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Celtic Diary Thursday March 19: Time To Discipline Tayside Thugs.

From the very first minute last night, it was apparent that Dundee Utd had a plan in mind to grind out a result. This involved kicking Celtic players, as demonstrated by Tannadice keeper Radoslow Czeirniak when he attempted to launch a speeding Leigh Griffiths into orbit as he bore down on goal.

The referee gave the keeper a yellow, when it was a straight red, and signalled to United that there would be a bit of leeway in his decisions.

Celtic won 4-0, but the real story lies in the discipline of the jolly Jackies players.

And it seems it is down to him, as a Partick Thistle fan pointed out on twitter;

Look at our disciplinary record when he was manager at Thistle. Shocking. Guy gets players fired up far too much. 

 Its hard to imagine a scenario where MacNamara can fire anyone into action, but it looks like thats what he does, and then moans about not getting what he thinks is the right decision afterwards.

 Anthony stokes did see red, and then got a red card as well. He was elbowed by Paul Paton, drawing blood, and when he slapped the United man to the ground, as anyone who had just been elbowed would, he was sent for an early bath. Well, he might have got a nasty infection in the wound.

 Paton escaped punishment, which might be one for the compliance officer, who must be sick of the sight of United players, but don’t hold your breath.

 Liam Henderson was then the victim of a two footed lunge which saw Ryan MacGowan dismissed, but it was the fracas afterwards that will be remembered more. Emilio Izagirre and John Guidetti went for MacGowan, and were booked, but if you watch the replay, note Nir Bitton’s actions as the United man walks away.

 The tackle on Henderson was nasty, but the reaction of his team mates shows that this is indeed a team, who will fight for each other.

 Deila was disgusted with the tackle;

: “It was a stupid tackle. We need to get these things out of football.

“It was a youngster trying a little trick in the corner. You could have stayed there and kept him out wide instead of going in with both feet. He could have injured him for life.”  

 Anthony Stokes spoke out on twitter about his red card;

Great performance tonight! On another note I get a sly elbow in the face by someone that has nothing about them and get sent off, typical! 

 Theres quite obviously a wee bit of  needle between some of these players, maybe going back as far as the attack on Lukasz Zaluska, a case which will be heard in court soon.

 Theres obviously a problem with how Jackie MacNamara views Celtic these days. Perhaps, earlier in the season, when things weren’t going well for Ronny, Jackie thought he was next in line to the throne…

 Then not only did Ronny get it right, but he pinched two of MacNamaras star men, and recorded a 6-1 win. If Jackie, along with one or two other Scottish managers had been slating Deila and his methods, then that would have been quite embarasing for the former Celt.

 Oh, and knocking them out of two cups probably won’t make things any better before Saturdays game.

 The SFA, or the SPFL, need to speak to Dundee united about their dreadful behaviour on the pitch. Four sent off in three games, consideing there should have been more, is unacceptable at a professional level.

 If it had been a Neil Lennon team, then no doubt he would have been banned for months by now, but there seems to be a different rule for Scottish managers, and with Deila now coming in and showing them how changing ingrained habits can be for the better, he’s not going to be popular.

 Which pleases me greatly, and I’m going to enjoy this treble a little more because of that.

 Shorter than usual today, because I’ve got a Mr. king on the phone, asking me to be a guarantor for a payday loan he’s after, and theres a Mr. Ashley on the other line telling me to tell him where to go, now that he’s got him where he wants him.

 Wonder what all that means ?

 There was no tv coverage of the game last night, I had to follow it on teletext, like in the eighties. Big thanks to Cartuja, who managed to get a gig with ITN and keep us all updated;

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 Yesterday, that was Harald Brattback easing the blood pressure back in the days when we hardly won anything, and it should serve as a reminder to young ‘uns today to savour every moment of being a Tim.

 Who is the goalscorer here, and who is he doing it against ?

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dziekanowski's nightclub child
9 years ago

Frank MacAvennie v Hamilton, keeper was Ferguson I think

9 years ago

Last night, well done bhoys. A proud and efficient performance in the face of lots of agro. I had a few concerns before the match but they evaporated after Denayer’s goal. I had visions of St. Johnstone or Ross County. Lots of huff and puff but nothing in the back of the net.
By the way, the above piece is totally spot-on about Jackie.
For my sins, I was one of those who was panicking early on saying “get rid of Deila, get Jackie in…” Sorry bhoys.I thought I was a wise old pensioner, not a stupid auld fart, however….

