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Celtic Diary Tuesday July 26: Are We Ready ?

That’s the pre season done, and next time out Celtic will begin that tricky second season under manager Ange Postecoglou.


Ordinarily, we’d be talking about defending the league title, but the narrative from both players and management is all about improvement.


We’d like to think that he doesn’t just mean winning it a couple of weeks earlier, or by more points.


Thankfully, the theme is to improve on the pitch, to become a better side. Quite a few times last season the manager would say that the table wasn’t something he would be staring at, largely becuase Celtic were languishing close to the bottom half at the time, but he didn’t have any doubt that wouldn’t last, and his faith in himself and his ideas was eagerly seized on by the players.


This time round, he’s had more time to work with hs charges, and more time to improve on the system.


With no qualifiers to get excited about, the support have become a little overly forensic, and perhaps looking for problems that aren’t there.


There is an almost universal demand for a big, butch ball winning central midfielder, which is deemed essential for any side, though what we perhaps fail to realise is that if the manager thought we needed one, he’d go out and get one.


Maybe he is still looking for the right one, maybe he isn’t, but given the enormous improvement in the side during his tenure, maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt.



And anyway, it looks like we might already have one……






Joe Hart is up there, filling in the gaps, making himself useful.



As he explains, admittedly not very convincingly….



I couldn’t just come in and play as high as that as I’d never done it before, so I had to learn and I’m still learning. That’s why I absolutely love being here and playing under the manager. It’s becoming less uncomfortable to be that high.  


Presumably he means high up the pitch, although he does seem to be wandering about like someone indulging in substance abuse,


“Before, to be that high, I always thought: Danger, danger. But now I understand the reasons why I am there. I am not there for any reason other than to help the team to progress and move forward. I understand the reasons better, so I feel more comfortable.” 


Well, I’m mighty pleased he does, because I fear there may be one or two moments where we will wish we’d packed a spare pair of underpants during the game….



Another coming in for criticism is winger Mikey Johnston, who hasn’t quite fulfilled the promise he showed when he burst onto the scene, and one of those chaps who do the statistics made a good point   about it on Twitter after the question was asked….


Am I the only one who thinks Mikey Johnston has got great ability and just needs regular games to show how good he is?

Bhoys Analytics
Replying to

His base metrics actually match up with Jota. However more advanced ones which dictate quality are all extremely low. As

says decision making is a big issue




Decision making in football is a bit of a mud pit when it comes to deciding on a players worth or value.


Jota, for instance, has a wealth of talented players around him who have great movement which increases the quality of his options.


Johnston tended to be thrown in alongside tired players in a set up that prided itself on sidieways football .


We may be on the point of understanding any poor decison making that had become evident in the Scots contributons.



Let’s be honest, if it was either pass to Ajeti or have a go from forty yards out on the wing, I’d be pretending I was Ronaldinho as well.



Anyhoo, if the manager wants to keep him, I’ll bow to his superior knowledge of the player.




One of the other factors that seems to be worrying the fans is the defence, which despite not being at full strength for any of the friendlies has had the usual cries for another centre half.


Celtic scored twenty goals during the six games, with thirteen players getting on the scoresheet.


They conceded plenty as well, but usually after the pace had dropped, and seven or eight substitutions had been made. It’s fair to assume that won’t happen in the real matches, as the rules only permit five, and it’s suspected they will be made to continue the tempo rather than lower it.




The draw for the League cup will send Celtic up to Dingwall to face Ross County in the last sixteen, which is perhaps a little more worrying than it should be.


Celtic have won six out of eight League Cups, with County the side who have beaten them in the other two.


Not surprisingly, the game has been chosen for tv coverage, as it promises to be a little more exciting than we’d like.



Hibernian are the biggest casualties of the qualifying stages, with the SFA suddenly remembering that fielding illegible players is punishable with a 3-0 defeat.


Had they operated such a policy a decade or so ago,  then consequences would have been severe enough to re write the history books due to one club’s abuse of the system.



Having said that, they’ve re written the books anyway, with a new club being allowed to claim the titles and trophies of another one, currently in liquidation, and even though the supposedly same club are raising a few quid by selling their players, there is little appetite in the media for any suggestion they should pay the creditors of the “same club ” that they claim to be….



The media, as shown here by the Sun, excelled themselves at the weekend, as violence once more hit the streets of Glasgow….





