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Celtic Diary Friday November 6: It’s Not Going to Get Better, Is It?

I didn’t watch the game last night, the dogs were all upset with the noise from the fireworks so I watched a programme about animal rescues with them, to make them feel better.


But I did follow it on twitter and our CSC whatsapp group.


So I’ve a fair idea about what happened.


I also watched Neil Lennon’s post match interview, where he nearly commits the cardinal sin of saying that we’ll take it on the chin, and the Calum MacGregor one where he says we were disorganised.


And from that, and the general malaise of this season, there is only one conclusion to draw.


This season has been a season too far for Neil Lennon’s make it up as you go along style of management.


It’s time for him to do the right thing and step aside.


It’s also time for his coaching team to do the right thing and go with him. With the exception of Stevie Woods.



Since Brendan Rodgers jumped ship, and who’s to say that he wasn’t desperate to get away because he was tired of hitting the glass ceiling in the boardroom, hence taking the first job that came along, there has been a marked downturn in the quality of the work ethic at Celtic.


Training, medical supervision and technical development are no longer there, and when they left, they took the hearts and souls of the French contingent with them.


Oddsone Edoaurd doesn’t care any more, Chris Jullien has had a bad back for a month, and Olivier Ntcham has been replaced by a man with a beard and some boots.


Not only has the board backed the manager with hard cash in the summer, they didn’t sell any of the key players, so although they may be responsible for some of the downturn, they can;t be accused of not backing Lennon.


Like the tv comedy that ran on too long, this isn’t funny any more.



The word on the street is that the board have already spoken to a few people with regard to replacing Lennon, and given the service the man has put into the club over the years, he should at least be given the chance to leave of his own accord, dignity intact.


It should not come to a sacking, there should be no more disrespect shown, his time is over, and his way of doing things has been shown to be detrimental to the progress of the club and the players.


We can’t bring in promising players in the hope of developing them if the ability to develop them has gone.


Karamoke Dembele wasn’t on the bench last night, he hasn’t featured all season. One of the most promising talents in European football knows, as do several others, that they will not progress under the current regime at Celtic.


In short, those who are here want away, and we won’t be able to attract replacements.


It’s not too late to salvage ten in a row, but with every game that becomes more and more difficult.


In fact, this isnlt just about ten in a row, it;s about the long term viability of the club as a major force.


On, and off, the field.


Dermot Desmond knows that the long term financial future is at stake here, those lucrative sponsorship deals will disappear, and we’ll be reduced, once again, to joint ventures with “rangers “, such as the Cadbury deal.


The supporters need to know the bigger picture.


Is the policy to remain locked into the failed Old Firm model, or do we have ambitions on a bigger stage ?


Right now, it seems like we don’t.


And as a result, the downward spiral quickens, until the whole lot hits the bottom.


The next few days will tell us us where the clubs ambitions lie…are they content with the Old Firm brand, or are they serious about leaving it behind ?


Do they really think that Celtic fans see beating a basket of assets to the title as the ultimate achievement ?


Or do they want to see us at a level where regular games against the other big clubs are the norm ?




In the meantime, Lennon needs to end his association with the club before we remember him for this year, and not the previous twenty…


Like any long term relationship, its heartbreaking when it breaks down, but sometimes you have to move on, for the benefit of everyone.





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3 years ago

Well said. I just hope Lenny jumps before he is pushed. He deserves to retain some dignity.

3 years ago

The so.

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Why is it so?

3 years ago
Reply to  portpower

2 bob thee other side. Right.

3 years ago

Rodgers wanted to go to China for his 9m mind..

strachan had Bratislava and Rodgers got us horsed all the time in Europe so i can discard last night providing Lenny can change it to rescue the League, starting Sunday.

Solskaer and Lenny both have 1 game to save current jobs..interesting weekend ahead

3 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Lennon has had way more than last night? Cluj, copenhagen, fernvecaros!! 1 win from 6. Defence not learning. Players not playing for him. The fact he hasnโ€™t been removed already is worrying. Is this what weโ€™re to expect?

3 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Thankfully we havenโ€™t faced anyone in Europe near the quality that we did under Rodgers. PSG Barca Man City is hardly Prague Cluj and that Hungarian mob

3 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

Rodgers qualified for CL 2 seasons out of 3, winning 8 out of 9, and the only tie he lost that we should’ve won was AEK.

Lennon has not qualified in his 2 attempts, with this year’s wretched failure been the earliest in 15 years. He’s only won 3 out of 5 qualifiers and 1 out of 3, if you discount the 1st round gimmes.

Deila was rightly hounded for Maribor, Molde and Malmo but Lennon has now gone lower.

In his pomp he was only good enough for lower league, near bankrupt, relegation fodder Bolton and before he came back he’d be luckily to have got an interview with Accrington Stanley.

