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Celtic Diary Wednesday September 21: Stories Of The Blues

When Parliament is in recess, which used to be in the summer before the current lot decided to make it a regular event, the mainstream media would find themselves pretty much printing anything to fill the spaces on their spaces.


When international football takes centre stage, given that most of it games are meaningless and dull, sports media enters something similar, known as the fucking ridiculous season.



Glasgow newspapers, for instance, are running with this one today….as though it’s news….



Ange Postecoglou shuts down Celtic exit talk as he tells

Leicester he’s ‘living the dream’ at Parkhead

The Australian has been linked with a move to the English Premier League but insists that’s not even on his radar as things  



That, from the Record, is indicative of several outlets, and nowhere do they state that it was, in fact, these outlets that “linked ” him with the seasons first round of vacancies in the English League.


As Ange said ;


“It’s not really on my radar (Leicester interest). It’s a bit like our players, I keep saying to them that if they do what they do well, all this other stuff takes care of itself, whatever their ambitions or my ambitions may be.

“My ambition’s always been the same wherever I’ve been, to be as successful as I can. I’ve charted a course that’s got me to where I am today, I’ve just tried to do it to the best of my ability and opportunities arise from there.

“Right now, I’m at a massive football club, mate. I’m living the dream, I’m enjoying every minute of it, and I’m determined to bring as much success as I can to it while I’m here.” 



In previous interviews, he has mentioned other clubs in the past who had expressed an interest in him, but had got cold feet when it came to the crunch.


He also mentioned the phone call with Dermot Desmond and his “I think I’ve got the job ” comment to his wife shortly afterwards.


He’s been given a chance at a far bigger club than he thought, and is competing at the highest level, in the first of what should be a regular occurence.


Unlike some others who have told us that they have become Celtic  Minded, this guy strikes me as someone who actually has.



Yeah, he’ll be away one day, but to the dismay of our media, that’s not any time soon,


Which should tell us a lot about how our media works,


Here we have a genuinely intuitive manager who has brought attractive, entertaining and successful football to our game on the whole, which most of us see as refreshing, and our media want him out as soon as they can.



It will be interesting to see his long term effect on other clubs….will they take heed of his approach and try to copy it ?


Or will most teams still hoof the ball to a big man and turn our game into a spectacle resembling a fox hunt ?



When they’re not touting the manager for a move, they’ll pick on any of the players they think are beginning to show signs of unrest….Matt O’Riley came in for a bit of stick when he failed to swear allegiance for life to the club lately, with a somewhat blaise approach to questions about his future….similar reports emerged about Josip Juranovic.


Daezen Maeda will be next, you can guarantee something he says to the Japanese media will be lost in translation while he;s away on international duty…


Sure, we should be flattered that others are interested in our players, it means we’re doing well. And perhaps that attention is slightly skewed becuase, let’s face it, no one wants players from the other side of the river, although we do hear that their superstars Kent and Morelos are running down their contracts to get the best possible deal for themselves.



Like Conor Goldson did…….



Oh, that reminds me, something else from over the river emerged on Twitter this morning…..






One of their sponsors, Sportmenco or something bit the dust recently, and so they’ve been replaced on their shirts, with what looks like one of those patches you used to iron onto your jeans back in the day…..







Quality gear again, and with tales that Castore are now owned by Mike Ashley, there’s a real story in there somewhere for any enthusiastic journalist who wants to look.



Come to think of it, is there also something we’re not being told about full stop is how much Ashley got from them after the recent court case, and if elite and hummel are also preparing cases for breach of contract now a judgment has been made for Sports Direct…..



Would explain their blatant attempt to profiteer from a recent bereavement…..







Then again, perhaps it’s not quite the ridiculous season….. though you have to look at their own online media, in this case Rangers Review, to find the official line if you want to compare it to the mainstream.



Though I wouldn’t bother, they’re both exactly the same…. this is jonny MacFarlane in the Rangers Review….



We’ve all seen the figures behind the ‘£40m Champions League cash bonanza’ before.  

These were mindboggling, club-changing numbers that could tip an entire financial model on its head and allow for serious speculation in the transfer market. 

And that is what many thought Rangers were looking at when they knocked PSV out of the qualifying rounds to enter the Champions League proper. 

If only it were so. 

