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Celtic Diary Thursday August 24: We Have Stopped

With a crisis looming in the centre of the Celtic defence, the board have swung into action and made a bid for Honduran winger Luis Palma.


Fair enough, he looks the part and fits the current profile of incoming players, but unless there’s a plan in place to strengthen the back four ahead of a couple of important games, it looks like our custodians have completely lost the plot.





The Tierney saga took another twist yesterday when one of our pish stained sources pointed out that the reason he hasn’t gone anywhere else is that he doesn’t want to.


He doesn;t want to stay at Arsenal and their manager Mikael Arteta doesn’t want him there. They don’t see eye to eye and had a bit of a rammy last season when Tierney complained about a lack of game time and Arteta sent him the bill for his treatment.


He wants out and has decided where he wants to go.


Our support needs a boost and our team needs an experienced defender. Even if it is only short term,


Sometimes that rainy day cash might not represent value for money but it’s there to make sure the rain stops for a bit.



The diary has often pointed out that the Celtic PR department is lacking in one or two aspects of it’s job, like doing good PR, and they have been presented with an open goal here.



Surely they can see that ?



Probably Not GIFs | Tenor



We can hope I suppose.



Meanwhile, there is a serious matter to be dealt with, from last Sunday’s game.



There were a couple of shall we say controversial incidents in the game.



There has been no comment and no retrospective inquiry into this offence, which should be surprising , but isn’t.






And, of course, the goal.




The crux of the matter, however, is that yet again there is no comment from Celtic Park on the incidents.



the return of Peter Lawwell to the fold might not have as much of an effect on transfer policy as some would think, but there’s certainly a return to the doing things behind closed doors where the authorities are concerned.


What time has told us is that it doesn’t work.



Fergus McCann took them through the courts, and won.


He made the point that he was not to be trifled with, and it has to be time for the current lot to do the same.



Which reminds me, did Kilmarnock alter the dimensions of the pitch on Sunday ? Some are saying they did, but it wouldn’t have been noticeable because Celtic had returned to the sidieways stuff of yesteryear.



With all that’s going on just now one wonders of the board have the stomach for a fight. Has the illusion of wealth removed the eye of the tiger ?


Are they too comfortable in their ivory towers ?





There are dark forces at work, and it’s time for the board to make a stand.





Otherwise, we’re going to have to look at doing it ourselves.

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11 months ago


11 months ago
Reply to  Monti

Tell it to The Hoops, mate, with a petition in your hand.

Otherwise, well, you know the rest.

11 months ago
Reply to  Monti

Monti, you’re half right. I even voted for you the other day when you were showing as 2 ‘reds’ as I agreed about Lawwells, albeit I probably pressed the wrong button 🙂
I’m not really into the voting farce.
The “half right” is because DFD is the REAL areshole in a pile of aersholes.
Today I’d obliterate that game from my memory if only I could. Matt O’Riley was a stand out mom and Yang a very good 1st half. Poor Matt was so close to scoring, 3 FN times, ALL saved, that the new hun in black booked him for it.
But, something is rotten in the state of Celtic. There’s downbeat body language from manager UP and fukk knows why.
BTW, if Liam Scales is the answer then ‘a very good CB?’ is NOT the question. At around 25 he’s never going to be Celtic FC class but he’ll be PLC class. Don’t even play him next week, nor Turnbull, nor Taylor and CalMac has lost it recently. FFS when Hatate’s injured, or is there a connection?
Really sorry just got NO positives prior to the new hun game next week.
Our best hope is if PSV SPANK them midweek.
From a very wounded, life-long Celtic FC supporter.

11 months ago

For me the worst decision was not to award a pen for the foul on Haksa. An absolute stone waller. We’d probably still have gone out in the penalty shootout cos we just weren’t at it on the day but I’d like to have had the chance to get there.

Nirvana 22
11 months ago
Reply to  Mcklintop

Some Very Perculiar Decisions in the Game.

11 months ago
Reply to  Mcklintop

I don’t see why you can possibly think that was a worse decision than a straight red card assault on Greg Taylor. They should have been reduced to 10 men but instead came up Taylor’s side of the pitch and scored when Taylor was still receiving treatment.

