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Change Happens On The Frontier

“Imagine if change wasn’t an event, a transaction, a moment in time… What if it was a mindset you chose – a seed you could grow and sustain?” Kotter

As I sat down to write this I came across a few quotes on change, one of which went along the lines of “Change is painful, but nothing is a painful as staying somewhere you don’t belong”. It got me thinking, having again reflected in puzzled wonder at just how shite Celtic were last night, on the comments post match and specifically the commentary from Lenny on changing culture. Change and Culture are two areas I’ve studied and have a keen interest in. I’ve worked in both fields as well and would be of a similar vintage to Lenny. He’s a few years more than me on the clock and admittedly a much better footballer. I’ve been lucky to work in high performing organisations and equally lucky to go into organisations which were culturally a busted flush with a remit and the authority to turn it around. Every day of the week I’d choose the former over the latter however the sense of achievement in shifting an organisation and team culture for the better ranks among possibly the best career achievement I’ve had. It was hard hard yards though, dealing with egos resistant to change, snakes, charlatans and people who just couldn’t change. If we’re at a point of a new cycle with Celtic then change is needed but I get a sense that we’re witnessing the end of a cycle of not just players, but management and structure. And, if it’s a cultural issue, we have much greater deep rooted problems that won’t fix overnight.

Culture, eh? “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” as Peter Drucker, an expert in the field of management consultancy is oft quoted. Culture is the tacit social order of an organisation: it shapes attitudes and behaviours in wide-ranging and durable ways. Cultural norms define what is encouraged, discouraged, accepted, or rejected within a group. When properly aligned with personal values, drives, and needs, culture can unleash tremendous amounts of energy toward a shared purpose and foster an organisation’s capacity to thrive. When a new leader takes the helm in a senior position in an organisation, behaviour and cultural norm is typically the first tangible thing the group will evaluate in buying-in to the new leaders vision. When changing culture you need clarity of purpose, vision, scope and most importantly of all, buy-in. And you must – absolutely must – live and breathe the very norms you’re espousing. When it works, wow. Invincible Treble. Dominance. Entertainment. Players exhibiting superhuman trait, walking on air. But when it breaks down, it gets really really ugly. Moussa. AEK. Valencia. Regression. Shved. Exit as a rat. I fear what we witnessed last night was a poster child for a culture that is rapidly breaking down.

We talked recently at eTims towers about identity. It may have been in the annual cross dressing challenge for Scottish Independence Zoom call that Gaudd chairs or in a WhatsApp but either way, my take on it was/is that we are a team that lacks identity. Culture needs identity and vice versa. We’re not cloggers, tiki-taka artisans, hoof ball merchants, sophisticats, all-out attack, hammer throwers, street wise, park the bus merchants or any of those things. There’s an argument that a team needs to be in parts all of the above. But one dominant trait should clarify identity. I can’t for the life of me see it anymore.

Under Rodgers it was ball retention, possession and tactical awareness coupled with risk and a belief in the system, even when getting a 7-0 cuffing. Lenny took over post-rat event and stuck with it. Success. Lenny then tweaks in season two and we start well, fade, he tweaks again and success. 9IAR. On the cusp of another treble. Quadruple treble on the cards. Then the event, whatever it was, kicks in. I contend that in letting Sinclair, Gordon and Hayes and others go we made a monumental error of judgement. In Duff leaving we were just victims of circumstance. But that these combined ripped identity straight out of culture. All three “got” Celtic. All three “got” the pressure and potential of 10IAR. Ripping that out leaves Lennon’s culture exposed.

