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Viva Bellahouston 1982 – Etims Podcast

Monty, Hector and Desi get together to discuss a certain few games just before the New Year and a certain aftermath or possibly aftermass!
  • They praise the return of the Green Brigade and the impact on results.
  • They praise Bernardo and Kyogo’s great goals to put Msr Clementes pipe in a peep.
  • They discuss Penalties, or Non Penalties and The Great Papal conspiracy
  • They also discuss the turn up in form for certain Celtic players and the teams fluidity.
  • They discuss comings and goings, including Coaches and players.
  • The Rumour Mill even starts up again!
  • There also a wee tribute to Franz Beckenbauer RIP too..the Liam Scales of his day!

The Podcast is available at all the usual stockists including – Youtube, Spotify, Google, Amazon, iTunes, Deezer, Acast etc etc


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6 months ago

Good stuff again, lads, I had Celtic at a hairy marginal 2-1 also.

But who is this ‘Ralph’ of here which you speak?

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hurry up there now!

Another 10 Signs Of Hate and you’ve paid for yet another night out!

6 months ago

I got talking to a half drunk Hun at the 65 bus stop on Ballater St at the tech college when the pope’s helicoptercade flew over us and the Hun pointed up and goes ‘See him? He’s the AntiChrist that yin. It’s written in the Bible.’

And I was wondering if anybody here knows if it’s true that either the pope is either
‘the AntiChrist’ or if says anywhere in the Bible that this might be the case?

Is that the bit where it says ‘Come out of her, my people’ indicating churches are nothing but money-making scam or is there anither bit where it actually says about the pope?

All I can find on it is that the Vatican, and all Rome, was built on a massive burial ground for the Etruscan people of Ertruria, whose history modern historians seem to have some trouble putting together, except that the Vatican is built on top of their graves and is watched over, and named tee, Vatika, mystery goddess of the underworld who, charmingly, leads departed souls into Hell.

Isn’t it odd, though, that for such a famous place, indeed, one of the most famous places on Earth, that no one knows it’s true history and all that modern historians do know is that it’s built on top of thousands of dead bodies and is named after the chief goddess of the underworld?

Maybe that would explain the snake head design in the architecture of the main conference hall?

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Link: https :// connection/

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Inside The Vatican’s Reptilian Audience Hall

https :// city/

It’s all a bit odd, I must say.

This is without even mentioning the bearded snakes and the ‘decent’ pope Paul the Sith ignoring numerous scandals, not to mention the 54 miles of bookshelves but you can’t get in as browsing isn’t allowed so you must know exactly what you’re looking for before attempting to gain entry…

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Do you think they’ll have last year’s Oor Wullie annual?

Oor Wullie, Your Wullie, A’Body’s Wullie ..?

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

No Body’s Wullie then ..?

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Hello Jimbo!

Hello Spock!


Hairy baws!

(That’s you, Doughball …

Just so you know, yer missus is never done telling me how disgusting they are as she writhes wildly around my sleek trim masculine body …)

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

How can you hate stuff you haven’t even read?!

Ah hahahahaha!

You people are even dumber than the chumps on the Hun pages! 😀 😀 😀

6 months ago

Another thing, was it just John Paul the 2nd who was ‘the AntiChrist’ or is the current Jesuit fella also ‘the AntiChrist’?

I’d say the Franny chap has the best shout for the title after his decades in Argentina working as Torturer-In-Chief for General Galtieri’s illegal military junta regime carrying out the orders of the despised ‘new libertarian economist’ Milton Friedman, who was also behind Pinochet’s horrors in Chile.

Friedman was also chief economic advisor to Thatcher and encouraged her/it to do the same in Britain as he’d persuaded Galtieri to do in Argentina and Pinochet in Chile, ie, go after the poor and the intelligentsia militarily but Thatcher refused, famously claiming that ‘That (mass murder) is not the British way’ so slashed all the Customs Officers jobs across the country instead thereby allowing boat loads of her oin onto the streets to destroy Brit society as a more subtle alternative to Friedman’s preferred methods.

Such charming people, as I’m sure you’ll all agree, but this doesn’t answer the question of which pope is ‘the AntiChrist’ and is there a smidgen of a possibility that it’s all of them, that the position itself is the problem for those of a certain nature?

Thanks in advance.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

And does any of this have anything to do with Jim Morrison’s famous ‘Ride the snake’ line?

I’m sure I heard someone say he was referring to the Vatican but the problem is that Jim’s snake is long, seven miles, whereas the Vatican is less than 1 (ONE) square mile all round, being only a mere 121 acres or 46 hectares, so I very much doubt that’s the snake Jim was talking about riding.