11 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

PS And their goal was showing offside on VAR but ‘onside’ by Muir and whatever ‘mason was on VAR duty! Point is if rules were applied honestly we’d probably have won the game long before Haksa was denied that penalty and it WAS a penalty, I agree.

Michael Annis
11 months ago

The fans have to act because our Board don’t give a brown doodoo

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael Annis

They act.

They act like clowns on fitba blogs insulting each other instead of uniting.

Exactly as the board want them to be,

Woof Charlie
11 months ago

Is Tierney going to pass a medical? We used him like an Uber Skoda estate but you can’t clock his joints and kid on he was previously owned by a retired headmistress. So short-term loan yes, big money? Like all the other clubs who can actually afford him, no.

11 months ago

If they allow Sevco to win the league this year the Celtic support will never forgive them. The club has no ambition, that’s why I gave up my season book in 2010 and I’ve never been back

11 months ago

The truth is our board are cowards pure and simple. Also does an employer by law not have a duty of care for it’s employees,therefore by doing nothing (re Taylor)are they not breaking the law. We like to think that we are a big club and due to the fans we are,but with a weak, no ambition scared stiff board,.

Terence Nova
11 months ago

As far as I’m concerned…we are being “blackmailed” by someone who has information that we don’t want made public…It could be the 5 way agreement shit…who knows ?…But I am positive that this is the reason for the Board”s silence and cowardice on a variety of issues which should have been addressed. I cannot think of any other reason.

11 months ago
Reply to  Terence Nova

Lawwell and Eric Riley were each emailed a copy of the 5 Way (6 Way when you include Celtic PLC) on Thursday 26 July 2012 but Lawwell has maintained he knew nothing of it. It’s lies in every conceivable probability. Even Nicholson admitted it existed but didn’t think it was harmful to Celtic. It was and is FRAUD and could still be challenged as fraud has no time bar.
So the SFA, SPFL (previously the SFL and SPL), Rangers FC ‘s administrators and Charles Green for Sevco Scotland Limited concocted a lie to save Rangers, well created a myth really and Celtic went with it due to the blue pound.
And to save Lawwell’s face Celtic PLC wont admit it and are indeed hamstrung by their own hand. That’s what you get when you mix rampant, run-away Capitalism with sport as is the case today. FIFA heads it up with EUFA et cetera and Murdoch via Sky saw a huge ‘opportunity’ and grabbed it.
The fraud of 2012 can still be addressed but I, sure as corruption, haven’t the wherewithal to do it. Anyone who still believes Lawwell and Desmond have been good for our club just haven’t a clue what has happened over the years.

Terence Nova
11 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

Good response TicToc…And very informative….There is no doubt we get shat upon from a great height…and the sound of silence from our Board is shameful…Between bottle throwing and glass incidents…not to mention the Ticket fiasco created by Sevco …and the joke that is VAR…Oh and the up and coming fixture list loaded in Sevco’s favour…our Board has let us down so many times …..its time to call them out…They are not fit for purpose.

11 months ago
Reply to  Terence Nova

Well said.

Good to see your opinion is not being derided and ridiculed as ‘heroically anonymous’ like elsewhere.

I’ve taken him to task for that on all our behalf but he’s too scared to even print my rebukes far less respond to them.

Nobody in this life needs pseudonyms unless they’re up to something and he always was, that’s why he doesn’t like it up him when it comes.

No fraud likes their cover busted.

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

Well said, TT.

11 months ago
Reply to  Terence Nova

I’ve been saying it for 8 years, bud, but no one wants to know the dark truth of it.

I can only presume because their ‘Entertainment’ comes first.

11 months ago

The same old same old is a dew comments that have resurfaced after a few years. We have not lost the league yet. The coach and the squad are responsible for the poor showing against Kilmarnock let us at least give them until we get out of August to see if they can keep us at least 3 points ahead of our main rivals. A loan signing is needed at centre half, a wide player to replace Jota is needed, a total funk in mid-August is not needed. Scotland’s referees are poor, have always been poor and have failed to ‘prevent’ Celtic winning 17 League titles and God knows how many cups this century so if they are conspiring against us long may it continue. During almost all of this period Lawwell has even involved, Celtic have been solvent and the biggest, most successful club in Scotland.

