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Celtic Diary Thursday February 9: The Price We Pay

Celtic manager Ange Postecoglou is expected to make a statement about his future later. We’ve been handed the draft.


Leeds ? Isn’t that what you put on your dog ? Don’t talk shite, mate. ” 



I’m not even going to repeat the oft quoted mantra about him inevitably leaving for the EPL one day. Instead, I’m going to repeat my own view, which is that he wants to build his own team, and manage the first Asian team to win the European Cup.



A project he has already started and his own single minded determination will see that through.




That project took another step yesterday when want away striker Georgios Giakoumakis finally got his move. The ambitious Greek has signed for Atlanta United in the USA, for reasons best known to himself.



We got him cheap, for whatever reason, and he did well while he was here, scoring 26 goals in 52 matches, mostly from the bench against tired defences.


That might sound harsh, and the one up front strategy means he rarley got the chance to play alongside Kyogo Fuhruhashi, which may well have been a devastating frontline, but their inclusion would have excluded either Jota or Maeda, both of whom contribute much more to the team.



What was also telling was his instagram farewell….


“Well, that difficult time has arrived! 

“It was an incredible journey! I loved and was loved by the incomparable, amazing Celtic fans!

“Thank you very much! You will forever be in my heart and mind!

“I will be forever grateful to you! Goodbye 

Your GG  



No mention of the manager or his team mates……



We wish him well.




Celtic face St mirren in the Cup this weekend, and somewhat ludicrously, the game is one of only two which will use the controversial VAR system.



Gavin Berry in the Record explains…..



VAR will be in operation at just two of the four Scottish Cup ties involving host Premiership clubs this weekend after Dundee United and Livingston failed to stump up the cash for the technology.

Celtic and holders Rangers will both have VAR at their respective last-16 ties against St Mirren and Partick Thistle. However, it will not be operational at any of the other eight fixtures taking place. The technical infrastructure isn’t in place at lower league grounds and the cost is prohibitive to install it for a one-off tie.

But it IS in place at both Tannadice – where the Tangerines take on Kilmarnock in an all-Premiership clash – and the Tony
Macaroni Arena where Livi take on Inverness. But the clubs involved have opted against using VAR for those fixtures with the cost around £10,000 which it is left to the clubs to agree on how to foot that bill. VAR was introduced in October with the £1million-plus fee per season shared around the clubs to cover Premiership matches. The SFA cover the costs of the technology for Viaplay Cup and Scottish Cup semi-finals and final at Hampden.  



Whoa GIFs | Tenor



We’re paying them to cheat us ?



Helpfully, I’ve prepared a statement for Celtic to give to the SFA.



Hey, you there: Fuck off. And when you get there, fuck off from there too.  Then



I can understand our neighbours over the river paying for it, in fact they’ve probably registered it as a player, but one has to ask of the Celtic board …



YARN | What the fuck were you thinking? | The Gentlemen | Video clips by  quotes | 4e4a2b6d | 紗




We might as well offer to make the Cup a handicap event, giving the opposition a couple of goals head start.




Sometimes I genuinely wonder if those who run our club hold a monthly meeting during which they think up ways to piss me off.



Yes They Do Tiffani Thiessen GIF - Yes They Do Tiffani Thiessen Lori  Mendoza - Discover & Share GIFs



Well, you can tell them it’s working.





Anyway, when i’m pissed off i always find it cheers me to laugh at those less fortunate than myself, and today is no different…



Rangers have allotted another 4.2m shares. Likely converted £1.05m of charity into worthless shares. Stuart Gibson got 4m of the shares, giving him 44m. Don’t know who got the rest. Apparently, the £10m & £5m facilities from Bennett & Park weren’t enough.









The transfer window, the main vehicle for raising short term cash if needed, has just closed. They managed to raise a few quid for charlie McCann and that’s about it.



That, combined with this share issue, means that they may well be up the proverbial creek not only without a paddle, but they’ve just noticed there’s a great big hole in their boat.



