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Celtic Diary Wednesday January 26: What Ange Does Next

Ange Postecoglou takes his squad to Tynecastle tonight for the latest match in this seasons mixed martial arts championship.


The question is, does he allow himself and his team to be dragged into the quagmire of blood and snotters football that seems to be the norm in Scotland, or does he continue with his policy of trying to play football the way it should be played ?


Yesterday, in his press conference, he made a point of simple fact when he said the referee against Alloa wasn’t doing his job.


I’m disappointed [for Ideguchi]because he wants to come in and make an impact,” 

“That was his first start, and to be out for a period of time because of something that during the game could have been taken control of by the referee is disappointing for him.

“I think the referees role in any game is to be the protector of both sets of players and to make sure there’s an environment there that protects players from incidents like we saw. It wasn’t just the one that caused the injury, I thought there were quite a few challenges he could have taken better control of. For me, that’s one of the primary roles of any referee.

“I don’t question referee’s decisions, I understand they’ve got a difficult job to do. We’ve had some good ones, we’ve had some bad ones, but I’ve never used them as an excuse. But in terms of protection of players, that’s where referees have to be vigilant, because we’re told they will be at the start of every season,

“I’ve managed in different countries, I’ve managed in World Cups, and there are certain rules that have changed along the way in my 25 years of management.

“But the one consistent factor is that we’re always shown this vision of actions they deem to be premeditated or reckless. It doesn’t have to be premeditated, it can just be a challenge that is reckless, and anything that endangers a player on the field should be dealt with.

“I was disappointed it wasn’t dealt with the other night.”  



Calm, even understative, he’s made his point.


What should he do next ?


Maybe the game at Tynecastle tonight is exactly what we need to show that there is a bit of steel running through the team, and it’s just very well hidden by the skills and frills on display.



My mind goes back to the time Barry Robson clattered Christian Dailly to let a Rangers team that had bullied Celtic on the pitch on numerous occasions that it had to stop.


Is that what’s needed now ?


Does someone have to put down a marker early in the game to show that the team can play football but are no longer prepared to be assaulted at every possible opportunity.


Let’s hope so.



Although I don’t want to see Celtic dragged down to a level the players have worked so hard to get away from, sometimes a little bit of pragmatism goes a long way.


There’s no need to abandon our philosophy, just maybe adapt it slightly to show that if the referee isn’t going to protect our players, we’ll do it ourselves.


Maybe even before we find out if the refs up to his tricks.




Tonight is a game for the likes of Ralston, Biton, McCarthy and maybe anyone else who has maybe had enough of being booted about the park, and it will be interesting to see how the manager approaches the game.



The word is we’ll be in our change strip, which could help….



Suit of Armour, Germany, 1485, replica -



Incidentally, it’s maybe a little unfair to accuse referee Don Robertson of not protecting players. Look at this video, and notice that he does make decisions when he feels someone has committed an offence, such as this scything attack on a Ross county player….





There’s a long, long way to go in the battle with officials and those who govern the game in Scotland, and now we’ve seen Postecoglou come out and say his piece, one wonders if the board will do their bit to back him….



The boardroom will be an uneasy place this week, as they contemplate the rather worrying prospect that they might have to say something that goes against their policy of, er, not saying anything….




Meanwhile, with a heavy heart , we mark the passing of former Celtic manager Wim Jansen.



Jansen gave Celtic back our pride when he secured the league title in 1998.


The decade before his arrival had to be experienced to fully understand it, and when he joined the club it’s probably fair to say he thought he was joining the club he’d played against in the 1970 European Cup final with Feyenoord, one which was feared and respected throughout Europe.



It was the only thing he got wrong that year as he set about transforming a club that had lost belief in itself.


He did that, and brought with him the man who would become the greatest Celt of the last thirty years in Henrik Larsson.



Some will remember him as the man who stopped ten in a row, but for me he was the man who started the recent phase of the club’s history, one which has brought unprecedented dominance and marked the beginning of the end of a club that had been our closest rival.



Thanks for the memories Wim.






Sad passing of former Celtic manager Wim Jansen |

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2 years ago

Niang will repent at leisure, since I am sure that the “dull one” from McCarthy is only the starter for ten or more. It was refreshing to see McCarthy do that. Too often the players have been good little boys and got trampled as a result.

