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Celtic Diary Wednesday September 7: On The Road to Somewhere

Celtic have now played two of last seasons European finalists, dismantling the Europa runners up at the weekend as a sort of practice run for last nights clash with European champions Real Madrid.


If you were to place Celtic on a sliding scale between the two, we’d be a damn sight closer to Real Madrid….



Results apart, that’s a hell of a place to be after just a year or so of this squad being together.



Last night , Celtic stormed into the game, treating their opponents the same way as they would any team they were up against, and for an hour or so, it nearly, very nearly worked.


Then, just as it was 42 years ago for a young Celtic team in Madrid, concentration withered as a result of a contentious, but largely ignored refereeing decision.



The back pass rule seemed, at least in the minds of several hooped players, to have been broken, and whilst even only momentarily, the spell was broken.


Just that tiniest bit of distraction at this level made a difference, and that concentration and discipline was broken enough for what is probably the best side around anywhere in the world capitalised.




And although Celtic kept trying, heads were down and fatigue began to overcome adrenaline and Madrid added a third, which was grossly unfair on players who had given their all and in no way deserved that outcome.



There have been a couple of games, notably against “rangers “, where the fast start hasn’t brought the goals, and last night was one of those.



We could go on and on about what might have been, had any of those chances between taken beofre the break, but that would probably add to the dark clouds which seem to have settled over what was an excellent performance from a side that started with only Joe Hart and Calum MacGregor having previously featured at this level.



They played with belief, passion and technical skill that will take them much further, and although we may have to resign ourselves to the fact we might not win the Champions League this year, it’s worth remembering where we were around a year ago in Scotland’s title race, and how that turned out.



Last night, on paper, looks like a disaster.


A start that will be difficult to recover from, a rude awakening to the big boys league.



Some of the more staunch commentators may even suggest that the season will fall apart now.



It won’t.



We’re on the road to somewhere, and it’s going to be some trip.


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Dziekanowski's nightclub child
1 year ago

Hail, hail!

Ewen Cameron
1 year ago

Was an excellent performance..and, result aside, a great watch.

If Celtic play like that domestically, (and Iโ€™m sure they will), there are going to be a few more teams losing at least nine goals against them.

1 year ago

Great piece Ralph.

As we’ve seen on numerous occasions before, European football is about taking your chances and as you say we were excellent for near enough an hour.

At the highest level very fine margins can make a difference which was the case last night.

True supporters won’t be embarrassed by that result last night which was evident when we were singing and clapping the team of the park.

I said exactly the same thing as yourself when I got back on bus and that was to compare where we were last night to a year ago.

We can hold our heads high this morning.

Onwards and upwards.


1 year ago

Agreed Ralph. We should take great heart from what the bhoys did, particularly in the first half. Abada’s shot in first minute deflected inches wide. Hatate’s volley could have gone too corner. Abada through on goal. Our captains shot smashing off the inside of the post and staying out. Maeda’s chance at start of 2nd half.
Of course Real had their own chances and took some of them. Overall, I think the signs are very good.
Hail, hail to Ange and the players

The Cha
1 year ago

The manager said he was disappointed and that’s as it should be.

To be happy to compete for 60 minutes isn’t going to get us anywhere.

If we had scored first then I still think we would’ve lost but we didn’t, so we’ll never know and that’s the frustrating thing.

The Shaktar result was also an ominous sign and rumours of their demise look to be exaggerated.

Perhaps it was a freak but we need a result against them next week, else even at this early stage the next double header against Leipzig may well be a Europa League KO qualifier.

Re 1980, it wasn’t a backpass.

Latchford (Bonner?) was boxed in by Real players and simply barged through them, conceded a free kick and they scored the crucial 1st goal.

9/10 not a foul but unwise against Real in Bernabau.

1 year ago

Fantastic atmosphere, when Zadoc started the hairs on my head stood up. Overall you can bitch about this that or the next thing, but the advancement of this team under Ange is brilliant. Again if we had been a bit more clinical they would have panicked, at the end of the first half they were stunned. But Real regrouped and fought their way to a victory. I do not think Celtic have to fear any of the others in the group, as Real have slapped some big names this year.
For other Scottish teams that must have been frightening to watch, pundits overall were taken aback by the start.