Terence Nova
11 months ago
Reply to  BJF

Why has Lawwell not addressed or challenged the points I made earlier.??…Oh and I forgot to mention that hate filled demonstration at Ipox the other night…Reason is…he’s a coward.

11 months ago
Reply to  BJF

so if they are conspiring against us long may it continue”

I hate that trope that the MSM always trot out, the simple fact is that if you’ve been cheated, you’ve been cheated, irrespective of what else you’ve won.

You should never need to score 2 or 3 more to ‘take the referees out of the equation’. If you deserve to win by a single goal then that’s what should happen.

I’m not panicking, certainly not in the League, where we should exit Ibrox no worse than level with them (with 1 away game against them played), although, if they’re ahead of us on goal difference, the MSM will accentuate that, in the same way its ignored when we’re aheadby the same measure!

My frustration is that, yet again, we seem totally unprepared for the Champs League, which is always a massive challenge for us. Even the fine team we had last year, were failures at that level.

We’ve gone backwards and it can’t be put on injuries, although unfortunate, as we’ve lost top players and replaced with projects to come good in a couple of years when, no doubt, they’ll be sold.

11 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Eight years, Cha.

Eight full years I’ve been telling you this and only now you’re catching on?

11 months ago

“the return of Peter Lawwell to the fold might not have as much of an effect on transfer policy as some would think, but there’s certainly a return to the doing things behind closed doors where the authorities are concerned.”

If I may be a sarky bam for once 😉

How refreshing its been with Michael Nicholson being the most recognisable man in Scotland, always on the front page and lead story on TV/Radio etc.

(revert to non-sark) Nothing major has changed at Celtic and the minutiae of changing roles, has had minimal effect on our overall strategy.

Sure, we may have got rid of unwanted/unhappy players quicker (cf Bobo) but the likes of Ajeti and McCarthy show that its probably more to do with the players.

Similarly, we may have signed players quicker but these are the same type of players ie not Champs League ready and here to fatten us up for continued domestic dominance until we can sell them for a profit. Repeat ad nauseam and, wherever the long-term improvement is, its emphatically not in the first team.

Lawwell, Nicholson et al are symptoms not the problem and they serve at their masters pleasure and wouldn’t be there, if they didn’t.

Nothing has changed, we’ll continue to dominate domestically, not neccessarily every year, and European ambitions will be restricted to qualification, which at the moment can be satisfied domestically.

11 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

The Cha, I appreciate your right to have a different view from me, even though you are wrong. We have been signing players quicker which is a welcome change. The injury crisis may be bad lick or poor sports science but unless we lose to St Johnstone the worst we will be is level on points. Our 4 most difficult fixtures are away to Second Rangers, Livi, Aberdeen and Killie. Ibrox will be interesting, to say the least. The refereeing will be scrutinised for sure. Europe needs to be better.

11 months ago
Reply to  BJF

I assume this was in response to my reply to your post above rather than this one, which is ‘my bad’ for posting so close together.

I think we agree on the League that after Ibrox we’ll be in a stronger position than them, hopefully 6 points ahead but even with a defeat we’ll still be level with an easier run-in, if you can say that after 4 games!

Yes, we’ve been signing good young players early, who might come good in a couple of years, whether on the field or financially via a sale and that’s good but its only part of the equation.

What is also required is getting Champions League ready players in now and that we haven’t done.

If we hadn’t lost Jota, Mooy & Starfelt we would have still required quality ready additions but perhaps that’s made it an impossible task.

I don’t know why you’re so deeply ‘in the red’ because, although I may disagree with some of your points, they seem eminently sensible to make and nothing to attract derision.