Of course, the media called it a cash injection.



The Sun triumphantly announced




Rangers issue a further four million new shares as Ibrox side

generate February cash boost.




Cash boost ?




i think it may be prudent to stock up on jelly and ice cream, as reports indicate we may be about to encounter a shortage.




To lose one club is careless, to lose two would be fucking hilarious.




The Manchester city story has all but disappeared now from the Scottish media, so any comparisons will not be made with the demise of the now defunct Rangers.



Just so we ….and they….don’t forget, Rangers Tax Case on Twitter has posted a helpful remnder of how it all went wrong for our original rivals….



The Man City case will be of passing interest and will generate lots of comparisons to the Rangers’ case. Let’s not lose sight of what happened at Rangers and why it mattered.  


From very soon after taking over Rangers in 1988, the club started giving off the books loans and other tax-free payments to players. It was cheating. It was also carrying a high risk. 

Simultaneously, HMRC (as it became) and the tax avoidance industry were engaged in an arms race. Ever more creative ways were sought to pay people (usually business owners & execs) without deducting tax. HMRC, courts, and Parliament would close any legit loopholes in turn.  
Rangers tried some schemes for players (see Wee Tax Case) but they wee failing in tribunals and court. There was still a big risk if the SFA ever found out about them. Not to worry. Rangers controlled the SFA then. But with McCann’s Celtic resurgent, another tax scam was needed 
Offshore trusts had long been used by Britain’s great and good to keep their wealth away from the UK Treasury. Paul Baxendale-Walker conceived a way of leveraging existing case law, offshore trusts, and loans to make it difficult for HMRC to prove that such payments were taxable. 
Key to the Baxendale-Walker EBT strategy was that payments had to be discretionary. There couldn’t be contracts (or side-letters). But that wouldn’t work for footballers. So initially David Murray just used the scheme to enrich himself. 
But EBT’s seemed quite secure and secret. Rangers itself first used the EBT scheme to make payments to the managers of Blackburn Rovers and Everton. The SFA never investigated these payments to Graeme Souness and Walter Smith. 
Next came Christian Nerlinger. His post-tax wage demands were huge. No worries. Run a chunk of his pay through an EBT and avoid tax. Big savings- leaving money to spend on other players. Genius. Except the entire arrangement needed 2 contracts, one kept secret from the SFA. 
Why did it have to be kept secret from the SFA? If the EBT payments were declared, HMRC would have immediately pushed for a tribunal. We know today that the scheme failed but that wasn’t the only reason it had to be kept secret? If it was proven legal Celtic could have used it.  

Celtic had one brief dalliance with a contract termination payment to an EBT used by Juninho. On review by the Celtic board, this was reversed and all taxes due were paid. No sporting advantage accrued from it. Back to Rangers.  


Rather than lie about it, Rangers could have declared the payments to the SFA (and HMRC when asked) and tested the scheme in court. If it failed, Murray could have easily borrowed the money from HBOS to pay any bill in 2005/6. The amounts then were small. But lie they did.  



Why did they lie and deny for years? While HMRC were persistently asking about payments to players and demanding to see records, Rangers doubled down paying more and more players through an increasingly risky scheme. Why did they do this?  



Because it gave them a sporting advantage. If their EBT scheme failed at FTT/court, they would immediately lose their financial advantage in signing players. Even if ruled legal, it would be public. Celtic could then go all in on the same scheme. They would have had no benefit  



They had to lie. They had to break SFA and SPFL rules to preserve their on the field advantage. That is why Rangers’ use of disguised remuneration was cheating. But the SFA & SPFL lied to fans and conspired to have a fake investigation. 



And Rangers were not relegated. Liquidation meant they no longer fulfilled the criteria for SPFL membership. If others can quote selectively from Nimmo Smith then so can I “Rangers ceased to be a club”.  




The crucial difference between Manchester City and the now defunct Rangers is that the Englsih club can easily afford to pay any fines or penalties or unpaid bills.



