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Celtic Diary Tuesday May 2: Luck is in the Air

Celtic moved into the Scottish Cup final on Sunday with a narrow 1-0 win over the current incarnation at Ibrox.

Manager Ange Postecglou took time out to thank his lucky stars that he had guided his charges to another shot at another trophy ..which some have interpreted as a pop at Mickey Beale, who earlier in the season had claimed that Postecoglou had got lucky when he was handed the Celtic job.

Ange pointed out that he has been learning his trade for twenty five years, and had earned the right to manage a club , with all the responsibility that comes with it, which is as sharp a slap one could give to anyone without actually holding them down.


Sadly, the media will seek a response feom Beale, which will continue to keep the rivalry …well, supposed rivalry simmering until next season, where no doubt we’ll see the Real Rangers they keep harping on about, which will consist of Beale, some loannees and a couple more players who can’t get a game for whoever they are with now.


They’ll struggle to get any quality in on the pitch, because they can’t afford it. Should season book sales not pick up, and there’s no reason why they should, it won’t so much be a case of keeping the lights on over the summer as turning them off to save money


Beale himself will cling on as long as he can, as there is no place for him to go after Ibrox. He only took the job to give him work after his QPR debacle.


As it stands now, he’ll be happy to see a squad clear out, because the ones he has there at the moment have lost what little faith they had in him.


Meanwhile, in the land where the sun shines brightly, things will just get better and better.


The manager has improved the side he took over beyond recognition, and he never stops, which means he will still look to improve things.


He will continue to push the players, and they will continue to respond, as the higher level of the European challenge looms on the horizon.


To challenge there requires more focus, more intensity and more depth.


We’re getting there.


Sunday showed a level of game management above anything we have seen before.


Even if an equaliser had been found, Celtic looked comfortable enough to go on and cancel it out.


There was never really any danger of defeat, the players simply weren’t going to allow it.


They believed in themselves and in thise around them.


That was the difference between the two teams…again…and that gap will only get wider.


A few of us from Stoke went down to Birmingham to watch the game with the Black Country Che Guevera a social club they use as their base.


So it made for an excellent afternoon, and a genuine first for me as I got to celebrate a winning goal twice.


A scoreflash on a phone told us Jota had scored…due to a lag ….three minutes before the goal.


We sort of kept it to ourselves, bit happily didn’t have to for long.


Don Robertson, who filled in for the injured Willie Collum as referee, failed quite a lot to make the correct decisions during the game.


But we are led to believe these mistakes cancel each other out.





Well, no. Successive mistakes do not cancel each other out.


They add up. They become a catalogue of errors, but no one will point out that what we really have is an error strewn and inefficient group of referees.



An idea to at least verify this would be to put them to a test.


Each referee should sit a test, in private but at the same time as the others, where clips of incidents are shown…clips from around the world.


They should then give their judgement and reasons for that judgement.


Similar experiments in the legal profession for Judges and in the business world have shown there to be some surprising….and expensive….results.


Football has a clearly defined set of rules….but there may be some, er, different interpretations.


An experiment like this would help to improve the quality of our referees…but it is a non starter until we accept and amplify the truth.


These mistakes we see on a weekly basis do not cancel each other out.


They add up.


And for any profession, anywhere in the world, that is simply unacceptable.

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Dziekanowski's nightclub child
1 year ago

M’on the hoops

1 year ago

The fact Robertson admitted to O’Riley that it was “probably a foul” points to something more sinister.
He, like one or two of The Rangers players, had turned to head up the park.
In other words he was not playing an advantage because he didn’t want to give a foul for Celtic in that area of the park.

1 year ago

The SFA would never play ball. It would would set up a direct confrontation with the LRA who would never agree go through a testing process.
The results would require scrutiny and critique and as they are accountable to nobody it’s a non starter.
The Clubs & the SFA will not push for refereeing reform. The pressure has to come from outside Scotland. The case must be made to EUFA
with evidence highlighting the poor standards, the open bias and possible corruption. That’s the only way it will change. The irony is that Der Hun fans would be all in for an investigation because apparently the Refs have it in for their Klub. Bless them.

1 year ago

Our form has stuttered and we have not demolished them since early in the season just beaten them again and again. We have been playing since August snd the Wotks Cup break did not serve us well especially as key players had to play through it. Statistically I suppose they will win sometime, maybe even at Ibrox and if they do, “ Everything is all right ….” The media can talk up a new Rangers fir next season , I am happy if they ignore that we will strengthen again.