Stopping comparing him to Rodgers, as its just embarrassing. Love him or loath him, Rodgers would be considered for any job outside of the Top 4 (maybe 6). Lennon would struggle to be quoted for the Top 4 leagues.

We are still in Rodgers legacy time (Lennon in his first stint without Huns never came close to win trebles) but time is running out for 10IAR and Invincible Treble runs to continue.

What is the point of keeping him until Motherwell? We’ve had major problems domestically this season, which he ignores if we win, so this will only critically delay the correct decision until the next “unforeseen” crisis.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Well said Cha. I was just talking to Mont on the phone and was saying once you start targeting the manager to specific games, at that point the game is well and truly a bogey.

3 years ago

Neil with dignity…No. Different young.

that they beancounter eggs us. Though simple it is unheard.

3 years ago

People on this site have been saying this for weeks and lambasted for it , we have had articles blaming everyone from strachens wife to the tea lady , well now we don’t have any excuses, it’s clear the players have no faith in Lennon. Who replaces him _ my choice would be Marco rose or Maloney and Martinez. Over to you Desmond…. ps this is another failure of lawell like the Delia Collins experiment . How many more before he is shown the door

3 years ago

Has the penny dropped with Desmond regarding the clubs overlord? Does he not recognise the recurring theme said individualโ€™s meddling in football matters impacts the club? Lennon should be removed, in fact he shouldnโ€™t have got the job full stop, but Lawwell has more to answer for than any other person at the club and until the structure of the club changes, weโ€™re going to witness this every couple of years.

3 years ago

Agreed but in the short term get rid of Lennon only and the 10’s back on but get rid of Lawwell only we are still in danger of losing the 10.

Of course, even the most basic competent CE would never give the Celtic job to an unemployed guy, who had been recently been mutually-consented from Hibs as they hurtled to relegation danger and had been a catastrophic failure at lower league Bolton.

3 years ago

Lenny I think will want the pay off as he will struggle for another role other than punditry. So the board need to make the decision now and get a replacement to salvage the season. It wil very quickly be too late if they dont

3 years ago

The ethos at Celtic is to penny pinch, since Martin it has been constant downsizing, since the meltdown at the Wankers corners cut. The defeat to them at the semi forced DD to dig into his pocket and bring Brenda, irrespective if you like the guy or not he was good for Celtic. But since he cleared off serious penny pinching again. Lenny will carry the can for this probably after the next game as the International crap appears.
DD will replace him and things will move on as before, cheap and nasty, if we get ten in a row it will take some serious reorganising.
People talk about fighting above our weight, but Molde, Cluj, Sparta are way below that.
Lenny is a Celtic stalwart and should be treated with respect, but his time has come.
As for the players their body language is one of do not give a crap, Laxalt is the only one that appears motivated, probably not in long enough to taste the culture.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

I’m not sure that’s quite accurate.

We’ve probably invested ยฃ40-50m (ยฃ21m last and similar or more this one) in the team in Lennon’s 2 seasons and the only significant loss was Tierney.

Under Rodgers, we lost Dembele, Armstrong and Boyata and whatever you think of the latter 2, they still played big parts in our success.

I can’t remember all the signings but do remember the ยฃ3m that couldn’t be found to buy McGinn.

Its the off-field side that we’ve taking a catastrophic hit on quality, although depressingly I’m not sure we would have saved too much money either.

3 years ago

Neil Lennon simply has to go, anyone who knows me will know how much that hurts me to say that, but it’s Celtic first as it must always be.
There has to be a change at Celtic, we have regressed while the huns have progressed, this is a fact.
We are now at a level in europe where average to decent sides are walking all over us, now i don’t expect Celtic to simply swat aside european sides, but i do expect an organised, fit, motivated team to take to the field.
I watched in disbelief last night watching Shane Duffy kick the ball straight out the park, he makes Ambrose & Boyata look not too bad.
He can’t run, he is costing the side & he should be on his way back to Brighton.
Edouard? ยฃ30m? Bye.
Ntcham ยฃ10m? Bye.
Brown? Time is almost up.
McGregor is being wasted, over depended upon, over used & should head to England at the first opportunity, a great Celtic player but he should think of himself when the time comes.
Why can our players not run? Look at the Sparta side, they were fluid, hungry, skilful & a constant threat & that was with half a team out?
The biggest thing tho for me was their desire, their work rate, effort & application.
All the ingredients missing from Celtic.
This season is very close to being a nightmare, a season that we have been targeting for years now, the ten season, the season that breaks the hun spirit & rams it right up them big time.
It’s all close to being over when in reality we should have had a management & team to be proud of, the reality? We are a complete mess & the time has come for change, the players are not delivering this season, never mi d trebles this & treble that, we need a long term plan starting today.
Just imagine for one second how ot will feel if that mob stop the 10 & go into the CL groups?

