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Celtic Diary Friday February 4: Friday Morning Comedown


After the euphoria of dumping the league leaders the other night, Ange Postecoglou will gather his players around him today and remind them that getting to the top doesn;t count if you’re only there for a few days.


He faces what may be a difficult job to get them back into focus for the visit to Motherwell on Sunday.


To paraphrase Billy McNeill , speaking of the 1970 Feyenoord defeat after overcoming Leeds United, we don’t want to stumble over the molehill at the top of the mountain.



Motherwell make things difficult for us, in fact, they make things difficult for everyone, largely by kicking everything that is in front of them.


The pace set from the off on Wednesday made it difficult for “rangers ” to kick anyone, as their targets had either released the ball or moved past them by the time they figured out what was going on, and it’s that kind of tempo that will be needed again.



The steelmen will be far better organised than the shambolic efforts of Gio van Bronckhurst, already being put under pressure from the Ibrox support, and so Celtic , too, will have to bring their A game.


With fourteen games to go, the message is clear.



Win them.




There has been a lot of attention all over the world on Wednesday’s game, with the atmosphere and the performance sharing the spotlight. Sunday, by comparison, the players will maybe even be a bit flat.



If we’ve spent hours watching re runs of the match, or incidents from the match, or even just talking about it, for those who took part the comedown could be even deeper.



Maybe thats why Ange will be glad to have a couple of players back from international duty, to freshen things up.


Tom Rogic and Daezen Maeda could well start, with Reo Hatate and Georgios Giakoumakis given a rest, although the latter is probably more suited to the robust and enthusiastic style favoured by the Fir Park club.


Although it’s sometimes a mistake to change a winning side unless you have to, Celtic under Postecoglou is less about individuals and more about the team. No matter who starts, the style doesn’t alter,


As the weeks go by, there will be more injuries and suspensions, but we are in a position where not only is the squad considerably stronger than in recent years, but also much more aware of the role they have to play.



When you factor in that nine of the eleven who started on Wednesday were Ange signings, it’s a hell of an achievement to have them gel so quickly, not only with each other, but with those already there.




One other thing that seems to have changed is the enthusiasm of John Kennedy.



The much maligned coach was often a forlorn and even disinterested figure on the touchline as last season fell apart, but this clip from the match on Wednesday showed he , too, has bought into whats happening behind the scenes and perhaps rediscovered his love for the job…..




We were hearing all sorts of stories about what was going on behind the scenes last year, and one of them was that Kennedy was the de facto head of team affairs.


He clearly wasn’t enjoying himself, and it may be that he felt isolated and to a degree, responsible for the demise of the team on the pitch.



He seems to have cheered up a bit, and it’s interesting that ange has kept him on.


To keep him on Ange must have seen something he felt he could work with, and the change in Kennedy is as surprising as it is welcome.



Even though there has been massive upheaval at the club, it’s good to see some continuity somewhere.




With the manager having to adapt to the Scottish media and it’s particularly unique style of interviewing, it was good to see him relaxed and chatty when talking to an Australian radio show host.


In this interview, he comes across like a son talking to his father about his new job abroad, and it’s quite revealing in one sense, as it shows firstly the regard he’s held in over there, but also the confidence he has in himself…..







With the serious stuff out of the way, let’s have a look at some silly stuff.



And this is silly, perhaps disturbing, but silly…..




It’s Friday, and it’s time for us to nominate our Etims


 Knob of the Week  




there’s a few who didn’t quite make the grade…. from ordinary fans






to experienced and respected experts….




Celtic star Reo Hatate’s Old Firm opening goal should NOT have stood says ex-Rangers ace Neil McCann

 But there is one who stood out from the crowd as he displayed his raw emotions along with his even rawer intellect on Sky TV…





Not for the first time, and almost certainly not for the last, Kris Boyd is this week’s Etims



Knob of the Week  




Applause GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY




Yesterdays caption competition……






The Cha 


    4th official, observer, tv and radio gantries, someone give me a plausible excuse to chalk off the goal 



Later in the game, they were picked up by an amateur radio enthusiast discussing the rules about match abandonment and voiding….












