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Celtic Diary Wednesday January 17: Paranoid; Can You Help Me?

I’ve just killed my laptop, which means I am putting this together on my phone.

So apologies in advance if my delicate touch on the smaller keypad leads to mistakes. Which, of course, hardly ever happened when I used the laptop.

Dairy or diary? Or am I just milking it?


The weekend saw Celtic beat Kilmarnock and “rangers ” overcome Aberdeen.


Not surprisingly, Celtic had a couple of goals chalked off which have largely gone unnoticed in the media as they prefer to focus on the penalty incident when a Kilmarnock defender fell over when Georgios Giakoumakis blew lovingly in his ear…like you’re supposed to do to the guy in front of you at the cashpoint to let him know you’re not a threat.


This incident has been mentioned in the press as a sort of evening up where VAR decisions are concerned, as it as late in the game.


A penalty to Kilmarnock may have led to extra time, but since the Ayrshire side were already carrying one injured player having used all their substitutes, the result would still have been  formality.


With Derek McInnes opting to play the talentless but enthusiastic Kyle Lafferty instead of someone whose love for his own club was greater than his hatred for Celtic, Kilmarnock were always going to be up against it.


When Lafferty played the ball to Daezen Maeda for the opening goal, he joined the evergrowing list of unpopular Ibrox heroes who have registered assists for the Parkhead club.


With popular chunkster Alfredo Morelos already on that list, who would bet against the lovable Ryan Kent whipping in a cross for Carl Starfelt to open the scoring in the final

I guess that’s the next best thing for players who thought they were joining a big club in Glasgow with a proud history, but ended up at Ibrox instead.



VAR helped ” rangers ” in their game against Aberdeen as much as it hindered Celtic in theirs

Ryan Kent avoided scrutiny for his punch on Liam Scales, and then there was the astonishing revelation that someone had forgotten to put ten bob in the meter, which caused the system to crash.


Further proof, if it were needed , that those in charge of Scottish football would struggle to run a bath.


Keith Jackson, in his popular ( told you there would be errors in this diary) Daily Record column claimed the Georgios Giakoumakis penalty incident showed Celtic and the support could now put their VAR paranoia to bed



As long as he and his spineless colleagues still refer to the basket of assets bought by Charles Green from the liquidators of Rangers as Rangers, then our paranoia will still be downstairs making another drink before even thinking of going to bed.




Recent debate, partly fuelled by a delighted media that all could still crumble at Celtic with the departure on the cheap of Georgios Giakoumakis , has reached a level of hysteria as fans blame the board for letting him.go


The player has not attracted bids in the region that his goalscoring record would suggest.


By a remarkable coincidence, he didn’t attract those sort of bids when he was top scorer in the more competitive Dutch league with lowly VVV .


Which suggests that we took a chance on him, fully aware we were buying a package rhat others were less interested in


And it hasn’t worked out, so it’s best if we all move on and the club cuts it’s losses, even though we haven’t lost anything.



There is often more to things than meets the eye


After all, Leigh Griffiths scored two astonishing goals against England, and not one English club put in an offer….



Sometimes we just have to accept that our manager…and even board, sometimes, know a wee bit more than we do.


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1 year ago

Shame you are having a bad day Ralph. On the other hand I am delighted to be in another final. I will be sorry to see the big Greek go but I understand why. The pitch was a great leveller that gave a well organised but limited Kille team a chance. They could not take it, tough. I will be interested to see if your phone still brings the black bars or is it your ‘ dodgy’ lap top?

Gerry Mick
1 year ago

Totally agree, Ralph. If there was the slightest possibility that the club could get more for Giakoumakis, they would definitely be holding out for more. More to this than meets the eye.

Pat Higney
1 year ago

Only one wee error Ralph…it’s Tuesday!
Absolutely spot on reference GG, there are underlying issues that we are not privy to.
The jokers in the ‘press’ are having to rely on made up pish about Celtic and fuzzy love in style sound bites about the tribute act.
I’ve wondered to myself, is Ange removing GG from the team, before he can affect the players around him? The longer a disaffected employee is around, the more of an influence they have on morale and performance. Just my thoughts, no solid evidence, because thankfully, Celtic seem to have plugged all of the leaks to the ‘press,’
It also means that we can all play the guessing game to see who the new striker may be!!

Dziekanowski’s nightclub child
1 year ago

Agreed, in Ange I trust.

1 year ago

A couple of things.
You’ve taken that too far , with Starfelt scoring a goal.
Also West Brom offered £6m fo Griffiths. Rodgers wanted to sell and Lawwell said no.