Unless of course the infamous Vatican vaults stretch for some seven or so miles, that would make a lot more sense and would give the man something capable of riding, which should be no surprise considering that his father, Admiral Stephen Morrison, was the guy who kicked off the entire Vietnam War with the hoax call that claimed the American fleet had just been attacked by the Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin and which has since been publicly admitted to have been a false flag incident designed to give the Yanks an excuse for an invasion in much the same way Israel claimed Hamas flew on hang gliders into their territory, through ‘The impenetrable Iron Dome’ then kidnapped 40 of Israel’s most beautiful women from a techno festival in the desert, thereby giving Israel the excuse for a Go Ahead gen o cide …

But I digress …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

Ho Ho, I see one or two readers have dropped by over the course of the day but sadly no one has engaged with my queries, me dearies.

Now why is it you feel that you must wait for an article from Ralph before you dare write a comment even though the comments section is open for the podcasts too?
Particularly considering that only one or two of you ever refer to the contents of Ralph’s article anyway?

This is a small close knit group of little people and surely we can all have a pleasant conversation without rancour, bitterness, spite and detestation simply because you disagree with someone?

After all, that isn’t the Celtic Way, to behave with such despicable hatred towards another member of the Celtic Family, is it?

Indeed, God Himself would hope that no child of His would waste their energy on such nasty, vile detestable forms of retribution just because one is reminded and made aware of their own intellectual limitations and can only resort to furious finger jabbing at a mute computer screen.

So let’s put all that aside for now and join me in a chorus of Kumbaya, My Lord, Kumbaya around ye olde camp fire …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

I must say that hat the pope has on in the photie above looks a bit like a snake’s jaws, to be fair.

So he’s wearing hats that looks like snakes, has an audience hall that very clearly is designed as snake’s head inside and out and hauf pished Huns are calling him ‘the AntiChrist’ ……

Can anybody advise what’s going on here regarding all this reptilian imagery surrounding El Papo as I seem to be missing something?

6 months ago

Sadly I’m detecting a distinct lack of willingness to engage on these salient topics put forth here.

Is it simply because they’ve been proposed by ol’ Gringo or is it just the usual reactionary hate filled nonsense response by the small minded against someone no one else can quite understand, Port apart?

For I am writing out of genuine curiosity and wonder at what all this reptilian imagery in and around the Vatican is all about.

I mean, bearded snakes slithering around de blessed bleeding Virgin’s feet, for goodness sake!

What in the heck is all that about is all I’m asking, particularly since it was that old serpent Satan himself who’s been given the blame for deflowering Eve in The Garden and causing her to fall pregnant and give birth to the son of Satan, Cain, who then went on to get rid of his own brother, thereby creating a convenient excuse for all the havoc we currently find in this world in which we currently find our souls in.

These are salient intellectual questions well worthy of discussion, I’m sure you all agree, and definitely not things we can just take at face value and ignore, as though this second, third or fourth hand information in this ridiculous tale is acceptable in any way shape or form for any critical thinking adult human being to just swallow whole without question.

Therefore I propose we engage both with the excellent points raised in the podcast by the lads AND take a moment to consider what exactly is going on around the Vatican and its overly ornate worship of snakes and other slithery reptilians.

Now who here agrees with these perfectly acceptable questions which should already have moved anyone with individual discernment to have considered long ago?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
Salad Queen.
6 months ago

Not sure about the Kuhn transfer the last time we gave the cheats a few million, it was a total disaster with Bolli!
Or is it another project?

6 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.



Why, where, when and how?

Asking for Port, who is otherwise temporarily mute at the moment …

I’nt that right, Port?

An Occasional Contributor
6 months ago

The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
No wonder Ralph canny be arsed anymore.

Such a shame this place used to be genuinely good for conversation.
Ruined by muppets.

Salad Queen.
6 months ago

I agree, Mike, weered and Monty all gone and the rest pissed off.
A devote Celtic supporter would never slag off fellow Tims.

Henry Archer
6 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

Aye, T’is terrible it is.

I’ve a good mind to call the King!

You onboard with that, queen?

6 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

Yes, all those shitheads gone at last.

Ralph must be delighted.

6 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

How old are you, queenie?

Asking for a friend …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

His name isn’t ‘Mike’, it’s Duncan.

Mike is Mike and Mike’s long gone so you and Duncan and everyone else will just have to get used to it.

His name is Duncan.

Say it ..