11 months ago

I have no doubt we will continue to dominate domestically for a good few years to come. Occasional blips expected. For Europe no team in Scotland can afford to spend enough to make a dent in the Champions league. Man City, Real Madrid, Chelsea, Bayern Munich and Liverpool are the last 5 winners. Maybe we can get to the knockout stages regularly that would already be remarkable for a club from a “small” country league. We have a much better chance of going further in the Europa League. Seville, Eintracht Frankfurt, Villarreal, Seville and Chelsea the last five winners. The money is less of course and that aid the chances of going all the way to the final can happen more realistically than the Champions league. Much as I dislike it, our hope of European success is in the Europa League.

11 months ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

I don’t think anyone’s talkig about taking on the Gargatuans that you mention, which is the same as All Bar 1 in Scotland can’t compete with us.

We’re a Pot 4 UCL team, so our target is finishing 3rd. We had all the patronising “didn’t you do well” finishing 4th last year, so must do better and, if not this year then next etc.

2nd would, obviously, be over-achieving but I’d take that. 🙂

We also need to cut out talk of deep runs and even winning the Europa or Conference Leagues.

We’ve not won a knock-out game in 20 years against some mediocre and poor teams, so can we focus on getting there and winning a solitary tie before we embark on a victory parade!

11 months ago
Reply to  The Cha

Fair enough that said we did go to the final in that competition and the basket of assets somehow ended up in the final as well. It is doable for clubs like us in the Europa. Yes agree we actually need to get to a knockout stage and win one before we speculate too much.

10 months ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

i would concentrate on beating the crap in Scotland first

11 months ago

Looks like its back to dudline day signings. We all know the script, bing name signings touted like f until dudline day when we sign billy nomark.

Lawell is back

Hoop hoop hooray
11 months ago

“Players won’t come to celtic until they know we are in the champions league” said a certain CEO many years ago.

So um…..,,

11 months ago

Yes we can attract certain players by being in the Champions league probably not the kind of player who wants a club that are not just in it but have a chance of winning it. That said being in Europe will attract players. These days money is the main attraction and as long as the EPL and others are paying huge money the rest of the football world are incubators.

Hoop hoop hooray
11 months ago

All we had to do was top up a domestic winning machine with 2 or 3 next level players and have a go to get out of a CL group in some form.

Buy jota for 6m. Sell for 27m . Go down the list of replacements till you find one around 3.5m.

We have not been interested in europe for the last 20 years other than boosting our bank balance with CL money.

We had 3 very good windows recently.
And then he came back.

11 months ago


And as soon as he came back Ange changed into a suit and tie and the transfer rolling stock got shunted onto a different line.

I have an ominous feeling about this season particularly now with CCV, Nawrocki & Welsh all out til November.

There’s something seriously not right behind the scenes and if it’s Lawwell’s meddling to once again Sevco a leg up there’ll be Hell to pay.

11 months ago

CCV, Nawrocki & Welsh out til November.

Our centre halves for Ibrox & CL ?

Lagerbielke & Scales.

11 months ago

I meant to say when I commented yesterday re your header:
“Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight”
We’ve got a little plaque on the kitchen wall:
“Never go to bed angry. Stay awake and plot your revenge”

11 months ago

World and European football is changing as the drive for more cash, streaming services builds up. Celtic Board are content with their lot and to be a big fish in a small pond, but the World will move on, if you are not on the bus you will be consigned to history a bit like the 1690 mob.
So be the biggest in a small pond, bash the rest, but in Europe be a total failure, great plan for the future.
Their acceptance of all the crap flung at them by officials, the media, is unbelievable, think back to last week and Del Boy whinging about a penalty nine months on, or the situation with ticket allocation, not being forthright, as they queue up to pour their hard earned cash down the capitalist throat, dreaming of a Celtic that is now a business first and club second

Yoker Bhoy
11 months ago

Looks like we’re not the only club with big problems at the moment. Looking ahead towards tomorrow’s home league clash against St Johnstone, it might be a blessing to be up against a club that is really up the creek at this moment in time. After being hammered 4-0 at home by Stirling Albion in the League cup, the Perth side have since gone on to lose their first two league matches of the season, performing particularly poorly against Ross County last weekend and being very fortunate to get away with only a 2-0 loss.. With an injury pile up (they have even been a few men short on the bench) that makes our own situation on that front look healthy, they’ve had no other option than to pitch in a couple of youth players whilst conducting a frenzied flurry to pick up players on loan from England and free transfers. Half of the team they field against us will be unrecognsiable.

