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Celtic Diary Tuesday March 9: An Open Letter to Dominic McKay



It was with great optimism that I looked back on your statement , reproduced here, and look forward to a wind of change blowing through the stands at Celtic Park.


“It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I look forward to beginning my new role as chief executive officer of Celtic. Celtic is one of the most recognisable football brands globally, with fans and a sporting ethos known and respected throughout the world.

“I look forward to working with Peter and the board to ensure a seamless transition. In Peter, I can think of no better example to follow.

“Of course I understand that Celtic is more than just about financial results off the pitch and football results on the pitch. Developing and nurturing the Celtic ethos with our supporters and stakeholders is a key component of my role going forward. I’m looking forward to supporting and building upon the great work carried out by Celtic FC Foundation to ensure that this remains at the heart of the Celtic way.

“Having spoken with Dermot Desmond, I know I will have a shareholder who cares deeply about the club and who will take the time to provide advice and the benefit of his experience to help me in my new role. It is going to be an exciting journey.”

“I relish the opportunity to start working with my new team, the footballing and playing staff and, most importantly, the supporters.”  


There is a tremendous responsibility associated with the position, and if I may offer you a good natured warning, it’s that your life will never quite be the same again.


But hopefully, that’s in a good way.


Positions like the CEO at Celtic don’t come up very often, and when they do, it’s not going to be because things were going well. You may have noticed, in fact, that things are at a pretty low ebb.

In short, you’ve got this job because the previous incumbent has made a bit of a pigs breakfast of things, and as a result, it’s going to take a lot of running just to stand still.


Hopefully, this letter will give you something to think about. And if you do think about it, thats already a bonus, as it shows you are prepared to listen to all sides, as some would argue that your predecessor hadn’t quite worked out that having two ears and one mouth leads to them being far more effective when used in proportion.


An unusual season, for a number of reasons, has led to the unusual situation where supporters feel distanced from the club. Indeed,  distanced by the proverbial country mile, and it’s not going to be easy to get everyone back onside.


You will have your own ideas on how to do that, and no doubt you will have listened to those with inside knowledge of how things work in order to help you hit the ground running.


Hopefully, you will also , from this., be on the point of spotting why change is needed, not just in personnel, but in direction, in ambition and , maybe not as important in some minds, but in the image and ethos of the club.


The latter may not seem to be as important as the formers, but standing here on the outside looking in, I can assure you it is.


When the  wind of change sweeps through, it must carry away elements that if allowed to remain, would render any new vision blind.


Whilst it’s important to work…. with Peter and the board to ensure a seamless transition, it’s perhaps best that you ask him where the best place to park is, where the toilets are and to identify the best sandwich bar to pop out to if you fancy a butty.


The first thing you need to do is to decide to be entirely your own man.


In Peter, I can think of no better example to follow. 


That’s one way of looking at it. Not the right way, but it’s one way.



Trust between any customer and any supplier of any product is essential. The supplier needs to know he’s getting his money, and the customer needs to know the product is worth it.


That essential base has been worn away over the last few years, as supporters began to feel that their own ambitions, built over a lifetime of emotional and financial investment was not being met with an equal amount of emotional and financial investment from the club.


More importantly, we felt that perhaps we were being told that matters of business were not for the likes of us, and we should leave that to those who know best.


Quite an attitude from some considering the amount of supporters who have their own businesses in an assortment of markets.


An attitude that cannot be traced to it’s exact origin, but one comment from a former manager about fans drinking superstrength lager whilst criticising his decisions still resonates today.


As for the board members, their own political ideals are their own business, but for a club with charitable origins, and a hard working charity foundation, it could be argued that those who would choose to have ideals that have been at odds with assistance to those most vulnerable in society, should perhaps be asked to think very carefully if they are involved with the right club.


Supporters notice these things, and when , for instance, they are accused of being racist for criticising a board members political activity, as happened a few years ago, the level of distance between the two becomes greater.


