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Celtic Diary Friday April 26

Doctors were rushed to Celtic Park last night as staff became concerned about the increasingly erratic behaviour of chief executive Peter Lawwell. Just a couple of days after slashing £100 off the price of season books, he now wants to allow the sale of alcohol in the ground so that people can drink in a “controlled, policed environment”

“We’ll get that money back off them somehow, ”  he confided to the rest of the board.

Actually, yet again its another move from Celtic that indicates that they have suddenly realised that supporters are important. Lawwell explained his reasons;

“Its more responsible. You could open the bars at 12.30, let people come in and watch the football or the racing. The alternative is you go to the pub. There are no stewards, no police and people come rushing to the ground at 2.45”

Which shows he hadn’t noticed how little we actually play at 3pm these days.

Worryingly, and I may stand accused of paranoia here, but he mentions the word “police” far too often for my liking in that statement.

It could easily be interpreted that Lawwell is trying to make sure all the fans are in one place so the police can film them and plan their weeks dawn raids.

Or it could be genuine business sense. Punters will have a beer before a game, so why doesn’t the club sell it to them?

Bearing in mind that a hospitality ticket means you can drink-but not within sight of the pitch-the law does seem unfair, and with the Commonwealth Games likely to see a suspension of the ban, Lawwell hopes to sit down and have talks with Glasgow Council to see what can be done.

With no Celtic players on the PFA list, Neil Lennon came out swinging, calling it “abysmal”. It seemed a strange rant to have, and possibly its just a bit of man management to wind his own players up, ensuring maximum effort from now until the Cup Final, and unsurprisingly, PFA top man Fraser Wishart dismissed it very swiftly;

“Celtic have had a fantastic season and I think the voting , in a strange way, (the importance of punctuation in this sentence cannot be underestimated) reflects their season because seven Celtic players received nominations, they were voted for by their peers.”

Not the most eloquent of statements, but he has a point. Even Celtic supporters, voting for their player of the year, would split the vote between a number of candidates. So thats why there was no single nominee.

That  , according to Lee Wallace, who plays in one of the lower divisions, and the fact that Rangers aren’t in the SPL.

Lennon balanced his rant with more reasoned replies to a couple of leading questions in the Scotsman. When asked if the SPL was less attractive now than when he joined the club, the gaffer replied;

“Well, Celtic was always a big attraction and lure for me….I had played five years in England and never experienced an Old Firm game, so that wouldn’t really matter to me…I would want to play for Celtic….there are a lot of incentives there.”

The rest of the article is the usual  questions on the now standard theme of “How do you expect to keep your players if they can’t play against Rangers ?” shite.

The boss has also decided that four players, Ambrose, Wilson, Commons and Ledley can have a week or so off as he begins the task of resting and recharging the players for the Champions League campaign. The opening games in next years tournament for Celtic are on July 16 or 17-about six weeks after the Cup Final.

It gives the fringe players a chance to get some game time, and one or two of the younger players will get a chance as well. Striker Bahrudin Atajic, we hear, has been given his new suit by the club, so expect to see more of him in the coming weeks. All the best gossip here as ever.

More importantly, it means that players, especially those who will be playing international football in June, get some sort of a break before it starts all over. Celtic have played more than fifty games this season, so its not surprising that one or two have picked up knocks. Kris Commons has admitted he has been popping pills to help him through games, which perhaps should open our eyes a wee bit to the effects of  first class football on the players bodies as the season goes on.

Now, one or two people on the interweb are beginning a campaign for former player Stilian Petrov to be allowed to unfurl the championship flag at Celtic Park. Petrov, still battling but winning a fight against Leukaemia, was at Celtic for a number of years, and some supporters would like to see him given this honour to show that Celtic fans are supporting him in his fight.

Now, whilst the illness he has , and the ordeal he has been through deserve our thoughts and prayers, there is no reason to ask him to raise the flag. Nothing against the man, and no disrespect to him, but no. That honour should go to a Celtic man, although if recognition of  someone overcoming illness, perhaps against the odds, then wee Oscar Knox should be asked he he wants to do it.

Otherwise, keep it in house, as they say.

The Daily Record has swiftly got back on message as this mornings paper claims that Charles Greens pal, Imran Ahmed has been slagging Ally McCoist and Walter Smith on line. You don’t have to see the paper to realise that Chucks buddy is simply working his ticket as well now, even allowing Tommy the Taxi Driver to announce publicly that in a text message he had offered the prankster a reward for exposing Francisco Sandazas real motive for playing at Rangers.

Green gone, then Ahmed, and still the SFA say nothing. Its now over a year since they issued any sort of statement on the  Ibrox club, which considering all that has gone on over there, is astonishing in itself.

Of course, this move against Ahmed is no deflection from the accusations that John Brown made towards the two “Rangers ” men in the picture, or indeed the paper featuring them…

Still, there is a wee bit of good news for the stricken side today-Lee Wallace and David Templeton have been nominated for Third Division player of the Year. Presumably because they won’t need to take a day off work to attend the function.

They also have a new CEO/chairman, and Craig Mather told the fans;

“Rangers fans have been outstanding in their support during the most diffcult of times and I know they don’t know me and may have some doubts. I hope to dispel all of those if that is the case……I could not stand here and tell you I have always been a Rangers fan…. …Hang on!   ”   he suddenly shouted

“This is Charlies speech from last year”

The interweb was alive with rumours that Follow Follow, a popular Rangers website, had told its members to brace themselves for more bad news…

Looks like Kenny Miller is going back , then.

