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Celtic Diary Sunday December 8: The Magic of the Cup

The short, sharp format of the League Cup provides the best chance of silverware for any club during the season, and its great to see plucky , cash strapped “rangers ” given a chance to win their first ever major domestic honour.

They seem to be happy about it, having offered Steven “Pep ” Gerrard a new contract that will tie him down to the club/company until 2022, or until someone offers the hastily added get out clause fee, thought to be a ridiculously high £7m, which, in short, means he’ll be around at Ibrox for a while yet.

As usual, the hype around the fixture perpetuates the myth that its the old Rangers who are in action today, and not the basket of assets bought by Charles Green, the venture capitalist who made a few quid out of a support that even now is still in denial.

It would be easy to get caught up in all of this nonsense, but the fact is it’s not an Old Firm game as such, although it’s almost certain the two clubs nodded wisely to each other over a five way agreement some years ago, and perhaps in the boardrooms there is a feeling that the two clubs need each other, and Scottish football needs them even more.


If Celtic play the team in front of them today, and not the hype surrounding them, we can expect a comfortable afternoon, unless, of course, you happen to be on the same train as some of their support after they’ve been beaten.

Only Hatem El Ahmed and Jozo Simunovic are unavailable, and that leaves Neil Lennon with an embarrassment of riches to choose from. Despite this rumour from last night..



Expect a line up of Forster, Frimpong, Julien, Ajer, Bolingoli, Brown , MacGregor, Forrest, Christie, Elyanoussi and Edoaurd.

Whatever line up “rangers ” put out, you can rest assured that none of them would get into a Celtic side, although Morelos would make decent back up for Edoaurd and a fit again Griffiths.

But that is irrelevant in a one off cup game.

There is one person who could put in a match winning performance for the new club, and you all know who that is..

Image result for willie collum

However, there is something that just might swing the fifty fifty decisions our way, as collum is the type of guy who looks like he can hold a grudge.

Willie Collum hasn’t refereed a single Rangers fixture in the four months following the club’s scathing attack on him.

The official’s decision to send off Daniel Candeias during the Ibrox side’s win over St Mirren in November 3 was slaughtered in a lengthy statement days later.

Rangers’ attack on Collum garnered no fewer than five SFA charges and eventually resulted in a fine after a two-day Hampden hearing.

But in the ensuing 124 days since he flashed red at Candeias, a call that was later upheld on appeal, the senior whistler has not once been put in charge of a game involving Rangers. 

Collum is an arrogant sort of fellow, and he might be out for revenge on the new club for questioning his decision back last November, but what is worrying is that the SFA have chosen this game to give him a chance to make it up to the SFA’s chosen club.

Peter Lawwell was never going to point this out to the powers that be, having decided to sit quietly at the back of the bus until it’s time for him to get off to pastures new, but ,manager Neil Lennon is fully aware of it.


On referees , and their honest mistakes, Lennon said;

“It is important to try to take that out of it,” 

“Try to be the dominant team in all aspects of the game, then you don’t have to look at wrong decisions.

“You’ve got to take the referee out of it. You’ve got to keep your discipline and play as strongly as you can.

Image result for nodding gif kirk mccoy


There is scope for plenty of incidents, especially slips and falls that may be determined to be a penalty as the Hampden pitch has poor drainage and its been raining heavily in Glasgow for what feels like a fortnight.

However, with tv money at stake, there was never really any chance of the game being called off, so the announcement this morning it was on should come as no real surprise..



no ispection required, that means they were taking no chances as to whether or not it was safe to play on.

And lets face it, the SPFL couldn’t give a toss if the fans get a bit wet.


Image result for raincoat gif


The last game between the two sides started with Oddsone Edoaurd kicking the ball into touch as close to the “rangers ” bye line as he could, immediately putting pressure on their back line, which is not the best back line in the country.

Whereas that particular move may not be replicated, we can still perhaps expect Celtic to start at pace and keep it going all the way through until the end.

With the Ibrox side slipping behind in the league, and a trip to Celtic Park at the end of the month ahead of them, they will be a little nervous as their entire season could fall apart in the next couple of weeks.