1 year ago

Surely unless there is one or two upgrades on Giakoumakis coming in during this window, it makes no sense to be selling one of our only two strikers at the club in January?

The reason or reasons Giakoumakis wants to leave should be of interest to all of us, on the hunt for three domestic trophies we need all hands at the pumps, wheel and anything else we can put hands on ( not the ball tho ).

Does it not make sense for the club to get down to talks with GG and find a way to get him to stay, he knows the club, regularly scores ( just keep him away from a penalty ) and is generally a nuisance to defenders?

The transfer fee being banded about seems low £3.5m?
Whatever happens we need at least one goalscorer to come in. HH

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Correct, timing is everything.
‘It’s not worked out “… ?
Goals to minutes ratio… I’d say it has worked out.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Totally agree with you guys.

As well as the number of goals, there’s been important ones, which is probably the bigger aspect.

We can all see the difference it makes, especially when the starting wee guy approach isn’t working.

Yes, it’s disappointing that he hasn’t pushed Kyogo for a starting place but he’s proved valuable nonetheless.

I hope we’re not going back to the future where 1 CF is enough and wingers can fit in when required.

Of course, if it’s all broken down behind the scenes, he wants more game time than the manager wants to give him or he wants unreasonable money, then that’s a different story.

Bottom line, he’s been a (qualified?) success and, if he goes, any replacement needs to be of similar or better quality, not a project or simply a backup.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Steve/Cha I think something is far from right here, I hate the speculation, I tell you what tho, I’d believe the players version before any in our boardroom.

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Maeda as stand in centre ?
Just temporary you understand !

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

That would be my concern, although that would hopefully give Abada more game time or is he next for the ‘not worked out’ treatment?

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

No for me and why do we need temporary measures m8, we should have a main striker in place.

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti


I agree. Was meaning that would be a vision of some at the club.
Possibly even Ange, he’s played that for him in and for Japan.
Seems strange to dispense with our big Number 9 now that the game in the EPL has begun to evolve to include them… Man City, Man Utd.

1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Agreed m8

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Its where he played for Japan at the World Cup but that was a completely different scenario.

Japan were always (?) the smaller team, so his role was to occupy the defenders, create space for others and basically do this for the 60 mins or so he was on the pitch.

Out and out goal scoring wasn’t the objective and that’s what’s required at Celtic and for all his good recent form, that’s not his forte.

1 year ago

VAR, Was first trialled in 2010 by the Dutch FA. In 2016, The International Football Association Board (IFAB) which oversees the laws of the game approved the trialing of VAR. “The time has come for the debate to be based on evidence”. Everyone agreed to see if it works and whether it benefits the game. On the 3rd. of March 2018 IFAB allowed for it to be introduced into the Leagues.
In 2018 though, after its introduction the VAR system was proven to be divisive by the players, by the pundits and by the fans and especially by football managers. Its fair to say that its introduction proved to be massively controversial.All football leagues complained about it, the added time it takes up (games used to be 90 minutes, then add on for injuries and substitutes which rightly added more time, so games could now take up to 120 minutes, bring your sleeping bags). One wonders if the time is up for VAR. Then you come to the SFA with all its own bigoted quirks. With a small pool of referees, where or when can we look forward to watching an even game? Surely the referee pool should be made bigger, perhaps sending the Jesuits back to Uni to even up the score, or, enlarge the pool with Night School courses of say 6 months, to learn the laws of the game, fitness is not required sitting on your jacksie for 120 minutes does not count as being fit. But summit needs done.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Agree with you on VAR and questionable value to a game in a country where the refereeing fraternity are by and large wholly against the club from East end, Glasgow Celtic, our great club.
but on the pool size of referees I have to correct you as there are 31 x Grade one referees listed for use. Where it falls down is the cabal using a small “dedicated” pool of the vast numbers available in our matches, therein guaranteeing compliance from the aforementioned “ dedicated bunch”…makes you sick our club does nothing about this malpractice doesn’t it. Where’s the “Bunnett” when you need him

1 year ago

Hi Christopher, You are quite correct with your observations. The stats show that they have only used 16 Grade one referees on the pitch so far this season, presumably they also need one sitting on his erchie in Clydesdale House operating VAR. 38 games per season with 12 SPFL teams, to me, that suggests that they need to enlarge the referee pool.
The Saint Vincent De Paul, have many members who are, or so they tell me, experts on Scottish fitba. perhaps the SFA could use their expertise to level up.I’m sure that the ‘Bunnett’ being a past treasurer on the Croy Celtic supporters bus, would agree with us that the Scottish game is more bent than a five bob note.

