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Celtic Diary Monday December 16

Teemu Pukki scored the winning goal as Celtic broke down the wall presented to them by Terry Butchers Hibernian.

“Its the only one he’ll get ” roared a defiant Hugh Keevins from within his jacket that buttons up the back.

Manager Neil Lennon was probably even more relieved than the Finnish striker when it went in, but after Keevins wrote the lad off, there was a massive procession to the bookies and several Tims had a beer courtesy of  their first goalscorer winnings on saturday night. Lennon said;

“I’m really pleased for Pukki to get his goal as well, We think he’s going to be a good player, he’s maybe not at the level that people might think he should be but we feel he’ll get there.

“Strikers live on goals and confidence and that goal with do him the world of good. He’s a good kid, so he’s made a contribution and hopefully he’ll kick on from that.” 

Meanwhile, we have been asked to clarify that this far sighted gentleman is not Hugh Keevins, and the man in the picture is upset at the comparisons, claiming he got more things right than the befuddled old hack.

Heavy rain, strong winds and enthusiastic stewarding spoiled the game on Saturday for many, and with news that the nearby game at Firhill had been abandoned due to the weather, shows how awful the conditions were.

However, Celtic supporters can put up with the elements, however harsh, but it seems the stewarding is something that won’t be tolerated.

There are many , many stories coming to light about supporters being harassed, searched , and in one case, even being told to “Go back to Ireland “, which as I wasn’t there I cannot add to or verify. And there were no reports of any stewards getting a kicking, as would have happened had he said it to me.

We’ve a South african fellow travels with us-a Zulu- and there may have been a bit of fuss had someone told him to get back to Africa, so why its any different to tell someone to return to ireland is baffling.

However, one supporters club, from Belfast tweeted this over the weekend, which definitely indicates a problem at the ground;

” There was a lot of anger on the boat last night, diehards are genuinely thinking of packing it in altogether. Celtic need a serious rethink ”

Their club members walked out en masse after stewards bullied a couple of kids who weren’t sitting in the correct seats, and then starting singing.  If anyone from the club is reading this, please get in touch and tell us what happened.

In fact, anyone who suffered at the game due to those in the high viz jackets let us know, and we’ll collate them into an article.

Regardless of whether the actual incident is deemed trivial or not, or it was an over-reaction at the time, this , to me, is indicative of the feeling many fans have towards the way they are taken for granted at Celtic Park.

Sooner or later, it will come to a head, as the PLC ( which, despite whatever he might think , does not stand for Peter Lawwells Club ) continue to ignore a problem which just might overwhelm them.

And what is the problem ? The problem is that great big chasm that is opening up between those who are currently charged with running the club, and those to whom the club actually belongs. There is an easy solution. both sides could be given the ends of a rope, and then they should stand either side of the gap. I know which one would be pulled into it and into oblivion.

Celtics board need to realise, and realise very quickly, that although the support of a nearby club -and its successor-allowed a number of “owners/ executives ” to fleece them and take them for granted, Celtics support are made of different stuff.

There are growing signs of discontent among those who follow Celtic, and those who are supposed to be leading need to look over their shoulders and see whats going on.

We finally got the podcast with Jeanette Findlay on line, the sound quality suffered a bit, but there is a transcript on the site as well. Please read it and draw your own conclusions .

Please comment on it, and offer your own opinions, either here on on another site. Believe me, your opinion counts, and whatever you say at least you have said something.

That is unless your name is Andy and you edit Scotzine magazine. In which case you’d probably be better off just switching off your computer and maybe watching teletubbies or something else that is your level. I’m not going to get drawn into a battle of wits with the man who launched a personal attack on our podcast guest Jeannette Findlay, as it is beneath me.

And it would be unfair, seeing as how he is completely unarmed.

Celtic have reportedly offered pay cuts to Georgios Samaras and Joe Ledley, who , according to the Sunday Mail, will be leaving the club. The Express, however , refutes the story, and none of the two papers have any quotes from the players.

Here at Etims, we can categorically say that both players will either leave or stay. Or one will leave and the other will go. And we’ll still probably get it wrong.

The Herald reckons Samaras has been told his wages will drop from £18,000 a week to £16,000, which is what happens when you tell the bosses how much you love your job, and don’t want to go anywhere else.

Not the craziest transfer story in the papers today though-The Sun has Glenn Loovens coming back to the club as short term cover at the back….

Well, that would certainly make the league more competitive.

Meanwhile, and i beg forgiveness for mentioning them, over at Ibrox the AGM is drawing near….

And Ally Mccoist, the manager, has proved beyond all doubt whose side he is on;-his.

” Ally McCoist is believed to have given the voting rights for his shares in Rangers International Football Club to members of a supporters club in East Kilbride, where he grew up.

By giving the proxy to an organisation that is part of the Rangers Supporters Association, which has campaigned against the board, it could be interpreted as the Rangers manager registering a vote against the current directors at this week’s annual meeting.