In Rodgers we had a top class Irish manager in the British game, who whether you believe him or not, also “got” Celtic. His staff all were either used to the operation of football outfits at the highest European level (Davies, Congerton et al) or player at the highest level (Toure and subsequently Duff). While Congerton’s value is debatable, the environment appeared to be one where the players were united, enjoying their days learning and a coach and staff who gave them safety and order. In Rodgers, the new leader came with a philosophy, methodology, gravitas and a willing bunch of players who had lilted somewhat under Deila. Rodgers in football terms literally made them invincible. The staff bought in, players, even the fans. We had unity of purpose. In Lenny we have a successful Irish manager in the British game who not only “gets” Celtic and where we are, but has been there and done it. But is he top level? I don’t think so but I’d trade successful and knows how to get it done over played nice football in mid-table EPL and won fcuk all every day of the week. What we have shifted to is a culture where the player is measured on results, empowered to take his own decisions and supported by a manager who offers purpose and cover (caring). Lenny’s style in high performance culture is the exact opposite to Rodgers.

What Lenny is facing now is a crisis I’m not sure that anything other than a top class manager – or, and I hate saying it – a change in management can fix.  We moved from tutelage under Rodgers with a willing and attentive classroom, all with personal development plans and a charming, attentive headmaster, into a culture of High Performance where the player is giving his syllabus, his tools and told to get out there and do his job. There’s no tickling yer baws, late night heart to hearts with the manager, ‘you’re the best’ flattering, what there is is direct man management, trust from the manager to his team and an expectation of reciprocity which doesn’t appear to be there. Call it a breakdown in discipline or players abusing the empowerment, either way I think this is the chasm we now see. The players either can’t convert, won’t convert or, more dangerously, are now subverting the manager. If that’s the case, we’re collectively fcuked in the short term but it is redeemable.

Another management guru named John Kotter has a model for implementing change in organisations. It’s tried and tested and grounded in decades of research. It applies as much to the local under-10’s as it does a multi-national. Whether or not we redeem this with Lenny, or whether a change comes, we’ll see soon enough. He’s played his card now and called out the culture of the organisation as the problem. We can’t say he hasn’t flagged it. Lenny called out players who didn’t want to be there at the start of the season. He questioned their desire for success. He identified a leak and the notion that we were “killing ourselves from within” to paraphrase.  We seem to have fixed the leak of the team in the short term, but how and through whom is for internal machinations only.

We now have our Kotter sense of urgency, in Brown et al we have a reduced numbers but willing guiding coalition, the strategic vision is clear, the volunteer army (one for the armchair rebs there) is in place but I think we’re stuttering to remove the barriers. If the barriers are ability or trust or belief in the coaching or methodology then we go right back to square one, needing another sense of urgency. That record can only replay so long till the players chuck it. Whatever breakthrough we need needs to happen soon.

I’ve said it before and nothing has changed. Neil Lennon has my 100% backing and I believe he should have yours too. Whatever plays out he at least deserves that.



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3 years ago

Nicely balanced, unlike the Bhoys at present. The non triers should be dropped forthwith… they continue to let NL and us down . Their job is to play football, trying is non negotiable.

kevin mccarthy
3 years ago

The sooner Lennon goes the sooner we get rid off the leak’s because the leek is Sitton fed by Lennon . There has never been so much in the Daily Record about Celtic since day one it is a well known fact the daily record has never had a good word for Celtic FC .The rotten mob have banned them but Lennon won’t do the same because Sutton is his pal
How do Celtic need the media when the rotten mob don’t SIMPLE to keep Sutton at the Record and Harrison at the Sun

3 years ago
Reply to  kevin mccarthy

Donald trump is the obvious choice to replace lennon as he will make celtic great again

