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Celtic Diary Wednesday April 26: Worlds Apart

Can i just clarify something ?


The play that Abraham Lincoln was watching in yesterdays caption competition winning comment was not “Bend It Like Brattback “, which to my knowledge has yet to have an audience member demand to be shot because the play was not very good.


In fact it’s very good, and very funny, which might explain the relatively low murder rate in the audience.




We may be on the point of spotting why very few people ask me to promote anything they produce.




The fixture lists are out for the post split games, and it does seem they have been fixed.



Celtic’s chances of winning the league in front of a home crowd are pretty much finished as they travel to Tynecastle and ibrox in their first two games. We could chuck both of them but we’re home to St Mirren next, and that could be a tricky one.


The season concludes with another visit to Edinburgh to face Hibernian, before a probably trophy day clash with Aberdeen at home, who will no doubt spoil it by winning.




The SPFL took a little longer than expected to come up with this schedule, as for whatever reason they decided to sell our game short.



With only one game allowed under the current tv contract at Celtic Park, it will be trophy day, and they’ve opted for two away games to sort of ensure that Sky get to cover the game where it’s clinched.



What they have done, in reality, is alter the schedule to decide when the league is won, a sort of match fixing but for tv.



Sky TV have all but said they will be cutting corners on their coverage of our game, but will continue to show goal kicks and throw ins.



It would have been nice to win the league at home, but if you are going to pick an away ground to do it at, then Tynecastle and Ibrox would be at the top of the list.



Even better if it’s an Ibrox where there won’t be any away fans allowed, though I suspect a few bears will be selling their books to a few tims on the quiet that day……



However, they really need to look at that tv contract…..



With the last real uncertainty to be settled this weekend, Ange Postecoglou has said all the players we’ve been missing…Jota, Hatate and Abada, will train this week, and will play if he reckons they’re up to it.



One suspects a few mind games may be being played….and it’s simply because of how much he wants a treble.



He may also want to factor in the unseasonal weather in Glasgow…..well, some parts of it…







As usual, Celtic players are keeping their heads down and focusing on the game ahead, while over on the other side of town, someone just can’t help himself….. (Glasgow Live)


Todd Cantwell ‘blown away’ by Rangers trophy room and determined to add to Ibrox haul



To be fair, it wouldn’t take much to blow him away. A stiff breeze would have him hanging on to the railings.



Todd Cantwell admits he was ‘blown away’ by Rangers’ trophy room at Ibrox and is determined to be a part of that history while at the club.


Hardly any of the trophies in that room were won by the club he signed for….Charles Green bought them as part of his basket of assets deal.


Michael Beale landed the midfielder as one of two singings ( sic ) in the January transfer window from Norwich City as he began putting his own stamp on the Ibrox squad. The 25-year-old has since settled into life in Govan quickly and has added numbers to his game with two goals and five assists since signing on at the club. 



Singings …..thought his forte was dancing ?


He said: “I have had a good look round the trophy room at Ibrox. 


“I was a bit blown away, to be fair, when I went through it, I think anyone would be, to be fair.

“But it’s something I want to add to while I’m here. Definitely, that’s for sure.

“I’ve been told about 55 and I want add to that. I don’t want it to be on 55 by the time I part ways with the football club.” 


It isn’t on 55 now, it’s on 1.



The big news from his club yesterday was the announcement that Stewart Robertson is the latest of their board to, er , step down.



That’s quite a few of them gone now, which must ring alarm bells among even the staunchest of them. Although we hear that Robertson finally pressed the “fuck it ” switch when he was accosted by a couple of the union bears whilst heading to his car after the Aberdeen game.


Their abuse he is sort of used to, but his daughter was with him, and that pushed him over the edge, and combined with the constant shitshow over club finances and almost permanent seat in the courtroom, he’s outta there.



Which is a sure sign that the pressure is getting not just to him, but to all concerned with the club.



Except the resident thickies such as Cantwell and Mickey Beale, who may well be in for a rude awakening very soon.



Who knows, perhaps a resurgent Aberdeen under Barry Robson will push them further down into the mire next season ?



Even Dundee united have got their act together, and along with Hearts, who always promise to get their show on the road, perhaps even more pressure will cause key Ibrox men such as Beaton and Walsh to finally buckle.



Without them on their game, top six will be a struggle.




That’s if they’re still around next season…..the battle fever they harp on about seems to be largely confined to their own , for the moment.



Yesterday, we had this….