Absolutely nothing to do with Celtic, it was “rangers ” fans fighting Tottenham fans, part of the reason Celtic were never going to be allowed into the EPL, despite the dreams of Lawwell and Desmond.


Yet still they thought it was better to be sold as a package…..



Our manager seems focused entirely on our squad, on improving the players he has at his disposal.


It should be a great season….



Even though our neighbours appear to have signed someone who is sure to be a fans favourite….






She may have brushed her hair dfferently, but they can’t fool me…..



Arlene Foster Biography – Facts, Childhood, Family Life, Achievements



Apologies to anyone offended by that image.



Speaking of images….we had this last time out…



Artur Boruc – The Holy Goalie – the shamrock




 5 days ago

Caption too …

Right weirdy try it again ” Artur Boruc ”

“Ahhhhhrrrrrtturrrr Boraaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh






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2 years ago

caption: huns bed down for night as Tube strike leaves them inconvenienced

Lewis Maclean
2 years ago

Caption- You sure Ange uses this station and will be happy to get a selfie with us?

Mike Annis
2 years ago

Caption: . Right you ‘orriblelot. The next one whistling the Billy Boys can wait for the train down there.

2 years ago

Illegible players? Do you not mean ineligible?

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Jocsoc

Hoops, he’s done it again.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jocsoc

FFS, if I gave up my time to give knowledgeable FACT, humour, and display a love of Celtic FC, often whilst travelling around and probably doing it on a phone, AND AT NO COST TO READERS I’d fukk pedants off. RIGHT OFF.
“Jocsoc”, I know nothing of you and care less if all you can offer this site is pedantic pish. The Cha, I’m disappointed in your overt approval of this.
Of course, some good craic/knowledge about The Celtic would be welcome.

2 years ago


After a hard day in the shipyards, the forefathers of the Seville lavvy drinkers, the hide ‘n seek loyal, hunker down for another night in Copland Road station.

2 years ago

Ha!Ha!Ha!, HaHaHaHa, Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha.
FN brilliant, Henke!

1 year ago
Reply to  TicToc

Ta Vinnie.

1 year ago

Henke, you’re more than welcome.
Class comment (caption or otherwise) deserves recognition.
Anyway, I’ve always believed that guys like you and I have at least ONE thing in common, we fukkin hate that shower and everything about it. Its ‘politics’ too!
Artur Boruc being questioned about why he wouldn’t shake hands with the original hun players after a match said: “I don’t like their players, I don’t like their club, why would I shake hands with them?” Hail! Hail! The Holy Goalie, Lawwell you’re a traitor.

2 years ago

Caption – I take it the Subway Loyal isn’t impressed with GVB’s new signings, there’s still 20 minutes to go at Ibrox

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

Caption,The clockwork Orange walk enjoy a night out

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
2 years ago

Caption: ranger’s fans cowering from the unprovoked onslaught of the spers support.

2 years ago

French euro tunnel guards try to cheer up the English holiday makers with a wee singsong and a hearty rendition of Get Brexit Done.

2 years ago

Eurotunnel 2022: Gallant Englanders overnight on the tracks as French border officials implementent Brexit.

2 years ago

Ange certainly does know we need a quality defensive midfielder, that’s why we were pursuing Souza and the Argentinian guy. We are WIDE OPEN in that area of the park and the warning signs are there for all to see in the pre season games against fairly ordinary opposition. Once the action starts against far better sides I fear we will pay the price if we don’t shore things up there.

Big Joe is a brilliant keeper and leader but how long will it take for an Aberdeen player to perhaps catch him out from 50 yards on Sunday?

2 years ago
Reply to  Andy

if weve just had 5 games and hart wasnt caught out, what makes aberdeen different?

how many goals has bayern conceded from 50 yards in the 10 years theyve played with a sweeper keeper?

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  bgbhoy

He was caught out against Warsaw, although not by a lob from a long way out.

I think there were a couple of near misses against Ostrava but that’s the nature of the game we’re playing.

It’s a high risk, high reward strategy and as long as the latter is the dominant aspect then all will be well… domestically.

I don’t think we have the players to do it in Europe, certainly not the Champions League but hopefully that’ll come, if not this year then next.

