t entitle me to an opinion then I don’t know what does. YOU having an opinion is the brightest red neck I can think of m

Your lack of knowledge on basic Celtic history is an embarrassment

3 years ago

Rodgers got out a group twice too

It’s really quite sad man, you need a new site to haunt

Embarrassing Infront of the 100s who read this site

Backing a guy who trashed those who made him a millionaire.

Sad even for you

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Aye I was trashing him since he got the job in a shower

And I was right too

You on the other hand just got about 6 facts wrong with Celtic’s recent history proving what the rest of the site predicted, hun solider and hun fan

Celtic play in green and white hoops btw

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Lennon the only guy to captain and manage us to a league

Lennon being the only guy to get through group stage football in last 10 years. (Rodgers twice)

Lennon delivering titles whilst being sent devices in the post (he lost the season the year that happened by losing at Inverness)

Lennon being the only manager to manage us during a pandemic ( he did for half a season then was sacked)

Me being a disgrace to Celtic when you enlisted in an army for a government that helped create Celtic by killing thousands by causing the famine.

There’s 5 I may have got a little bit excited saying 6

But it shows you how clueless and out of touch you are. You are nothing but a stain to yourself, this site and the name Celtic that you profess to ‘support’ without having even set foot in a new stadium built in 1995


3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Man you just make shit up don’t you?

A non hun would know that Celtic finished second in a EUROPA league group which had leipzig Salzburg and rosenborg ya absolute riddy

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Why mention Rodgers never facing threats etc?

You have a hard on for the best manager to manage us since stein it’s bizarre

Tell me, why did Rodgers not get the same abuse? Considering he was 100x a better manager, a catholic, and from the same country? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t beat his wife up and carries class and humility with him

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

that post is utterly horrific from you

but its no surprise

basically trying to justify lennon with a slander on Jinky?

2 entirely different situations but both inexcusable

absolute disgrace

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

and more lies nonsense on rodgers, a guy wo deliverd us the quad treble with his high standards, hes as much to thank for it than anyone and he left 18 months before it!!

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

It would appear the site agrees with me on all this but sure keep digging ya clown

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Don’t bring Jinky into your mad g ay love for Neil Lennon, squaddie.

The more I read from you the more of an absolute prick I realise you really are.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

niall mcginn played for them whilst at us, paddy mccourt, oneill managed us after paying for them and was never targeted??

strange that….

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Give him a call and get a room, Charlie, or would you want him to call you Duncan?

Your misplaced love for him would be far better there than here.

In case you haven’t noticed, ya fud.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

So Kennedy wasn’t managing Celtic in front of any fans??

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

To be fair, I wouldn’t call what Kennedy was doing management in the truest sense of the word. More like attempting to dock a ship that’s hit an iceberg while he was helping navigate it and the year along the starboard is so bad that’s now taking on water.

3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius


3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

And it was November 1887 Celtic were founded, not 1888

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

your confirmation name is john? and what? jesus christ you are worse than i thought

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

John The Bamtist?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

John The Dentist?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Join The Army?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

For me Lennon’s number was up with the departure of Lustig. I bet a lot of members of that dressing room were unhappy with his treatment, I was furious!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

What was his number?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

From his very first game against Sevco’s 10 men where Edry saved our blushes in the last minute I knew halfway through that he DIDN’T KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING and that last half hour was excruciating to watch as it looked like the 10 men were about to humiliate us.

He should have been sacked on the spot that day for his total clueless ineptitude as to how to deal with Sevco’s 10 men.

And remember Duncan, it wasn’t Lennon who won the Quad Treble, it was Conor Hazard in goal, who saved our blushes against a shitey Championship side.

Lennon nearly COST US the QT.

And if you were even half the fitba man you like to pretend to be on here you would already know this.

Instead we have to add ‘Fraud’ to the numerous list of insulting monikers we have for you now.

3 years ago

I have to admit I kind of felt like this. I was furious on both counts. I always felt that many of the players didn’t want to play for him. Especially the millenials who need cuddles and encouragement.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

‘He walked out the shower then delivered the Quad Rebel Treble.

Because he was worth it and head and shoulders above the rest.’

You do know how g ay this reads, don’t you, Chuck ..?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

G ayboy shit, Duncan.

Crayons or no crayons.

3 years ago

armed forces day is across the city

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Stating facts isn’t sophistry, mate.

Continuing to defend the now indefensible Neil Lennon with the ame few phrases and now these new g ay undertones is sophistry.

But stating facts never is.