A convincing win and an outstanding performance today will destroy their morale, and leave them wishing they hadn’t believed all the hype about how good they are.

Speaking of hype, or rather the lack of it, there’s been little mention of the fact that Lazio, beaten home and away by Celtic, beat Juventus last night, 3-1, to move into third in Serie A.

In their last eleven games they have lost two, both to Celtic, and Celtic remain the only side to beat them on their home turf this season.

We knew Lazio were a good side, and we know exactly how much of an achievement it was to win those games.

Put that into the context of todays match, against a team of journeymen players at a club still to win a major honour, and you kind of start to think complacency could be the real problem.


But the players are fired up for this one.

An unheard of tenth successive trophy is up for grabs, a run which will come to an end, but not today.


Although there will be a determination in the Ibrox camp to give their support something to cheer about, as they were devastated the last -and only time -they played in a cup final…



Prediction for today ?

If Celtic want to, they’ll win quite convincingly..three or four goals is not beyond them.

If Willie collum wants to have his priviliges re-instated down at the lodge, or the SFA feel that they owe “rangers ” one after John Beaton was below the standards expected at Pittodrie last week, then we could see extra time and penalties.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Gerrard sets out to aim for penalties, like all wee clubs do when there’s little chance of them outplaying their opponents.


But for me, I’d say that 7-1 record was in danger today, and there’ll be an awful lot of u happy bears out there tonight.

Gerrard is due to sign his new contract tomorrow. He’d do well to sign it before todays game, as if things go badly the hordes will be wanting his head on a spike.


Anyhoo, back to the caption competition… from Friday/Saturdays diary..





Workers rights take a battering post Brexit. Seats, desks,office phones need not be supplied by the employer and toilet breaks will be a thing of the past..
Though on the plus side, adult nappy sales have given a surprise boost to the ailing economy. 

Today..whats going on here ?




If you are at the game today, stay safe.

You know what they’re like when they get beat…

Image result for rangers fans riot


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4 years ago

Caption : “F##k’s sake Sean, where did you the kegs. Everybody’s staring at us.”

Patrick Street
4 years ago

During season 2025-2026 Rangers fans reminisce wistfully on the crumbling terraces of Ibrox while Arthurlie thump them 0-5 in the first preliminary round of the Scottish Cup.

4 years ago

Caption: It’s no Tam.
Aye it is Rab! Na it isn’y. Am telling ye it is. It’s no. Look a seen him at the Empire twice and that’s definitely Calum Kennedy.

4 years ago

Sfa proudly unveil the new standing section for travelling Celtic fan’s at today’s league cup final A spokesperson for The rangers cant control his disgust at the favouritism being shown.

Rob O'Keeffe
4 years ago

Three or four goals? 7-1? This sense of entitlement reminds me of a club still in worldclass length of liquidation.One would be perfectly acceptable…..

4 years ago

Sean this reminds me of Ibrox!

Cmon the tic put this mob, Jabba, the Tories and the unbiased media back in their box. If we are on our game

Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding
4 years ago

Collum refereed their last league game at the end of last season.

Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding
4 years ago

Ordinarily I get nervous before any cup final as they are one off games and all it takes is a howling mistake or awful refereeing or linesman decision at the wrong time and we are screwed.

Despite our dominance and the obvious fact that we have the best squad in the country I will always remain cautious.

The whole of establishment Scotland want us to lose today. The football authorities want us to lose today. The media want us to lose today. At their most innocent they think it will fuel interest in the Scottish game if there is an end to our dominance and “competition” from a fierce rival. What they really want though is a supremacist right to gloat over defeated Tims.

They care not a jot about the genuine competition there actually was when Sevco were on their “journey”. There was a healthy spread of cup winners over the years. Since they came into the SPFL and the media had the competition they wanted we have been more dominant than ever before.