 23 hours ago

Michael Beale blames the cactus for being a prick  







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1 year ago

Under pressure Rangers manager Michael Beale fights off hordes of Don’s fans singing rude songs about his team.

1 year ago

“And a Good Knight was had by all”

1 year ago

Caption …
Todd Cantwells new tik tok video of ‘ over the hills with the swords of a thousand men ‘

1 year ago

Heavy metal gig.

the real Anton Rogan
1 year ago

Challenge on Tony Ralston reviewed by VAR

Luke Warmwater
1 year ago

We’re playing for England, Eng-ger-lund

1 year ago

Penalty to “Rangers”

John McDermott
1 year ago

Royal Shakespeare company re-enact the battle of George Square!!!???

1 year ago

The Sons of William and the Brigton KKK stage the 2023 version of the re-enactment of the George Square 2021 title winning celebrations. Copious amounts of King William fortified wine were enjoyed by all 16.90 ABV don’t you know.

Frank McGaaaarvey
1 year ago

Sevco fans celebrate title glory with dignified little gathering at George Square.

Andrew Coyle
1 year ago

Caption.And it was during this battle that Four Lads Had A Dream

Mike Annis
1 year ago

Brexiteers spreading peace and welcoming visitors firm other shores.

1 year ago

Caption- Huns making their way to supporters buses up at Pittodrie

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

Caption : These are the Blue Nights who said Nay

There will be a battle scene at Mordor this Summer should Celtic win the Treble.
With no money to rebuild ,Celtic just 1 Trophy away from matching both Ayebrokes Clubs combined total the meltdown will be epic.
Dave King will be waving his porky sword among the hordes as he desperately attempts to wrestle control back or sell his diluted shares to Club 1872
An unknown seller sold another £250k to them just this week.
Who ever is advising them or running Club 1872 wants seriously looking into IMO evidently this was set up to lign the GASL’s pocket.

Club 1872 had 4.9m Shares in 2016 which was 6.01% of the overall Shareholding.
Before this latest acquisition they had 22.2m shares which was 4.96% of the overall Shareholding.

Due to the 24 Share issues between 2016 and this month this means that despite their Shareholding increasing by 353% over the same time period their overall Shareholding had decreased by 1.05%.

Who in their right mind would advocate spending yet more money on Shares given that return?
As of yet no one outside of The Rangers International has bothered to challenge this .


Last edited 1 year ago by An Occasional Contributor
Dziekanowski's nightclub child
1 year ago

Caption: defeated army “you’ll see the real us next time”

Kevin James
1 year ago

Sevconians versus Aberdonians

1 year ago

Caption : ‘Hold it, hold it! Who threw broken glass onto the penalty box?”

1 year ago

Is this a miss kick ai see before me?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Cartvale88

The only Miss Kick at Ibrox must be Todd Cantwell.

Hoop hoop hooray
1 year ago

As the celtic team troop off the hampden turf after a convincing semi final win sevcos fans invade the park to protect their players

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: Just before you die may I ask what are all those stars on your crest for?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

‘Because we said we’d no surrender so instead we walked away.’

1 year ago

Artist’s impression of George’s square if the Rangers had won the league in the Middle Ages.

1 year ago

We’re “told what to do” by FN SKY?  (Happily lapped up by Doncaster and the SPFL)
Just how much of international fans’ money Sky leeches on actually goes into Scottish Football in general and US in particular? And that right-wing owned, hun, outlet (Sky) dictates to US?
No hun tail should ever be allowed to wag the Tim dog.
Naw, Nae, Never! Tell them to do one!
PS A precedent has been set by the new huns refusing to show the sponsor ‘cinch’ ads.
Bring Celtic TV up to a high standard (it’s very poor now) and make it available worldwide INCLUDING UK and Eire at reasonable cost whilst telling SKY we’ve had more than enough of them. I think our supporters would relish this. It’ll never equal being at the game but there are loads who’d take it in a heartbeat who can’t otherwise watch our Bhoys.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

There’s plenty on Amazon Firesticks watching free. TV companies are already warning that our pitiful broadcasting payments will go down. Hell mend them they charge a fortune essentially for EPL coverage.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Regardless of other options which will, in time, be closed down, I think most Tims who can’t get to games for whatever reasons would be happy to pay for Celtic TV in the UK/Eire as long as the cost was reasonable. I’m fairly sure it would be far more financially beneficial too.
Lawwell if you’re looking in, don’t even FN attempt to do something like this as part of some OF crap. The OF is dead. Leave it that way.
On another note I see that Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill and A N Other are going to the farce of a coronation in the UK in the 21st FN century. A hypocrite’s jolly! I hope PROPER supporters of Sinn Fein get rid of her PRONTO, the bitch!
James Connolly warned of the dangers of NOT setting up the Irish Free State as a Socialist State. James understood things, O’Neill evidently does not.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

It’s the king’s way of telling the world he has dominion over all.

