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Celtic Diary Sunday February 6: Rolling With It

The weather’s bloody awful, it’s a traditional winters Sunday, and yet here I am bright eyed and bushy tailed and it’s still only 6am.



Celtic travel to Motherwell today, a lunchtime kick off and I’m probably not the only one awake at this hour thinking about football.



What’s wrong with us ?



After the game on Wednesday do we really have doubts that the manager will be unable to motivate the players for the trip down the M8 ?


Do we have doubts that the players, having reached the top of the table, won’t be one hundred per cent focused on staying there ?



Whilst we really shouldn’t, we do, don’t we ?



vigorous nodding on Make a GIF



Let’s try to analyse those fears, let’s try to explain them, and most of all, let’s try to put them to bed.



The players, as the song says, they’re all grand.


The ability is there, the desire is there, and whilst we worried a little about the physicality and aggression being there, go back to Wednesdays game and just watch the first ten minutes.



Greg Taylor puts his mark on Joe Aribo, and Calum MacGregor puts his mark on , well, everyone.


So, we can do it.



We can create chances, we can take chances, and we have the best defensive record in the league.


In fact, we have the best everything in the league, statistically speaking.



So what are we worried about ?


The weather ? Shouldn’t be, thats the same for everyone.


The pitch ? See above.


The crowd?


At Motherwell ?  Apart from those wee boys in the corner they’re not exactly boisterous, and those wee boys usually shut up after the first goal.



No, it’s something else.



It’s the man in the middle.

Today, it’s John Beaton. Incredibly, Beaton was born in motherwell on the 9 January 1982.



A local man ? Refereeing against Celtic with known allegiances to our closest rivals ?


Only in Scotland.



The doubt stems from watching Bobby Madden consulting with his fellow officials after Reo Hatate, somewhat unsportingly, opened the scoring against “rangers ” after just four minutes.


What we heard from a drunk who claims to have overheard the discussion was that the whistler was horrified, as he knew he would never get away with awarding what would have to be a minimum of two penalties to save the game for his heroes.


Conclusion ?



The early onslaught and the resulting goal knocked the stuffing not only out of the opposition players, but also the referee.



So, we know what we have to do today…..



Ange Postecoglou's clear response; another classic Celtic media moment


Feel better now ?



thank you so much | Trending Gifs




Now, although we feel a little bit better, there’s still a lot of bitterness out there in the big bad world.



Kris Boyd, writing in the Sun, has got himself into a little bit of bother after he let his emotions get the better of him.



Initially, he said :


The fact he managed to get through the 90 minutes without anyone testing out that face mask is another story, but his commitment to the team was tremendous.”


Which prompted Celtic to tweet that they were “addressing ” the comments, which in turn meant Boyd offered a clarification of his statement, even though he hadn’t got the faintest idea what a clarification was, or where it lived.



Some have taken that line to mean I wanted one of the Rangers players to intentionally try and hurt the midfielder.

However, that is absolutely and unequivocally NOT the case.

It was simply meant as a criticism of the Rangers players for their failure to get close to McGregor.  



Thats fairly clear, he says he didn’t want anyone to hurt MacGregor, but is really annoyed that they didn’t.



When you factor in that Barry Ferguson had told his players to get in Celtic’s players faces, and snap at their ankles, and the resultant injuries, there is clearly a need for some sort of action to be taken against this kind of rhetoric.



Bizarrely, no charges have been filed against Ferguson, and of course, the media , of which he is a part, have not criticised him.


Boyd will no doubt be the subject of one of those behind closed doors chats between Celtic and whoever they feel can slap his wrists, but it isn’t good enough.


Players are getting injured, and have been all season.


The media narrative is to paint this as all part of the game, and it needs to stop.



The only way to stop it is to make an example of someone.



Now, imagine what would happen if i were to say that Kris Boyds car or home security needs “testing ” ?


And that’s not even a threat of violence.



Now, not for a minute am I suggesting that anyone should test anything of Boyd’s, or anyone else for that matter.