As a rookie manager, Steven MacLean will really be up against it to turn things around during the season ahead and I imagine his team will already be the bookies’ favourites for the direct drop at the end of the season. Indeed, the odds are stacked at around 50/1 for them to beat us tomorrow. Amazingly, the Saints have survived in the top flight for close on 15 years, collecting a couple cups along the way but this golden period could well be coming to a dismal end. Their slide in form towards the end of last season was dramatic and in the previous season they needed to win the play-off to stay up

Those among their horrific injury list include experienced strikers Chris Kand and Nicky Clarke as well as regular midfield starters Cammy McPherson and Ali Crawford together with defender James Brown and lively English winger Drey Wright (this ex-Hibs man is probably their most effective outfield player at the moment). In the midst of this sorry state of affairs, Wigan loanee left-back Luke Robinson could be drafted in to make his debut and replace Andy Considine while there might also be a start for 19 year old Newcastle trainee Jay Turner-Cooke in midfield. Whether these guys are any good or not your guess is as good as mine. Irish raw recruit 20 yo Dara Costelloe might also feature up front at some stage but he is yet to find the net in an official game. Youngsters Cammy Ballantyne (central midfield) and Taylor Steven (forward) could be two to look out for in the future but I suspect they’ll be well out of their depth at CP if used.

Their midfield has been very static and weak over their last few games where they have been easily overrun and have been providing practically no ammunition to their fromt man Stevie May. Their defence has been extremely vulnerable and poor, particularly the form of captain Liam Gordon. . The big fellow has flaunted a repertoiore of rash challenges and evident concentration lapses lately and has been riding his luck so far. He’ll be on a red very soon if he keeps on like this and I hope referee Mathew McDermid keeps a firm and fair control of the game. The only player to be consistently performing well these days is goalkeeper Dimitar Mitov, who has pulled off some outstanding saves to keep the score down in their last couple of games. He’s just been called up for the full Bulgaria squad.

Last Sunday was a black day in which there was plenty of blatant cheating from the match officials, insipid football that was totally devoid of creativity from our players and a very damaging injury blow to big Maik at the very end. We have to put that behind us and focus on these oncoming games. I’d like to see a couple of changes to freshen things up in tomorrow’s starting line up; maybe give Bernabei a start along with Yang on the wing. Iwata might come into contention while it would be a great bonus if Alastair Johnson were to make his comeback. Just hope we get to see some quality football played at a much higher tempo and a lot less of the slow build-ups and dire sideways passing.

After their European exertions the huns have to travel very early up to Dingwall where they’ll face a Ross County side that has shown no shortage of fighting spirit and good footballing ability so far this season. If there’s a surprise up there coupled with a straightforward and expected home win for us, the whole complexion of things changes. If, on the other hand, we somehow contrive to louse this one up against the 50/1 shots, then it would be time to seriously be talking about a crisis. I don’t wish to tempt fate though and I expect to see a comfortable enough win tiomorrow even if it’s not all that pretty to watch. Just hope we don’t see too much use of the VAR where Andrew Dallas will be in charge.  

11 months ago

Looks like the deal is ON for Luis Palma, the winger and goalscorer @ c£3 Million.
Now if he can come in and get scoring/assisting rapidly it might prove an old fitba philosophy/truism that if you score enough goals you’ll win your matches.
I’m still desperate to see another ‘keeper brought in who can challenge Big Joe and, due to the injury crisis, we don’t half need cover at CB.
Que sera…….

11 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

And still no sign of a tough tackling defensive mid.

We’k be bullied off the park at Ibrox and in the CL, exactly as we were at Kilmarnock last week.

The club’s become a joke again now that Ange has left and BR has admitted that he has NO AUTHORITY when it comes to buying players, instead leaving it to Lawwell & Son.

11 months ago

Strange game with little serious thought. Not one pass to Kyoto to his feet all second half. It is going to be a stubborn couple of months.