‘Dung Can’ …

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Try again …

’Dung …

Can …’



There you go!

Do you feel better now?

Do you now, queenie, having finally learned your old pal’s name?

6 months ago

Now then, now then!

6 months ago

How is God these days, Duncan?

Good with you, yeah?

Despite the fact you deny His Creation ..?

6 months ago

Where’s your attic again?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

How’s life in a Dagenham attic?

6 months ago

Good to know you’re still alive at least.

No retributions after all your walks down Derry’s and Belfast’s streets in the uniform of the queen and all that …

Got to be thankful for small merr seas, wha’ ..?

6 months ago

My initial question didn’t pass, caught in the mods and so forth, but tell us again …

How is life in Dagenham ..?

Worth it, aye ..?

6 months ago

Tell me, Dung Can, do you still occasionally put in your little blue beret?

Does it arouse yiu still?

Asking for a friend.

(NOT WeeRed, unfortunately for you, as I know you two had a little thing in the air here for a while, in your roleplay of Master & Servant, yes ..?)

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

But who was the Master and who was the Servant, Dung Can ..?

Or did you just leave that dependant on whichever country you both were in?

You know, if in Derry Weered was the Master/Mistress and if in Dagenham, or wherever your rotten miserable Union Jack covered attic is, then YOU take the dominant role ..?

Do you charge each other per session, or is it generally considered ‘favours’ amongst like minded friends ..?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

IF you were invited, ‘Mike’, would you happily abseil from the roof of Ibrox ..?

And, if you did agree, to such an arrangement, would you cunningly hold your tongue under your breath while ‘swearing The Pledge To Queen/King & Country’ like you said did the first time, the last time you wore Lizzie’s ba s tard uniform ..?

6 months ago

Oh, Dung Can, Dung Can, you do amuse me so!

We can have SO MUCH FUN now that you’re back around here again …

What happened with you & Phil, btw ..?

You two lovebirds seemed to be getting along just swell and then, suddenly and unfortunately, POP!

No more Dung Can on Phil’s page!

Who came first?

I’m sure if Phil was capable of learning how to navigate his emojis he would put up a ‘Sad’, maybe even a ‘Crying’ emoji, and all because of you, D ickwad …

Sorry, ‘Dung Can’ …

Mind those medals don’t stab your heart now!


Do you get one medal per kill or do they just give you them anyway so you feel like you’ve ‘achieved’ something after your service to The British State & Crown ..?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

Still, always good to see the odd worm crawl out of their shell …

If worms have shells ..?

Could someone assist me in this question of whether worms have shells or not?

For I seem to be absolutely surrounded by a veritable plethora of them here …

6 months ago

We are living in the End of Days and all these folk worry about is hammering down some chatter on a fitba blog …

And we wonder why the world is in the state it’s in …

6 months ago

Still, better that than living in an attic in Dagenham, or whatever rotten looking London suburb our good old Soldier Blue has chosen to spend the rest of his miserable fvckin life in …

6 months ago

All these insults and not one response to my initial query about the pope and the Vatican being shrouded in snakery and reptiles and so forth …

Tut tut tut …

And there was me thinking we had a page filled with adults there now …

Rather than infantile imbeciles there now …

Tut …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

But to return to the original subject, Port’s from Australia, so he must know something about snakes now, surely there, Shirley?!

Even better, our very own British Soldier Boy Blue, Dung Can, was in the British Army walking about under the Queen’s colours for all those years so he must SURELY know a LOT more about reptilian snakes than even Portpower, having spent a few years walking around the streets of Ireland with weapons and Armalite rifles under the Queen’s command?!

Surely now, Shirley?

So let’s hear it from Port, or, even better, our old occasional ‘pal’(No One’s Pal) AKA ‘Charlie Duncan Bravo’ …

So come on, you two bold boys, let’s hear how a pile of slithering reptilian pope sucking love fits into you two clowns’ bandwidth …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

Btw, Queenie, I asked you for evidence against your false accusation that it was somehow ‘my fault’ (sic) that ‘Ralph’ had stopped posting articles, yet you still have failed to provide it.

So perhaps you should ask ‘Ralph’ for such evidence before you go bandying about such accusations, lest they see you in court for such abominable libel against my good character.

Careful now …

Salad Queen.
6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

This used to be a football forum now it is the Gruffolo Gringo Gocking Group for a audience of one!
The lonely prisoner is in his cell.

6 months ago
Reply to  Salad Queen.