1 year ago

For me the important fixture is always the one that brings 3 points in the league. If we win the league we keep our immense superiority over our rivals.
Putting a marker down in the Champions League against the number 1 European clubโ€™s good. We competed for 50 minutes and I think with our high temp substitutes should have been on earlier, my only gripe. Well done Ange and the bhoys.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Haven’t heard different but assume Abada got pulled at half time because he was overawed by the occasion. Worth recalling he is 20. That won’t happen again. A work in progress at this level. League-wise I can see them drop points at Aberdeen and with the 5 sub rule I can’t see that gap being closed. Which is a ridiculous statement in early September. Meanwhile dark clouds over Mordor. Where did the money for they ask. Good grief how stupid can you get?

1 year ago

The very fact that we are all disappointed that we didn’t take our chances and win/draw is in itself a tribute to Ange and the team. Remember Ange and our boys have only been together for a year and a bit. They’ll take a lot of positive lessons and encouragement from their performance and they’ll improve even further. You learn more from mistakes than from anything else.
As for Leipzig and Shakhtar, Leipzig look to be the weakest in the group and a strong candidate for 4th place….despite Lothar Matthaus’s disparaging comments a few days ago.
We CAN get that second place and the players must feel that after how well they performed last night taking the game to and surprising arguably the best team in the world at the moment.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Funkyy

Unfortunately, Leipzig have just sacked their manager, so they may be stronger in the future.

We knew it was going to be tough and it remains so.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Maybe so Cha…but what are the chances that they’ll find an Ange who
can rebuild them in the next few weeks before we get at them?
Did you see the goalkeeper trying to out-numpty Mclaughlin? (the *rangers keeper).
Shahktar opened them up because their defense was a disaster. We’ll be playing Shahktar on neutral ground (Poland) in the “away” match, so not so much advantage for them there. I think we’ll finish with 10 points and qualify. Always look on the bright side of life!!

1 year ago

I’ve got to admit that I was absolutely gutted with the final outcome on Tuesday night. 1st half we gave them a few scares and Abada would normally score when he gave it straight to Courtois, one on one. CalMac was very unfortunate when hitting the post but Real killed our passion by slowing the game right down and often playing shit possession football. We even started some shit possession too but it’s NOT our game. For Real it was ALL about getting a result and if they win all their games playing like that I wouldn’t want a Season Book for the Bernabeau. Our positioning at their 2nd goal was schoolboy stuff.
I saw evidence of stage fright all over the place. It’s tough, but we’ll have learned from it and we can still do well in this group.
Maybe I’m being too negative but that’s what I saw on Tuesday and it hurt in the end.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

You’re 96 and have to meet Truss and Blowjo in the same day and folk are surprised when you peg it….

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Great week for the Huns

Yoker Bhoy
1 year ago
Reply to  Ianceltl67

And the diet huns.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Hopefully the Green Brigade will show the sort of class and decency that the Irish President has demonstrated in the passing of the Queen.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

think being in sch!tland had more to do with it than anything else

Mr James Carr
1 year ago

Need to change my plans after today’s news. I’d been planning to go off to Dublin in the green; now it’ll need to be in the spring.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Ralph a 500 word description of your last bowel motion would be a welcome relief from the dross of the last 24 hours across all media.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Hear! Hear! except for Ralph’s potty movements!
Fitba fixtures are already a congested mess and so they postpone the w/end fixtures. They’ll no doubt do it again around the funeral.
Now if this signalled, and it should, an end to the monarchy I’d respectfully stay quiet for the passing of a woman who probably did her very best.
But monarchy, like religion are a total nonsense in this day and age. Both should be consigned to history along with all the rest of ‘the establishment’.
Roll on Wednesday!

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Have you been, Ralph? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I won’t dance on her grave but will challenge hypocrisy.

She has a large personal family fortune acquired from rape, plunder and pillage throughout the world.

Reparations? Nah.

She also availed herself of large wedges of COVID relief and more grotesquely tried to get old people’s winter fuel allowance for her empty palaces.

There’s plenty more that she’s done and not done.

She’s not this innocent, frail old woman of media sycophants serviles.

She was the willing and totemic figure of the British Empire.

Cruel Britannia is worth no mourning.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Replied but awaiting approval.