McCoist owns more than one million shares in RIFC, less than 3%. The board – chairman David Somers, James Easdale, Norman Crighton, chief executive Graham Wallace and finance director Brian Stockbridge – are confident of being re-elected on Thursday but, by giving his shares to fans, McCoist has made a symbolic gesture.

The manager has been in an awkward position, and has said it would be “suicide” if he voted against the directors, who effectively employ him. McCoist will not now be voting in Thursday’s agm at Ibrox, but some board members may still consider that he has not supported them. The directors are backed by at least 44% of the shareholders, but their supporters insist that the figure is higher, leaving the nominees seeking election to the board – Paul Murray, Malcolm Murray, Alex Wilson and Scott Murdoch – needing all the institutional shareholder votes and significant backing from the fans, who effectively hold around 12%.

Feelings are running high, with fans having protested against the current regime. With a new board in place, and a highly regarded chief executive in Wallace now running the club, the board’s supporters believe a corner has been turned.

McCoist has now made a choice that will enhance his popularity with the fans who are against the board, but could jeopardise his standing with the directors and their backers.

McCoist agreed several weeks ago to take a pay cut while Rangers are in the lower leagues, but that has not yet been implemented. The manager had agreed the terms with Craig Mather, the previous chief executive, but despite further discussions no agreement has been signed off. McCoist has, though, spoken warmly of Wallace, and said that all their discussions have been promising.

The team has a 100% record in the league this season, is in the Scottish Cup fifth round and the Ramsdens Cup final, but lost in the Scottish Communities League Cup first round to Forfar Athletic. McCoist remains an iconic figure with the support, and pleaded on Friday for the agm to be a “line in the sand”, while hoping for a period of “unity” afterwards.  ”

In a move that has been described as “typical of the sleekit bassa “-by me – he can now pretend he is right behind the fans and get sacked for disloyalty without anyone ever pointing out that he has been bleeding them dry for the last couple of years.

But back to the good guys, and congratulations to the U-17 team who have just won the u-19 league, this is from the SPFL website;

Celtic clinched the SPFL U19 League title thanks to a 1-0 win over Queen’s Park at Toryglen on Sunday.

Fiacre Kelleher scored the only goal of the game for Tommy McInytre’s side, who lost just one of their 13 matches.

The result means Celtic, who have been using their U17 squad, can’t be caught by nearest challengers Clyde and Stirling Albion.

In Sunday’s other game, Airdrieonians defeated Montrose 5-0 at the Excelsior Stadium.

A sectional SPFL U19 League Cup will be played in the second half of the season and there are still a number of U19 League fixtures also to be slotted in.

Maybe some of them will make it to the big team, who knows ? But heres hoping.

On saturday, just before a million replies in the annual etims name calling competiton, there was a question relating to Dixie Deans consoling Joe Harper.

This happened after the 1974 League Cup Final, when Celtic won 6-3, with both men mentioned getting a hat trick.

Today, lets travel back in time again, and identify this place;





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10 years ago

Stoke, 2013

10 years ago

Peter Lawwells Club. Classic. You could see how he believes it being the highest paid person at the club. HH

10 years ago

How many stewards do we employ directly and how many are contracted by g4s ,whose background we don.t know perhaps many are hurting zombies re the irish remark

10 years ago
Reply to  deadhead67

I can hear the Baordroom chat now …

“Hey Lets outsource wherever possible…it doesnt matter any long term repercussions of please pass me that Zero-hour contracts bulletin again..I love a good laugh”

10 years ago

Sorry Ralph for going off topic but just watched this tribute to this amazing lady from last nights BBC Sports awards.

Anne Williams

Brought a tear to my eye.

23 Years!

tony carlin
10 years ago

Is that the original Celtic park, with the infamous Grant stand?

San Miguel
10 years ago

Is it the North Pole in a blizzard ? I can’t see any picture just a white psace.

Just found out on Saturday that Greggs do gift cards – does McCoist know ? Who are these people who buy them ?

Sean Cahill
10 years ago

It’s the original Celtic Park with the ill-fated Grant Stand on the right. Demolished because the glass front kept steaming up and affecting the view of the game.

10 years ago

See that Andre Villas-Boas has been sacked!

6-0 soon followed by a 5-0

Just as well he only spent £105M then

10 years ago

excerpts from FOI requests to GCC re issue of General Safety Certificate for Celtic Park:

FOI 4384361 23/08/13

The Safety Team has been in discussions with Celtic Football Club since 2010 concerning crowd management issues such as crowd migration, overcrowding, lateral movement, crowd surfing, bouncing and ‘moshing’ within section 111.
At a meeting of the Safety Team on 6 August 2013 Celtic Football Club advised the Safety Team that spectators located within Section 111 would be relocated from the area or, alternatively, receive a pro rata refund of their season
ticket should they decide not to be relocated. The Club also advised that the spectators would not be relocated as a group.
The Safety Team noted that this decision had been taken by Celtic Football Club of its own initiative but acknowledged and agreed that given the ongoing serious concerns regarding spectator safety within Section 111, including continued lateral movement, the closure of the Section was a proportionate and reasonable response by the Football Club.