As Captain Barbosa said to Miss Swan, ” Do you believe in horror films Miss Swan, you’re in one “

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Great comment. Apart from the horror films bit, you didnโ€™t get movies back in the days of pirates

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

It was a pirate video

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Iโ€™m afraid to say that the second last sentence in your post will come to pass. The huns have the qualifiers sussed and will in my view win the league and go into the groups next year. We should consider this, if the huns played the teams we faced in THIS seasons UCL qualifiers, they would now be lining up on a Tuesday and Wednesday night in the UCL and ยฃ30m better off.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andy


3 years ago

Lost count of the number of times I have posted here this season to say we look like a pub team. If you want to see how NOT to defend properly, just watch a Celtic game and you will see everything you need to know. Too many imposters and players looking like they would rather be elsewhere.

One other observation………….. just what do Celtic do everyday at Lennoxtown??

3 years ago

I’ve defended Neil Francis to the hilt particularly among my own family but last night was the final straw. There was no organisation amongst the team, they appeared not to know what formation they were playing. And whilst I don’t think the players should get off scot free the buck for the organisation stops with the manager. I hope he goes of his own volition but he does need to go.

I expected the team to come out for the second half and take the game to Sparta, it never happened, what did he change at half time?

And Duffy? I’d love to see that guy be a success but since he came in we have been an utter shambles defensively. I expected him to dominate the box, bully centre forwards. Instead every time a cross comes into the box you need to watch from behind the couch.

If we can’t defend crosses we should make an attempt to stop the crosses, we don’t seem very good at that either.

Howe from Bournemouth would be my preferred option. It would take Brendan Rodgers type money but needs must.

3 years ago

Lucid, succinct and correct Monti.
Forget Europe, play the fringe, circle the wagons for the Cup and League.
Players getting very good money to do as they are told, do it and work like hell. All is not lost.

3 years ago

Congratulations to Celtic FC. on 133 years of UNBROKEN history.
Last night I watched the game, I saw one team, organised, cohesive, fit, talented, energetic, playing football the Celtic way and then I watched the other, a group of individuals, disorganised, unfit, with a stuttering sequence of play, some of which was good but mostly disjointed, a group of players some of whom made elementary mistakes, like – waiting for the ball coming to them, simple misplaced passes, always playing catch-up,not playing as a team. The difference between the teams was staggering, an eye opener. So, what happens next? well I know what should happen, but whatever it is, its risky. A new manager with the right credentials could make an instant impact, we had one of them but he left recently and we reverted back to type, hopefully, the next one is not offered the job in the showers or fits the Desmond and Lawwells template of bargain basement and unswerving loyalty to the PLC. Its always fraught being a Celtic supporter, its never easy, perhaps that’s part of the attraction. Its sad to watch the most important element of the football club being run in such an amateur way, that has to change… if not, then nothing changes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Just to cheer myself up. Jimmy, Jimmy Johnstone on the wing.

jimmy johnstone 2.jpeg
3 years ago

Duncan, what now???

3 years ago

Thereโ€™s nothing I can disagree with on todayโ€™s showing. The guy has given so much to our club, won trophies and faced some horrendous abuse over the years but his time is up. We will probably never get an opportunity to get 10IAR in my lifetime and this is a huge opportunity.

One thing that really irked me, apart from the spineless, gutless performance was the photos of Moi on his phone, from a somewhat gleeful media. It demonstrates that a number of players have their own agenda and are looking after themselves. Theyโ€™re not interested in the team, the club and the supporters. They should be removed immediately and replaced by people who are hungry to play. Eddie as well, he has looked disinterested this season. Disgusted is understatement.

3 years ago
Reply to  BelfastBhoy

Disagree, these are symptoms of a dysfunctional management setup.

Think back to the end of the Deila era when everyone wanted rid of a lot of players (Brown, Forrest, Lustig etc) yet get a proper manager in and basically the same players storm everything.

Things rot from the head and get that right then hopefully we’re all pleasantly surprised at how little else needs changing.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Iโ€™m afraid I have to agree. The back room team seems to have lost the players. The level of chaos in the team was galling to watch. I personally feel very bad for NFL as he is a Celtic man through and through. That said the team has to perform better much better. I think they will give him till Cup Final if we lose that or a few league games on the way I think he will be unable to survive it.

Rob O'Keeffe
3 years ago

Positivity about last night.Brilliant to see Benfica come back with 10 men.Super Leigh,best striker at Parkhead,wrap him in cotton wool,we’re going to need him.Laxalt?Well done,tried all game,some engine on you.Frimpong?Trying to do two jobs going man,well done,ran yourself ragged.Er,that’s it…..
P.S.Moi was checking Milan score on phone so what’s the problem?

3 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

Griffiths isn’t considered fit to start and last, for 8 months.

That’s an appalling lack of professionalism from both the player and manager.