3 years ago

A few days ago, we were Champions all over again, best ever, or in 18 months anyway. We f&^ked a pose up in Europe, now the toys are everywhere, sevconian spys are eating us up for breakfast, they just love winding us paddys up. Wether we bite or not is up to us. Divide and conquer, if we fall for it, rather than channelling anger in the right way. Whacking Motherwell for a start and going on from there. I cannot control what the board do, just put up or shut up, and they have my Season Ticket cash, just wish I could use it, the seat I mean. Two things regarding Ely, yes I saw him using his phone to. So f&%king what? he was on the bench, if he used it while trying to win back the ball and he stopped to answer his mobile, there would need be something to say. Maybe that is why so many goals concided, they are wearing a bluetooth and listening to mum. He was benched and not a thing could he then do to effect the game. If he had scored with that lob, we may be singing Lenny’s praises and Tom had a chance which he shot at the keeper. We were beaten and they looked strong. I disagree with Chris, stuff Europe for this season, get in the 10 and as many cups as we can and let the others stew in their own juices and tough pish. If an absolute gem of a manager is availiable who guarantees the title, fair enough. Otherwise I’ll clean the car I have got and buy the maseratti when I can. We have to stick togeather and get behind the team. Noises from the squad seem to say, yes we f*%ked up. But talk is cheap, lets go on a run. Broony simply must take on a coaching role to get the Duff factor rolling again and let father time take it’s toll. Sorry Broony, once a week in the sack is your lot, and vanity and pride must be sacrificed for the good of the team. Yes, Ntcham, I do see that crafty, me first, look in your eyes. Buckle down for now and f*^k off in the windows, same for all others. Look at Welsh, Lenny and bring in hungry youngsters who will give their all and for f*%ks sake, show some self-belief, it is no good keeping it to yourself. Let the team feel your confidence in yourself and in them. Was it Jock who, after a couple of Protestant and Catholic players were having it out, not about religion, Jock asked the Protestant first his opinion on things, then the Catholic. After consideration he said to both, well, I’ll have to take his view, as a Catholic would never lie. The place fell about and life went on. Like it or no, we are second in the League with plenty to play for, Scottish Cup Final in December, Christmas coming up and a trip to sevco to show them who is boss. Do you really want to feel sorry for your poor wee selves, or get that chin up, get stuck in and Beastie Bhoys style, fight for your right to party! HH!

3 years ago

Interesting and thought proviking read, but the bottom line is…HAVE CELTIC FKG SACKED LENNON YET….if the answer tae that short question is NO, then kiss goodbye tae 10IAR, Lennon has stamped his own way of things on this squad and club in the last 18 months, and it’s a train wreck, so instead of giving him even more time than he should already have had, and drop another 3 disastrous points on sunday..Is the timing perfect for sacking the manager, NO, does it need tae happen immediately, ABSOLUTELY…Can we stop reminiscing aboot Lennons past, and concentrate on how tae fix the near future…KTF

3 years ago

Stuttering is the achievement Celtic have reached over the last eighteen months, this is down to bad forward planning, everything is reactive. Dress it up as you wish but the CEO, Lenny and his team are totally at fault. A constant downsizing, looking at cheap options is pathetic. We are missing a player, be it Sinclair, Roberts, Forrest that can break the line, Griffs is a man that created his own downfall.
As for letting Hayes and Gordon go, stupidity of the highest extreme.
You can dress things up all you wish but against mediocre teams we have not got a clue. I have been a fan since the fifties, at times the team were magnificent, at times we were poor, but seriously this is the worst shambles I have ever watched, that is taking into account the early sixties, nineties. The virus seems to have settled at Parkhead and there has to be change, otherwise there will be no 10 titles

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

Goalie’s seem suspect at the moment, probably due to the shambles of a defence in front of them(remember our defensive duo from last seas injured), I don’t get the fantasy talk about Frimpong and Laxalt, OK but nothing more, no better deliveries than Taylor. Midfield seems to be getting overrun, Christie seems the only one trying his heart out, up front Moi and Eddy woeful and too greed, Griffiths looks the only one interested at present. Worrying times.

3 years ago

How can you ask us to be behind Lenny when it isn’t working?
Who isn’t behind him?
Who wants him to fail?
None of us!
Quite simply it isn’t working, Celtic are underperforming & he has lost my support.
The time for change is here!