In fact, you may have noticed that the board is facing criticism on a level not seen since the days of the old Kelly/White dynasty, and that didn’t end well for them.



Thats why what you do next is crucial to the image of the club going forward.


Not with the media, not with the stock market, but with us.


The supporters.


We have seen our club stay silent on a number of matters that may not seem important when looking out of the windows in the office suites of Celtic Park, but for those of us who look in, they are paramount.


We thought, for instance, that when Rangers finally faced the consequences of years of using a unique method of remuneration and tax calculations, that our club would demand a full public inquiry into what went on.


Supporters and shareholders want to know who knew what, who decided what and who covered their tracks.


We felt cheated, in that for years we have paid into a game where the result was decided in advance, and it was no longer a sport, but a cosy arrangement between two entities that thrived on the back of the hatred whipped up by a complaint media, who also relied heavily on income from there own condemnation of the fury they had encouraged.


I could go on for hours about how there are many perceived instances of injustice or corruption that some felt was being used to sell tickets to this show, and no doubt elsewhere I probably will, but whats done is done.


We can’t change those events, and even the most severe of sanctions won’t fully remove the sour taste they have left.



But we can move forward, and ensure that never again is Celtic to be associated with those who have perhaps a lesser moral compass than ourselves.


We could start as we mean to go on…



Celtic FC would like to congratulate Rangers on their first Scottish Premiership title.  



Thats it. a simple statement that would show that we are no longer prepared to encourage this fantasy that somehow the Ibrox entity survived their collapse into liquidation.


And from your point of view, it would show that you have listened to, understood, and acted on our concerns that the crimes of the original Rangers may have gone unpunished, but not unrecognised.


To do anything else merely ensures that the current slide of Scottish football, and indeed our own club, will continue.


If your ambition is linked to any other club surviving or prospering, and if any business plan is to be developed using any other club , including sponsorship , investment or even  a term that recognises any link, perceived or real, then you will already have failed.



It is only the physical assets of the business that need to remain in Scotland, the image is global, and it does not need to be associated with anything or anyone else.


The board have made mistakes in the past, perhaps the most significant being its reluctance to challenge the integrity of the authorities, both in sport and in government.


The support needs to know that the new vision for Celtic has enough ambition, enough integrity and enough courage to be worthy of the name.



And that’s down to you.


As you said…


I relish the opportunity to start working with my new team, the footballing and playing staff and, most importantly, the supporters.”  











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3 years ago

Why don’t you send this very reasonable ‘open letter’ to him and see if he responds. That would be the first test of his character.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Joseph

Maybe he’s a goat, so has a justifiable fear.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha


3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

The only thing that’s twisted is your mindset son.
You badly need a hefty shoeing

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

I think you fear me…..

3 years ago
Reply to  Joseph

What on earth is the point of you ya fkn twat?
Go away & don’t come back!

Salad queen
3 years ago

Excellent., but I think congratulating their first win would be great but highly unlikely.
It cou,d be the marker, here’s hooping.

Salad queen
3 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen

Aye as opposed to 55 ya melt.

Salad queen
3 years ago
Reply to  Salad queen

There has been a few bellends on this site over the years but ma loon you are top of the steeple.

3 years ago

We lost the chance to put this first or 55 to bed when Peter signed up to the 5 way agreement. Simple as.
Its too late now for repercussion. That genie has escaped from the bottle.
So let’s make sure its their last title for some time. That should be the focus now.
We have a team who some are gutless,who do not want to put their bodies on the line to bring success to this club.
We let go guys like Lustig Hayes Sinclair for under achievers.
Jamesy coming on trying to win a game after been injured so long in front of Ajeti or Griff says it all.
We need to get the recruitment back in place and get quality in.
The last 9 years have gone and we have detiorated in quality,as the accountant balanced the books instead of making us uncatchable.
A 30 point swing in league fortunes shows the demise of quality in our team. This team won’t win anything they don’t have it in them.
A huge clear out required.
The huns will beat Prague by the way as Leicester didn’t have a full team out.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Yep! Also agreed on every point. Will add one, if the right quality had been signed, before the Euro Qualifiers, some extra 200 to 300 millions would have been banked. Lawwell’s short-sightedness cost us on all fronts and should never be forgotten as he slips off into a golden retirement. HH!