In reality, managing director Stewart Robertson points out the club may have to reach as deep into the tournament as the competition’s quarter-final to be certain of seeing such a return.

He said: “Some think the money has fallen out of the sky but it’s not like that because we know we will be in the group stages of the Europa League. That’s budgeted. The £40m number is just wrong.  

“Unless we perform really well, get through to the next round, even get through to the last eight, we are probably not getting anywhere close to £40m.

“And we know the challenge in doing that because you are up against the biggest clubs in Europe. When you sit with Dortmund last year and you hear budgets are five times ours, I suspect we will have one of the smallest budgets in the Champions League this year.  

“Against Napoli, I thought we showed we can compete. Take the Ajax game away because that was different. Everybody knows we can do better but you realise the difference between the Europa League and the Champions League in terms of quality.  

“I hope people can now see (the reality). I think we should have done more to get that message out earlier.” 

Rather than the game-changing £40m revenue boost, it turns out roughly half is a much more sober assessment of the gross revenues Rangers will likely accumulate.  

But how did this happen? Champions League revenues have only been trending upwards over the years as it continues to capture the imagination of supporters across the continent and beyond. 

The answer lies in a cash grab from top clubs that has seen a regressive model put in place to share what was previously a guaranteed £15m for each participating side in the market pool. 


…and Robertson goes on to explain that the figures he was quite happy to proclaim his club would earn are not quite accurate, despite him being happy to go along with it after they   overcame PSV, which incidentally is the subject of a new documentary entitled “How the fuck did that happen ? ”


In 2021-24 the distribution model changed,” Robertson explains. “You get a base fee which is just over £13m, there’s an added element of the market pool, but it’s not a lot of money, maybe £1m or £2m which is based on the TV market compared against others. You also get a performance-based payment subject to how you do.  


“What used to be the other big element of it was the market pool. They have changed it so that more or less half the money is based on your 10-year coefficient ranking. Because Rangers were down the leagues, we weren’t in it for five years then the sixth wasn’t great (the Progres Niederkorn year). 

“So we only have four years’ worth of points and when you rank the 32 teams in the Champions League, we are 31st.

“Every position is worth €1.1m. So, as the 31st team, we will get €2.2m. If you are Real Madrid, who are number one, you get €36m.  

“Back in the day the Champions League was worth much closer to £30m but now it’s going to be much closer, for us, to £20m. So there’s a big, big difference. 

“I know people raised their eyebrows when I said us reaching the Europa League semi-final was the equivalent of us reaching the Champions League. That’s why, because you have all those extra games to get to that stage.” 

I put it to Robertson that my tentative calculations suggest there is approximately £8m difference between Europa League and Champions League revenue. The managing director points out it’s even less than that. 

“It depends on your co-efficient. For us it’s less,” he said. “There’s also an element related to transfer deals you do, some of the payments will be contingent on reaching the Champions League group stage. There aren’t many of those at Rangers, but there are a couple. Those tend to be one-offs but there are some costs that come out of it too.” 



Such as soft loan repayments, court judgments, and what is a relatively new outgoing for those at Ibrox, tax and national insurance.



Mainstream, of course, handle it a little more forensically….. (Record )



Stewart Robertson reveals Rangers financial reality as he

dissects £40m Champions League figure

Robertson admits all is not as it seems with much of their Champions League cash already budgeted for.



Under the byline “Record Reporter “…in itself something of an oxymoron, ….there was analysis of the Rangers Review piece, gently delivered so as not to cause alarm…..



Realistic Stewart Robertson insists Rangers can’t get over-excited by their Champions League windfall – because a mega payday is far from guaranteed.

The Ibrox side came through a gruelling qualifying schedule and saw off PSV to reach the group stage of the competition proper and were landed a star-studded group with Ajax, Napoli and Liverpool for their efforts. So far they’ve shipped seven goals without reply ahead of an October double-header with the Reds, and Robertson admits competing with Europe’s elite has been a major challenge due to the financial disparity on show.

Qualifying for the Champions League handed Gers a major financial boost but the £40m figure touted was always likely to be an exaggerated estimate – with a figure closer to £30m the reality. In any case, Robertson insists much of the Euro cash had already been budgeted for as Europa League qualification was a given – and says they won’t be seeing the mega figures quoted on their bank balance unless they go deep into the competition.