3 years ago

Good Golly Miss Monty. Excellent, just Excceellent. I’le get back to you after lunch, Doh!

monty burns 9.jpg
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

First, we have to be aware of where we play, it is financially depleted, Scottish football is Donald Ducked, hell even the governing bodies are looking for a loan, not to mention corrupt, that corruption has rubbed off into the club I have supported all my life, it was my culture that drove me into my same company of kindred like minded spirits. From a PLC. that is embedded in its ‘Old Firmism’. So that is where our hearts belong Celtic FC. Structurally the club is run as a business, I know that from its very beginning Brother Walfrid encouraged that, to keep the club safe, to provide income, when Fergus came in, he wanted the Celtic support to have a BIG say in its running, but that never happened. We can all have our opinions on the manager, I welcomed his helping hand initially but I did not approve of his full time appointment, or the method in which he was offered the managers job. I feel that the ‘Brendan’ affect has been gradually decreasing since his departure, but I feel that he Rodgers was pushed out the door mainly because of his costs. For me, nothing will change anytime soon until the football side of the club, the most important part, is run in a professional manner and that starts at the very top. If that change happens, then it will all change, for me the quicker the better….

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The only Cotter I knew was Jamsie Cotter, who when sitting in Rab. Cs hoose said this:
Mary Doll, I wonder if she would like to be podgered? Mary Doll came back home after visiting the off licence and spoke to Jamsie, saying, I’m doing fine, but I’m missing being podgered. The moral of the story being, everyone needs a good podgering, is that why the team is playing mince?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

When you think about it, John Paul planted his seed into the minds of his students, Jamsie too, planted his seed in a more primal way, but who did the most good? JP. the intellectual or Jamsie who made us all laugh with his primal instincts. With a name like John Paul, we know what Kotter offered and which primal clan he came from. But Jamsie Cotter is a well known Tim. Each had their own talent and both added to our enjoyment of life. Yours in Celtic, Rab. C. Nesbit. Keep the pen flowing, you’ve plenty left in your inkwell…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike


3 years ago

How could we have changed so much from Rome? in one year, he went from hero to villain, you can virtually see the confidence draining from the players and then you hear him say ‘ we looked back to the Sparta game and went through it, the first time we have looked back in a long time’, WTF happened, to him? If you cannot study and learn from your past mistakes, then you will never learn? Hope you are good mate, at least you have your roaming Rome memories. A true Tim.

Edmund Fitzgerald
3 years ago

I have been critical of Lenny in the past, but last night I thought the team he picked was right for the job. I’m also sure many would agree. So although the blame stops at the manager the guys on the park must take a long hard look at themselves. They were pathetic and owe the fans and the manager an apology. Also if there are problems behind the scenes they must be sorted right away.

Steve M
3 years ago

I’m not sure about all this touchy feely, pink and fluffy caring management stuff – they’re professional footballers who get paid HUGE salaries so they have to get out there and perform. The players are, individually, very good – some are outstanding, some a just competent, but all are very good. So the challenge is how to get this pool of expensive talent to work in a cohesive and effective way. That is the job of the manager and his coaches. And, unfortunately, Neil Lennon has shown that he is simply not up to the task. Nice guy or not. Celtic man or not. It doesn’t actually matter. He’s just not able to make this team win – and that’s the bottom line. Sorry Neil but that’s it. The doors over there, close it on your way out.

3 years ago

Great insight into the art of management/strategy but NL is not pulling this one back so it is time for a change. You just have to look at the last half dozen games, they are litter with basic errors regarding, team selection, tactics, formation and game management! This situation is not helped by the fact that we have too many players! We have more players for every position/formation than I think I have ever seen at Celtic. And this is a problem why? Well if they are not playing then guess what they are not happy especially when they are in and out of the team with out good reason which is a recipe for player unrest – how does, Taylor, Griffiths, Turnbull, Ajeti etc etc feel when they can see the team is not playing well and other players are shoehorned into positions/formations that don’t suit. The board did back NL but they should have sold Eddy, any ham and Rogic if they wanted to go as we had players, possibly not as good but ready and willing to step in! Anyway I could go on but I am sure you are aware of the failings so I will sign off and go for a lie down in a darkened room for a couple of hours!