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Agree on the moving forward than trying to fight battles that have been lost long ago.

Lustig was done and probably stayed too long anyway and lasted barely half a season in Belgium.

Hayes was/is a journeyman’s journeyman and has never been at a level that we should want our players to be at.

Sinclair was a real baffler, he contributed about 100 goals and assists in his 3 years and although he was declining, we didn’t have any better option apart from Eddy.

Forrest came on to work on his fitness and hopefully we’ll see the benefit of that in the next few weeks and certainly by Euro qualifiers.

Ajeti has done next to nothing and Griffiths doesn’t want to get fit, so I’m happy with prioritising Jamsie’s return.

The 30 point difference is horrendous but its probably worse than that, as that’s only for about ⅘ of each season.

We would have undoubtedly stretched our lead last season and the way we’re playing you wouldn’t bet against the Huns doing it this one.

40 points based on full seasons? Gulp.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Disagree on Hayes he had dig and we have zero dig in this squad. We can play pretty football in Europe but in Scotland we need battlers.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Puggy

The trouble is we are never going to have players good enough for Scotland and others good enough for Europe.

So, if you employ a Hayes, you ain’t getting a Europe quality addition as well.

He would probably be one of our better performers if he stuck around but my point is that’s in a shockingly poor season and we should be looking much higher than that.

Domestically which players have we recruited that have been successes, Christie (no, seriously) Armstrong and hopefully now Turnbull.

These were the outstanding players in the country outwith ourselves and are the only ones we should be aiming for.

As far as I can see, Hayes isn’t doing a lot at Aberdeen and we’ve surely got to be targeting players doing a helluva lot better than that.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Agree with you about Sinclair, for the last 12 months he was just coasting along imho and should have been gone a lot earlier than he did. the fact that he has never moved from Preston bears this out. H. H.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  gerald allen

Sinclair scored 17 goals in his last full season and, I’d imagine, adding assists would see him contributing 25-30 goals to the cause, which is not to shabby.

Outside of Eddy or Jamesie, I can’t think of anyone else, then or now, who contributes as much.

3 years ago

The BBC came close again yesterday morning when both liquidation and reformation were mentioned on the UK breakfast show but were quickly follow followed up with 55th title claims.
Same colours, same address, same support which celebrates both victory and defeat by rioting but certainly not the same klub.

Bogside Bhoy
3 years ago

Excellent open letter a new beginning or a total disaster is just a few months away.The fans wont except anything but a new era both on and off the field.
Can i just add that Dermot Desmond does not come out of the current shambles with any credit,another guy who treats the fans as his personal bank.If he has lost interest sell your shares to somebody who is going to move the club forward. H.H.

3 years ago

great letter. i would have included something about pushing for the best management structure so that the whole club system is run better training the kids to play quality possession football from the youngest ages up to the first team. and not just getting the same old pals act of ‘celtic men’ into to repeat the same mistakes of the past.

3 years ago

This guy? The rugby guy? Expect more corporate sponsorships with drinks companies and bookies, and rugby cup finals under the disco lights. Expect more integration with the Scottish establishment. Expect closer ties with the team that plays out of Ibrox. Expect a healthy balance sheet and an unhealthy league points tally. Expect the silk road of French youth footballers (and others) to go elsewhere. Expect Celtic to be a club where a numpty like John Collins can feel it’s ok to launch his application for a job that doesn’t yet exist in the media – who would want to manage under him? Only a cheap option on the make.