Cos it’s not a gesture, it’s an order.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

And……..? Your comment is concise and Incredibly well put BTW.
BUT,,,,Don’t tag onto me, it’s already clear to me, make your own point and HIGHLIGHT it. I think I recognise you from another name(s) but that’s irrelevant. You’ve MUCH to offer, please just offer it, in your own pseudonym. I wish you Good Luck in all you do.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Praising you isn’t ‘tagging’ you, mate, you’re absolutely on fire here and I’m only giving you your due props for the top quality of it.


Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Disagree. Negotiate your way to a united Ireland. It’s going to happen anyway (Catholic demographics and middle class formerly Unionist kids opportunism due to Brexit) petty posturing achieves nothing.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

A united Ireland will only happen if that’s what the Zionists want in the same way they wanted Rome Rule over Home Rule.

The ‘kids’, nor the adults, will have anything to do with it, no matter how many X marks they put in their wee ballot boxes.

Theres no such thing as ‘Democracy’ except in folks’ heads, they only tell us that so we can’t see the brutal reality of this unelected international technocratic corporate rule.

1 year ago

Rangers lawyer gets set for another day in court

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago

UEFA wield the FSR Sword of Damocles over Sevco.

1 year ago

Caption: Dignified Orangemen in fancy dress, stage a ‘Battle of the Boyne’ re-enactment at Hampden Park, in a blatant attempt to make sure that the pitch will resemble a ploughed field on Sunday.

George Lazenbhoy
1 year ago

Is that morelos in the bottom right corner being a passenger again.

1 year ago

Maybe it is a carefully crafted plan but to lose your Chairman, Chief Executive snd Head of Recruitment at the same time is either brilliant news for the new club with super people replacing them or …….… I think it’s or.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

Well it ain’t a hearse passing the stadium. Nothing to see here move on. I’m yes for Indi but have some serious questions about my country’s ability to move beyond the culture of Larkhall bowling club.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Charlie, the good people of Scotland will/would come out in droves and ignore the ignoratti south of the Clyde. If, if only many of them weren’t happy sitting at the back of the bus, where they’re told to sit, and parish priests are/were party to all that obsequious shyte.
Scotland was Labour until that fukkin snake Bliar got in along with a half-blind man who turned out totally blind politically. I warned some of my family and all of my neighbours here in England to expect shyte from THAT Labour government.
Not all of my neighbours like me, especially those who have/DID HAVE uncontrolled dogs, but they all respect me, and my judgement.
There’ll be no kunt knocking on my door asking us to join any coronation ‘street’ party and they will NOT be closing my avenue for the upcoming nonsense.
Can’t wait to watch us batter the huns on Sunday, the only day I revere and purely for THAT reason. Religion and monarchy are closely linked……the denominator is fukking clown. Watch the anonymous, heroic down-thumbers now…….fukkin clowns.
BTW I don’t need/seek your support nor agreement. I’m merely commenting.
I’m a big (not THAT big really) Bhoy who can easily take care of himself.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Great comment, religion and politics are merely state control mechanisms run by the same charlatans in the charade, be they political priests or parish priests.

No coincidence they’re all called ‘ministers’ either as they’re running a number on the people, administering bullshit to all in the guise of soothing balms tomorrow for alms you pay today.

Anyone who still believes true democratic change will come through the current Zionist political theatre would be as well locking themselves in a confessional and praying blindly for the rest of their days for all the good it’ll do us.

Theres nothing worse than a faux democracy because then they can do what they like and if voting made any difference they’d never let us do it,

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

And the ‘brains’ of eTims staunchly march on together.
And down-vote anything/everything (anonymously) that tries to offer education? Muppets and the catholic church just LOVES their brainwashed stupidity. I KNOW, I WAS one of those muppets until I personally challenged it and blew it TF.

1 year ago

good to see art,ita getting his

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Yerbozza pet, IMHO, you’re not ALL bad. Mis-guided at times perhaps, but not ALL bad.
You’re right (wing), and you’re right (in terms of), I can be one patronising kunt….but I just mean well.
Any kunt disagrees, I’ll be in the Main Post Office in Dublin, every anniversary, and I WILL NOT be crossing myself nor saying the fukkin angelus.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Sanctus Dominus?