Iljas Baker
3 years ago

Even NL admits the culture has to change but surely he is responsible for establishing the culture in the first place along with the aid of his coaching staff or for one becoming established by the players themselves which as you would expect doesn’t put the team first. NL must have been letting things slide for one reason or another in terms of player motivation and fitness. And tactics seem not to interest NL and his coaches. We haven’t been able to defend since NL took over and we have only been saved by the quality of FF. But now we have 2 ordinary goalies, not bad perhaps, but ordinary or no better than a number of goalies in the SPFL, so the safety factor is not there, the miraculous saves are not there. Let’s face it the Euro is lost, 10IAR and 4X3 are in jeopardy, serious jeopardy. Beating Motherwell on Sunday guarantees nothing. After CL exit and defeat to Rangers and draw with Aberdeen – we had an immediate reaction but then a falling away again. That is how to lose 10IAR and 4X3. Gerrard has sussed out how to beat Celtic and there has been no real response from NL or his players, just the usual “We were terrible, we need to do better. Mea culpa”. Cheap words, as most are. If NL is to stay he must change his coaching staff. It’s as simple as that. He needs new people than can act as role models, who command respect. Because of what they’ve achieved. No disrespect, but John Kennedy and Gavin Strachan have achieved nothing as players or coaches. Bring in someone who knows how to organize a defense and really understands tactics. Someone who will never play Frimpong and Duffy together on the right flank – Frimpong is defensively weak and hey so is Duffy at the moment and slow. How could anyone with a knowledge of the defensive side of the game make such a selection? So there you are. Either sack NL and that will get rid of the coaching staff too or keep NL but bring in new coaching staff to help him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

It needs to be the former, as I don’t think any decent coach would put their reputation on the line by working with Lennon’s dysfunctional management.

3 years ago

Some of the games this year have been worse than anything diela, Mowbray or Barnes .Lennon is a terrible manager he should never have been considered after rodgers

3 years ago

You reap what you sow. Lawwell has for years used the loan system and also the buy young, improve and sell for profit system. The Celtic team doesn’t have a heart anymore. Development/Academy Celtic players accept the first decent contract on offer no matter where from and leave. The ones considered not good enough are let go, sometimes to make a great career somewhere else. From the boardroom it is all about a sustainable model….financially. The players on the park are now playing for money having sold their soul (or are trying to). There is no “family” there anymore, nothing to fight for and nothing to protect. The players are playing for themselves in a good shop window. Lennon can no longer motivate them and Kennedy is tactically inept (he has had it too good for too long, couldn’t even get the Dundee Utd, job). Really needs to be swept clean from top to bottom…….You can forget the10, such a shame.

3 years ago

There was a moment last night when the camera picked up Scott Brown in the stand, the guy looks seriously unhappy & this is the captain?
Another thing that needs sorting is Jeremy Frimpong, i don’t know where to play this guy, he has pace & that is it.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

I wrote last week that sacking Gordon, Jozo & Hayes was a big mistake, losing three experienced players of that calibre was always going to hurt at some point.

Sinclair too, to a lesser extent, and I’m sure the board’s dreadful treatment of that player infiltrated the the squad, that if they could be that cvnty with one of their finest most recent performers wha5 chance for the rest of us?

Lawwell should too many cards in his brutally unnecessary dismissal of these guys and it’s already bitten him on the bollocks big time.

Iljas Baker
3 years ago

Big Don: all of the players you mentioned were well past their prime and contributing very little at the time they left and a change in that was unlikely in the future. Obviously if money could be freed then it made sense to get them out and get better players in. It’s hard to predict as even expensive recruits somehow don’t succeed (at least not at first) – ask any Arsenal fan. Sinclair hardly beat a defender in his last year at the club, Jozo out injured most of the time, Gordon ‘s distribution was pathetic. Hayes was a good bandaid but you need to find better in the long run. Celtic’s current malaise is nothing to do with the absence of these players it’s to do with the players we have and the fact that our manager and coaching staff can’t inspire them as BR could. NL is saying similar to Arsene Wenger – shouldn’t need to be on players’ backs as they are professionals, but look at Wenger’s results and his denouement.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  Iljas Baker

Aye, you work away, mate.

3 years ago

Great article.

3 years ago

On Sunday Lennon said “I’ve never questioned their character. Other people do and I don’t know why.