And the fact is he took the shilling and supped the soup and fvcked the Ten as part of the 5WA deal so that means he’s NOT worth it.

No matter how much shampoo foam you pour over him.

3 years ago

Bahaha, I didn’t get it either, but that’s not the kind of ads youporn run

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

They do for Duncan.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

‘Pape! You gonna shine that turd all day?’

He’s a disgrace and you’re allowing him to drag you into the soup pot Hell of They Disgraced The Hoops with him, Duncan.

The man has lost every shred of credibility he ever had after that soup supping shite of his last week, yet he here you are still polishing the end of his knob for him.

Though I suppose supping the soup out Lizzie’s crack is par for course for you Army boys, right?

Having Signed The Pledge and all …

3 years ago

Hmm…support for Davidson, an obnoxious, greedy Tory bastard for her supposed expose on gambling in football whilst the owners of these companies privately donate to their stooges in London ! Catch yourself on.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Why do they call her Woof Davidson?

Cos she’s a dirty dog.

3 years ago

Yogi:”Whit dae ye make o’ Postiedogpoo?”
Big Tam:”Well, he should watch where he’s pittin’ his feet”.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Postiedogpoo? Pistiebogloo? Pastiehogcoo? It’s aw Greek tae me Saint.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Pass The Cog Glue

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Paste With Dog Doo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Billy and Sammy were on their way to Ibrox when they came across a dog turd on the pavement. Billy bent down and scooped it up in his bare hands:
“Look at that, Sammy. Ah very near stood oan that!”

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

Pasta’s A Drug Too

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Pat’s A Mulgrew

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Ask Charlie.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Or “charlie”.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

He won’t know but ye’ll laugh yer @rse aff watching him squirm.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Screw you too.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Well, Tam WOULD know it, being raised a Hun.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Haha, big TG was a self confessed Rangers supporter.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

That’s right, Charlie, not all Huns know the second verse of The Sash …

Now away and suck on the head of yer Action Man, ya halfwit.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

And see all those players you named?

I watched every one of them play for The Tic for years on end and they were all heroes of mine as a wee Bhoy and their religion never here me in the slightest as they have ether all for The Hoops.

But I can guarantee you this, son …

They ALL knew the second verse of The Sash.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

*Never bothered me as they gave their all for The Hoops.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Your argument here is the same as the media and all other Hun apologists, Duncan …

That is, ‘Ooh, not ALL Rangers fans are Huns.‘

But I’m fae Glesga, Charlie, and I can assure you they are, as their 50,000 strong choir can testify.

It’s just that some of them grow out of their bigoted indoctrination of hatred and those who do stop going to the games.

So don’t you go defending them, mate.

You’re just digging a deeper hole for yourself.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

What you on about now, fud?

Away back tae yer Lennon posters.

Woof Charlie
3 years ago

He’ll do

Woof Charlie
3 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

One minute it takes days… he’ll do well. Got dig big Chas.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Whit’s this, The Charlie Appreciation Society? 😀

3 years ago

Single file now. Nothing like a line of Charlie!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

Much better than these three Charlies


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Line ‘em up, U!

Woof Charlie
3 years ago

Caption: So when I asked if Stein would be the only Celtic manger to get his hands on the big cup the fortune teller said “no I see an Australian!”

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Dat’s dat upside down logic for ye.

3 years ago

“Did ye hear neil lennon talk about a new breed of Celtic fans?”

“Who’s neil lennon?”

“New breed of Celtic player, earned millions more than us, was given the manager’s job, performed atrociously and blamed the fans”

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

New Worm Order.

3 years ago

There is no going back the trust is broken. There is only one way to go now and it takes me back to the Celts for change movement to rid the old board.
I really do now believe that the time to step up again is here.
No season ticket money, no merchandise not a coin till sweeping changes are made.
We have been down this road before under different circumstances,but the battle for the heart and soul of Celtic is here.
It’s time again. HH

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

But starving them out will save us a fortune.

Those Tory scum cvnts have profited enough from the Celtic support.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Yawn …

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

I read your last two lines..

I think everything through.

Passenger jets can’t fly upside down and million ton cargo vessels can’t stick to water and water can’t stick to the exterior of ANYTHING far less a spinning ball going at a million miles an hour through a vacuum because water always finds its level as can be seen and acknowledged by all as a SELF EVIDENT FACT.

It’s really that simple, Charlie.

Water always finds its level.

And you can’t see it for the indoctrination you’ve let them fill your stupid squaddie head with.

Too bad for you, soldier.

At least we know the conditioning works when you can’t even admit what your eyes tell you to be true just by simply observing the properties of water.