Hoop hoop hooray
1 year ago

Don Robertson basically admitted to O’Riley ‘I’m a cheat’ cos he certainly wasnt playing advantage.
The same robertson who refused to red card our opponents for brutal tackles which were subsequently dealt with by compliance officer.
The same robertson who refused to send off sands for rugby tackling a player clean through when he was on a yellow. He didnt even give a free kick as he knew he would have to send him off.
Same robertson who on sunday allowed an excessive force scissor tackle on kyogo to go unpunished.
Same robertson who refused to give a free kick to taylor on other side when tillman injured himself with his lunge.

Funny how games ‘pass without controversy’ when it doesnt penalise the tribute act.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Not one VAR input (to my memory which is a bit hazy). Plenty of late, and actionable tackles from the manky mob. On an unrelated topic I’m all for freedom of speech but my old Donegal granda worked 12 hour days then volunteered as a night watchman to stop his Catholic Church being burned down, they tried 3 times. So if FTP is acceptable on this Tim site I’ll find another with people who can express themselves in the manner of a Tim and not a currant bun.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I feel the same about that Charlie.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

“I’m all for freedom of speech but………”

So, as long as you agree with it it’s alright but if you don’t it’s unacceptable?
Maybe you need to re-think that as otherwise you’re duplicitous.
The Catholic Church (and all other “churches”) and the monarchy like almost all old-fashioned institutions are riddled with corruption both financial and corporal but that’s okay is it, your high-horse?
The Catholic Church helped keep your old granda’s country (and all its citizens) shackled to the UK after 1922 as it is terrified of people being educated and voting for Socialism/Communism, but that’s okay is it? Ireland, under UK rule and the Catholic Church was an exporter of food during The Great Hunger, but that’s okay is it?
Your granda, just like mine, was probably a relatively uneducated, brainwashed person who had the fear of god rammed into his skull from his first moments on Earth by the Catholic Church and its practitioners. Do you not see the folly of your point?
The poisonous little catholics on here will attack this comment and no doubt wish me ill for stating it but it wont stop me nor bother me. I have a right to say (type) whatever I choose.
Those who only want to see what they agree with will remain in the dark for life.
Lesson over, do what you want with it all of you, but banning things is why you remain tied to a system of despicable treachery and many of you actively support it.
WTF is THAT all about?
And you have the audacity to refer to me, a life-long Tim, as a “currant bun”?
Have a look in the mirror WC and state to yourself what’s at the top of this comment, your comment and see how you feel then. If you feel okay you’re deluding yourself.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Fair points TicToc but I’m not so sure a Celtic site is the place you want to be sounding off about the Catholic faith myself.
Be careful you aren’t mislabelled by the usual suspects in here.

1 year ago

Cheers AOC, I don’t necessarily disagree with you but it’s the hysterical replies from OM and the few who DO add something and the notorious, anonymous ‘voters’. I’ve every right to express my views on Catholicism as I was born and brainwashed into it like many Tims. I chose to ask questions and I didn’t like the answers and I think all religion is just fear-inducing tripe that should be seriously questioned across its wide spectrum.

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Agreed (wouldn’t want to be an anonymous up ‘voter’)

1 year ago
Reply to  Uralius

Ditto! There’s no value in either!

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I’ll join you mate. I’d rather listen to Gringo (or whatever he’s calling himself today) and his deluded ravings than the bigoted filth poured out on here by a closet Hun. Goodbye etims and thanks for the laughs.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Suprised you never noticed him seeing as he’s been hiding in plain sight in previous threads.
The high volume of replies tends to give him away 😉

He’s evidently been on an AA course in Rome.

1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

BYEeee! OM, you wont be missed!
I think you could have made a point from my post rather than vaguely label it “bigoted filth”, but small minded bigots like you can se3ldom muster a decent argument, it’s just ‘toys out the pram’ when someone says something you don’t approve of. Aye, you wont be missed. And BTW, I comment much more about the fitba than most on here but there’s nothing for you to ‘have a go’ at so you just ignore it. Typically pathetic!

1 year ago

And yet another one does slinking away from Ayebrokes today…the Academy Director has left the building. Seems like they’re trying to collect money for the
Lego rebuild that the media keep heralding, by cutting the office salary bill. They talk a lot about what they’re “going to do”, but talk’s cheap…..and good players cost money….lots of money.
Celtic were not at their best, but still had plenty in the tank to see them off again. They rely on intimidating opponents with brutal “tackles” that are ignored by the friendly neighbourhood referees. Lundstrom’s on Kyogo has been highlighted…but watch that sleekit fat bufoon Morelos studding Carter Vicker’s ankle on the goal line and leaving the big man in agony….no action by the ref…but Maeda shoulder’s Cantwell and a foul is immediately given.
Now we are breathing down the neck of their “most successful team in the world” boast and the panic button has definitely been pressed. Their fans will go ape shit when they lose that self-awarded title and the Board members will have to go into hiding….abroad!! lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Good points, good comment.