MOTM: Joe.

11 months ago
Reply to  portpower

We didn’t even hit the effin woodwork.

11 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Port, there were quite a few shots and passes to “Kyoto”.
But if you meant Kyogo, you’re quite right.
The final ball was like they’d all caught some ‘pox’, the same pox even, that inflicts your foot just as you’re about to connect with the ball.
Fukking shocking, come on PSV.

11 months ago
Reply to  portpower

Port, I replied but it was hooked.
The core was me taking the pisss wrt your “Kyoto” and Kyogo.
Hope all’s good, cobber.
Keep smoiling end keip producing SE Aus Shiraz.
Je suis blotto………..

10 months ago
Reply to  TicToc

Och, I`ll just call the Bhoy Jimmy!

11 months ago

No frontpage Headlines if you miss sitters.

11 months ago

Well, my eyes are bleeding after that, 0-0 against St Johnstone, the new masters of
And again too many passes from side to side to get up the park and into the opposition’s box.
And it could have been worse if Hart hadn’t saved Scales’ blushes when he let the St.Johnstone
forward dance round him and get a shot on target..
You could hear the players’ nerves jangling as time passed and there were few (any?) shots from outside the box that could have at least resulted in a deflected goal. The fear factor took over as nobody wanted to take responsibility. After Yang was subbed we lost any danger that we posed in their area, and we could have had 30 minutes added on and not scored.
Well, at least the Scottish media is happy.

11 months ago

Yang will be another young Celtic player who will be at risk of receiving his shins being kicked out of him. Undefended from the Board and the Officials of our games.

11 months ago


11 months ago

I need somewhere to focus to try to rid my mind of today’s performance.
So cop for this:
The teacher has a ‘wee Johnnie type’ in the class. He’s got ‘history’.
They’re about 9, and teacher says: “Can any of you think of a word with 3 syllables?”
Miss? Yes Johnnie: Grand-fath-er, miss. Teacher says: “That’s great Johnnie.
Now can anyone think of a 4 syllable word?”
Miss? Okay Johnnie go for it. Wee Johnnie says “mast-ur-bat-ion”.
Teacher (blushing) says, why Johnnie that’s a mouthfull.
Johnnie says, “no miss, you’re thinkin’ of a blowjob.”

11 months ago

Awful. Seems like deliberate sabotage the way Rodgers is managing this fkn mess, get pumped and humiliated next week. Then cannon fodder in Europe. New keeper. Two cbs. Holding midfielder and a big striker required yesterday.

10 months ago

I had a load of trouble finding a stream to watch the match and I was trying everywhere
that I could think of but they were all “betting company” advert sites and/or blocked due to “malware risks”. So I missed the whole first half. Then I went looking again and I found good old “hes.goal” was back up and running and I was able to watch the second half.
Here’s the link if anybody needs it for the “wee match” next weekend.

10 months ago

https:// AD_ZbIQhADA

10 months ago

I posted earlier today a link for “hes-goal” which was
one of the good streaming sites that was taken down.
But the Stazi thought police have sent my post to the
“awaiting for approval” bin…it’ll probably be released
next week AFTER the game against the great pretenders.

10 months ago

Gotta be honest, I thought there would be more from the ETims crew on the fiasco developing behind the scenes at CP.

Cos my own pish stained sources have already informed me that there’s been cries of betrayal and promises being broken, not too dissimilar to what happened last time.

And we all know who the board will turn to once Roy gets back on his hoss and rides out of town …

Graeme Murty!

10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

😀 ::D 😀

10 months ago
Reply to  Gringo

I have to say it, lads,but this level of vitriol and hatred towards a fellow Tim is more becoming of infant schoolchildren, maybe even PreSchool children, but I have nothing to be embarrassed about it.

Im an adult man making week considered adult points.