And do you know why the horizon is called a horizon, Charlie ..?

It’s because it’s HORIZONTAL.


But I’m wasting my time telling you all these self evident facts as your blind indoctrinated eyes have been too filled with lies to see so you go living 8n the darkness of yer Plato’s cave watching shadows on the wall, and party that God one day blesses you too with the clear vision that He has granted me and millions of others to see through the lies of this Satanic matrix we’ve allowed to be woven around us by their media and our collective unquestioning stupidity.

Run along now, little man.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Why is the Horizon called HORZONTAL if it’s a cube?

And the human eye can see way past 3 miles but NOWHERE NEAR 238,000 miles and most especially nit 93 million miles …

Yet there you are swallying all the shite that we CAN see these vast distances when every ssns in your body tells you that such feats for the eyes are impossible.

And the plane IS upside down when it’s on the bottom of the ball flying into Aussie land and this too is likewise utterly impossible.


These are Self Evident & Observable FACTS, Charlie.

Everyone knows these to be facts, even small children.

Everyone knows but prefer to believe the obvious lies of the Freemasons at NASA & other past fo the scientific(sic) military establishment.

You’re off yer nut, son.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago


Not cube.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Try walking on your ceiling for proof of this simple fact.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

It is indeed.

And the Mariana Trench itself proves my point.

Check it for yourslef.

It doesn’t curve.

Nothing does.

They just say that like they say One is 55.

3 years ago

Caption: Why are you so convinced we’ll win today vs the huns Yogi? Cos I’m smarter than the average bears Tam.

3 years ago

This is the happy house — we’re happy here
In the happy house — oh it’s such fun
We’ve come to play in the happy house
And waste a day in the happy house
It never rains
We’ve come to scream in the happy house
We’re in a dream in the happy house
We’re all quite sane
This is the happy house — we’re happy here
There’s room for you if you say “I do”
But don’t say no or you’ll have to go
We’ve done no wrong with our blinkers on
It’s safe and calm if you sing along
This is the happy house — we’re happy here in the happy house
To forget ourselves — and pretend all’s well
There is no hell

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

I once went to watch Siouxsie dance and she came out in a wheelchair with a broken leg, the cow.

3 years ago

G’day, couldn’t get the computer past the sheila cobber, perhaps I’ve had too much grog for an old codger. In preparation for the digger Ange. Well, at least he’s no Pom. But fair dinkum mate, fair play to him, as long as he’s not a Drongo. The sheep have all been shorn this weekend, baaah-ing away, moaning as usual, complaining of being fleeced. Suck it up, I tell them and join the club. Me, well I have been reminiscing about recent players, reminding myself about the players who excited the support and what might have been, players like, Moussa – Odsonne – heads up Lustig and Kieran Tierney, all playing in the same Celtic team, they all shone for a little while before they were gone, leaving only good memories. Looking forward to a new Celtic team, who will our new hero’s be? Will Ange suprise us all and get the team playing the exciting football that we all crave? It must be important to make a good start. Just now the pavements are wet from the dummies being spat out, but we the Celtic support always have “Hope In Our Heart” and will take the time to make our judgment and assess whether he/ they will become successful or not. There has never before been such wholesome change in the management and player turnover, fingers crossed they get it right…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

She’ll be right mate!!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Sheila is
A punk rockah

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Really is a gamble postecoglu. But who wouldn’t be given the state Lennon et al left us in? Champions league qualification would be a miracle given the status quo regardless of expertise. We are a project needing remedial intervention. Wise counsel and recruitment unprecedented for decades. The new manager is on a hiding to nothing and our fans are an impatient lot, so let’s duck off the negativity ride through the hun banter. Easy for me to say they’re here over in Australia but only a smidgen of what you blokes have to put up with in Glasgow. Suck it up. This guy is ok he’ll get us closer but not in the short term. What we have left with a few add ons aren’t going to get through shaktar Donetsk and the like. But given time a lucrative league title is an obtainable objective. Keep the faith