3 years ago
Reply to  Puggy

collins was fit unlike this bunch

3 years ago

I’m not sure I agree that we don’t need or want Rangers around. You might not like it, but a strong Rangers should drive us to be a strong Celtic. Competition pushes you higher, you can see it in boxing, in tennis, in Ronaldo and Messi. Celtic and Rangers push each other to be better in a very personal way in the way Ronaldo and Messi push each other. Look what happened when Rangers weren’t around. We didn’t exactly set our sights on Europe then. If we see them doing well in Europe it will push our board to try to do the same. As long as we are in a two-horse league it will be this way, so take the opportunity of it to make us better.

3 years ago

Excellent work. Send it to him Ralph. Shouldn’t be too difficult to get his email address, should it?

3 years ago

Celtic FC would like to congratulate Rangers on their first Scottish Premiership title.

Until the above statement is endorsed by Celtic, no season ticket or merchandise should be purchased.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oztim

There is no need to point out what’s wrong when everything you write is daft. Did you hear about the mason who was so stupid even the other masons noticed

3 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

You must be the toast of the lodge you daftie. Your clubs deed – beat it!

3 years ago
DJ Smyth
3 years ago

Your open letter would be great if it was aimed solely at people of double digit I Q . Your attempts at humour to highlight your concerns fool none except the educational challenged . I think if u want to attract Mr McKay’s interest a mention of our successful 9 in a row & unprecedented quadruple treble would have put Football success high on the agenda . I am weary of your demand for supporters to be kept fully aware of all developments. I think u are mixing up supporters with shareholders . Not long ago it was.rumoured that David Moyes was a favourite for Celtic job fans reacted with total hatred for him . I see Moyes has an average West Ham team in top 5 . No Celtic supporter or Official should congratulate Rangers2012 on first or any title win until they act within rules & stop cheating . If we congratulate them now we are accepting their cheating .
its not Celtic’s role to point out Rangers cheating .SFA & SPL are fully aware of this wrong doing as they fully participate in it . The Scottish Football Authorities are not going to merely accept Celtic’s information about cheating & will tear strips off evidence & with their Masons will turns their guns on Celtic & leave us worse than when we started .
Rangers2012 swore before season started that they will do everything possible to stop the 10 .
indeed they did , they called on every important section of Scottish to play their part & they did .
Nicola , the police . PES help from L’pool as well as regular helpers , SFA SPL , refs & assistants, no stone unturned not the time for congratulations but a time to try to bring about change , not to demand it as they hold all the cards

3 years ago
Reply to  DJ Smyth


3 years ago
Reply to  DJ Smyth

f_vuck off. We played the RuPaul 11 all season and were f_vuckin minging. no exuses please. A bunch of trannys swaping thier real gear for a celtic shirt. f__uck the lot of them

DJ Smyth
3 years ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

MabozzaRitchie . Do you think you will ever support Celtic . It’s very unlikely so if I was you I wouldn’t waste time or money on those you despise so much

3 years ago
Reply to  DJ Smyth

No excuse for those “performances”, no way any real supporter would call those “performaces” acceptable in any way shape or form. You keep blaming who you want but the reality is most of that team will be gone (f_uvked off) by the start of next season and were cr_@p. Hopefully Kennedy and the Strachan leaches as well.

So I will do what I like when I like without your f_uvcking permission.

3 years ago
Reply to  DJ Smyth

btw. kenny duffy laxalt and elyounoussi arent even celtic players. When do you think I will get to see celtic then

3 years ago
Reply to  DJ Smyth

plus 80% through the season the management are rolling out “strikers” vs d.utd who still arent fit. Its w@nkers like you putting up with this sh!t giving out excuse after excuse who are helping to create this tripe, week in week out.

DJ Smyth
3 years ago
Reply to  DJ Smyth

Performance Enhancing Substances . Liverpool are in their third year cycle of use of PES . Third yr is a break yr after two yrs which produce exciting results of harder work on pitch & less injuries . Rangers 2012 are on their second yr of three .