2 years ago

The greatest ever Celtic XI had many players who were not just supremely talented but also capable of putting down “markers” when required and against a lot harder teams than Alloa ! A team who’s manager has confirmed he told his players to kick Celtic players. Where’s the action against him ?

2 years ago

Morning Ralph,
Good to see you diary on a daily basis, the gap in between diaries recently is like waiting on an Amazon delivery driver leaving the queue at McDonald’s & actually delivering the parcels.
RIP Wim Jansen, a thoroughly nice man & he gave us the gift of the King of Kings Henrik Larsson & halted the huns in their quest for 10*.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts Mr Jansen, God bless you & keep you & your family. RIP.

As for the assaults on our players this year & some of them have been assaults, the referees need to be questioned & outed on every single challenge that merited a red but didn’t receive a red, there is no excuse when a player goes in high & from the side ( Butcher on Turnbull at Tannadice ) to name but one not to be issued a red card, what exactly constitutes a red card in Scotland?
Don’t want to see Celtic players getting dragged down levels & being overly physical, but when the opportunity arises to even the score….grasp it.


2 years ago
Reply to  Monti

All hanging plum for ya ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Weered

Indeed sir hope you are well comrade!

Dziekanowski's nightclub child
2 years ago

RIP Wim the Tim.

2 years ago

Don’t want Celtic to get dragged into a blood and snotters game tonight, that plays into the Jam Farts hands. We need to play our own game and beat them that way. When there’s a ball to be won we need to win it and be aggressive in the tackle. And when the jambos exhibit their over “exuberance” as I’m sure they will we need to be getting around the referee and making sure he knows we aren’t accepting it.

If we try to go blood and snotters we’ll probably be the team that ends up down to 10 men, don’t give the ref the opportunity. We’re a better football team than them but we do need to start taking more of the chances we create.

2 years ago

Your kidding yourself on if you think Celtic players can start tae protect themselves on the pitch, the first strong/robust tackle that maybe Ralston or Bitton ect puts in, will definitely result in a booking, regardless if it’s ther first tackle in the first minute, this is exactly what refs are waiting for, book a few Celtic players as early as possible, allowing him as much opportunity tae send them off if the result isn’t going tae plan, it’s all part of the dark arts of Scottish refereeing towards Celtic, stop play at every opportunity so as Celtic dont get into their rhythm, allow opposition players a square go at Celtic players, knowing fine well there will be none or little punishment, book a few of the most influential Celtic players and early as possible, it’s all there for everyone tae see, its help the huns survive at all costs, Ange isn’t being allowed tae win this league this season, regardless of how good his team plays, and i will go as far tae say there’s no way we will be allowed tae beat the huns next Wednesday, more injuries tonight, and possibly a red card, plus the dark arts will be utilised 100% by the masons in black..TAL

2 years ago

If we are 3 up with 10 mins remaining once of ours should clatter Jakey-Cheeks Souttar something fierce, to send a message to the rest of Scotland’s hammer-throwers, and as vengeance for his thuggish pinch on wee Kyogo last time out…

2 years ago

Agree Cortez but McCarthy was booked which, given the severity of some ‘challenges’ was cheating again by the ref. If you are going to get booked for one make it a good one.

2 years ago

Top notch article, laughter, tears and anger. All part of being Celtic I guess. I feel Ange’s words are being as diplomatic as possible to keep him on the bench rather than the stands, the whole of Japan will be aware of what Bobby’s first cousin Don missed X 3. All the players, coaching staff, football authorities will be aware of the treatment by Scotland’s pride, or rather thugs as they talk too. What else would we expect from Mary and Scotland’s authorities, especially after all can see Niang’s two bad fouls and while leaving his boot on the ankle, craftily looking away to look innocent makes it more obvious, but will Scotland’s finest do anything? They must talk occasionally to Japan’s office boys. Please add Carter-Vickers to the list, he can hold his own I feel, but yes, the players must stand up without becoming too vicious. Perhaps. Is Broony up for a quick return for a wee game or two? Callum Mac thankfully may be ready for sevco. Wim will always be missed, loved watching him with his hands in his pockets mulling things over. Hearts are with you Wim and your closest. YNWA! HH!