Rob O'Keeffe
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

TC,Shane Duffy started and finished the game.Who is fitter,faster,more skillful and more useful for Celtic,him or Leigh?

Rob O'Keeffe
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob O'Keeffe

In what respect,Weered?Did you watch the game?

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

Respect to Lenny but if he is to go soon, and he should, my choice as a successor would be Marcelino, who is unattached to any club at the moment. He’s the man who was in charge of Valencia when they knocked us out the EL a couple of seasons ago. In the four years that he occupied the Mestalla hotseat he transformed the chรฉs into an extremely efficient side, strong in defence, creative in midfield and lightning quick on the counter. During that time Valencia CF qualified for the CL on three occasions, won a Copa del Rey and competed well in Europe. He was ousted simply because he very rightly couldn’t see eye to eye with bizarre Singaporean chairman Peter Lim (a much hated figure) and Valencia fans (I know many of them) are screaming to have him back as the club is currently in free fall, languishing near the bottom of La Liga. I’d love to see Marcelino and his own technical team come to Paradise for a dream move but I guess there’s more chance of Yoker Athletic beating Bayern Munich in a CL final at Wembley. Still, it’s a nice thought all the same.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

How adaptable is he?

I’d imagine that after what he’s used to, he’d be totally shocked at the lack of technical ability and fitness of our players.

He can certainly work on the latter but its too late for the former for most senior pros.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

So now are senior players have no technical ability ?
Absolute nonsense.
Fair weather fans right enough

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Directly prior to managing Valencia he also had three very good years with Villa Real but has never managed abroad so how well he would adapt to life in any foreign country, with the resulting language barrier and cultural differences as well as a completely different style of football played, is a totally unknown quantity. You’re right, he would be less than impressed with the current state of affairs although he has a track record of introducing positive change to teams that were initially struggling. Money would surely be a huge stumbling block when it comes to tempting someone like that to come to Celtic unless old tachey were to abandon the golf course once again and come up with the readies in an all out bid to get the TEN.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Replied to you Cha – it should pop up in a day or two with a bit of luck.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Cheers and hopefully it pops up before he joins, loses and we tell him to GTF. ๐Ÿ˜‰

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Somebody like that would be too much for Know It All to control and fuck about with.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  James

Agreed. He wouldn’t come cheap either.

3 years ago

I’ve got nothing to say about last night except my eyes were bleeding……..and STILL are.
For those who feel the same, here’s a ‘squirrel’……
FC not PLC

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Hahaha.. I brilliant.

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Unfortunately The Donald didn’t get where he is by abiding by the rules.

3 years ago

The Christmas video should be a real hoot this year.

Hi ho ho and roll up to the unique shopping experience with all your favourite superstars. Need a selection box or ten? Roll up, roll up! Wanna buy a shell suit just like Neilโ€™s? Roll up roll up!

Football? Whatโ€™s that, again?

Clean sheets? Check out our balance sheet.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cortes

Wait for the balance sheet next season when they canโ€™t shift 10k seasons

3 years ago

We are second best now. We have allowed sevco to come alive and watch as the investment starts to pour in to them. We should have buried them but Peters interference has cost us big time.
From a professional set up there is more guys in my grandsons under 13 team than what is on show as Celtics first team coaching squad.
He was offered Henrik but his nose would have been.put out of joint.
He was offered Marshall or Barkas
Toney or Ajeti
He allowed Lustig Hayes Sinclair Jozo all to leave. The scouting network is a disgrace. The team needs a new challenge.
He has had his time. He has to leave. We now look like the Hibs team he left behind. Wonder what happened there.?
He has nothing left to give he gave his all. Thank you Neil but please to go..

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

but no way it was Lennon’s decision to let those players go.
Peter Lawell picks the players.
First out the door should be Lawell.

3 years ago

he had to make choices in the squad it was his decision.
Investment will come to sevco if they win the league and get champions league football.
Make no bones about it.

3 years ago

That’s the problem, Lennon has nothing to challenge Lawwell with. He was unemployed and wouldn’t have any alternative anywhere near our level.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

No Celtic manager has anything to challenge Lawell with.

You play by Peter’s rules .
Every manager he has appointed has agreed to this.

3 years ago

Yes and he’s appointed Mowbray, Deila and Lennon.

He didn’t appoint Strachan nor Rodgers.

To begin with Rodgers was given free reign to great success both on the field and the balance sheet.

Despite the whacking increases on a largely unearned bonus, Lawwell’s nose was out of joint and he started interfering to disastrous consequences.

It seems pretty simple, take Lawwell out of the equation and we get a better quality and successful (on and off field) appointment.

sfa unfit for purpose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Investment ????
Shares for debt is not investment.

3 years ago

Martin O’Neill & Roy Keane

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti I actually heard Martin had been contacted last week .