1 year ago

Awaiting approval, sure Iv’e heard of him before…

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

You haven’t heard a thing since 1971

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

Funnily enough that’s the year that I got married, coincidence? 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

And I was born sir

1 year ago
Reply to  Monti

I know, I read the plaque on the house.

1 year ago

The same bonnet who said the decision to ” demote ” original rangers was the wrong one?

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

I think VAR is here to stay, as FIFA have invested a lot of money in its introduction and suits the way the game is going with more power for technology and TV companies.

I’m also not sure that VAR is controversial other than in England and Scotland.

In England most of the controversy is generated by ex-players given pundit roles, who clearly don’t know the rules and, even when told them by the ex-ref expert, they fall back on nonsense like “it wouldn’t be a foul in my day” and equally irrelevant rubbish.

As you say, we have our own little peculiarities regarding VAR, which is down to those operating it and not the technology itself.

That’s the nub of the matter and its the one, the only one, that we ourselves can address but it needs to be done by our so-far reluctant board.

We aren’t going to stop the march of technology and neither is UEFA/FIFA going to ride to our side, so its ourselves alone against the SFA.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

I fear that you are right. But it was controversial in all leagues when it was introduced,especially the Italian league where one manager went so far to say that he would take his team out of the League if it wasn’t removed.
The controversy is not about the tech. its about ‘incorrect human interpretation’. Its showing the referees up in a bad light. Personally I think that its killing football, it has added nothing to the game just more added time. Looking through the prism of Scottish football”It takes two baby”one on the pitch and one sitting in Clydesdale House to make sure that their favourites benefit. Big Jock like us knew that it was happening, how sad is that, therefore its not VAR that’s the real problem its cheating plain and simple. # Shut Hampden, fix football.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

I can imagine there were generally grumblings but I thought it all died down and became acceptable.

I’m pretty sure I read that from experts on European football but I might be wrong.

I imagine the Italian manager calmed down or otherwise he got his team deliberately relegated, as its still in use.

I do like it and especially the views of the EPL ref experts, who explain why decisions were made.

If the laws are an ass eg offside then that’s a different issue and shouldn’t be used by lazy ex-players for a general moan about refs and VAR.

Another good thing they have down here is that they have an independent review of VAR, which recently issued a half-season report that showed 6 times it overturned correct decisions and another 6 where it should have intervened and didn’t.

Although that’s quite a high error rate it does demonstrate a commitment to improve and get it right.

Compare and contrast with Scotland, where there hasn’t been a single incorrect VAR call according to the SFA, no not a single one, from Jota’s offside thru Berna and Matty’s handballs to Goldson’s goalkeeping.

Of course, if they did set up an ‘independent’ review, it would likely be staffed by the likes of Dougal, Clarke and McCurry, just like in the future they’d wheel out Beaton, McLean, Walsh etc.

This is the crux of the matter, they have no genuine desire for proper scrutiny of fairness (eg re affiliations etc), despite all the gentle prodding of our board behind the scenes.

Last edited 1 year ago by The Cha
The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

Awaiting for approval, ah well, it comes to us all in the end.

1 year ago

Sadly Black Bars still there so its either me or something else!

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

I think its only you affected, so assume something local to your phone/PC/tablet etc.

George Lazenbhoy
1 year ago

I’m confused, is this tomorrow’s diary?

The Cha
1 year ago

Yes, tomorrow’s diary today and yesterday’s will be the day after tomorrow.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago

I thought it was Wednesday’s ‘dairy’ – Ralph’s like a bowl in a China ship when it comes to poofreading.

1 year ago

Ralph, I agree there’s something fishy around GG’s probable transfer and the meagre transfer value being mooted for what seems a good old-fashioned No 9.
I’ve had reservations about his attitude for quite some time. He acts like a bit of a spoilt child at times and seems to want to be the centre (no pun intended) of attention every time he’s on the pitch. Initially when I’d heard he was off and Cho was his likely replacement I was fine with that. It now seems Cho is not coming so, whilst I’d always accept Ange’s decisions in a heart-beat, it looks like we’re a bit light for an out-and-out striker though we do have plenty of other goal-scorers in the squad. We don’t know what GG is like in training etc. so if he goes, he goes and Ange will no doubt replace him if a suitable alternative is/becomes available. An unhappy player can do untold damage to the squad and it’s the last thing we want.
Hope we go out and batter St Mirren tomorrow night and show them that the last time we met was really just an aberration.

John A
1 year ago

GG shouldn’t be sold til the Summer, nothing is won yet, Kyogo gets injured and then what?