Today is once again about us turning up and doing our jobs, it’s about Lenny reminding the players who and what they represent because the board don’t care that we have all been cheated in the past and are watching another financially doped shower of rule bending and breaking cheats make their way to cup finals they otherwise would not have made it to. If they play better than us and win it will be with a team they “otherwise couldn’t afford” due to maximum spending outwith their means.

So, my beloved Celtic, once again you are in a final representing a people and a cause. Represent us well. Fight for the right to celebrate.

I will probably have white hair come 4.45pm today.

Come on Celtic!

4 years ago

Caption: Jock Stein says, ‘this section has more flares than the Green Brigade but your tartan numbers are still the worst!’

The Cha
4 years ago

Caption “Sean, I love coming to the Rangers End after we’re pumping them and all the people have surrended and gone home”

4 years ago

Is it really necessary to disable ‘copy and paste’ function on here? It’s just so much easier to bring news from other Tim places onto a wider platform. There are other positive uses for this function too but perhaps it negatively affects the site? I’d be interested to know. Thanks.
FC not PLC
Get Lawwell and his shower TF out of Paradise.
No blood-stained poppies on our Hoops,
No blood-sucking tories in OUR Club.

Yoker Bhoy
4 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Here’s the line-up. Not overjoyed to see Odsonne only on the bench and Griff out of the picture but Lenny will have his reasons. Meanwhile, Barisic starts at LB for the huns.

CELTIC: Forster; Frimpong, Ajer, Jullien, Hayes: McGregor, Brown; Forrest, Christie, Elyounoussi; Morgan

SUBS: Gordon, Bitton, Bolingoli, Ntcham, Johnston, Edouard, Rogic

Mon the Tic. Time to kick ass.


4 years ago


Caption: Big Jock to Sean Fallon-” Stupid, stupid Huns “

4 years ago


sfa unfit for
4 years ago

are the comments working for me yet ?

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

fook its working, no 30 hour delay

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

Play your game Celtic .

Hail Hail

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

Collum and Slippy share a wee handshake in the tunnel

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago


sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

great save Forster. Ref and nearside linesman are well at it already….

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

When are we going to stop the looong ball and play to feet……..

4 years ago

Woeful first half, Morgan waste of a jersey today, Edouard must start the second half!
If we were puting a non striker up front, why not have started with Ntcham in beside Brown, push McGregor forward with Christie up front?
Must change personnel immediately.
Forster keeping us in this….which is a joke really.

Mon Celts fingers out!

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago
Reply to  Monti

to be fair to Morgan , hes been fouled at least 10 times , and only got maybe one foul.
Not Morgans fault that we are bypassing midfield , and also bypassing our best players.

Yoker Bhoy
4 years ago

We’ll need a drastic improvement to win this. Thank fuck for Big Fraser Forster. They’re bossing the game, we’ve not been winning those 50/50 balls in midfield and plenty of passes are going astray. No real penetration in the final third and to have 0 shots on target after 45 mins is embarassing. Big Eddy and wee Mikey will have to come on and maybe spark our team into life.

4 years ago

Poor team selection. No height, no physicality. Morgan & Elyounoussi don’t have the courage for a game like this. Christie anonymous – sort it out Neil!

4 years ago
Reply to  DorsetCelt

For rest also anonymous

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago
Reply to  DorsetCelt

thought elyounoussi was limping halfway through , he off for Mikey.

4 years ago

Lenny has had a brain freeze, surely bring on Nsham and Johnston if he cannot bring Eddie on.

Gollum and his merry men as usual a joke, we win it ourselves.

Oh how the zombies are drooling, but methinks we will now grab th game by the thrapple

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

its eddy time

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

thought you had to be the last man to get a str8 red ?

4 years ago

Invincibles become incredible XXX

Hail hail

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

Painful to watch , 10 men yet again. Hail Hail the Good Guys

4 years ago

Another win another trophy and another nail in sevco’s new coffin. Ugly game beautiful win

4 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Well put, BB.

