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Celtic Diary Tuesday June 1: At Least The Sun’s Out

Despite an awful lot of ,er, theories, regarding who-or even what-will be the next Celtic manager, there have, as far as I can ascertain, been no announcements to the stock exchange this morning.


And our man at a Japanese airport monitoring comings and goings says he hasn’t noticed anyone in particular getting on a flight to Glasgow. Then again, he did fall asleep after an hour or so.


That means more speculation will no doubt fill social and mainstream media throughout the day.



Anyone else get the feeling now that it doesn’t matter who gets the job as long as someone does ?


Or is it true that Celtic have linked up with one of thoise video games manufacturers to launch Celtic Manager 2021, free to season book holders , which allows fans to become virtual managers, taking on the role vacated by Neil Lennon and assuming total control of the playing side of the club ?


Anyone who proves particularly useless will be offered a three year deal in the hotseat.



It’s starting to look as though we did dodge a bullet with Eddie Howe, who told Keith Jackson he was a little worried about coming into an environment as hostile as Glasgow, instead it looks like he’ll end up in the crime free zone of Liverpool, with Everton apparently his destination.


Who’d have thought it ?


The job of Celtic manager is now not as attractive as it maybe was years ago.


The money isn’t as good as was available elsewhere, which also makes recruiting players difficult, and the weather is truly awful.


The pressure doesn;t correlate with the rewards for someone who isn’t Celtic minded to start with, and so someone who needs to prove something to himself and others is probably the best we can hope for.



Although one pish stained drunk did say that Roy Keane was about to be appointed, days before it was mentioned in the media, which would mean that Ange is merely a distraction to make us all a little less angry when the fiery Irishman strolls into town.


There’s already pages and pages of the why’s and the whatnots surrounding the appointment of the Australian coach, so I won’t bother with any more of that, suffice to say that if he’s willing to move halfway across the world then he certainly won’t arrive here with a half arsed attitude to the job, and thats probably better than someone with half an eye on his next one….



However, there’s no pleasing some people, as you will see when you listen to the latest podcast …….that’s if you didn’t hear Hectors tones across the night sky as we were recording…..




However, the arguments put forward in the podcast were all thought provoking, and could all be described as right, not something you often get in a debate, so to balance that out, here’s that idiot charlie nicholas….writing in the Daily Express, presumably in the hope no one will read it…



The impending appointment of Ange Postecoglou is hardly a statement of intent from Celtic.

“There’s nothing wrong with having a plan B – but this is not plan B. This is desperation.

“I will give Postecoglou a chance because I’m a supporter but is the former Australia boss really the height of the club’s ambitions?

“It has nothing to do with his lack of knowledge of the Scottish game or me looking down on football in the southern hemisphere.

“If this is the man Celtic are bringing in then their fans simply have to accept it. 


Note the change from ” I’m a supporter ” to  “their fans

“This is where the club is at.

“It is mind-blowing how far behind the eight ball Celtic seem to be. 

It’s mind blowing how far away from poignant phraseology nicholas seems to be, although to be fair to blow his mind would not require an enormous amount of explosive material.

“I have said in this column on more than one occasion that they should have approached Xavi or Xabi Alonso. They would have been better, more productive candidates than Eddie Howe. 


I think he means Ange…..




And surprisingly, this guy means Ange as well….


“Their coach is outstanding,” 

“I’ve had a couple of chats with him, and to see his team play, he’s very similar to myself and he believes the game should be played in a certain way.

“You can see the team is very well coached, so we knew it was going to be a tough game for us.” 


Brendan Rodgers in 2013…. on Ange .



So you see, it’s unlikely that the Australian is a panic move, or “desperation “.


I’ve a feeling we’ve known all about him for a while.



Then again, maybe we should have just asked another website to sort it all out ….


Paul John Dykes
I have been in direct contact with the representatives of Mark Hughes & Mark Bowen this morning. They are both interested in talking to Celtic about the vacant managerial position.



Let’s have a caption competition to take our minds off all this nonsense…..










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Salad queen
3 years ago

Hey sonny we drive on the right here!

Retired Internet Bampot
3 years ago

Pilot : ” No Stadium , here mate , are we in the right city ?”
Ange: “What do you mean? They told me the stadium was at the end of Celtic Way and I followed this Irish Celtic parade thinking they were all going to the same place!!”