Rangers couldn’t, so they went to the great football league in the sky, where they play Gretna, Clydebank and Third Lanark on a round robin basis, for eternity.



Airdrie also died, but St Peter wouldn’t let them in , for fear they might bring some of their support with them.



He was off the day Rangers crept in.




Now, whilst I still don’t feel good about paying the SFA to cheat us, I do feel a little bit better reminding myself that there is always someone worse off than we are.



Yesterday, we had this….






John E Mitchell 


 Hugh Keevins analysing the rainjurs Net Spend during the transfer window 








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1 year ago

Thinking about you Tommy, our Calton bhoy. “Faithful Through And Through”. From Saint Marys Bhoys Guild – Eastercraig Bhoys club to Celtic – Celtic – Celtic and then loaned out to Hairy Mary – Hill. The man who captured all our hearts. Such an elegant player who always looked class on the pitch. “Found It” yesterdays caption.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

As you can see, I tend now to dwell on the past, Celtic FC is an inspiring club, its history long and unbroken, you are humbled by those who went before and those that do so much for charity, sometimes we forget these long distant runners who carry the banner for our great club, they are an inspiration to us all. “Celtic For Good” is the bedrock that keeps our history close in these modern times and remind us all of why we support Celtic. Tommy Burns memory will live long in our hearts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Indeed Mike, the players who gave their all for the club, who bled green mean more to me than anything else when it comes to Celtic.
McNeill, Lennox, Johnstone, Burns, McStay…to name a few, had Celtic in their heads and their hearts.

God bless them

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Well said! And well done and our grateful thanks to the supporters who don the lycra and peddle fast, every kilometer adding to the box of good causes, those that climb the hills and the valley’s, bungee jump,go roaming in the gloaming, to those that tend the graves of past Celtic players, the Celtic Graves Society, lest we forget.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

My favourite Celt of all (my) time. If someone asked me to describe Celtic in two words the answer’s simple – Tommy Burns.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Says it all. Tommy had that magnetism that just drew you towards him, everybody that I have met said exactly the same, even the bhoy at Celtic curios. When you look at the players that Davy Hay scouted, you will see Tommy Burns players and Wim’s.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Mike, whilst I’m sure you try hard not to plagiarise, (or to be seen to do) you don’t often succeed and I’ve mentioned this before.
In good ‘faith’ years ago I told you of, and recommended then and now, what I rated as the best Celtic player’s book ever.
It was Tommy Burns’ book written with Paul Cuddihy but you didn’t even name the book correctly in that wee pic above. I despise the moronic following of ANY faith, as I despise the conjoined existence of monarchy. They thrive with and for each other. But I readily accept Tommy’s ignorance of this.
Anyway, Tommy’s book is actually called: “Tommy Burns, A Supporter Who Got Lucky” and has a footnote of, A Story of Family, Faith and Football. (as opposed to that pic you included above.) If I recommend something I’ll definitely have read it and probably still have it as I do Tommy’s book.
If you think I’m being pedantic, sulk on. Without honest and detailed observers then truth is lost. Just think of events across the Clyde; by doing research and being tenacious I KNOW (and can prove) what REALLY happened. If you want/need to copy things, FFS get therm right.
Got to finish by saying that I’m absolutely convinced you’re a ‘good guy’ at heart but to also say that honesty and the effort to destroy the myth of huns survival does NOT begin with personal point-scoring. It starts and ends with truth!
HH and, er, em, enjoy yer marmalade and cake!

Michael Annis
1 year ago

Caption Seeing as how Gaza fekd it up trying to save Rangers, his bottle and fish supper were worth more, Clint arrives to show they aren’t a one trick pony……oh wait they’re not even that. The pony kicked it.

1 year ago

Caption: Now we know why they called him Dirty Harry.