1 year ago

inverness are only in the final because queens park were thrown out for using an invalid player in thur 2-0 win earlier in the comp //////////who is the only team who dont get punished for using in valid players /////answers on a postcard

The Cha
1 year ago

The Scottish Cup Final on 3rd June has been put back to a 5.30pm KO.

This has been done to avoid clashing with the English one, for the convenience of broadcasters, naturally, and not fans, who can GTF. .uk/sport/football/65458306 (remove space)

The saddest news of today is that Bobby Madhun has retired from refereeing in England after suffering discrimination and through the vagaries of the assessment process. Apparently, there are multiple people involved rather than 1 friendly mason, as up here. Ah, diddums. .uk/sport/football/65458307 (remove space)

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

I replied but it’s gone to the dreaded ‘sin bin’!
Madden will be back, and the 5.30 KO is another disgrace by the SFA.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Ok after about 8 years I’m off. Thanks to those of you that I’ve enjoyed the banter with. I treat people with mental health issues in my day job and this was meant to be a bit of light relief. Remember to get the bacofoil on a 2 for 1.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I, for one, genuinely regret if you’re throwing the towel in WC.
I know you can offer much on here. You have done.
Why you, a self-proclaimed Atheist, got so pissed off by a comment of mine that you hung on to is baffling to me, but so is life.
We’ve ALL got mental health issues, just some are more evident than others.
McMurphy was the only ‘sane’ one in the whole cast (apart from the Big Indian) of the Cuckoos Nest, he just didn’t like shit, was anti-establishment and paid the ultimate price for it. I don’t like the establishment either, and ALL religions are party to and part of that establishment. That’s really my point. As Celtic is Secular, any genuine anti-Catholic sentiment should be accepted, argued against perhaps, but accepted.
Anyway if you chuck it, okay. Same to OM. I’m radical and unafraid but deep down I feel you both have much to offer here. For me now, any argument or fall out is over.
Don’t be so hasty, but go if you choose. It’s (in both cases) your shout.
I will bear no grudge and hope neither of you do.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

I’m off because FTP is sectarian and bigoted. Like you. Don’t make any assumptions about me or my family ya clown we could buy and sell you. You should find another forum to ruin. Waiting for the 15 fake likes on your response? Nah. Adiós.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

There you go again, WC. Ranting about me making assumptions…bla,bla, baa, baa and then you say “you (we) could buy and sell you”? Of course, in your demented skull that’s not making assumptions? I offered the hand of friendship, as much as one can do on a site like this and you insult me again! Let me tell you WC, the biggest mess I ever made of anyone, 4 to be exact, was in (and outside) Lucy’s bar in Amsterdam. We’d had a difference of opinion. I walked out to consider EXACTLY what had occurred. Reassured that I’d been right I re-entered Lucy’s, just across from the Hilton. I explained I was right but was prepared to call it quits. These 4 RAF guys (working at Fokkers) refused to accept that. They regretted their smart-arsed 4 v 2 rebuttal. Well, what could go wrong?
I battered all 4 of them with my mate watching and waiting, just in case.
I tell you that because the infinite ignorance of refusing my friendly offer is effectively a declaration of war. I’m now really glad you’re going to fukk off, you’ve proven what you really are, but I’ll remember this and your style of ‘typing’. I hope we never ‘meet’ again…..better all round.
PS Fake likes? Please explain. Another of your tricks?
PPS I was on here long before you and will remain after you. You’ve blown your cover so best just fukk off and don’t come back.

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

PS WC, there’s just something about that WC!
Is it that you’re mostly fullashit and people keep pissing on you?
Aye, mibbaes that explains yer girly hysteria.
You should put your name down for a hysteria-ectomy, but then again, yer mibbaes no’ worth it.
But don’t worry, you could still “buy and sell me” right?
Ha FN HaHa, ya tosser, picked a fight wi’ the wrong mhan.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Threats of physical violence added to FTP. You’re outing yourself big time. I’ll let whatever passes for moderation here deal with you. Sober up. P.S. Only 2 likes could you not be bothered?