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Gonnae no dae that.

Yesterday’s man and the other other didn’t have any yesterdays in management.

I fear Strachan as he’s one of Lawwell’s cronies. I know everyone loves his quips and “analysis” but outside of his 1st 3 years with us, has he ever done anything in management?

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Strachan was another lazy appointment that didn’t exactly inspire.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

No no no no, Strachan? I canโ€™t take anymore.

3 years ago

<Boom> there you go, or take my free pass for Dignitas.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It was exactly a year ago today around this time that I landed at Fiumicino ahead of the Lazio game. If I knew what was round the corner I may have taken you up on your tempting offer, particularly as I was flying back via Zurich.

3 years ago

That’s the beauty of being a Celtic supporter, when your up, your heart swells, your bursting with pleasure, life’s fucking great, but when you lose, your heid.s mince with the pain. Welcome to my world. But anything for a pal, my shotgun sits in its cupboard locked and loaded, ready to go..

3 years ago

That’s the beauty of being a Celtic supporter, when they win, you cannot keep the smile of your face, your heart is bursting with happiness, life is great. But when they lose, your heid is raging, all minced up. Anything for a pal, if the pain becomes unbearable, Betty sits in her steel cabinet, locked and loaded, ready to go, better than taking a plane, its the airport waiting time see…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

A 12 bore would certainly mince my head.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s not losing it’s the manner in which you lose!

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

When you lose and you know that its self inflicted, that must be the hardest way of all to lose.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

“I think its important to win a match, but what’s even more important is the manner in which you win.” Jock Stein.

3 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Exactly M. THAT’s what’s been unbearable and unforgivable. THE MANNER.
Spot on, Pal.
FC not PLC

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Just an observation on a terribly sad and crucial subject generally, but typically turned to humour on this best of all Tim sites. So:
I was speaking to a librarian the other day. As it happens, I asked her if the library had many books on suicide. She said: “we used to have loads, but not now; they never bring ’em back!”
HH (HaHa)

3 years ago

Brilliant article,best I’ve read on here for a while, when the organ grinder is absent, the monkey has been allowed to run the show, why on earth Rodgers ambition couldn’t be met is the galling thing for me and that doesn’t excuse him for fucking off, Peter fucking know it all always knows better, he should be the first to go for appointing Neil after the cup final, everybody and their dug knew it shouldn’t have been Neil and the mhan has to have his reputation trounced.

3 years ago

He’s in a cup final for a quadruple treble. He’s not going now and for his service to Celtic deserves every chance to turn this round.

3 years ago

Its as simple as this, the sooner we get somebody in who knows what they’re doing in the modern game and can see the huns for what they are,the sooner there will be balance and order and inspiration to the dressing room the sooner this nightmare ends, we’ve had the patience out of respect but a swift reorganisation is now needed, not every footballer can be a dyed in the wool war horse with a limited shelf life and its getting them playing and believing again for the common good of us all.

3 years ago

Proper No.12 is nae bad.

When you reach the part where the headaches come
The hero would be me
But heroes often fail
And you will not read that book again
Because the ending is just too hard to take.

Triangle script.

3 years ago

Blaming Edouard?

3 years ago

Yes, we know youโ€™re irrational and we thank you for not attempting to defend the indefensible.
By the way, the games tomorrow.

3 years ago


Owen Mullions
3 years ago

Anyone who still thinks NL is the man to take Celtic further should seek psychiatric help.

3 years ago

Henke, I left the following comment as I laughed out loud at your response to Duncan but it got the dreaded “Awaiting for moderation” so here goes with a minor change:
“Poor Duncan, but fukk me, thatโ€™s funny!

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Youโ€™ve got to have a laugh at the moment Vinnie, either that or weโ€™ll all get carted off to the madhouse.

3 years ago

Aye Henke, indeed. (I’ve been told, with good behaviour, I’ll be out within 35 yrs!)
I sent a wee video to RM for hopeful inclusion on here soon. (it needs to be soon or the point will be diminished) I found it hilarious. Anything that rips the piss out of Trump, the OBs, the scum and/or similar, gets my, er, em, och, wannae them things that ORANGE Bastard President didnae get enuffae…….that’s it, vote!
Forgive me if I’ve sent the attached pic before!
FC not PLC

3 years ago

Bgbhoy, what is going on in there?
Paradise Lost ?

3 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Heard nothing. Iโ€™ve asked and been rubbered

3 years ago

“We must play as if there is no more games, no more tomorrows”……… Jock Stein, as relevant then as it is tomorrow.

jock stein 1..jpg
3 years ago

Eddie Howe has mowbray written all over it

3 years ago
Reply to  Una

Canโ€™t be any worse that what we already have.