One big advantage we have on Saturday is that we can bring fresh players into the squad and also have Johansen back. Matthews should be back in, Johansen back in, and Armstrong and Mackay-Steven able to play again. Would we start both of them against their former club? I’m thinking no, just one but bring Mackay-Steven on as a sub in case we need to shake things up. United will have two suspended so we’re in better shape.
Wee Forrest deserves to start but maybe he does need a rest?
Efe has done fine but I still prefer a fit Matthews. Why doesn’t Fisher play more? He always looks pretty solid. For the first time in several games, Deila is spoiled for choice and has some tough decisions to make. I would go:
Matthews/Van Dijk/Denayer/Izzy
Commons or Forrest/Johansen/Armstrong

Mackay-Steven to come on for either Commons or Armstrong.
Guidetti to come on if needed.
Ambrose always a good sub for right back or centre half.
Stokes is suspended, if we get the game in the bag early, why not a look at Scepovich?

In times past, we would look at any two Celtic strikers to bag 20 goals each=40.
Under Deila’s system with four attackers, you would expect each of them to bag at least 10 goals=40.
We’ve achieved that, with not four but five in/near double figures: Stokes, Griffiths, Johansen,Commons and Guidetti, so no problem.
I like the system now that’s it’s working.

9 years ago

p.s. I forgot. Has any Celtic team in your memory had so many corners with such poor results? I think we should score more from corners with Van Dijk, Denayer, Bitton good targets and wee guys like Griffiths and Commons also able to head the ball well . Times will come when a corner could decide it. I think we defend them fine.

9 years ago

Special mention should be made of Ryan McGowan.

Since the first match at Tannadice when he kicked Stokes’ankle, he has been involved in all of the flash points between the teams, and not just in his premeditated over the top challenges.

He was seen clearly pushing Celtic players away who were protesting to the referee when Dillon was sent off, and last night was seen trying to push Stokes off the park after he was red carded.

something needs to be done about this zoomer now.

9 years ago
Reply to  TonyB


Charlie Saiz
9 years ago
Reply to  TonyB

In days gone by you would put a heavy dunt on this cunt in the first 10 minutes a wee softner if you like from a player not know for their heavy tackles then after that you get your players to take it in turns to tenderise the wanker from then on in.
He will either snap or fade out the game.

9 years ago

Yep, Frankie Macca v Hamilton, though I think the goalie is a star of Rocky 4, not sure if its Ivan Drago (Dolph Lungren) or his Mrs, Brigitte Nielsen. Must be Brigitte Nielson as Dolph played centre half for us. Could be nuclear man from Superman 4 either, definitely some one from 4th movie of an eighties movie franchise.

Didn’t see the game last night, thanks UEFA for that one, had to listen to Sportsound instead, which was kind of good as Rob Mc Clean clearly couldn’t hide his disappointment as United were steam rolled.

I’ll not comment on the incidents as I didn’t see them, though of course that hasn’t stopped the SFA or referees in Glasgow derby games in the past.

But United definitely getting the hump now, Id be very wary if I were GMS or Armstrong at the weekend. I ll reserve judgement on Jackie too, liked him too much as a player and if I were a manager of a side that were patently less talented than my opponents I d likely encourage them to get stuck in too. He is a United employee now and I have to respect his right to try to engineer a win over us by any means necessary, I m sure he hasn’t directed his team to go out and do Celtic players. Surely?

So the triple dream remains alive as Ronny would say, just hope we have the legs to keep the league campaign going now, and after the weekend we can look forward to playing someone who isn’t Dundee United – just wondering, when we beat them earlier this season 6-1 did someone chant “Can we play you every week?” and were they standing near a Zoltar fortune telling machine at the time (another wee 80s movie nod there)? It would seem so. We’ll be able to freshen up at the weekend , Johannsen and the Dundee two can come back in, and how many players are suspended for them just now? So with their spirit broken we should expect a comfortable win. This is Celtic though so who knows.

Good to see our erstwhile city rivals go on an impressive five match undefeated run, clearly new boss Mc Call is working his magic over there already, maintaining his not being able to win at Ibrox record going as well.