4 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

Cheers TIc Toc I’m celebrating with a few pints of Guinness and some like minded folks in South Boston! Enjoy the night

4 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

BB, occasionally we get a rub of the Green and we have a ‘Great Wall’ to back us.
I’ll not name names, as it would be superficial, we ALL know what we witnessed. An inept Celtic display with the lightest man on the park, Jeremie Frimpong being so influential…..ah well, we ‘stuffed’ them 1-0, TEN in a row.
If I’me still making sense it’s a mucking firacle.
Hail! Hail! The Glasgow Celtic, there’s that team we all adore….
HH always Celtic, always worth it.

4 years ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

😉 HH

4 years ago

WOW, what a side.
Have a Grand and Safe night Ghirl and Bhoys.


Yoker Bhoy
4 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Very happy just to hang on – our brave defending in the last half hour was something else. What a difference a half-fit Odsonne Edouard made to the shape of the team.

How we played before our goal went in will be food for thought but I doubt if the same mistakes will be made again when we face sevco at the end of the month.

Criticism should be left for another day though as now’s the time to celebrate the first of our two 10IARs.

Fraser Forster: Celtic legend. Forget about Southampton Big Man.

Willie Collum: Never thought of going on gardening leave?

Alfredo Morelos: Eres un puto pringado de mierda!!


4 years ago
Reply to  portpower

They were at their best, we were near our worst and we still pumped them, this will deflate them big time, we have a good few players to come back, they had their best eleven on(Davis would have slowed them down).

A £40 million striker and a £7 million superman couldn’t score against ten men, they have delusions of grandeur!! Hail , Hail.

4 years ago

Great great result. Jeez it was hard to listen to especially first half
Hail Hail perseverance 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Weered

Weered, my 1st response (to you) is AWOL.
Jeremie Frimpong was red-carded for virtually nothing (except for being our MOTM). Arsehole-face dived at every turn, got a (pretend) pen and the Great Wall saved it. YYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
Poetic justice an’ all.
Cheers Pal.
Ah’ll see you one day in the n/west Belfast. You know, I was introduced to ‘Van Morrison’ by a lovely wee ghirl from Andersonstown, a long-long time ago…I loved her then and still do now…in a kind of an honest way…………explanation impossible, drunk or sober……byeeeeeee, pished.

4 years ago

Squelch, squelch as the Huns trundle back to Govan, (what’s that smell?) move yersell Billy, there’s body’s coming out the top flair…

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike

” It was a top class interview ” – Ally McCoist on Steven Gerrard’s post match erm…interview 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I have an erection that would choke a clydesdale 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Monti

I have a Clydesdale that would choke an erection. 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Ever been with a woman?

4 years ago
Reply to  Iancelt67

No, fancy a go?

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike


4 years ago

We are currently enjoying multiple bottles of champers on the Michael Dacitt Ayr CSC. Up the Timaloy. Hahahahaha!!!

4 years ago

Bed for you

4 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

I got knocked down on the Antrim road celebrating the goal

4 years ago
Reply to  Bgbhoy

Bbgbhoy…. Daft cnut

Southside Bhoy
4 years ago

OK Sean, lets get back in the Time Machine. Still canny see them coming

Desmond & The Dekkers
4 years ago

caption: “Jeezo Sean – when you said do you fancy a day oot propping up a bar this wisnae quite whit ah hud in mind”

4 years ago

Fuck yeah!!!!

4 years ago

Stein and Fallon sneak into Herrera’s last training session before they meet up in Lisbon.

sfa unfit for purpose
4 years ago

Caption One day this will all be derelict

4 years ago

Ah’m seriously bladdered……again…. but ah’ll state the fakkin obvious. The Great Wall was magnificent, Jeremie Frimpong exhibited EVERYTHING that being a Tim requires and Kris Ajer was just immense, as we now expect of him.
Agree/disagree, I don’t give a fuck.
But, the significance of today, of midweek’s dropped points tae the sheep…..they, the second huns, are FUCKED. An’ ah’ll drink tae that.
HH (HicHic)

4 years ago

Caption, That’s the Hi Hi’s n lows of Scottish football.
Who’s that in goal Sean, its Faither Simpson…

4 years ago

I’ve been scrolling over a large number of recent comments/posts, on this, our inter-Tim site. The best of all Tim sites. The ‘Ad Homs’ need tae stop.
The ‘guilty’ need tae accept their shit and take anither stance. FUCK THIS, inter-Tim rivalry.
The Celtic won a Cup today,
Its relevance was none,
Except to say
That day-by-day,
We just love stuffing huns.
(them old flies around a new shite)
Lawwell? Aye, you’re fucked!