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

the catholic church is the most right wing institution on the planet and i would love to tear it down with a wrecking ball. so not ALL that right wing

1 year ago

Men we need reinforcements……..but I do not expect the shi.ebags from the shipyards to turn up….

1 year ago

‘ when I took the job they told me I would have to fight for the cause.
But I never expected fings to go this flucking far’.
Micky Beale.
AKA The Mooch..

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Newcastle United. Green and white away strip. Castore. Mike Ashley. Just some random, unconnected thoughts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Purely, coincidentally, they’re the Saudi Arabia national team colours.

1 year ago

sevco platinum confetti status FC.

1 year ago

Fukk the monarchy, fukk the pope.
They’re (religion/monarchists} all in ‘it’ together.
And some of you dumb-fukks swallow all of it?!
Aye there are Tims, and REAL Tims.
Look in the mirror, slowly, and REALISE that is who you are.
I can do that painlessly and honestly, can YOU?

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

No fish the nite then?

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

Port, I seldom understand your ‘craic’ but I always love reading it!
Perhaps if you’d dropped the ‘t’ from “then” it would’ve been even funnier?
Just for the ‘craic’, I generally do our T grubs on Friday and it’s almost always fish’n’chips.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

He’s an atheist no’ a pescatarian.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

That’s a bit fishy!? (and he brought it up 1st)

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Porterhouse-n-Port after prayers.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Brother Walfrid? What did he see in the mirror? I’m an atheist but FTP and Tim are oxymoronic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Where did the “monarchy” part go in your retort?
It and religion are stuck (should be stuck in the past), but stuck together still.
Brother Walfrid? I can only guess about him as I’ve never met the man.
However, I’m guessing he was a good guy first, a socialist (communist) by nature and abandoned by his FN catholic family (perhaps as eldest son) and forced into his ‘religion’?
I don’t know! To construct a vehicle (Celtic FC) to help the poor is, and always should be, admirable. The catholic church, on the other hand, is despicable. It leeches off the poor (of mind and matter) to propogate a ‘stance’ of decency. Aye, the kind of “decency” that encourages the rape of children and childrens’ minds and “punishes” them by re-location.
FFS, are you also dumb? Atheist who doesn’t let go (of brainwashing)?

You can easily drop the “oxy” in your comment and apply it where necessary.
My major disappointment in life comes from those who refuse to see TRUTH and stick to their brainwashed minds, knowing it’s not right but refusing to challenge it. FTP.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Are you really saying that to be a Tim here we have to like the pope?!

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

There’s a big difference between like, and I assume you mean approve of, and FTP which is insulting and if you can hear that tannoy message about who we are (they play it at home games) then you’re arguing with Celtic and not me.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Never assume, Charlie.

It’s the mark of an idiot,

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

Aye insulting me is far easier than taking part in a rational discussion. I had to change my name due to WordPress I assume you have another reason? The mark of being banned?

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

i wonder if Emanuela Orlandi’s family like him

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Despite what Francis did for Galtieri’s fascist regime in Argentina as head henchman of the 601 Battalion Death Squad?

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

Smashing. See above.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

What does the pope have to do with supporting Celtic?

And who is FTP insulting to?

To you, an atheist?

Well, if you’re insulted I’m insulted that you’re insulted.

Why do you think King Billy asked the pope for permission to slaughter Catholics on the Boyne?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

And why do you think he gave him it?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

I’m not arguing with anyone, Charlie.

I’m asking why you, as an atheist, say the term ‘FTP’ is offensive.

And I don’t recall any tannoy messages at Celtic Park saying that the fans must approve of the pope.

1 year ago

FFS…. you try to post INTELLIGENT and Tim content and it’s fukkin dragged into that grammatically fukked up area, “Awaiting for moderation”……FFS

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

That’s now twice (Awaiting…..)

Do yourselves a favour Tims, just google Sunshine on Leith and remember when Hibs won THAT final (2016) and the obscene hoardes invaded the park and the SMSM blamed it all on Hibs fans.
SCUM’s not strong enough to describe that scum

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

And some of you fukkin (catholic) clowns down-vote THAT!

1 year ago

Forewarning, bear with me, we will take 6 off of sevco,


1 year ago
Reply to  portpower


1 year ago

Those anonymous prix on here, (and those whom lettem encourage em?
Shootem, hangem, spray the kunts’ teeth wi expanding foam…….ach jist GTTF.
Holy FN Hy[ocrires.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

I love the idea of spraying their teeth with expanding foam, TT, but that won’t stop their twitchy fingers.