Last night he vowed to change the “culture” among his players and that it could be achieved “very quickly”. “This is definitely a turning point – it won’t happen again, that’s for sure,”

If any senior executive went to a board of directors saying a culture change was necessary 4 days after saying everything was hunky dory then they’d be summarily dismissed for being completely incompetent.

Maybe not in any company Monty’s transformed but ones I’m aware of such blatant arse covering would be dealt with swiftly and severely.

That’s leaving aside the blatant hypocrisy of the 1st claim (Ferencvaros), which can only mean he thinks we’re all Blind Faith fodder.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Is this before or after the ‘senior executive ‘ got bullets in the mail ?

Nobody on here could walk a yard in the mans shoes.

If you don’t like him , don’t want him as manager that’s your opinion.

But enough with the Noise.

3 years ago

Irrelevant to how he’s doing as a manager.

In that he’s failing and that’s the only thing that counts.

Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago

‘We talked recently at eTims towers about identity. It may have been in the annual cross dressing challenge for Scottish Independence Zoom call that Gaudd chairs …’

You might want to rephrase that, Monty.

Unless it’s true of course.

3 years ago

As long as they avoided doing a Toobin:


Big Don Gazpachio
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

What a w@nker!

But at least they weren’t cross dressing.

That we know of.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago

Nicely put Monty.

3 years ago

Excellent thoughts, Bravo.

3 years ago

Have we all had a good drink?
If youve had a potentially dodgy one, youre no doing it properly.

I asked the wee mhan what he thought of Celtic “Carn the Hoops” was his answer.
I myself blame they poofter right footers.

Up your nose with a rubber hose.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Are we to hear from the sevconian PR linguistic, Peter Lawwell, about the rescheduling of their 2 games?

It`s the little things that matter.

3 years ago

Paid handsomely to control a leather ball and said leather ball makes the same mistakes as the game before.

Effin tools.

3 years ago

Monty feck.

3 years ago

Forgotten pocket essentials;
Phone rings, look at screen, turn off and shake head.

Mammy`s message.

3 years ago

Proper No.12 is nae bad.

When you reach the part where the headaches come
The hero would be me
But heroes often fail
And you will not read that book again
Because the ending is just too hard to take.

Triangle script.

3 years ago

Take me hame hen. They wee young yins will look after it!

3 years ago

What is within and instilled is vicinal diols, Chris Sutton.

3 years ago


Papa was a Bondslave Trader.

3 years ago

Glen`s vodka it is then Ghirls and Bhoys.

We will murder this mob.

3 years ago

If possible, I think we should just deliberately forfeit our remaining Europa matches. No worth the effort or Corona travel risk. Likewise, we should refuse to let our foreign players travel over the break. Employers have a duty to keep their employees safe and obviously their national clubs can’t guarantee that: Elhamed/Bitton/Edouard—even Christie. I also think we can now kiss 10 in a row goodbye. Lawwell doesn’t want it, and the players and Lenny have already blown it. I no longer care if Lenny stays or goes because it won’t make any difference. He has lost his mojo and so have his players. Our challengers Newco may well be invincible this year. They may not lose at all and will also set a record for tight defence. If Covid forces an earlier end, Newco will be far in front of us, probably comfortably. They are also looking outstanding in Europe. No way could we go to Benfica and do what they did. I am sad because 10 in a row was a dream and we have utterly blown it, so early on too. Sad.

Tomorrow at Motherwell? Stumble, tumble, belch, fart and fall down.
Barkas back on goals. A back four of Elhamed/Ajer/Bitton/Laxalt. Midfield of Turnbull/Soro/Christie/McGregor. Edouard and Griffiths up front. Prediction? Goal-less draw whilst Newco do Hamilton 5-0, 3 penalties and two handballs, as MIBs do what they were told to do. I’m curious though who Celtic could lure to our club who would make a difference as Brendan and MON did? Anyone daft enough to take this poisoned chalice? I’m feelin’ lower than whale shite at the minute.