FOI 4406226 10/09/13

Celtic Football Club requested a further meeting with the Safety Advisory Group that was held on 22 August 2013. At this meeting the football club advised that, following discussions with and assurances provided by spectators located within section 111, the club would not be continuing with its decision to relocate spectators from section 111.

Can the GB honestly say the they stuck to their end of the deal. Closure of section 111 or risk no safety cert and stadium closure?

10 years ago

On my most recent visit to parkhead (using a friends season book)during the 1st half a steward threatened to have me ejected, season book removed and banned for life for the heinous crime of swearing.

10 years ago
Reply to  Doc

Season Books are not transferable…following Peter Lawwells lead we are passing your details to the Authorities. 🙂

10 years ago


10 years ago


tam the tim
10 years ago

Could be that it’s now open season on people who stand up to give support to the team or want to criticise the MIB’s decision. Watching German football they are allowed to stand in certain areas and the result is atmosphere and flag waving which we are very good at. Our shit politicians won’t allow this here in Scotland, football fans have to do what they’re told or else. Sit on your arses and behave yourselves or we’ll shut you down. I support the GB because they give Celtic Park some atmosphere. I started singing the Celtic song before the Aberdeen match and there were punters looking round at me to see where the noise was coming from. In my sixties I can still belt them out just as in my youth. Only then the whole ground did it. Now it’s a tiny minority who are prepared to give their full support to the team. Don’t need the flares or smoke bombs though.

10 years ago
Reply to  tam the tim

There a standing section on its way. It will hold 2000 people.

tam the tim
10 years ago

By the way, I’m not a bad wee chanter.

10 years ago

As I’ve mentioned last year on this site…there are sections of Sydney stadium when Sydney FC play where fans ARE ENCOURAGED to sing, dance, wave flags, bang drums and generally…just have some fun. Too much to ask at Celtic park? ( I think I’ll keep my memories of the Jungle, rather than going to Celtic park when I’m next home ) rant finnished.

10 years ago

Am I missing something here? Re Ann Williams and the excellent tribute on SPOY last night and we have people on here wanting standing areas! If all-seated stadia is the price we have to pay so no one ever dies watching a game, then so be it. Ask anyone involved at LFC if they want standing areas re-introduced.

10 years ago
Reply to  Stevoc1965

When Hector Bandido and I went to see Celtic gub Liverpool ( its Hartson…he shoots…oh my lord!), I was in the Kop…Its all seated but the fans stood for the whole game and only sat down at half time.

Strangely they buy pies before the game starts and then eat them 45 mins later. One way of keeping your knackers warm i suppose!

10 years ago

If the board / stewards keep up their harassment of fans who want to create an atmosphere, the fans will find something else to do with their time and CP will become a museum when us old yins pass on.
When will the PLC learn that they need to find a way to encourage the youngsters to become addicted to attending CP. If it keeps up, I will be thinking strongly about whether or not to renew my ST next season – maybe we should get a campaign going and write to the PLC telling them what the real Celtic fans think.
I’m fed up with tired journalists printing what they imagine to be my thoughts, so for the record (or any other rag) here are my views – I have no issues with the GB, I did not want them dispersed throughout CP and I reckon the PLC should have put up more of a fight with UEFA over the ludicrous charges / fines. The PLC needs to find a way to create safe standing areas behind the goals and let the youngsters jump about, sing, bang drums & wave flags, i.e. create an atmosphere – and they need to do that very soon or we’ll lose the lifeblood of the club.
As for fat Sally – does anyone know if he actually purchased any of his shares or were they all gifted to him? I can’t believe the peepul can’t see him for the parasite that he is (I suppose they’re so used to their club being run by parasites that they don’t see that what fat Sally is doing is wrong).

10 years ago


The late pensionerbhoy here. It seems to be becoming a habit. But what can a man do when he is trying to grow a set of balls. Weeding the ball-bed is strenuous.

It is a little late for one of my “short” dissections but one sentence hit me like a ton of bricks, if you will excuse the insinuation.

“And there were no reports of any stewards getting a kicking, as would have happened had he said it to me.”

Now, for those who would be self righteous in matters of discipline, I remember when those stewards and anyone even looking like supporting them would have been subject to more than a few black eyes. I would love to see Parkhead transformed into football’s garden of Eden but such a place can never exist in the world of football. I think some of the stone throwers should remove the rose-tinted monocles and put on a pair of reality spectacles. I go back a bit and I remember well when our “good behaviour” was not averse to a punch or a kicking or two or three or more. Good behaviour will always be a work in progress and I believe reform would have been Walfrid’s approach rather than exclusion. But it does take balls, to persevere with change and to demand justice.

As for Stevoc1965, where did that all come from? Are you genuinely claiming that seating is the solution to THE problem? Are you maintaining fans standing was the cause of all the deaths, disasters etc. Please tell me when. Hillsborough and other occasions have been proven to be the result of lies, lies and more damn lies. The Ibrox disaster happened on the steps not in the stadium. Just an example or two. I would be pleased to be enlightened.


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