1 year ago

The wee horse after this ride, would later recall the real reason he was called Dirty Harry

1 year ago

It sounded harsh because it was harsh.
Can’t imagine he was on much in Holland.
Comes to a bigger club for more money with an expected proviso that, if he ‘does well’ he would get a pay increase.
Does well.
Pay increase probably not what he was expecting.
We have previous in this.
Won’t get booted in the chest, whilst standing up, with no foul, in Atlanta.

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Stevie, Giakoumakis or any other player being sold is all part of the game, what bothers me and is causing me to be a little anxious, is why January? Why sell in January?

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Well I suppose the window Monti, that works for the club and the player. I agree with you but he scored goals.
In Scotland, with primitive tackling and minimal appetite to stop it Celts getting hammered every week. Even GG out for a spell. When a chance comes ( is worked on for long minutes at a time ) we have to take it. Much more often than not he did. As much as I like Maeda and Kyogo, they don’t.
Walker and Nicholas said terms they were offered as an increase were really poor. Maybe explains their attitudes now (I have no time for either)Moreover, come CL ( hopefully) his experience would be more than that of Oh.
Anyway, you are right, he’s gone, on with it

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Probably a combination of not 1st choice, wages and a readymade replacement being available made it now rather than summer.

I don’t think you can argue with Kyogo being 1st given his form and being the better fit for our style of play.

I may be wrong but I seem to remember that his impact when he did start wasn’t the same as when he came on. I wouldn’t go as far as Ralph’s harsh judgement (I thought he might’ve referred to him as gg 😉 ).

Wages? Who knows, although the USA isn’t usually the ambitious destination.

Personally, I thought it was starting to fester, with Ange being unusually snarky, so it was good that it was resolved quickly, no matter how disappointing.

Hopefully, Oh (and the other recent recruits) get their chance, as these next few months should be the auditions for our Champions League ambitions next season.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Good points The Cha. Would have preferred a June exit myself. There’s still a lot of football left and Oh is just a young man still to adapt. I agree about style though.
Ange sees a style of playing in the CL that GG’s game doesn’t fit and the squad being built to play this level. I’m sick of teams coming to Celtic Park and passing us off the park or quick transitions and breaks leaving us deflated. Last campaign was about missed chances though.
On Atlanta, I’ve been in that stadium ( Mercedes Benz) for a game. It was an eye opener. Standing areas, roof closes if needed, good food, beer to your seat, great crowd and atmosphere ( often but not just, of Spanish, South American descent) who know how to support. Great engagement by players, management and owners. Best of luck to him

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

Club 1872 22,202,838 5.09%

The Gullibilly’s at Club 1872 will of course herald another cash injection whilst simultaneously failing to realise that every time this happens their own Shareholding gets diluted in the process.
As you can see above they have over 22 million Shares which is 5.09% of the overall Shareholding at Ayebrokes.

On the 20th June 2016 Club 1872 had 4,900,776 Shares which at that time was 6.01% of the overall Shareholding at Ayebrokes.

Which is a 353 % increase in Shares which has resulted in a 0.92% DECREASE in overall Shareholding.


1 year ago

Good old Club know, the one with the same guy on the board as sits on the Rangers board but not actually representing Club 1872 there. Fools and their money so easily parted.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago
Reply to  desimond

Desi it is my firm belief that this was setup primarily so Dave King could offload his shares for full value because it makes no sense whatsoever for fans to be paying into this if the aim is to get a stronger hold on their Club.
Every time they have a share issue (there’s 23 since 2017-18) their goal gets further away.
Its unbelievable that they cannot work this out.

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago
Reply to  desimond

Here are their “Goals”

  • Make significant, direct financial contributions to the financial health of Rangers Football Club through upcoming share issues.
  • Grow our shareholding in Rangers International Football Club Plc.
  • Gain more direct influence over decision making at Rangers Football Club through securing a place for Club 1872 on the RIFC Plc board.
  • Initiate significant, supporter driven projects (eg. safe standing).

How are you supposed to achieve that exactly when the Share Pool dilutes further with every Share Issue ?