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Every new manager would be a gamble. Lennon was a gamble when he stepped up from coaching to take the managerial role for his first time. There were others too who are responsible for last season’s shit show, too many to name including some players and of course the accountant playing the DoF. The past has gone, I’m tired of looking back, we can only look forward. Postecoglu has at least good experience in different countries and of course experience matters. It might have been easier for him if there had been many existing experienced players, but a lot of them will be going too, giving the team a few new players brought in by the monies of those who are leaving. So, yes for him or anyone it will be a monumental challenge, but again experience and a few experienced players coming in will be very helpful to him. Lennon also had no say in who would be his assistants, that weakness mattered to players looking for direction and who never received it. So, him with his own trusted assistant ( was never going to be Muscat) would also help, but he needs someone with much experience of Scottish football, not Kennedy or Strachan, Strachan’s Da perhaps or Shaun Maloney, I hope that he is strong enough to make it count, if not ? If he doesn’t make a quick successful start, then his coat will be on a shoogly peg. New players, some Scottish, hungry for a new challenge, willing to fight for the cause, then ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

well said mikeybhoy whoever is brought in we hav to get behind him people coming on heer and crying aboot stuff they canny dae nuthin aboot is only entertainment fur yon zombies who ar crawling all over this site at the moment imho

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Only the stupid don’t know how to change things, charlie.

And if the Celtic support want rid of a board we’ve proven we can do it by starving them out and emptying the park.

Only a zombie couldn’t understand the power of such a simple measure.

3 years ago

ha ha ha ha cmon weel starve celtic to help celtic fook off back tae swallow swallow zombie

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

No, we’ll stave out Celtic PLC to save CELTIC FC from their greedy money grabbing Old Firm clutches.

I’ll tell you what, chick, for a boy that reads the Celtic blogs it’s embarrassing that you STILL don’t know the difference between a club and its owners.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

And tell us, wee man, how do we ‘owe Lenny The Ten’?

You still haven’t attempted to explain that insane statement yet.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Come on, charlie Small c …

Back up your own words and yer half arsed near illiterate drunken statements.

I’ll keep embarrassing ye till ye do, ye know.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Ye’re a fvckin tube, wee man.

And what’s worse is, we aw know it.

Took a while but yer pathetic thumbs doon everywhere has just proved it.

I set the trap and you walked intae it.

Proving tae us all jist whit a daft narrow minded wee reptile gargoyle fud ye really are.

Nae joy, eh ..?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Poor wee charlie small c, feeding the corporate beast that’s feeding off our Celtic FC.

Ye’ll get it yet, wee man.

Everybody else has.

Gie it a year an yer wee fvcked up heid will eventually catch up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Think there are few with the X factor and maybe Ange has that. He doesn’t care about what’s happened before him he just sees a way of playing that is positive and productive he’ll take the team on a journey and make them believe in his philosophy on how to play to their optimum. Attacking football commensurate with h the Celtic way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

he certainly doesnt, just knocked out the cup by a 4th division side

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

bg, all managers as you know, including the very best suffer humiliating defeats. Postecoglou would not have been my choice as the next Celtic manager. The farce of the long wait, only to be rebuffed by Howe was also humiliating, amateur in its handling. The board face a race to bring someone in before June 25th at 5.00pm, season ticket renewal date? That, in itself will be very revealing, in its take up, but he will be in situ then whether we like it or not. He will face many obstacles and will need massive help and backing by everyone, mostly by the Celtic support. I would rather back him, than hope that he fails, but that will be up to him, as long as he is strong enough to get the help that he needs. I gave up my season ticket in 2019 because of Resolution 12 and the boards failure to back up the Resolutioners, I don’t regret doing that at-all, i would only renew when the board seeks to right that wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

“mostly by the Celtic support”

sh1te. He needs players, jury is out on whether he needs ability also.

3 years ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Stop nit picking, I said the same above, he needs the Celtic supporters too. “He needs players” well fvck me rigid, imagine a football manager needing players, well Doh! away back to CQN and play with your Choo Choo.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Tell me something, RiTchie …

Why’s there a T in your name?

Are your Rich, T ..?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

mike for me it is even more of a slap in the face going for this guy when there are seasons to be renewed! the PLC are basically saying we know that you will renew regardless of who we appoint

as always i want to be proved wrong, but this guy has never even managed in europe let alone scotland


3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

So what. He’s managed in the World Cup way beyond navigating a win against Livingstone or Ross county. Even keel to n my eyes. A manager with ambition going to a club with ambition going down an unimaginable slope with cash to burn

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Who is the club with ambition, Ian, and is this the same club that has ‘cash to burn’?

Cos Celtic are skint.

They told/threatened the support that if we don’t renew our STs there will be no team to challenge Sevco.

I wonder whatever happened to that famous ‘30 million in the bank’ Peter was shouting about all those years ago.

That would be very interesting to know.

3 years ago

Relatively speaking in Scotland they’re billionaires in comparison. They hold the whip hand all that’s missing is a players and a good manager

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

all that’s missing is players and a good manager’!