3 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

Devoy it isn’t over not by a long way.
But Lennon is.
He has to go. Lawwell gave him a job blind faith.
What happened at Hibs is happening here.
We are a team short of confidence.
Yet full of quality.
Duffy isn’t a carthorse.
He gas probably never had to cover a full back as much as ge had to do here. Our 2 centre backs get pulled over to the wings because the 2 full backs are told to go high up the pitch its the wrong tactics.
Let’s just get back to a back 4 being a back 4 let the midfielders take the ball play frimpong and laxalt as the wingers.
Its not over defeat tomorrow it is.
El Hamed Duffy Ajer Taylor
Frimpong Rogic McGregor Laxalt
Edouard Griff.

3 years ago

can the duffy donkey be sent back at Christmas or do we have to keep for a full season.

3 years ago

Imagine there’s an international week ahead and they’re all raring to go. And imagine what great stuff they’ll be able to share with international squad members about life with the tactical genius and innovative training methods of Lennon, Kennedy and Strachan. And imagine if they’re not altogether bothered by picking up a wee bug or niggling twinge meaning a couple of weeks on the sidelines once the holiday – sorry, the period away on international duty – is over and they’re back at Maplins FC…

3 years ago

Lots to agree with there, lots, but if culture change comes from the top, Neil Lennon is not at the top.

He is constrained by the business model that sells our best without replacing them with players who would not be the equal of those sold, but must show some signs of reaching that level fairly quickly.

Laxat looks like he is of that standard, Taylor for example has had longer than Laxat to show it but is not there yet and time to get “there” at Celtic is short.

Three months into the season Ajeti looks the part but is not first pick, Griffiths a known quantity is not first pick for fitness reasons apparently and Elyanoussi has only looked to be at desired level in the last couple of games. Where is Turnbull, Soro? How will we know how near they are to desired level if they do not get a chance to show it?

I think there are two levels of culture change, the one needed in the football department as described but at a more strategic level than that the culture at Board level has to change from one that thinks they know best to one that is prepared to listen to input such as yours from a well educated and persistent support.

3 years ago
Reply to  Auldheid

What I need to remind myself is that despite all that has happened off and on the pitch this season we have two home games in hand, winning those leaves us only 3 points behind. Newco has yet to slip up but when they do there is all to play for. Newco will also have a Covid crisis, key injuries, Slippy slipping up and the Ibrox crowd will be merciless when they first lose or next drop points. We need a settled side who might decide they can win every remaining match. We need to get our goal difference up and keep some clean sheets. Ajer and Jullien are probably our best central pairing, supported by Elhamed and Laxalt. That will give our goalies more support and confidence.10 in a row can still happen?

3 years ago

An IRA man was being chased by the army through Belfast. He ran into a hotel and dived into the lift. In the lift were Ian Paisley, David Trimble and a change management consultant. He checked his revolver and only had two bullets. He shot the change management consultant twice.

3 years ago

I was asked by Celtic Blogger James Forrest if I could revive/refresh and old article some may have read on an alternative way of how the job of providing professional referees can be done.
I added a bit of context regarding the original motivation to blog then and why Celtic should be pressing the SFA on the same issue now.

3 years ago

So the ball is to be treated as a clock-face.

How to cross a ball:
Lean back and hit through the ball (with the instep of the foot) at 7 o`clock.

Work boots and a medicine ball.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

PS: I envied they that bananad at 4 and 8 o`clock.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

PSS: Sorry. If right footed, cross the ball at 5 o`clock.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Think frimpong coukd do with some 1 to 1 training with you port 🙂

3 years ago

Escape to the Castle Marcei…Where Charles Green juggles Scottish taxpayers and Sevco Scotlands` funds.

We are the Plimsolls.

3 years ago

Sir David Murray, Rangers FC(IL), Judges, Lawyers and the Scottish Constabulary.

Over a billion pounds is not that much these day`s.

3 years ago

Jimmybee, I wouldn`t wont to bring out a sweat in the Bhoy.

3 years ago

Congratulations to Steve Clarke, for achieving more than any modern or present Scottish football manager could achieve, getting the Scottish football team into a major final, with just ‘All the pieces, bits and pieces’.

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