1 year ago
Reply to  desimond

Desi, not sure they actually part with their money though.

1 year ago
Reply to  desimond

And the offshoot of all this is that the refereeing fraternity, those on the field of play and those operating VAR, will be under no illusions that they MUST ensure that *rangers win the League and a Cup….for the sake of *rangers ‘ survival and err, Scottish Football.
Hold on tight guys, it’s about to get rocky and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

1 year ago

Preparing to give Ange a ride to Leeds, according to the hysterical press.

The tribute act are skint and UEFAs new regulations are possibly the end. The usual muppets bogging/bigging up an escape route to a European Super League, a bit like the share issue, bog rolls for the intensely stupid.

Tim Buffy
1 year ago

Caption: “Sister Sarah’s f*ck*d off with the two mules and I’m left with this.”

1 year ago

SFA invite independent scrutineer to review VAR decisions

1 year ago

no I said ‘Clint’, im just a little horse im afraid

Brian Langan
1 year ago

Devastating new evidence surfaces in the Bernie Clifton plagiarism case

1 year ago

the new aberdeen manager gets his animal of choice confused.

1 year ago

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, Ange?”

1 year ago

“Yeah. Tell them Tax Inspector Callahan thinks there’s a 2-11 in
progress at Ibrox. Be sure and tell them it’s in progress.”

Dirty Harry Callahan 2012

1 year ago

Clint Eastwood Hung Like a Horse! New Evidence Revealed!

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: The carousel in the ‘Rangers’ fan village proves a bit hit with a guy whose best mate eats bananas with his feet.

Finn McCool
1 year ago

Life has been a pain in the arse since Gio left.

John A
1 year ago

Alfredo signs new contract as a movie star

1 year ago

Caption – And after paying out good money for a thoroughbred, Clint pops over to ibrokes to meet with Douglas to demand he makes his day with a showdown and a refund after receiving an ass who thinks sevco are laughing at him.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago

Caption: Get aff yer ‘orse and fix the comments section oan etims.

The Cha
1 year ago

Celtic plc Interim Report for the six months to December 31, 2022.

Revenue increased by 44.8% to £76.5m (2021: £52.9m).
Profit from trading was £28.1m (2021: £7.0m).
Profit from transfer of player registrations (shown as profit on disposal of intangible assets) £1.8m (2021: £25.8m).
Profit before taxation of £33.9m (2021: £27.6m).
Acquisition of player registrations of £5.7m (2021: £16.8m).
Period end cash net of bank borrowings of £59.2m (2021: £25.6m).

celticfc .com/news/2023/february/10/celtic-plc-interim-report/ (remove space)

Eye popping figure and, although 2nd half of year is usually a lot less, we should comfortably break the £100m mark for only the 2nd time.

We’re gonna need a bigger biscuit tin. 😉

1 year ago


1 year ago

Are the Officials paid double bubble after the 90 minutes?
Any improvement to the game comes with a ruinous attitude.

Jealous wee pathetic men run our game.

1 year ago

Stephen Robinson tactics:

After a Celtic player plays the ball, go through them.
Any contact of the slightest from a Celtic player, dive dive dive.

These tactics are referee approved.

Gerald Glasgow
1 year ago

Why do they say Clint is the son of Stan Laurel?

He looks nothing like him.

Gerald Glasgow
1 year ago

Why isn’t my comment here?

Gerald Glasgow
1 year ago

What is wrong?

Gerald Glasgow
1 year ago

What is happening here?

1 year ago

Caption: One mule for Gio

1 year ago

Click on the picture to reveal the names of these Celtic players of the Tom Campbell generation. These players of the late 1940s early 1950s carried the club through the mainly barren times before the 1960s, never the less the players names tell their own story of individual talent, a few of them would go on to lead the club to unfathomable success. Jimmy McGrory was the Celtic manager, one of the greatest Celtic players of all time, his was a unique talent for scoring goals, but his time in management was scarred by the intimidation of Bob Kelly. In modern times we have our own Bob Kelly, but let us focus on the wonderful talents of the Celtic players of this era.