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

We had all this discussion a couple of years ago which led Mike to abandon the site for a while. He promised then to stick to the fitba but it lasted until his next drinking session and he was off again. Thick as mince, sectarian remarks, violent threats – tell me that’s not a crypto Hun who can’t stop the hatred coming to the surface. I haven’t been inside a church since my mother’s funeral over a decade ago but I wouldn’t presume to lecture others on what to think about it. I come here to read about the ‘Tic or laugh at Huns, not to listen to the monotonous ‘free speech’ of an inarticulate alkie who last time round ‘boasted’ to me of how he knew what he was talking about because he’d read all about it in a book!

PS I think the ‘phantom voter’ is the site’s resident art expert – he has a lot of time on his hands, a lot of personal vendettas and is always sooking up to TT as a kindred spirit.

PPS Before I go – just to let the site know that my mate R.St.Parsley has died so no more songs I’m afraid.

Frank McGaaaarvey
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Sorry to hear that Owen. I liked his contributions to the comments. Condolences to his family.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Now that is sad news on a joyful day. The poems were chust sublime and if there is one thing you can achieve in life it’s bring joy to others. Rest in peace.

1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Owen, sorry to hear about R St Parsley passing away. He seemed a passionate Celtic supporter and his input here was
entertaining. Condolences to his family.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Condolences, truly sad news.

Hopefully, his poetry, songs and parodies can’t be kept alive and republished from time to time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Coming from me this may be unwelcome but I’m really sorry to hear that about RStP. He was a proper wit and created countless songs/poems that were genuinely funny. The Skelly Chairman was one of my favourites. He’ll most definitely be missed.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

Yes Mikey (Parsley) and I shared a hospital ward back in the day and he was great at keeping your spirits up. For anyone interested if you Google Sevcosongbook there is a website with some of his best stuff but I’m not sure how user-friendly it is – it didn’t work on my rather ancient smartphone.

1 year ago

We’re on our way to Edinburra, we shall not be moved,
We’re on our way tae Edinburra, we shall not be moved,
Not by the Hertz, the Hibs or the Se-evco,
We shall not be moved! 🙂
Now, we only need a draw at Swinecastle (but we’ll stuffem) to join in the REAL
(apres) ‘coronation’ celebrations, as we are CROWNED Champions.
I believe our opponents the follow-following week are currently preparing to welcome the CHAMPIONS onto the park with loud applause from both the staff and scumfans and maybe some ‘glass’ in Big Joe’s goal; a bottle of Champers perhaps?
HH the Glasgow Celtic.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Only a win guarantees the title at Tynecastle.

Bizarrely, the Huns are kicking off 45 mins after us, at home to Aberdeen, and need to better our result to delay it another week.

Hopefully, we win to clinch the Cinch and the Dandies do the double over the DOBs, to show they’re Simply Second Best.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

I thought we were 13pts clear with 5 to play so a draw would be enough, Cha?

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

If we draw, we’ll be temporarily 14 points ahead, however a Huns win will cut it back to 11 points.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Ah! I wish I was clever…..but I have a cunning plan…..we just go out and batter the E scum and it’s game over!

The Cha
1 year ago

Ha, I was wondering if the Beeb would get round to doing a Coronation Cup article, as they have no problem churning out ones ‘celebrating’ when we lost to Rangers (RIP), Inverness, St Mirren, Clyde, Raith and plenty of others.

Celtic: Coronation Cup win paved way to European Cup glory – BBC Sport .uk/sport/football/65489575 (remove space)

As you would expect, its sanitised (no mention of social context, song etc) and, completely bizarrely, links it directly to Lisbon.

Whereas the direct beneficiary was probably the following seasons double, first league title in 16 years and double in nearly 40.

None of the players were around in Lisbon, although obviously Stein, Mochan, Fernie were in management.

Stein’s exploits with Dunfermline, Hibs and Celtic with more modern players would have been uppermost, not beating the cream of England over a decade before.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Actually, it seems to be an even more shoddier article, as the Celtic Wiki has Aberdeen not Hearts taking part.