3 years ago

Celtic Manager Jets in.

3 years ago

Peter Lawwell Parkhead Airport opens for no business

3 years ago

Rudolf Hess lands with his CV for Celtic manager’s job.

Fra Stone
3 years ago

Caption, ‘the Pidgeon went thataway’

As for the manager / head coach situation, the board have truly fked things up. I, for the life of me, can’t understand why we waited and waited on Howe. Surely, we, and I mean our board, should have been in contact with the backroom team he wanted to bring with him to suss out their intentions instead of waiting on the season ending in england? They would have known then if they had any reservations about working with us, and they, the board, could have ended the charade then and there.

As for Ange, I know nothing about him, but have been reading lots about him, from both sides of the argument and still no nothing, but I remember a certain Frenchman who joined an floundering english team from the Japanese league and not only turned around their fortunes, and it can also be argued changed the whole direction of english football, in the top tier at least.

So if its Ange, he will have my support, if its anyone else, yes they will have my support also, even if its Keane, but as for the board, off with their F**KING heads!

3 years ago
Reply to  Fra Stone

That certain Frenchman had done well enough at Monaco and was loved by great football folk such as Glenn Hoddle..

Fra Stone
3 years ago
Reply to  desi

I hear ya a chara, but the english media ran with Arsene who? I would never trust the media for a second on anything, maybe that’s the Irish and Celt in me. I also agree that our board have dithered on this appointment, and have lost any trust that was left in them after the Rodgers debacle, could go back further but I don’t want to get overly angry, I’m in work, and shouldn’t really be on here 😉

3 years ago

The pilot said his name is Eddie and that he’s lost his crew

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

Ho clown shoe I dont mind a bit a banter but trust me you never say thst to my face it wouodnt be in your best interests the phrase ” throw you about like an empty tracksuit ” comes to mind tho in your case its empty vessel! You do talk in riddles read back and 3 two post up basicslly tge same anyway nothing against the guy chaps buy I am s real man I alway noticed through life was the guys the mentioned them or disliked them were in deep denial so no worries it’s ok come out your closet clown boy oh and you ever want to settle without resorting to ” feminine ” girly talk let me known oh and my woman was stunning as I have been something I very sure you never need to worry about ,cant tell by your talk your sn inadequate type but God love you son and all that. Now beat it it!

Paul Mc
3 years ago

The worry today is if Harkin is now even coming. We should really have had the DoF in place before the manager and we thought that might happen with his recommendation for Postecoglou. It would really look bad if we don’t appoint him. We’re not sure now who is really pulling the strings. So if it’s McKay going forward, what criteria is he looking for to appoint a DoF? I wasn’t bothered about Howe as long as we had a DoF in place; this is a bigger worry. It might just all be heresay though, smoke and mirrors. We’ll know end of this week how serious the club are about getting their ducks in place

3 years ago

Hey Boaby, this Charles Lindbergh geezer wants us tae watch his “motor”. Ur we still charging 2 quid fur this?

3 years ago

Could any other club have got this so seriously screwed up. At least it isn’t boring. More soul destroying. I was thinking a one year blip, new manager, invest in the team, get the title back and we move on.

Now? I think we are going to approach the CL qualifiers without even, by our standards, a lack of preparation never seen before. What time is there to bed in new players? Work on a formation, even learn to defend cross balls.

I didn’t want Keane for the job, would have took Howe, but given his latest utterings it looks like we dodged a bullet. Why did we allow Howe to string us along for so long? You get offered the Celtic job once, either you take it or thanks and we move on.

I’d take Keane now, I just think he’d put a bit of backbone and stability into the place. Make sure that the board don’t take liberties with the playing side and stand up to the press. Wouldn’t be perfect but we can’t take the huge gamble that Ange represents. He might be a great coach but can we afford to find out he’s not?

What a mess, only we could have gotten here so quickly after a quadruple treble.

3 years ago

Caption :here’s the new Celtic plane let’s see how quick we can crash it

3 years ago

Watch your plane mister ?

Bob Smith
3 years ago

Caption: “this is not quite the new wingman I was looking for Peter….”

3 years ago

Caption …
He says his name is James Crawford Angel ,but he’s lost his wings …

Charlie Green
3 years ago

It is a rough neighbourhood but nicking your wings while your still flying is a first, even for here.