Aye, Lance, mere trifles tae a fitba club! 😀 😀 😀

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

The SFA & their mates at Sevco now ‘hold the whip hand’ in Scottish fitba, Lance.

And you and those deluded like you better get fvckin used to it.

And there’s only one billionaire in oOr game and he’s NO KIND of benefactor to Celtic.

If you don’t already know this by now plain and obvious fact you’ve got some serious catching up to do.

Good call on the jabs though, boss, I will give ye that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Qualifying for a World Cup beating nations like New Zealand and Malaysia? Hardly Montrose or Stranraer never mind livi etc

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

South Korea and Japan. Look at world rankings. It’s all relative. You live in a bubble. South Korea are better than Scotland how many times have Scotland made it to a a World Cup semi final let alone finish third against Costa Rica or Iran. It’s not the fucking seventies the worlds moved on

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

New Zealand would take 5 off of livi your living in a bubble

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Aye, 5 quid, Lance.

And even that would be down to the Maoris.

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

I know about his lack of European football qualifications mate and as I say, he is not my choice either, but he has more managerial experience than Lennon, or Delia ever had. Like everyone else I wanted Howe. I thought that we might even have ended up with Jack Ross. But we have to accept that he is the PLCs choice and the season ticket renewals uptake will come at the end of this month, then we will see what the response has been. If its big, then that is that, if its small then we will see. It’s too late to change the manager for the coming season, so, we must give him a chance before we can judge him.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

Apologies, bg, just seen this after I posted the same news.

3 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

I’d say his head was already at Celtic however unprofessional that may seem

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

So his lack of professionalism is now an appealing quality, is it, Lance ..?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

He’s just been knocked out the Emperor’s Cup by a fourth division side called Honda FC in his possible last game in charge of Yokohama Marinos so there’s more chance of him having the Zzz Factor.

It appears that, like Lennon, he hasn’t a clue about in-game management.

This is the guy Sevco passed in favour ofPedro Caixinha, mind, so I doubt any amount of wishing & hoping for flowers & rainbows will make Ange the manager that Celtic needs at this time.

Starve Them Out.

3 years ago

He’s been released of his time in Japan way beneath his station what better an opportunity. Pearls before swine. Anyone can be knocked out of a cup competition. See Celtic v Clyde do you judge strachans tenure on that result. ? Fucking small minded Celtic fans wasn’t that the great Roy Keanes debut? It happens. His head is in Glasgow. He’s coming whether you like it or not

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

I don’t mind seeing Roy Keane fvcking any small minded Celtic fans but maybe Charlie Saiz could you help you with that particular homo erotic imagery.

He loves things like that.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

And I’m well beyond indifferent, mate, as I saw all this coming 5 or 6 year ago, as these posters can testify.

They just didn’t believe me then while the champers was flowing and I was telling them we were about to hit a wall as part of the 5WA and that our board were filthy Tory Masonic Sevco servicing Hun scum.

They know now though.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

*Post a baw clue

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I don’t even know where to start in what we need. Defence midfield.strikers. ? I would start with a new 11 apart from Turnbull. It’s a precedent to be in this position in our history. Maybe McGregor we are in such turmoil that they “rangers” have a better man in each position. How could we get to this state?

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

But its also an oppertunity too, to begin again, a completely fresh start, to build a completely new team and there is the rub. Big players, hungry players, talented players. a managers wet dream. Whose to blame? PL.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

An ‘opportunity’, Mike?

With Lawwell’s legacy still stinking the place out and no money in the bank?!

No wonder the board think they can get away with it.

It’s like you guys are hypnotised.

3 years ago

There is money, when players get sold and I’m not buying the £15.00 mill. for Odsonne. Players have already been sold and more will follow, money to construct the rebuild of the first team squad, including loan deals, its a two horse race. You should also cast your eyes towards Govan, where their latest wheeze is to sell of their shares in £500 pound batches at a fiver deposit, grubbing around in the dirt to pay for their shit. I’m not hypnotised by the PLC. I know what their game is and I am as vocal as anyone else. A two horse race between a PLC and a bunch of spivs, the difference is paper thin.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Actually that last bit it utter pish. The PLC despite what we think of them walk on the right side of the law and have to provide accounts and act as a law abiding company. The spivs don’t, they are crooks and operate outside of the law, hiding their accounts whenever possible. Even with all of their faults I would take the PLC over the spivs very time.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

What money?

Show me the money.

As for the accounts have you looked at them ever?

If so, haven’t you noticed that not all of the monies are itemised?

If not, why not, when I’ve been pointing this out for the past half decade to you?

Show us the money and maybe we’ll consider your point.