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the real Anton Rogan
2 years ago

There’s van Bronkhorst there

2 years ago

Bawjaws: And what’s this thing here that looks like a bogey.

Colonel Mustard: Erm that’s a bogey ya clatty bassa.

Alan Ryan
2 years ago

So let me get this clear, Champers coming through A company, gin and vodka by B company on the flanks

2 years ago

Great result against the lockdown champions. But I don’t think we played anything close to our best, and it was still too much for them. Key difference is we took more of the chances we created. And if Giakoumakis had a little luck he could have been taking the match ball home.

We pretty much nullified their attacking threat (well apart from the occasional pen that they receive) by keeping Tav Pen and Barashite going backwards. The crosses those two provide are a big part of their threat. Trying crossing from your own 18 yard line lads.

Plus it does show how bad both of them are at defending. Don’t know how Paterson couldn’t get a game ahead of Tav Pen, is he not very good at pens? And Barashite probably looked under his bed that night to see if Abada was there.

I think we will need to up the performance levels at Lanarkshire Rangers (it’s not claret and amber, it’s orange and purple) to get the result but if we aren’t full of confidence after Wednesday we never will be.

Just win the next 14 Celtic, it’s not much to ask.

Michael Annis
2 years ago

Caption: If you put my fridge even Putin won’t find me.

tony carlin
2 years ago

So then peppa pig did what?

2 years ago

Bojo….”deliver the pizzas to the door marked …X…and the suitcases to …Y…visitors enter thro side door and strippers via the fire escape marked .Z…”
Brigadier Arfield….” will I bring some poppies….?”


2 years ago

As the fallout of the Celtic mauling rumbles on GVB’s tactical advisors go back to the drawing board.

2 years ago

Caption …
Now don’t go rushin the attack ,cause it’s going to rain but it’ll be uk rain , and of course you know it’s world beating rain …

2 years ago

What ever happened to the Celtic Rumours or made up ones on here ,sometimes they were true,but at least it made you think that they could be true☘️☘️

2 years ago

This is pictures of that party I was telling you about major. That’s me getting spanked by the speaker of the house.

2 years ago having aparty here . no one gets within 10mile radius. except you know who (wink.wink)

2 years ago

https:// www(DOT)newscientist(DOT)com/article/2297452-cop26-world-agrees-to-phase-out-fossil-fuel-subsidies-and-reduce-coal/

That we bastard thunberg has finally got them to stop fossil fuel subsidies and I have blamed all the leky hikes on putin. Go and get her before she tells anybody this isnae down to the Ukranian mess

C Boy
2 years ago

Deploy borna barašić there.
That’ll stop them.

2 years ago

Feyenoord were no molehill. One of big Jock’s few mistakes. Dutch football took on Celtic’s “ total football” approach and ran with it. Kind of what Ange is doing now.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  SteveNaive

Absolutely, they were better than Leeds, so Feyenoord were the mountain.

Never heard McNeill say that and out of character for him.

Hopefully, in a good natured way, Wim put him right.

2 years ago

that performance and result had been coming for a while. As long as we keep taking (some) of the chances we create we will be OK. Clearly we took our foot off the gas 2nd half as the game was won, but you get the impression if we HAD to score 6 we could and would have done it.

Regarding Madden and the discussion after the first goal, just who was talking to him through the earpiece. Is there an unofficial form of VAR process in place now?

2 years ago
Reply to  Andy

He was speaking with the 4th official, likely to give an explanation to GvB.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Benjamin

Mm, doesn’t seem too plausible to me.

Neither the ref nor the lino had a problem with the goal so completely bizarre to delay the restart for god knows why.