3 years ago

Great letter. Occasional lurker but feel compelled to say I’m scunnered with Celtic Plc. I’ve been a season ticket holder/shareholder since Hampden and have made the decision to not renew. My relationship with the club is broken. They can appoint Rafa, Mourinho or whoever. I’m going to spend additional time with my wife and kids. Resolution 11/12, EBTs, tainted titles. appointing very poor managers in the showers etc. A lot of fans I know have similar views. Celtic plc is Old Firm plc and have no interest in what us ‘customers’ have to say. I think they have really misread the supporters feelings and the Huns will be on a roll now despite a cobbled together business plan. Desmond et al think ‘these plebs will spit the dummy but renew in May’. They liquidated in 2012 but in effect the Celtic I grew up with did too because of their collusion and compliance with the Zombie entity.

3 years ago

Great article! I don’t hold out much hope though because McKay is already compromised by being Scottish and having family in Scotland which ultimately forces his caution at being truthful and outspoken even though it’s just simple truth and fact. Celtic need a board from outwith Scotland to carry out the job without fear or favour.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

With that said, McKay,the board,Celtic should be making the statement you suggested and nobody should put money into the club until it’s done.

3 years ago

Celtic must be held to account by a deprivation of fans money because Celtic have consistently showed that it will not do anything about cheating and lies from Ibrox,Hampden and the spfl,this carry on has been more than apparent in the last 5 years where Celtic will just do nothing or appease fans with a signing or two, it is not good enough, it’s time we fans looked in the mirror and saw who’s really to blame for buying into all this,I for one would rather see Celtic not win anything from now on than buy into this ignorance the fans get shown.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

Lots of fans are actually addicted to the match day experience I think and it just keeps the cheating going,they should stop complaining about what they’re feeding.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

Looks like Covid isolation has tipped you over the edge dude. Pure pish!

3 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Not pish at all,too many eejits will buy into the scam season after season and it can only be explained by addiction.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

you would rather see celtic winning f_uvck all. right you are.

3 years ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

I would because winning isn’t as important as being cheated

3 years ago


Frank McGaaaarvey
3 years ago

Watch out! Beadle’s About! Well, Jimmy McGraw is anyway.

Frank McGaaaarvey
3 years ago

Watch out for what Mooncat? One of your multiple user names (or personalities) appearing at the top of a post so I know to skip over the drool within?

3 years ago

Just received an email from Celtic Football Club. Right, says me, here comes the fightback at f@@king last…………”Exclusive Mother’s Day Gift from……..”. Give me f@@king strength.

3 years ago

I did because you’re a dik….how?

The Cha
3 years ago

He’s more of a Richard 3rd than Henry 8th.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Now, now, keep the rattle in the pram.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Dear, dear, I hope your mum’s keeping you well stocked in bacofoil for your bonce.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

That’s an awful case of wee man syndrome you’ve got there and that’s not good.

It is funny, though. 😉

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Everyone else is wrong and you’re right.

Definitely nothing paranoid about that thinking.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

It’s not funny it’s pitiful we are laughing at you not with you

3 years ago

Were not half of anything...(innocent emoji)
If a supporter said the above, they
ld be classed as a bampot.

We have our problems.


3 years ago

Bolingoli’s covid breach dealt with in 18 days. Sevco 5 five weeks. Funny eh?

3 years ago

You clearly had no treatment for it and it got worse

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Its his wee mammy I feel sorry for having to calm him down and put him to bed.

“Dinnae excite yirsel’ and soil my good sheets”

3 years ago

My Mammy had me tested.

3 years ago

“We’re not half of anything. One club since 1888.” You reap what you sow.

big bold jock 9.jpg
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Exactly. Crying over spilt milk.