3 years ago
Reply to  Una

Una, can’t see ‘Howe’ you come to that conclusion, Big Tony was worse than Deila IMHO.
If he was an option, I think Sean Dyche (Burnley) would be a good shout.
Doesn’t matter a jot what we think anyway, but, FFS, Celtic FC (and even PLC) DO THE TEN and then review the plans for the next TEN.
FC not PLC

3 years ago

I see you’re still floundering in Africa.

3 years ago

Absolutely no idea why Celtic haven’t sacked Lennon by now.
The players have no trust in the manager and by the looks of it dont trust each other.
Tomorrow is huge defeat is not an option.

3 years ago

None of us get paid to name or appoint a new manger,the man at the top has the money and the means to inspire us like he did with Rodgers, I’ll leave that to him.

3 years ago

Celtic, that’s the team for me.

jimmy mcmenamin 4.jpg
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’ must be true that since 2012, Celtic have amassed around ยฃ200.00 million more in income than any other club in Scottish football and yet, here we are, on the back foot, its easy to see where the blame should be placed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

And yet, despite that income, there’s no Champions League, hell we struggled to get into the Europa’s. Ten should be a certainty, instead even that is not a given. Ever decreasing circles…

3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Precisely Mike, and I’ve been calling for Lawwell’s head for a decade or more. Worst thing, without his parsimony at critical times, the “ยฃ200.00 million” would be around ยฃ300+ M. The prick has even failed from a bean-counter’s perspective. GHTF.
FC not PLC

3 years ago

Later today, and there’s no point emphasising the importance, I’d go for pace and skill in a loose 3-4-1-2:
Bain, El Hamed Welsh and Bitton, Frimpong Turnbull McGregor and Laxalt, Rogic, Griffiths and Eddie. Subs: Barkas, Duffy, Taylor, Brown, Ntcham, Ajetti, Klimala to be used if/when REQUIRED.
If sumfin ain’t broken, don’t ‘fix’ it!
Blame any obvious errors on SE Aussie Shiraz, McEwan’s Champion Ale and Henry Weston’s Finest. Sub: Guinness (not to be blamed if at all possible as it comes very close to my heart)

3 years ago

If Lennon wants to play with wingers then Frimpong and Laxalt should be deployed there and not asked to play twin roles which leave our defense 2v2 every fuvkin game.
El Hamed Duffy Welsh Taylor
Frimpong Rogic McGregor Laxalt
Griffiths Edouard
Stop with the nonsense of a high press shut the fuckin back door and get the ball to the guys who can do most damage.
Sick of seeing 2v2 situations at the back every week. Due to a manager unable to adapt his team through injury covid or whatever other excuse he wants to make up.
Get him out even a victory today shouldn’t save him.
Hes been a fuckin joke this season and he needs to go.
Why he is still there is a disgrace.

Rob O'Keeffe
3 years ago

Positivity time.Nice to see We Are All Neil Lennon standing up for Super Leigh and Moi.Very wet in the Central Belt today so We will have to grind out a win.Put players in who are passionate about the Club and truly understand what is at stake.
P.S.God Bless to those in the North who fought and died,your deaths won’t be in vain….

3 years ago

Come on Celtic, go for the jugular my Bhoys!

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

Good to see that Ajer’s fit to play again and most of us wanted to see Duffy dropped so that’s also good news. Not sure I’d have had Ajeti and Elyounoussi as our attacking options but it might work if they can be

Mon the Hoops!!

3 years ago

Thank God and Neil Lennon for this performance so far, it’s all about the league,I honestly hope the manager can survive giving us performances like this.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago

Much more like it. Showing a far more positive attitude we controlled the game well enough and came forward with much more purpose and bite, especially in the first half. A couple of jittery moments and we were lucky to get away with a legitimate penalty claim in the first half. Cole, on the other hand, was fortunate to get away with only a yellow after that horror challenge on Frimpong. Broonie was constantly in the thick of things and captained the team well despite quite a few atrocious deliveries. Most players got pass marks and all of our goals were very well-worked. Brilliant burst of speed from Ajeti to intercept and unlucky not to be on the scoresheet himself for that effort but Moi was well positioned to knock in the rebound. Great to see the man get a hat-trick. Disappointing to lose another goal from a set-piece that could have been much better defended but quite happy about how we played overall. Elhamed really looked the business when he came on. Hopefully this will be more of a real turning point than yet another false dawn. Got to keep winning these games and keep the pressure on the cheats.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Papering over the cracks. Weโ€™re going nowhere this season

3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

so lennon is in the paper today saying yesterday was the first time hes sat the team down and went over the previous games performance in a ‘long time’

just wow

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

I want a change of manager too but let’s not throw in the towel for the league just yet.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

I find it very hard to fathom how Yoker’s comment can be voted down. Precisely why voting should ONLY be allowed when accompanied by comment. I can’t vote up nor down and I don’t really care but I’d at least try to explain a vote if I did have one. Anyone know about The 3 ‘Frogs’ story? I asked this earlier but it’s in ‘purgatory’. It could explain a lot!