In fact, i don’t even want to test the resolve of his employers when it comes to defending him.



What I would like to test is the resolve of our support, when it comes to keeping a subscription to Sky TV, or buying the sun newspaper…..



And that of our club, when it comes to admitting individuals into our ground when they have knowingly and deliberately stated they would have liked to see our players injured, and are disappointed when they’re not.



Speaking of the media, it’s interesting now that Ange has taken his charges to see how many experts who doubted his ability and desite to succeed backtrack now that he’s showing that after a couple of decades coaching at high levels he might actually know what he’s on about.


Some of us doubted him, but we could see what he was trying to do, and now that we’re beginning to see the results, we’re delighted for him, because from day one we took to him and wanted him to do well.



The mainstream media weren’t quite going all Dr Jo over him, but they weren’t far off it.



Without naming any indivuduals, quite a few are praising him now, but the tone seems to be one of him gaining their approval.



Like he, or any of us, for that matter, give a flying fuck what any of them think.



What they’re really worried about is he’ll remind them of what they’ve said when they are in one of his press conferences, which are now becoming a highlight of the week.



Going back to todays game, though, now that we’re on a roll, let’s keep rolling.


The early kick off means we could see a four point lead by the time “rangers ” host Hearts in the Battle of Mordor..


Should Hearts score early, or be level at half time, the Ibrox support will be getting restless, and as the darkness of the winter evening gathers over the stadium, that support will be looking to feed, and they will feed on the fear of their own.



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On Friday we had this….






C Boy
 1 day ago

Deploy borna barašić there.
That’ll stop them.




Incidentally, there was a reference to Billy McNeill and his molehill comment in the replies, which I’d like to clarify. ( Bloody hell, they’ve got me doing it now )


It’s on one of those VHS compilations, possibly the centenary one, and although he says it, and he’s maybe wrong, I’m convinced that it’s actually quite significant in that whereas we know Feyenoord were an outstanding side, the players maybe fell for the hype that Leeds were the top side in europe those days.


It’s not that they fell over a molehill, it’s that they thought they did. Which might explain a few things.


anyhoo, back to today, and we have this….














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2 years ago

Jimmy bell takes delivery of his new company van

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
2 years ago
Reply to  FSTB


Raymie Doc
2 years ago

The Ariel Race
Whites only
No blacks or colours

2 years ago

Hi the laundry van turns up to gather the sevco players shorts to put them through the wringer again

2 years ago

The guys in charge of the laundry call in some help to try and remove the strange brown stains on the players shorts that were found straight after they emptied the teams kit bag on their return to Ibrox.

2 years ago

Caption: It seemed like a great business idea, the only launderette willing to touch Castore merchandise. Naturally it failed, as the owners of those shirts never wash them!

2 years ago

Gets rid of even the naziest stains

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnnyManc


Michael Annis
2 years ago

Caption: Try Billy McBilly’s new laundry business. Special rates at £16.90 for trousers with one leg rolled up, aprons and bowler hats. Our staff cannot accept Green items due to their contaminants affecting our machinery and Big Aggy’s delicate haunds.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Annis

Brilliant!!!!! H. H.

2 years ago

Caption …

Have you ever seen a handsome hun van …no no
Have you ever seen a handsome hun van …no no

2 years ago

Caption: Douglas Park donates company car for Jimmy Bell to work from home.

tony carlin
2 years ago

The new accountant arrives at Ibrox in the company car

2 years ago


Last weeks wages arrive at the bigotdome.

2 years ago

For whiter than white use Swastika Laundry.

2 years ago

SKY TV is pro hun. Why any Celtic supporter still pays for this is crazy. I cancelled 5 yrs ago having subscribed for almost 20 yrs..First couple of weeks were strange but now watch games via laptop.


Boyd’ s clarification is worded by someone else and proves they are all in it, altogether.
A decent chairman would have plenty to say, surely?