3 years ago

Peter Lawwell is due to leave Celtic on the 30th. of June. Appointed by Terry Cassidy from 1990 – 91. He returned to the club in 2003 – till now 2021. Howe will he be remembered? his legacy, I don’t think that there was much grumbling until 2008. Trying hard to be fair, he did increase revenue and had the reputation as a ‘hard’ negotiator and you would think that, that would be in Celtic’s best interest. Since then his popularity with the Celtic support has plummeted. The space on the blog doesn’t give me the opportunity to list all of the minus’s……..
Heated Driveway’s – Large Pension Pot – Huge salary – Huge bonus’s – Shares for Free – Free Private Health Treatment and who know’s what else?
There has never been such a disconnect between the Celtic support and the board, we hear a lot about ‘Faith’, but ‘Faith’ in the board is currently running at 85% against, to 15% for, according to the latest “We’ve never had it so good”, popularity poll. The Resolutioner’s would offer some fact’s and truth’s about their dealing’s with the Celtic board including being ‘strung-along’, Mr. Moderator refuses to allow me any other of their utterances. The Celtic Trust called them disrespectful and uncooperative. Res’12 and the 5Way Agreement proves their complicity. A legacy like that is not one that you would like to have on your conscience. The footballing side I will leave for another day…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

A Celtic State Of Mind. Currently getting re-charged, battery running low ready fo………..

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s a little known fact, that the Huns come from Milking Cattle. Their herd has been in existence since 1690, a lotta in-breeding has caused big deformities, like some being uglier than udders. It’s a fact that they have been milked that often that their udders are empty and blistered from over milking. They have only had three since they were calves, often inseminated by Parks to help keep the breed going. When they are bedded doon for the night, they just use their shares for bedding, they might as well because they are worth SFA. Teat’s worn out, udders empty, howe does the herd recover? They are worth 0-0, but still they cling – on too Fuch Hall, a home that suits them… don’t cha think?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

a concur wae oor mikies analogy even though hees a crackpot heh heh

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

Oh you are offal, but I like you!

Owen Mullions
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Udder bullocks! It’s no’ us Gers fans the Polis huv tae cattle like youse lot. We might huv mad coo disease but at least we get an escort aff the Ludge…Ah mean the Polis when we stampede.

3 years ago

Having no doubt seen the disgusting scenes at George Square on Sky news (UK wide publicity) coupled with the disgraceful attack on Lawwells property, I suspect the prospect of moving your young family from the sunny south coast up to rainy Glasgow became much less attractive. Perhaps Eddie was getting cold feet anyway and this was a convenient excuse to pull out, and/or his wingmen didn’t fancy it…………….

I think the problem for most of us is the time that has been eaten up here. We are simply not in a position to waste time and the pursuit of Howe has been a shambles. However, Celtic have form for this type of carry on. Think back, prior to Lennons infamous showers job offer…………………..We had been linked with people like Benitez for weeks and weeks. EVERYONE knew the job would go to Lennon, Lawwell just waited until the right moment. They said “We received CV’s from fantastic candidates but eventually realised the man was already here, Neil Lennon” what a load of nonsense.

I suspect if it wasn’t for the possibility of no season book sales/rioting outside the main stand, John Kennedy would already have been appointed permanent manager.

We have no ambition.

3 years ago

Lawwell; it was a Audi SUV I had ordered….. but it’s ok We’re comfortable with the situation and as soon as we get our pilots license we’ll get it moved!

Honest Hoops
3 years ago

Caption; New film shoot brought to Glasgow with a sound track aimed at the board ” Fly me to the Moon”

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
3 years ago

Caption: mate, someone’s stole yir wings

3 years ago

Clown to the left of me, joker to my right
Stuka in the middle with you

I’ll get me coat.

3 years ago

Dave King ‘jets in’ for latest share issue at Sevco.

3 years ago

“There’s a wee fokker in the street”

3 years ago

The Celtic CEO has greater ideas than flying a kite.

Do not get this we are Celtic through and through mentality from some. Having supported Celtic since the fifties, I have never known the club run so badly, DD and his merry men are a joke. Yes we won the Quadruple, but look at the opposition, in Europe bar the odd hiccup, Lazio, Barca, Man City we are at the level of a joke. Celtic live on past glories and since the arrival of the current suits we have had a revolving door of projects, Boerigter, remember him?
The Kelly’s and the Whites were not the best, but they achieved more with their biscuit tin than this mob. We appear to have no youth policy, no forward planning, a fantasy of a stadium with disco lights and a board that demean the supporters. They also appear to need the Wankers truly the club has sunk to a new lie. Meanwhile across the city they have reached ‘ a pivotal moment’ requiring urgent funding, maybe the board will weigh them out!