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Hereโ€™sa good laugh, just remove the space between the โ€˜hโ€™ and โ€˜tโ€™ at the start. (Thanks Duncan for that idea).
h ttps://
You may have to copy and paste it but it’s worth it.
This is about my 4th attempt to put it on here due to the usual….
FC not PLC

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

If someone wants to vote me down let them. I won’t take it to heart ๐Ÿ™‚

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Yoker, I really do ‘get’ that, in general.
Your comment was due better, that’s all I’m saying.
I like (require?) fairness, especially between Tims.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Agreed mate and cheers for that. I also think the voting thing is a bit silly as well as other aspects of the latest `’upgrades’. Hopefully they’ll soon be ‘upgraded’ but this time for the better of the site.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Tried to vote you down but those pesky etims kids flipped it.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Excellent. We can make a pact to vote each other down from now on. ๐Ÿ˜‰

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy


3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

Muchas gracias.

 “It is better to be voted down than not voted at all”, to paraphrase wildly.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

De nada hombre. I think all of us should vote each other dowm from now on. More fun that way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

(vote) Down with that sort of thig, as Father Ted said.

Yoker Bhoy
3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ha ha – I remember it well.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

“It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

Of course, to inanely “paraphrase” tragedy is to misunderstand life, in extremis.

But, of course, you knew that Cha anyway, didn’t you?
You being the ‘smartest cnut on here’ in your own opinion.
London ‘does things’ to people, not always good…….’ave a day oarf!
BTW, I spent some of my best years in ‘the smoke’, from Upton Park to Acton and from Hammersmith/Fulham/Shepherds Bush to Archway but never south of the river (except on rare ‘shopping’ trips. It didn’t ever make me feel/pretend to be superior.
It’s a lesson NOT too late for the learning……..made of sand.
Anyway, you’ll be the last thing on my mind. (not for long)
Schlaff gut!

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

I was riffing on Oscar Wilde’s “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked aboutโ€.

Speaking of cnuts, how much of one do you feel?

3 years ago

Well, (‘Well?) THAT was more like The Celtic we all love and hopefully our brave wee right back is not seriously hurt. The tackle was an absolute disgrace and a golden opportunity for the twat in the Boardroom to take some action to protect our players. Anyway, I’m really pleased we WON a MUST WIN game and with a fair bit of ease.
Does anyone know what’s behind a story I heard earlier under the nom de plume “The Three Frogs”?
It would certainly explain much about our play/attitude. Not knowing what’s going on in the background leads easily to misplaced anger etc. and maybe NFL needs a break here?
Anyway, great result, some breathtaking football and a safe 3 points. We now have a wee break to re-group and come back and do THE TEN which was ALWAYS what this season was about to me.
FC not PLC

3 years ago

Jesus H Christ, 1st comment this afternoon and it’s the dreaded, inane “Awaiting for approval” yet again. WTF? Personally I’m more than sick of it. ‘Peas’n’barley’ if you’re looking in, keep well and be glad you’re not having to suffer the cock-ups of this once magnificent Tim site.

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Ah, Weered, good to hear from you. (Dinnae be saying “Hi” tae me tho’, re a recent comment of yours!) ๐Ÿ™‚
I’m kinda quick to ‘flash’ but I know that Ralph and the Bhoys wont like this any more than us. I told them not to listen to Peter Lawwell about ‘techie’ guys tho’, an’ they widnae listen! ๐Ÿ™‚
Anither thing PTL knows fukk all about but thinks otherwise.

3 years ago

How life changes, and how life changes you…..some put it down to god and “mysterious ways”. Preposterous! Religions (fukkin’ tons of ’em) are the root (with money) of all mankind’s woes and friends of the likes of Trump. Religion is the universal divider of man, created by primitive, seeking homo sapiens and capitalised on by The Wealthy. But, of course, each must do their own learning…….it’s not too hard…..
Anyway, I’m clearing what Dylan called “My Back Pages” and coming across diamonds… this, from wee Matt McGinn frae The Calton, a man whose history was similar to mine and who went for a pee in the communal pisser when, I’m sure, he could’ve avoided ‘the peasants’. But he didnae.
Within a coupla years of that memorable piss (for me) – Wypers in Renfield Street – the Wee Man died too early. Anyway, his brother (who pre-deceased him) loved Omar Khyyam and his poem The Rubayyat (I’m sure I’ve mis-spelt it) but it’s also a pub in Byres Road on the ‘big corner’, and this is why Matt wrote and sung this lovely song………