If it was to relay a message to wee Gio then it should have been “sit down and shut up or one of the ballboys will scud you”.

2 years ago

Boyd is a mendacious bastard. If you buy the Sun, stop it. If you have a SKY subscription, cancel it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Whitearra

And remember to tell them both exactly why!
I binned Sky over 20 years ago and was never a Sun reader but remember it was the Sun who tried to blame Hillsborough, via Maggie’s mouthpiece Ingham, on Liverpool fans. Scum then, scum now, scum forever. Just like ‘the scum’ really, but there’s been 2 of them!

2 years ago

That Kensington Blue dummy really is a Well Known MEMBER.

As for Boyd, being the village idiot ( and in Tarbolton that’s really saying something ) does not excuse him for stating that Callum’s facial injury should have been targetted by the huns on Wednesday.

He has sunk lower than even I thought possible.

A scummy hun of the first order but only one of many.

2 years ago

Caption (During preparations for the upcoming combined Armed Forces Day & Queen’s Platinum Jubilee party at Ibrokes)…

“So, you want me to abseil from the roof of the Broomloan Stand .. here? … landing on Arfields shoulders whilst saluting.. there…? then do a complete lap of honour with the Shankhill Defenders & the Bristol Bar tank wearing Castore’s Orange Spring collection jumpsuit, whilst shouting GTSQ & WATP, to that Benny Hill sketch tune?”

2 years ago

Wemyss Bay pier will be the embarkation point. We will load a troop of Boy Scouts onto the Waverly and sail “doon the watter ” to Brodick. When we reach Brodick the Scouts will charge ashore and capture the Mayor. Once we do that we will declare Arran a Republic and appoint Broderick Mac Narra as titular president. Then we can all have fun drinking and chasing sheep. What ho!

2 years ago

Caption – Bojo diverts 3000 troops to ibrokes to try and prevent sevco being completely overrun by the the famous Glasgow Celtic.

2 years ago

“And that’s where it happened. That’s where I was assaulted with a cake.”

The Cha
2 years ago

Caption “What’s that there?”. “It’s a piece of paper but that’s not important right now”.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Cha

Airplane CSC

2 years ago

Caption too…

Ok mmm so this is a spreadsheet ahhh of all the lies aahhmm misinformations I’ve been told about , this Mmmmm column here is the people I told them to , be a good chappie and take them out , and I don’t mean for dinner …

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Honestly I don’t engage with any of the pundit ‘controversy’. For those of us old enough to remember wrestling in the ’70s it’s the same gig albeit those wrestlers took a fair few hits. The Record is in terminal decline and needs to regain ground over the Hand on Heart splash. However the Boyd McGregor headshot comment is obscene. Miles from winduppery. He’ll get punted from the Record. And you know what, they’ll hire another wee bigot on less money.

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Caption: Yes prime minister I appreciate you’ve heard there’s a tonne of fannies in Hereford but that’s actually the SAS headquarters.

2 years ago

Don’t you just love the “loyal” Scottish press. They were heralding a Van Bronckhorst “era” when had just arrived…and after Wednesday they’re saying “the next few results will determine his future”. So much for an “era”…more like out on his “eara”.
As for Boyd’s comments about targeting Callum McGregor’s face mask, he has just sunk to a lower depth than ever…but it shows how little “dignity” and sportsmanship he has. He’s just a reflection of a desperate club running on fumes and terrified of their own fans’ reaction when they don’t get the Champions league money and go bust…like the first Ibrox club.
Their hopes rise and fall like the stock-market…and the Great Depression is imminent lol.

2 years ago

Juranovic seems to be enjoying life at Celtic. But he’s going elsewhere in the summer. Pure class.

The Cha
2 years ago
Reply to  Cortes

Are you the pish-stained source of the Rumour Mill? 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Cortes

You know Ange was probably thinking in the second half this is such a foregone conclusion, that he was wondering how he could improve rangers such is the mind of a great tactician. Sounds weird

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