As I said, a little more forensically.




It’s like that old story about the bent copper….who is handed ten grand, rings the staion to ask what they want him to do with the eight grand he’s got, He hands it in to the desk sergeant who checks with his superior what he should do with this five grand…..and so on.



Police Scotland, incidentally, have opened an inquiry into bottle throwing at Ibrox….



Oliver Hardy Stan Laurel GIF - Oliver Hardy Stan Laurel Laughing - Discover  & Share GIFs




Which will take place as soon as they’re finished finding out who flung that one at Joe Hart in April….



Perhaps that’s a little unfair on our constabulary, who, in their latest recruitment drive,  have decided to try something new… seems they are looking to employ decent, intelligent and conscientious people as officers, and it’s only fair we should give them credit for trying something new.




On a more serious note, thoughts and prayers go out to the original hunskelper, Murdo MacLoed, who is recovering in hospital after a heart operation….. get well soon..



Games of our lives: Murdo MacLeod on 10 men winning the league, beating  Juventus and the demolition at Love Street | Glasgow Times





Shall we have a caption competition ?






These delightful television personalities have been in the news recently, after they jumped the queue to see the West End production of that old favourite “What’s In The Box ? “…and as a result , have come in for quite a bit of criticism,



Even to the extent where a petition has been raised to get them the sack from their daytime tv jobs, well, Holly Willoughby at least, Phil Schofield, it seems is untouchable, despite his somewhat contentious approach to staff relations,


I was going to sign it, and noticed their own names seemed to have jumped to the top.



Anyway, that’s not them on their way to a day out at Alton Towers, but what is going on ?

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1 year ago

We were the school monitors at the queuing says a bold Phil.

La La Land continues at Castle Greyskull, they continue their self inflicted delusions. Greatest club in the World, Loyal support, media in their pockets, raging in anger at anyone they claim is sectarian. They always hold the moral high ground are assisted Royally by the establishment, and the SFA. Corruption in this country is endemic, we have seen this not only with queue jumpers but monies flushed down the stank for hysteria and flag waving.
Thank God we are Celtic

1 year ago

Unusual to see Syme almost breaking into a smile. Or at least breaking away from a grimace.

1 year ago

caption he sais lie ae yer wife and wains aboot yer sexuality fur years but ye derny skip a buncha dafties in a queue

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

Caption – Phil and Holly go for the sympathy vote after being caught queue jumping.

Didn’t just lie to his wife and weans, charlie. He was having an affair with an 18 year old lad that he’d known for 8 years and got a job on the show. Touch of the groomer about him if you ask me but apparently it was very ‘brave’ of him to come out on tv. (It’s Gordon the Gopher I worry about – all those years locked in a broom cupboard with Phil’s hand up his arse!!!).

1 year ago
Reply to  Owen Mullions

He lied about his age early in his career, he’s been a liar from the beginning

1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

As the Plusnet ad goes charlie: “That’ll do!”

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

HaHaHa, fukkin muppet(s)!

1 year ago

Holly and Phil turn up for an interview for new presenters of ” the last leg “

Patrick O hara
1 year ago

A rose between two thorns.

1 year ago

Hollie: “The only thing you won’t push into is your wife Phil!”

1 year ago

Nice pair of tits

1 year ago

caption holly sais tae philip a hope yon fookin crawler becks enjoys his knighthood efter wit hees done tae us heh heh

1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

phil sais ada stood in a queue fur 13 hours anaw if the alternative wis listening tae posh winjin awe day

1 year ago

As for the header part by George Carlin, I most certainly wouldn’t ‘fall for’ the 1st part but I may just test the paint to be sure….to be sure! 🙂
Unfortunately many/most anonymous voters (not posters) on here take the 1st part, er, ‘hook, line and sinker’ and can’t explain themselves coherently so just stab their poisonous little fingers at the ‘down’ thingy. Jesus H Christ, a great site ruined by narrow-minded half-wits!