Until then you’re as delusional as the gullibillies, mate.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

84 million a year EVERY YEAR NOW to get humped by Ross County & Livingston and nearly whitewashed by Sevco …

And you’re happy with this?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

In-house sabotage by the board, Ian.

All part of the 5WA, as I told this page & others many years ago.

But no one believed me.

They do now but now it’s too late.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

We can’t write the word SA BO TAGE now, Ralph?

What the fvck is the point of this place?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

We can’t write the word ‘G O L D’ and we can’t write the word ‘ SAB O TAGE’ …

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Ian, here’s my initial reply, before I learnt we’re no longer allowed to write the key word:

In-house sab o tage by the board, Ian.

All part of the 5WA, as I told this page & others many years ago.

But no one believed me.

They do now but now it’s too late.

3 years ago

Look the 5 way agreement means nothing to those out with glasgow and a few pubs you need to move on rapidly. We he expats don’t care enough. We want a good manager and a good team to support again. Politics and football are seperate entities yeah it’s corrupt but in the cold light of day we do outlet 40-60 hours a week then there’s football a game we love and live to play and watch. We like to watch ourteam succeed and if they don’t they nearly succeed and it makes us happy. Big corporations will always milk the poor and fuck us over but we get our football. We get our team out there making history or trying to or at least they are in progress of achieving their upmost

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Politics and football are NOT separate entities, Ian.

The politics of the game is paramount in how it’s run and the 5WA GUARANTEES A RIGGED GAME and that’s due to the sick twisted politics of Old Firmism.

So it’s YOU that needs to wake up, kid.

3 years ago

Ok. So we forego everything football and get wound up in politics? The board are hell bent on failure and opinion of the team is futile ?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

No, we ACKNOWLEDGE the terrible treachery the board have omitted against Celtic & the support on Sevco’s behalf.

Recognise that FULLY and they wouldn’t last a month.

Admit that they’re the Tory Masonic scum I told you about years ago then Starve Them Out.

Everything lees is just a waste of time and pointless empty bullshit.

This is the time for action, not words.

3 years ago

iff we withdraw our support and money celtic wulny last a month ya fookin dafty unlike yoos zombies we pay our debts if yoor gonny pretend tae be a tim ye need tae pretend tae pay yer debts ya fookin lumpa wid

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Fvck off, charlie, calling you a halfwit would be a compliment.

We starved out the last gang of crooks on the board and you, ya snivelling little clown, don’t even know the difference between Celtic FC and Celtic PLC …

Away back tae yer Winnie The Pooh annuals, son.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

In fact, charlie, your constant support for this Hun scum loving Tory Masonic board makes YOU look like the fvckin zombie roon here, no me.

Cos you’re the fvckin tube that wants to keep feeding the parasite cvnts that have taken the Celtic support for mugs for decades.

And wae you as a fan, dan, it’s nae fvckin wonder.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Now tell us how ‘WE owe Lenny The Ten’, ya gargoyle …

Or forever shut the fvck up.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

‘Maybe’ McGregor?!

Not after that video.

3 years ago


3 years ago


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

We have all stocks, Jean.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Due to a sudden bout of arch imparchment.

3 years ago

It goes like this.

For those who crossed the river Clyde
Oh the huns they did tame.
Humiliating, thrashing and hunskelping to maintain.
The call will come to beat the hun, and cross that river once more.
That tomorrow’s Celtic Bhoys may wear the hoops that Cesar wore.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

It was green, white & gold with a sha-mrock on the fold.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Uralius

It was green, white & G O L D with a shamrock on the fold.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

‘To be honest, you can only argue that they are incompetent for so long before you start wondering if something that looks this much like deliberate sa bo tage can be anything else.

I used to dismiss talk like that as the worst kind of para noia. 

But even I’ve started to wonder just how crazy it really is.’

I told you this 5 years ago, kid.
Now ye know, ya trumpet.

3 years ago

And the rangers board have been cleverly assembled at the realisation that to a man the Celtic board are completely corrupt with Individual solipsism at heart hand picked to fail and it’s all some conspiracy to suit your paranoia and 9 million fans worldwide should all give up. The games a bogey

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Right, enjoyable debate, provided by eTims. Battering my head against a brick wall, you can only do that once, when the pain on your head tells you to S T O P. Nice chatting, shearing continues tomorrow. I hope the pain has got better by then and wish you all bon voyage…

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I don’t hit my head off a brick wall, Mike, that’s just daft.

I inform people of the choices they have then they can either consider them and act on them or pretend to be a brick wall themselves.