The statements have dried up, the crowds have fallen away again, the team are honking, no word of any money coming in to keep the lights on, a squad who know they wont be there next year and have downed tools, its another perfect sh*t storm for the Ibrox lads, so get ready for SMSM narrative to kick into overdrive about how great it will be to have another season in the Championship – its started already, and for Big Davie “children’s inheritance” to get the begging bowl out. Seems fair really – fans always going on about how its their club – well finally they’re going to have to pay for it then after decades of using other people’s money to finance their sense of natural entitlement. Quite a few of them were chuffed to see Mc Call in a suit at the weekend, I mean FFS, is this the biggest thing they have to concern themselves with – how dignified their manager looks!?

I’d love Celtic to win the treble obviously, but if it doesn’t happen c’est la vie, I d hate if we ever started to display their characteristics of believing its our God given right to win everything.

9 years ago
Reply to  elcormaco

Spot On Elcormaco.

We are getting there through professional hard graft at the top level, and the tribute act is an ongoing dodgy dave comedy act struggling against semi-professionals.

9 years ago

The other Accies player is former Hibernian Centre Half ,Willie Jamieson…..

9 years ago

James Forrest, Bitton and Denayer outstanding last night, Dundee United behaviour unacceptable just now.

Looking forward to Saturday Jackie?

9 years ago
Reply to  Monti

There was a good interview with Ronnie regards wee Jamesie in the papers yesterday ( i sent to Ralph for reference but he ignored me..again).

Interesting how he has did with Forrest what Martinez did with Sean Maloney, and look how successful he was at Wigan.

Deila, Lennon and Strachan all say Forrest is exceptional. Now that his incorrect running style ( who knew until Ronnie arrived!) has been corrected, we might just have a new superstar really ready for the CL qualifiers!

9 years ago
Reply to  Desimond

James Forrest needs his confidence to be given a huge boost, he needs games, the support of the fans and encouragement.
If he get’s all of this, he will be huge for us.
I believe in him….

Charlie Saiz
9 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Terrific pace and a decent shot at times just needs to brush up on the finer aspects to his game
He needs to work on his delivery and close ball control far too often overruns it into tough or fails to clear the first man.
I like seeing him cut inside from wide and lighting the burners you can see defenders shiting it as he flies by them.

Pace is always a good weapon in attack and out wide.

9 years ago

I think its time the board said something,when so many fouls go unpunished,but we can clearly see this team/squad has really matured,we dont need any outside help….nor want it.I think saturday will be that 7-niller.Slainte.

zionist zidane
9 years ago

I cant find a link of what biton done when the utd player got sent off?
What did he do?

9 years ago
Reply to  Macca

They haven’t suffered nearly enough…I hope it lasts for many years.
Bitter? Yes.


9 years ago
Reply to  Monti

Yup! No sympathy here:-)

9 years ago

My comments go the same way as tribute act stock

9 years ago

Hell slap iit into them. Luvin it. Hh

9 years ago

Unbelievable utd to appeal the red card that thug mcgowan picked up ,they really have lost it

9 years ago
Reply to  deadhead67

But I bet you that everyone at Utd would show compassion for people who had just lost their lives, unlike you Terry Fuckwit.

9 years ago

Not seen the McGowan challenge that resulted in a sending off but apparently it was no worse than Scott Brown Challenge that set the tone for the 6 red cards that have followed.

9 years ago
Reply to  Arabroad

But it was worse….

Charlie Saiz
9 years ago
Reply to  Arabroad

Away n raffle yersel son.

9 years ago

Brown’s challenge in 1st game was a hard challenge but I thought it was a foul & a yellow card but it was never more than that. Let’s face it he got a kick on the napper for his trouble & just got on with game.

Yup Frankie Macca versus Hamilton.

Honest Hoops
9 years ago

good old BBC, they are going to show the other semi final instead of the all SPFL tie, they really don’t like all things Celtic, we as a club should make them pay to come into paradise for the foreseeable future until they prove they have stopped thier personal agenda against the greatest club in the world.

Always Celtic 1st…..

9 years ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops


As always, since day dot.
What do you expect from a British Broadcasting company?

Lets win the cup, to get it right up them!!

Celtic first, and Celtic last, and Celtic overall

Lenny Bruce
9 years ago

Why is Draco Malfoy in goals against us?

Harry Potter says Celtic are Magic.

9 years ago

Pity the Oscars have just been awarded… performance on day time TV from our very own heroic Ralph Malph! You look a bit different from the 1980’s Rich…..but I suppose we all do! Anyway, I hope you can still find time to write the diary once fame & fortune of Hollywood is at your door! Awrabest fae the R&R (Soton) CSC!

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