4 years ago

I’m away tae get ma sides strapped up. Remembering back tae that Orange FUD Gormless and the times he broke Tommy’s heart, Glasgow’s answer tae a Springbok. They shall not pass, big Fraser, by crikey did he not pay back his loan fee inside 97 minutes, he played a blinder. We should take him hostage at season’s end. Three strikers and the top man came on late and made a difference, sell the two others, one injured the other missing inaction again. And the Lord said “Lenny catch yersell on and do not play a short winger as a striker and punt high balls up to him, relentlessly, for what is the point, eh”? Tommy teams were brilliant and yet suffered defeat more often than not at the hands of the FUD. Mind you they are too thick or desperate to see El. Buff is mince, 20tries nil points. A desperate game but there’s never a bad game that you win, especially against the Manks and for a cup. That’s it ma sides are beginning to ache… again.

4 years ago

I’m kinda flyin’ (we won the cup), definitely bladdered, definitely confused…..we had/have a superior team and manager yet outplayed much of today. There’s a hollowness in our victory for me today, but not so much as would bother you.
Offside/onside, whae gie’s a fuck?
The screamin’ scum dae, “we wiz robbed”. Well,
#’Twas on a dreary New Years’ Eve,
As the shades of night came down,
A lorry load of Volunteers,
Approached a border town,
There were men from Dublin and from Cork,
Fermanagh and Tyrone,
And the leader was a Limerick man,
Sean South of Garryowen.
And as they moved along the street,
Up to the barrack’s door,
They scorned the danger they would meet,
The fate that lay in store,
They were fighting for ‘ould Ireland’s’ cause,
To claim their very own…………
New Year’s Eve, 1957, not THAT long ago.
I stand daily, ridiculing them flag-flying, ex-army,
stupid, monarchical fucks.
I’m ME, and I’m as cool as fuck with that.
FC not PLC
Lawwell, yer card’s fukkin’ marked.
The GB are gentle compared to this responder to the needs of fleas an a’… blood-sucking scumbag..say yer fukkin prairs, ya phoney fuck.
Tick Tock, Tic Toc, yer time’s running oot….ya disgusting tory arsehole.

4 years ago

I’ve a feelin’, a deep-down sickening feeling that ‘the poor’ (or some of them) will tip the balance for the scummy, tory party. I saw on live TV, a fat, probably paid-for, fucking imbecile whom freely attested/ admitted he ‘survived’ on food banks but felt that Johnston made sense.
Let me delve a wee bit here: the clown may aver Johnston’s ‘given us’ food banks; difficult to, per se, argue with? Given us/driven us to, the ‘illiterate’ should have to pass some kind of rudimentary test? Nichts?
One of Connolly’s Socialist Rhebels, Vincent.

4 years ago

The point I’m trying to make is sound, the eloquence is lacking. I beg of you think of the central meaning…..the workers of the world are scum, in the eyes of the Borises…..hhit back, in EVERY constituency, ensure that right-wing scum CANNOT be given even MORE time.

4 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

On a Tim site a call to vote Real Labour is voted down? Pour FKN quoi?
Johnston? FFS!

4 years ago

Poor performance, Christie, Forrest, Frimpong, Morgan didn’t play well, Hayes came onto his game. Some clown slagged me off earlier in the season for saying Sevco had a better coach and squad than previously but as Lenny reminds us we have improved as well, they will only achieve something if we go backwards and there is no sign of that anytime soon. If we can beat them and win a trophy after a display like that, another treble is well within our grasp.Morellos is such a liability with his diving and his fouls. I hope he stays with them, but he just cannot succeed against Celtic. Happy Sunday C’mon the hoops.