3 years ago

They’ve let the Genie out of the bottle by their ‘Oldfirmism’ policy of keeping the blue pound. As we all watch on as the marauding Hun Genie rampage throughout the city, reaffirming their reputation as Scotland’s shame. Their token statement is too little too late.
Res.12 – 5Way Agreement, – The Lord Nimmo Smith Commission?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Mike, hope that you don’t this as a liberty, but as a long time supporter of this blog and a life time Celtic Supporter I wonder if you could point me in the direction of some other useful Celtic blogs. E-Tim’s is alright and I have followed it for 7/8 years now and possibly due to circumstances beyond Ralph’s control it does appear sporadically these days, as you will be aware, gaps of 6/7 days at a, time occasionally. I follow CQN regularly tbh mainly for the comments and the match reports. Used to follow John James until I couldn’t bear his hatred of Lennon although it does seem he wasn’t too far off the mark on his match selections. Cheers, Gerald, Hail. Hail.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gerald Allen

Hi Gerald, I love this site, there isn’t another Celtic blog to match it. The Bhoys that run it are peerless in their information and knowledge of Celtic FC and how they present it. Ralph’s Diaries are just brilliant. The change in the format does cause a few problems, but I always remind myself that they do have to work for a living and have families to nurture. Only on a few occasions do I post on Video Celts, because of Joe’s expose of the 5Way Agreement at the 2019 AGM. Like you I sometimes lurk on CQN, but never post. For a few weeks I was on Sentinel Celts, but it was only to help the two lads Mahe and Bobby Murdoch get started, both brilliant lads it has to be said and an excellent Celtic Blog. But I said that it would only be temporary as my friends and allegiance’s are here on eTims. So, if you must consider posting anywhere else I would suggest Sentinel Celts, but only if you must, but mind and come back. All the best Gerald and Hail Hail.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Hi Mike, thank you for that information it’s been very helpful, I have got a bit frustrated over a period of time particularly when there’s a gap of a week sometimes, but as you say the guys have to make a living and tbh I don’t think I could picture myself leaving e-Tim’s. Forgetting that I’m retired and have my wife’s NHS superranuated pension to fall back on(35yrs service) of which she frequently reminds, me of. Here’s hoping that we can get a manager and the funds to show the huns that this season was a blip. Once again Mike many thanks and Hail Hail

3 years ago
Reply to  Gerald Allen

hi Gerald i did reply to you, it will appear no doubt sometime soon. HH.

3 years ago

“Police Scotland urge Celtic supporters to stay away from CP if the game goes ahead”.
While i’m tempted to tell them to gtf, it must be of huge concern to Celtic that Police Scotland have no control of policing huns & protecting our stadium.
Personally speaking i feel the season should be stopped now, the huns can’t be trusted & Police scotland are standing by & watching them do what they like.

Scotland is ruined by this orange filth!

Frank McGaaaarvey
3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

At least if we do turn up they can then escort us to George Square where we can have a pyro party to hail the quadruple treble, an unprecedented achievement, which we haven’t properly celebrated yet. I’m sure all out apologists will be allowed to make excuses for us like the hun apologists this week – “Ach, you can’t blame them for celebrating. The achievement hasn’t been done before”. You can bet your last Euro that if there is any hint of Celtic fans turning up at the game (if it goes ahead) for whatever reason, then the riot squad and their nags will be out in full force just to show a bit of even-handedness.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I see they’ve caught the Phantom W@nker of Olde Ibrox Park……………

Whit are they hun vermin jobbie munching arseholes like…… I mean, cmon now. For that act of depravity they should be immediately disbanded. Utter, utter scum.

3 years ago

Now we know what WATP stands for….Wanking At The Polis

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Quite disgusting behaviour but totally normal for them.