Like everyone on here did.

But only until my warnings proved to be true.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

‘Shearing in the sheep
Shearing in the sheep!
We will come rejoicing!
Shearing in the sheep!’

Fvck all else to do I suppose.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

I do no ken about solipsism, but one thing I do is the board are selfish bastards. ‘If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of a Socialist Republic your efforts will have been in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country…’James Connelly, The British look for the alpha, sweeten their palate and buy them off and the traitors they are continue to take the kings shilling while doing the dirty on their own. HH!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  BornCelt!

A Socialist Republic in Ireland …

They don’t even have a Labour Party.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Nice now that Janice knows.

Innit, Janice?

No ..?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

Charlie Green
3 years ago

Jack Hendry gets farmed out and progresses beyond expectations, similar to Christie who went to Aberdeen and came back a much improved player and then regressed under Lennon. There is definitely a message here.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Green

What’s the message when they gave Henry away for under 2 mil?

That they don’t know how to make a player or they don’t know how to make a profit?

What’s the message, C?

Vos the only message I’m getting is that they’re winding the business down and planning for a hasty exit with the massive 2 decades worth of profits.

Cos it’s Sevco’s turn now.

The 5WA demands it.

Watch them flee like rats from the ship they sank because they robbed all the ballast.

Like the dirty rats they are.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

All this is only perception management.

But it’s all gone wrong.

Cos now we see them for what they really are.

Charlie Green
3 years ago

They don’t know how to make a player better and that won’t change if Kennedy is kept on which I think is inevitable.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Charlie Green

100% agreed.

Whats the point of Lennoxtown or youth teams when they’ve only produced 3 quality young players since it opened?

And Kennedy WILL still be there next season, sure as shite.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

I see charlie Small C is back on suckin Charlie CD’s knob.

The thumbs have it 😀

Nae luck, wee man!

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

I didn’t envision it, you did.

Wee Charlie’s been slobbering all over you for months and you’re loving every minute of it.

Two proper charlies.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago


I observed it then I reported it.

I relayed it back to the readers who can now clearly see it for themselves.

So nae luck, Charlie 🙂

Woof Charlie
3 years ago

Bogof on Bacofoil at the coop. 5G proof the good stuff. Bonnie Charlie he’s a wa.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Im all for it, Woof, provided it’s all right but that depends on the lepers at the gate.

Only up tae a point though.

Is your last name Davidson?

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

You see what just happened here, Port?

Wrong toes, mate.


El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Probe The Prod Juice

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Hope There’s Moss Due

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Dope The Re New

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Pray For Fresh Chew

3 years ago

Bringing in the sheep, bringing in the sheep,
We are all rejoicing at bringing in the sheep.
Come here the noo yah little beauties,

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Mike…surely it’s time to put the sheep out to pasture

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Weered

Pasture best ..?

3 years ago

Got my second vaccine jab on Monday there, anyone not getting both jabs is needing to have a word with themselves.
Get the jabs folks.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

You like being part of a genetic experiment, Monti?

You know there have been over 300 deaths in Britain & well over 1,000 deaths in the States according to the official VAERS statistics?

200,000 adverse events ranging from breathing difficulties to permanent disability?

That UK TV presenter Lisa Shaw died after getting the Astra Zeneca jab, that famed Ohio doctor & mocker of V A X skeptics Thomas Flanigan died a few days after making a big show of getting his second jab and taking the piss out of smart folk like myself?

That numerous people have died of the toxin onky for the media to deliberately say it was the Covid that got them, which bests the inevitable question, ‘What use is a vac cine that doesn’t even protect you against the disease you’re taking it for’?

Pfizer tell us on their own website that it’s NOT A VAC CINE like I’ve been telling you and freely admit that it’s all a mass genetic experiment to tamper with (and permanently damage) human mRNA.

They tell us this in their own words freely admitting it’s not what it says on the tin and you, ya halfwit doughnut, are advising everybody to go get it just because you did?

What the fvck is wrong wae you people?

You’re all fvckin media fed indoctrinated halfwits.

You claim to be ‘rebels’ who trust the government on nothing yet DO believe them when they’re tell you to allow a vac cine that’s NOT A VAC CINE into you.

And they only knew they’d get away with this because all you blind muppets believed them when they told you you love on a ball flying through a vacuum going at over 20 million miles an hour.

That you came from monkeys, without one shred of physical evidence anywhere on Earth to prove such a claim.

So you lot aren’t rebels, you’re not even thinking sentient beings.

What you are is sheep, following the sheep who’s leading you down a blind alley and with this vac cine that’s not a vac cine is just about to fvck the @rse aff yez.