It also quotes Stein and nothing about Lisbon is mention (perhaps the quotes are pre-Lisbon but I doubt he ever drew the parallel).

thecelticwiki .com/coronation-cup/ (remove space)

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Great comments above Cha.
I checked the weather forecast on the Met Office site just before going to watch the ‘wee mhan’ at fitba, KO 11AM. Forecast for London was pissing it down. Sure that put a spring in me step, begorra!
On the Coronation Cup I sent the following text to some family/friends:
“Wan (the only) good thing about a coronation is it gives us another trophy to collect. Hivnae won wannarem since 1953!
HH :-)”

The Cha
1 year ago

For the day that’s in it, Not The View have published various Coronation Cup articles, in case you can tear yourself away from the TV. 😉

ntvcelticfanzine .com (remove space)

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

I’ll have a wee look Cha, thanks!
#Said Lizzie to Philip as they sat down to dine………#
BTW, the FN BBC have got that nonsense on channels 1, 2 and the news channel.
FN outrage. My wife’s fear made me relent after cancelling it recently but it really HAS to go!

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

FFS, 2 attempts (1 copied) to respond to you about the CC have been snared.
It’s FN hopeless and acutely annoying!!!!!!

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago

Looking ahead to Tynecastle, the inconsistent form of the home club could make this one interesting. The jambos were dreadful over a good couple of months until they suddenly pulled something out of the bag in their last league fixture to play out of their skins and thrash Ross C 6-1, with Shankland and Josh Ginnelly sharing 5 goals between them. Up front they functioned extremely well with Barry McKay having a fine game (this is a player with heaps of technical ability but is highly inconsistent and often seems to fall flat in big games) and their superstar from Japan on the wing (I didn’t want to say ‘their nippy winger’ in case I got branded a racist) also proved to be quite a handful for the highlanders. 21yo Yutaro Oda hasn’t scored for them yet,but has shown a lot of energy and fine movement both on and off the ball with plenty of precision passes and positive split-second decision making, qualities that appear to be ingrained in Japanese football these days.

Michael Smith is likely to be out for tomorrow’s game but apart from the diet huns’ long-term injury list comprising such well-known names as Craig Gordon, Craig Halkett, Liam Boyce and Gary McKay-Steven, they have a reasonably strong pool of players to choose from.

Although we had a great second half in Paisley and a blistering half hour during the first half at Rugby Park together with two or three strong fightbacks as well as positive results against the huns, much of our form in the last 8 or 9 games hasn’t been great but a few injuries have kicked in and there has possibly been a little fatigue as well. In fact, the only match during that period where we could really say we were at it for most of the 90 was indeed when we last went to Tynecatle to come out on top by 3-0 in the cup quarter final. A brilliant start to the game, some fine football and we looked totally in command throughout. I really enjoyed that one so a bit more of the same for tomorrow would be nice.

With Jota, Hatate and Mooy back in the frame we are looking really strong in options once again both in the middle of the park and up front but I just hope our defence suffer no more injuries as we are now down to the bare bones in that department. Kobayashi will walk straight into the team but with Steven Welsh now ruled out, I’d imagine we’d need to draft in Bosun Lawall to take his place among the subs. What happens if Tony Ralston takes another sore one? I’m not too keen on the idea of Hatate filling in at RB again, bearing in mind that he is only just coming back from a lengthy injury, which leaves only young Ben McPherson (a decent prospect but hasn’t been training with the first team squad) as the only remaining natural RB. Greg Taylor is also carrying his niggly injury but is still highly likely to start tomorrow and the following game, after which he might get rested.

Whatever happens I think we could be in for an exciting game. I just hope we produce a big performance as I’d like the title wrapped up as soon as possible.

Oh we’re all off to Dublin in the spring, FTK!

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Yoker Bhoy

If the branding fits. 😉

McPherson seems to be training with the first team, according to 67HailHail

Celtic youngster Ben McPherson gets first-team training call ahead of Hearts

67hailhail .com/celtic-youth/celtic-youngster-ben-mcpherson-gets-first-team-training-call-ahead-of-hearts (remove space)

The top performances against St Mirren and Hearts away were 2 months ago, so hopefully Hatate and Mooy have both got their mojo back and ready to impose themselves again.

O’Riley has done well individually since he’s came in but the team seems to perform better with the other 2 in tandem.

I watched the madcap Youth Final and there was great attacking play, especially from us and some dreadful defending that would induce mass coronaries at a packed Parkhead!

Even the wee Huns contributed but no doubt the beautiful game will be bullied out of any of them that want to stick around Ibrox.

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Just got the goals in the Scottish Youth Cup final but that would have been brilliant entertainment live. Good news about McPherson training with the first team, that went completely under my radar but it’s logical as the need for another right back at the moment is strong. The final of la Copa del Rey is about to start so I’ll check it out. Come on you men from Pamplona!

1 year ago

Good comment Yoker, and I’m fairly confident we’ve got too much for the E scum but the killer for me is:

“Oh we’re all off to Dublin in the spring, FTK!”