Sean Fallon – Bobby Collins – Willie Fernie – Alex Boden – Eric Smith – Dick Beattie – Bobby Evans – *Michael Haughney – Assistant Trainer Jimmy Gribben – Charlie Tully – Alex Dowdalls – John McPhail – Jimmy Walsh – JOHN STEIN – Matt McVittie – Bertie Peacock – Jimmy Docherty – Frank Meechan.

Screenshot 2023-02-10 180015.png
1 year ago

Bill Daly’s cousin, Mike Haughney collected these signatures for him, Bill donated the whole proceeds of his Celtic collection including these wonderful autographs to auction, all the proceeds was donated to the Celtic Foundation and the Beatson cancer charity. Bravo.

Screenshot 2023-02-10 180015.png
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Click on the pic. to read them, or, twice on the pipe if the answer is no. They include some wonderful Celtic players names including: JOHN STEIN – SEAN FALLON – JIMMY GRIBBEN assistant trainer and other wonderful Celtic players names. Mike Haughney played right back for the ‘Tic between 1949 – 1957 winning 5 major honours for Celtic, unusually for a right back he scored 43 goals, playing sometimes with big Jock. These are the Tom Campbell years.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Jock Stein the player: Blantyre Vics – Albion Rovers – Llannelli in Wales. He still paid the rent on his house in Hamilton, after two break – ins, made his mind wander back home. “Something about Stein” said Jimmy Gribben and the rest became Celtic history. Jock played for Celtic 148 times, sometimes we forget that. League 106 times – Scottish Cup 21, League Cup 21 times and scoring two career goals (one league title – one Scottish Cup) these, barren times was the forerunner of what was to follow. The legend that was manager, Jimmy McGrory hollowed out by the interfereing Bob Kelly, also a forerunner of someone else. Thank You Bill Daly a real Celtic supporter on the road to Lisbon.

1 year ago

Happy Admin Day everyone! x

1 year ago

Lest we forget

An Occasional Contributor
1 year ago

Further to my Club 1872 post below

Remove space between s and : in link below
https ://

In a statement on Tuesday, King said: “It is with disappointment that I advise that the agreement for Club 1872 to acquire my shareholding in Rangers has been terminated. This year was to be the final year of the agreement and despite my previously stated intentions to extend the agreement (to provide Club 1872 with more time) it has become clear that this will be futile.

“A review of the share purchases undertaken last month reveals that the take-up for the two years to December 2022 is so far short of the agreed amounts that further extensions will not have any meaningful impact in the next few years.

When I initiated the Never Again campaign I had hoped that supporters would take advantage of my offer to become the largest shareholder in the Club but this never materialised despite the efforts of myself and Club 1872 to promote this campaign.”

Naw Dave the main reason is you attempted to offload your shares to gullibilly’s for more than what they were actually worth as your Club were actively watering down those shares with multiple share issues every year to keep both the lights on and to keep a team on the Park that could compete.
Looks like yer fans have finally cottoned on to the fact that despite quadrupling the shares they actually had less of a hold on the Club than when they started in 2016.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Like a phoenix from the ashes
Rose The Rangers MK2

1 year ago

Keep On Truckin’ Bill Miller.

1 year ago

Graham Spiers: “Sir David Murray was duped.”

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

TUPEd over to the DUP?

1 year ago

Chief Crawford Allan is to recruit Lee Mason.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  portpower

He’s crawled out from under a rock to launch a diversionary manoeuvre. .uk/sport/football/64644440 (remove space)

He can be as masonly as possible and he’ll still be a massive prick.

1 year ago

Come on you crazy guys at the SFA, you know it makes sense!

Brazil’s FA will become the first to punish incidents of racism & racist abuse with a points deduction.

They’ll now be able to deduct one point from a club.

Ednaldo Rodrigues is the first black president of the CBF & is taking a strong stance against racism.

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