So from now on you shall refer to me as ‘Herr Upright Gringo’ and I shall stand proud before you while looking down upon your slurping face as I call you my barely hairy little Miss Va Jean …


Or no deal?

YOU decide!

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

That’s ‘An’, dearie. Plural.

You understand ‘ Plural’, don’t you?

6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Think of the two tiny little baw hairs you have left swinging, or not swinging, in your Mr Bawdanglers, Mr Bo Janglers, Chinaski,
just barely tickling that now non existent littke groinal area between your thighs which they once ‘might’ have called your scro tum, but since which, given its now indeterminate feminine minuscule size, and their inexactitude whether they be either male or female, we shall most subtly and, thanks to our now ever prevalent ‘political correct ness’ we must heretofore and thereafter and forever from here on in be referred to as your little literal cli toral ‘Va Gina’ …

Or ‘Va Jean’, as some would have it?

How does ‘VaJean’ suit you sir ..?

Dies it tingle at the very thought, Ms/Miss/Mrs/Ma’am/Sir ..?

Does it make you moist around the edges or are those days long gone for a lady such as you in your dotey dotage …?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

Think of the two tiny little baw hairs you have left swinging, or not swinging, in your Mr Bawdanglers, Mr/Ms. Bo Janglers, Mr (or Mrs/Ms) Chinaski …

You know, those very small grey, barely discernible, hairs that are just barely tickling your now non existent little groinal area from where your pee comes, Ms. Chinaski ..?

You know, where your gusset sits, right between your thighs, in the area which they once ‘might’ have called your ‘scro tum’, when you were still closing to be ‘Male’ (sic), if you ever were such a thing, but, since which, given its now indeterminate feminine minuscule size, and their inexactitude in measurement whether they be either male or female, we shall most subtly and in thanks to our now ever vigilant ‘political correct ness’, must heretofore and forever hereafter be referred to as ‘Miss Hairy Va Jean’ , as your little literal cli toral ‘Va Gina’ demands …

Lets keep it short ‘Va Jean’, as some would prefer it, shall we ..?

How does ‘VaJean’ suit you, sir ..?

Dies it tingle at the very thought, Ms/Miss/Mrs/Ma’am/Sir, or dies it ‘rub you up the wrong way’, as it were ..?

Does it make you moist around the edges or are those days long gone for a ‘lady’ such as you in your dotey dotage …?

And, if you really are a ‘lady’, haven’t you anything better to do with your time than hang around here waiting for Monti and his great smoked skin dripping off his bell end ..?

Like making your husband’s tea or slurping off the end of fat Monti’s ever receding once purple helmet?

Or at least giving your husband a rimjob at least once a week?

For goodness,I always said that this feminism business would be the death of society as we know it, harrumph!

And so it has proved, thanks to you and your ilk here!

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

Where IS Ralph, btw?

It’s past two months now and not a hide nor hair of the man.

Is everything alright there now?

6 months ago

Ching ching!

Quaalude Scene
6 months ago

Bring back Mike and ‘Mike’, Weered and Monti!

We demand that normal service be resumed on this blog before Ralph drowns in Pat Nevis’s soup!

‘What do we want?

Ralph! Ralph! Ralph!

When do we want him?!

Now! Now! Now!’

I knew all those Peace rallies since ‘Cisco ‘66 would eventually come in handy some day …

Quaalude Scene
6 months ago

Bring back Mike and ‘Mike’, Weered and Monti!

6 months ago

Bring back Mike and ‘Mike’, Weered and Monti!

We demand that normal service be resumed on this blog before Ralph drowns in Pat Nevin’s (and Tom English’s) soup!

‘What do we want?

Ralph! Ralph! Ralph!

When do we want him?!

Now! Now! Now!’

I knew all those Peace rallies since ‘Cisco ‘66 would eventually come in handy some day …

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
6 months ago

Btw, Queenie, my pal said not to bother, as he’s been looking back and seen you flirting with ETims’ old ‘One Time’ ‘favourite’ (now defunct) tub of lard, Monti …

So now that he knows fo’ SHO’ where your allegiances lie he says he’ll stick to the 40 year old drunk birds throwing themselves at him around the dance floors every week night from Monday til Sunday.

Nae luck, doll, he’s a big earner as well but no idea what his back end’s like come January …

Probably similar to yours, I’d imagine …

Or Monti’s at least, given his ‘Walter In His Wife’s Slippers’ fantasies …

Which might well be far more of a mitigating factor in his negligée’d absence here rather than my presence, n’est-çe pas, ma cherie ..?

Last edited 6 months ago by Gringo
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