The Cha
3 years ago

Mm, so we’ve had a Duncan style strategic withdrawal. deleting all posts in his wake, leaving the rest of us looking like idiots arguing with ourselves alone. 🙁

I think Peter Lawwell is more responsive than Ralph when it comes to listening to his customers’ complaints. 😉

Frank McGaaaarvey
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

It was probably Ralph who withdrew the posts. I’m sure he doesn’t want these pages to be chockful of q-anon bams like Mr 40 names.

The Cha
3 years ago

I agree but it makes a mess of all the other comments and surely the rest of us are adult enough to treat this bullshit with the contempt it deserves.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

It looks like Captain Sensible is no more.

Owen Mullions
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Yes, I bitterly regret not catching Dunkirk Dunky’s ‘resignation letter’ . Come on Ralph, reinstate it to give us something to laugh at.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Totally agree and you, me and others were successfully doing that, so its a shame when the record is expunged.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Mike’s like that when it’s his turn at the bar….pretends he cannae hear ye.

3 years ago

I thought it was for me 🙂

3 years ago

Today I had occasion to go along Edmiston Drive and note the new numbering scheme on the Crumbledome. Not only has the Celtic Board played a stellar role in the continuity mythology but has enabled and contributed an “assist” to the GIRFUY triumphalism. Not half!

3 years ago

The dishonouring of the SPFL Premiership trophy:

What shall the engraved inscription be?
Sevco Scotland or The Rangers FC?

3 years ago

I’ve struggled with my own mental health for decades.
Some good, some less than so. Always manageable.
Peter T Lawwell has managed to get me to a brink I’ve never envisaged.
Lawwell, you unrelenting, filthy, tory bastard, GO NOW.
You know the rest and why.

3 years ago

This is the Zombie season. It began with such high expectations and has descended into farce. Is there anyone out there? It feels like we are on a ship that has lost its rudder, drifting around in this huge ocean without a hint of leadership. Is there anyone out there? a serious lack of intent or guidance from the Celtic board or the SFA – SPFL, the rats have all deserted the stinking ship. FFS man up and show real leadership, that’s what you are paid to do. Hello, is there anyone out there? . . . – – – . . . SOS.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Good morning Mike!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Good morning Monti. Scunnered.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

So, just to cheer me up. Davie McParland, took over the physical work that big Jock was unable to do after his near fatal car crash, Sean Fallon was moved to Youth Development, ouch, that must have hurt. Davie became Jocks Assistant Manager in 1976 – 1978. Davie was a legend at Partick Thistle, both as a player and then their manager, he played over 400 games for them. When he passed they named a stand after him. I think he managed Thistle when they won that cup against the mighty Glasgow Celtic. Davie was a great guy, I had the fortune to meet him several times, as he took our gym classes, especially the school football games, also I met him at Mass.
These were turbulent times for Celtic as big jock recovered, Davie gave Jock the heads-up on several Partick players. Our area must have had a Thistle scout because a couple of local lads including Hanson went to thistle. Alans Da reported for the local paper. Davie passed in 2018, everyone that knew him, liked and respected him, as a great and humble person. What more can you ask for, than to be remembered like that. RIP – Davie.

fur coat davie 7.jpg
3 years ago

I’ll try this to bye pass Mr. Moderator. “Davie McParland – 5-5-1935 to 14-7-2018, aged 83. RIP.
Davie McParland was big Jock’s Assistant Manager 1976-78. (He’s the man in the sheepskin coat, beside Jock in the dug-out. Davie played over 400 games for Partick thistle, when he passed, they named a stand after him.

fur coat davie 7.jpg
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

He was also the Partick manager when they won the Cup beating Celtic 4-1. Davie took over the first team duties that Jock was unable to do, due to his near fatal car crash. Sean Fallon was moved to take over the youth development team. Ouch, that must have hurt, I think Sean mentioned that when Kenny moved to Liverpool. Davie also helped to bring in some Thistle players to Parkhead, but Jock passed on Alan Hanson, later Hanson moved like Kenny to Liverpool. There must have been a local Thistle scout in our area because a couple of local lads signed for them. My memories of Davie was of him taking our Gym lessons, football coaching in particular. I alway’s found him to be cheery, pleasant and humble, an exceptionally nice person. He fully deserves his place in the history of our great club and did much more for the club than I mentioned above.
Davie McParland Celtic’s Assistant Manager 1976 – 1978.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

He was the Jags manager in the 71 LCF (I’ve forgotten the score 😉 ).