Salad queen
3 years ago

John Fleck has tested positive in Spain with the Scotland squad, so that means everybody to isolate for the next 10 days. That’s the rules I believe.
Total new squad for first match, get yer boots ready Leigh!

3 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen

luv it cmon the griff

Salad queen
3 years ago

Sevco need more cash, must be another big bill due!
Roll up gullybillies hands in yer pockets not yer shields.

3 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen

Yes, Sevco issue another share offer today, looking to raise 6.75m. All the usual promo, 55, 150th anniversary, misty eyed views of Bill Struths portrait. The only accurate bit is it says ‘capital at risk’

3 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen

wish those OBs would stop spending the money on managers and players and spend it on hotels and bonuses instead

3 years ago

Just looked at Howe’s wiki page and his stats they are impressive. I looked at anges they are impressive too. Most of Howes good stats come from successes in the lower reaches but taking a club from league 2 to the premiership is Bobby robsonesque I can understand he is high demand. What puts postecoglu in front of him is matching his wits at the World Cup with the best of the best and nearly pulling off remarkable results with a bunch of journeymen Howe did playing against peers. Both good managers and respect to both of them. Ange has intent to come here. Howe doesn’t want to leave his comfort zone. I’d say he had designs on doing a Rodgers with a top club in England as his true destination. Postecoglu wants to conquer the world almost insanely. He’s a winner. They are both winners in their own right

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

just looked at out squad and its f_uvckin sh!te

3 years ago

rang again hen

3 years ago

Caption: eTims ‘mailoplane’ gets stuck in even MORE congestion.

3 years ago

Did my fish supper this evening contain acid or is the official Celtic store selling blue white and orange ‘Glasgow’ jerseys for £55?

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

I think the typical Scottish negativity and low self esteem is tantamount to not having a jock Stein to slap you around is holding you back from your warranted success. Stein was a forward thinker way beyond his years. Why can’t we embrace success? What is it with Scotland a forebearer of the game ?

3 years ago

Plane is ready for Alfredo Morelos to isolate in Motherwell.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

port see yoos crocadile eating tims wit dae yees think ae posteoglou

3 years ago
Reply to  charlie

If you come from the Eastern States of Australia, you are a protected species.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

P.S. charlie.
And he`s a Carlton footy supporter.

3 years ago

Tickets Please:
How long will it take for the SFA to inform Ange (or whoever), where it is he is to sit on the bus?

The Cha
3 years ago

6 months ago the board decided to dispense with Lennon and approached Howe who said “not now luv but try me again in a few months”.

Whether they approached anyone else is moot but they certainly didn’t approach the Socceroo Sensei, as he’s gagging for it and would have signed up immediately.

This has all the hallmarks of Deila, who was due to be appointed as Lennon’s assistant but was made up when the latter left, as that’s the cheap and lazy way that Lawwell rolls.

The 55 year old European football novice may come good but we’ll get nowhere pretending he’s anything other than a panic move.

All our eggs were in the one basket, which have now all smashed and been rubbed in our faces.

3 years ago

Having lived in Sydney for years I can tell you now forget the positive spin! Its what they do about everything ! Regards their country see it the living so far away and the craving of relevance! I could tell a million stories about and I lived in the western Subhurbs with my Aussie/Spanish girlfriend same as ” ange” in that they describe themselves as ” wogs” sounds mad but there even a movie called ” wog boy”( it’s a latin thing there) in fact lead actor in that resembles ange strangely but anyway this is a big mistake and makes even jack ross look appealing , and forget he be committed his thought process will be trying to use us to their promised land which is ” epl” I know I know but thats what they call it! Total english sycophants just tune into ” sbs ” world game”which they call ” soccer”cringe worthy! This to try and rattle ” aussie aussies” cause they all rugby league in sydney and afl in Melbourne! Football or ” soccer” to them is their European heritage ie Spanish Greeks, Italians they look down on our club to they know we are massive but ” mhhhate epl mhhhate” their ignorance is astounding and this will be a disaster! But real point here is we need real change! Forget get managers we need a coup! With all blogs, fan sites mobilising with the trust and pushing this hopefully oust the ” dictator ” from afar which is desmond! Lawell has always only been an employee granted a massively overpaid one! Sadly the blog you had a dig at acsom and others are doing little to help change since board granted them some access so they been bought to pretty pathetic how sanited that show has become with ” soup takers” like haggerty amongst other new presenters stop watching it and hope other follow,! But anyway lets all join the trust and over throw this shambles a board full of Tories to boot! No shame ,no connection to us nothing bankier be 1st out the door! Let’s do this Monti!