Magic Shadow Showโ€ฆfollowing a brief introduction i will give you just one example of why i love the work of one man called Matt McGinn i mentioned his name in a comment to sheena.
*Matt McGinn was born on January 17th 1928. He was one of a family of 9 having 5 sisters and 3 brothers. He lived in the Gallowgate in the Calton district of Glasgow. educated man, he won a trade union scholorship and went to oxford โ€ฆwhere he gained a diploma in ecenomics and political science. He came back to scotland and was a teacher for many years, he also married Janette and they had 4 children. Matt went on to become a singer, comedian, actor and writer.
He tragically died in 1977โ€ฆhe was not yet 50. Scotland has mourned his passing ever since.. Here is my all time favourite Matt McGinn song..and like many of his works, i think the lyrics are truly stunning! enjoy!_ Mags x
In and out, above, below
Phantom figures come and go,
Just a magic shadow show,
Come, love, watch with me.
It may be sad, it may be fun,
The leaves of life fall one by one,
The wine of life too soon is done
In this magic shadow show.
A loaf of bread and you and me,
A jug of wine beneath the tree,
We will sit and we will see
A magic shadow show.
A thousand blossoms of today
Will soon be scattered into clay,
Today becomes a yesterday โ€”
Magic shadow show.
Leave tomorrow and yesterday,
With old Khayyam come sip today,
Listen to my Rubaiyat,
Magic shadow show.
Could you and I with fate conspire,
Remould this scheme of things entire,
Nearer to the heartโ€™s desire,
What a magic shadow show.
SORRY, I’m too leathered tae get onything right… “magic shadow show by matt mcginn”….hic…..hic……hooray!
or this:

3 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Dont blame for, turn to God when………

3 years ago
Reply to  james

That should say –

Dont blame God for,turn to God when………

3 years ago
Reply to  james

‘james’, we’re poles apart here Pal.
There is NO god and religion is but a business (just another capitalist construct).
I thank you for your well-meaning response, and likely intent.
I would advise that you read up on religion, and see a) where (Geographically) it comes from, b) whether it aids or deducts from the common man/woman and, after your research, you’ll be like me………questioning…….Nepotism, where and why? Moreso.
I’m seriously Brahms and Listz, but if you desire an education on the pretence of ‘god’ and the why-fors/nots……..mibbaes start (historically) with the Borgias, try to understand Billy Shakespeare’s ‘Merchant’ patter, ask questions of the ‘orange order’, deep Qs, like “if ye didnae hate Catholics where wid ye be……” Oh shit, I’m bursting into song, (TF it’s 06.18 and not 02.00)
“If ye didnae hate ra kaffliks,
Where wid ye be-ee?
You’d have been tae sundae school,
Wi’ fruit an’ ice-cream tae,
An’ you’d a been a privileged cunt,
‘Till you goat leprosee,
Then ye widnae hate anywan at a’ noo!
…..sorry……just pissed an amusin’ masel’ again, whilst, of course, trying to spread my unique take on life, ra gospel accordion (noo is that a C or a B#?)………….

3 years ago

I have a general tendency to rapidly weigh up any potential shite, flare up and then remove it (the shite).
Now it’s well (‘Well? keeps comin’ up :-)) past 2.00AM (UK time) and I’m being fkn nostalgic and trying to put up a wee Glasgow star and the site’s resisting? When I’m in full flow, dinnae fukk aboot wi’ me, I guarantee, I’m IRRESISTABLE.

Barkas -private pilot
3 years ago

There was a young Aussie named rogic
To leave the guy out defied logic
Only through crisis he came to relinquish the blame
From the clubs recent shame from a manager bereft of ideas
Rebus would claim the guy was so lame
He wanted the guy sold away
But the faithful prayed hard he should stay
Heโ€™s the only guy here he could play
Now thereโ€™s hope that he can rouse the team to show
We are here for ten in a row
Hail fucking hail
What do canucks know about football

3 years ago

So the ball is to be treated as a clock-face.

How to cross a ball:
Lean back and hit through the ball (with the instep of the foot) at 7 o`clock.

Work boots and a medicine ball.

3 years ago

Well done Stevie Clarke what you can achieve with proper discipline and tactics in a team. Big Marsh should have been the Celtic goalie.

3 years ago

Sorry,Whats up with that statement.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmybee

Still lashing out because your hero has been taking a pasting this past week.

But enough about Trump.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Hail! Hail! and glad to see you back shitposting after your hasty exit last week as yer man was taking a pounding in the polls.

A word of warning – there’s a deranged poster on here called Charlie Saiz, who goes completely ape when posters include images, claiming that they cause the site to crash.

Of course, all without any evidence, such is his tinfoil ways but you might end up with severe side and rib aches if he decides to take you on.

3 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Aye, that’ll be it.

Personally I would have thought running for the hills, as your hero Trump is being trounced would be more in keeping with rage.

There again I don’t have the benefit of a tinfoil hat, so I’m missing out on all that expanded consciousness it confers.

3 years ago

Aye whits up with that?

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