4 years ago

They’ll be jumpin’ ootae windaes when we win,
They’ll be jumpin’ ootae windaes when we win,
They’ll be jumpin’ ootae windaes, jumpin’ ootae windaes, jumpin’ ootae windaes when we win.

Singin’ ah’m no’ a billy ah’m a Tim,
Ah’m no’ a billy ah’m a Tim,
Ah’m no’ a billy, ah’m no’ so fuckin’ silly,
Ah’m no’ a billy ah’m a Tim.

An’ a hope it’s multi-stories when they jump,
Ah hope it’s multi-stories when they jump,
Ah hope it’s multi-stories, hope it’s multi stories,
Ah hope it’s…..cackling noise, static electricity….unrequested interference…”it’s the BBC here, urgent announcement for ALL upper-Clyde areas with bridges: the huns fans (same flies different shite), unable to accept another mauling by Celtic FC (not PLC) are now queuing on the Kingston and Erskine bridges. We are extremely concerned as Salmon have recently been thriving and moving more and more upstream. This will almost certainly be reversed if any of them huns hit the river bed and the Salmon glimpse their ugliness. FFS, imagine a Salmon encountering the face of Morelos…..aye, exactly….would you lay yer eggs within a fukkin’ mile ae that ugly bastard’s heid? Naw, nor me!

10 TEN in a row,
Dealt the fakkin’ scum an’er blow,
Comin’ uptae Christmas, Ho Ho Ho,
We’ve just done TEN in a row, Ho Ho. 🙂

4 years ago

Imagine trying to add 2 bob to a players worth at the expense of the silverware.

4 years ago

Ah’m a gloatin’ a wee bit?
Too fuckin’ right I am.
We fucked the new huns today,
Fucked their establishment fleas today,
Fucked their SMSM today,
Am ah gloatin’?
AYE, times a ‘hun’ner.
Our Time Is NOW.
FC not PLC

4 years ago

“Neil Lennon and Billy McNeill
Are the only Celts to have won
League Title, Scottish Cup & Lge Cup
As both Player and Manager”

Isn’t Neil Lennon, therefore, on the cusp of forever Celtic legend like Billy McNeill is?
Legend is a title I seldom see as appropriate, but my goodness, it applies to both these guys.
And Neil Lennon has far to go….his mentality….”we’re in another final, we’ll give it our best, and see who’s who at the end” AYE, whilst I have no wish to claim ‘rights’ on any other Tim’s blind disaffection towards NFL, I DO say this now: Get behind Neil, encourage him, back him to the hilt. Our wish has come true; NFL is the epitome of player, manager and TIM. The dissenters should have the ‘grace’ to admit their folly and gather round NFL. Halcyon days? Aye, an’ merr!

4 years ago

VAR = victims are ragin

4 years ago
Reply to  Weered

Borrowed from twitter:

VAR the Peepil.

4 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Dear Santa, i want two things this Christmas, Fraser Forster signed on a six year deal & a striker who can score goals when Edouard is rested.

Please x

4 years ago

Willie Collum should be chased from the game.

4 years ago
Reply to  portpower

Agree. Collum was just trying to suck up to Slippy Steve. What a game! Firstly, it should not have been played on that surface. Dangerous to both teams. We were offside but auld Tims like me can remember so many situations where VAR would have given us the match. Remember the Cadete incident? Recently, the Meekings handball, etc, etc. We’ll take the offside goal (by one shoe length) as karma. Morelos should have been sent off (for simulation and for trying to cripple Jullien—aga. VAR win) Jack should have been sent off. VAR works both ways. Lenny, no more Morgan up front if no Eddy. Instead, 4-3-3
Rogic’s height will give us something to aim at.It gives me great joy to see us play so poorly and still win. Our defence saved us this time. Well done Lenny and the bhoys, in the wind and rain of Hampden. What a lovely day it’s going to be!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Devoy45

aga=again. Delete “VAR win” to make sense of my above comments! Cheers, bhoys.

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