3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

They wear Wog Boy as their badge of honor. A Method.

3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

Agree with all of that except Ange agrees with you as well that’s why he’s off ski it is a backwater. Most talented people leave. It’s fucking Disney land but at least they produce sportsmen who want to win. Don’t talk to me about Scottish subservience to the English “effete wankers” to quote Irvine welsh.
Postecoglu is a good choice aussies aren’t all tarred with the same brush. Acsom is full of over caring fuckwits who have never kicked a ball. Tasty birds on there though

3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

Agree with a lot of that, but it’s you that’s clamouring for second rate managers from engerland. Too xenophobic to think outside the box. Aussies are in general fuckwits but they are positive fuckwits starved of culture but they have self belief. Think being ruled by “ effete wankers” to quote Renton and being fucking subservient to slimes English cunts. I know who I’d rather be

3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

Stesano were you a poofter over there?

3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

It’s called football now. And aussies are painful, tell me about it. They do produce good sports people with a win mentality. Pretty much told you’re a failure from the get go in Scotland and you know all the characters in coronation street. Servile to the butchers apron. Ask corporal clot on here

3 years ago

All I know about Ange Postecoglou is that in 2014 his Bio had him at 6 foot tall.
Today his Bio has him at 5 foot 7. Go figure!

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

His wife washed him in boiling water? (she might be a ‘bunny boiler’).

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

The coach who shrinks to fit. PL dreamboat. HH!

3 years ago

Day 98 since the sacking of the previous ‘manager’. 2 weeks til preseason training begins. Dysfunctional FC, what the fvck is going on?

3 years ago

If it is ‘Ange’ coming in then he will have to self-isolate for two weeks. So it’s a stick on that Kennedy and Strachan will carry on. I think that it’s got to the point that most supporters have just given up. It’s shambolic, you can taste the panic. I’m waiting for them to announce that Lawwell will be staying on in an advisory roll. ‘World Class In Everything We do’? It’s pathetic…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Peter Lawwell Celtic’s Cyborg King, spreading false information, putting out the fires of the truth to re-write history. Ange is the greatest, Ange who? who is Fergal Harkin? we did meet him and were set to appoint him, but we got rumbled, it wisnae me. “Don’t Panic”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I think the time has come to take out the trash. If they appoint the Postman and Lawwell continues to be anywhere near Celtic Park in any capacity, those season ticket numbers we were talking about the other day will be a flight of fancy. It is absolutely outrageous that this is where we are at this time. They seem to be paralysed. Is there horrendous financial problems yet to be announced? These arseholes are murdering the club and every last one on that board of dysfunctional arrogant bastards need to be chased.

3 years ago

I heartily agree. Does his time of leaving not coincide with the end date of season ticket sales? Knowing the dirty trick’s brigade they would not announce his degree of staying on until after the season tickets date has passed. I thought that they couldn’t sink any lower than the re-appointment of Lennon, but this time they have surpassed even that. It’s now panic stations, absolutely nothing will suprise me. It all hinges on season ticket sales numbers, they know they have to deliver something or they are Donald Ducked. We have tens of millions pounds of talented players, who are much in demand, so, money should not be the problem, but,again if the season ticket sales are around 25k. then they will have to re-think everything.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Ironic isn’t it that the new CEO Dominic McKay who was due to start on 30th. June, has been in situ for the last 3/4 weeks, while THE most important position, the Celtic Manager has not been filled since the 24th. Feb. Staggering in its stupidity.