A few of their players from that game went onto play for us, Alan Rough, Ronnie Glavin, Jimmy Bone and Johnny Gibson, although only Glavin played more than a handful of games.

I also thought Joe Craig had played but he didn’t join Thistle until 72.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ta,It had a one init, I felt faint after it. 😉 remembered Ronnie Glavin and Jimmy Bone, who ate lions for breakfast. My moderated post, which has done a Houdini, states that Jock wasn’t bovvered about Alan Hanson, so, he done a Kenny.

The Cha
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike.

Yeah, just reading that, was that about the time we signed Pat Stanton, so maybe Jock thought him and Roddy McDonald would be the CBs for a good few years.

Hansen also seems to be ambivalent to football in his younger days, preferring golf, so perhaps staying in Scotland he wouldn’t have been as dedicated, as the ‘shock’ of moving to Liverpool.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

You’re probably correct with that, but I read that Pat Stanton had a long standing injury around that time. Hanson was one of these guy’s that if he fell down a hole, he would find gold at the bottom. He excelled at everything he did. A great fella that I knew was best buds with Alan, he too was a good player, a friend of my brother. Some guy’s have all the luck, some guy’s have all the fun, but if you are a currant bun, nae luck pal.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Reply gone, see it ra morra.

3 years ago

sevco hunkini FC.

3 years ago

SFA, SPFL & sevco FC. We are coming to get you, Barbara.

Kind regards,

UEFA Media & Public Relations.

3 years ago

If Phil`s questions to UEFA are/should be looked into, then it will be costly nights for Campbell Ogilvie to wheedle the Official delegates.

White gloves off, Celtic PLC?

3 years ago

we get sum dafties oan heer who say we should starve celtic so they will say the huns ur died thats the way to kill us anaw we congratulate covid and specsavers fc for the first title they ever won then we fookin destroy thur tribute act aint life grand wen you laugh at lyin scumbags

3 years ago

mikey the 4 -1 gemme was fookin sore but watchin the deid teams fans celebratin made me laugh like fook bye and bye ronnie glavin wis sum player

3 years ago

covid free fc ar a hit oan the break team a hope we get tae play them this season cause a like big john k and if he disnae gettit weel learn in wan gemme apart fae that why we jumped on bolongoli dlike hun press ile never understand cause right ther we lostbig chris and eddie COYBIG

3 years ago

apart fae that this great site is fulla mugs who want the great glasgow celtic tae die in debt heh heh aint huns dumb

3 years ago

any coont who thinks we should starve celtic cause the huns ur cheatin barstewards isnae the cleverest imho cause oor grandpeople went through a lot worse and laughed at the landy the kkk ha ha ha ha

3 years ago

is it jeest me or is martindale listened tae cause he never had a green door cerd or isit cause hees a zombie

3 years ago

is it any surprise martindale is backing laundrette fc

3 years ago

rehabilitation is a great thing but lettin that lumpa wid gie us his opinion is strange in

most he ha ha ha

3 years ago

sumdy should tell martindale sumtimes its better tae keep yer gub shut and open yur ears

3 years ago

sweet baby haysus laundrettes ur laundrettes

3 years ago

should the criminal martindale really be giving his opinion on criminality am no wan fur saying beyond strange//////////////////////////////////but this is scotland

Frank McGaaaarvey
3 years ago

“It just wasn’t our season” says Neil Francis Lennon on 5Live as he begins touting himself for a return to football. Is the manager’s position vacant at Understatement FC?

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