2 years ago

Caption …

The jam play a popular tune at maggie thatcher subway station …

( zoom in )

2 years ago

ive always thought the lovely Arlene more a doopleganger for Robbie Coltrane

John E Mitchell
2 years ago

With the news that the wages issue has been resolved and the underground will be servicing rangers* games, wardens are advising people to get aboveground for safety…

2 years ago

I have a friend who is a season ticket holder at Ibrox. At the end of last season he was certain Celtic were going on an extended League Championship run. He has cheered up because he thinks they have recruited well. They have lost their two yo best players we lost two who offered a lot but were not necessarily first pick.
Whatever my friend has always said that more than 10IAR he fears us getting to 55+. It’s an interesting point, we see them as 54+ 1 but once we go past the mythical 55 it is an irrelevant statistic which ever way you look at it.

2 years ago
Reply to  BJF

I would hate to have a friend who doesn’t understand the concept of death . What could I do if his partner passed on . I could hardly sympathise as he would just move a new one in & carry on

2 years ago

Caption: Londoners react calmly to the prospect of Liz Truss as Prime Minister

1 year ago
Reply to  aceplym

Ha!Ha!Ha!, that IS funny.
However, I’d accept Thatcher today as PM, in her CURRENT state.

One day……… even the working-class (and never-worked) clowns whom voted tory due to Brexit will realise what is REALLY going on. A film called “Brexit: The Uncivil War” is worth the time and though infuriating is very informative.
I don’t really ask much. The re-distribution of wealth from the elite scum who have it. The enforced labour of lazy prikks. Jail time being completed and jail time – work for your keep…… I’m a life-long Socialist, ex-shop steward, I see through the fantasy of god and the reality of monarchists and lovers of Rome’s ‘little king’.
FFS, it’s 2022, read up on ‘British’ history. Read “In God’s Name”, refuted but (the author David Yallop) not taken to court!
The Truth is available, indoctrination is difficult to overcome but it CAN be done. I’ve done it, not without pain.

Patrick O Hara
2 years ago

“Quiet everyone. Quiet please.
Does anyone happen to know when the next train is due?”

The Cha
2 years ago

“There is an almost universal demand for a big, butch ball winning central midfielder”

I don’t know what other sites you read but I’ve not heard of any calls for Butch players. 🙂

Caption “Follow, follow, we will follow…”

“Right, everyone out and you Huns can feck off or stay there, you won’t be going to the game by Subway, as there’s no scabs here”.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: Local residents of the Union SG stadium prepare for a Champions League qualifier.

2 years ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Damien people don’t believe in God or death, that’s up to them and they move on from partners whether they have died or not, guess that’s the way it is. But if your world is defined by say 55 and your rivals eclipse it where do you go, most arrests for street fighting?

1 year ago
Reply to  BJF

“Damien people don’t believe in God or death………..”
WOW!! Surely they’re in for one almighty shock then?

Uibh fhaili
2 years ago

So that where the huns that didn’t make it to the shipyards or mines hid

2 years ago

They’re on strike you thicktwits. Again the Cafolic Unions to blame. They are thick.

2 years ago

Copland Road Subway Station.
The place where Rangers Fc’s (The Original ) playing staff and families deemed as necessary for the War Effort, sheltered in luxurious surroundings courtesy of Harland & Wolff’s innovative and generous employees benefits scheme.

Fitba Izny Rocket Science
2 years ago

N’Golo Kante 5’6” and Marco Verratti 5’5”.
Two of the best Defensive Midfielders in World Football.

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

Interesting article in BBC Scotland football about Brexit restrictions on freedom of movement of EU signings. Seems weighted to the top end teams (suiting the Chancellor). Is this part of the reason that non-EU players seem a better prospect at present?

1 year ago


Pablo Escobars employee’s all ended up addicted to the lines

1 year ago
Reply to  Una

I think that’s quite clever and funny but sorry, no ‘scobar!

1 year ago

Attention please! Word just has come in that the strike has been settled and the bullet train is due any minute. Please evacuate calmly and in single file.

The Cha
1 year ago
Reply to  Effarr

Stay where you are, we don’t do walking away. No surrender to tarrier carriers.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Cha

Excellent, Cha!

Paul Cochrane
1 year ago

“Sorry reserves, the first team have all the shipyard slots.”

Woof Charlie
1 year ago

“Bobby Madden lost it from the start and never regained it.” Bradford fan on BBC 5 live. Oh dear.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woof Charlie

Perhaps he’s missing his heart-felt, treacherous ‘raison d’etre’?
And is used to living without honest scrutiny?

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