Yet here you all are, jabbing, poking, angrily fisting at your screens in fury simply because you disagree with a name you don’t like and that onky vaguely rings tge tiniest tinniest little bell from the past …

Come come now, mental gents, it’s way past time you grew up and got over this silly infantile nonsense here now as there are far bigger issues we have to engage with, befuyou’re asking someone to help change your nappies,

10 months ago

Aye, Ralph,we all know you’ve been ‘stopped ‘ for months but is there any chance you could get back on de aul’ bandwagon there now?

Phil’s got more than a bit pish recently and though wee Janbo has upped his game the, errs, Sentinels are either no longer online or are so afraid of what I might say to them next they’ve taken every precaution to delude me into believing it’s so, as dough I just came up de Liffey on a bike …

Sure, n de Bhoys are missin ye someting terrible dey are here now!

(Don’t tell em I said that!

Dey’ll be tinking I’ve gwan soft der now!)

To be sure to be sure!

10 months ago

I hate to see it far less say it, lads, but don’t you understand the concepts of either ‘Being Led On’ or ‘Reactionary Responses’ are?

You’re not giving Celtic fans a good name, as my Hun mates are telling me, and they clowns are regulated on yiur fun Hun favourite Follow Follow …

Kin yez no try n wake up an smell the coffee a wee bit?

We’re no them.

But coming round here some folk might start to think we might be.

10 months ago

I hate to see it far less say it, lads, but don’t you understand the concepts of either ‘Being Led On’ or what ‘Reactionary Responses’ are?

You’re not giving Celtic fans a good name here , as my Hun mates are telling me, and they clowns are regulated on your very own fun Hun favourite site, Follow Follow …

Kin yez no try n wake up an smell the coffee a wee bit here?

We’re no them, riddled with self loathing and self hatred and insulting each other fir expressing an opinion.

But coming round here some folk might start to think we might be.

10 months ago

Aye, Ralph,we all know you’ve been ‘stopped ‘ for months but is there any chance you could get back on de aul’ bandwagon there now?

Phil’s got more than a bit pish recently and though wee Janbo has upped his game, a BIT, and the er, ‘Sentinels’ are either no longer online or are so afraid of what I might say to them next that they’ve taken every precaution to delude me into believing it’s so, as dough I just came up de Liffey on a bike …

Sure, n de Bhoys are missin ye someting terrible dey are here now!

(Sure n tae fuck n DON’T tell em I said that!
Dey’ll be tinking I’ve gan soft on us der now der now!)

To be sure to be sure!

10 months ago

Aye, Ralph,we all know you’ve been ‘stopped ‘ for months but is there any chance you could get back on de aul’ bandwagon there now?

Phil’s got more than a bit pish recently and though wee Janbo has upped his game, a BIT, and the er, ‘Sentinels’ are either no longer online or are so afraid of what I might say to them next that they’ve taken every precaution to delude me into believing it’s so, as dough I just came up de Liffey on a bike …

Sure, n de Bhoys are missin ye someting terrible dey are der now!

(DON’T tell em I said dat!
Dey’ll be tinking I’ve gan soft on us der now der now!)

To be sure to be sure!

10 months ago

Does anybody here know John Cooper Clarke?

An Occasional Contributor
10 months ago

29th Jan 2021

Celtic Football Club today announced that Chief Executive Peter Lawwell has decided to retire from his position at the end of June 2021, having held this role for the past 17 years.

2nd December 2022

Celtic is pleased to announce the appointment of Peter Lawwell as a director of Celtic plc and its new Non-Executive Chairman. Peter will take up his new role from January 1st, 2023, following the retirement of current Chairman, Ian Bankier. 

Ian Bankier’s Wage

Announcement of Results for the year ended 30 June 2022.

£80,000 Per Annum (Previous 2021 £78,667)

If Peter Lawwell has returned as a non Executive Chairman and no longer has the control he had previously as CEO then his wage should reflect this in the end of year accounts.
His wage going off what Bankier was getting paid should be no more than £100k (being generous) and certainly nowhere near the wage of the Current CEO who is on less than half (£526,230) what Peter Lawwell was being paid £1,148,563) for the same job when he RETIRED.

The devil is always in the details and as always follow the money.

10 months ago

Paulo Bernardo, on loan from Benfica?

I like gangly skilful players, they’re a bassa to defend against.

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