Of the four legends mentioned yesterday, perhaps surprisingly, Bobby Lennox is the only one to have appeared less than 600 times for the club.

Now, instead of an odd one out, what specifically did Ronnie Simpson and Kenny Dalglish uniquely have in common?





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11 years ago

They were sold by Jock Stein and ent on to win the European Cup!

11 years ago

I was gonna say no-one could make out a word they were saying but then i remmembered Oor Danny….

11 years ago

as much as i sympathise with mr Petrovs health issues….i cant forget the manner in which he left us……..he let us down with his comments at the time. he basically downed tools. having said that. loved him when he gave us his all…..and wish him a speedy recovery…….dare i say we should have the Bunnet unfurling the flag…..he saved us from whats happening accross the clyde.

jon littledick
11 years ago

Totally agree, Jim. Ditto, Greenjedi.

11 years ago

Yep I’d invite the bunnet

San Miguel
11 years ago

They both had trials for Rangers were about to sign but Mr Stein nipped in and signed them up ? Simpson’s was when Stein was the manager of Hibs at the time .

As for the flag waht about Mila Kunis or Jennifer Aniston – they both nkow Gerard Butler !

What about Danny McGrain – a true living Celtic Legend – and an unassuming human being to boot.

11 years ago


I had tears in my eyes all the way through. First because of the humour about PL etc. I had visions of you Live at the Apollo. The laughs were of tsunami proportion.

Then came the sad part with Stan and Wee Oscar. I could not agree more and common sense must prevail over sentimentality. I too think there are many bigger and more committed Celtic people who have battled adversity. However, may I express my admiration, my prayers and my support for all of them.

I quite fancy jim ward’s call for the Bunnet. But then, I may be biased as I am short, bald and wear one.

And just as I stopped feeling like a sentimental wimp, you turn to Lenny’s rant. I too am at a loss for why. First of all, as the Benito Mussolini of the PFA eloquently proclaimed from the balcony of gobbledegook, pears are not always to everybody’s taste. At least that was what I understood. But then he was speaking with his mouth full of the usual sh**. Two, if nothing else it helps DESTROY (have I come up with an appropriate word there?) the Armageddon theory that everything will fade and die because the skies are not blue. Well we have had a whole season without blue skies, and I am not just talking about the extended winter just gone, and our garden is blooming, well it will be as long as I can keep the wife at it. My forte is ordering. It might help too if Scottish clubs other than St. Mirren got the taste for Celtic blood. Not quite as voraciously as Motherwell, mind. That was like having a Doberman snarling and snapping at your heels. Quite worrying even at a great distance. And who can even measure the impact of all the MSM crap going around over the last twelve months on the fertilisation process. You should see the bloody weeds (not those paper guys, no! The garden ones). I have told the wife it is now light till after 9pm so we, sorry she, should soon catch up.

Finally, I had to change buckets as the tears simply overflowed in the end. Ralph, who needs the Apollo when you have Dead at the Big Hoose (something not right with that spelling, but Dead did not come up in the spell check so it must be correct). I simply do not know how I managed to get this posted through the tears. Great stuff and a laugh a minute. I am off to wipe the floor – well call the wife from the garden to take a break and get the housework done. The bucket was just too small. No, I did not pee myself laughing. That is an age thing and happens every morning, diary or not.


11 years ago

I doubt it’s the answer but Kenny Dalglish made his debut at Celtic Park on the same day as Ronnie Simpson played what turned out to be his final match at Celtic Park – a 7-1 win over Raith Rovers

11 years ago

Twitter poll under way, at the moment for next seasons flag-Oscar,Stan,NL and Pistol Pete(!) or fans poll are the options.

Agree the Bunnet would be fitting ensuring we have 125 years to celebrate

11 years ago

Defo the bunnet we owe him big time after 1998 and the booing then. I’ve always said the modern celtic is down to him & big Jock.

11 years ago

Get the bonnet after the way some fans treated him it was shocking, he saved us from being down and out just wish he was at celtic park just now the sfa,sfl and the mm would not know what hit them. Sorry for stan but did the dirty on us. GET THE BUNNET.

11 years ago

the bunnet – I still cringe at the way he was treated by some of our “fans”.
The bunnet made us what we are today – he brought in Brian Quinn who made sure we’d never be in a financial mess again – not sure who hired Lawell, but that was also a master stroke – much as he will never be loved by us, he does look after the club.
can we start a campaign to get the bunnet over to unfurl the flag?

11 years ago
Reply to  andy docherty

Think it was John Reid.

thomas cochrane
11 years ago

The bunnet he did save us after all,+ plus it would be a right kick up the Kyber for that mob,and the ratbag hackpack MSM.They would not have the cohonies to criticize him….He would sue the ass off them….lol..mon the hoops ….yours in Celtic TC.

11 years ago

Invite them all, Fergus, Oscar and Stan…..Fergus gets to unfurl the flag though…..I’d imagine there would be a lot more cheering for him this time.

Iain McAllister
11 years ago

For the flag it has to be Fergus. I still cringe at the reception the wee man got back in August 1998.I watched the Celtic Play that evening in the Pavilion in the row behind all the old timmies from North America.They were NOT impressed at the booing of OUR saviour.
I hope all those who jeered him when we humped the fife huns 5-0 will return with a different attitude.

11 years ago

Got to be the bunnet hail hail

11 years ago

The Bunnet dunnit !!!!!!!!!!!!! ( ah get the feeling he would decline the invite though )

Hail Hail N aw that !!!!!!!!!!!!

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