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Rangers. The Old Firm. Some of you are reaching for your thumbs already. What do those phrases have in common? We don’t use them. Let’s do the same with Boyd. With falling circulations the Red Tops are desperate for online hits. The only time I hear the clown’s name it’s on Tim forums (to the extent I didn’t know who ‘writes’ for) as The S*n showed its colours many moons ago. Let’s have a Boydcott. Let’s sing We don’t talk about Bulimo. Whatever, let’s forget the ham shank and not pay his wages.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: Celtic kit delivery from Parks of Hamburg.

Honest Hoops
2 years ago

Caption; Parks if Hammy try to disguise the team bus as a laundry truck as they arrive back after being schooled on Wednesday

Honest Hoops
2 years ago
Reply to  Honest Hoops


2 years ago

Jimmy Bell takes the team strips for their daily fumigation in the sevcowagen.

2 years ago

Can anywan give me directions to mordor

2 years ago

The ‘Laundry’ van for directors loans arrives at Ibrox for the latest delivery

2 years ago

Re the van:

In German writer Heinrich Boll’s “Irish Journal” he mentions his shock at seeing one of these turn a corner towards him in Dublin (around 1955) and being reassured that the company had been on the go since the very early XX Century. An interesting read for those with links to Mayo, where he ends up.

Faither O'Fore
2 years ago

Caption: team bus arrives back at ipox after wednesday nights rinsing

Gerard Reilly
2 years ago

The feyenoord situation was definitely down to the players who obviously DID NOT take note of jock,s forecast in mid 60,s to be aware of a vast improvement of Dutch football, I recall the words spoken by the top manager of all time, unfortunately our swell headed players DID NOT !!..never thought I.d EVER say it ” that Celtic team sold the jerseys and the fans down the river , unforgivable in my eyes “

J bhoy
2 years ago

The new everyone anyone campaign gets a new addition with a mobile rehabilitation van to cure fans immediately

2 years ago


If you need your money laundered no matter how dirty, Nazi laundry is for you, read our clients testimonials below.

“The Rangers Fc” Money well spent, so good in fact they put it through the wash twice and we only paid once.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

This could be some season. Another treble? Jelly and ice cream 10th birthday party with liquidation pie?

2 years ago

Another complete display today at Motherwell. If we can keep up this style of play we will do very well in this league. Great intensity and fitness levels in display as well as chasing back. Daizen Meada is a dynamo! Pressure is on at Ibrox where there own are bound to run on them if they draw or lose.

2 years ago

Baton’s Uber arrives to take him to the Crown bar

Another great performance by all, superb, another penalty for Celtic ignored by the masons

2 years ago

Re “the molehill”…I remember reading in the PRESS that Celtic were sure to win the Final having dispatched the stronger teams and that Feynoord, who nobody in darkest Scotland had heard of, had no chance of beating Celtic…..they were even likened to St Mirren (who were shite at that time and should have been called “St Mirren Nil”). So we were all caught up in the absolute certainty that Celtic were gonna win their second Big Cup. I think Billy was aware of how everybody, fans, press, pundits were taking it for granted that Celtic only had to show up to lift the trophy and he was trying to make them keep their feet on the ground and remember that nothing’s won until you actually play your best and win it.
I sat on my granny’s carpet watching the match with my cousins, aunties and uncles on the 20inch black and white (grey and white) telly as Feynoord knocked the ball about in wee triangles and we couldnae get a touch at times. It was the reverse of 1967 when Inter and the world’s media wrote Celtic off as no-hopers. The best team won on the day and the Dutch total football era was born.
It didn’t make the disappointment any easier to take though.

2 years ago
Reply to  Funkyy

I remember distinctly that Jock Stein was sorry they didn`t get Feyenoord in the semi-final. He wanted an all British fnal.

Andrew Coyle
2 years ago

Caption.The Huns drop off the vichy bike to the Huns trophy room

2 years ago

Lawwell out !

2 years ago

Caption: ‘Jist f@@kin’ brilliant Boaby. We’re goan te rob a bank and this the only f@@kin’ van you could find’

2 years ago

Caption: They did nazi that coming.

2 years ago

Wits a VHS?

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