3 years ago

With the idea of a 3rd rangers, shall the members of the club vote to allow the next company the use of the brand name Rangers?

sevco shareholders FC.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

paid-up members*

3 years ago

As PL continues to decide to steer the good-ship Celtic into the rocks as he insists on his own design, we blunder into next season rudderless and threatening to sink before we have left port. Cannot totally blame Howe, narcistic board, homes burnt to the ground, lack of investment, just look at the quality we will be facing in the Champs qualifiers, another wasted 40 million plus, which would be more than enough to ensure a real quality squad is bought to add to some promise. No a chance as we stand. Broony not replaced, young Dembele and Carroll cast adrift, no captain, thousands of tickets sold? Is it 2 or 3 thousand Peter? Save your money till 2002-03 Bhoys, maybe that will get the message across, we have some sort of direction and a squad to be proud of. Do not blame the players or coaches one bit. No, not good enough. But PL signed them. HH!

3 years ago

Harkin says ‘No’

Woof Charlie
3 years ago

Caption: Feck this let’s go down there and shoot a black guy.

Rab Wallace
3 years ago

Lets just disband and go watch the Olympics, it’s utter pish.

3 years ago

I sincerely hope AP is not our next manager, he is not what we need.

We desperately need about 10 quality players, we have preseason training starting in a couple of weeks followed by our CL qualifying game. How is AP going to achieve this when he’s not even in the country? And who is he going to attract? Is PL going to make these signings?

We are an absolute shambles.

And please stop quoting a statement made by BR from 2013 FFS. How many great coaches were there 8 years ago and are shite now.

Get an experienced, quality coach in now and stop fucking around.

3 years ago

Any manager will have a real challenge on their hands.
The squad is the worst it has been for a very long time.
No warriors left. Easy beats who chuck it at the loss of a goal.
It needs a very strong and independent manager to turn things around.
Keane woukd have been my choice as soon as Lennon got booted out.
He had a chance to gain some pride instead we lost even more ground. Europe won’t happen and the words of Dave King are quickly coming home to roost.
The top tier will be closed again and Lawells legacy will be of failure to replace quality players with duds.
Lawwell didn’t fall asleep at the wheel he knew what he was doing.
In a remarkable space of 2 years he turned invincibles into nobodies.
It’s over and the laughter that filled the air will now come our way. As the huns go from strength to strength.
Wonder why only 1 player was left behind in the Scotland squad surely he must have been in close contact with others or is it just Celtic players that covid laws apply

3 years ago

Lance 67 what you talking about? You sounding like a clown and trust me you wouldnt be calling or mentioning ” poofter” Even in jest trust me and your second post is in riddles! Talk english you fool!

3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

I think you’re projecting your own illiteracy ^^. “ you sounding like a clown” I’d wager you’re a bit of a poofter and this Spanish girlfriend was probably a lady boy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

if hes not sticking it up your @rse, why do you give a f_uvck.

3 years ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie


3 years ago
Reply to  Stesano

Ok the homophobic jibe was out of line apologies to all offended. Strike me off. Admins remove the posts please.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago

Check in next week Jimboh. It will probably have turned up by then!!!

Andrew Coyle
3 years ago

Old mr Desmond gets himself lost again on the way to japan as everything seems to be all greek to him

Woof Charlie
3 years ago

Caption: Feck this let’s go down there and shoot a poof.

Woof Charlie
3 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

For the avoidance of doubt this was intended as irony.

3 years ago

It could take several weeks for an UEFA Pro Licence or it could just take a phone call or an email.
Surely the SPFL and SFA will allow UEFA to issue a conditional Licence?

3 years ago

It used to be such a joy supporting the ‘Tic, looking forward to the start of the new season, eagerly waiting on news of any new players, or the successful or not player’s departing,but especially the new manager and his team. Remembering the eager crowds of Celtic supporters welcoming Martin or Brendan Rodgers. Now all the joy has been removed,any warm anticipation has been binned. For months we looked forward to Eddie Howe coming in, starting his new Celtic story, fed titbits of news, only to be disappointed yet again. Who want’s to be constantly whinging? not me. ‘Ange’s delay merely adds to the frustration, knowing that training begins in two weeks, CL Qualifiers starts in 7-8 weeks and current players are left in limbo about transfers out and in. The who and when still to be decided, promises of big changes still unfulfilled, the Celtic support alway’s the last to be informed.
All the joy has been sucked out of the new season even before it has started, it’s back to Celtic history, that’s where the joy is to be found…..

3 years ago

right book that” geyser” over there for leaving his truck door opened and unattened

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