Hopefully Wednesday goes ahead, as going to be missing 2 weekends worth of footy as it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Yet rugby and cricket are being played this weekend. Fkn ridiculous. Time for a revolution. Fvck the entitled bastards.

The Cha
1 year ago

And go to work everyday.

Hopefully all work and no play, will make Jack and Jill very revolutionary.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Cha, I think Wednesday will go ahead as planned. FIFA/EUFA have made a cunt of things already and can’t afford to add fuel to the fire. It’s possible even the British FAs will see their error and let next w/ends fixtures go on, ahead of a likely funeral on Monday 19th. A whole load of bollox around a supremacist nonsense regarding the monarchy and all it’s hangers on in the establishment. Time for an end to all of it, including religion which is so fully intertwined with monarchy it makes a horse’s arze of itself. For you of low intellect whom vote my comments down without comment I say “grow a pair and posit your arguments instead of acting like fukking spoiled, scared infants”. Now as you wont do this, just rev up and fukk off!

1 year ago

Maybe it’s a good time for this:
The Coronation Cup Song

Said Lizzie to Phillip as they sat down to dine,

I’ve just had a note from an old friend of mine,

His name is ‘Big Geordie’ he’s loyal and true,

And his dirty big nose is a light shade of blue.

He says that the Rangers are right on their game,

And ask for a trophy to add to their fame,

I’ll send up a cup that the Rangers can win,

Said Phillip to Lizzie watch the Celts don’t step in.

Said Lizzie to Phillip they don’t stand a chance,

I’ll send up my Gunners to lead them a dance,

With Celtic defeated the way will be clear,

A cup for the Rangers in my crowning year.

But alas for their hopes for the loyal true blues,

The Celts beat the Gunners and Manchester too,

Beat Hibs in the final and oh what a scene,

Sure Hampden was covered in banners of green.

Said Lizzie to Phillip when she heard the grim news,

A blow has been struck at our loyal true blues,

Oh tell me dear Phillip and you ought to know,

How to keep Glasgow Celtic defeated below.

Said Phillip to Lizzie there’s only one way,

I’ve known of their secret for many a day,

To keep the Celts down you will have to deport,

The whole Fenian army that gives them support.

Eyes Wide Shut
1 year ago

So the biggest Sport in the U.K. that is attended by the most people ie the working class ,that makes the most money and provides more jobs than any other has decided to down tools for 10 days as a mark of respect for the Queen.
Meanwhile the sports traditionally played by ,participated in or watched by the Middle to Upper Classes decided to pay their respect by carrying on as normal.
Can you not see what is actually going on here?
Weโ€™ve to be collectively reminded that we are who we are and they are who they are by north right.
This country is officially fucked and will continue to be fucked by those who actually control it.

Surely Football with all its money could have simply provided free tickets,free travel and free food and refreshment for Supporters so that they out of respect for the departed could have just for one day in their lives lived exactly like she did for the 96 years she was alive?

At all of our expense of course.

The Cha
1 year ago

Good mourning everybody.

When do we expect Ralph to get over his grief and produce another diary? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Owen Mullions
1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Behave yourself! Can’t you show some respect like Ponce Andrew did when he grabbed his daughter by the arse!?

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

When I’d had six haufs and then a double
Tried tae watch the BBC
But all I got was Lizzie
Gie me peace.
And when I changed the channel
She was plastered ower ITV
There must be an off switch
Gie me peace.
Gie me peace, gie me peace
Gie me peace, gie me peace
There must be an off switch
Gie me peace.

But when the broken hearted Peepul
Stood before John Greig tae grieve
I pished myself wae laughter
Wae black sticky tape armbands
Metro pictures that they got for free
And an auld drawer oot the kitchen
Lizzie’s deid, Lizzie’s deid
Lizzie’s deid, Lizzie’s deid
Just like the auld Raynjurz
Lizzie’s deid.

1 year ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley


1 year ago
Reply to  R.St.Parsley

That should be sung at St Mirren on Sunday instead of any booing or whistling. Would be an absolute piss take.

1 year ago

^ ….. along with a Tifo of the Coronation Cup and “Lizzie, Much Appreciated”. Them clowns wid go ‘bearserk’, as it’s being covered by Sky!

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