1 year ago
Reply to  John A

John A spot on

1 year ago

I think that GG failing to sign a new deal is either about playing time and/or money more than Celtic think he’s worth. That may be driven by ego or agent or again both. I see no other complicating factor here. He is a good useful player I agree. That said is he good enough to demand more game time/money from Ange? Good luck to him wherever he ends up and he’ll soon find that Celtic were his best option. Pity

1 year ago
Reply to  BroxburnBhoy

Cuckoo Cuckoo. 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike.

cheers Mike great to see you back on here again

1 year ago

Good Morning, I’m standing at the corner of Irish Wynd and 67 East Rose Street, in the Calton, outside Saint Mary’s Church Hall. Its 1887 and I’m reporting for the Glasgow Evening Post.
The Founding Fathers under the direction of Brother Walfrid are attending a meeting with John Glass chairing. We would like to announce that the following motion has been accepted……
We are delighted to announce the formation of a new football club, after much discussion we have decided to name the football club, Glasgow Celtic FC. In April 1887, Clyde played Dundee Harp with a crowd of 4000 looking on, raising money for the poor children’s dinner table, situated at the Sacred Heart School, the match was organised by Brother Walfrid. The previous February John McFadden the Hibernian secretary urged his west of Scotland compatriots to start their own team. How could he possibly know that his suggestion would lead to the foundation of our great football club. November 13th. 1887 The committee leased 6 acres of land and work started immediately in building a state of the art stadium. In May 1888 the team took to the field looking resplendent in their new strip, white shirts with green collars and a Celtic cross. Hail Hail The Celts Are Here.

Owen Mullions
1 year ago

David Holden, Happy New Year to you too. Sorry you don’t think etims is for you though I understand your frustration with the moderation and the Gringo pestilence on here.

I still read Pat when a new blog goes up but he’s so ‘woke’ these days I no longer contribute. It’s a pity he doesn’t just stick to the fitba. I think he’s pissed off a lot of people with the political stuff, that’s why I thought you’d left too.

Hopefully you’ll change your mind and manage to squeeze the occasional comment through the filter here – remember, persistence beats resistance!!!

1 year ago

Now that is what Kyoto does if you feed him the ball. Sweetness

1 year ago
Reply to  portpower


1 year ago

Aye, 4-0 is always a good result and tonight is no different.
St Mirren got wired in and, sans some of the industrial stuff, made a decent game of it.
Great to see Liel score our opener after a very good save from their ‘keeper, Reo hits the post and Liel finishes well on the volley. Kyogo’s 1st is just a sublime touch, almost too high I thought, and then what a goal. Great how we can change things around from game to game and also during games and keep our shape and just keep winning.
I don’t know the latest with GG and will easily accept if he goes or stays, for now.
JJ played really well tonight and as he’s both right and left back capable, I’d love it if he stays. Again, if he goes he goes, Ange’ll sort it.
The MIB’s (influencing) power is receding and, IMHO, the SFA, LRA and the rest of the masonic shower are on borrowed time WRT fitba.
However, I hear Killie had a man sent off tonight. No shock there but the LRA are going to have to be even more ‘clever’ as scrutiny increases. The SMSM are going to be well fukked too. I saw The Lions and I saw Rangers die and I saw a helluvva lot in between.
Aye, I’ve been one lucky Tim.

1 year ago

1st comment (about the fitba) in the preposterous “Awaiting for approval” nonsense.
Ah well!
I see Killie had a man sent off whilst the game (result) was in the balance!
They’ll (SFA/LRA etc) die out screaming and kicking eventually but they’re still hanging on, for now.
Oh, and we’re another 3 goals to the good!
Ye cannae whack yer honsety!

1 year ago

Oh when the Celts, go marching on, oh when the Celts go marching on!
Well done Ange and the team. Oooooh, I’m so happy I could crush a grape.

Well, last year I compiled my new Celtic archive – “A Year Of Triumph”, we all know which year that was – ‘I’m in heaven with 67’. It began with winning the league the previous year by 2 points from the deid club and then the journey began, finishing with Alfredo Di Stefano’s Testimonial game, two weeks after Lisboa. 25 years later the celebration dinner. I’ll share it with you later mibbee. But first.
There is shed roofs calling. Ralph, you are Knob of the week, I took my car out to do the messages a day to early, she’s no pleased. Take care.

1 year ago

I see Andy Walker was doing his bit for the “unsettle Celtic” cause in the media. Not content with trying to “sell” Giakoumakis and Juranovic he now says he “thinks” (you need a brain for that Andy) that Ange “might go to Liverpool”. Right, and I might win the lottery this week.
You know that mob are hurting and getting desperate when every day their media pals are writing feel good articles about *rangers and scrounging around for absolutely any angle to downplay Celtic’s performances and distract from the very real possibility of a Celtic treble this season.

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