2 years ago
Reply to  BornCelt!

hearts but maybe not Hearts!

2 years ago
Reply to  BoyneBhoy

Absolutely, only the one that beats! HH!

John McCourt
2 years ago

And do you think if any of our players who put down a mark in his first tackle would be on the field after that, don’t think so, it would be red all the way

Thru and thru
2 years ago
Reply to  John McCourt

Especially when it’s Beaton in charge. Another disgrace. And Don Robertson’s season books going spare as he’s refereeing the match in Govan. Got our work cut out already. In about them Celtic!

2 years ago

Do you recall Big Jocks reaction to Chairman Kelly who came into our changing room and reminded the players about on-field behaviour. After Jock had politely ushered Kelly out, he told yhe players “you can forget that for a start. If there’s a 50/50, win it. If it’s 40/60 against you, win it”. Rough treatment has been dished out to us for yonks. Remember Roy Barry of Dunfermline in the 60’s? Remember John Greig regularly playing keepie uppie with Jinky? Forget the Board. Ange is far better at representing us. Let’s continue to play football with a harder edge in reserve. Hail, Hail.⚽️

2 years ago

Met Mr. Jansen a few times during that momentous year, he was such a gentleman with only positives about Celtic, we joked about Milan and the dreich weather.
As for the referees, this is an ongoing issue of Hunnery, note the amount of players over the last few years that have suffered broken bones, Tierney, Frimpong, Christie, Calmac, to name a few, red cards clearly missing. As Wankier the Wally plays to the gallery at the AGM so it continues, at least zPostecoglu will not take that diarrohea from the authorities he is beginning to challenge the cretins.
Great to see you have been hanging about during your journeys to knock up a good read

2 years ago

Niang is being hit with a retrospective red card. Well done Ange, but why did it take so long and only after Ange spoke up? (I know why, same as we all do) Disgraceful but at least something is done. In cases such as this, the guilty should be banned at least until their victim is back. HH!

Woof Charlie
2 years ago

Worried that tonight’s line up is high on talent low on dig. This place attacks our manager so no doubt the tackles will fly in. No expectations of the referee ensuring the game is robust but fair.

2 years ago

What a goal! REO that was Grande!
Good striker’s goal from Giakoumakis (Jackie Mac?)
Devlin, the needling little shit should’ve been off but Beaton decides a card each is ‘fairer’?
Anyway, some great fitba’ and I just want more of the same please Bhoys and put a muzzle on Devlin!

2 years ago
Reply to  TicToc

A great three points all things considered, Hatate looks a player and O’Riley had a very good debut. My only slight criticism is not taking their chances and once again despite (especially first half), several great crosses/corners and yet again no Celtic heads can get on any of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  highseastim

I agree HST. It’ll be won or lost in the derby games but both teams will drop points elsewhere too. We just need to make sure they drop more than we do.

2 years ago

A very uncomfortable 2nd half but a good game ruined by Devlin & Co.
Sickening that we can’t get a ‘real good gemm’ without thugs, bigots and arzholes ruining it and Hertz have more than their fair share.
I said I’d be happy with 3 pts and I am, and hopefully none of our Bhoys are hurting too much tomorrow.
Well done Ange and The Bhoys! HH

2 years ago

God Bless the Tynecastle Park Fenian post.

2 years ago

In the name of the wee mhan…….this comment from a hun site says it all about cognitive dissonance:
“They have been scraping through so many games this season with dubious decisions and otherwise good fortune. It just can’t continue. Their luck will run out sooner or later. We have been just as poor but we just aren’t getting anywhere near as many game changing decisions as they have.” Fukkmyauldboots! Incurable? Terminally stupid? You call it.
I just spend the odd 10 minutes looking for the most ridiculous…..and it’s often a dead-heat between about 10 of them: )
Now, Come On You Bhoys In Green…..dig in, stay sharp and annihilate that scum. Last season for me will not be forgotten nor forgiven, but THIS title is almost as huge, if for different reasons…’ll bankrupt that shower and they’ll be running out of ‘brothers’ to save them.

2 years ago

A solid three points. Really should have been 5 – 0 by half time. Have to take these chances then less worry if we leak one goal back. By far the better team. Officials terrible as always.

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