Charlie Saiz will love it as he loves to swallow swallow Satan’s Satanic lies.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

You’re promoting a known recorded deadly poison here, Monti boy, and if you really do believe in God you will know that He is watching all this and judging who’s who.

Maybe if He’s a beneficent God He’ll take pity on the dafties like yourslef but I’m pretty sure He was quite explicit in His Commandment that Thou Shalt Not Kill.

But then He was pretty explicit in how He made the Earth in Genesis too and even our own so called ‘Creationist’ on here doesn’t believe that Earth was created, which makes his claim look beyond all stupid indeed.

For whoever heard of a Creationist that doesn’t believe in Creation but believes the devil’s lies instead?

You cvnts are as dumb as a box a rocks with the sides cut out.

Nae wonder the devil’s minions are daring all they can tae get rid of ye and call ye ‘useless eaters’ …

You believe anything they tell ye and that level of dumb lowdown imbecility really does deserve all it gets.

And yez cant say I didn’t warn ye.

But I‘ve had enough of that now.

God gave those He blessed the eyes to see and as for the rest of ye, well, I reckon He just couldn’t be bothered.

And with you lot as an audience, nae fvckin wonder.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Thomas Flanigan correction:

Dead 11 weeks after his second shot.

Read all about it here

https :// thomas-flanigan-ohio-doctor-writes-his-own-obituary-after-moderna-shots-dead-11-weeks-later/

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

Good for you, Duncan.

Tell all your friends & family the outrageous truth behind the horrific lies of what’s really going on here and what this toxin is really designed to do.

3 years ago

Ange postecoglu announced. All the best.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Cheers, Lance.

Now go clean your trousers.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

if planes flew upside down the food & drinks would be everywhere and trips to Australia, New Zealand etc would be a terrifying experience for everyone as they approached the equator and the plane started a gradual inexorable flip before landing, iodised down, on land that’s upside down, flying over water that’s upside down with million ton cargo vessels stuck to it upside down …

If you clowns believe this self evident shite it’s no surprise those running the show want rid of ye.

For it’s not only a genetic experiment…

It’s an IQ test.

You’ll learn all this as the long term effects of the toxin kick in.

And you’ll wish you’d paid more heed to all the warnings on’ Gringo took time out his day to send you.

Just as you’re reflecting now on my proven correct assertions on the true state of the club from over 5 year ago.

For this of you fool enough, you now have a wholly untested toxic potion in your system that even as you sit here is busy permanently altering your mRNA, a process which, unlike DNA tampering, CANNOT BE REVERSED.

So despite what mad Monti advises, DO NOT TAKE THE SHOT under any circumstances, as these people have spent millennia wiping out the fighting men and women of humanity under the guise of their staged fake wars as they want this entire realm for themselves and have no qualms whatsoever about killing billions of us to get it.

And all you clowns can think about is a fvckin daft fitba team.

See yez.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

‘People essentially take these shots because someone told them to. 

Whether it’s an employer mandate or listening to Fauci, Russian roulette is now stylish and trendy.’

That’s clowns like you they’re referring to, Monti.

Playing Russian Roulette with your own life is one thing but telling others to do the same with theirs is another thing entirely and wholly outrageous as a sin in the eyes of God.

Even Ian & Charlie Saiz know better than to take this toxin, though they’ve kept their reasons private, which is fair enough, but I’ll tell you my prime reason for refusing to take their unknown toxic poison:

They want us all dead and the easiest way to do that is to scare the living shite out us then force into their genetic experiment.

Bill G A T E S OF HELL openly spoke about the ‘difficult logistics’ of getting a vac cine (that’s not a vac cine at all) into 7 billion people worldwide by 2025 in a TED Talk years ago.

He told us to our faces that he wants to make many more billions by injecting the entire human population with an unknown substance that his labs created ….

And now daft cvnts like you are letting him do it.

A fvckin ant on yer carpet has more sense of self preservation than that.

El Gringo Machino
3 years ago

It’s all about being daft enough and gullible enough to believe the media nd government, to think they’d never lie to us.

But they lie to us all the time about everything as I’ve proven to you lot hundreds of times over on here yet still you treat them.

Aye, you might not trust them in the jabs, Dunky, but you DO trust them on every other lie they tell ye and I’m curious as to why that is …

Why do you not believe them on the shots but DO believe them on the shape of the ground you walk in when you already know they’re lying about something as serious as all this shite around Covid?

What sort of mental trick do you perform on yourself to continually hoodwink yourself like this?

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