Why do you think they have so much hate in them?

1 year ago

I came here for some light entertainment and I find a replay of the Battle of the Boyne and Celtic supporters spouting stuff that usually comes from the orcs. Is it no enough that they horrible specimens tarnish football and Scotland’s image with their dirty mouths and low I.Q’s? Why do some folk on here no just concentrate on the football and leave the hatred in the bin?
The match on Sunday is shaping up to be a belter. The attempts by Bealing and Bampotfield to get in Ange’s head and distract him from the job at hand are so obviously desperate that they’re laughable.
They’re running scared because they know how the hordes will react when they lose. I have a feeling we’re gonna see more than 1 red card on Sunday and maybe a pitch invasion, especially a) if we score first b) if we score a second and c) when More or less and his cronies start faking serious injury at every tackle.
They’ve already put pressure on the stadium officials since the last match against us…all designed to make the officials call any 50-50 incident this Sunday in their favour. And as we all know, it doesn’t take much pressure for the officials to give them what they want.
I’m counting the seconds to the match and quietly confident that we’ll beat them and leave them empty handed.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

What ‘hatred’?

We’re talking about political history here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

On a football forum 2 days before a Scottish Cup semi final.
Away and watch the History Channel.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Right, so we’re not allowed to discuss Irish history here now?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

It must be a nightmare expecting to be ‘entertained’ by folk that aren’t here to entertain you but are having their own discussions on other topics that fail to ignite your funny bone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

Get Agrippa yourself Angus.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Haha, very good, Funkyy.

But don’t expect any truth aff the History Channel.

1 year ago

Careful at the game tomorrow Ghirls and Bhoys. Barisic has a loaf.

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago

What has happened to people that they can no longer hold a rational discussion without jumping down the other person’s throat?

When I were a lad we’d be down’t’pit for 16 hours a day laughing our heads off at the banter between’t’lads.

Now you can’t even ask a fellow Tim about the fight at the Boyne without another fellow Tim sticking their neb in and accusing you of ‘hatred’.

People have gone completely insane with all this mad indignation at the world not being how they want it to be.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

Aye like inferring I’m an idiot for expressing an opinion. What a total hypocrite.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

I didnae accuse you of anything, in fact I didn’t even
mention your name or even think about your name.
It was meant for the guy posting “F**k the Pope.
Is that clear enough for you?

Angus Agrippa
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

My apologies, Funkyy.

You are correct, I realised that afterwards.

Apologies to you too, Charlie, no harm meant, just got carried away with the old writing arm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angus Agrippa

No harm done my man.
Today we saw one team playing the ugly game while another tried to play the beautiful game.
Justice was done and the good guys won.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Apologies. Hail hail.

1 year ago

Hopefully the Bhoys do it tomorrow for Harry Belafonte.

1 year ago

Beale will set his team up to save face today.
The first disgraceful tackle against Celtic and how William Collum deems the tackle sets the masonic mechanism up for the duration of the Beautiful Game.

The chronic chicanery of The ger Grumblers do not have the commitment to see it out.

1 year ago

Numbers 1-11 to start the game… those that are match fit to start the game.

Do it for, you are nothing mate, Neil Banfield, Bhoys.

1 year ago

The lid is lost from the single malt and there is still 5hrs to go.

Who else was tell those off for the self-impressed confidence going on?
Same page as Postecoglou is the position for all.

Green home-grown medicining helps, I think today.

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower


1 year ago

Father said “I am to keep the bloodline with Mother.”

1 year ago

another SNP donation up for grabs

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

They all owe

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Chap the front door in the millions.

Where are you going Mabz, get back here.

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

The Mill is over flowing with that Portestants are to be.

Eve of…

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

Last edited 4 days ago by An Occasional Contributor. Self bridge ownio Mabz?

1 year ago
Reply to  MabozzaRitchie

even portapotty drivell cant deflect from todays enjoyment. another emty handed season for the blood thirsty hoardes as the good guys march on. geeza treble…go on geeze wan

1 year ago

Do not get sucked into their dire existence.


1 year ago


You bunch of nervous plurals. La La Lola wears Green and White hoops.

1 year ago

charlie to check the score with 12 minutes to go. 6-0.

1 year ago

sevco FC are for.

1 year ago

Tuesday is gone?

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