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Ah, Griggsy, you’re an oasis in the wilderness.
I was, as most of these clowns were, brought up Catholic.
I reasoned, I saw, I chucked it. These idiots are driven by the fear of “God” that was, sometimes subliminally, pumped into them.
I’d pity them, but for their overt poison.
All done anonymously. Now just WHO does THAT remind you of?
Hateful, Uneducated, Neanderthal Swine. There’s the clue! 🙂

1 year ago

I assume our coefficient position is different; it is about clubs, not countries. Anyway Ralph you got to some of the key issues today. The media’s total bias which we know about. The only recent concern I have was how long before our new manager from other side of the world see through it. Ange was quickly all over that, you don’t have to be from here to recognise the dishonesty and the ‘not hidden’ agenda. It seems the new club supporters are being softened up for some difficult times ahead. Neve heard Celtic complain about our share of the CL pot.

1 year ago

Reading between the lines, sniff,sniff,
The look on Phils face tells of his disgust at losing the race with Holly to jump the queue by two legs to one. ( Think about it).

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Caption: A cathedral full of men dressed in leather and feathers and I try to chat up the straight one!

The Cha
1 year ago

Caption “Phil and Holly confiscate the wheelchairs of losing contestants on their ‘Win your energy costs on the Wheel of Fortune or die trying’ figuring that they won’t need them for much longer”

1 year ago

see if charlie didnae survive childhood andy would be thur king heh heh aint huns dumd

1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

There’s a hugely important point overlooked here charlie. It seems to me the new king has HAD to be sectarian immediately with his oath re “defender of the Protestant faith”. Surely by now his oath should refer to Christianity as opposed to a specific sect of that religion?
IMO churches of ALL faiths should be disestablished in all countries as secular states are the only possible inclusive states for all. And it’s a terrible pity (shame!) that James Connolly never got his dream of a ***Socialist Irish Republic which could have led the rest of the world into an egalitarian way of life instead of the continuing, getting worse daily, state of Capitalism which permeates this fukked-up planet. The church played a major role here and it should never be forgotten nor forgiven.
*** SIR, the only ‘sir’ I could have any respect for and the only SIR that could and should be extant.

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

I dare to say that there is some serious and proper content in my comment above. It is not clever to absorb, without considered thought, that which is portrayed/force-fed or similar by any ‘state’. The nonsensical daily crap about a 96 YO death is stupefying and then degenerates as one can’t avoid but see the sycophantic, inane and gullible throng to ‘grieve’ for one they mostly never met. It gets worse! There’s then mud-slinging by morons given a voice by TV to attack any dissent? In a ‘free’ society? James Connolly knew what he envisaged. I know what I do/have done. Genuine democracy and equality, with a loving, caring society that rewards only high standard and decency.
FFS, is this it? A spineless illiteracy of wannabee ‘stars’ whose only conceptual thought is for themselves to be seen ‘virally’. They clearly misunderstand that a virus is a THREAT to life, rather than a way of.
Jesus Christ, as far as I read all those years ago was a thinker, he called out the bankers even then (and most of you haven’t a fukkin scooby about 2007/08 and leading up to it). I do.
I’m happy to discuss/debate, to teach and learn as there’s much quality on eTims. But if/when The Diary becomes a Diary once more, the consistently failing facet is that great comment has been and will continue to be lost as it’s perennially covered over like last days news and evidently pertinent points are lost in the winds of time.
That’s how monarchy, religion and other contagion survives. It’s NEVER lost, it’s repeated ad infinitum until anyone who’s brave enough to contradict is shot down, shot down by what ONCE were hid OWN people. FFS, what kinda scenario is this?

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Griggsy, I replied to your earlier comment and it seems to have ‘gone through’. Thank fukk for like, OPEN minds.
However, it’s pointless pissing into the wind. You’re getting flak just for positing your opinion, especially as these witless cowards are really trying to ‘have a go’ at me, as they’ve done a lot, albeit more recently. There was a time when good craic was always on here; I admit my drunken rants weren’t always good for the site but others ranted too, and we just got on with it. Anyway, good on you Griggsy, we need alternative, intelligent thought. As for the half-wits? Fukk ’em.

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Griggsy, ++++++++++++++++, you’re now 2 up vs the muppets! 🙂

John E Mitchell
1 year ago

Despite the severe beating they took off the police in Amsterdam, these rangers*
war veterans have vowed to, once again, be the supporters spearhead in Napoli, along
with their handicapped children and their dementia inflicted parents.

Karl King
1 year ago

Caption: Steven Gerrard/GVB “Helander and Roofe are still 7-10 days from full training”

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