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc


The Cha
1 year ago

God bless the Scousers.

What is striking, is the non-hysterical reaction to this down here in England-shire.

I’m sure such mature reflection will be met by the same up here, after our fans comment on yesterday’s obscenity at the game today.

And, if you believe that, can I have the £100 I lent you, back pronto. 😉

1 year ago

A half decent game so far and not without incident. Yuki looked very shaky early on but started to settle into the game. Cochrane’s red is a bit unlucky but it’s red by the rules as he WAS last man and stopped a goal-scoring chance. O’Riley gave away a silly yellow card just before HT and I’d sub him (in case of another yellow) with Mooy or Turnbull though I don’t know if they’re both available as I don’t know who’s on the bench.
We really should wrap things up now but we’ll have to wait and see what Walsh does next!

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

PS great to see Reo looking (mostly) back to himself!
Jota throwing that piece o’ shit Naismith out of his way was both terrific and funny to see.

1 year ago

Well done Bhoys.

How pathetic of SS to turn down the volume of our supporters in the 75th minute.

MOTM: Jota, for taking out that protected species, Naismith.

WE`RE ALL IN, Ghirls and Bhoys.

1 year ago

The grab of Maeda`s left shoulder was the red card decision not the trip. The trip from the Hearts defender was to make sure that Daizen went down outside the penalty box.

Andy Walker is a discredit to Scottish Football.

1 year ago

Starfelt and Kobayashi paired well together today.
The two though need to learn that when a forward has his back to the goal, lay off him a bit. One wee touch and he is down.

Soft free kicks are happily obliged and that there is the problem with the Scottish game progressing.

1 year ago

Who`ll lift the Scottish Polis for protesting today?

1 year ago

The extent of Scottish Football:

An ignorance of truth is only changed when a majority within point and want a fair substitute.

1 year ago

Were on the cusp of being labelled pirates. Were only retaining what was always ours.

Thy SFA have faltered, the huns are emailing black balls.

1 year ago

Rumour Mill:

The Scottish Premiership League Trophy for 2023 shall be coveted with an ermine-trimmed robe and jewels. HH.

1 year ago

Do you ever get the feeling that ex-player pundits did not know the rules even while they were playing?

Still hanging around and winging it.

1 year ago

In all her glory, Emma Dodds wears Charlie Adam`s sympathy.

1 year ago

Michael Beale has enrolled in a Turkic language course.

He was heard to have said “I will workdays in and days out to deliver your doner.”
His spirit of adventure continues.

1 year ago

The dog was screaming past the caravan because a ghost was driving the sevco FC journey bus.

1 year ago

In the 80’s when the departed Rangers had their unlimited
cash flow from the Bank, bought half of the England team plus stars from Europe, all the while not declaring nor paying taxes and N.I. while paying huge sums in EBT’s without blinking, there was never a mention in the media of all that spending money being an advantage, or that the Ibrox club was “lucky”.
Fast forward 30 years and every chance they get they mention Celtic’s “spending power” and refer to it as an advantage….failing to acknowledge that it has been done honestly and transparently without an unlimited credit line from the friendly Bank. They cannae have it both ways, but nevertheless they try to.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Celtic operate as a successful business and turn a profit most years without having to rely on a Bank or internal financing to pay the bills.
Which we of course do and on time.
There are no comparisons to be drawn as turning massive profits actually translates to Celtic spending within our own constraints.
Luck has absolutely nothing to do with skill,hard work or efficiency because we have all of that in abundance under Postecoglou.
He’s assembled a side with players he felt would deliver what was required of him and have they delivered.
They have delivered despite poor officiating,despite VAR,despite a bias in media and despite our nearest challengers failing to concede a single penalty since January 2022.

No my bad it’s purely down to the luck of the Irish ☘️


Last edited 1 year ago by An Occasional Contributor
The Cha
1 year ago

Ange Postecoglou: The boy from Greece who became Celtic’s main man .uk/sport/football/65509996 (remove space)

A good article by Tom English, who seems to have got over his initial crush (“loquacious”, “eloquent” etc) of the Gobby Gobshite of Govan.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Just saw this Cha, I’ve posted the same link when I logged on a few minutes ago!
Surely it wont be missed twice! Cracking article regardless of source.

1 year ago

The link below (remove space after https) is a cracking read about Ange’s earlier life through to today and not too long. It’s from a BBC article my wife came across and is penned by Tom English. I was almost put off by those 2 connections but it’s definitely worth your time.

https ://

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